Easy Macaroni Salad Hawaiian Style RECIPE

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hello everybody welcome back to another recipe today we're gonna be making something that many of you guys have requested us to make today we're making Hawaiian style macaroni salad now - that macaroni salad is pretty similar to any old macaroni salad with a few key differences one thing for sure it's easy to make and it's delicious so what do we do first well we need some carrots carrots yes this is actually optional but I like to add some carrots for color and a little bit of nutrition because there's not much nutrition in a macaroni salad hmm so I have a whole carrot here we're not gonna be using the whole thing we're just going to be using just a little bit just a little bit yeah just a little bit in fact it's going to be so little bit you're probably going to be very surprised that's all I'm using I'm just using this tiny little piece or it is it enough definitely read it definitely peeling the carrot is up to you if you want to peel it or not you decide I just like to peel just a little bit if there's like any like dirty spots or anything but this is actually they're pretty clean carrots so I'm not gonna worry too much about it I chose a clean one for you yes you did thank you very much we're gonna dice two carrots but they're gonna do dice pretty small more like minced carrots I guess whatever the couch yeah and to be honest with you I don't think we need that I think we need even less yeah that's the thing with Hawaiian macaroni salad you don't want too many ingredients here in here you want to make sure that it's mostly macaroni plain macaroni salad is always found on plate lunches they've done Hawaiian style plate lunches you don't you always have to have macaroni salad these days if you go to the newer more modern versions of the plate lunch you get a choice of either Kunie salad or a tossed green salad but if you go to the three side of it yeah but if you go to the old-school places you won't get that choice it's usually just macaroni salad okay so just chop this up like this you know when we went to Hawaii the last time the last last time mm-hmm and we took Lawrence with us you know I was really surprised how much he enjoyed the Hawaiian macaroni salad yeah you know because not everybody liked that you know it has a lot of mayonnaise it's all macaroni this is basically starch and he loved it he really loved it yo Lawrence has expensive taste in clothes mm-hmm but I think for food it doesn't matter if it's expensive or not I think as long as it's delicious she'll like it so you can see I'm dicing it pretty fine hmm now every household has their own recipe for macaroni salad but this is the way I like to make it as very simple it's very simple if I want to add something else I I like to add celery soon be yeah I know a lot of people don't like my Hilary so I'm not gonna use celery today beauty flying colors yeah okay so I think that's good enough yep fine chop there we go so that's what we're looking for it's like a saloon yeah they will put this to the side okay I'm gonna be using this later I'm gonna be mixing this up with our macaroni I'm going to be using one more ingredient we're gonna be adding some parsley possibly once again this is super super optional uh-huh this is just me I like I like parsley in my macaroni salad how much possibly do you use I'm just using a tiny tiny bit tiny times it once again this is totally up to you just a 2pg to like to two small bunches yeah yeah just to two booty-call it's floret I don't know what you'd call it and they were gonna chop this up as well if you go to like places like rainbow drive-in you know they are a famous famous plate lunch place in Hawaii you'll find that their macaroni salad does not contain any parsley whatsoever only cat I think so but very very little I mean you can hardly see the carrots in there and and I think Zippy's is the same I mean you only see carrots in there most of you mataloni mostly macaroni that's the most important part of a Hawaiian version of a macaroni salad all right we got ourselves a pot of boiling water please be careful it's very very hot all the packages says boil in 1 liter of water per 100 grams there's 200 grams total in this package and we use a whole package but I'm not gonna use that much water because our pot is not that fake well that's me I don't follow the directions all the time I'm gonna add a little bit of salt I'm adding about a teaspoon okay and then I'm gonna just dump in the entire package of macaroni you don't pull it up do that guy next show I don't I don't I mean I've been making this for it everywhere you know I mean I don't really need to use a measuring cup or tea spoon you know for myself I really don't you know if it's not salty enough I can always add more salt to taste later rock which I am going to do anyway okay I'm going to boil this for approximately eight minutes that's what it says in the package please follow the directions on your package of macaroni at home all right it's been about eight minutes the pasta is definitely so we are gonna drain it and did you call in there did you pull okay go make sure you turn it well mm-hmm no one likes a watery macaroni salad that is the worst don't you