pimp up your coffee dyed papers, Barbara said! 😍 TUTORIAL how to bring your papers to the next level

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pimp up your coffee dyed papers barbara said and when barbara says something you know it's time that you do it there's no other way if she says pimp up your coffee dyed paper you have to do it so because of this video from barbara that you i think have seen i came to the idea to pimp up my coffee diet papers and i thought i would like to share with you how i made these papers here so yeah i'm i was always looking for something more filigren and more detailed on my coffee diet papers and so yeah by a really really happy accident i came to this idea and in this video i would like to show you how you can create such gorgeous patterns to your coffee diet papers hi there this is louisa heinzel welcome to my channel junk journal art yeah so as you can see here these paper scraps tell you i'm working on a totally different project at the moment but um since i have seen barbara's video this thing with pimping up your coffee date paper yeah it was in my head and and i it do you know that do you know those situations when you see something and this idea is in your head and it has to come out and you have to do it and you have to share it so yeah that's why i'm here today so i want to share with you how i made these papers so this is really easy so perhaps it looks a little bit strange or difficult or that stuff but it's so easy you can't believe i can't believe it by myself so okay what we need for this is first of all a cup of coffee that we can drink in between and then we will need another cup of coffee for our papers so then we will need some papers that are already coffee dyed so i have some here from my stash um and as you can see they are really different this thing here is really light so i put this into um yeah this um i don't know the word you know this uh thing that you normally put into your oven and i put coffee in in it and then i put the paper in and i took it out really really fast so this was not very long in the coffee so that this is really really light um this one for example was much longer in my coffee thing and then i took it out and i um all dried these with air so i put them um on top of my oven in my living room and i dried them there and i have not ironed them but of course you can iron them them these are really really flat because i dried them in this whole thing here so i lay them down to this warm surface and then they get flat by their self but you can also iron them um and another thing is perhaps you have some pages that are a little bit like this one can you see this here this yeah this is not so good for this technique when you have such things here of course you can use such papers that are not really flat but it would be a little bit more abstract in the end and a little bit more yeah i don't want to say difficult but it will look not so nice when you have these things here on your papers so you can choose some papers that are relatively flat and don't have any damages or that stuff and then you take them and i would like to show you some different results today so i will take a relatively light coffee diet paper and let's take for example this one and i have this here so these are um the pet this is the pattern of my oven so on top there are these uh bricks hopefully that's the right word and these are yeah this is the shape of this bricks and it's yeah look at it it looks really really cool so um let's take perhaps another one that's a little bit lighter one or two so that you can see the difference uh between this different um yeah stadiums of intensity of of this papers as you can see i've put this here so that you can compare the lighter coffee dyed paper to the darker coffee dye paper so that you can see it directly i mean the difference and now i take my coffee and i take this little tool here and then i just go crazy here for example like this and yeah don't think about it just do it but please don't spritz to things that you don't want to spritz to okay so um for example like this and you can of course decide how much you want to do to those papers in this stadium it looks a little bit like it is um yeah how can i say that a little bit not so much coffee because when you um look at the papers that i have shown you before you see that these areas where the patterns are in are really big and here they are really yeah some kind of slim but now i will um take this thing here uh and i just see that this this is the wrong wrong one i want to choose a similar color that barbara had in her video but where is it i just have to search for it sorry okay so i have decided um that i want to use this distress spray stain this is the color tumbled glass and i decided that i want to use a similar color um that barbara used in her video because um i think the most of you have seen barbara's video before you have seen this video yeah you know what i mean and perhaps you want to compare this in the yeah in the best way it is possible so i decided to use this blue it is not yeah not this turquoise bluish thing that she used but it's the only um spray that i have so you can use any spray that you have you could also use um some watercolor and do the next steps but i will show you in a second that a spray bottle is much better what you also can prepare is um a water spray bottle so that you can spread this whole thing around a little bit more and now we just go here and i'm orientating myself here at this um coffee that i already have here and i look where the most coffee is so as you can see here are these little yeah little areas where much coffee is on the paper and i try to spritz this away with my spray bottle so of course there will be more color and more um liquid this whole thing but um this makes the area that we get later a little bit bigger so that we can later on put our patterns into those areas that we are creating here in this step hopefully that makes sense i don't know and the closer you um put the spray bottle to the paper the bigger is the chance as you can see here that