Corey Holcomb Speaks on Will Smith, DaBaby, Polygamy, and Getting Banned on Twitter | Interview

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so have you had accounts that's just been turned off my Twitter they took it oh so you um the Twitter people it was some girl said something slick to me and you know I'm clever I had a good comeback and then they said oh you ain't supposed to talk to her like this then I was like oh I can't do this Big Boy's Neighborhood we are back ladies and gentlemen Corey Holcomb in the neighborhood more with Corey speak on it are you just making this up as you go no no we we um we scripted all right it's their fault everybody if I did something hold on man what is technically I'm still married I'm technically still married what does that mean I love my wife right I I grabbed my wife while we were still young and to this day I got my wife back you know what I'm saying things I say family members of hers here and they run and tell her because you know the family is miserable they jealous right right the family is the family is jealous in a lot of situations especially with somebody like me because my my the money I earn my wife can still get what I earned not because she found a way to use the system against me because if she needs me that's who I marry I'm going to take care of her right do y'all live together no okay that's no my God how long have y'all been in separate households it's look man it's been a while but uh but y'all not divorced no why not divorced I don't know man it's not easy have you ever been divorced no I never have let me tell you something about this divorce game because you don't know what a marriage certificate is and all that stuff like that you really don't know what you're getting into we are brainwashed into thinking when you find somebody you love you're supposed to go down there to the courthouse and let them unite you but it's the worst thing that can happen because if you use their contract their marriage certificate you're in a bind if you find someone you love and you do the research on what a marriage certificate brings you I don't think you'll do it what you can do I would tell anybody who's who found someone they love and they want to be with y'all really listen to this y'all can make your own contract to protect each other like if we if we don't make it I'm willing to do this for you I'm willing to do that for you if we don't make it you know what I'm saying but what's in a marriage contract is nonsense and it only splits the families up there's not as many family reunions as it used to be because most of the time if you don't make it with the person that you marry y'all wind up in court as defendant and the other thing you know what I'm saying it's like it's it's it's chaos if you don't make it but if you really care about each other why not come up with a contract that you can get signed sealed and delivered that makes it where everybody is not in chaos if we don't make it I heard that so but you're not divorced no I'm not there and and I want to say this to all of the all of the people who might run to my wife when you hear me say things around town it don't work because the truth is my wife knows who I am I'm crazy and everything but I got her back what it really boiled down to it and when you say got her back what does that mean I mean like if she jammed up I'm the one to call because I'm gonna find a way to fix it right I'm not I'm not even even though we might not be together like that I still got you right and that's just how I go and you know what I'm fortunate enough where if I'm around somebody that I hold up they understand what I'm saying I got married so that means something to me but not in the traditional way and that ain't me trying to get out of no responsibilities or nothing but would you do it again I would never have another state sanctioned relationship really never I know who I am and if I if I got a woman that I'm in love with or whatever I'm sure she's gonna know who she is and we can figure it out are you in love now uh yeah I'm in love with a lot of people I'm in love with a lot of people I think is that is that wrong you you can't love more than one person I guess not huh I mean I don't know I'm talking about like okay is there one love you both love one person like you might have a girl that does this real good you could be in love and what about I have love for no that's that's fake I got love for if somebody say I got a love for you right that mean they don't want to argue right you know what I'm saying all right I love a lot of people right I'm like buddy love now the club and I'm not talking about a lot of love again I'm not talking about like homie loves though what's homie Love what did you know like so you you you could be in love with multiple women and one a woman could be in love with multiple men I don't know about what a woman or one individual can do but there are people I have ran into in my journey that have helped me and they have shown me they got my back and I love them not only for what they did to me they've grown close to my heart you know what I'm saying I'm talking about strictly female strictly ladies yeah somebody calling you now huh yeah are y'all airing this line you're like man he was like man let me go to myself real quick 200 fix a lot yeah but no it's like why are we afraid to tell the world that you can love more than one person it's like it's taboo you don't think you could love more than one person I mean big boy in love with more than one like in deep like in love yes I'm going home and my wife didn't tell her what she's hiding from me you know my wife hate when you come and do the show but my wife do think you crazy and my wife really enjoys you though I think some people who who can handle the truth Yeah because sometimes the truth is actually shocking in this day and time I can understand why some people first look at me like this because I've had so many people walk up to me and say when I first saw you I hated you yeah