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[Applause] [Music] [Music] I saw God giving him a platform in Hollywood this one I saw him becoming very known and very famous I don't know what you do but I saw your star just boom because when I looked at him I saw him becoming as big as Kevin Hart this one what do you do in terms of the spirit when you are carrying him there was a big challenge in the realm of the Spirit it was a difficult pregnancy to carry to the point that it looked like you're going to lose him at some point yeah because I remember I am singing in the realms of the Spirit when you are about four months going to five months I saw you bleeding that you thought that you actually lost it brother I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm hearing one saying God with us and the other one is saying Emmanuel what is that in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name words what do you have on your shirt I don't know where's my mama Ghana power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to me and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw her I saw you are you a nurse you in the medical field go to I put the mic on well you mind before okay go to my mama gonna I'll be well I saw somebody else with a name like Campbell temple as I was walking in the realms of the Spirit God says that he's supposed to bless both family promise and I saw somebody in the Bible called Anna but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the end zone it's like oh god oh god do you know somebody cooking genesis does me let me oppa gaga king who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you there I'm seeing an emerald for it I saw God putting a government on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing about your way [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you're somebody but you're full of compassion you're the giver of her life and for Laster you're the savior of the world Messiah all I need a phony provider worthy wonderful or some powerful glory glory to you my heart sings her feet stop drinking God of everything glory glory to you to were sure and if my to seek your holy face I lift my voice to honor there's no one else like you know I live - I don't understand you and love you so passion you surround me with your grace so forgiving the way that I've been in you change in the fall I didn't know who I could be - you show me worthy you wonderful or some power or glory glory to you my heart sees her feet suffering God of everything glory glory [Music] god bless everybody we are back and the Internet is on point now and and I thank God that we are back now and I believe everything happens for a special reason and I know that this is the time I didn't want to go live while this thing is choppy and skipping because that means that you will not receive what God wants you to receive in the correct way so what you're about to catch now is something that I call my III I want to encourage everybody to watch my video that says beyond Scripture it's the is the last video that I did life and I want you to watch beyond Scripture if you've watched beyond Scripture what I'm about to teach you right now is gonna make a lot of sense but I need you to share this and share this and share this I need you to cause somebody I need you to message somebody I need you to let somebody know that the Prophet is life so that way we can all listen to what God has for us so I want you to take somebody what's up somebody do whatever you can to let somebody know that prophet is life I'm about to teach you their highest dimension or their highest level of faith the highest level of faith because remember we have small faith we have medium faith we have big faith so I want to teach you the highest level of faith so I want you to I want you to share share share share and let somebody know how's everybody on Facebook on periscope on to see Facebook this is gonna be extra too much [Music] it's gonna be too much I want you to share share share let somebody know that the Prophet love is live and the Lord is about to take us to a whole other planet a whole other dimension Lajo level I want you to share share share share share it's gonna be too much it's gonna be beyond what you know so I want to I want to thank the Lord Jesus for this time so I want you two to share share share let somebody know that the Prophet is life prophet Jimmy my prophet how are you I miss you more than you know in fact I'm texting Yuna right now glory be to Jesus I want somebody to let somebody know this is gonna be too much the highest level of faith the highest level of faith these messages are proved by Jehovah God himself and I'm going to teach you a kept secret by by great prophets major prophets have kept this secret the Prophet Jimmy I just had to call you and say I T I miss you I'm life but I said I saw ya I said I have to call you now before not bingo if Orlando is a is a Mikasa Ming Oh give me a sip of it love you so catch this I'm gonna teach you their highest level of faith I know you're wondering what is that strange word that is written before oh you see one thing that I think the Lord Jesus for what the Lord has given me is this is that God has given everybody an assignment whether you're an evangelist your pasta you are your prophet teacher whatever you may be the biggest problem I have found that people are not receiving a message from God or their audience is not growing as especially men of God is because you are doing one mistake many of you are focusing on what other people are doing and not focusing on what God gave you to do I love a lot of great men of God but I want to tell you this great people who have an assignment you will never see me come live and talk about other people and that's why it's important for somebody to watch beyond scripture there are men of God that are so caught up telling you who is fake who is not fake that's who cares what matters is if there is somebody fake bring somebody something that will