Pineapples were so expensive, they would rent them out.

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have you ever thought about renting a pineapple because that actually used to be a thing you could you could rent pineapples see when the pineapple first arrived in Europe in the 16th century they were so precious so expensive that only the very very wealthy could afford them by the 1700s a single pineapple would cost you about $23,000 in today's money well by the 1800s stores had got onto the pineapple craze and so they would buy them and then rent them out to the middle class mainly in England who couldn't afford to actually own a pineapple so you could rent a pineapple for one night have it at your dinner party sitting on the table but you couldn't eat it because you had to return it by the next day so somebody else could rent the pineapple for their party and this often led to the pineapples never actually being eaten at all they would just slowly rot away making money for the person who had bought the the pineapple originally and now you can buy a can of pineapple for like two bucks how times have changed
Channel: Tasting History with Max Miller
Views: 670,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xYXyz_i8cIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 56sec (56 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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