Mini Golf Surrounded by HUGE Live Alligators!

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- I may be inside of a shark, but we're actually at Gator Golf today, so this is very misleading. So we're on I-Drive in the Orlando area, which, again, is that big tourist area where there's tons of mini golf and we've been so excited to show you that over the last few weeks. (mouse clicks) This is a really unique-looking facility. So we've never been here before, so this is a first for us. So let's see what kind of fun is in store at Gator Golf! (golf ball bounces) - [Spencer] This course is pretty wild already. Like, the first hole is gonna bring us straight inside. - Whoa! - And there's no tee box area, so that's good to note for us as well. We always like to note that. - I'm just going from here. - [Spencer] Going from there. It's a straight shot, too. - [Katie] Ooh, whoa! - [Spencer] Ooh, a little curvy. Good amount of power, though. - Kind of a straight shot. - [Spencer] Good amount of power, though, to get you close to the hole. - [Katie] We're gonna have to show you guys at the end of this hole. - Oh yeah! - The balls actually are branded, they say Gator Golf on them. I think that's so cool! - [Spencer] They have the really long putters here, too. That's what I'm using. I like that. - [Katie] Yeah, Spencer's using the tallest size. - Uh-oh. - Oh, oh, oh! - [Spencer] Wait, it's gonna ride the wall. (both laugh) Maybe I need to get used to the long putter again. - [Katie] Okay, wow, this looks like an advertisement almost, here with the little logo. - Oh, come on, yes! (Katie laughs) - Yes! (laughs) - It's a really long one for me, though. - [Katie] You got this, you got this! Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah! Whoa! - Oh, aw, nice! Starting off good. - [Katie] In between hole one and two, we have to show you this. We've got what looks like some live animals. What do we have over here? Here we have some baby gators and over here, oh, this one's pretty decent sized. Oh, he's looking at us. And then let me see if I can show you the baby gators. It looks like this front part's closed off, perhaps because of the weather. And you can see a bunch of them back there. (Spencer coos) - [Spencer] Hole number two is a little bouncy here, we have a few hills. And actually, right behind me at the water, they're actually taking one of the gators out right now and it's really cool. - Whoa! - [Spencer] It's kinda crazy to watch. It's a big boy. - [Katie] Yeah, but we don't wanna show them while they're just doing their job, you know? - Oh, oh, and-- - Whew! - Whoa, it's curved, ooh! Oh, there's a little lip right there. But that's nice. So you can hit it hard, it'll take off the edge a little bit. - [Katie] I'm in a plant. - [Spencer] (laughs) Katie is in a plant. - [Katie] Oh geez. - [Spencer] All right, I'm gonna hit it a little harder 'cause of that lip. - [Katie] Yeah, I think that's a good idea. - Oh, ooh! - Oh, oh, oh! - [Spencer] A trick shot and a half. It literally bounced back at us! - [Katie] Oh! - The outdoors, the indoors, and mostly covered so far is kinda fun, but I think we're gonna head outside in just a minute. Look at that, another solid two for Katie. I'm a little nervous. I mean, I didn't expect that popup to happen like that. There's still a decent lip. I even, like, checked the left and right side. - [Katie] Yeah, but it does look intentional, I should add. - Okay. - This is not, like, an error in the course, this is a tricky course! Oh, whoa! That had some power on it, but that worked! - It did, whew! - [Katie] There's some fish over here and I kind of have no idea where we're going next. Oh, oh my! That was kind of unexpected. And now you guys can see all out here. There's a lot of really, really unique scenery, I'll say. - [Spencer] I honestly did not even see these over here. I was, like, walking by a kid. He's like, "Those are huge!" And I was like, "Are those real?" And sure enough, they are. Those are massive! This is crazy! I told you we'd find the outside and here we are. This one looks like a doozy. Obviously, you're gonna knock it off that. Yes, right there! You can see my shadow, shadow's already so harsh. The hole's over here with, like, a big hill behind there. Not