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[Music] let's clean up around the ears now you can go in straight as well hey guys welcome to a brand new video again from our kitchen because everything's still in lockdown until at least february and it's half january now we dropped some questions on instagram like what would you like to know to cut your hair at home and most of you would like to see how to clean up around the ears and the nape and thank god my lovely wife kim is well quite up for a haircut so we're going to do it in steps show you how to work around the ears clean up the nape maybe trim the top a little something that's safe to do at home i'll talk you through every step of the way which guide on the clippers or how to do it with scissors and to finish it off we're going to cut a little more from the top but that's a little don't try this at home so bear with us and see you guys at the end and during the video because i have to explain everything to you but to start guys always use something to protect the clothes we have a cape but if you don't have a cape at home don't think everybody has a cape just use a towel or something or wear an old t-shirt but we advocate always be kind to your clients so don't put it too tight and ask is it okay yes start with a comb or a brush or something to comb through the hair she has a little bit of product in it so again be kind if you hear something in the background or cats are eating there we go next start with sectioning the hair use some clips if you don't have clips you can wet the hair a little it stays in place quite good make sure to pick halfway the eyebrow you can see she has a side part over here naturally so just come there this way put a clip in and repeat the same trick on the other side halfway the eyebrow over here make a straight line now she has a molog there we go sectioned off the top as you can see over here and over here just check if it's pretty straight it is and kim had a little bit of a bowl cut so this hair is a little longer than the hair underneath but we're going to even this out get rid of the undercut now first off to start working around the ears which is the first part that overgrows you can use clippers if you have them at home don't have to be this brand or anything just big clippers or scissors but we'll explain it using these put them on with no guard leave her all the way up actually i'm showing it upside down all the way up so the teeth are as close as possible see when i put it down they move up like this then comb the hair you can see everything covering the ears now make sure she's reassured it'll be okay honey nothing bad okay watching this and trying this at home maybe are a little bit nervous flip them on just tilt the head a little and then find a good angle cut this kind of like this and just stop on top of the wheel go in [Music] i made the first line just follow her ear repeat these steps a couple of times now you can go in straight as well just make sure it stay just below or actually under the top of the ear that way you won't make a big arch do it step by step not in one big sweep and then pull the ear down like this not too hard because she'll say out and then just gently follow around the ears as you can see things are pretty nice and repeat the same steps here this way there's like very beautifully just on top of the air and going a little higher just step by step it's how you clean around the ears now can you uh actually turn around so they can see the other side yes perfect there we go see the difference can you turn back again it's all nice and clean around the ears and over here just all over the air so that's a pretty simple and safe way to clean up your hair at home just around here we'll do the other side again and show you how it works with a pair of scissors and actually you can use almost any kind just make sure they're sharp and not the standard kitchen scissors but it doesn't have to be a professional address scissor and there are those cheap ass things with the black grips they do this job perfectly come there through tilt the head slightly as you can see there's a little residue of our bowl cut so i'll just move that out of the way here's the hair around here go in with the scissors just again determine the angle this has to go and just cut be careful with our ear and the process is the same just repeat baby steps so there are some hairs left over here and do this over a couple of times just be careful that you don't cut too much hair at once because if you make an arch above the ear that's just ugly so that's actually the same process but then with scissors nice and clean around the ears now if you have the guts to go a little bit further you can actually fold the ear down pull up the scissors and let's cut off the tips don't cut off too much this will shorten the hairs just around the ears you can see what it does to the shape and her hair is colored bleached actually so you can see the difference between the dark and the blonde set perfect it's easy to explain it's grown out but makes the explanation easier just cut off the tips you can see in centimeters it's one or two centimeters i don't know exactly how much that is in inches just play around until you think it's perfect then ask her we don't have a mirror over here so she can't see but i think this is the 500 time she got a haircut for me so i think she trusts me a little of course and there you are a safe way to clean up around the ears don't cut too much step by step as you can see the tip is peeking out underneath the bulkhead she had a line over here we're going to get rid of that later in the video now you can stay seated as you can see tilt your head down a little thanks it's pretty grown out over here i don't know if i can take you in any closer it works this was very short but see these tails i think this is the worst part of a grown-out haircut and a little stubble over here and i'll show you how to get rid of that again with clippers you can do it with scissors and a comb and you just take on the scissors and comb go in and just cut the tips and repeat this step a whole lot of times you can't cut too much because you'll see lines and if you cut too little you can always do an extra strike sweep but this is the hard way actually to do with the scissors so we're going to switch grab your clippers pick a guide i'm going to start with number three