Pimpin Ken (Full interview) reveals the game, rough celebrity encounters, upbringing,

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] what up y'all welcome to another episode of here Panic Room you know how I do it man I always had a fly and flashy guest in this week ain't no different man I mean I'm I'm I'm blessed to have this I'm about to learn some game up in this bit okay um but no thank y'all for watching man this episode this season four thank y'all we got pass one two three now we're in season four man so thank you so much for supporting man don't forget to hit the notification Bell or the uh what's the whatever you H notification or whatever the hell it is subscription button subscribe whatever you know I don't know [ __ ] on all right y'all so I'm going read a couple comments man from some of the uh past episodes that y'all have commented on this is from the Ralph Tresvant episode um all my nz2 says I love how Ralph stayed cool and true to himself even when Pierre was trying to be messy I man come on with I wasn't trying to be messy I was asking some questions man y'all some haters people hate when you bring up Robbie Brown when they talking Robbie Brown was a very significant person in the group people like why you talking about Bobby because he's a significant person the whole group was significant but that Bobby Brown was all right so here's another one this is from David Richardson 95 wrote Pi on the rooll this is really good interview um Ralph held NE down through it through it all it's only right that he deserves his flowers hopefully they will get nominated or inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame next year n NE and and BBD are the blueprint for both the male pop and R&B boy bands all right all right although R&B world all through the R&B World they are considered groups okay that's cool all right that was a good one let me see another read another quick one man let's see this is I brought the TK Kirkland one back and he was up there talking so let's see what uh we got with TK Kirkland on here it says on on the TK Kirkland one it says dollar bill 9643 says funny to see TK and Pier on the same show knowing him and Corey had an issue with each other and Corey was just had scruncho on his show seems like a little sketchy really [ __ ] you was looking for some drama [ __ ] you ain't [ __ ] man [ __ ] you dollar bill all right that's what it is all right y' we got the man the myth the legend he's here man I'm excited to have him here uh W I'm excited y'all I ain't going to lie man cuz uh this is a this is a world I've never been around or even uh known so we're going to do delve into a lot of stuff we a going to stay focused on one side this man has done some stuff back in the past and we look when I'm talking to him we understand it he used to do this he's a different man now but he's going to be nice enough to let me understand some of the codes back then what what was happening but we like I said he don't do this no more he's a different man changed a long time ago so let's respect that all right give it up for the one and only pimping Ken come on show them some love look at you boy look at you looking good man I feel bad I ain't dressed up damn I'm I ain't dressed up man thank you for coming through bro I got I got the do okay okay okay I got the DC I got a DC flavor I love it I love it all right it's interesting man when I uh looked you up I started doing some research man you a complex individual brother you know people kind of know you as a pimp and think just ends there but there's so much more to that you know what I was like wow so let me get him on the show and talk to him and get bigger than that I know a lot of people here for about the pimp game but damn it you you learn how to pimp The Game of Life let's be real okay that's that's what we really talking about but so let's go back to um your upbringing Chicago right right you came in Chicago um it seemed like you know you said it said you jumped off the porch at 16 and you got into some [ __ ] in 16 you know what saying in 14 but I got incarcerated at 14 wow okay at 14 um let me ask you so what was the structure of your family well my father was from Mississippi my mom from Mississippi my mom and my father married they got married 16 guess my father was 17 they moved to Chicago doing a great migration right you know to get better jobs and then we stayed in Chicago for a few years and we started getting in trouble So eventually we moved to Milwaukee got in more trouble Milwaukee Chicago you know Chicago was kind of interesting you know growing up you know seeing rats and roaches and [ __ ] that [ __ ] was kind of strange you know I mean but it became nor the Normy you know we seen it all the time so you know I was accustomed to that project living you know 4 set wow okay huh so you grew up with rats and roaches in um both spot that's a little heavy we had mous mouse traps you know we I stay at 4757 4759 South Federal that's the Robert Taylor project then we stayed on Third and Jeffrey so you know I I mean like somebody grew up you know in a wholesome househ stood all we knew was kill killer rat it was like it was like we we had a a tie we have baby guns and pop them [ __ ] off and we used to just St roaches all day did you have brothers and sisters or just you there was nine of us who hold on easy my eventually from your parents from your my mama had nine kids now I think she got about 100 grandkids now wow nine kids okay where you fit in that situation I'm the fourth child the fourth child yeah okay okay so you had to be a protector we was all close we was all close right y Liv in a home Rober Taylor was was Apartments though yeah we stayed in apartments but at that time it wasn't nine of us it got more when we got five more came we get to Milwaukee it was just four of us born in Chicago but we was little bitty kids you know what I'm saying okay so so being up to 14 what did you okay ratchet roaches did you see anything that would lead you into being you know because I feel like is Chicago where pimpom happened at like is that like see where where I was at was mostly the gang bang you had the Lords the L rookies and all that I never joined a game but you know all my cousins is he you know heavily connected in that you know but I was fortunate enough that I that never had to Jo but so you know that was experience but on the west side was Bishop Don Juan chocolate dice God Bell Seymour you know uh Cadillac you know what I'm saying all those players you know they was over there pimping and [ __ ] did you see that when you were growing up when you were young like 14 15 well I used to go I used to uh I used to go to jewtown it's a little place where you buy like cologne and [ __ ] I used to buy the cologne I used to walk up and down Madison Avenue I sell the brothers to cologne and had that slum jury you know that fake C so we spect jury and the cologne me and my brother up and down actually that's how we kind of caught the attempted murder case we walked all the way to Oak Park and then the white dude approached my brother he pushed him and in Chicago if you push somebody it's it's called the three rails if if the third rail you know the person that died so it's considered attempted murder cuz they don't die but attempted murder the way hold on the rail is you about the subway push him on the subway no the L we call them L's the L but that was a train TR L train yeah so he tried to push him on his no he he walked up to my brother and my brother just pushed him okay and he fell on the track and the Oak Park police arrested US beat us you know stomped us and you know then they stomped us took us to Cook County Jail we lied about our age because my father was a very abusive person you know what I'm saying we rather go to jail than to go home you know what I'm saying I mean so I got to the point where I wanted to get out that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I was like man I'm tired of this [ __ ] so my brother begged me every day man don't tell him who we are cuz we told a liot about our age you know we said we was 18 and we even have the right birth birth right I was you 14 15 I was 14 and cook jail around gang bangers and stuff but my daddy was a player too you know he was a street dude so he gave us a lot of games so you know a lot of them dudes respected me you know what I'm saying because you know I knew the link going you know we was fast you right right now give me give me some some some good memories of being a kid growing up around there what okay well well my daddy used to always take me to shoot poo I love that spending time every time my daddy would go out of town he would always take me you know what I'm saying my mama was you know she was into the church so I love going going to church with her and you know we love you know playing in the church playing in the pews you know uh I mean the barbecues you know uh I mean we didn't have much but what we had we made good of it so you know you know I just love my mama and my pops you know I'm glad through all the entire years until he died they