Faith for the End Time - The Supernatural Now | Aired on February 4, 2018

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hello everyone I'm a pasta dear momma's another and my wife profit animal donado we thank you we want to take this time to thank you for being connected with our TV show for the last 15 years thank you very much for staying connected my wife and I again we thank you and we want to declare the best year of your life I declare healing in your body delivers in your mind and I declare prosperity god bless you and thank you for your faithfulness and your prayers for this TV show god bless you [Music] looks supernatural now with apostle Guillermo Maldonado I receive I thank my parents South entry he has canceled my daddy never to see the greatest Spanish effect now I've seen the fruit of their salvation I put my faith in God I have a car now that it's completely paid for that God deposited in me I was able to believe I received my work from you or he/she mega pain [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] put your hands together may your kingdom come that you will be done on earth as it is in heaven father allows to live heaven on earth in this service today father let heaven come father we live heaven on earth in this hostile environment we live heaven on earth and the Holy Spirit Jesus the Holy Spirit come to reveal the person of Jesus Christ and father thank you help us in our faith helped us in our faith helped us in our faith - and this time that we're living in that we can stand and live by faith not by silent and Jesus name Amen put your hand together [Music] would you go to three people and hug them and tell them I love you thank you take your seat guys take your seats and I'm gonna start a new series it called endtime mega faiths open the scriptures place if we all go to the scriptures and Luke chapter 21 verse 25 and time mega faith can you lift your hands and say it okay why do we need endtime mega faith what do we need a mega fate today another word for mega is great big enormous big faith so I want you to go to the scriptures and there shall be signs and the Son and the child and the moon and the stars and upon the earth distress of nations questions have you seen that before your eyes in the last three months we've seen it before but now it's more intensive the intensity and also the frequency in which you seen those signs on the moon we saw an eclipse we saw stars and moon distress of Nations with perplexity I want you to write the word perplexity the word perplexity means no way out no way out you'll see men and scientists they see all this science but they can explain them they don't have any way out they don't have no answer for that they know what is happening but they don't know why it's happening perplexities say with me the sea and the waves roaring what it's saying is that there's no way out there's things are happening signs on the heavens on the moons are happening and there's no way out and I want you to read 26 this is the point and in the middle of my preaching I will start ministering to the people men's heart failing them for fear every person that when you walk in fear and I want you to write this as a quote or something that wisdom from heaven all fear is based on the unknown meaning you don't know where to go and you don't know what to do when you don't know what to do and what to go you will have fear you got situations in your home and your finances you don't know what to do and what to go that's big that's unknown to you and when you have fear is because only unknown is beyond your reasoning is beyond everything you believe the people living in fears because is it something unknown to them what to do when am I go what I'm gonna do how can I you know live with this situation so what I'm saying is there's two things on the unknown say it unknown so every time you confront something that is unknown to you every time you said what to do what not to do fear would try to grip you fear try to get you so that's what happened so man doesn't have any answers for what is happening the signs that I've been happening on the world today so we understand then fear is the base but why fear in the believer I understand for the world they don't have God they don't have covenant with God they don't have God's protection they don't live for God they're not consecrated God but why the believer have fear why a person that believed Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior have a fear and I want to give you an answer the reason you have fear as a believer the reason is because you're not completely filled of faith I didn't say you didn't have faith I didn't say you didn't have faith because when your faith is full you full of faith there's no place for fear and why fear works that way because when Peter saw the winds and the storm the Bible says when he saw the winds he filled in other words when fear comes faith goes out one faith comes fear goes out if you're not completely filled of the faith in Jesus you will notice in those areas you will fear we understand then why is it that many people we live in in a generation the lost faith in every generation the loses faith looses the supernatural because faith is not natural faith is supernatural so what happened is the crisis we live in in now the problems signs on the heavens and the moon and Families distress in nation the or distress means stress mean there is no rest we understand that that the generation that lost its faith every generation the lots it's faith lot looses the supernatural why