show that that is fixed so that you can save people you get what I'm saying this time of wasting talking about others others talking about people pointing fingers that one is right now it's the most immature thing and number two my sons and daughters listen to me I encourage you to listen to people but listening to too many people is dangerous because some people remember when you watch beyond scripture I explained this and I try to explain it in the simplest of ways is that we function in different on different levels and different foundations my home has four floors this house of mine has four floors my foundation in this house supports it to have four floors now you cannot have a foundation can that can accommodate one floor and tell everybody else that has six seven floors that their foundation is wrong you're not supposed to have that much this is why you have to be so careful who you listen to it matters a lot to you listen to because too many different doctrines now I'm not saying that they are bad I'm saying understand their level that is why it's important for you to listen to beyond Scripture because it shows you when you listen to a man of God you realize ah this is where they are you understand what I'm saying because people have different doctrines of angels people have different doctrines of this their reality is this the greatness of a man is by the fruits that they produce how many people they turn to Christ now popularity is not greatness but the evidence of the manifestation of God proves who is saying the truth and who is not who is in is not in in current truth so it's I encourage you to be very wise on who you listen to and when you listen always listen with the filter if you hear somebody telling you like ok an example is there billions of angels literally billions innumerable have you ever met any have you ever met a person without a name everybody has a name right in fact the spiritual principle is what you do not name you cannot control so God has given names to everything ok everything has a name somebody comes and tells you that angels don't have names you know that they've never gotten the grace to know the name so they might build a doctrine saying that angels don't have names except the ones you have read in the Bible but that's not true just just tells you their foundation is that making sense so I don't want you to be confused and find yourself here there that's why I want you to be planted to be planted in what God wants you to do are you out Claudius ok that's what I want you to be planted now listen to me so I want you to be careful just because I say also and so as a great man of God I'm not sending you there because even people that we are co-laborers we are working in different fields and other people have different doctrines there are those men of God that our doctrines are the same because we are going the same direction but somebody else may be going south they are still working in the farm of God or the vineyard of God it doesn't mean they are wrong it's just their jurisdiction doesn't permit them to know certain things it's just like you and me don't know what is happening in the Pentagon right now but there are people working amongst us that know what's happening in the Pentagon they know what the US government is planning but not everybody does do you get what I'm doing this is what I'm saying there's something called a classifieds not everybody no actually very few people know classified information is that making sense to somebody so I want you to share now I want you to be ready are you ready I'm gonna teach you the highest level of faith and I'm going to try an calabash eeeh hallelujah glory to God are you ready now listen to this I'm gonna give you dimensions of faith and then I'll give you the paucity of dimension of faith what you see the apostille is the highest level of faith I'll say that again I wish I wish somebody would share this and know what God is about to give you I'm gonna say it again past you is the highest level of faith Bastille is the highest level of it but before I explain to you Pastor you need to know the other kinds of faith and they work also but they are not the highest mmm Jesus Maria obvious I'm strong I'm so glad to see you - I'm gonna say it again are you listening sons even they don't know what I'm about to teach now listen to this there is a dimension of faith that operates of the promise of God or promises of God now the dimension of a faith that operates with the promises of God is powerful but it's limited to only what God promised you it is strong it is powerful but it has a limitation because it's confined to what God said would be now somebody who operates in this dimension of faith waits upon the promise of God and the time of God for them now God's time is always good don't get me wrong but you are limited to God's mind for you and where God wants you to be somebody will say well what's so bad about that well it is bad only because if you know one promise it's not bad to say that it's terrible but if we are going to measure good good better best right is the eye goes good better best so in in rating of good things it is not the best because God also gives you another dimension before we get to the past year the Bible says and God will give you your heart's desire so we know that there is the promise that God knows what I need notice the Bible says God knows what you need before you ask now people don't pay attention what you need it means God is only responsible for the essentials that is what the Lord Jesus said our Father in Matthew chapter 6 our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread meaning notice what is a daily bread daily bread is your necessities for every single day so God needs you need to eat God knows you need clothes that is why the Lord Jesus said it like this he said why do you worry about what you're going to eat or what you're going to wear or whatever you you're going to drink even Solomon in all his glory he was not dressed like this