stayed together so they gave us that they gave us that mother father structure you know a lot of my friends didn't have that sure you know so my mother became you know uh mothers to a lot of my friends so they come over my mom and she was from the country so she had just cook a big old pot of chillins and all that stuff you know I don't eat them I you know what I'm saying that's what they do neck bones you know that's some Mississippi [ __ ] right you know everybody just come over there and eat you know and uh my cousins and stuff like that we had a lot of fun memories like I said you know we had a large family cuz my Grandma had believe this or not she had 19 kids well different yeah they my grandma M had 19 kids my daddy had 18 brothers and sisters so we had a big family so my Uncle Jack and all them came over there so it was fun being around there but like I said the most fun times I can remember is going to Sho poo with my father my father just sitting down giving me the game and teaching me the street life you know what I'm saying were you a good student yeah yeah I mean you know what I'm saying about to get into yeah yeah you I perfected the streets I mean it's not too many people a student student like in school hell no man I couldn't read a right until I was I couldn't read right I went to prison so I actually when you 14 you mean that no no when I actually went to prison prison when I went to Green Bay Reformatory school then I went to Oxford I went to the FED joint and while I how were you there I was about 21 when I went to the Fed so when I went to uh the federal joint I actually learned how to read I got my GED I I took college courses I was a fourpoint student okay you know what I mean because you know in prison you know I'm saying the way you kind of like get your recognition Ain always about stabbing somebody or killing somebody you get your recognition in prison by being smart that's why you always see the Muslim dude who can recite the dictionary the Malcolm xory that's that's that's the typical story in the prison so I I wanted to be smart too I didn't want to be the knucklehead in there so I made good of my time so I forced myself to read the first book I read through the entirety was Iceberg Slim pimp the story My Life ask you that's funny a crazy I pimp yeah yeah no no no no no I I got the I got the book I didn't I write like half the book and um I should have finished it but uh um all right all right that's cool um so what you go what you go to jail for 21 uh I went to jail for Robin Banks damn I was a gangster man I was a gangster man I had to had that money but you know I didn't Rob him with a gun I go in there I give them a bag of pennies and when they go back count the pennies I jump over the county snash the money right right so I did it so long man I got away with it so long that they finally the FED said this [ __ ] didn't got thousands you know cuz you know it's it's a misdemeanor right cuz you know it's a misdemeanor so with made a felony they they concocted this lie that I looked at the lady and intimidate her so in the phas if you commit a crime and you intimidating somebody that that's car that Carri 20 years that's what turn into robbery so actually I was just a I was just a grand theft type person I was doing grand theft and uh just that was one instance where it turned into but I got away with so many of them now now this of course before you became started pimping no I started pimping at 16 but the ho money was too slow [ __ ] a [ __ ] like Corvette a [ __ ] is like a a CAC I'm a [ __ ] beor Corvette I got to move fast you know I'm saying so they would get money fast enough so I had the turbo in my ass I said I'm going get this cash fast what made you think you could be a pimp I didn't think I could be a pimp I was I had a friend by name of JD John deine you know he had three hoes and we was robbing banks together and robbing jewelry stores together and so I went over his house man had three bad [ __ ] over there one day I said s man let me get one no [ __ ] he said which one you want I said I want the one that's light bright with the [ __ ] candy strip her name was dirty red you know what I'm saying so dirty red she got with me she taught me the gang you know but you know uh she was more like a cougar she was 24 I was 16 so she want to do his [ __ ] all day I was like man I ain't got time for this [ __ ] so I was I'm going to rob me a bank I'm going to do something crazy then I end up uh one of my good friends made rest in peace star child he was he Tau me G said man whenever you get it [ __ ] said you know what I'm saying you he asked the [ __ ] what's her what's her momma name what's her auntie name what's school she went to said you driller [ __ ] you find everything you need to know about this [ __ ] man you know what I'm saying and once you get that info man that's how you pimp you going to pimp on the info you get from the [ __ ] so he said when you he said he said you don't spare no [ __ ] you know what I'm saying you see a [ __ ] you said [ __ ] you sweat him you tell them you know what I'm say you know hey [ __ ] you know what I'm saying you going to take a chance give me the money Advance you know what I'm saying stop making them mistake [ __ ] with frost and FL get out the mustard give us some catch up [ __ ] so he telling me all this stuff right and I'm listening to this [ __ ] and then I end up knocking him for a [ __ ] named Bridget and that was the first time I became official pimp cuz I knocked another pimp you took a another girl then all the other people started accepting me but I was too young to really embrace the gang you know I'm saying me so I was still wild you know I was still having shootouts and you know I was just yeah I was doing crazy [ __ ] you know I was doing what wild young [ __ ] do and you know me being from Chicago you know we thought Milwaukee [ __ ] was like we going to press some you know I pressed a lot of [ __ ] you know what I'm saying and but come to find out a lot of from Milwaukee was from Chicago 90 minutes away so you know and [ __ ] all [ __ ] you know [ __ ] I know that [ __ ] no that's interesting um let me ask you a question how did you know how to get how much money to get from a girl and like like B get me $100 was it like a chart the rules you want the rules of the game well let's let's talk about it so the rules of the game is that you know a pimp cannot have sex with a woman unless he get paid and if he has sex with a woman they call him tender and the zipper or they say that you know he's a suckle he miss pimping and Miss pimping in this game ain't no pimping at all so you know what I'm saying I mean you know the rule of the game is a choosing fee so when a woman mess with you she got to give a choosing fee everybody got different choose Fe my choos P was 5,000 but I took 2500 at a time so [ __ ] had to get 2500 to get in my business you know what I'm saying because I said you know if you think I'm handsome pay my Ransom you know what I'm saying if you got to Sock to my pocket like Rocky drop it out the [ __ ] and put in the pimp sock you know what I'm saying me you know what I'm saying if I'm going to take a chance give me my cash in advance it's p first and ass last you know what I'm saying that was the model that's what I was taught and you know so a lot of times man I can see a pretty woman and I definitely want to be with her I said damn man you know she's so fine you know what I'm saying me her mom should had triplets you know what I'm saying so fine she could be in look magazine you I really wanted the check but you know what I'm saying the gang would have tainted me I'd have been [ __ ] up if I you know got that money can't get high on your own Supply and then hoes snitch they a snitch hoes a snitch on the pimp if you a pimp and you [ __ ] a ho for free she's going to tell the other hoes oh he's free [ __ ] girl oh yeah go you have to give him no money yeah they tell on you like a [ __ ] man so I do that you know what I'm saying me so I kept it real but I had the experience as I spoke to my man you know at comedy hype I was telling him you know that older OG G taught me the game he told me man you got to go to the doctor and have all the sympathy move how you can have a triple bypass meaning that you can't have no sympathy you know what I'm saying so I had no sympathy you know I mean it was always you know per first and ass last you know what I'm saying so that's the rule you know what I'm saying me you got to get your money up front because if you know it's like baby king you know what I'm saying me you know if you let get if you if you let them get the sex before the money The Thrill Is Gone B ke said The Thrill Is Gone my question is what qualities do you see a woman that said I can bust this [ __ ] this is this [ __ ] she work at the mall whatever well one thing I can tell you for show that there's no [ __ ] that can't be turned out really man listen I had this one chick I heard that ho man I heard I had this one chick man you know uh you know I had this old old school dude you know what I'm saying me May