PJ Masks | When the Villains Strike | Cartoons for Kids | Animation for Kids | FULL Episodes

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[Music] what's happening to my cat car it must be because of the crystal romeo's messing with it no way my cat car we've been through everything together what's going on [Music] [Music] whoa i thought i had it bad at least i've still got you mothers gotta find cowboy gecko it's not too late if i can't take your power all at once i'll take it bit by bit obey your master [Music] [Music] huh hmm know kitty it's the middle of the night what am i doing here hmm [Music] this is a catastrophe what are we gonna do and where's owlette huh wait she's calling it a night owlette it's us owlette [Music] [Music] we need those wings now [Music] [Music] this was never gonna work [Music] we've got to keep trying we can't let romeo keep those crystals all that power who knows what he's going to do with it i think matsuki does she does the moon crystals your pj crystal he's draining them all then he's going to use that power to two what what's he going to do well you know he's got a super powerful flying factory that can take over the world right he's making a bunch of them [Music] now i really will rule the world have the pj masks been captured [Music] where are you taking me what do you want [Music] what are they what are they doing to me [Music] luna i i remember everything [Music] i'm coming luna [Music] what are you doing but your powers [Music] [Music] you saved me it's what pj masks do luna you took long enough we're almost in space [Music] [Music] something's happened it's the pj crystal it's back [Music] oh come on not this one too [Music] [Music] that clumsy bird won't be bothering us anymore tonight shall we now that's what i call a team party wow who's flying oh there's more you've stopped us spinning into outer space what could make you fly better than that teaching luna a lesson oh and i'm getting those teacups back of course catboy take the controls and go distract luna i'll switch in from behind [Music] [Applause] charge me off [Music] [Music] did i really think i'd invite a mangy cat a loopy lizard [Music] surprise thank you [Applause] i prefer this one [Music] at least we got the teacups come on let's get that tea set back where it belongs [Music] [Music] excuse me [Music] doing great catboy [Music] [Music] [Music] you're not distracting me ninja assistance those cheaters there's only one solution catch up and overtake them give them a taste of their own medicine sheet you can't do that heroes play fair your skills are all you need it'll hardly be cheating i promise [Music] so this is basically just giving you a helpful push yeah kind of ready with the ramp gekko why do you want it here the other racers are that way i have a wing wind owlette ahead stop him [Music] [Music] whoa we've used our powers on the moon but never in outer space it's even floatier i'm swimming let's do this [Music] let's see if my shields work super gekko this is hard we need help [Music] pj robot [Music] what's the plan now [Music] romeo's trick box all i did was make hq glow and it must be connected to the force field somehow a pg power box what's that he wants us to use our powers together on the box and the box is connected to hq you're the boss pj robot all together now super pj paper [Music] [Music] i was just wondering the same what are you doing on my mountain your mountain i don't think so now step aside not until you tell me why you're here i'm here to help my friends defeat some dragon person wait you're hurt aren't you you're the feeling of this mountain i'm no villain i'm the protector of this place and you're intruding you're tangling with the wrong hero miss dragon don't say i didn't warn you so this is a sick the pjs need to defeat you huh that was easy you got lucky whoever you are but you won't next [Music] time pjs i'm here and i got the sticky one from that villain girl well well if it isn't armadodo hey what's going on you walked right into my trap what the pjs didn't leave that note i did and you fell for it now i'll be taking that [Music] you know why nobody's going to stand in my way especially you actually it's in you now hand over my staff or else oh he made it good this is my greatest victory ever oh i wouldn't want to be you right now dragon breath just because my powers don't work doesn't mean i'm defenseless [Music] maybe your powers don't work here but whenever you play your flute the monster stops blinging squats [Music] have an idea keep playing and see if you can lower teeny weeny back towards the portal [Music] hey we're free way to go in you great idea guys monster you get back here this instant oh well at least i have the scrolls to mystery mountain i wouldn't count on it i will wait ready [Music] wait for me almost there lead them towards the portal and you stop [Music] my powers back [Music] it's working in you don't stop playing [Music] okay then fumble feathers wandering birdie turkey hey um [Music] ready for takeoff [Music] [Music] enjoy the rest of your flight romeo we're out of here [Music] gotcha we said you were the best flyer ever [Music] way to go owlette great flying thanks gekko i just had to stay cool and do the right thing i can't believe i let him make me so mad well he did break your owl glider pj robot you fixed it didn't need to worry about that either you pjs phil i got my moths back looks like they're close feeding i guess it only lasts one night who knows these guys are up to strange stuff recently catch you later pjs pj masks i'll shout hooray [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] robot what have you done now it is not me master if it's not you then who is it pj robot what is that this is what you've been working on cool come on let's check this thing out wow it's just like hq [Music] huh [Music] super gekko muscles my powers are back [Music] come on let's take romeo off the road you're forgetting one thing pj payne's my lab is pj power too super loud wind you're forgetting one thing romeo we've got the new um what do you call it how to sneak a little scratch oh this thing's on too tight doing okay with the helmet wriggling catboy not again i love romeo [Music] huh [Music] pj robot open the cat lap super lizard you and me now pj robot we need a new plan slithering serpents we've got to move fast step one get these helmets back to catboy and owlette step two catboy does his [Music] cool chameleons it's like a video game stop intruders [Music] yay i'm back ah