lilies-of-the-valley so we know that god's daily provision will dress you who care for you but you give you our essentials what you need not what you want because if God is giving you what you want then he's taken over your free will he will not do that is somebody listening to me I don't think people I can't see comments I don't know if people are sharing if people I don't know what's really happening is somebody listening to me lock aureate allemande le pré Vidisha an to Lakeisha abba-abba-abba za liqueur Abbasi atolan tant le prix de vista an to l'église de abba farad or steph era dos de Ferreira dos de now capture this so if God promises I will give you your heart's desire it means that if I'm waiting on him it is good but it is not the greatest place to be hi I Bishop you look healthy glory be to God yeah I made I made my son their postal well to wake up and come and and and make sure the livestream is working even though he he just got is forward with four wisdom teeth pulled out chai you are hero you have my hero it's been a few days but he is a soldier I came so the internet was failing because it's his fault he did not show up on time hmm is somebody listening now capture this so the first dimension of faith is I'm functioning with what God gave me you shall you shall be great not you are great but you shall be meaning it's tied to a time you shall go high meaning it's tied to a time you shall it's talking about future it's not talking about presently you shall is talking about the future is not talking about current and present events hmm I wish somebody could hear me now this dimension of the promise of God it is good but you are dealing with a promise and if I tell you I promise you I'll come in - I am not telling you I'm coming now I'm saying at some point I will come this is why when you read the book of Genesis especially when you read about Abraham God told Abraham by this time next year I will come and I will visit you and your wife Sarah shall have a child but next year Ishmael was the one that was born and Isaac did not come yet now we know God is not a liar because God said by this time next year now you notice next year Abraham is able to impregnate somebody meaning God came true but the timing was not yet so next year grace was unlocked that Abraham who was barren who could not who's who's was incapable could make somebody pregnant but the visitation time according to God had not come yet that the promise will come how do we know that because a day unto God is like a thousand years and a thousand years like an - a day unto God now remember God is a spirit so when God says I will visit you next year it may be ten thousand it may be a thousand years from now or it may be next minute because in the realm of the Spirit we don't really match they Desmond the measurement of time is completely different from here remember David said this David said you will not leave my bones in hell but then Peter is saying well David said that but we know David died and he's rotting in the grave so we know he was not talking about himself but he was talking about who Jesus but everybody who heard David say you will not leave my balls to rot in hell they thought he was talking about himself because he did not give them a time stamp of the promise that God was speaking so the lowest level of faith faith is still good but remember this is not mustard seed you know people think that you need a faithful faith like a mustard seed actually Jesus was condemning faith like a mustard seed he was condemning it they're saying it's not good to have faith like a mustard seed he said even if you have faith like a mustard seed remember mustard seed grows into a big tree he was not saying let your faith be like a mustard seed he was condemning faith like a mustard seed so capture this so the lowest level of faith is functioning with the promise of God what is to come one day I'm gonna make it one day I will walk again one day I will be healed one day doors are gonna open one day things are going to change one day I don't have somebody kara Basia lake or Abbasi asunto libre de vista uncola BIA are you capturing this so now watch this I want you to watch this and capture this so even though functioning in the promises of God is good but there is a timeline to it now there is now the second dimension of it I'll just break them into three the second dimension of it the first one deals with what promises are you here with me are you people are sleeping on me I'm getting fired up because I'm about to drop a bomb on you the the first dimension of it is what promises is everybody catching that you to by you catching that I want somebody to catch this before I eat you with the next bomb Cairo Bashir say KDB Asante the second dimension of faith Facebook are you there periscope let me see my people on periscope la Cora bhashya second ABC a tanto libre de guiche de anta the second dimension of faith is connected to the will of God so we have good this is the better the better is it's tied into the promises into is tied into the will of God so a promise and the will are two different Jesus did not promise healing he established healing on the cross so anybody says one day I will be healed it's not a promise that you will be healed it was a statement it was his will he revealed his will concerning healing when he died on the cross the Bible says by His stripes we are healed Isaiah said this then Peter says by His stripes we were healed so this is a revelation of his will this is a revelation of what his will God you know when somebody says I hope I would get we healed what you are saying is that it is a hope you are thinking it is a promise but it's not a promise it is his will because if Jesus died on the cross and you still think healing is a promise then you missed it because he in acted he took your infirmities it took our infirmities he took our sicknesses it took our Berenice it took our misfortunes oh he saw our sufferings was put upon it he died for it that is his will he revealed