you get the coffee spritzed away so when you make it like this then you have this little yeah misty thing but when you do it like this then you have the chance to mix the color with this beautiful brown of the coffee and you can um bring the coffee around a little bit and away from its place okay so and of course you can do this as intensive as you would like for example like this oh here's something missing so i want mine relatively blue in this step because i'm planning to do something with those papers but of course you can use any color so it doesn't have to be blue you can take any color that you want um and you can also now take some more coffee what's that sorry and go into here and decide if you want to have some more of of this dripping or some drops here and there that can be really interesting in the end as well but you can yeah as i said do it like you wanted and when you have this then you take your heat gun and you dry this so normally i would say take this bring it to the sun and dry it there but for me and that's also of course possible but for me that's too much time too much time and i can't wait and as you can see here you will get really really cool results in the very beginning so here the coffee is starting to dry excuse me and it gets really really cool um yeah some kind of this watercolor frames and um i want to work with this paper so i don't want to wait so i take my heat gun and dry this so this will take a time of course i will um speed up the video but i will show you the process so you will see me drawing this now without sound and in a faster way but i want you to see the different stadiums that the paper is going through now so yeah if you don't want to see that please skip the video a few seconds forward and then you can see the next steps and what you also can do so i i just have to do that even if that was not planned so um yeah you know this coffee diet coffee dyeing process and sometimes there you will get results that you haven't planned so as you can see this looks totally different than what i have shown you in the beginning so um these are really really different um and of course it belongs to the paper underneath um the amount of coffee um perhaps some other things that we don't know and when you have this here of course you can and you have um much of this coffee and color mixture here you can take this tool take some of this and spritz it somewhere here and when you spritz this to the the areas that are already dry for example like this then you will get really cool effects later and that can look really really nice and um when you see that this background here where um the paper is beginning to dry is um so that you like it then you can also take another piece of coffee dyed paper put this on top really carefully do it like this to take some of the uh liquid away and this way you will get another interesting background for another for another try or for another project and as you can see um the result will be nearly the same when you do it like that um so you have to wait not too long to um to get the result and please don't take take your hand when you have the paper here and make your hand like this because then the water underneath will go its way with your hand and it will come out here and you will destroy your pattern that you have underneath so just take your hand and press like this and that will work really well as you can see here and i think this also will look really really cool when this is dry and um yeah so let's go on with the drying okay okay so here we go look at this so i'm i'm totally happy about these results so if you look at this page like this you can see so i see some mushrooms or really strange flowers that are coming out here from um yeah from some grass or something like that so that looks really cool and as you perhaps have seen in this um speed up part of the video the other side looks like this and this gives i think so much possibilities to um work with those papers it's it's amazing so for me this is really really amazing also um yeah what happens on the back side so look at these little splatters here so that came when i spritzed um yeah with this thing here the um yeah this mixture of coffee and paint to the areas that were um already dry and then you get these really cool things here and that's i think that's so awesome okay so let's look at the other one so this is this one so let me let me just turn it like this then you can see it better so here we have some more yeah bigger areas some more of this um shading with this blue so yeah of course that's every time some kind of a surprise what you will get out of this and this is the backside also i think really interesting and the interesting thing um for me um when you compare the front and the back side is that you get some for example those dark um areas here on the front side and on the back side it's it looks totally different because it's really light and of course the front side of this paper is darker than the back side but yeah it's a totally different page even if it's the same yeah the same stuff that we put on top and and i think that's really cool okay so let me show you the last one as well that is this one um here i have to say i'm not so happy with these lines here so um perhaps it would have been better if i had put the coffee in more yeah more bigger areas so for this technique um that i want to show you today this is not the the optimum of pattern that you can get but you can do this technique with such a pattern as well as you would see in a second and the next thing that i want to do is um i want to iron these papers because now they are really really wavy um and for this step i want to use this thing here of course you can of course you can also use um yeah a normal iron but i like to use this so that's normally meant to flatten your hair and um for me in this tiny area here in my caravan it's easier to have this thing here on my desk than having this big iron thing and it works as you can see so um yeah i try to get this paper really really flat and i tried to get no um of this folds in there that i have