so is the itchy helmet catboy don't scratch that hitch just get out let's help me back on right i won't make that mistake a second well a third time stop that do more exercise what cluttering feathers how did i even get here it's okay i'll get you out but first you've got to shut down that loudspeaker no more romeo melody no more romeo exercise it's time to be a hero nice work pj robot the glider may be stuck up there but i can still fly to the rescue all over the world with them that's more than a patch of ice do you believe me now owl girl stop that car time to save master [Music] it's not working i should have listened to catboy and get going i should have listened to you too robot you were right robot was telling the truth i know i'm sorry if owl girl is sorry maybe robot will help a plan help is building a new invention no more inventions we already have enough of those what oh what kind of invention is it a remote maybe it will stop wolf car and the other machines what can i do robot needs more bits and pieces [Music] thank you [Music] we've got to save them come on be a hero brave owl girl [Music] [Music] what a ghost this ship is haunted super cat's flat speed how dare you spot the splat master super lizard grip that's catboy the brave to you night ninja now we need to get rid of the cylinder full of clouds before it you know go splat [Music] yay captain hourly strikes again huh strike two against you peony pjs hey that's my evil laugh enough out of you you scurvy ninja [Music] do something don't worry we can do this all of us [Music] all aboard [Music] my perfect plan ruined i'll catch you next time pj pirates nice save captain owly that was cool chameleons can you handle it super gekko muscle nice but let me show you how it's done armadillos hey the bus was crashed but it didn't what better way to test our strong reflexes oh yeah right enough warm-up let's take this thing to the next level [Applause] yes now let's see you do it one two three there my super gekko muscles are number one ha i have more strength in my thunder thump than you have in your whole body oh yeah wait till your thunder thumb meets my super gekko pinky [Music] [Applause] [Music] super lizard shields [Music] you make trees move [Music] relaxing tell us more in you about your staff maybe it has powers like us right but its powers are different the staff only enhances what's inside um say again it takes the energy in me and adds it to the energy of the mountain catch whiskers what if i used it wanna try me stuff i don't think so it takes many years to master it please how about we let anu show us how it's done [Applause] [Music] that was slick please end you can i have just one teensy weensy turn i'll be really careful just one turn then but be careful [Music] huh wait i've got this yeah i did it the mountain chose to help you wait let me try something else i could be good at this [Music] oh yeah see that oh i told you it takes time you were fortunate only this went wrong one more turn no just let me try something please cat energy cat energy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] it wasn't yours to start with on ninjalinos it's a boring party i don't think so let's do the gekko oh yeah [Music] [Music] hmm being a hero of the city is more fun than i imagined [Music] i think you discovered a new superpower in you dragon dancing [Music] after careful consideration with my team we've decided that you're my new flying partner but only if you promise to be good okay we'll start your training with some sky racing that tree's romeo and we need to catch him on your mark is pretty wild do you really think owlette can train her he's off to a good start come on let's make sure there aren't any other villains around [Music] okay what should we do next fly to moon clubhouse not space travel i knew having a flying partner would be awesome i better get ready funny bubble suit luna get mad when she sees this [Music] i can't believe owlette is on my moon with my matsuki and going into my lunar fortress oh i've never seen her this mad no one goes in there without me ah this way dragon master knows best the second task is a test of great determination [Music] maybe she needs some of your super gekko muscles a dragon master never gives [Music] it is done awesome you're a dragon hero [Music] this place won't protect us forever yeah house task three looking easy peasy no breezy this is task three a test of a dragon masters you would not understand i must hurry just shout if we can do anything ah yay she found it [Music] oh no not again again i have tried this before [Music] oh and once more i have failed [Music] the talisman knows the truth i am not a dragon master yet this storm's going to let the pagoda clean off the mountain hey wolfies here comes some flower power [Music] hey how do i make these squirt squirt him kevin now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm is that a slime pie sure is one big bad wolfy flying pie coming up super cats [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i fooled you [Music] catboy got the prank box even better i did a little trick on the wolfies and now their car is out of action and so are they but playing a prank on the wolfies makes us just as bad as they are i guess but at least we saved the day those pj prankers out pranked us i'm howling mad huh [Music] they mess with our wheels so we'll mess with theirs [Music] there's more than one way to fly catboy you help pj robot gekko let's deal with romeo at last we're ready double turbo super gunk mode power up in three two not on my watch hey the pj masks i'll distract them you head for the can't controls me stop that immediately oh time to do something useful with your metal sucking nozzle machine metal sucking nozzle machine [Music] it's working gekko now to help catboy and pj robot oh i can fly don't worry catboy i got this [Music] wait a nano second you sure can fly you save the sky too go outlet protector of the sky protector of the sky really
Channel: PJ Masks Official
Views: 69,229,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PJ Masks, PJ Masks Full Episodes, PJ Mask, Cartoons for kids, Pj masks toys, catboy, Kids videos for kids, Cartoons, PJ Masks Live, Tj maxx, Pj max, Rescue, Heroes, Patrol, Pj masks song, Kids cartoons, superheroes, disney jr, season 4, owlette forgets, pj masks heroes of the sky, pj masks season 4, munki-gu, newton star
Id: zZBgY6Rcwu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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