too shabby, though. - [Katie] (laughs) We've got helicopter tours on I-Drive. It's always busy on I-Drive, so this is not your place for a quiet golf game, but I think everyone kind of knows that, coming in here. Whoa, whoa, and a little bit up the hill? - Oh! - Ah, that was beautiful. Look at that. - I had to make up for that last one with the pop back, you know? - [Katie] I have a bit of a long putt here, but Spencer did that amazing long putt already once today. - [Spencer] Oh wow! Wow, queen of the twos! (laughs) Hole number four has a little tricky uphill here, if you so choose. - [Katie] I'm gonna try it. - [Spencer] You're gonna try it? Okay. And perfect! Perfect up, ooh! Really, really close and, let's see. - There it goes. - Honestly, oh wow! A hole in one! A hole in one for Katie! - Really? Wow! - [Spencer] Hole in one, look at that! Nicely done. That was perfect! - [Katie] There must be a lot of birds here. And definitely not the speaker nearby. - [Spencer] It's beautiful, beautiful bird calls! (Katie laughs) Now I'm nervous about this. - [Katie] I think you've got this. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Oh yeah, that's perfect. - [Spencer] Let's see if mine, mine has a weird amount of speed. - [Katie] Ooh! - [Spencer] Yeah, hole in one for everyone! Yes! - A double hole in one? That's so exciting! - [Spencer] The alien welcomes us to hole number five and they do have a couple tortoises here. This looks like it might be their habitat. However, I see no tortoise activity. - Well, it was a chilly morning. It's warming up now, so maybe they'll come out. - [Spencer] Oh, maybe. This one's a long and abound and around and I don't, heck yeah! Look at that, whoa! Nicely done! Oh, it actually got caught. Not quite a lip, but there's a, like, an edge right here where there's no turf and you actually got stuck. It bounced back onto the turf, luckily, though. - [Katie] I only don't like that there's nowhere to stand. And I mean this not only just for filming, but it could be hard if you have little ones. Trying to not get away. - You can stand over there. I'm sure they won't mind. - [Katie] I don't think you can stand in with the gators. (Katie laughs) - I told you I was coming right at you. - [Katie] Oh geez! You really were. But look at that, that was perfect. - Okay, I'm ready, I think. Oh, no! Big gust of wind. It is a windy morning here. - [Katie] It's really nice out today, though. - Yes! - Oh! I never like being up against the fence, but I did this to myself. Well, maybe the course did it to me. - Ooh, no! - Oh, I saw it. It really caught the edge there. - [Katie] Yeah, this one was a little bit of an unlucky hole for me, but that's okay. - [Spencer] It happens. I have to start midway down the hole here, because this is nuts. A trench down the middle, two ramps on either side, but you don't wanna take the ramp. - No. - You wanna go in the middle trench. But you wanna hit it hard enough that if, you do take the ramp, it goes over. This is one of the trickiest ones I've ever seen. Oh, straight down the middle. Are you kidding me? - [Both] Oh! - [Spencer] Oh no! Oh, that hurts so bad. Oh, I thought that was gonna be a hole in one. You were robbed, Katie - [Katie] Spencer said, "How did you line this one up?" And I was like, "Honestly, IDK." - [Spencer] It's a long one. - [Katie] Yeah, it is. It definitely feels more intimidating down there. - Oh, I went on the ramp! - Whoa, whoa, whoa! - I made it off, wait, is it-- - Wait, that worked out really well! It's coming back. - [Spencer] I'm technically closer than you are to the hole. - [Katie] You are, good job. - [Spencer] I take my job very seriously, okay? - [Katie] I don't even see a tree over here. - [Spencer] Wait, yeah, what? - [Katie] It's been windy though, today, so I guess the leaves blew in. - [Spencer] That's what it is. Whew! - Beautiful! Okay, I hate when Spencer goes first because then the pressure's on me. He thrives under pressure. I do not. I fold under pressure. - No, what! (Katie laugh) hole number seven has a giant bear, and a giant hill, and a regular Katie over there-- - And I'm hopefully gonna ignore all of that. - [Spencer] Yeah, the hole's over here, like, right in front of the bear. I'm standing on the hill right