shown you in the beginning so um yeah that i have an easier job with the next step okay so when we have this we can take out some stencils and some distress ink so i have made the experience that this dress ink will work um the best for this project and that it will look yeah the most beautiful in the end so um i have all my distress oxides here uh so all that i have in my stash so let's see what we can do so um i make it like this so that you can see the colors and that you can see which one i will pick for each um piece here and now let's decide with which paper we want to start so um i think we will first take this one that in my eyes looks not not so nice but let's see what we can do so um i take um yeah this tool here to bring the ink to my um paper here and i think it's better to take only one one page here so that we can press to the table really really well and um yeah if you want to make a piece of art out of this then you can of course choose um some of your stamp sets that would fit what you can see in this page here um but of course you can do it also really really randomly and and and intuitively um so yeah let's try something so i take this stencil here and i will put it here and first of all i have to decide on which color i want to use so um [Music] i think it would look great if we want if we will use a similar color um like this coffee here so i will use the vintage photo first and when i put my stencil now here i can see through the stencil where the frame of this um yeah of this splash is and i will try to get my ink only in those areas where the color and the coffee is so that this illusion comes to our mind that um the pattern is only there where the coffee is and in the color um paint you know what i mean just search for a smaller brush here because in this areas of course there um the pattern is really thin and i have to make sure that i get my ink only in those areas where the pattern is so whether you know what i mean so with a bigger brush that would not be possible and i promise you when you um have this on your desk you can see uh where the frame is even if you can't see it here such clearly in my camera frame but you can lift it up and look at it and you can also see um the intensity of the color um and decide if you want want it darker or if you want to mix in another color or that stuff so yeah in the camera frame it looks really weird because you can only see um the stencil but in reality you can see the frame of this pattern here so now i go over this areas here and i also try to get this little round splashes here like this okay so then i lift it up and i will show you this in detail and yeah you can see now it looks like this pattern was there from the very beginning so for my opinion it looks like this was here forever and it um of course this vintage photo is really near to the color of the coffee and that makes this illusion that this is made with coffee as well and yeah so i think that's really cool so here you can see i made a little mistake but i think that's okay perhaps i should have done this with a much more thinner brush here but i think that's that's totally okay so of course we can also um say okay this brown things here are great but in this area for example i want to use some bluish things so let's take this one here and try that and i think i would like to use the same um pattern of the stencil because yeah i don't want to mix too much um patterns here on one piece but of course you can do that as you want it let's see what comes out here where is my ink oh okay so it's coming it's really light on the stencil itself but it's coming okay so i have some more here and i think this looks really really cool in combination with the brown so it looks like it's yeah some kind of inverted here um in comparis comparison to this one i love this i love this okay so um yeah what shall we do with this area so this is really confusing to me so i think i would like to try um to bring some of the vintage photo in this area and some of this really yeah extreme turquoise thing to this areas and i will try to blend it out to the yeah to the you know to the frame let's try that this is really small for this plan but let's try it so this dress upside vintage photo first and i try to press harder in the middle of the stencil and not so hard um to the outside to get perhaps a blending effect to the outside i don't know if that will work but it's really light until now okay let's take some more ink and the problem is you can't see it such clear what you are doing here because the coffee is underneath and everything or nearly everything is in this brown there underneath that's a little bit yeah a problem to see what you are doing but yeah i think that's okay so let's use this one as promised and here i think i will go a little bit outside of this blue paint that i have on the paper because yeah i want to show you the different possibilities that you have with this technique and i also want to break this pattern a little bit because as i said i'm not a friend of this result and i don't like it so much but yeah let's see perhaps that can work we put just put something here and blend it out to the outside a little bit yeah i think that's what i wanted to have so now um this really strange looking frame of the blue paint is a little bit broken with this uh with these things here with this patterns and when you look closer you can see that also the distress oxides mix with each other when you put them on top of each other and i think that looks really really great what do you think barbara is this is this um pimped enough what do you think is this okay so um of course you could do all of those little splatters here with some patterns as well and um if you think this is too low light and you can't see it or the contrast is not enough for your eyes then you of course can put the stencil back here and go over this um with more ink or with a darker ink for example that gives you more contrast but i like this yeah this fading effect and you could also of course now take this and turn this around and do the thing the same thing on the back side