you saying that because in this generation now now today before your eyes this generations have lost faith ninety percent of the churches that I go to they don't believe if when you lose faith you lose the supernatural meaning there's no miracles there's no science there's no power there's no Revelation there's no faith because people are trying to produce results in the natural in the flesh faith is what produces results go go to church and check if you like seeker-friendly churches that you don't want commitment you don't want faith you're one the supernatural then you go there but if you want to change if you want to please God because faith is to please God one of the purpose of faith is to please God so because of what we live in here now God is changing the dimension of faith in the church why because the challenges and because of what is happening now you can live today like you live twenty years ago the darkness is greater and our crime the problems the mountains sicknesses diseases that I mean you have to believe you need a greater faith so God is changing that when a faith of a generation is lost they rely on the sovereignty of God what does that mean the sovereignty of God is when God initiate to do everything when he wanted what he wants it and people today 90% of the Church of Jesus Christ they waiting on God to do something in other words I come to church if God wants to heal me I'll wait on him to help me but the pastor never pray for anybody because they're waiting on the sovereignty they waiting for God to do something but the Bible says in faith I can initiate praying for you why you wait on God and something he already told you and told me to do he say go cast out demons raise the dead pray for this sick heal the people why do wait on the sovereignty of God I'm waiting in the car I'm waiting in God as an excuse you can sick and being poor because you waiting on God to do something when Jesus already paid it on the cross if this are the times where your spirit must be completely and stay of fullness and in the middle of the storm I can have peace what you're going through now you can have peace things are you going through now you can have peace you lost your business you can have peace you lost something you have peace storm is coming you have peace so that's the reason your faith must be in Jesus gonna have it a big Amen on that so I want you to write this down fear cannot be given place in the heart where there's great faith fear cannot be given place and a heart would there's a big faith so what's the reason we won't what I'm teaching now this is what I'm teaching in all situations and this is something I want you to write it down in all situations your faith must be bigger than your crisis you got sick your faith might be bigger than sickness you're getting problem in your family your faith must be bigger than that financial issue I'm teaching you to get into another dimension of faith because their times are here now where God will not ask you small things it will ask you to do big things if you here today and you're saying apostle I have fear in my heart I want you to lift your hands quickly stand if you have fear in your heart fear cripples you fear don't let you sleep fears or torments press on your faith father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ those that are are crippled by fear in Jesus name I come in every sphere of fear father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I find every of fear I find every sphere of dear I purchased ivory beautiful I commend you come dear I refused every sphere of beer in society every spirit that torments the mind of the people depression and she's just them inciting stress I come in to lift your hands on your home I command you come out come out I read it every sphere of beer beer to the unknown come out here to get sick come out beer to have an accident come out beer beer come out here to lose your family come out here to get sick get cancer cut out in Jesus [Music] [Music] and repeat after me out loud shouted remember when Jesus said to the to the store jesus said to the storm he said he sent peace still beat these feet he released feast on the storm when he rebuked the demon he said big muzzle big muscle you know what that means shut up [Music] I want you to lift your hands and tell fear shut up girl only fear sweet - your money dear sweetheart don't let fear torment you and gently father in the name of Jesus I renounce every sphere in the middle of the storm I can say I have peace shinza she is the Prince of Peace right now I tell fear [Music] I am free I have to amen man come on foot I was adopted at the age of four and a half I was put up for adoption at the age of five my mom started seeing a lot of like anger violence a lot of insecurities in me because growing up things start happened to me and my mom took me to a psychiatrist and at the age of five when they diagnosed me borderline retardation but they couldn't do anything then because I was too young so at the age of 11 I was prime medications for depression anxiety ATD ADHD and insomnia and they kept changing my medications changing the milligrams but nothing worked I was raised in church but I had no revelation to who God was at the age of 13 I started drinking so I started drinking alcohol then it was the age of 16 when I started smoking cigarettes and I started drugs so my whole life I always had some kind of drug in my body I hit rock bottom in 2014 it was on Father's Day when my husband said he was tired of the life I was choosing to live and he had