now because it doesn't matter if you take the hill. - There's no tee box. - You can just kinda go straight for the ball. She's gonna, might hit the bear. No, see, she didn't even hit the bear. And I honestly think that was way better than any kinda shot you would've taken on the hill. - [Katie] What are you gonna do over there? - [Spencer] I'm gonna try the hill. I'm gonna try it, okay? - [Katie] Okay. Okay, oh, oh, we missed the hill. - [Spencer] Well, it's still, it's still going. All right, that works. - Okay? We see this bear statue all over in our travels, don't we? - [Spencer] We do. - [Katie] He's painted a little different every time, though. - Beautiful! - I've never seen his eyes so detailed. - Oh yeah, wow. These bird calls are really distracting, I'll be honest about it. - [Katie] It reminds me of a clock that I once had that made different bird calls on the hour. - [Spencer] I knew that was not even gonna be close to going in. - I thought it was close. - All right. - You've been doing a great job with the longer putts today, ugh, beautiful! - All right, I'll take it. This next hole's gonna be incredibly hard to see on camera, but there is a plateau. Oh, you can kind of see it now. There's a plateau. No bowl around the hole, but a very large plateau. - Might be a-- - You gotta get it right up on there. - [Katie] It might be the hardest one of the day so far. - [Spencer] I do believe this is challenging. It's definitely getting more challenging going into the middle here. Okay, it's good power. - [Katie] Oh, no, no, no, no! Stay, stay, stay! - And straight over. - [Katie] I thought I was barely gonna get over that. - [Spencer] I know, that was really close. - [Katie] I thought I didn't use enough power, so I have no advice to give you. This is hard! - That was bad, that was bad. - No, it's not, it's not! (gasps) It's perfect. All you have to do is move that leaf and you'll be golden. - [Spencer] Okay, let's try it. I thought, well, it also wasn't very good aim, but I'll take it now. - No, it was great. That was perfect. Oh, look at that! Made it look easy. - Yes, yeah! - [Katie] I'm hoping for three here. I'm not gonna put that two pressure on myself. - [Spencer] Okay, you made it up on the plateau. - All right, now we take our time and we still line this up 'cause if we don't, we go down the hill again and it's a whole crisis, ala, what was that, Iron Man earlier that you played on? - [Spencer] Ant Man! - Ant Man! (laughs) Oh no! - Oh no, that one was the wind. - It was the wind! I hate saying that-- - The wind is blowing directly against you. - But it, like, just stopped immediately. Man, I should have waited for the wind. - [Spencer] As we come to the last hole of the front nine here, it honestly, it's just a giant rectangle. It looks like it is a small uphill. - There's a small uphill. - [Spencer] But it's not even, like, a true plateau, I don't think. - [Katie] I don't hate that, though, like, just to break it up. A little easy hole for number nine. I'm gonna say that and I'm not gonna do well. - [Spencer] Shadows definitely play a part here, but look at that! Come on, come on, come on. A hole in one! Another hole in one for Katie! That was a perfect lineup on the perfect hole, nicely done. Second hole in one of the day. - [Katie] Spencer, don't let the hills, or the shadow, I guess it's just one hill. Don't let the hill or the shadow mess you up. - Don't let the hill or the shadow, got it. - I have to clarify, 'cause sometimes there's a lot of hills in these courses. Oh, beautiful, beautiful! - Oh! - Oh my goodness! Double hole in ones, twice? - Again! I think that was the first time we've ever both gotten a hole in one on like, not like, an 18 or, like, a give me hole. And now this one was another true hole in one on a not give me hole. - [Katie] That's so weird, double, double! - Double double! - Oh my goodness! - Welcome to the middle of Gator golf. It's picturesque. There's, like, water filtration systems behind me, a nice big plant. But more importantly, I have our halfway update score. Katie, you have 19, which is incredible, and I have 18, just one under you. (Katie groans) Those double hole in ones were crazy, but that one four really did put you just one over me. But this back