Pimping up Your Coffee Dyed Papers

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in this quick tutorial i want to show you how to spice up your coffee dyed papers so lately i've had a lot of fun experimenting with coffee dyeing my papers and if you would like to see how i make more like these kind of papers here just keep on watching welcome it's barbara from vienna austria [Music] whether you are a beginner or a seasoned junk journal crafter everyone dyes their papers differently and since i have had so much fun these last few days making these i thought it would only be fair to show you how i do these if this is too messy for you you can also find some of these linked below in my shop however i would like to encourage you to experiment on your own because then your papers will be really unique and it's such a fun process so let me show you the different types that i ha i have here we have a similar color scheme as you can probably see and i can already tell you there's nothing complicated about this there's no boiling things or weird dies that are hard to get no this is really super simple so the first kind are these which are watercolor and coffee splatters so obviously i haven't dyed the whole sheet and i think this just gives so much interest on the page i did try on some of these to add some fine grain salt you can see it here but i would advise well i don't know the effects are actually pretty cool i would have said use the bigger salt grains but actually looking at this again now i do think this comes out pretty cool as well so these are some of these these i'll show you how to get these like darker darker spots it's very easy here we have more of those darker spots a lot of them here some here and some here then the next type is this type so here you see these kind of spots so these all are made with the same technique and this is actually just the rougher kind of salt super cool patterns here i just love this and i really love how the paper isn't completely drenched in coffee i love when there's white peeking through and this here also gives an amazing texture it's really rough here which is not good for writing but you could still like collage or do other things on it other than writing for those kind of things i guess the digital versions are better because obviously there you will have the smooth paper okay so that's that type then we have these i think these are super fun and there's these these might be my favorites really think these are cool and these are not stencils these are actually die cuts which i think work a lot better than stencils i don't know if anyone else has done that before i haven't seen it anywhere but i love the effect so here it is with a little bit of gold and i'll show you how i do that these are really cool i think and here's again some gold and the backs actually usually look very interesting too they're obviously not as dark but they also have the patterns and i love that and lastly we have the mixture of the dyes although these dies didn't work super well but still there are fun with some different kind of splattering here you can hardly see but there is a heart there's a dragonfly and these didn't come out so well either on the sides but still it it does add interest it is kind of fun as well so let's do this to mix my coffee i usually take the cheapest instant coffee that i can find this one happens to be from a supermarket chain called penny and i'll put it in a container maybe something like this i don't have exact measurements for you but i would say in in a container like this which is i don't know how much is this maybe half a liter i don't know how much that is in ounces i'm sorry it's maybe like two cups i would say um i would put in maybe two heaped spoons of this but it's a very personal choice how dark you want your coffee mixture so that is definitely worth experimenting with and i also then put some in a spray bottle which is gonna which is what i'm gonna use today mostly but not for everything and this one i i got from ikea um like a year ago or even more so these are very inexpensive and great but of course you can get these from any like probably dollar store and if you're in the us or any other discount store household store they would have these i suggest we start out with these here with the salt these are very cool effects so let's make some more of these so i'm just gonna start off by spraying these with my coffee mixture and of course depending on if you want your papers to be stained completely you could do more and you could also of course dip it in a in a pan if you would rather do that but i i really love this effect here with spraying them and as you can see i'm not spraying everything and then i'm going to add some watercolor as well i have a tiny palette here you can use any watercolors these here are very strongly pigmented which is why i like using these here and these are okay i actually cannot read the brand right now but i will put it in the description box if you want to know these are artists great so they are very pigmented so if you don't have artist grade watercolors you just use your regular watercolors and juice just add a bit more i just use my regular watercolor cup usually i do this on my living room floor but that's kind of hard to film so i'm going to take the color i want in this case this is beautiful turquoise and then i'll just dilute it in the water and this the water is the one i'm going to be using but that also depends how dark you want your spots i don't want them too too dark and they will lighten up up a lot when they dry so that's all i do i i already had some in here so it's again it's all trial and error so put this back and then i'll just put these on you don't need a fan brush like this you can do it with any kind of brush or you can even do it with your fingers so i just put it on and now for the cool effect i just take some rough grained salt this is a very normal salt you can get at any supermarket and all you're gonna do is sprinkle some bits on your page especially where the puddles are and what happens is the salt will soak up the liquid and that's how you get those cool