Pirate's cove mini golf Orlando.

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[Music] today's gonna be a good day where are we going today we're going golfing mini golfing with all the people from daddy's work why do you always take your seat your Cliff off you know how dangerous that is because if you fly out of your seat you'll go flying through the windshield and then you'll have to go to the hospital you don't care I like your shirt who's on your shirt bro good good job she was calling him Pikachu for months and Daddy had to correct her who is that what's his name so we're on our way to Orlando I think it's in Orlando um Pirates Cove mini golf they shut part uh one section down for my husband's job and all the employees for a family day so we're gonna go do that and then they're doing um at Uno Pizzeria they're having like a whole Buffet set up for the company so that's going to be pretty cool we're at Dunkin Donuts right now because it's only is it 8 43 or 9 43 9 43 I thought that clock was wrong um and we didn't eat breakfast yet and it's a long drive over there so and we'll probably get stuck in freaking I-4 traffic until we get to the express so I put some makeup on I got my little Farrah Fawcett Hair Wings going on which I've been obsessed with lately straightened my hair these are my nails this week I don't know that I got from Five Below Five Below um but the secret is is to use go on Amazon and Order nail bonding and use that instead of using glue because you get a lot longer and they look better I wasn't really a fan of these but they get the job done you're silly and then I have on this I have on this baby shirt and some jeans I finally fit in a pair of jeans I had to go buy a new pair because I threw out all of my old stuff thinking I'm never gonna be able to fit into any of this and I I finally found a pair you know the struggle ladies of finding a pair of really good jeans that actually fit and I found these I got them at Burlington for 9.99 and they're originally from Old Navy for forty dollars so that's a steal they're super comfortable they fit really well and my little Pooch is getting smaller and smaller I'm so excited to be back in the gym and back to focusing on my health and my eating needs to get a little bit better but it's the weekends man during the week I'm perfect eating so so clean doing my overnight oats for breakfast doing you know really healthy stuff for lunch and dinner a lot of protein and then the weekend comes around and it just goes out the window because the weekend is meant for good food like last night we had um what did we have for dinner what was it oh we went to Cheddar's which by the way don't ever go to the cheddar if you're in this area for some reason the Deltona area don't ever go to our Cheddar's because the service there is horrible um the food was it was all right I had a buffalo chicken wrap I usually I'm usually obsessed with buffalo chicken wraps but that one was not not up to my standards and the service was just taking forever to get art even just to get our drinks took forever and we've been there before we've had the same problem so but I think the hubby is will be back any minute with our Duncan and then we're going to head to Orlando when we get there I'm going to try to show you guys um like what we're doing what Nia's doing her first time golfing without trying to show you know the other kids because it's a family day so there's going to be a bunch of other kids and families there um but yeah I'll try to show you guys what we're doing and then we'll head over to you know we eat some yummy Pizza are you excited to eat some yummy Pizza yeah yeah so oh my God a red lipstick on my lip on my teeth um what oh [Music] we have fire what do you mean fire yeah I don't know what you're talking about I don't know what she's talking about anyway I will see you guys a bit later um maybe I'll pick the camera back up during the drive and yeah I will see you guys momentarily I did not post another video on Cassie's chaos this week just because I wasn't feeling it um because I didn't want to do all the editing and stuff my hubby got the computer like our computer set up and it's like super fast now and he says I can probably try to do um editing with cap cut on the computer now so that that should be exciting so anyway this is this video is going to go on the Vlog Channel which is meet the Gibson's um make sure you guys like share subscribe to that channel and we will see you guys momentarily [Music] what'd you expect me to say you know that I will always find a way to up everything that we ever made some people change and some people don't don't give it another shot we've had enough I think it's time to stop I up everything we ever made some people change but you know I won't Maria I wanna make everything okay now don't trust me forgive me you have to find a way [Music] I make everything okay don't trust me believe me what you expect me to do push you away when we're both feeling blue no lies can help with what you're going through something but you know it won't why do we wait for the worst everyone knows that the ending is cursed they should be sinking so just say the words some people change but you know I won't Maria I wanna make everything okay don't trust me forgive me you have to find a way [Music] make everything okay don't trust me believe me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's never been care for all the steps big jump help her daddy I'm filming her life and we get to this one house and the code doesn't work so we got to make a new code we gotta come back in an hour but my wife looks on the ground and literally they chopped up a snake so they must have been like working at the house and they saw it we got lots of snakes here I've been chopped it up and it was like all in a ball okay you didn't make it come on yeah yep we gotta go down here and wait for everybody go ahead look at all the balls do they do yeah everyone's gone go ahead let me see you do it the purple one the purple one is yours Don tattoo with your hands come on oh you know what there's a rule in in golf there's a little bit you have to move it away from them go ahead go ahead and hit it you gotta put it in the hole like this okay one more time yay yay yeah we tried invitation home is when we first or we were about to move up here that's his dad was scouts out in case they did the same thing we have some bread [Music] yep we gotta go into the next one wait for them wait for Daddy okay put it on the floor and hit it as hard as you can okay pick it up pick it up get your ball stand right in here come over here we go [Music] don't get in the bushes baby you having fun [Music] all right put it down here and hit it really hard here I'll help you we'll hit it in the water [Music] good good yay okay let somebody else have a turn come on [Music] yep somebody else's turn uh yeah that's not a good sign good luck no I got it she's got it [Music] why not have something indoors not Outdoors whoa you see that put in there don't touch them yeah come on um [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Keeping up with Cassie
Views: 14
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, Orlando, adventures, kids, fun, family, mini golf, mom life, Florida
Id: SD7nnj4_foU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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