his will by taking your sickness and dying with it so cancer is on the cross AIDS is on the cross blood pressure is on the cross confusion is this is not his promise this is his will that is why you find when the Lord Jesus went into the temple he found a woman with a hatchback immediately he went and healed her he didn't even ask her if she wants healing immediately turned and Hilda but then there are people that Jesus they came to Jesus and they asked him is it okay for you to heal if you can heal me but for this woman Jesus did not ask her permission to heal Jesus just turned and Hilda and everybody said why are you healing somebody on the Sabbath and the Lord Jesus said do you think it is right for a daughter of Abraham to be sick and suffer this many years notice Jesus was complaining he's saying do you think it is right meaning it was not right because he revealed his will there are people who are sick that the promise was not for them remember the woman who came in to ask Jesus for healing and Jesus said healing is not for you right now we cannot give the children's bread to the dogs and Jesus was not insulting her Jesus was just trying to explain to her it is not your time to get this thing then the woman said even the dogs have a right to scraps hey jesus was shocked because Jesus was trying to remain in the bounds of the will of God then this woman hit him with this yo psyche or I go it is done are you capturing what I'm saying because healing is the will of God it is not the promise of God healing is not connected to promise hi I'm speaking to the wrong people healing is not connected to a promise there is no promise of healing that is why God has been trying to heal people forever because it's his will he never created anybody to be sick but he revealed his will especially through the cross let me tell you the truth God does not just heal believers he heals and believers I have actually seen more unbelievers heal than believers because believers are still operating like healing is a promise instead of it being Israel is somebody capturing me I feel like I'm talking to myself maybe we should postpone this maybe we should delete it because I'm not feeling the appreciation so the second day this this dimension of faith which is tied to the will of God is what the Bible says if we pray according to his will that's when you can stand and say I am I am I am prospering I will prosper in everything I do because it is Israel I am healed I am healed you're walking around and you're declaring that it's because it's tied to his will my daughter Megan says Papa don't delete this I have to go to work and watch later I might just delete it I'm not feeling the love my daughter Tamela Mitchell the prophetesses chai we've been taught so completely wrong Papa I wasn't wrong it was just where they were there is no man of God that is ever wrong just understand they did not get the deeper depths so their truth was good truth for them and for that period that's why God is introducing you to the Prophet Lavie Elias because Elias will take you to that next stage that's the point of it this was the right time this was the promise of God that you grow in the spirit being fulfilled right now is somebody catching this now capture this so this dimension I feel like I'm talking to myself ah god is good lock or abyssea Caribe Assunta Ronda beshte uncle ABCA Sato satto libre de Guiche de listen I'm too hype I think I miss doing life too much I think I miss doing life too much now capture this I'm sorry I'm I'm responding to people because I haven't been on the phone for some time so even though the promise of God is good the will of God is good it is not the highest dimension so a lot of people you pray because you seek revelation to know the will of God right now so you know if I go where God is leading me then I will prosper I know if I touch what God wants me to touch then I will prosper if I engage with what God wants me to engage with I will prosper so this is tied to the will and the mind of God for you right now where he wants you to go but there are people who are operating in pest heal who have gone beyond these two stages they are to go through it but they have gone beyond it somebody operating in past year doesn't need to be told where to go because he is operating with whatsoever I shall tread my feet I shall possess it so somebody dealing with the will of God has to wait for God to tell him go find a job at Wells Fargo you be the manager so you are going to ask Fargo because you make it because God told you in Wells Fargo you succeed some somebody in pristine whatsoever his feet to touch he takes over I'm talking to the wrong people I don't know if somebody is capturing this but I will reveal to you what pest here really is even in depth I don't know if I can do it all today but this dimension it's no longer tied to specific instruction because this person has passed the two steps to the highest step the prophet Samuel operated in past year the Bible says and the boy Samuel grew and God backed up everything of what he said no word of Samuel ever fell to the ground notice Samuel did not need God to speak he needed to just speak so whatsoever he said happened period not because God revealed it somebody is not touching what I'm saying you may be I'm talking too much I don't feel appreciated maybe we should go offline bishop let's go offline I don't feel the love I'm feeling like I'm by myself you know I feel my spirit is charged up because my I have one weakness my weakness is I love to give this is a real weakness my weakness is I give too much information my problem is I give too much information the past year dimension functions completely different no word of Samuel ever fell to the ground no word meaning Samuel could say God says you are blessed God will bless you even though he said I would never bless that guy I will never bless that woman but because Samuel said it God has no choice but to do it but still is their highest level of faith because it's no longer bound