as well but yeah since i don't like this pattern so much i want i want to show you another one okay so let's let's for example take this one here and um yeah for my i don't know if i want to use it in this direction or in this direction but of course i want to put this into a journal later and then i will fold it like this and so i think [Music] we will go um with this stencil here and we will do it in this direction i think that would be the best way okay so um i think for this one i would like to use the vintage photo again because that gives the most contrast for this so let's see whoopsie that's not bad i think that's not bad but now i think i want to blend in another color here let's try bundled sage of course you could also take some washi tape and use that to hold your um stencil in place while you are doing this but i like to do it this way so that i can lift it up and that i can see what is happening here so now i can see that this area um is much too yeah in german we say tone and tone i don't know how that's called in english but it's yeah too much matchy and the contrast is not really visible so i will try to go over this thing here with another color only in this area so this is forest moss yeah okay so that's much better so i will show you in a second i will just go here with this color and perhaps little spot here so now this looks like this and yeah i think also those areas where you put the pattern in between of those um shapes here it looks really really cool looks really really really cool and i'm just thinking about something that i have not tried out yet but what will happen if we if we put some water here only some drops of water i'm back in a second okay so maybe i will destroy it but let's try that i don't know oh my goodness i think that will look cool in the end so let's try so i will try to take only a little bit of water in here and then do it like the hair do it like this so that it spritzes around a little bit more so that i get also some tinier splashes here and there okay so that was not a tiny but look at this oh my goodness what is happening here that's oh my goodness i don't know i don't know what i'm doing here but i think that will be a really great result in the end okay so let's leave this let's leave this like it is and let's see what we can do on the other side so perhaps we can choose another pattern so when i um would fold my page here later for my journal then i have this on the one page of my signature and this one here on the other page so i can use another pattern here without destroying this one i think so uh yeah hopefully you see it the same um so what also works really really well is this pattern here so i tried that out but is that enough yeah i think that's enough in the height of um yeah to get this illusion of this thing here and um perhaps we can try some yellow now i i don't know what will happen but i think turquoise and yellow works really well together and this fossilized ember distress oxide color is really really nice i used it for some other projects and i'm really happy with it so oops so let's try it so this stencil is a little bit tricky because it has so much big spaces in between but yeah if you do it carefully it will work as you can see i have some problems not touching the wet areas there with my hand looks a little bit strange perhaps okay so that's really light here you can't see anything okay so yeah that's too light that's much too light but that's also yeah something that you can learn while you are doing this and if you have this problem then just take a darker color so we have learned that the vintage photo here worked really well so i'm just um trying this taking this here yeah and even if i can't find the position that it had before or so i think something like this that's not the problem because this um darker color will now go over this and you will um yeah you will see in a second what i mean that it's not the problem when you lose the position of your stencil and i can tell you this paper smells so good especially when you start drying it with your heat gun it's so delicious okay so here we go here we have this and i think yeah so this is really filly grain and this is really no it's not filly grain it's this pattern is not such filigren as this one but it's some kind of in the background and i really really like that so you could also um take a pen later and write here your notes and that stuff when um this page is uh bound into your journal and i think that's so great that's so great but i just want to try oh my goodness sorry i'm so thrilled so this is totally unplanned but let's try that here as well i want to see what happens with this yellow oxide ink below the vintage photo oh my goodness and i think can you see that no you can't see that it's it's really shiny but here the yellow comes out it is visible now and what will happen here oh my goodness oh my goodness okay so i will just take my heat gun and try to dry this and then i will show oh my goodness i will show you the result okay now please look at this i can't believe that sorry but i can't believe that i oh my goodness barbara i have to thank you so much to give me the idea to to try this out with my coffee diet paper so even if this is a totally different um technique than you did but you brought me the motivation to do this and that's so awesome look at this that that yeah that looks like you can look through the paper and here is some kind of tiny landscape or that stuff oh my goodness okay so i i'm really curious what happens when i yeah okay so that looks also really cool okay okay okay okay so i'm really happy with this so shall we perhaps do that here as well to bring a little bit more pimping here okay so she said barbara said pimp it up so let's do it what can we lose we can lose nothing so let's spritz here and i don't know how that will react on this blue paint but we will spritz you know where do i want that don't think about it do it is that too much i'm a little bit afraid oh my goodness that was too much but you can easily take this here with such a tool that's really cool because yeah you can