effects and depending on how many grains you put the effect will be different i kind of like the well i like both actually i was going to say i like the effect better when there's not so many grains when you can see the individual grains but i also actually love it when there's like a cluster so i'll do that for both of these and once these have dried you will see i'll show you how i take it off you can just wipe them off very easily and you can even reuse the grains if you want to so i'm going to set these aside to dry and then we'll do some some more and by the way this newspaper looks the way it looks because these are sheets i always use to dry my coffee stained papers in my living room i don't have a garden balcony or anything like that so i have everything laying out all over my living room floor and my flat so yeah this is what they're always on they have a beautiful sound and i think kind of it kind of helps stain the papers on the back side because they already have all these stains here and they kind of just add because they kind of just merge with the wet paper if that makes any sense so i thought let's try an envelope why not i haven't actually done any of these techniques with envelopes and maybe let's try it with the fine salt this time so i'm actually going to spray both sides because since we have two sides and it won't go through i do want to stain this side as well i'm gonna do the same thing i love adding a bit of color i wish the color would stay more but it really fades out quite a bit once it's dry and then i have some regular salt table salt so let's just add that especially to where the puddles are and we'll see what that looks like once it's dry next let's do some like these here by the way this is regular copy paper that i have here a4 size and those i did with these kind of stencils actually i want to change the direction of my paper because thinking of how they're going to be in a journal i'm going to have them folded so i want my images to be looking like this rather than like this so i wish i could tell you where i have these from but i've had them forever and i really don't remember this was still in my art journaling times many years ago so i apologize i'm gonna have this one come down like this and we'll have this one maybe more here and all you do is like with with regular stencils we're just gonna do this and then also spray some of the edges and again add some blue green and if you want to get some of these cool darker spots all you do is you take your instant coffee and you do the same thing as with the salt you just sprinkle it on don't do too much because it gets very dark very quickly so it's better to just have a few that's that's too much right there that's gonna be a huge dark spot so try to keep your hand light when you're sprinkling these on okay i'm gonna move this aside and we'll do something else i haven't actually tried this one before but let's just try it this is some super nice script here i also don't know if i can still find it if i can i will link it for you below but at this point i don't even remember where it's from so here again i have to keep in mind that i'm not just gonna do this which would be easy but i need my page to go this way so if i do it here and then i do it again here this oh actually what am i doing let's cover up the one part so we'll put it here i want the bigger font because it starts small and then goes bigger towards the bottom so i want this and because i don't want this sprayed yet because i want to have some more script there i'm just going to put another paper under it so that it stays white so let's spray through this i'm looking forward to this one i guess you can't do you can't spray too much otherwise i think the the coffee will spread everywhere and then you won't see the letters so i'm gonna have to really be careful i might have already put too much we shall see but now if i lift it it's going to have some under i can't lift it we're going to leave this and this is just going to be a a smaller piece of paper because if i lift it now obviously the effect isn't going to be there until it's dry so what you could do is let it dry and then move it over to this side and then do the whole thing again but that just seems like it's gonna take forever so i'm just gonna do this side next let me show you how to do some of these corn ones [Applause] don't you just love that sound that makes me happy so for this i take my coffee and i take it straight from my cup and this is actually the most fun but the most messy so all i do is i take my my fingers and i dip them in here and then i splatter it on but not just letting it drip down but kind of like in a swaying motion so let me see if i can show you so i'm just putting my hand and then i go like this so that you have these kind of splatters which is a really cool effect i think but yeah it can get messy and you can't get that with a brush and then let's add some of the turquoise again and if you don't want to do this with watercolors or you don't have watercolors you can also do the same thing with acrylic paints you just put some on a palette thin it down with water and then splash it onto your pages it works as well i've done that too this is going to be very funky page and maybe we try this technique on a recycled envelope as well just move that to the side this you can always cover up you could also first completely dye your envelope and then once it's completely dry you make the splatters that also looks kind of cool actually yeah that didn't that wasn't so smart because i should have first on the back side because of course i want it on the back side as well so the front side isn't going to be as nice that's okay it's all a fun experiment i just love this combination of the coffee with the turquoise is my absolute favorite at the moment all right i'm gonna take these to dry then let's do something like this this has gold and the die cuts so let's let's try that so those are done simply with using die cuts basically like stencils so for example this here is this and this i can link for you it's from from aliexpress it's a pain to use as a die cut because some