Chicken Macaroni Salad
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Channel: Princess Ester Landayan
Views: 1,097,833
Rating: 4.6428638 out of 5
Keywords: christmas, new year, salad, filipino, filipina, cook, dish, cuisine, yum, yummy, delicious, macaroni, macaroni salad, appetizer, dessert, vlog, vlogger, youtuber, vince kath and james, tagalog, full movie, full episode, travel, explore, manila, cebu, palawan, davao, duterte, say tioco, anne clutz, anna cay, issue, blogger, cooking show, panlasang pinoy, pinoy, pbb, tanner, finals, maymay, edward, kisses
Id: K2RlYsVa4Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2016
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