rest in peace you know what I'm saying he would play like he a trick so I tell the BR said look this old man you know he won't sit down with you for a few minutes she never turned a date in her life never had a trick she said go to give me 500 so I would get him the 500 he give it to her and then I tell her she got to give it to me but I know a whole bunch of people like that you know what I'm saying so that was one way that we would use but the another way you know I'm saying I said hey look Pierre is in town tonight I know this bro like Pierre he's got a comedy show so I have her come to your show and I be whispering your ear like you know I'll be pointing at her and I said yeah Pierre want to [ __ ] with you so she think Pierre want to [ __ ] with her I said but the caveat he's going to give you some money he said he got $1,000 he said Pier got $1,000 he said yeah I said but you know what I want you to do is I want you to get ready for pier I give a deal though take this deal though and have sex with yourself you know what saying because you're going to have another man's penis in your body so I want you to get the experience of having something inside you other than your man damn and so she said okay well cool you know what I'm saying so she in there you know doing little thing and nut on herself and then you know what I'm saying me when I get to Pier I said look here the same way you [ __ ] that Deo put a put a condom on pier it's going to be like a it's going to be like a deal though you know what I'm saying and believe or not you know these goofy [ __ ] man they like you or if it's Lil Wayne or if it's if if it's baby or if it's if it's somebody in the industry they go for the [ __ ] all the time you know and I and and y'all call them groupies see but the thing what a pimp do is a pimper find a [ __ ] that's promiscuous and he'll say hey you know what I'm saying you [ __ ] for free let me show you how to [ __ ] for a feet and believe me a lot of these hoes is [ __ ] for free I mean Atlanta you know right here and where we stand I mean you can damn near tap a [ __ ] and [ __ ] it just it's just that promiscuous around the world you know what I'm saying mean so and then you see these women on on IG you see them all them they showing everything for nothing so you know a pimp job is to try to turn them out you know what saying mean and show them like look you're a hoe but right now you ho Bor right now you Tippy toing let me show you how to ho and be a [ __ ] Pro you know what I'm saying mean and that's what the game do you know what I'm saying we flip them like IHOP you know we flip them like you know pancakes you know I'm say right right have you ever had sympathy man one time you ever one man I never fell in love with a [ __ ] because I I was taught in prison by the guy pop to never fall in love and he gave me example I I talked about other day like once you know when a pimp got a woman he give her instruction so basically what I tell hey pick this up go do this hey open the car hey cook me some food woo woo wo wo woo you know what I'm saying me hey you know what I'm saying I'm to brush give me a tooth but so instructions mean the bigger the instruction the bigger the production because you know what I'm saying me you know she's not used to that right you know what I'm saying so once you get her used to that and you turn her out to serving the pimp you know what I mean being subserviant to the game then when the next [ __ ] get it and he get that typee of treatment he going to fall in love you he going to mistake that for love and you know what I'm saying me that's why you know we don't fall in love or we don't allow our feelings to get caught up because it's like a fireman when he go out there he ain't tripping on who's getting burned he's going to make sure he try to help that person a police officer he going to shoot five [ __ ] a day when he go home he going to be a husband you know it's his job just like any other job you know what I'm saying mean but it's a job that every man can't master you know what I'm saying because a lot of [ __ ] think they can be pimps [ __ ] that's [ __ ] because let me tell you something man the hardest thing to master is a woman oh you know what I'm saying me the hardest thing to master a woman that's why pimps are so unique and that's why they get paid they get paid because they they got the ability to master a woman's mind women are some of the smartest creatures on the planet a lot of people don't know that they think that women are dumb you know but like I gave an example you take a [ __ ] that's 68 you know what I'm saying his wife tell him [ __ ] bring your ass home oh man I can't go my wife's tripping that [ __ ] happened all the time you know what I'm saying it's it's it's a reality but with a pimp ain't no [ __ ] going to disrespect no pimp she know better he ain't got to put her hands on it's just the it's just the rules of the game and people feel sorry for hoes but they don't know that 90% of these women are horing like it ain't even really it Ain really that much pimping going on but it's more horing going on to this pimp you know go go go to ig they selling [ __ ] go to Facebook they selling [ __ ] go to only fans saying go go go to uh uh beehive whatever the [ __ ] they call that [ __ ] they selling [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so it ain't even never been about the pimp hold back in the day they used pimp for protection it was a track so you got 100 hoes on the blade you know you got other pimps they they sweating hoes and taking their money like [ __ ] you under the pimper rats you disrespect the game My hoes can't get money cuz you you know you [ __ ] up the game that was the game you know what I'm saying I mean so you know I mean turning out a woman out essentially basically means you know what I'm saying I mean you know y'all agree to be in the game right right I get that but let me ask you something um is it a situation where like gangs once you in you wi it's hard to get out is that how does that work when come to you say I had enough my [ __ ] beat up [ __ ] let me let me no you know it's by choice and not by force you know what I'm saying mean I just make sure they let the choice be Rolls-Royce you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying I got chose with my mouth closed you know what I'm saying you know I was handsome so they pay my [ __ ] R so I'm saying so you know saying when you're a nice looking guy you keep yourself groomed the objective of the game has always keep your fronts up so I you know you know I pull up in the 560 B you know what I'm saying brand new car you know I've been that all my life cuz I know the game you know but I ain't pimping no more I'm doing that because people respect you when you got something of material status so women you know what I'm saying me have you ever seen them ride around the dude ride p k oh that's my boyfriend you know what I mean he pulling up in a nice uh box Chevy or he got a bin or Rolls-Royce or some type of slick car rims and the music bopping you know that's how women are women women are motor drunk you know what I'm saying me they jewelry drunk you know what I'm saying they material drunk so a lot of times when you looking good you smell good and you driving a new flick wood hey man guess what you know say you going to get chos and that's why I always got chos you know if you look at some of the videos of me all you see me as $50,000 m co so $100,000 jeury that was my secret I I had to do less work as long as you look good as long as you dress nice the women going to come to you I don't care what it is because first thing when they see me they say hey uh uh are who you who who you with you play football son I said no I don't play football you I ain't in the NBA but in the NPA what's the NPA the national pimp Association and I'm the two three of the peak y I'm M [ __ ] Jordan you understand what I'm saying not Michael Jordan and once she once she start asking you got it then yeah yeah yeah nosy cost yeah Noy C I like that nosy C nosy cost you know what I'm say damn um damn that that that that's a cold piece right there what's your relation no what's your relationship with um Bishop Donan because he's kind of known I know him he's kind of like the man you know well yeah yeah well Bishop Don Juan I met him in uh 95 and uh it was a Players Ball and you know I was in I was fly and they a never seen a dude like me cuz I I could talk you know I'm saying I used to talk that P [ __ ] man so I'm talking a lot of [ __ ] and Bishop now they liking and [ __ ] ice te was there you know me know matter of fact me and Ice te best friends now you know that's where I met him at this is in '95 and then you know but when I was a kid I was uh hustling on I was St at this hotel called The Madison Hotel on Madison in California so uh uh I'm I'm staying at this hotel and I seen a green and gold cargo and all and all the pen had their hoes Hing out of this hotel that's crazy right so uh I'm standing at a whole hotel and I don't know I'm I'm around pimps all day I didn't know this was