yeah but you know you really helped helped me think a whole another way you ever thought you were in danger yeah I'd have been in danger man I didn't have uh guys stand up at my shows because they woman is there like you know it's like Will Smith walked up to Chris Rock then slapped him because he was little but my my size actually saves me a lot in a lot of fights it really does see the frustration in people who um for whatever reason might not like something I say just like right now I'm gonna get I'm gonna get um drama because I said you can love more than one woman but I think a lot of people are in that situation um one time or another in their life so you've had people stand up at your show oh because I didn't man you saw what happened we was talking about it what happened with Will Smith and Chris Rock I'm telling you man I think the reason I've never got hit is because of my size really I I mean like I'm not well first of all brother Chris he's not the type I could tell he's not a humbug type of guy right neither am I I mean when you say he let him walk up on you like man you need to put your hand right he was hypnotized I'm not gonna get hypnotized I'd have seen people get knocked out and didn't get up yeah man and that'd be the viral Cliff I know the cameraman gonna get me while I'm down and it's gonna be fine let's go bro Inside Edition you guys may not know this guy but you need to see this amen do you think that more people get upset with you at your show because of their woman is upset with you definitely um definitely it's some guys like man we have a protection mode inside of us and if your woman is upset sometimes you can feel like hey man you destroying my atmosphere you get what I'm saying yeah so but I tell a guy like I've said on stage hey man talk to your girl and calm her down because sometimes I've had girls yell out stuff even though I'm being nice what I say in real life hey man check your well everybody their people just they're people who want to outdo the comedian but I'm built for this I'm ready big boy I'm really that guy in the game I'm that guy I'm I'm bold enough to say that if you come to my shows and you watch what I do you're going to see a difference in me versus your favorite comedian and that's bold to say but it's the truth and I think when you say Amen tell your girl to calm down you even took something out to do yeah because I let him know you out in the streets with this girl you ain't got no control over because she talking over you and you've been telling her to be quiet for five minutes you know what I'm saying if I ever had anyone walk out of course you had couples fighting in the parking lot you know what I'm saying he gets he gives 200 you only gave me boys you know what I'm saying it's like it's a cold world out here man we're waiting for you at the merchandise table like hey that's regular folk we gotta sit back and laugh at it and make jokes about it man you know I don't get mad about nothing man unless you hit me hey man we recently had the baby in the neighborhood and the baby said take he said he said you should take a girl to eat on the first date to McDonald's can you just pull it through the drive yeah just pull it through I wouldn't even call it a date right right yeah I was just talking yeah but yeah pull it through the drive-through and just look at the reaction I know a girl take me to McDonald's you ain't the one for me really yeah so I I ain't saying like you know how hey hey I ain't saying how people should react so he was pretty much saying you can pull up to McDonald's with a girl to see what her reaction is that is a that is a great thing to do if you on that level where you trying to check out who somebody is see who she is in a situation like that I mean it's it's clever if you ask me you know what I'm saying but me I'm not going to take you to McDonald's I want you to see how well I live and eat right give you something to strive for right right with me well do what you're supposed to do there God damn it oh my god dude do you do you think that uh you like this roof Crystal do you feel like you don't play the game enough when you say play the game enough what you mean you know how there's got to be enough like it's got to be like oh man you know like like have you have you had people that even told you like Corey man I got this show but I can't I can't get you on it man when people say that to me it's like a slap in the face don't tell me about your show then right because I have this show that I'm putting together but I can't get you on it no but like you take people like Tyler Perry in the game but they have they see what I do and they I appreciate how they go out their way take a chance on me and give me give me a shot because I'm not gonna do nothing to try and mess up nothing like I use Tyler Perry as an example what he's doing most of the time when I'm on set directors always tell me where have you been right you know what I'm saying do you think Hollywood's afraid of you I I can't say Hollywood's afraid of me but I think Hollywood thinks I would derail the minds of the people they've programmed to go the way the rail is is heading and you know what I don't think that that's your whole thing where you want to be a part of it you know what I'm saying like you say a part of Hollywood yeah just that whole thing like man I gotta have that I got you know what I'm saying like there's some people that just dropped I want some big money I know I'll take some big money but there are principles I simply cannot set aside to succeed in Hollywood like the show I did Black Jesus they had the episode Black Jesus bro well they had the episode with the dress and I was so scared I was like oh well this is my last episode I'm done I'm not gonna put the dress on but the director had enough respect for me where he switched it up and I was I was like man that's so big of you to do that because I know how it goes so what was the actual episode because I don't remember the dress right you don't remember