to the will of God to the promise of God now you are operating like God Himself a pastor is the faith of God himself hi I am talking to the wrong people my daughter Maria offices don't you dare go offline preach Papa okay I will listen to you you see this is when revelation like this is being given you tie your faith with your giving big time because God is bringing you new fresh bread that you have never had that is gonna take you to another place let me explain to you something let me explain to you some capture this there are prophets and then there are prophets let me explain this there are prophets who operate with what God is saying their prophets who operate by their revelations of God and then there are prophets who operate in past year now prophets who operate in the promise of God all the will of God and those who will tell you what God is saying if God is not saying anything they have nothing to say to you that will change your life but a prophet who is operating in the office of a prophet in the dimension of the paucity of faith which is the faith of God himself they have their ability to change the course of your life by one word somebody can say your name is John and you say yes it is oh my gosh did can i prophesy and never year in your life never changes I want you to hear me very well somebody can say you live here you go this way you turn this way you turn and then you're there yes that's my address but your condition does not change because they are not operating with past year they are revealing to you what God is showing them but they cannot do beyond what God has shown them the great prophet Elijah operated in the past year dimension Samuel operated in the past year dimension I don't know if somebody is catching this the reason why the greatest spiritual mystery is this let me explain to you the difference between listening and engaging spiritually I just saw somebody's comment there let me go go down go up here I go up I think destiny Ruth OB acacia said not not trying to to give to giving please let us hear the Word of God without financial conjoint and conjoining god bless you let me explain to you that is why you don't grow spiritually let me explain to you why people don't grow spiritually you can scroll the thing it sounds good but it's a false doctrine let me tell you it's a false doctrine anybody you see Christian it is a spiritual thing this is where a lot of the church you miss it because you listen to the wrong people if you read your Bible carefully nobody ever encountered a prophet or went to the house of God or be in an activity that is spiritual where God is without carrying a sacrifice let me explain to you why this is why we have a lot of people that are tight spiritually and they don't grow spiritually because you think your growth spiritual is only centered on information no it's a spiritual activity the Lord Jesus said the words that I speak to you they're as spirit meaning when God is speaking there is a spiritual exchange that happens now what you don't know is this spiritual things can never be transferred unless there is a sacrifice do you know why you received the Holy Spirit is because Jesus was sacrificed if Jesus was not sacrificed you're not getting the Holy Spirit do you think that spiritual things don't cost you it's a lie there is no altar that functions without a sacrifice there is something called the grace dimension which the dimension that God brings you to him but he does not bring you remember God does not change so if God does not change what does that tell you spiritual things still move the same way anybody that knows me you know first of all I don't like the money stuff but if I tell you this is the time you tell yourself I know what I'm saying I have no need people trust me God these guys know but what I'm trying to explain to you is this spiritual things are always tied to a sacrifice because God responds they're the highest level of prayer we are not talking about faith now I'll just give you the highest level of prayer his time is tied to sacrifice the greatest prayer is not because you prayed with all your heart is because you sacrifice something haven't you ever asked yourself if God God is powerful there is no one greater than God there is no one mightier than God in fact there is no other God but God who started everything in the book of Genesis could not reverse what Adam and Eve did unless he sacrificed God had to give to turn the events of the of the course of everything that he created why if he can just turn it because he's God that tells you the highest and the importance of sacrifice God's desire was not for Adam and Eve to be destroyed but he could not simply just erase it and start over he had to come as a human being and give himself up for God to reap the result of what he wanted so sometimes you think that you reap the result of something because you just listen to it with all your heart ah that's not true 100% not true God look at this this is an example this is a huge example Carabas xie colobus the inker abbas a lake or a Basanta Lybrand Agusta Aluva case the anti-labor a deer a zoo vacati capture this so this is where a lot of you are deceived ok let me give you an example Jesus our Lord goes to church Jesus our Lord goes to church the Bible that Jesus sets in stood next to the offering basket and he was looking at how people are giving are you giving what I'm saying is looking is looking at is looking at how people are giving then he stops everyone he says hey this woman gave more than all of you because she gave her out of everything she as she proved her great love I don't know if somebody's catching what I'm saying why is Jesus investigating what people are giving you people don't know God you think you know God but you don't know God destiny says none of my sacrifices go back up none of my sacrifices can be attuned to any specific event of progress but not to say I don't sacrifice though I I think you need to learn about giving I love you the love of Jesus but you need