Authentic Spanish Seafood Paella Recipe - Colab With Best Bites Forever

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Going to try this on the weekend.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/sp00bs šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 27 2018 šŸ—«︎ replies oneā€™s fighting yet over whether itā€™s authentic. Where is everyone?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/An_Taoiseach šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 25 2018 šŸ—«︎ replies
Paella the essence of Spanish cuisine you know there's nothing more rewarding than serving up a well made paella so today IĀ“m going to show you guys how to make an amazing seafood paella this paella has the perfect combination of seafood and other ingredinents to create an explosion of flavors while keeping the rice as the star of the dish as it should be ok this is a lot of fun to make and stick around because IĀ“m going to show you guys how to make the socarrat which is that layer of burnt rice in the bottom of the pan this video is made in collaboration with Alicia over at Best Bites Forever she is such an amazing chef sheĀ“s got a lot of great recipes in her channel and she is also going to be making a paella so make sure you go watch her channel check out her videos specially the paella one IĀ“m so excited to see it! your going to find a link to her channel in the description box below or iCard above the first thing IĀ“m going to do is cut up all my ingredients that way when I fire up the paella pan this is going to be easy to make IĀ“m going to finely mince 3 cloves of garlic finely dice 1/2 of an onion and dice 1/2 of a red bell pepper then IĀ“m going to grab a clean tube of squid cut it open cut it in half and then cut it into some small squares and weĀ“re also going to reserve 12 jumbo shrimp that have been peeled and deveined and 8 fresh mussels that IĀ“ve already cleaned I just took the beards off them rinsed them under cold water and scrubbed them Ok now we can start cooking our paella IĀ“m going to be using an authentic paella pan if you donĀ“t have one of these you can use a large frying pan IĀ“m going to heat it with a medium-high heat and IĀ“m going to add 1/3 cup of extra virgin Spanish olive oil once the oil getĀ“s hot weĀ“re going to season it with some sea salt and now weĀ“re going to add the cut squid after cooking the squid for about 2 minutes letĀ“s remove it from the pan IĀ“m going to transfer it into a plate now weĀ“re going to add the diced onions and the minced garlic and mix it in there and about a minute after adding our garlic and onions letĀ“s add our bell peppers about 3 minutes after adding our bell pepper IĀ“m going to add 1/2 cup of tomato puree season it generously with sea salt a dash of freshly cracked black pepper and a generous 1/2 teaspoon of smoked paprika and mix it all together about 2 minutes after adding the tomato puree letĀ“s return the squid back to the pan mix it in there and add 2 1/2 cups of fish broth now IĀ“m going to add some saffron in powder form you can find these on IĀ“m going to leave my affiliate link in the description box below and weĀ“re going to gently mix this together once the broth comes to a boil IĀ“m going to be adding 1 cup of round rice very important to use round rice when your making paella IĀ“m going to pour the rice all over and then IĀ“m going to gently mix it so itĀ“s evenly distributed five minutes after adding the rice IĀ“m going to start adding the shrimp and the fresh mussels and at this point you donĀ“t want to stir the rice anymore you can just give the pan a quick shake once in a while five minutes after adding our shrimp and our mussels weĀ“re going to lower the fire to a low-medium heat ok our broth has been simmering on low-medium heat for about 10 minutes and there is very little broth left so at this point IĀ“m going to show you guys how to make that socarrat which is that crusty burnt rice in the bottom of the pan IĀ“m going to hit it to a medium-high heat for exactly 1 minute then IĀ“m going to turn off the heat cover the paella and let it rest between 5 to 7 minutes after leaving our paella to rest between 5 to 7 minutes itĀ“s ready to go IĀ“m going to take off the cover and unveil it and see what we got in there and then IĀ“m going to garnish it with some fresh parsley and a couple wedges of lemon ok before I give this a try IĀ“m going to show you guys that socarrat I was telling you about just kinda scrape through the bottom and you get that little burnt rice right there that is the best part of a paella right there ok IĀ“m going to give this a try...Salud! itĀ“s so good I tell you all the flavors from everything went into each grain of rice including the olive oil what a fantastic flavor to this before I go IĀ“m going to try one of these mussels and let you know how these guys came out...Salud! so good this is such a fantastic paella itĀ“s a seafood paella that is my personal favorite one I hope you guys enjoyed this if you liked it please hit that like button leave me a comment below and donĀ“t forget to subscribe and also I would like to thank Alicia at Best Bites Forever for doing this collaboration with me guys remember to go check out her video on her making the paella just you know subscribe to her channel check her out she is awesome you will find a link to her channel in the description box below or iCard above until the next time...Hasta Luego!!!
Channel: Spain on a Fork
Views: 1,920,098
Rating: 4.8638606 out of 5
Keywords: authentic, spanish, seafood, paella, recipe, authentic paella, spanish paella, seafood paella, seafood paella recipe, paella recipe, authentic paella recipe, authentic seafood paella, spain, spain on a fork, best bites forever, albert bevia, yt:cc=on, paella de mariscos
Id: vNBuXsTY15E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2018
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