of these holes are so intricate that i can never get the little pieces out it is worth the effort i guess when i do do it because it looks awesome but it's much easier to use like this and this here is not quite as nice but still pretty cool which is this one and i think i can link this one as well another thing that or another die cuts that i think really looks cool is this one here so that's this one and i can link that for you as well it's also aliexpress what else this one is a hit and miss doesn't always come out nice that is this one here the dragonfly here is also kind of like a hit and miss that's this one what i really love are these circles and these hearts which are these here so these are the circles and these are the hearts if i can i will link these for you as well they are super fun they come in a set of four actually like this so please go through your die cuts and see which ones might work some might be better than others so i definitely want to show you this one again i want to turn my paper sideways because i have to think about how it will be in the journal so maybe on this side and on the other side i also really love these round ones which are of course meant to be like frames or something but they are super fun they look like this a little more delicate and then these here are my paper flowers which come in in different sizes as well so there's there's a few of these and i also want to try then on the next page i want to try maybe something that i haven't tried yet i have a few dies where i think yeah we could try them and i always put them face down i don't know if it makes a difference but i just want the more intricate part to be on the paper so i'm gonna do this or maybe let's do a half circle here like that and i just do exactly the same thing i will just spray it don't worry about your dies getting all coffee strained because you can very simply rinse them afterwards and everything will come out also if you add watercolor obviously both are water soluble so you can get rid of it very easily so let's add some gold paint to this i have tried it both with using this metallic acrylic paint and using this deep gold fungal watercolor paint it's a number 803 i think both are nice let's just i don't know let's do it with the acrylic this time because last time we used the watercolor so i'm just gonna put a little bit here on my palette that was way too much i already cleaned my water here so this is fresh water and now i just want to really dilute this well you can do this either when the coffee is still wet or you can do it afterwards once it has completely dried and both effects will be different you will see so if it's wet the paint will spread more and if it's dry you'll see like these dots i don't know if i have enough water on here we'll just try it yeah you can't see it now on camera because it's hard to see it looks very similar to the coffee but you'll hopefully see it when it's dry so that's all i do for the gold splattering so let me move this aside let's try some that i haven't tried before so for example i think this one might be cute let's put that on a corner or maybe we could even put a frame around it it's too small i don't know if there's any point in that just trying trying different things i don't know how well a thin frame like this is gonna work might not show up too much but that's okay and then why don't we try one of these that might be fun right in the middle of my half page kind of let's use some more of this gold i must say the watercolor i find is a bit easier to apply because this this acrylic of course is a little bit thicker so i think for splatters the watercolor might work a bit better but you know whatever you have don't don't go out getting new things for this just play with what you have already let's do another envelope this time i'll finally remember to do the back first okay now which ones should we take from this we could add this one which would be like kind of a label like an ad you know for an address or something obviously i'm not going to mail this but might look cute and then maybe we take this here everything else i don't know let's just play and have fun and for this one we could add some more watercolor spots maybe once it's dry to show you that that will look different so i'm just gonna leave this one as it is for now and obviously we can do the same with book pages i think we need one fairy always need fairies then i want to try this film one i think this one is so cool let's add another circle let's try the hearts interestingly this butterfly never kind of worked out you would think it works out well because it's so solid but somehow this just doesn't want to play along oh we need the dragonfly of course okay you can try just spraying some just with a little bit like this and then you can try to saturate another one more and then you'll see what you like better i want to add some more watercolor splatters to these and i want to try this color here which kind of looks like a sepia i can't read it what it actually says but this color right here and i don't know if we'll actually see a lot of it because it's very similar to the coffee but i want to try it anyway i'm dipping my brush in the water that has some of the gold that i just rinsed off in here meaning it has a tiny bit of sparkles here as well i don't know if we're going to see those or not so this is going to be more intense than the turquoise that we used before because actually i'm going to splatter it from my brush rather than taking the much diluted watercolor from my water container oh wow this is very dark oh this might be very cool i like it i was not expecting that we'll let this dry as well so there are no limits to what you can do only in your imagination so i'll show you all of these once they are it is now quite a few hours later and it's time for the big reveal i am so curious let's start off with these book pages because i just left these here on my desk i have not touched anything okay so this you can't see very well i mean the page still looks cool but uh you can't really see yeah and you can't tell this is a fairy so these didn't turn out so