nine, I have a feeling it's gonna be tricky. Anything can happen. Let's switch up the order. Let's see what happens. - [Katie] Okay, another one where you really need to putt straight down the middle for a direct line to the hole. And there's hills on the side and a baby bear. - [Spencer] And there's a baby hill right in the middle. - Oh no, oh no! - Baby hill in the middle of the middle. - All right. - That's never good. Baby hill, baby bear, there's a lot going on here. Okay, oh, perfectly! - Baby hill right there! Oh, it curved, oh, to the baby bear. Focus that little bear energy down the middle, Katie. Don't follow these crazy shadows. - [Katie] Little bear, little hill. ♪ Little bear, little hill ♪ To the right, over the big hill! And you made it over the big hill! - Whoa! - Look at that, no way! And I do wanna point out that we are, I think you actually have the slight advantage to the hole over me. That's crazy! - [Katie] I hate when we have a serious close game. I get nervous, you guys. I really thought I had the lead, too. This is why we don't really keep score per hole. It's more fun this way. - Whoo, yes! - And now the pressure's on for Spencer. (Katie laughs) - All right, I'm ready, Katie! - [Katie] Are you sure? - No. - [Katie] Maybe you should spend time lining it up, not stretching. (laughs) Oh my gosh, this is gonna be one of those days. Very competitive, very competitive! I feel so tall. I'm up on the hill. Hopefully Spencer doesn't putt up here. - It's a weird course. - Fingers crossed we're not on the way on the hill 'cause that'll be a little bit of a crisis if so. - [Spencer] It was a weird hole. The hole's all the way over there. - [Katie] There he goes, there he goes! - [Spencer] Bounce, bounce, bounce, please! No, no! - [Katie] No, that's good, it's, oh! - Oh no. - Oh, it kind of is sunken over there near the bricks. So you had no way of getting away from that. - [Spencer] I don't know why they built this giant hill over here because it's literally impossible for you to hit it, like, to where I'm standing from where you are. - [Katie] Yeah, I guess if you come from over here, perhaps? - [Spencer] I don't think it would even help you at all, though. - [Katie] No, I don't think so. It didn't help on the last one. - [Spencer] Here she comes, here she comes! Perfect, it's gonna do the exact same thing. You might get a bounce, though, like, oh yeah. - Oh, will it stay? - Oh it will. Look at that, that was beautiful! - [Katie] Just a hair more and we would've been in the bricks, so we will definitely thank our lucky gators for that one. - Our lucky gators! (laughs) You're gonna have to forgive me. I had to pull it outta hair more than my club length, just so it'd stay flat. - [Katie] I think that's fine. I think we'll forgive you. Ooh, that was perfect. - Ooh, thank you! That was good. - [Katie] It's getting wild over here. We have a two-part hole! Finally, I wanted them to do this. So if you get it in the tire, a little hard to see under the shade. In the tire, there's one hole that's gonna put you in line with the hole or, if you go just down there, there's a secondary option. So I like that too, because if you go too hard and go over the tire, not an issue. - [Spencer] It's like an early ski ball hole that we've seen in other places. - [Katie] That's true, that's very true. - I'm really nervous. - [Katie] Don't be too nervous. This one's pretty fun, actually. Perfectly in the tire! - Made it and, let's see, it might take a second to come out it. - [Katie] It may, yeah, it has quite a journey to go down. (Spencer hums) It's at this moment, I always think, "I could have made it down the stairs," and then I didn't. - Is it, uh-- - [Katie] What's going on down there, Spencer? - [Spencer] I'll be honest, I don't know where the ball went. - (laughs) Wait, what? - [Spencer] I'm gonna be honest with you, I, is it stuck in that hole? I heard it make noise. - [Katie] All right, well, off to investigate. Okay, coming back to you here because it didn't make it in. Look at what we assumed. Okay, just go ahead and knock it in there. That's not intentional. - I have a feeling that's not supposed to happen. - No, that's fine. - So I'm just gonna pick it up and-- - Yeah, there we go. - [Spencer] That makes a