to learn about giving they would tell you I'm trust me if I ever meet somebody that gives more than me I will not give them in giving that's what I do they're people who give bigger than me big time my father just shocked me because when he was here what is it last week he went to see his spiritual father and he gave him how much he gave him seventy thousand dollars I said I I gotta get to that level because I was I because trust me I do tens of thousands I do tens of thousands iNOS and not just to him to a lot of people the life of a believer is in giving that's why the Bible tells you it's greater to give them to receive the problem is when you are giving you're thinking you're giving it to people and how people are going to that is the wrong mindset and it's the doctrine of the of the devil but let's go back to what we were talking about you know for me I get passionate about these things because I know the power of it for God so loved the world he gave God attributed our salvation by his giving what makes you think that you cannot attain something by your giving Cornelia's gave and God says that the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said Cornelius your giving and your prayers have risen up as a memorial before God so I have been sent so if Cornelius never gave it just prayed God would have never showed up he's being given prophetic instruction before the guy knows anything about anything prophetic and then we have prophet people who want the prophetic but they don't give eyes Cornelius house was saved because he's giving stood as a memorial before God God said nah a God would send your servants to go to a certain place you find that guy called Peter tell him to come and help you you be ready to come and help you forensic prophecy the guys being given addresses and everything and by the time his gods are getting there God is telling Peter go with this guy go help that man why didn't the angel of God help him but the angel of the Lord came and connected him to Peter you people don't understand the power of giving I that's that's ok that's what I'm telling you destiny Ruth you need to learn about giving maybe one day I'll get them and just teach about giving yeah because I don't think people understand the power of giving ah there is nothing that turns God more on more than giving nothing now it's a lot it's a crazy doctor now your yeah you they don't understand you're right my son and the problem is this destiny Ruth number one where you give why you give who you are giving to the ground you're giving to matters a lot it determines your results big time now let's continue to where we were passed arrow is the highest level of faith because it's not tied to the promises of God it's not tied to the will of God but it is the faith of God himself hallelujah the church is not about is not about money is what is let me see that is that is what you give from your heart God will accept you the way you are prayer means a lot to me I will the law whenever I have age people don't know about giving I'm sorry Charlene you don't know about giving trust me guys just you know they thing is this let me explain to you keep keep going up let me explain something to you and I'm only addressing this because of one thing listen to me anybody who told you that it's not about giving they lied to you the spiritual realm operates with sacrifices I'm just trying to let somebody know if you look at our masses even the sangoma ask sacrifices because they know how spiritual things work but Christians lack the knowledge of spiritual understanding Jesus died for our sins to give us our vision but again salvation is not free if you are still seen are you getting what I'm saying I our Lama you understand even even people in the kingdom of darkness understand that spiritual things operate with sacrifice is just because believers think sacrifice means money and think sacrifice is what you give when you can as sacrifice means I am going out of my way doing what is uncomfortable doing something that will cost me in order to give something to attain something that's what I sacrifice is when you wake up to pray when everybody you are fasting one week you are sacrificing the luxury of eating so that you can be in prayer for one week away from everybody that's a sacrifice because you're not supposed to do that you don't need to do that but you're doing it for a spiritual purpose and when we talk about sacrifice I'll talk about living sacrifices what kind of sacrifices we have and what pleases God the most there's the only thing that the Bible says that rises up as a sweet aroma to God is a sacrifice not prayer not worship let's say guys you need to learn spiritual things and I think I would do a series on giving and listen I am one of those people that doesn't even like talking about giving let me let me let me finish this let me finish this capture this past year is the highest level of faith because it is the faith of God himself I'm gonna finish with this and then we will expand on it tomorrow okay listen to this and listen to this one pass steel literally means to believe it to be true I said again pastille literally means believing it to be true meaning this faith I'm gonna make an outrageous statement pastille literally means to believe it to be true meaning it's a lie nice I think I'm gonna say to one more time pastel is the highest level of faith and pastel literally means to believe it to be true so the highest level of faith is a lie I know everybody's confused Richie Richie my Willy I will teach about giving soon today we are talking about the highest level of faith I my daughter dizzy right god bless you I don't know if somebody's catching this high okay let me show you want me to prove to you in the Bible okay go to Genesis chapter 1 go to Genesis chapter 1 and then I will teach you that's why I have to break it into parts in MST Hussein says I'm lost Papa please recap I'm about to help you don't worry about to help you you know spiritual things require for you to