going to be my future okay but they were like oh that's Bishop Don Juan and it stuck in my head then when I was in prison I seen a picture of Don Juan with all the jewry I said this [ __ ] in the magazine this nigga's a famous pimp so I finally got a chance to meet him and we did the movie pimps up hoes down uh we did a lot of players balls together and you know at one time you know we had kind of had a misunderstanding about the word uh church and so I said I don't use that term and they got on me you know what I'm saying but then if you see on YouTube he came to my uh to my baby mansion in Milwaukee and monom falls and you know I throw a big ass party and we you know we we kind of squashed that that's first years ago pimps up hoes down right you know that's why I first uh saw you her um and it was you know that it was huge too that show was huge a lot of people watched that show it was talking you know that that became kind of lexicon of urban people talking about that um did that take you to another level or man that [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me man let me tell you something it was the Mike Mike Tyson fight I think it was 97 Mike probably just came out of jail and I met the fight got my long meink on drag it to the floor got my mink hat all my jury on just typical PPP day you know what I mean and uh I'm walking and [ __ ] man everybody said man let me get a picture with you let me get a picture with man wo I didn't know the movie was that big cuz you I'm ghetto [ __ ] you I'm from the streets I don't know about no [ __ ] HBO you I just I got some money I made them give me you know a substantial amount of money and you know I I had some more demands and made them give me credit in the film so that's all I was worried about I I didn't think the [ __ ] was going to do nothing but man the [ __ ] kind of just blew up around the world and next thing I know 50 Cent calling me Jermaine ji want me to be on his album want me to be on his album you know I'm opening up for Jay-Z you know what I'm saying little and cash money baby you know uh what we was at in Atlanta you know at the atrium you know I'm saying you know that's when Jay-Z was really popping you I'm saying me uh I went on tour I'm in the P video I'm in so so video I'm in all little John videos you know I'm in I'm on two short albums you know I'm on 40 million records and that [ __ ] Tu me to another Stratosphere and uh that's why you said onset people just know me for one thing but they should say p k Kama you know uh author of two books p k Kama the founder of the hip hop fraternity comma owner several businesses you know what I'm saying so they should put a comma on my name where they put a period you know so I think that that's the misconception that a lot of people have of me you know what I'm saying they don't know you know that I'm actually you know a college graduate you know what I'm saying I doubt I did research I was I was i m respect for you but let me ask you the pimps up holdes down did you you was you was actually pimping still that time yeah yeah yeah those are my hoes right okay I mean I didn't know this was serious perod I'm tell you we went on the [ __ ] right I got my [ __ ] there you at that time I I was drinking a little Hennessy so I'm I'm feeling good I'm talking [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is these [ __ ] man you know like what the [ __ ] is y hey man we going to get man man you got some money man you know what I'm saying me my hoes they all around so you know you know uh man I'm you know we we taking hoes to the stratosphere you know what I'm saying we throwing Players Ball those all most of them was my Players Ball the one in Vegas and the one in Milwaukee where all the pen was there cuz I knew all them [ __ ] we had a secret society so I knew Mr white folk what Mr white folk that was my man rest in peace he passed away D yeah man some [ __ ] killed him man you know what I'm saying I think you know he was [ __ ] them drugs and they said that he ow some [ __ ] some money for some drugs were you the one I I me was you on the stratosphere telling that girl spe that funny as [ __ ] man you ain't [ __ ] man a [ __ ] yeah I I told you we was going to go to the top love that was dope as [ __ ] man okay okay so now that comes out everybody clocking you everybody want to holl at you you know that thing like I said became huge um is that a negative for a Pimp Like You know what I'm saying you you you you in the illegal business now well my daddy said that's why I quit pimping you know what I'm saying pimping didn't quit me I quit pimping okay so my daddy said we we were sitting there watching my daddy said you didn't [ __ ] up now I love my daddy to death you know what I'm saying even though he was very abusive he beat the [ __ ] out of us you know but I I beat my kids sometime too so not like that though I wh with a Bel he that's with a stit c so uh so when he said you [ __ ] up you know I mean I looked at my dad he ain't never looked at me like that so uh at that point I started making my exit plan and I I created a film company called uh you know Ken iy films and I did my first movie Project was pepy okay which is a parity of pimps up hold down and eventually you know what I'm saying I so make millions of dollars you know you might have seen me on BET back then that my commercials I was I had National commercials running all day you know I mean pimp promoting pimping you right pimpology and pimp kin you know and so you know I mean then I end up doing other movies and you know so it it was inevitable that I quit because I knew that eventually it's coming to get me how long after the it aired H that love you I say around about a year later years about three years later you know what I'm saying I I I backed up like the OJs and spin up out the games like the barcades okay okay I've always wanted to know cuz I need to know around here some of these women when is the right time to raise that hand to them hoes [ __ ] you know what I'm saying oh I don't put hands on them I put plans on them you put what on I put plans on them no hands but plans okay pimp context sport you know what I'm saying yeah real Pimps Don't pimp real Pimps Don't Put Do physicality it's a mind game see y'all got the Hollywood version I want to slap the so when you think about uh when you think about you know Hollywood that's the depiction but real pimp you might see them playing golf you know they live in some of the best homes you they drive the best cars you know a lot of these guys you see around around here you think they doctors they really pimps you know I mean they don't I mean their women are primarily white asian or some persuasion you know what I'm saying me they you know they kind of laid back you know what I'm saying that pimp up ho down kind of change the trajectory of the game and put the game for for front center and it was just happened I was on there and I was a flamb booy and flashy pimp so I popular popularized the game made a lot of young people want to be the pimp so you know I did I I I I denounced the movie now I don't uh condone pimps up holes now no more I don't condone you know n of the things that I did because you know I have children now and I kind of like took a different turn but I respect the gang you know I still you know I still [ __ ] with the young [ __ ] that's pimping you know I mean I still show them love who who in Show Business rappers or Show Business do you feel like has that pimp mentality that you man my favorite person was pimpy pimpy oh man cuz you know I knew pimpy was in the game cuz you know I I gave him a [ __ ] one time what yeah I gave him a white [ __ ] you know what I'm saying she know what I'm talking about what's up you know I gave him a white [ __ ] you know because I wanted him to actually feel the game you know what I mean and know the game and you know what I'm saying so he he kind of got it you know I wasn't even really pimp at the time it's just that [ __ ] are come to me to this day I'm want to work I'm old man they still want to give me money I said no you un qualified I got to i i i i b I got me a girl bed I got to beat the [ __ ] up off me keep them out of my game you know saying they want to choose up so bad you know and then you know the fact that you know but Pimp C was the the first then the next person is too short you know what I'm saying that's an Entertainer you know uh I mean 50 Cent y'all y'all sleep on 50 Cent really know the game that's what I'm saying he really know the game I mean now he now he really been around and [ __ ] 50 Cent is one of the coldest [ __ ] in the game I I hands down 50 Cent other than Pimp C is my favorite rapper not because he the music it's just you know the way he carries it no I'm saying like you know I was on tour with 50 you know what I'm saying I went on tour matter of fact speaking of being on tour I was at the uh Rock the Mike tour and we was in um a lot of people don't know this story I'm G tell the story for the first time on your on your thing uh so we was at the Rock the mik to her and then uh I seen uh Jay-Z So