Pinas Sarap: Orihinal na recipe ng Paella Valenciana, alamin!

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is a subpoena comet Andalusian say espana on Valencia 138 busy panel e tatanka tow Dylan is a settlement stamina better an awesome Donna Roman Empire say Iberian Peninsula and Valencia Antonello subpoena come a-knockin Ciudad de españa beaucoup de semana lumen acai at Simba on hyssop and matanda mr. Perron alexis yielding succeeds circus ice Island Valencia and tourists the Serrano of Sirhan's towers he said osela bindle elongate the pattern a baton on Valencia Nathan Lyon 14th century I'm valencia i na panini Bhutanese on a dare Novato it is a union a tuna one para hindi Makka pakka Valencia and manga you hang man and a cop neon he sang Baja Guinea Lennon pattern aid on the booboo hi kitten tornado Nanak Cecil being Allah Allah non Camila Mikasa yang the Quran molecule pahala gana mana Valencian Osaka Ellen Cassie sayonara Deshawn cusamano repo Makalu Matisse painted open-loop Oh Ann rice - Natoma Raheem is a subpoena a Milazzo bina kasih karna putahi a piña colada naman Espinoza bubu Moondog completos Ricardo's Nenana etutoring the Hibakusha Canon Todd edit oh no sorry sorry son cop gyein Angela attorney and pea Hindi poet informant Akasha Valencia Hindi cachaça in Nampa area an Italian guy owns a restaurant la terre decide to do salmon op in the comet and dining restaurants de cosas Valencia 60 years in existence at Sicilian semana nag Lulu toper a non-traditional Napa area ascend Koopa Piniella Newton Oconee Longman Lola Lola genin paren and Camila Phalguni Thank You Nina you are the owner of the restaurant owners are your yeah now we are going to show you okay wonderful yas'm on a secret only nom nom de la Vega NASA classy down on Tahoe in the eggy nagato Millis upon único que la and au yeung monogyna gamma t lanka Hawaii pinup a to you pineal inanimate a gal Baha'u'llah gamete Incan got oh so this is a freshly cut I mean you've got the wood and then will you let it dry for how many year that's ready to use this has been dried for a year already and you cannot use any kind of wood just the orange parts of second island cocina again a pop up and cinnamon a lunatic a meetin at Guyana in a sauna in Vista motel room Colin no - Angela gamete and plannin Kahu young Amy in the blue 10 new you can elope and I know well a xiangfu no it's not burned at all because marrow satin oil a monopod is a cannula so you can be the garment Ilana Japan I 60 years old by you i bonito sorta like a well-preserved [Music] Malala gamelon and a bow for my protecting me small pan you miss Mumbai era para Hindi shimasu olive oil now is going to put the oil it's going to solve the so on secret Oh Delilah well a Machado hallo hallo you just left the oil yeah I know work work work it's magic or the me Sosa total illumise mahira Maggie LuPone gamut and Ajo a pero what they're saying is that Caya para who you committing new ingredient if you use a different kind of wood of a yoyo use gas stove hey bunkie Bayou Lhasa it's going to be very very different so 60 years ago the orange abundant in their area so me Scylla Punahou the hell - I'm a forest marami in silicon chicken gara gara for ya gotta phone okay now tomato this is saffron and rosemary so the god abduction my Union a boy I say and gastonia I Puma lugar de todo su Lotito 70s no July 8 2018 yeah yo peen hammer a manila record number a and a Lou to Neela and three to four hours 78 by areas so if exhibition hot namaha and ito poopoo new eternal nanpa area and again that's that was a very busy day all this page full of payers and egg bias every 15 minutes [Music] what kind of friend is this Senya why did he put the rice just in the middle there are a lot of Li another places that they put woody doing across yes but they put in in one way because it's a better way to know you need more water or if the water is okay that's why he has put more water okay now then he mix it sewn up insignia you a new boy middle again and you're doing sapele get lemon pie era say Milligan and Ilana you know when big-ass fraggle very sensitive tire very meticulous Thao but delegate Musa give now you a boy tapas Masha addition malakas masuzu now young young young cannon Kai and Alana gained intelligence a megillah' enough now you you fire don't say Gilad para minuto you you can allow eros you want to taste me okay ah it's good it's good it has a smoky flavor maybe maybe from the from the wood maybe not so mama cool a major yellow in the shower so Nikita in your inhalation today Melania ma something mother bug and the one sir maybe it's not unreasonable commissar of the party empire you meant you to stab you some agree liberalism a pina colada so if you serpents are parting little kumazawa Shanna Shanna mature to study la SOTA Poznan adding very deep Aquatica in and we will make let this rest for about 105 minutes what do we do to passion and conflict on people say in Atlanta area wait a minute the long wait is over maja caboose are ready to serve now and paella Valenciana Josefina Andrea Chapin le jose de $1 millon lola firewall on plateau peloton catalina new Solana cuchara level column all the way to eat it is cuckoo haha [Music] [Music] [Music] Melissa numbers money nom nom cases have Malu then it to you haha you thought sixty years of the magnitude of parting it to number land shots rely on the fondant in deeper in 1824 you
Channel: GMA Public Affairs
Views: 497,290
Rating: 4.8178735 out of 5
Keywords: GMA, GMA News TV, GMA Public Affairs, Food, Filipino Food, Pinas Sarap, Pinas Sarap GMA News TV, Pinas Sarap October 3 2019 full episode, Pinas Sarap October 3 2019, Pinas Sarap 2019, Pinas Sarap latest episode, Kara David, Pinas Sarap Spain, Pinas Sarap Spain episode, Pinas Sarap Spain episode 3, Pinas Sarap Spain Part 3, Pinas Sarap Anniversary Special, paella recipe, how to cook paella, Paella Valenciana, Paella Valenciana recipe, Restaurante L'Alter
Id: BQXaa3O697c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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