take it you can also use a paper towel but you can just take it with this thing as well okay so perhaps a little bit here and here and then we will let this dry and i will show you in the end of the video how how that turned out hopefully i will not forget that okay so let's put that there and okay so i think i would like to try out this one here um that looks a little bit like this mushroomy thing and i want to use it in this direction even if i know that i will not use that um in that direction in my journal later but i have to try that out so let's first perhaps try to imitate some of this grass that we can see here uh probably we can see it so i think i want to try to mix this both stencils here and now i'm trying to yeah really go with the patterns that i have here underneath so here's the stamp of this mushroomy flower thing so i try to get one of these things here uh that is in the stencil pattern to to yeah to have it here hopefully that makes sense perhaps we can go over here and take this one and the third one we we do separately so i take distress oxide vintage photo again because i think that would look the best and of course we will get the negative of this stamp now so i mean the pattern is yeah in that way that you get the negative of the leaves do you know what i mean i think perhaps a stencil that gives the the other way round image would be better but let's see okay so that's nearly invisible that's nearly invisible okay so what can we do now i think i have a problem now oh my goodness i think i have destroyed it that's not what i wanted to see here so i have to [Music] use something that gives me more contrast here let's try the forest moss again perhaps that can work as you can see as you can see this is not what i wanted to have here okay so okay okay okay okay um okay so one thing that we could try would be to spritz water to the um stencil first turn it around and then put it here and hope that um yeah the pattern of the stencil will go into the paper so you know water and this thing here will react but i don't know how how that will came come out so i don't know if i wanted to do that so that's what i want to say and we will have the same problem with this thing here but i think we can also let me just check if i have a better one for this idea that i just have in my mind yes let's try this one so here you can see with this one you will get the leaves itself when you uh use this stencil here it's yeah the negative of this and i think i think we will try to um okay so i have something in mind but for this plan i need more oxide ink on my thing here first so let me just try to use um this thing here on the other way on the other side so nothing can happen here it can not be more destroyed than it is now so i will just try to see what will happen if i use this here because i just need some oxide on my paper in some areas for for my plan to rescue this piece yeah so it's nearly invisible but these are all the um oxide inks that i have here so uh i can't do anything better here so let's let's just put something here and here and then we will solve this problem even if you can't see anything here because now when this happens just take some white gesso just please believe me just take some white gesso and then decide how you want to have this i think we will go like this with this little thing and i'm just bringing this here directly to my spatula and then i'm trying to get this here in the area i yeah you will see that in a second so i will not go over the whole stencil with this of course not that would be strange like this if you lift it up it looks like this really unspectacular until now but when this will dry the oxide ink will react a little bit with the white gesso and that would look really really cool i'm sure because i tried that out that will look really cool even if this is not what i wanted here but yeah um okay so um you have to live with those things when you are a junk journaler so we can try to get a similar thing here perhaps but do we want to use the same thing here or do we want to try out perhaps this one i think i would like to mix this so let me just bring this out of the way and it's also not a bad idea when you have some left over of this oxide inks on your stencil so i'm just using it as it is here because now i can press the oxide from the stencil through this thing and i can get some [Music] really interesting results when the oxide is mixing up with the white gesso okay so that's strange what am i doing here perhaps like this come off oops okay so that looks strange that looks really strange and i'm not sure if i like that but let's leave that for a moment and let's perhaps hmm i think we need something here on the bottom because that looks not like like grass all that stuff so let's try some artsy things and just smear this around a little bit for example like this and also here could be like this and i think i would like to leave this thing here as it is yeah and perhaps um later on i will not use this as a journaling page that can that can happen and then i can also use um those areas here that look um nice by their self this is not something that i like to gather so do you know what i mean but yeah perhaps if you have it like this the whole thing looks totally different and if you use only parts of this then it can be nice for a collage or that stuff so uh yeah don't panic just dry this okay so when it's dry it looks like this and you can see here that there's oxide ink reacted with the white gesso and i think that's a really cool effect i really like that and um sometimes um you can see really hard frames so i don't know if you can see that here around the gesso because the water in the gesso reacts with the color underneath and with with the coffee underneath um that's some similar effect like like we had it here when we spread more water to this paper and yeah i think that's really cool and also sometimes the back here the back side of this looks really cool so uh yeah i don't know what you think about this but just look at it isn't that cool i think the backside is is more artsy than the front side but