How to - Dye your papers with lace and coffee/tea/vegetables

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hello everyone it's sunny today I'm going to show you how I make this kind of papers I die these kinds of papers with lace and something like that what it's not real lace but I'll explain that later there was there were some people who wanted to know how I do that so here it is I have this tray and I boiled some water and this time I'm going to do it with coffee and I do it later on with spinach water I do it with beetroot water and cabbage red cabbage blue cabbage how do we call that and onion I have onion too and in water but this time I'm going to do it with coffee and I use instant coffee and I just pour something in well something like that don't know how much that is not too much maybe four four cups of coffee or something like that then I pour hot boiling water on it and how dark of the water of the dark of the coffee well darker the paper won't be oh I don't have a thing to stare with mix the coffee good with the water so that's why I'm using hot water so the coffee will melt then I use all kinds of in this case plastic tablecloths I use that you see it pieces of tablecloth it's all plastic and here's a piece of plastic ladies and placemats plastic they were all white I have plastic lace use that and all kinds of different pieces I gathered in dress stores and whatever and this is a new one so I start with a new one today oh I forgot paper well the first thing I'm going to do is just lay one piece or it doesn't matter how but on the bottom of the the tray and I'll fetch some paper so a plain copy paper printer paper whatever your life I pour a bit of coffee in the tray doesn't matter how much just like that and lay one piece of one piece honey paper on that I fold it bit of coffee it's really very easy like so lay this piece well this is very open so I need some paper on that I will lay it the other side around like that and that's because well this side is a bit thicker because I fold it so I'm going to do it now the other way because everything gets so high on the side some coffee and that's all I do for now these are paper piece of lace piece of paper coffee it's too much coffee well placemat piece of paper lace another thingy piece of paper so I make a whole bunch I did use doilies too like these and you can do that and some well old curtains and another doily you could use that but these stay very wet and you have to dry it the whole bunch so you're not going to use this piece it's a very big piece and brothers coffee paper again some coffee and it's not important how much coffee you use because I'm going going to pour it out again it's very important that the paper gets wet but it doesn't have to be too wet just like that's some coffee placemat vo d you don't need much room for this like I said you kind of do can do that with spinach water onion water be thrilled water red cabbage water I forgot oh I think you can use me just have to be straight this the pepper will be very fragile my coffee is just pushed a little bit so the paper will soak now there's a lot of coffee in here and I will pour that I don't know you can't see it but I will pour some in the pan and recall that thing again and if if you have not enough coffee while you make some more this is a piece of well I don't know what it is it's not plastic but it works though I'm not playing the piece of paper exactly on top of each other because when you do you can't get them off that easy so it's just a bit paper there paper that paper there I hope you know what I mean so that piece of paper is lying here so I'm going to lay this piece of paper a bit of sight and like I said it's very fragile this is already torn oh yeah so be gently I'll be gentle I should say ordering some coffee out like that those are only grow large Jesus so one paper then I quit and it's enough just pouring a bit out push it a bit very gently because all the paper will be very wet and just this is going to be okay well this is it and I will do this for a while so the water will well that's not all we will do it somewhere else but then the water will run to here you see and then I could pour it out because it has to dry I keep it for a while I always make I have a towel here doesn't stand up now so the paper has to dry now so when it's a leaked out I'll be back yes well the water leaked out I have the water the coffee so we'll pour it a bit more and you can see the paper is soaked already well it's been a few minutes so I will do this again I have a towel now and I will let the water soak out like so you see the water the coffee well and then I throw it away I let it well leak out is it leak drip out as much as I can and then I will let it dry with the well the the heater the couple oh I don't know how you call that the stove not in the oven maybe you can do that I don't know but my oven is not big enough I only have a combi thing magnetron and often something like that so it's too big for that the paper did a bit tear here and there so here because I was bit too hasty so it came came out so I will pour this water out coffee and now I will let it dry like this and when the top is a bit dry I will get it off and iron it well I show you one the first up is dry well that takes a while I can do some wet spinach - now I have another tray an old one it's a bit rusty you see it's rusty tray this is a very long piece of well it was for the table table and I don't have that much spinach water well the battery no the court was full so the camera went off and well you did see the whole process of the whole procedure with the spinach water what it was exactly the way I did with the the coffee so I poured some water out and I like I let it dry now just like the other paper and well when the top layer is dry from the coffee and the spinach water paper then I will be back and I will show it to you I have them drying in the Sun and you already see the patterns this is the spinach and that is the coffee but they are not dry yet so I have to wait for a while so I think the paper is ready now dry and now this one can dry so and I will I won't don't still these are the two pieces that right this is coffee one and this is the their spinach you see it's it's it's dark it's almost the same it looks on camera it looks the same but this is a bit greener and I now will iron them and I have my iron well two and a half something like that you see so well I have to get my camera in the other hand [Music] pry it the other one other side I mean you see it's greenish it's not you can't see it very well you can rabbit its greenish and this one this brown I am that well this is what I'm going to do with all the papers till the next one is dry like so that was how the first to see the spinach and the coffee it looks the same on camera well and that's what I'm going to do with all the papers and then you have your your dyed papers with your lace it's not real lace but I do it with those placemats and so plastic thinks so that's it simple well I hope you are liked it and you can do it yourself now good luck with it thank you for watching bye bye you
Channel: Hanny Tromp
Views: 45,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trompke, hanny, harkema, art journaling, mixed media, paint, embellishments, ephemera, scraps, art, how to, diy, paper dye, lace, spinach, coffe, thea, beetrooth, cabbidge
Id: r_9G0WCdUEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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