guys agree what sunny Laurie maknae sanha okay I'm gonna dump it into the board mrs. macaroni boy do the macaroni yellow already it's looks delicious yeah okay gonna add the parsley and the carrots that's it in charge of vegetables okay hey can you can you just add half of the carrots okay yeah yeah I don't think we need all that carrots and then just the parsley okay that's good that's good no more no more yeah I thought we were gonna have more pasta but you really don't want any more than this now I'm gonna add the mayonnaise amazed yeah for this recipe if you want it to be authentic Hawaiian you cannot use Kewpie mayonnaise and then a lot of you guys like the Japanese mayonnaise but you really need to be using best foods mayonnaise it's the best no cool whip no Kewpie best foods best food is the way to go we both yesterday at the supermarket we did and not any old supermarket because in Japan they don't sell best food at every supermarket how much mayonnaise um I'll tell you when to stop okay so that's one gigantic spoon not enough food not enough not enough not enough okay you need more I haven't made this in years decades actually twos mmm dodj not more more anymore oh okay all right let's go with that and then mix it up for me yes and I'll tell you if we don't have enough oh I remember Hawaii the memory of Hawaii Oh memory of macaroni salad cutting sucked I'm watching this stir of the macaroni salad and immediately I know it's not maybe not you know no wow we're gonna buckle with the job yeah it's gonna be adding a little more oh wow Wow mix it out yeah I want mekinese super super creamy it's all about the Mayo and the pasta melting into this beautiful creamy concoction okay you see it's looking a lot more like the horn McQueen channel you see yes yes now I would like to see that's enough but it's actually not you know what guys just add as much mayonnaise as you like there on air on the side of more okay that was it yes it is now we're gonna season it with a little bit of oil and pepper I'm using this magic wand oh yes please go for a jacuz wand is anything coming out here we go man yeah you have to like you know like really okay I think that's good okay some pepper magic okay that's good okay not too much okay and then give it a mix and that's pretty much it guys this is the Hawaiian macaroni salad that you find on all the Hawaiian plate lunches and yeah if you like that you're definitely gonna like this I know Lawrence loves this macaroni salad so Lawrence this is easy to make at home even in Hong Kong even you can do it try it try it you can do it you can do it as with any kind of home cooking I always suggest that you give it a little taste test mm-hmm mm-hmm that's perfect oh really yeah nothing else is necessary all right we're just gonna dump it into a nice bowl a different Bowl this bowl is nice too but you know just for presentation you know you want your food to look nice but if you don't care about that kind of stuff don't worry about it eat it out of the bowl yeah why not why not my cousin likes to do that not Steven my cousin Akita he loves Hawaiian macaroni salad he orders the bucket of macaroni salad from zippy Z and he likes to eat eat that just like that this is the Hawaiian Meccano Ensenada all right give it a try oh right beautiful tell me if it tastes like the macaroni salad you had in Hawaii all right well here's everybody Cheers Lawrence mmm no creamy so creamy yes now I'm in Hawaii Oh hmm yeah I know I feel like I'm in Hawaii too look at us both of us and aloha shirts new in this straw hat there's some blue oceany curtain in the back we've got our Hawaiian macaroni salad all we need is some teriyaki beef fried chickens and maybe a couple of newbies mm-hmm and we're right back in Hawaii mmm now usually you wouldn't eat the salad just like this you would eat it you know with some way with some sort of main dish like I've notine and some vegetables if you really have to have the vegetables but it's really up to you and once again you can omit the parsley if you want you don't even need the carrots if you don't want you can just have the macaroni and mayonnaise and a so we really hope you guys enjoyed today's recipe let us know my thoughts write down in the comments down below if you have any suggestions on what else you'd like us to make please let us know we will be happy to oblige if it's something that we can actually make for more Hawaiian style recipes we have a whole place for that go check it out by clicking right up there we have other kind of recipes too we have Japanese recipes we have fusion recipes we have instant ramen hacks you name it we did it all if you're new subscribe until next time Mahalo and aloha [Music] you
Channel: TabiEats
Views: 149,936
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Keywords: macaroni salad, hawaiian macaroni salad, hawaiian food, local food, tabieats, easy recipes, pasta, mayonnaise, mac salad recipe, how to make, mac salad, macaroni (food), side dish, salad (type of dish), hawaiian food (cuisine), macaroni salad recipe, plate lunch side, macaroni salads, macaroni salad variations, food (tv genre), local food recipes
Id: xlBP6zaWJU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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