forget everything you know and start over when you go to a higher dimension the elevation is different up there the highest dimension of faith is past you a pasty or means to believe it to be true if I'm telling you believe it to be true it means it's not true but I will explain to you I got give me the grace okay let me answer this yes I do know about giving but many times I don't have but I still pray to my god and ask asking for mercy and they will give to my father who is in heaven please understand my spiritual life is going some way let me tell you first of all you don't give to God God receives the effect of your giving that's why I'm telling you don't know about giving you will one day though I will teach on it be patient people don't ever act like you know when somebody is operating in a higher dimension than you if I just want now in stay quiet and let you stay there you wonder why you're still you don't have much to give see the thing is to graduate to be in a place you can do more but if you can't do more but you're still saying I know do you really know how it's called humility children of God humility means to say now capture this read verse 3 verse 3 verse 3 to 5 Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 to 5 amen and God said let there be light read loud loud loud and God said uh-huh let there be light uh-huh and God saw the light that it was good yes and God divided the right from the darkness and God called the light day and the darkness he called night and the evening and the morning were the first day okay let me ask you a question was there something the God made the Sun in the moon or anything like that so why is God counting days at night by what standard you are not catching pastille God is saying let there be night light and he saw that the light was good and he separated it from darkness meaning what God said let there be liability so document and include light out of darkness then he said light is big and he called the light day and the darkness night and this was the first day there is no Sun there is no moon there is nothing but God is telling it's day and it's night by what standard [Laughter] you catch it you're almost you're almost there you you you figure it out it is somebody catching this are you catching this God is saying let there be light and you saw the light was good but all of a sudden you hear there is something called darkness now you have to understand if light does not exist even darkness does not exist you see the problem is you think when God said let there be light is because he was trying to create something bright no because like did not exist there was nothing called light and there was nothing called darkness so light and darkness didn't even exist there was nothing Ness in the dimension of light ash maybe this you see this is why I am saying that some things are little beyond okay let me simplify it let me simply fight let me simply fight are you ready let me simplify it let me simplify okay I want you to read verse 11 Genesis chapter 1 verse 11 amen mm-hmm and God said let the earth bring forth grass mm-hmm the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit mm-hmm after his kind uh-huh whose seed is in itself mm-hmm upon the earth yes and it was so uh-huh and it was so right and keep read the next verse and the earth brought forth grass and the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed and hob yielding seed after his kind after its kind are you ready now go to Genesis chapter 2 verse 4 to 5 amen these are the generations of the heavens and of the earth my cousin Dan god bless you ha keep reading when they were created when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens uh-huh and every plant of the field before it was in the earth uh-huh and every herb of the field before it grew uh-huh for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth uh-huh and there was not a man to till the ground so when God was saying that the earth obeyed him and brought forth fruit it was a lie he didn't have it I think this teaching is too much for people I think people didn't catch it Genesis chapter 1 God is saying he called plants to come forth and seeds after its kind and God said this is good and the next verse tells you and the Lord and the Lord so that it was good and the earth brought these things forth then you read Genesis chapter 3 is telling you all by the way none of these things happened because number one there was no rain number two there was no man to till the ground so what was God seen [Music] [Laughter] let me explain to you why God is not a liar so that you understand I use the word lie so that I can make your word mind think let me let me help you understand something God cannot be called a liar because there is no one to oppose his authority there's nobody there is nobody and there is no one that can not contend with what he says if God says the sky is blue even if it is green it doesn't matter who says it's green nobody is at the level that can contend with him because he is operating beyond every human being in order for you to operate in Pascal to human beings you be a liar but god you'll be saying the truth the only reason why you don't operate in past here is because you are tied to people's opinion when you say I am a millionaire you say here's I'm a millionaire in Jesus name but in your heart you are doubting your count says no you're not your neighbor say are but you live in a one-bedroom apartment you are not but these things have the ability to control your opinion I'm done I don't know if somebody's catching what I'm saying that's good the highest level of faith has no contention it's not about anybody it's about what you see and that doesn't mean that there is no process but it's about what you see and what you are doing and what you have decided that will happen regardless of what anybody believes listen to what the Bible says he says and nothing will be impossible to them that passed there to them that believed to them that think it to be true