sometimes yeah you get things like this i'm just thinking about if i shall do some more white gesso to the front side only to get these things to the back side don't know i don't know but what we can try is to um so you see the stadium now please remember perhaps in a second it will look a little bit different because i now want to try to spritz some coffee here and see what will happen with the pattern i don't know but yeah it's experimenting and i think this white looks really elegant but i want to try what will happen when i do it like this so please excuse and i'm just wondering what will happen when we would use um structure paste for this to get a little bit more um yeah texture don't know so let's dry this and see what will happen here okay so i think now i like it so even if it's not totally dry can you see that that's awesome that's really really awesome we have much more contrast here it looks yeah even if we can't see something from our mushrooms anymore that we have seen in the beginning but i think that looks really really cool and now i want to see the back side yeah okay so here i think this pattern went a little bit crazy so it's not such clear anymore as it was before but yeah you can see it's still there but yeah as you can see it's not it's not so clear anymore i think because of more water i mean more coffee and um then it it spreads out a little bit and it's a little bit blurry but i think it's okay and i think i like this front side okay so but what will happen what will happen if we okay so we have one paper left so here we took the darker side put the gesso on top and on oh my goodness and on the lighter side no it's i think it's the same yeah it's the same but we got a darker pattern to the back side um okay so what will happen if we put some white gesso to this thing here and i would use the same stencil that i have used before just to compare the both results because i want to know if this thing will work a second time and that was um the thing that i wanted uh to tell you in the beginning so i wanted to make that clear when i said um i don't like long drying times then um times to wait for something to dry then i especially meant this thing that i now can see what i did a second before and i can change some parameters in my trying here and i can see the other result in the next second do you know what i mean i do you know what i want to say when i have to wait until tomorrow until this is dry then i think i have no chance when i do several papers at the time i have no chance to remember what i exactly did and i would have to write it down to remember what i did here and i don't want that and here i can see and i can remember because it is not so a long time ago since i did that okay so let's take that off and i think i think on this background that looks really cool i think i like that okay so but that's not the plan let's just dry that and see what will happen on the backside i guess i guess we would get the better results of the backside so i mean this is gorgeous i really love that that's really really cool but i think to get this effect on the back side we have to let this air dry so as you can see in this area's here so that that looks like like a little dragonfly here barbara look at this i think if you count them they would be a total of 49 dragonflies i'm sure okay so um i think in this areas where the color was and the coffee that is really really clear and really visible and you can see that on the first glance but here it's not totally dry until now and it's not so clear it it looks some kind of strange but i think this will look better and much more clear and and with more detailed uh frames around when you would let that air dry so i will do the following thing i will just um put another layer of gesso here with the same stencil and then i will let that air dry and i will show you the result on my instagram account so uh if on my instagram feed how do you say that in english um so if you want to see how that turned out please visit my instagram everything is listed down below in the description box so i will upload this video as fast as possible because i wanted to give an answer to barbara's video that she published in the morning of this day i think hopefully that's right and hopefully i get this edited really fast but it can take a time until you will see this because of course when i upload the video very soon then it can be that this is not dry so um it can take a time that you will see it but you will see it you can follow me on instagram and then you will see the result as soon as possible okay so let's oh my goodness yeah okay so here we have uh here we have the problem when you don't clean the stencil so that was my fault i had i haven't cleaned it in between so that this paper came off but yeah we can make some grungy collage out of that okay so uh yeah you will see the back side of this when this is has air dried um hopefully you like this little tutorial and hopefully you will make some results like this by your own and barbara i hope you will try out this technique by yourself and we will see some of your results on your channel in the next few days or month or whenever i want to see that so please do it and yeah so yes um just for you to see the result of this other one that we spritz the water and i think um i'm not so happy with this result i think i like this one here much better but i have to say that this is not totally dry until now so perhaps that will change a little bit and yeah so i hope you like this little thing here i hope we will see the next time i wish you all the best stay creative bye bye you
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Keywords: coffee dyed paper, how to coffee dye paper, coffee stained paper, how to make coffee stained paper, junk journal paper, handmade paper with coffee, coffee art, coffee dying with stencil, tutorial coffee dying, distress Oxide Tim Holtz techniques, stencil techniques
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 43sec (3643 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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