great see the hearts yeah this one you can see nicely this one hardly at all these two yeah so they don't work that well on the book pages interestingly you'd have to know what that is to see it and the dragonfly oh that turned out quite cool i must say i really like how that one came out let's look at some of the other papers so these were the ones where we just splattered the coffee with our hands like this so i think that looks really cool there's no blue on this side because we didn't do that i can still drip some on now and that is our h4 paper so the coffee went through but not the watercolor interesting too so this was the one with the stenciling and you see the really dark spots are where i had put the coffee on top um that that is not even dry yet after a few hours so that came out pretty cool that needs more drying time really like that this is the envelope we did where we added the fine grain salt i just rubbed it off now with my finger really like how this turned out looks very groovy this is the back side here are the two with the rough sand or the coarse sand what am i saying salt so you can easily take these off they just rub right off really really cool pattern love this there's the other one so for example this would be a single salt grain and these are where i had a lot of them clustered together here's maybe see a little bit better so here we have the single ones and here and here and here were the clusters so this one i'm super curious about i have not picked yet wow how awesome is this i did not think this would come out this this well oh my goodness i love this i will definitely be making more of these wow ha love it this is the one with the gold splatters so let's first check out these round ones yes these are cute the big one you can hardly see but these two are awesome oh yes yes yes yes that came out really well and there you see the gold i love this beautiful so then we had this envelope yeah you can kind of see them the clocks a little bit and the label yeah not sure i would do the label again and on this one i was going to add some more splatters so i'll do that in a moment and finally we have this one i love this so these were the ones that i hadn't tried myself either yet yeah you can kind of see the square and this is kind of cool so this one again has the gold splattering so remember these are the ones we did with the acrylic paint love this one too how fun so let's add some splatters to this here i'm gonna use my turquoise or you know what i'm gonna mix it with this beautiful sepia-ish color just to show you the difference so these splatters are going to stay as small as they are here as opposed to when i added drops here they'd completely spread out because the surface was wet so that's the difference whether you put it on wet or dry surfaces now i just wanted to show you how cool they would look mixed in with other coffee dyed paper so i just very quickly put together this little signature here so these are the ones that we've just done now and this is like a regular coffee stained paper although these things here if you haven't seen that video i have another video of coffee staining with these and with these so i will link that video for you below as well so you could do exactly what i have here look how cool this looks in between other papers and of course then if you would add book pages as well or other vintage documents how cool would this look i just adore this this is so so nice i would probably tear the edges on a lot of these that's the one we just made also with the gold this is the one with the salt the fine grains i think this was that was our junk mail envelope obviously i would cover this up there's the other side [Applause] [Applause] you could obviously add some more water coloring here if you wanted more [Applause] you could also add a little more watercolor splatters maybe to some of these to make them all cohesive but you don't have to and that would be the back side so how fun is this i just love it this is future barbara just popping in before i end this video so i need your input i am super excited about a new and very different monthly series that i have planned which i hope you will be just as excited about once you hear what i have planned so i'm going to host a podcast like series in which i will have junk journal creators join me for a discussion around the topic of junk journaling this is where i need your input so please leave a comment below this video with any topics you would be interested in these could be questions like where do you get your inspiration from or how do you deal with overwhelm or maybe how has junk journaling impacted your life so i'm looking for something along those lines the questions should be related to the junk journaling craft and the questions that get the most likes down below in the comments will be the ones considered for the first podcast episode and the first prominent guests on my new show will be none other than joey defi and tina from shabby dabby duda they will also ask their viewers for input on topics on their own channels and together the three of us will then decide on which of these most requested topics we will discuss in a recorded zoom session which i'm planning on posting here on my channel within the next few weeks so keep a lookout for that so here's back to original barbara so it's your time to go and play and if you don't want to go and play you can check them out in my shop it's probably easier but of course yours would be yours and they would be unique thank you so much for watching and i hope to see you back even back here in the next one love you guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: 49dragonflies
Views: 18,279
Rating: 4.9806347 out of 5
Keywords: junk journal beginner, junk journal decorating, junk journal, art journal, junk journaling, vintage junk journals, 49dragonflies, journal inspiration, junk journal 2021, coffee dyeing paper, coffee dyed paper, coffee dye paper tutorial, easy coffee dyed paper, junk journal coffee dyed paper
Id: e7g4Rwn4ug0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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