much nicer noise. - [Katie] I thought for a certain we had lost it. Oh! - [Spencer] Okay, not a hole in one, but near enough. - Perfect! - [Spencer] Okay, Katie's trying to make it in the tire. We're counting in the tire as in the hole. - Yes, definitely. - [Spencer] Oh, to the left! - [Katie] That was terrible. I got stuck on the ridge here, but, I guess at least it worked. - [Spencer] It definitely made it, so now we see. Oh, okay, I actually feel like that wasn't, like, a disadvantage. - Not that much, no. - I'm gonna go and say that I like it. I like that it's actually less of a competitive nature and more of a fun thing. Like, "Oh, did you make it in the tire?" No, but you're not in a bad spot for not making it, you know? - Yeah, less stress, less pressure. - For sure, yeah, and you're still lined up for a perfect, too. - [Katie] Okay, he says I'm lined up, but that always makes me nervous. - [Spencer] Oh, look at that! And look, a nice big view of all of our little buddies here. I mean, big buddies! Holy cow, he's right here! Oh my gosh, there's another one right here too. - [Katie] Look at this! We've made it to the farm. This kind of reminds me of the Ripley's course that we played at all. All the way down here is the hole and all the way over here is Spencer. - Howdy! - Let me get safely away. - Yeah, he's down that corner. I don't even know what to do. - I'm gonna do a bad job filming this. - [Spencer] I don't know what to do here. - [Katie] I don't know what to do here either! - [Spencer] Hitting it right at you. - [Katie] Whoa! Okay, yeah, well that was kinda unexpected. It just, like, ended right here immediately. But you're not too far from the hole. - [Spencer] Look at that guy swimming, like, under the bridge. This is so crazy. So many alligators here. I guess that's why they call it Gator Golf. It's windy over there, Katie. - I keep going from, like, hot to cold, hot to cold. It's terrible. I'm gonna whack it. - [Spencer] Good luck. Oh, yours made it! Yours made it! - Did I? - [Spencer] Yours actually made it off the post. - [Katie] Oh, that doesn't look good, though. - No, especially with this missing piece of grass here. This doesn't make any sense to me at all, but-- - [Katie] I don't know how to line this up. Just like that, apparently. - Whoa! That was-- - I think that was better. I think that was better! - I can't believe that! Well, there's a waterfall that's making a little bit of a mess of things over here and the missing grass in the middle. I don't find that this is a good spot for Katie to be in. She's getting splashed. She just needs to get the ball outta there and what's gonna-- - My new shoes, my new shoes! - [Spencer] Oh, my new shoes, my new shoes. I'm standing over here and I literally just got, like, shot in the back with water. It was crazy! I was like, "What the heck is going on over here?" - Oh, this is terrible! - No, this is, yeah-- - [Katie] This shouldn't count. I mean, like, I don't wanna be a complainer, but like, you guys-- - I agree, I agree, yeah. Yeah, that was not a very fun one. - [Katie] There's a lot going on here, but a lot of good things. So you can putt all the way up into the hen house. You can put underneath the hen house or there's, like, a little ridge right here and if you don't putt, or it, like, comes back, at least it'll go over near the hole. So there's not really a bad way to do this. - [Spencer] Oh my gosh, but it's windy and there's a lip on the carpet and I'm a little nervous about it. - The lip on the carpet, I would say, is the only bad thing about this one. Okay, well-- - Oh, it hit the lip on the carpet, which totally killed the momentum on it and sent my ball all the way to this left side. Oh, just like the lip I hit in the first hole there. I went over there and stepped on it. It is just, like, a loose piece of turf at the very end there and I kind a stepped on it to try to give it a little bit of oomph. And she made it right in, of course. I'd like to think that I helped with that. Did it make it into a hole? - Oh, it did! Okay, now I have trust issues. - Wait, what? I feel like that rolled way too far for, like, making it in the hen house. - [Katie] Okay, I would've liked to be a little closer. I would've liked that. - [Spencer] Oh, it's