Piston First Stage Disassembly and Reassembly

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hey guys a spreading in from Luke Hickerson marina he'll make a quick video here this is one of our classroom regs that we use for rental and for teaching with its cane that time again for us to do a complete overhaul on this typically speaking you're going to clean your regulators at least once a year and of course you're going to do a complete overhaul or complete service and either yearly or by annually every two years depending on the manufacturer and what they recommend on it we actually clean these rags about every six months simply because we use them so much teaching classes and for all the other types of diving and stuff we do however it has come time for me to do a complete overhaul on this rag so I'm gonna make a quick video on the disassembly and reassembly I'm not really going to go over what we do during the overhaul or anything like that I'm just going to show you some of the internal components of the first stage it's it's very important to note that when you service your rags please take it to a certified technician to get it done if you are a certified technician please make sure you use the proper tools we've said at time and time again this equipment is life-saving equipment it keeps you alive in an environment you were never meant to be in so with that being said you want to make sure that you use the proper techniques and use the proper tools to take good care of it what I have here is just a standard mario's rubber tune as piston regulator this is an unbalanced regulator it this is probably one of the best overall workhorse regs as far as using it for rental and stuff like that because they they last forever they're very easy to service but what I'm going to show you real quick is just the disassembly and the reassemble of it on this particular one I have a plastic cap that goes over the tail cap here and I'm just going to use this little plastic wedge to get in behind it and then I should be able to pry it right off they want to have that off to simply set it aside and of course I just clean this out with a little bit of some warm soapy water and before I go any further I'm gonna bring my third hand in any time that you're working with a first stage it makes it a lot easier if you have what we call a third hand simply screw it into a low-pressure for it's gonna give me leverage and torque whenever I'm loosen or tighten something and it makes things a lot easier I can actually leave it on the table if I'm trying to wrench something off and let that be my leverage instead of sitting here trying to do it my hand I could tear up I can basically hurt myself trying to do it if I don't have this good leverage point you know to take off this tail cap here I'm gonna use just the suspender wrench and once again it's important to remember always use the proper tools we are a Mariusz dealer here so we have the tools directly from Marez depending on what your manufacturer are there are several companies out there there's global manufacturing of course tridents got some tools that you can use scuba toys it's got some that you can purchase from them just please make sure that you are properly trained to do this and that you are using the proper tools all right so to loosen this up as with most things is going to be lefty loosey righty tighty so to loosen will turn the tail cap to the left and to do that when we use a spinner wrench once again using the table as my leverage point I'm just going to simply press down until I feel it break free and I'm gonna give it about two or three good turns I don't want to take this guy all the way off using the wrench and here's why in behind this tail cap is my piston and there's a spring and a couple of washers and if I just take this guy off without what's in it the tail cap is going to be shut off by the spring I may lose my spring washers or anything like that so as I go to take it off I want to make sure that I keep tension on it with my finger so don't lose any of the internal components and once I get it to where I can turn it by hand like I said I'm gonna keep tension on this tail cap it's a so I'll break free from the threads and they're just broke free all right I'm going to turn my regulator standing upright that way all the components will pour down here into the tail cap and I set the first-stage aside temporarily I'm gonna do a quick inspection of the parts now like I said I am gonna do an overhaul of this after I reassemble it for you guys of course I'll tear it back apart most of them show you real quick I've got a washer I've got a spring that goes over the top of the piston I've got the piston itself and then this particular one has eight other washer on top and that's basically the tail cap piece itself now to go to the yoke side of the first stage I'm going to remove my joke screw and dust cap go ahead and set it aside all right and for all intents purposes of the video I already removed all the hoses of course and the extra port plug so I don't have to worry about it make sure I use the proper size wrench for this next part I'm gonna come over here and I'm going to remove this yoke nut assembly once again I'm gonna use the table as leverage lefty-loosey righty-tighty so I need to turn the yoke nut to the left and I have seen guys in the past try to do this with an adjustable wrench if you're very careful you could probably do that I would strongly encourage you to use the proper size open end wrench for this and of course if you're a technician you're gonna have access to stuff like that and the specs but if if you are working on your own rigs I can't stress enough guys please make sure you use the proper tools to do it with so as I remove the yoke nut assembly here I should have a completely disassembled first stage as far as the housing unit itself I'm go ahead