when the Bible says nothing will be impossible to them that believe is telling you nothing will be impossible to them that operate in pristine their problem is you you content with your own thoughts you content with your own reality remember the reality of God in order for the ground to bring up the fruits he needed rain and he needed Adam to prepare the ground but to God that did not matter he was not waiting for Adam to be available and rain to be available for him to decide what the outcome will be you see you decide your outcome by who is playing with you who is agreeing with you but God does not need anybody's agreement but his decision creates who will agree with him I wish somebody could capture this God did not wait for a man eyes I feel like I'm on my own I feel like I'm on my own pass still passio is the greatest and highest dimension of faith I I feel like I use YouTube there is YouTube there I wish Facebook would share this like a billion times everybody is waiting for instructions everybody is waiting for instruction yet there is another planet come fast you another dimension called past you but this is only for mature people that understand spiritual things nobody had ever seen the blind receive sight you know that Lord Jesus is the only one that give sight to the blind after him now it became a normal miracle that's why they say nobody the only one who gives sight to the blind is the Lord Jesus they one who give sight to the blind is the Lord Jesus notice the prophets brought people to life but they prayed and asked God please Lord give their spirit back but Jesus came and said you rise up Jesus was the giver of life Jesus was doing it at his own will it was not connected to what was going on Jesus will feel compassion for somebody and heal them not because they prayed not because they believed not because they had faith but we see Peter also start to operate in past you as the Scriptures go you see also Paul operating in past year and are all the other apostles enter into the dimension of positive it was no longer about what God is thinking what God is revealing it was about what they saw fit for that situation Elijah stood and said there shall be no rain according to my word until I say it will rain God did not say there will be a drought he is the one who said there would be not drink and God was like okay so imagine for three years people are suffering because one man decided there will be no rain ash this is why this dimension is not for babies somebody is not catching what I'm saying la Korah bhashya hi youtube I you they are about to close this thing I think I'll do a part two tomorrow go go go go deep go deep go deep let's see if somebody's catching this ah is somebody capturing this yeah God said that they will be rain he said the plants will grow so rain and Adam needed to comply to the plan meaning the original plan of God was not tied Adam was coming to support what God wanted God did not need Adam Adam needed to support meaning that Adams existence was tied into the will of God that is why if you destroy the planet human beings die but if the planet is human beings are because the purpose of a human being on earth is to care for the planet so Adam was created to care for the planet not that for the planet to care for him the planet was going to serve him better as long as he serves it somebody did not catch what I just said listen to me tomorrow I'll do part two this was the introduction my name is Prophet Elias and God bless everybody those who are giving god bless you go to prophet lava dome right now and give your best offering and God bless you and I'll come back tomorrow and expand and take you deep I haven't even thought you out to operate in it I've just given you small principles to tell you what to highest dimension of faith looks like you need to lie I know this is shocking people if you say I'm a billionaire but you only see your Toyota from 2006 you don't see the Lambo you don't see the Rolls Royce you don't see those things you are still you're you because you doubt it now you sink if somebody comes and tells you are but you said you have 10 cars but you only want to have one and you say yeah in the future I will have more you just like you have not entered into now Bastille will say ah it's in my other garage in my house in Beverly Hills I somebody didn't catch what I just said listed I love you god bless you I'll come back tomorrow and teach you more god bless everybody [Applause] [Music] I saw God giving him a platform in Hollywood this one I saw him becoming very known and very famous I don't know what you do but I saw your star just boom because when I looked at him I saw him becoming as big as Kevin Hart this one what do you do in terms of the spirit when you are carrying him there was a big challenge in the realm of the Spirit it was a difficult pregnancy to carry to the point that it looked like you're going to lose him at some point yeah because I remember I am seeing it in the realms of the Spirit when you are about four months going to five months I saw you bleeding that you thought that you actually lost it yeah brother I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm hearing one saying God with us and the other one is saying Emmanuel what is that I saw him doing this throwing seeds what we want drinks it
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 4,463
Rating: 4.9056602 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes sermons, elevation church, pastor steven furtick, passion java, the potter's house of dallas, furtick steven, Jesus Christ, Love, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, Lovy Longomba, Longombas, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Myles Munroe, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, Billy Graham, The Way of Escape, Relationship Goals, garyvee
Id: lTfwRoI4-WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 43sec (4483 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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