me in a dress yeah yeah you're not gonna remember me in no dress either damn well don't look at a movie called Deuce Bigalow male gigolo either good what happened you may find me an address all right let me look check this out that was that was a while ago yeah yeah it would actually be funny to see you in a dress there all right yeah back then oh yeah that's when I was over 500 pounds right right but yeah I remember I was watching something and they was like man why does every black comedian or somebody that's funny got to put on the dress then they start putting up like Martin and I was like ah damn it it's part of the game right part of the initiation in Hollywood you know what I'm saying like I say I I I'm before I got to know these people because I know people who get down like that I was all like oh man you were whatever but you know what I'm saying when you hit with that reality and you used this is the way you you you feed your family I don't look at it as bad as I looked at it before because this goes back to the people who are trying to cancel Kyrie if you ask me this goes back to the people they they know what they're doing and they put us in situations you know we feed our families with this you know those people are eating back in when I did I didn't even have family so you didn't have family because I'm putting on the dress tonight there's nothing for Deuce bigger though you don't know them people yeah you're like big uh anything you want to tell your listeners well could I ask you something for real please do at that time you was at a different mindset yeah yeah 100 it can happen man yeah we 100 perfect man we can all do something that we look back on later in life and be like you know what I mean I'll do that again never again I don't like it man let me ask you this hey you ever did like a show or did a radio thing or where you just start getting like hot because you're nervous of what you just said I guess that could happen okay yeah because it happens to me when you come here I just get this little film that just kind of forms on my head but you have me here for a reason yes and I know it's not just because the videos no no I wanted to talk to you about uh like your social media and and things of that nature and you know the being out on the road and everything yeah right know what it is this is the Brilliance of it some of us who have positions in the slots of power we have people come on and let them talk I think I talked some of the stuff you're thinking so you bring me in so to say it that's what I think I could be wrong Big Boy nah you know what bro I would have to say you are I'm wrong I'm just saying you are hey man look and I'm glad you said we are we need you in this slot right because I might need some help one day you might be able to help me because you in this slide and usually I would pull up but this time I just got to see how it plays out no I got a homeboy here drag queen and I I don't condemn him for being a drag queen because he he got he works in a place well he works at the airline and sometimes I need his hookups right right right right right right like I wouldn't even talk to him otherwise hey man how you been like how you gonna blow yourself I need you to switch this flight up women are our way of being happy on this planet if you know what you're doing if you know what you're doing you're gonna pick a woman and she gonna be your friend and you're gonna be happy but if you don't know what you're doing you're gonna wind up picking the one you want and that's the one that normally ain't no good for you that's what I would say to people the one you want um because you ain't smart enough to know what you want especially when it comes to picking a lady you have to get blessed where God puts somebody special in your life yeah I you don't know how to go out there and pick a good girl come on man who you know and once in a while you hear about a couple that made it but most of the time you have to get blessed and God just happened to put something in your life do you believe in marriage like like the whole living and like everything that come with it I mean I could be with a woman where it's just me and her um for the most part and you know from the for the most part has a that's a long range bro how many guys you know have the courage to to tell the world I've never been monogamous there's just not a lot of guys who had the courage to say I've never been with just one woman but most of the guys I know are not with just one woman and if they are is the cheating coming is it cheating because you got more than one woman let me ask you something of more than one man if you got more than one man you belong to the game so if you have more than one woman do you belong to the game not if I'm holding the players game up right you know what I'm saying listen if I got a whole bunch of money and a whole bunch of resources I shouldn't have to lie about the women that I'm dealing with let's take the money out of the game because I know if you take the money out I know a lot of guys that don't have the money and they still like they they the most pin player Hustlers that I know no you don't yeah you know you might know pimps or somebody who out here on the manipulation side of the game to be straight up and actually go on vacation where it's you and your two women and the family that you want to have that ain't easy to do hey man let me tell you if I went home and and no matter what kind of boxing martial art whatever I know if I went home and I told my wife I said hey you know I'm thinking about bringing somebody else in someone here would have to remove that knife from my chest because they tell you don't pull it right out be so I would have to go somewhere for someone to pull this this knife out of my chest I believe you if you say that I believe it's true yeah I definitely I definitely believe me but I mean like you know what I'm saying we I'm I don't want to live a situation where I'm lying every day it bothers me when I was younger