I said what up Jay he kind of threw me off you know I'm said damn you know s got a problem with me or something so he told there a kid to wave me that [ __ ] looked at me like the mafia he looked at me some kind ofra say I got a memory like an elephant oh I couldn't say I said what the [ __ ] I do to Jay-Z you know what I'm saying me and then I started seeing them rocket fell [ __ ] everywhere I thought I man hey [ __ ] y'all in Chicago [ __ ] y'all better move the [ __ ] around and I was there with 506 right so you know they I started seeing Rockefeller [ __ ] I see Benny Seagull and then we end up getting on the tour bus and it was no problem I see the [ __ ] uh uh what's his name uh Memphis bleck he end up doing the drop you know so only thing I can figure out why Jay-Z cuz a lot of ask me why you and Jay-Z never did a song only thing I could figure out why me and JayZ never did a song together was because it was this lady named adrea she was a radio personality in Milwaukee for B 100 she wanted me to get a picture with her so we out in the dressing room our outside the dressing room and so my niggga said tell that [ __ ] to come out you know we ain't about JayZ yeah he tell yeah he telling Jay JayZ was nobody at this time he said tell that [ __ ] come out man we we some [ __ ] pimps and we some players you know and I think Jay-Z probably got the message that I said that but I never said that you know what I'm saying I always want work I mean I open up for Jay-Z in right here in Atlanta at the atrium we was in the dressing room you know I was popping [ __ ] you know we was cool to that point this a long time ago cuz man this almost 30 years ago I'm about to say yeah it had been a while man this was 30 years ago but I I never told this story in public but a lot of my [ __ ] like man when you going to do a song with JayZ I said man Jay-Z looked at me like a Mafia Boss and said I got a memory like an elephant but the only thing that happened that day was I I my partner said some foul [ __ ] and I think he probably thought I'd said it you know so you know and then it could happen sometimes yeah I mean I got you know uh you know I got different experience with different like baby but hold on but but but J but now you know you can't mean he he corporate now you know he a you know you know man that [ __ ] hey man hey man I think that [ __ ] still mad at me man cuz you know what I'm saying that [ __ ] the [ __ ] that said the [ __ ] right he was out of order but Jay-Z probably think I said the [ __ ] and you know everybody that know me you know I work with everybody in the industry everybody tell I'm a good person so Jay-Z if you looking man I didn't say that [ __ ] man I'm telling you I did not say that [ __ ] my niggga said they sh I never disrespect another man right right right but yeah Jay-Z yeah I feel you Jay-Z is one of my favorite artists you know because me being the street dude you know I know exactly what the when they say certain things I know exactly what they saying you know I mean you know I have been in the game all levels so you know I respect Jay-Z you know I respect 50 you know right I mean is pimping is pimping women can that be taken into business like like music business and show business is that you know can you almost do that well you know when I first started right you know like we going back a little bit right you know even though I was out the game a lot of them [ __ ] wanted females so I didn't have the females personally you know what I'm saying me but my partners have so a lot of those you know artist you know what I'm saying you know they would date the girls you know and then I had this one chick that you know that was into the gang you know what I'm saying that that came you know dipping in my business came back dipping in my business and I I hooked up with with my man baby you know baby a player baby tried baby tried to knock her so baby told her look she had K on her chest he said listen if you take that [ __ ] name off his chest and put my name on his chest I'll make you one of my hoes so baby actually tried to pimp me for one of my [ __ ] and uh uh what's his name Turk and juile all them they verified this cuz me and babe we used to ride I was on tour with them I used to be on the tour bus with them [ __ ] I cash money uh thing you know you know I mean actually I did a song uh right here in Atlanta at passws baby called me to do a song him and Lil Wayne was in this in in the studio and uh I said [ __ ] if you get a [ __ ] of M be a [ __ ] I left behind [ __ ] you have to fire I was talking [ __ ] through the whole song and the song never came out he I think baby did KN KN bab he KN he knew I was talking about cuz you know I never told him about this story but he going to hear this for the first time yeah baby I know you tried to get my my [ __ ] man you know what I'm saying yeah you told her to put that cash money tattoo on you man money and vagina man is a hard [ __ ] thing to be loyal to man you know hey man hey man I thought I thought I thought me and baby was cool man you what say the man was tur tell you interview we would sit hours the man talked to me for hours but you know when that [ __ ] came into the play you know I'm saying me that fou play came like I told you baby if you get a [ __ ] of mine to be a [ __ ] I left behind the [ __ ] you having to find cuz you can't you can't even knock on my hotel door baby you understand me I got M the van K got poke beans and more flavors out later man my game is thick as high and baby unfortun when it come to a [ __ ] your game will never be thick as mine love you baby shoot but now now so so uh damn damn damn damn sh yeah no that that was some you know you be you be Sur what what's what's a what's a price a average all night price for for one of your back in the day when you hold oh uh it could be anywhere from 2500 to 30,000 what turn [ __ ] off bu I had a [ __ ] to give me 30,000 in one night I had [ __ ] give me thousands of dollars consistently for 10 10 eight four five six years you know I made Millions I went platinum off [ __ ] not off a record damn so so so women women women that you knew they wern't selling a stack well no they would they would make a stack in the course of a day so they might get a $300 a date three I'm saying that's what I'm saying it's a couple1 you get some GRS I mean the low yeah yeah you get them for about you know mine you know but see my business you had my business huh what the low what's the low you let one of your go go and go do little something something for some ain't going I ain't going nothing under 250 you know but you know they was on uh I got they was on the blade so when you on the blade you know what what I we get the [ __ ] I give them a razor blade right and they put the razor blade in they wig so when they sitting down they talking to the trick and the car they take the razor bag and they cut their pocket and the wallet would come out and they get the money you know what I'm saying me so most of the [ __ ] I had they would still you know they might still 10 or 20 I had this one [ __ ] we was in Miami and this a true story and we in Miami that's the one that gave me 30,000 and the dude had he had like six keys of dope and about 150,000 you know what I'm saying mean he he held on the money but he he slept on the dop so she was able to get like about maybe 10,000 and she got six Keys damn yeah I just threw it to my [ __ ] in the hood I said man y'all y'all get y'all some money and bring me a little something back and watches I got plenty of gold Rolexes and boutiques and all that [ __ ] back in my day you know what I'm saying so it ain't always about the [ __ ] and the money you know what I'm saying my [ __ ] is so [ __ ] ality you know what I'm saying [ __ ] ality but this [ __ ] ality is when you know you got the personality and a [ __ ] but you don't sell your body you know I'm say me so they get into the car with the trick and they talk [ __ ] to them and you know like I said you know they be in a club you know what I'm saying one of his dudes he was a big TR Dope Dealer he he probably don't know who I am and I don't know who he is but he had about 8,000 on them and uh some my [ __ ] one was talking to him one feeling on his dick the other one tuck the razor cut his pocket and all the money just came out she grabbed it you know and they used to do that often so that's how you get to 10,000 20,000 you ain't going ain't no [ __ ] give you no ,000 the [ __ ] so you know a lot of it is gain I shouldn't be talking about this cuz I'm probably giving young people some game that I shouldn't they ain't going to do this my my fans are old [ __ ] [ __ ] my fans are old what I was going to ask you was um you ever lost one to violence uh no fortunately man I never did man that was my biggest fear losing a woman to the street now uh one of my Dames she had got into a trick he ran her feet over but she still was able to walk right out there it just her toes and her toes you yeah you ever had that pistol put on you yeah I've been shot five times uh I've been pissed uh I I was telling the story on