that's 3 8 of an inch or 10 millimeters can you see it does it focus yeah it does attach it put the lever open so it's in the longest position make sure she tilts her head down so you can see what you're doing turn them on go in go up until where you see the guard is picking up a lot of hair and then just flick out actually they tell you it's a c motion so you go in up and out or a scoop but in a c motion so in up and out or a little bit higher if you see it doesn't cut enough i want to make her neckline short up to here as a little bone that's going to be my base so you ready honey nervous there we go so in put it flat against that you can push a little bit [Music] and up and here you can see it starts picking up hair and go out there we go see because of the color difference in her hair you can see pretty good what i'm doing again in up and up what i'm doing now is just making this line a little bit more straight moving to the other side so i can see what i'm doing in up and here's the line so out you have to look at this part of the clippers not over here with the blade and just go over the same step a couple of times for the same section to get it perfect okay go back over here check it that's it now close the lever leave the same guard go in again it's about three millimeters shorter and you're just doing from the line to here this part a little bit shorter and we'll switch guards go shoulder step by step i hope they can still follow me at home switch to a number two so six millimeters or one fourth of an inch or a quarter inch again put the lever open going and you stopped over here with the number three and the lever closed actually this is open this is closed the t if you can see it like this open closed go in and just do the same c motion this part lower [Music] it's not cutting a lot because the difference between the number two with the lever open and the number three lever closed is not that big but you want to make this looking smooth as you can see our air twists a little over here just rotate your clippers in every direction to catch these hairs as well now close the lever go in again just a little bit lower so the number three open three closed to open too closed and again with the c motion you can see i'll exaggerate it going in and out it's not doing much but there is some hair coming up then baby steps i'm going up a little higher around the ears because we're going shorter over there so it's quite difficult to try but put it flat against the head like this and then go up to just catch these hairs [Music] if you don't feel comfortable doing that just don't make the same c motion now turn it off sounding like a broken record but switchblade now number one so three two one one is three millimeters or one eighth of an inch lever open or if you have a little switch over here that says millimeters up and down all the way up so the longest position your clippers can have this one is going to make a difference so be careful go in stop over here and flick out now don't tell the same thing at home because this is going to be a big difference be careful because she'll shade her pants oh that's good go in up and out see what's happening there's a little line forming over here that's because the difference between number one and two is pretty big now if this gets a little bit too scary for you just stop at number two and just finish the edges but this is kind of my shop signature so i'll have to do it sorry i'm standing in front of the video but i have to check it from this to see if it's straight now to get rid of this line can you look up straight so they can see better there's a little line forming here turn this off get you in closer look camera down a little bit there we go there's a little line over here just keep the lever all the way open go in and make the same c motion just above the line you just saw and she said she's falling half asleep so it's almost like a bob ross movie and as you can see the lines disappearing just repeat this over and over until you don't see it anymore now there is another way but i don't know if you guys have it at home there's a number one doesn't focus yeah one and a half it's four and a half millimeters or three 1 16 of an inch no actually or 3 16 of an inch so that's slightly longer deliver all the way open go in just again the c motion and now we're getting into an argument later because she doesn't like a short neckline and i do so always have to find a compromise i'm doing the same thing in up and up yeah the cats are making noise again now close it halfway so open closed halfway and just listen to your clippers you can hear when they are cutting hair i don't know if the mic picks it up but you'll hear it i can't help it we're doing this from home so there we go leave her all the way closed and just repeat the steps just a little bit lower so steps the number one stop here one and a half two and three so just it's not an inch i guess it's half an inch centimeter each step that's it put the number one back on and the lever was all the way open when we did it last time now close it just go over these hairs and the bottom section just work around the edges and why with the number one because when you do it without a guard everything's gone so start safely [Music] now you made this short yeah just as well now take off the guard now comes the scary part honey leave her all the way closed so when you go up it's bald ask her to tilt her head a little let's make sure you guys can see i'm going to make a line in the neck from here where our natural hairline is up to here she has a little opening here and her hair grows straight down towards her back get rid of that now if you're doing this to men's hair you can just make a very straight line with women's hair i always like to make a little bit of an edge over here round it off a little so it doesn't look too bulky or masculine yes i'll use her natural hairline over here and on this side just the same steps follow the hairline from the ear down into a straight line and then round it off at the bottom and use the triangular triangular shape right back now open the lever so the longest position on the guards and go up a little bit not too high but just a little this is almost the length of a number one i'll just go over the edges again on this side as well [Music] just to remove the dark shades halfway closed and then just very bottom close it down even