still a miraculous two for Katie there. There's zero chance I will pull off this two. - [Katie] I think you could get it. It's flat. - Oh no! - Uh-oh, uh-oh! That's my feet. - [Spencer] It's so much power, too. - Oh my goodness. - All right. We got this guys, don't worry. - Beautiful, beautiful! - All right. - Nice! - Whew, thank you. - [Katie] We've made it to the top, the top of the mini golf mountain, and, well, they've provided a rock for me to stand behind, so I'm safe over here. - [Spencer] I'm gonna go try for this not really a log a log. - Okay, love that, yeah. - It's gonna bounce over it, I know it will. - [Katie] It's gonna be a choice. Oh, okay, okay, we hit the rock, oh! That was almost, like, really good. It got really close to the hole. - Almost really good, thank you. I am still mighty confused by the farm theme in the back nine. - [Katie] There's a lot going on here. It's just, it should be like a all Florida, all the time course. - [Spencer] You goin' for the same thing? Okay, and a little bit less power puts you in a much better spot. Look, cow behind you on a tractor. - I kinda wore my, like, farmer plaid today, so I guess it worked out. - You knew. - [Katie] I knew. - [Spencer] You knew what was about to happen. - I had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, honestly. (Spencer laughs) - [Spencer] I'm a little nervous. There's, like, a seam in the grass right here. - [Katie] Yeah, now I have some trust issues. Oh, nice, nice! - Thank you. - [Katie] Okay, I take it back. New hardest hole of the course. Hole is there. This is one of those, what I'm gonna call, like, a ski slope. So Spencer needs to shoot it under, up and over. - Under! - [Katie] Okay, you've got this. - [Spencer] This is psycho. Like, this is literally-- - [Katie] I thought it was gonna be more like ping pong, or pinball, but it looks a little more ski ball-esque. Perfect, yes! Yes? Yeah! Okay! - [Spencer] So I entirely missed the secondary blocker and just went straight for this corner. - [Katie] I still think that was great. - [Spencer] I'll accept it. Okay Katie, you are ready, you're lined up, you're getting your angle down. It made it, it hit the thing! Whoa! - And I'm in the corner. - In the very corner that, yeah, man. So we're in the family house. There's a tree inside of the family house and I don't, I'm honestly not too sure what goes on in this place. (both gasp) - [Katie] Oh no! Let me scoot over, over. - [Spencer] Oh, but you can see straight through the bottom of the hole, straight down underneath, like, all the way to the bottom floor. - [Katie] Nope, don't like that. Do not like that. Nope. - Oh, ah! - Spencer's gonna be getting my ball today. This is not happening. We had to take some liberties 'cause I couldn't, like, nobody can get in the corner. - You have to, yeah, you have to take it out of a corner. You can't play it from a corner. - It should have had a barrier here. - [Spencer] This is not the PGA tour here. - I'm still in the doorway. - Come on, come on, come on! Whoa! - From the doorway! - [Spencer] From the doorway! (imitates air horn) - [Katie] It's really hard to see the hole because there's no turf down there, but we've got three different options and they have kind of a long way down. Here's your three options. Spencer is guessing the farthest one is best, based on when he went down to set up the camera, but we don't know. We didn't test any of them. Farthest one looks a little tricky, ooh! It was just to the right there. - [Spencer] Oh man, this boardwalk, it's like boardwalk under here, it just kept rolling. - I did not like that. But anyway, Spencer's gonna keep going up here and then we'll go down, so just a little bit outta order compared to normal. Okay, so we think it's coming. - [Spencer] Oh, look, yeah, yeah, yeah. So we're going on this left, can you see the left side here? - Yeah, we can see it! I mean, you can kinda see the yellow ball. Right here, you'll be able to see it a little better. Perfect! - And is it go into this barrel? - [Katie] It goes in the barrel, out of the barrel, and there that non turf area is near the hole. - [Spencer] I feel like if there was turf, that would've been better. - [Katie] Yeah, but that wasn't terrible. - [Spencer] Katie has a