Boss talk uh uh some f is rapper I ain't going to say his name they put a hit out on me and uh [ __ ] tried to kill me in Houston I took the pistol pistol whoop the [ __ ] you know what I'm saying me and uh you know I mean I'm a gangster you know what I'm saying you know I mean so you know I call them [ __ ] custom all out they know they know y'all know yeah I ain't got no beef for them man you know w a rapper done did that damn yeah I was talking [ __ ] man I I went at uh 50 and all these rappers because you know I was doing these songs right and I was making millions of dollars so they started talking about you know tricking and [ __ ] so I just went at a bunch of [ __ ] and it was a Lil Wayne everybody I was just talking [ __ ] and you know because it was me I think it kind of hit hard you know and you know [ __ ] you know uh one of these [ __ ] you know made know one [ __ ] he dead the [ __ ] that set it up so uh he tried to set it set the [ __ ] up and you know I'm in the strip club they they tell me but the [ __ ] told on their s but they was kept talking about my nigga's a killer my nigga's a killer so I'm listening to this [ __ ] I said yeah it's a killer what the [ __ ] you telling me for you know what I'm saying [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] about that [ __ ] being a killer but you know a lot of [ __ ] don't know you know I really got them hands I can box you know what I'm saying and I've been in jail you know 10 years so I've been whooping [ __ ] for a long time I ain't no punk you know what I'm saying so them [ __ ] you know what I'm saying they they don't they underestimate my street knowledge so when he left out the room the suspicion kicked up you know what I'm saying I mean and it was two girls with us they were strippers you know what I'm saying dude and I brought the strippers you know what I'm saying I don't know what the [ __ ] that was about and then so dude you know he walked he stood by right there and he went in his pocket he should have had one in the chamber he didn't have one in the chamber so he cocked it so when he cocked the [ __ ] I just jumped up and when he when he when he put the pistol grabb that [ __ ] and we went at it and I I pistol whoop him and I called them [ __ ] say y'all [ __ ] need to get a refund you know what I mean oh wow and uh you know but you know since then you know it ain't been no smoke you know what I'm saying you know I mean have you backed up off of rapping mother talking [ __ ] well you know that was wrong in the first place you know what I'm saying me I apologize to all the rappers that I spoke ill about you know and uh 50 Cent he's a player man 50 Cent we did the pimp curle remember the pimp curle thing had going on well me and him went back and forth okay you know he said man pimp K say ain't no pimp man you know [ __ ] wo you know so that [ __ ] went viral we had fun me and 50 had fun but but other [ __ ] took it the wrong way right you know what I'm saying and uh you know like I said you know you said being shot well the first time I got shot we was in the shootout you know I'm from the East side we got a crew called East Side gangsters so I'm not a gangsta but I'm East Side [ __ ] so you know we would be in [ __ ] together and [ __ ] so the nigg was in the shootout and uh I got hit twice you know what I'm saying that was the one time you know I deserved that cuz I was in a battle the second time uh I had all this jewelry on and I had my Lexus and this one [ __ ] was with me man he's a clown you know what I'm saying I mean you know he told [ __ ] where we going to be at you know what I'm saying and he didn't know that he was telling them where we going to be at but you know it was some clown [ __ ] [ __ ] so when I when I was in the car you know what I'm saying [ __ ] you know they they said hey man W wo woo you know what I'm saying I like man [ __ ] y'all so [ __ ] you in a parking lot or something in the car in my Lexus I know but you in the parking lot or you driving I was we dropping I was dropping him off at the house and he told the the house so them [ __ ] you saying they did they you know they handle their business you know I'm saying they were like you know what I'm saying and then I pulled off and then they shot the cop about 40 50 times and I drove around the corner went to the hpal you know laid on the bed woke up you know I H tubes and [ __ ] in me you know what I'm saying so those was the only two but that some [ __ ] try to rob me the other time I was in some drummer you know cuz uh you know basically you know what I'm saying I I don't have a lot of enemies you know what I'm saying me especially once I after I turned 25 I stopped the dumb [ __ ] and I I got 100% pimping you know what I mean and I was just strictly you know in the game you know I mean no mix no edites no preserva straight game and I that's I became a legendary pimp I dedicated my life to the game you know but it's always a [ __ ] you know what I'm saying that jealous that want what you got because I was always the top tier you know especially in Milwaukee it's a small town you know [ __ ] that try you but around the world I get a lot of love but you know [ __ ] know I got I got goons all over you know like right you know I mean I'm not bragging but young [ __ ] love me I got a organization called a hip hop attorney I got 5,000 members you know I got 32 states and 35 States and 100 executives you know my [ __ ] love me they all different type of games you know I don't have no problem like I'm I'm a real boss in the street right you know what I'm saying you know uh my organization we feed the kids for free you know uh we let them perform for free and we let them uh enter free and Park free every Monday at a club called Ice Bar you know right here in Atlanta I don't know if I don't you know know what happened um I was doing a play one time in Chicago at the Regal okay it's cold wet you know snow and um Don Juan came with two other pimps remember one had had a white mink on it cold snow was out and [ __ ] SE more ra SE more I'm going tell you what happened so you know I was do a joke with him I was bow down to him you know I got one knee just you know for one just to [ __ ] with him you know and we talked a little bit and then we had to get into a little van to go to a hotel you know like on everybody ra let's go to the van and one his boys went around the corner to their car we was talking all like what the [ __ ] get down get down the TRU we left off shot huh how long ago is this 200000 four or five maybe oh when they killed the little the little dude he was in the back cuz they a get one I know I know you talking about man name I can't think of his name damn man this Chicago going be mad at me for that damn name I was there that night he went around the corner and yeah you heard all that and um yeah they said he I think I think let me call re seimo can I call SEO yeah this Bish right hand man I think um they was in a um Bishop was in the back seat next to the I think they was going after him not not Bishop they were going after the dude and unloaded up in that car yeah man that [ __ ] was uh I think 2004 Chicago I know you was at that [ __ ] come on man damn I don't how to hold you guys but I got the nose I know [ __ ] yeah I'm calling re Simo now I don't know if he going to answer man he probably oh okay man what's that dude name man yep he been so many years ago I can't even think of he with two two other dudes yeah Bishop was with two other dude one had a all white mink on and a hat was minked damn what's he might call back before we get off yeah he might see that he might see that yeah yeah man so yeah I remember that that night yeah I was there CRA I'm trying to think I think it was named before the end of okay okay okay okay um I'm going to name some movies some movies and tell me what what comes to your mind when I mention these movies tell me if you've seen them or what influx and how you felt if you seen it or whatever the mac oh you know Max juliia he did a song with me that's my right-hand man you know he how to be a player with me yeah I remember that yeah okay Max Julia we did an album together yeah okay what about the movie did you real not real well it reflected the lifestyle I loved it you know Oakland you know the the the uh the brothers over there the ward Brothers they were some pimps lot of real pimps okay okay okay so had some authenticity to it you know it was authentic okay Hustle and Flow hust and flow I like today [ __ ] I think it was a good look for Memphis cuz a lot of my pimp Partners from Memphis you know skinny Christ too deep you know man too many of them to call you know Goldie mdow you know burls you know man [ __ ] let me get to mention uh my [ __ ] Valentino Double D made rest in peace you know uh it's a whole bunch of them man Pacman I met some young some young pimps but they don't look like y'all you know regular [ __ ] and jeans and like this and be pimping ho you know in Dallas and I know a couple of dudes that do that so it a it ain't the style now some of the young kids don't care about the style no more it's