more full just knock off the bottom what is it three four millimeters just to ease out the harsh lines now that's it for the neckline of course clean up around here as well she's just checking if she's not bald it's okay it's all okay i missed that so now to continue we want to get rid of this line we can do it in a couple of ways but you can see i pick it up with my cone so we made a pretty harsh line go straight up see all these hairs sticking out when you go straight up just follow your comb see how much it's blending already just with one sweep do the same over here pick up the line and take off the edges what this does is actually cutting these hairs shorter than these hairs so they fall over each other instead of ending up in the same line that will soften out the back and because of her two-tone color you can see it even better if your hair is one color this will be more than enough to make it look nice and blended and again just with the nape and ears baby steps so you can try it five or six times over until it's good don't take off too much at once as you can see it's a little bulky over here so just go in again and just remove the tips of the hair now of course if you have blending scissors these your job is way more easy you can just pick up the hair do a couple of cuts they're not called blending scissors for nothing because it blends the hair perfectly now there are a couple of ways to blend what i tend to do because i want to save this length here because when i cut her crown area too short it starts sticking up and it'll be the last time you do your wives or girl's hair at home i go in tilt my comb already just do two cuts go up just blending the bottom part leaving this length because if you go up too high you'll make this hair shorter again one two maybe three just see what the line does because i want to make it a little bit round to follow the shape of right again over here same trick one two three and we're out so always go out like this if you go well straight up pick up the hair go up and out the same c motion actually to where you want to keep the length she's yawning i always get how do you say that no i don't know how i say always get very relaxed when he cuts my hair that's good i hope everybody at home has that too she can see no i think they're not relaxed when they do this the first time you can see there's a nice line over here and over here i don't really like it so i'll turn you a little so they can still see it at home i go in up just repeat these steps until you're happy the only thing you have to be careful about is that you don't repeat it going up up up up up and trying again trying again because you'll end up over here and with a angry wife actually i'd love to see her go short once but she doesn't so i can say i messed up is that okay nope then i'll do your hair and i'll make a mistake too so that'll be fun you cannot go to the shops now either i'm pretty happy with this see it's blending nicely well guys that was it for the back the only thing that's left are these little hairs over here i have a small pair of clippers for that now if you don't have it at home you can use a razor blade just a mark four or three what is it or a fusion or something or you can use a straight razor but that's a little too scary i guess ask her to tilt her head find the line you just made and just follow it down [Music] make sure all the stubble is gone [Music] the same over here don't push too hard she'll scratch her i think she says it when i push too hard [Music] well that's it for the back we showed you guys the sides and the nape how to trim it next up is how to connect the shorter back to the sides because we want to go a little shorter up here as well that's a well not more advanced but a little bit more tricky to do so don't forget to subscribe down here hit the blue thumbs up we showed you guys how to trim around the ears and i'm going to show you how to connect these hairs to a little bit shorter side because i think this is too long we're going to do this side with clippers and this side with scissors so you're ready honey remember which guard you used to do this it was wasn't number three to do this use a number four so again actually the same steps one one and a half two three and you want to go higher up use four that's always safe now guys we're going to work on the sides as i said before the clipper guards use the number actually zero one one and a half two and then three blended it in and you wanna go a little bit longer over here so we are going to use a number focus we're going to use the number four that's 13 millimeters or half an inch the lever opens so that's actually almost 16 millimeters tilt right a little flick it on and always make sure you work in an arch so start low over here work around the ear and end up a little lower as well never make a straight line so don't go in like this and always work your way down again there we go [Music] as you can see i'm not cutting too much [Music] just this lower part because i know she likes a little bit of length [Music] and i want to keep her happy again just try small steps you can see the shape building up over here this would be follow the ear and then go up in the same c motion we talked about before now over here now what i'm doing now is picking up the hairs with the same c motion but actually i'm moving out a little and up so what i'm doing is going in out a little and then up so i'm shortening these hairs but not with the 13 millimeters just a little bit longer to build the you shape see it coming over here and actually we'll stop and switch to scissors normal scissors or the blending shears normal scissors fold the ear down or if you're having a hard time she's a natural ask your client to fold the ear down herself it's not professional it's not cool to do but it'll save your ass at home go in with go and check where there's hair sticking out just cut them off don't cut too much just those hairs what i'm doing over here is going in picking up the hair and then straight up because if you do this the hair falls down so you're not cutting this just over here go in and straight up and you can even work your way around the ear quite easy this way yeah you can let go of you right it's getting red just ears are very difficult to do check them twice three times four times just baby steps don't cut off too much because the thing i hate the most are these