theory and it's, if she can make it into the closer one in one, that'll be better than taking two to get into the one up here. And she made it, no way! She made it on her first shot-- - Where's it gonna go? - Ooh, it just popped out straight in the bottom there! - [Katie] I don't know. - [Spencer] I think that's still good. It's still in a good spot. Okay, now that we're down here, we can see this must have been where the middle hole let up, that was the farther one that I did take, and then Katie's, yours was literally just a drop down all the way, straight up and ton of power. That's why you got so much power 'cause it was literally just a straight shot down that launched it over there. Crazy! This needs work. I don't know what exactly is going on here. I'll be honest. - Yeah, perhaps they should have cut the green behind the hole, too. - [Spencer] It's just gonna roll. It's just like a loose plane of nothing here. That was three for me. That was a sign, now let me move our tripod outta the way here. - Into the rocks. (Spencer sighs) - [Spencer] Into the rocks, goodbye phone and then-- - [Katie] I think it's still recording the rocks right now. - That was four. (both groan) - It was not your fault, though. I was stuck in the rocks, so I'm going left-handed. I'm sorry everybody. - Oh, I'm nervous. Oh, come on, come on! No way, in two! In two with the lefty! I, honestly, we've said this so many times. I do think that Katie is left-handed! Two on this hole is literally insane, especially when you made it in that first one there! That was incredible, Katie! - [Katie] Okay, hole 18, and it's a nice downhill with a lot of obstacles. - A lot of obstacles, yeah, and it does take your ball at the end. - [Katie] Okay, so, oh, Spencer's right in the sun here. Goodness. - Barely. - Okay, he barely tapped it. - Barely tapped. It's gonna hit the back wall! - That's okay! - No way, no way! - Is it? - [Both] No! - [Spencer] That was probably as close as you can get on this one to a hole in one. That was nuts! Final hole, Katie, how are you feeling? - [Katie] I don't know. I had some ups and downs on this course. It's been very interesting, to say the least. Oh, okay, whoa, way more power! - Oh, you avoided, but you avoided the rock, wait! Still in a great spot to finish out this course. - [Katie] Alright, Spencer, say goodbye to the yellow ball with the cool logo. - [Spencer] Goodbye, yellow ball with the cool logo. - I have no choice. - [Katie] Another lefty shot. Two in a row? - [Katie] It doesn't usually go well for me, two in a row, though. Not enough power. - [Spencer] That's okay, it's still a good lineup! - Just stay. - Oh yeah, right? All right, tap it in, Katie. - Get outta here! Goodbye, red ball! - Bye! That wraps up 18 holes of a scary good time here at Gator Golf Adventure Park. This was a really tight race the entire game. We didn't even know how it was gonna be like, going into these last few holes. But Katie, you have a score of 40 and I have a score of 41 at the end of this, meaning that you are our big winner today by one point. - Wow! - Absolutely crazy, check out that score. That was just so crazy. This is definitely one of the wildest, no pun intended, miniature golf courses here on I-Drive in Orlando. (mouse clicks) It can use a little bit of work. We had a great time. There's some amazing elements on this course, but it just needs a little bit of work in those areas where those, you know, the green wasn't as green as it really should be or there at all. But we definitely recommend this, especially for the price point in the I-Drive area. (contemplative music)
Channel: Mini Golf Winner
Views: 1,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure golf, crazy golf, golf, mini golf, mini golfing, mini putt, mini putt golf, miniature golf, minigolf, putt putt, putt putt golf, putt-putt, winner every time, gator golf, live gators, gator golf orlando, orlando mini golf, gator mini golf, alligator mini golf, live alligators, live alligators orlando, gatorland, i drive mini golf, international drive mini golf, i drive orlando, i drive attractions, i drive golf, gator golf adventure park
Id: O-Gizpd03Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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