Pinch pot Pumpkins

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good morning everybody uh here's my quick little tutorial on how to make or how i make my little pinch pot pumpkins um i this is all done with paper clay i'm using laguna 866 paper clay these are the tools i think i have gathered together everything that i used i have a rolling pin that comes later i have a wooden spoon that i use for smoothing the clay some tools you'll recognize i used this one when i was putting texture on the leaves and on the stem anything that's reasonably blunt an old ballpoint pen that doesn't work would work just fine i have a pen tool a hole tool and a little block of wood that i have sanded down so that it's not so sharp and have marked the end so i remember where that not so sharp piece is you'll see how i use that later i have a six-sided star um i used that when i made the leaves a little bit bigger might be better for pumpkin but they're just for decoration so it doesn't really matter uh okay so i use a pound of clay that i start with that i made into a ball i'm not going to take the time to pinch them i just make sure that i pinch them evenly they've come up this the sides as evenly as possible and i just keep working and working i don't let it i don't let it get away on me i keep it pinched in so that it is always working its way up and once i have got it to this point which is about four inches wide and four inches tall you'll see it has now gotten fairly thin and at this point that's where the wooden spoon comes in i have gone around looked for any little cracking that's showing any kind of rough parts and i use the wooden spoon to smooth that out works really oops if you use the right side it works really really well i'll just fix those little bits that i did so it's mostly been done and it has smoothed it out so now i am going to start to pinch away and bring it in i'm going to keep it fairly thin as i bring it in and i'm just going to keep working it in and it's going to you know wrinkle and look like a sad old paper bag or something but you've got to get it completely in so just keep stretching it up as you come in and you can see you can see how it wrinkles and comes in wrinkles don't matter pumpkins aren't perfect bless their little heart so just keep going around and bringing it in [Music] and it does not matter that it's getting thin at this point because by the time you get it into the middle you don't want it all that thick anyway this is the part that becomes your stem so we're hanging it in letting it fold over there we go and keep reaching in and underneath and keeping it keeping the keeping it round there we go now at this point we now have the air trapped on the inside and that will will help so i'm just going to keep pinching that little knob together because like i said it will become the stem so i'm just kind of smoothing it out you see all these little wrinkles at the top and they're not to be worried about at all that's kind of they will kind of guide you in your pumpkin divisions so i have flattened that right out and i just kind of make sure i still have essentially a round shape smooth out any of the cracks that have wanted to develop nothing too big i've used my little wood tool and i'm doing a bit of a push just to make the base of your stem comes together and becomes a little point where it joins onto the onto the pumpkin just to give it a bit of separation from the from the pumpkin where the stem begins and the pumpkin begins there i've gone all around and i've separated it clean that up a bit smooth it out and i have used this tool doesn't matter which end just to randomly run lines up the rough it up make it look like the stem of a pumpkin see the pumpkin developing a little short squiggly lines that run over each other twist and turn you have to be fairly quick with this because as that stem starts to dry it'll be harder to manipulate it because we are going to want to kind of bend and shape it into the there been all the way around you see how that has turned out i usually just do a little swirl here on the end too i use something else to mark it a little and then bend it maybe give it a give it a bit of a twist there and at that point i sometimes even push it down into the pumpkin if you need to touch up your lines where you squeezed it no big deal so there's the stem now your your divider lines for your pumpkin that's where this little block of wood comes in and i use these cracks or or wrinkles that just happened naturally as the deciding line so it's just run that little block right from the top right down around to the bottom make another spot this is going to be a good spot here i don't do too many and they don't have to be you know don't make them the same width apart because pumpkins aren't perfect that one's narrower go over it again there's another one comes right up and matches into that four divisions so let's match up to this piece right here and i think i'll get two more one right here and one right here right up into there how are we looking all right i'm gonna push that down again there we go now i'm just to steal a little bit of clay from there i'm going to roll this fairly thin it's just a sprig and stamp it with the little stir this is paper clay so it's going to be kind of fuzzy so i have to clean up the fuzz and pin tool knife anything i am going to cut off one of those star points and i'm left with perfect little leaf and again with this tool i am going to mark in the ribs of the leaf throw some slip on it i make my slip with the same clay and a little bit of vinegar and just pick a spot to drop that on there once it's sitting in place i'm going to take this tool and i'm going to go all the way around the leaf and kind of flute the edge give it that sharp the sharp edges that you would see on a pumpkin leaf [Music] and there's the little leaf now the only other thing that i might have on there is i might roll a little tiny coil wrap it around the handle or something slide it off and there's your break it off there's the little curl now stick it on a couple of little touches of and i'll use the pin tool to place it there tuck it in [Music] and there's your pumpkin thanks for watching
Channel: Barb Bakker
Views: 365
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ceRYOsRSqhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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