enough when my husband decided to leave my son wanted to go with him but my daughter wants to live with me and it was probably three months that was just my daughter and I got heavier into drugs and just making worse decisions and then my daughter my rock bottom was she said mommy I don't want to live with you anymore I won't live with daddy and that was the last straw at first I wanted to say that I said I won't live anymore but then I said no I need to be a mother and a wife and something needs to change in my life I can't run anymore because that's what I was doing I was running she's now my mentor she was my neighbor for already a year and I always saw something different with her it was a battle for me for for this two years as she was inviting me I always said no and then finally when my daughter that was the last straw I said okay I've lost everything I'm gonna go check this Bible study out the words that she said to me and that's what drew me back and I felt loved when I went to the conference God healed my knee I felt a fire in my knee when I moved my knee I didn't look for the pain I look for the healing I was like oh my gosh there's no more pain I think you are real this stuff is real so guy had to show me that he heals that he's real he's alive and this is real and that was the faith that I needed to throw all my medications and know that he's my Savior he's my healer my deliverer that he's everything that I need in my life when I got home from that conference I threw all those things out and I haven't taken anything cents and I know I don't need anything but Jesus and I'm so grateful because I don't do drugs I quit everything I have my family back and God's been restoring my marriage and my family my children and now I have the hope I have life I have a future I used to sleep because of the depression I never could hold a job and now I have a business and now he's having me have another business I never would imagine myself with that I've always dreamed of having a life like that but because of everything that was going on with depression and everything I never was able to have it because I would sleep all day I am so grateful because Jesus is so good and he loves he loves me and I never I always said I hated him and blamed him for everything but he still kept me in the palm of his hand and protected me and none of us are perfect and he still he loves unconditional love is unfailing and he's still there he's always here with us blessings to all of the audience that is watching now what a privilege that this show gets to your house the supernatural now you can catch everything that apostle hasn't released over you he has declared faith for you for the end times and I now you have received that importation but that faith is even flowing to your house to your office to your country to your church so you can take steps of faith like never before go buy that property go open that ministry go raise the dead do what you've never done before because that's why the faith of the end times is being release over you you may be watching my friend and you say pastor I have never received Jesus as my Lord and Savior this is the moment I want you to pray this prayer with me that Jesus comes into your heart say with me heavenly for heavenly father I recognize that I'm a sinner dear Jesus forgive my sins come into my heart I confess with my mouth and I believe with my heart that you are the son of God the moment I die and I open my eyes I will be in your presence my friend if you just prayed that prayer let us know who you are we want to pray for you we want to bless you and we want to declare that this year will be the best year the mega year of your life once again thank you for tuning in and god start the year off right by preparing spiritually and learn how to discern the times we are living in for a donation of $30 or more you can receive the series the endtime signs to order call eight seven seven to eight six five five eight five international callers three zero five three eight two three one seven one for more information visit King Jesus ministry for [Applause] [Music] supernatural encounters are sweeping the nation's impacting lives with miracles deliverance and salvation our partners support medical outreaches feeding the hungry clothing the poor and caring for those in desperate need through TV radio and social media broadcasts over 1 billion people are being impacted by the supernatural power of God you see a lot of kids now receiving toys this is what I want you to see where your seat is going so thank you very much for your support these children would have no one to minister the love of God to them if it wasn't for this ministry thank you for supporting us call eight seven seven two eight six five five eight five or register online at King Jesus ministry dot o R G there is a supernatural encounter coming to a city near you February 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Channel: Apostle Guillermo Maldonado
Views: 4,846
Rating: 4.9225807 out of 5
Keywords: ana maldonado, apostle guillermo maldonado english, apostle guillermo maldonado in english, coming of christ, el rey jesus, end is near, guillermo maldonado, guillermo maldonado english, guillermo maldonado english books, guillermo maldonado english podcast, guillermo maldonado english videos, king jesus ministry, second coming of jesus, the supernatural now, youtube guillermo maldonado english, how to build faith
Id: nymGc9ZoTKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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