big arches around ears it's best to do this again in two weeks then have an arch now to make this perfect i'm taking my blending sheers again and actually this is more because her blonde color and natural color have such a big contrast you need to blend this in quite a lot if you have darker hair or hairs one color this is way more easy as you can see i'm angling my comb over here in this direction straight over here and in this direction to the front so the shape we just talked about i'm still doing that with the blending shears now you can see there's a little line still here just put your comb in straight right under this line and pick it up and cut don't go scissor happy with these scissors because if you close them twice in the same spot it's all gone scissor happy yeah actually when you shoot a gun they say trigger happy and you fire it too often so scissor happy it's the same but then with it now we turned kim around and we're actually repeating the same steps on this side just bear in mind she has a line over here from the ball cut she had before so i'm removing this line as well getting the same round shape [Music] there we go as you can see this is not the same as the other side so that's why i explained most of it on the other side i'm just going to repeat these steps without all the explanation you can just have a look again or rewind the video if you want to see the steps with explanation but because of this line it's not the same you the back is trimmed and if we let go of the top she has a nice mower going on turn around a little bit she has a little mohawk going on just there's back in shape part three of this video because there's one more thing you guys wanted to know we trimmed around the ears we did the nape you wanted to know how to trim your bangs at home safely actually kim's banks are going to be a little shorter to hear so i can show you guys how to do that comb your hair forward she always had a side part over here and with the cut we're doing today i wanted to get rid of that so come there forward if you want to keep a side part make sure you section the air off where the parting is like this and then comb it forward but for today we're using this and then if people have that then you just keep this to the side and then cut the and then cut the bangs but i need this angle in your hair as well because i want to get straight bangs from the back can you look down a little that's more easy from the crown area comb this hair to the side just make sure it follows the natural falling so over here here and here now you can look straight up again and just comb it it's natural falling so here are bangs and with the bangs it's actually the same trick as the sides in the back use baby steps so you can just go in here is our eyebrow and we want her bangs to end up just above it go in and make the first snip and we ended up over here and the second one now what i always like to do is if i'm halfway i want to stop cutting from this side and move over to this one and then repeat the same steps so just here's the eyebrow make a snip just above come there out and that's my guide and go in so this might be scary at first but doing it like this you can connect the lines and small hairs tickle so it's okay sorry to make her get rid of it and repeat it until you're happy with the line i always go in a little lower from here towards the eyebrow so in a little upward motion and then make sure it's connected so go through it again there are some longer hairs left over here and now she has very very straight bangs it's a little too harsh pick them up so just pick up all the bangs comb them to the front can you look down a little bit so they can see it so here it is and then just gently open up your scissors go straight in so straight not angled straight and then just cut the tips and as you feel comfortable you can angle the scissors a little bit just to get rid of the hard lines now run your fingers through it because your hair always falls a little bit more natural like that make her look up in the mirror there is no mirror over here but usually in the mirror i can look in your eyes if you're satisfied and you can see nice straight bangs i don't know if i can move her in any closer yes there's a little shape over here we're going to get rid of that by cutting the top but you can repeat these steps and actually i don't know if anybody does it but kim never wears her hair to the front like this because it's all itchy and tickly so swipe him to the side that's actually how it's going to look so nice and short with a little i guess our cat is up to something so just nice and short with a little line in it i hope you like him i always like her bangs like this of course i'm going to work on this little bump over here that's what's left caught 10 because of the gas i really like massage swept but i love them to the front as well it's not wearable for kim now for the final part of the video we're going to chop the top without explanation just enjoy watching the cutting ready honey this is your favorite part right no i like the clippers because it makes me feel very at least yeah so me empty space as well well that's it guys we're done we showed you guys how to trim around the ears and the back it's nice and short and clean again the other side as well i cut the top without explaining it because that's a little bit too tricky you can give it a go let me know if you're gonna use anything out of this video down here in the comments somewhere leave a blue thumbs up don't forget to subscribe the button is over here and well of course thank you honey you're welcome and see you guys in the next video [Music] bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Women's barbershop HFDZK
Views: 93,888
Rating: 4.7871623 out of 5
Keywords: hair, haircut, barber, clippers, buzzcut, headshave, fade, shorthairdontcare, women, bald, shave, pixie, kurz, kurzehaare, haare, ab, gladze, glatze, pelo, pelocurto, pelocorto, friseur, rapada, wahl, rasieren, haareab, neckhair, corto, bowlcut, ero, плешивый, бритье, ножницы, короткие волосы, вырезать, женщина, crewcut, crew cut, shaved sides, short, short hair, buzz, chop, make over, change, new hair, all off, thin hair, thin, layers, extreme, cut
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 19sec (3499 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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