some just be wearing some regular ass clothes pimp rooster you know yeah all them brothers just casual you know what I'm saying do you remember you remember a movie called street smart with Morgan Freeman Street Smart Morgan Freeman okay yeah it a great it a hell of a scene he was talking to this white girl and she was talking sh he slapped her like really slapped on camera and [ __ ] like slapp the [ __ ] out it's called Street Smart yeah he played he played a a detective trying to be a pimp or something like that but it was interesting what about your man uh what about Dolomite man Dolomite I had an opportunity to meet him we did a play ball in Dallas we brought dolite out uh my man Rome from Dallas you know and Carla all of them we brought him out you know Richie Rich it was it was a great moment I [ __ ] with do M you [ __ ] with do M man hell yeah he funny as [ __ ] man I did I I did a comedy show with him one time and you know God rest of dead but uh no sugar in that tank yeah like homie no sir homie no no no my [ __ ] I don't you remember okay you might not seen that far but you know you don't look like me and [ __ ] okay I was young you know what I'm saying I was like no sir I might be young [ __ ] but we don't do that okay okay you know we doing a show in the same hotel in the ballroom he going make I was like n [ __ ] my room's another way [ __ ] okay hey y'all going to catch me on the air okay you don't catch me slipping [ __ ] okay okay that's one thing I ain't going to do makes some [ __ ] R right right right this is this ain't a movie but this is the biggest pimp I think it's the biggest pimp situation slavery [ __ ] well you know I I talked about it my movie I said that during slavery you know how the slaves survive was that the the females that were you know the slaves they would go and sleep with the Masters and the master would give them a PK chop and the the guys that was in the slave uh Huts would say hey next time you go sleep with Master get two two pork CHS and I think that created the mentality of the white man appetite you know for the black woman the white man have an insatable appetite for the black woman so when you see back in the early 1600 two you know 1960s and 1920s you see them black dudes driving the Cadillac a lot of people thought it was chauffers but really they they was Max so they went from Cadillac they went from uh horsey backs to Cadillacs you know and that's how the gang the gang the pimp gang was started slav but you know the white man you know you I mean he he he he was the one of the ultimate ens slav right right no no no no pimps some [ __ ] all right I'm as as I say these names what's the first thing come to your mind give me a couple lines three three four words whatever come to your mind um and we already talked a couple of them but let me just knock it out pimpsy the greatest ever did it okay okay Trill okay okay okay you [ __ ] with that Iceberg Slim hey man the guy that really put the battery in my back made me like ener buzz still hor and hor I keep p stepping and going damn okay okay IC te I just did a book on them called split decisions man one of my best friends uh I got a movie coming out what I'm call you know the makeing outar celebrity you know been friends with him since '95 yeah yeah I'm I'm know him I like him man he's he just he just he's just so real like I almost can't believe I can believe he was a pimp but I can't believe he was a gangster just cuz his personality is so cool [ __ ] you know what I'm saying this is always I see a blow a [ __ ] off the without doubt all right all right another one he kind of give you a pimp situation with Donald Trump well I think Donald Trump man you know he he personify what the other white people hide you know what I'm saying I mean you know I like people that straight up I mean he he ain't going to he he practice systemic racism he going to tell you and he going to tell you he don't like you whereas you know a lot of you know white supremacists you know what I mean they didn't traded they uh you know they uh hoods for clans for for sus you know I mean you know it's a mind game you know and it's crazy that you mentioned Donald Trump because you know I mean our people is suffering you know what I'm saying from mass incarceration police brutality whole bunch of issues you know um a lot of black people starting to sway towards him again you know when they start realizing what he you know cuz he's a criminal you know he's aood he's a hood [ __ ] that's basically you know what I'm saying do hood [ __ ] right right right um Lil Booty uh booty you know what I'm saying he's one of the greatest of all times you know also did a book on him M you know what I'm saying me we uh you know we did a documentary on booy I saw it man I loved it man and booy don't too much agree with it but you know what I'm saying oh you know I mean he he wants some more money you know what I'm saying Soo boo player he want his money so you know we're going to try to negotiate get that right with right right right no i s you know whatever percentage you want I got you I got you now I like it what made you pick him to do a documentary well I well I did this thing with Simon Schuster it's the biggest publishing company in the world you know what I'm saying so I did my book pimpology 48 lost a game with them you know sold millions of copies so I develop a relationship I was one of the best black African-American sellers in the camp so I can call and talk to them so I said hey look I got this plan called the hipop fraternity literary program where I want to teach young people to be more literate through hip hop so you know I mean we reached out you know and they reached out to us and you know we use booy as our first candidate to uh promote literacy in the black community mhm yeah when when's the documentary coming out uh we debuted it yesterday Monday nice yeah so we had check it out I watched ice yeah yeah yeah yeah you see you see footage of boots but you how many so many people in there IC tea I see so many people tarq yeah you know yeah yeah you did Freeway Ricky R you put together nicely man yeah you you you know that's what we want to do we want to put yours together too I ain't mad at now come on now pimp me [ __ ] I'm messing with you it's the objective was to sell books if when you seen it you know we kept emphasizing the book so you know as a literary agent you know for Simon Scher which you agent now right I yeah that's how I signed them booy signed to me I signed to me Cory Wise from Central Park 5 we trying to negotiate with lake to sign Jack Hollow you know we tried to you know reach out to uh little baby people Travis Scott you know I got a bag for him you know I give them I give him a bag you know and uh basically you know it's the purpose of that is to sell books I came up with this idea I said if I sell more books then I'm going have more relationships with the corporations and that's what I want I want to be able to you know get a lot of money for the author and the artist at the same time create relationships that can morph into some bigger [ __ ] later on in the future yeah yeah I would [ __ ] with you because I think you've been through enough that you ain't got time to be [ __ ] people over no more you know or however if you did before whatever you know you in position yeah but you know the main thing I always tell any artist is you know what I'm saying me do your paperwork right sure say I mean you know anybody that's under a contract you know you can get the best scenario in a situation mhm that's cool that's cool no man man man that's great all right man we know we done talked about everything brother not everything because you got a long stuff we can be here all day but I got to wrap it up I want I play a little I play a game with some folks on here sometime little show thing it's called ho and Bros MH so I'm going tell you something and when you hear it you tell me if it's hsh or broish okay you know what I'm saying some ho [ __ ] and do some bro [ __ ] to do you know I'm saying this is grown men over 25 years old okay so people you around or whatever losing young you know some cats you tell me all right let's see let's see what you I'm come up with something when it's a predominant color a man wearing pink come on there three seconds ah man you know h no comment oh hell no hell no I a never had somebody say no comment come on that's holy [ __ ] then sh that's holy [ __ ] but you know the crazy I had don't pink the other day though I had a pink shirt manab but they had a it was like a well one pink is okay I said the whole [ __ ] no I don't I ain't no I ain't pink out like that was just a pink dress shirt you all right all right all right that's why I a want to call myself cuz everybody they say you just had the shirt on day okay okay all right all right let's go with u that's a good one I feel crazy about that all right letting the female pay on the first [ __ ] okay let the female pay on the first date letting the female pay on the first date that's some bro [ __ ] oh all right now yeah some yeah that's some bro [ __ ] that's some bro [ __ ] right there okay okay yeah come on P St to my pocket all right all right I seen I seen this happen a couple times I don't know cuz pimp how this works arguing with a female in public that's some ho [ __ ] some ho [ __ ] yeah I seen some pimp say [ __ ] you gonna give me my money the [ __ ] out of here if I slap the [ __ ] out hey he got hey hey when the pimp get the slapp in the [ __ ] he ran out of game you know what I'm saying when you put your dukes up that mean you ain't got no more game okay you know okay okay I I feel you on that all right a man wearing split toe sandals you know toe go in the middle you know not the one that your toe hand shito [ __ ] [ __ ] he he can't wear the sand like that with to I Ain wear that sh looking at my feet you pan that's some ho [ __ ] all right all right all right let me see something he some ho [ __ ] though man all right I mean I don't know if I'm talking hey I I your opinion no [ __ ] that it's your opinion [ __ ] them about that it's your opinion know mother going kill me in the comments All right you tell me this okay crossing your legs when you sit down you know what I'm saying someo [ __ ] that's [ __ ] that's a PL [ __ ] okay all right my daddy all the old players did that man CR leg you talking you can cross your leg you cross your leg man that's some play [ __ ] man I do it all the time I think like you doing it now yeah I'm just doing example [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah when you get old [ __ ] hips move differently [ __ ] okay [ __ ] all right all right this is the last question I'm going ask you what's the roast what's the most romantic thing you did for a woman for your woman a woman a woman romantic you know uh man uh I bought bought her bans and put uh one of them things on it and B yeah bow and put roses in the [ __ ] and uh 5,000 for a birthday damn and who was she to you the girl is a girl or uh it's just it's just somebody that stayed down and you know help me uh with a lot of business we made Millions together you know good [ __ ] man good [ __ ] okay I ain't that romantic [ __ ] okay I cook some well you know no disrespect but it was with her money I like I like this guy I like this guy yo man Ken I really appreciate man let the people first of all know where they can reach you at the social hey first of all I want to say I the CEO of the hip hop attorney you can reach me at thehiphop attorney.com you know become a member join for free you know uh we have over 5,000 members you know I our theme is uh love peace and respect you know that's our culture our call we teach people about the music industry we teach you how not to give [ __ ] we teach you about cryptology we teach you about the blockchain we teach you about ASCAP BMI CAC you know uh nfts and nfc's you know so it's important that you have your own intellectual property that you learn the game you know a lot of these young people believe it or not Pierre you know they sell their music you know for Pon dollar they get 15% royalty and 85% to the company but they got a 50% production so if they do a video they got to pay if the video me they pay $500,000 but if they get uh a million dollar sale you I'm saying they only get 150,000 so you know what I'm saying I mean it's just a travesty that our young people is not uh business savvy so that's what we do at the Hip Hop attorney you can also reach me at real pimp Kore that is my uh Instagram it's also my Snapchat uh I do comment back you know I do read my comments you know what I'm saying you know I got about 50,000 people on my page you know what I'm saying I still communicate and uh you also can me reach me at 5456 uh Fairville road every Monday Monday just come down it's the Ice Bar we have our Monday night meetings shout out to malerie shout out to yeah shout out to Queen and shout out to Angel shout out to the whole entire hip hop shout out to our national president uh brother James Gray shout out to uh our national CEO uh brother V I'll say this last and you tell me what you think give me a give me just a minute what do you want your legacy to be known as man well you know the first uh 40 years of my life was my legacy you know the next uh 40 years I want to be Dynasty I want to be able to lead generational wealth to my children I want to uh you know be able to teach the young people how to amarate their conditions we want to stop the violence you know what I'm saying you know I want to you know create literacy in the community that's why we partner up with these major corporations and partner up with these artists to you know send out a positive message that can be conducive to the community you know we want to uh Quil incarceration rate we want to stop mass incarceration you know I want to you know just do a host of things I built the Hip Hop fraternity it's a unified organization you know like I said we at 5,000 right now I know you seen it in the movie Just Seen the different chapters we got going run so the Legacy man is to leave something that would be equivalent to a civil rights movement for hip-hop you know so basically the hip-hop attorney we have our own radio we have our own uh award shows every uh April matter of fact I need to get a job for you and uh we we have uh you know our own social media the hip opportunity.com so I want to leave that as a legacy and I can say that I died you know I came I died and I left something I left my name you know and then of course my books you know off going to write my my next book and then I'm going advin you my autobiography so that's why I want my legacy to be just a man of many hats so before you leave I do a little thing I give what's called a swag bag man it's little little products in here you can check them out check them out you talking about book writer I wrote a book too you know I've been shot three times you you have [ __ ] i' been shot three times with 9 mm yeah D pull it out you pull it out look at it man look at it book read what that book say pull that microphone C your closer yeah what that book say m okay yeah my 100 homies and phonies of Hollywood Hollywood what come on man you know I've been in la la land man I know all types of people out there man you know what I'm saying yeah I I seen you oh that's that's a do-rag you know what I'm saying it's a do rag you give to your lady you put a hair it's it's with this picture right here I had a uh and well oh that's a card game I don't know if you play it's like Uno you support them White cards that's a blast comedy Hypes own card game it has all kind of celebrities in it there it is right there man I just want to give you something what I want to do with you Pier is I want to do we want to do a documentary on this book The Making of it just like we did with booy and I okay Rick Ross Rick Ross we need to work together on this come on now come on now SS good man we G we gonna uh you know I I explain the particulars okay you know how we do it you know and you know I we basically we we pay for all the production and then we we send it to me and we break down bust down but God damn it don't talk about it be about it you know what I'm saying don't cheat yourself treat yourself you Fu the right one right now okay well we [ __ ] with you I got I got you Atlanta right no I'm in uh DC are you live DC yeah yeah DC area but we could we could do we could do Atlanta and DC I come back and forth man come on now I'm [ __ ] with you man yeah I but again I really appreciate you coming on so we got five episodes you going to be episode six there it is right there you heard him that's it you heard him there it is man give a round Applause my man p man thank you so much y'all y'all seen this show man y'all enjoyed it man my man through some knowledge right there I learned a couple few things man so again thanks for coming y'all thank y'all for supporting this channel like you always do man and when I see him in the streets you say yo P I love you I love your Panic Room I truly appreciate when y'all show me that knowledge man don't forget to hit the Subscribe button or the notification Bell there is right there man supp man keep supporting I keep on bringing some of these dope artists on all right y'all thank y'all and I holl at y'all later hey what up this your boy pimp again the best thing since Ling the ice cream hey man I'm at the pier show you saying I surviv the prer Panic Room you say because I'm a Survivor you know what I'm talking about the walkest finest the Roy highness the best ever did to got away with it you know what I'm saying mother had you and mother [ __ ] you turn me up a little bit [Music] [Music] if you like that show like subscribe and comment below you know hit hit the notification Bell hit the Subscribe button man we want you around appreciate it
Channel: Comic Pierre
Views: 35,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pierre, Comedy, Stand-Up Comedy, Actor, Funny, Comedian, Humor, Urban
Id: rsxELwHTBY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 49sec (3829 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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