Lazy Girl Hack~Coffee Dyed Paper

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hi everyone it's michelle from country morning creations i have been asked to do a tutorial on how i get my coffee dyed paper to have this marbled effect it's very consistent throughout my some pages actually have the darkness on the edge already part of that um so i have put together and some of my papers actually come out with some really glorious marbling when i do it this way um what you need to do start out with your liquid it this can be coffee this can be tea it could be avocado whatever you're going to do if you would like to see how i make mine acid neutral i will link that below so take a look down below in the description box there will be a link there for my coffee dyed paper recipe how to make your stuff acid neutral you also need some paper now my paper of choice is the hammer mill premium color copy it is um i'm not sure that it says on here but it is acid neutral it it this is the 28 pound that's the one that i like so i buy this in a really big batch but it is gen let's see what is it acid free there we go so this is acid free as well and apart big part some people really want their pages to be acid free there's a lot of people who feel like it really doesn't matter um so whatever works for you i try to make everything acid free because i feel like it will last a lot longer and i have heard of people writing on regular coffee dyed paper that the ink disappears over time and if you use pencil it will disappear over time all right now i prefer to glob up i have one time i didn't glove up and i felt like i was absorbing the coffee through my skin and by the time i was done i was really hyper that may have just been something in my own brain and i was just super stoked about making coffee dyed paper but anyway i prefer to glove up what you need is your pan of this your paper and then i also have a pan that has the um this is a cookie sheet on it and the first thing we're going to do is simply take our paper we're going to i dip it one at a time some people do it differently that's how i do it i am just going to dip each piece of paper in the coffee and i take it and i let it drain off a little bit what we're going to do for the first step this actually can take up to three days to do if you live in a particularly humid area now if you don't live in a particularly human area like i do i usually can get this done in about 24 hours but what we want to do is actually and this is part of my i'm struggling here for a minute is trying to get this paper to all line up so we want each piece of paper lined up perfectly on top of the next piece and i am on the struggle bus right now trying to get these to line up all right well they're not going to be perfect and that's probably okay that they're not perfect but we want to get them lined up to the best of your ability to line them up one right on top of the other and i find that by sliding it just a little bit that makes a big difference so all we're going to do now is stack all of this up in one big stack and i will explain to you what we're going to do with that now don't panic i know some of you guys are going to panic and say but wait isn't it all going to melt together i thought that too and actually i do have to tell you i learned this technique from emily over at raven relics and i will link her below as well i asked her because i loved how her coffee dyed paper turned out so i had asked her what she did does and this is her technique so this is not original with me and i'm not even sure that she came up with this technique but it works beautifully and so for now now we are just going to die dip and stack paper [Music] do [Music] at this point i now have my tray with a pretty big stack this is probably over a hundred sheets of paper i am just going to leave this here like this for about an hour to let it drain i do like to take a piece of regular white paper and i just put that lightly on top this actually helps prevent the oxygen from oxidizing the coffee and making it too dark so this is part of my trick to keeping my paper that really really beautiful light color and having it not be you know too dark if you like it darker this is not going to be a method that you will want to use i have taken it at this point put it on a cookie sheet and put it in the oven but what i found was then i was tied to the oven all day as the top couple of layers would dry i would pull them off and and it really also makes it very wrinkly so part of this as a lazy girl hack is that when we're done i don't have to iron all this paper i also am not tied to an oven all day i am not also um i've also done this where i've laid this out on a table but what i found is that the top layers get dark you get all these different lines a lot of people love that if you love that go for it this is how i have learned to do coffee dyed paper so that it's just a nice consistent color with just a light marbling effect in it i will be back in about an hour and for you that'll be about two seconds and we'll i'll show you what we're going to do next so this is a long process in the sense that this can take up to three days but i am not tied to anything once you get this first stack done you can walk away and do other things and that's what i love about this method and and being a lazy girl i'm not standing around dealing with paper all day i can do it this took me about a half an hour to stack this much paper later on i'll spend maybe another two minutes doing something tomorrow morning then we'll do something else but um yes so i'm gonna come back in about an hour we're going to take this off the rack and put it down into the pan see you in a minute at this point this has pretty much stopped dripping i like to move it over onto something where i can move it around at least and it doesn't get in my way and so i'm taking this whole soggy piece of paper this whole stack this i'm going to set aside now for about 12 hours you can go 12 to 24 hours what i've found those if you go longer than 24 hours it does actually start to stick together i find that in my dryer community i need to only go about 12 hours if it's really really humid where you are go ahead and let it go up to 24 hours i'll be back in a bit at this point the paper has now just kind of dried for about 12 hours now i only do about 12 hours because i live here in colorado this paper is actually wet but not soaking wet anymore and i find that if i wait too long that the paper actually the edges start to melt together so for 12 hours it works for me now my friend emily who told me about this she lives in new england where it's much more humid she lets her sit 24 hours so you may have to play around with this exact method but you know again the awesome thing is i was able to make the pile i've let it sit for 12 hours i've gone off and done a lot of other things now the next step is to divide this into three separate piles i actually have no clue why this works it just seems to work and so i am grabbing this and i'm going to divide it approximately ish in two-thirds and we're going to just let these three now sit overnight and let's divide this one about in another third and what you'll see in as part of this process what's going to happen is some of this is going to get very dark like you see here it's gotten darker on the top and i'm finding that maybe i should have let this sit a wee bit longer but we'll see let me see if i can get all three pieces all of these pieces together and put it back it feels a lot like leather at this point whoops i really didn't want to do that but you can figure out that what i'm doing is again just dividing these into three sections approximately three equal sections this is why i put this piece of paper on the top here was so that um it would you can see how dark this gets and these pieces will probably get that dark as well and that's okay and so at this point i'm going to smooth these all down make sure they're all flat we're going to let this go about another 12 hours and i'll show you the final step well good morning it is now the next morning these have been sitting out for almost 12 hours at this point and today is the final step so today what i'm going to do is i'll show you how i lay out my paper i actually use my guest bed but you could use your own bed you can and i'll show you that here in a minute but what i do is i take a plastic tablecloth just one of those expensive ones and i lay it out over my bed and now i've got a beautiful work surface to spread all of this paper out i probably will not crawl back into that bed until tonight so even if it was my own bed i could still do it that way so let me pause here we've got our three piles and what i generally do is about one stack will cover the bed so this may take three tries to get all of this paper dry and i will show you here in a minute uh when i get come right back as to what it looks like so as you can see here i now have all of this laid out on my bed it's a nice big flat surface it's not perfectly not perfectly flat if you had a perfectly flat surface then your paper would come out very very flat but mine is not perfectly flat so this will be a little bit wrinkled but i don't feel like i ever actually have to iron it again so i will be back to show you the finished product and here we are a couple of hours later and it's all dry and i simply pick it all up and just make stacks with it and it all stacks up beautifully and then i'll go ahead and lay out the next set and usually within a day i have all of the paper dry and that is how i copy dye my paper i hope i've inspired you to be creative today
Channel: Country Morning Creations
Views: 22,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Junk Journal, Coffee Dyed Paper, Tea Dyed Paper, How to age paper
Id: LMcWPv5Fa0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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