and set it aside I'm gonna remove my yoke and then I have this component here and I have several internal components in here that we're going to remove real quick there is a spring a filter and a little clamp now the most important feature here of course is clamp which holds everything in as I to remove it I don't want that spring shooting components out so all I'm gonna do to remove this because I'm gonna simply keep my finger over the top so that as I remove the clamp itself I don't have parts going every which way and lose them off my workbench or anything like that I'm gonna remove the clamp set it aside and then I can simply pour out my filter and my spring itself also now like I said I do have to do a complete overhaul on this regulator but I'm gonna go ahead and show you the reassembly of it and then of course after the video I'll go back and clean it and and rebuild it as needed but just to show you real quick just how how easy it is to reassemble one of these one take the spring place it back into the open of assembly here make sure it gets seated down in there good go ahead and replace my filter like I said there's going to be a little bit of spring tension there want to be careful that I don't lose components I'm taking a little clamp place it down in there until I hear it click alright so that's pretty much reassembled there come back to my yoke in the first stage and I'm going to reassemble the yoke nut in there okay now like I said I do have to tear this guy back apart to do a overhaul when I do put this guy back together for the last time I'm gonna use a blue loctite thread lock in there just to help keep it secured someone tighten this guy down real good once again using the table as leverage then come back to the piston side of the regulator itself I'm gonna start with my tail cap place my piston in it no replace one of my plastic washers and of course the spring and then of course put the washer on top now when I go to set the intermediate pressure on this guy I can remove or add washers as need be on this particular rig if I ever need more than two of these then that's a telltale sign I'm gonna have to replace this spring so that's just something I can check the intermediate pressure once I get things put together once again that kind of goes along with being properly trained to service these regulators because you may add or take away parts that you actually need or don't need if you don't know the proper techniques and have the proper tools and equipment to do it now the place to tell cap back up this spring here is going to give me a little bit of tension so to start with I'm just going to set it down over the top of the spring like so keep things lined up keeping my hand on top of the tail cap I'm going to simply invert the unit and then what I can do is push down with that spring tension and I'm just going to simply turn the tail cap until I fill the threads catch I want to be careful not to cross thread the tail cap on to the first stage and then once I feel it catch then I can simply take it turn it in my hand I'm gonna get it first as tight as I can with my hand then I'll bring the spinner wrench back into play and continue to tighten it on down okay once again I'm going to use the table as leverage here make sure it's good and secure I'm going to go ahead and replace my yoke screw and dust cap get it in there good and secure and then the last thing the horse is replacing a little plastic cover of the tail cap to do that I'll just stand it up push down so it snaps back into place like so you should turn freely on there it's just a little groove that it locks in I can remove my third hand and then of course replace port plugs hoses transmitters whatever I had originally plugged in I usually leave that to the last thing to do to make sure I get the hoses routed properly into the correct ports guys as I said before it's very important and I can't stress this enough please make sure you go to a certified technician to get your regulator service it's very important once a year to get a good cleaning of the regulator anywhere from a year to a hundred hundred dollars on it you want to get it good and cleaned every two years or two hundred dollars depending on how much you dive you want to make sure you get a complete overhaul done get that regulator rebuilt keep it in good working order guys as much as we spend on some of this equipment if you take good care of it it will out last year I've been diving for over 20 years I still have my original set of scuba gear that my father purchased in the mid-to-late 80s for me and it still works to this day now I've grown quite a bit it doesn't quite fit but I wouldn't have a problem putting my four-year-old daughter in it and letting her dive it of course if she was trained of course but just to show you how long scuba gear will last if you take good care of it it will last you a lifetime guys as always we appreciate you watching our videos make sure you follow us on Twitter you like us on Facebook penis it on Pinterest subscribe to us here on YouTube and as always guys we appreciate your 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Channel: LakeHickoryScuba
Views: 24,872
Rating: 4.8638296 out of 5
Keywords: Lake, Hickory, Scuba, Marina, Taylorsville, North, Carolina, Alexander, County, Diving, Drysuit, Wetsuit, BCD, Regulator, Fins, Mask, Snorkel, Public, Safety, Under, Water, Criminal, Investigations, Mares, OS, Systems, Ocean, Reef, Full, Face, Training, XS, Trident, Charter, PDIC, PADI, SEI, CMAS, Educators, International, Boating, Bait, Fishing, Docks, Search, Recovery, Specialty, Night, Drift, EFR, First, Aid, CPR, AED, Emergency, Oxygen, Provider, Divemaster, Assistant, Instructor, Trainer, Board, Discussion, SSI, School, Commentary
Id: 2g-ws-pFtI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2015
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