I could do it but now that I'm older I can't look at somebody who I actually love and care about a lot to them all the time about who I am in most most situations that's what it is and most and that's why I tell people sometimes we do stories on air or something I say man that person knows that that person has multiple women or that person no and you'll see people like how could she be one of many I'm like dude she knows you know what I'm saying and that to me is the most not player but that's that Honesty where it's like hey man like you know it's the sneaking and the hiding that that cult that causes a lot of the problems well it's like that's the part that you can't fix when you get caught sneaking and and hiding but like if you if you bold enough to tell somebody who you are and they still around you then they can't be looking at you like you foul I've told you who I am and you still around me and you know what I'm saying don't act like I'm I would never do you wrong but I'm gonna do what I do because I don't think I could stop it and it's honest uh you know what I'm saying like if if you know and it's honest cool you know what I'm saying and on top of that like I get chose go ahead Bishop Don Magic I get chose man I'm I'm Corey Hokum and drop you off and get I love that too when you fold that 200 up and give it to him you can see in their eye they're ashamed but they have to take it because of their situations amen and you you don't mind a girl not loving you for who you are I'm not here love what is that that's temporary most of the time most of the time is temporary do all marriages if they don't end in death because something happened or all marriages do they end in divorce most marriages in the United States are doomed because at our way of life in the United States is we lie that's what we do we lie how you going you're not of Honor you don't be like Jesus Christ I'm I'm big boy son of big boy if you know what I'm saying back in the day your honor meant something right right how would I look like being out here with them baby yeah that's that's the game of life now Jesus Christ and when you get older and you really believe in yourself bro you can't keep doing that it is so good to have you in here on your last appearance if the game don't stop yeah it is so y'all get up with me big boy I'll be like Howard Stern was saying yeah you said it all yeah right now how do we follow you on like the Instagram the podcast is everything that's I don't do it no I have some people posting things about my dates and stuff like that but but you don't have like your own social media they'll take it from me if you speak this way they'll take it from you they don't want you derailing the people's social media is for girls be half naked with their makeup on and their filters or fools acting like they doing more than they get you know what I'm saying so have you had accounts that's just been turned off my Twitter they took it I'll say you um the Twitter people it was some girl said something slick to me and you know I'm clever I had a good comeback and then they said oh you ain't supposed to talk to her like this then I was like oh I can't do this I'm not gonna build an account for somebody to take it because as I said something look I get paid to talk like this I make a lot of money coming up with the slick stuff I say I heard that so it's like yo I can't do that but 51.50 talk about it is the light that's why I get a chance to talk every Tuesday night eight o'clock on this West Coast time you know what I'm saying and when can we find 51.50 just Google Corey Holcomb 5150 Show and let the adventure begin start finding out we um we we go live streaming the show supposed to start at eight but it's me so we started about 8 30. yeah yeah yeah when you ready yeah you know what I'm saying and um I think it's if you like this type of conversation this is what happens on myself hey Corey that wasn't your show that Aries Spirits got hit got everybody's got beat up on my show yeah I remember that like we bought but he was talking crazy to this guy named um Zoe Williams yeah and you know Aries was drunk and on top of that Aries is a bully and Zoe has a very gentle voice if you know this guy's right Zoe he's got he's very knowledgeable and he's you know he's speaking against because Aries kind of took him for granted and so so came about he got real tall he gave him about 10 elbows he didn't punch it one time it was all elbow let me tell you man if you see the footage you didn't get up to stop the fight I couldn't I tried to help me but I was like he deserve it man yeah you did not get up I couldn't get up right you just moved out the way to make sure nothing got on you you know what I'm saying well we still got if somebody wants to buy that Banner we got the a 5150 Banner with Aries blood on it it really got his blood on it we even got that Tanqueray bottle he was drinking that uh there it is man Corey Holcomb in the neighborhood man thank you for coming into the neighborhood once again and hanging out with us it's all good Corey hope we're seeing you in about six weeks right now Corey Holcomb ain't canceled already until they tell me this isn't live right now so y'all know what to do y'all go dodo let him say that oh yeah there's one in my head I already know I'm taking off neighborhood [Music] all right
Channel: BigBoyTV
Views: 630,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: corey holcomb, corey, holcomb, 5150 show, corey holcomb 5150, corey holcomb interview, corey holcomb will smith, corey holcomb big boy, corey holcomb full interview, corey holcomb kanye west, corey holcomb comedy, corey holcomb stand up, kanye west, kanye, corey holcomb kanye, corey holcomb interviews, corey holcomb show, big boy, big boy's neighborhood, big boy neighborhood, bigboytv, 92.3, corey holcomb dababy, dababy, will smith, corey holcomb wife, corey holcomb twitter, new
Id: yyQ1NNRPft8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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