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[Music] [Music] hey guys this is e with scrapbooking with me and I started dyeing some papers this morning and then I realized that I had promised to show you how I dye my papers now I don't do all coffee or tea Dodd I like a lot of different colors of paper so you know I'll do green blue this is plum I'll do whatever color that I can put together so I'm going to show you how I do mine now I don't always use coffee and I don't always use tea sometimes I use just my ink refills this is an ink refill I put two or three drops in here and then I've put some water in it it just depends on how dark you want it I wanted mine a little bit lighter so I just put two or three drops and then added some water until I got it the consistency that I wanted and then I just stacked one paper on top of the other I use this brush you can use one of those foam brushes if you have one of those that's real wide that works great I'm out of the wide ones so I just grab this and then you can put your application on any way that you want I just kind of spread it across just don't rub your paper too much just put the the ink on there and then just move on to the next sheet the more you rub your paper the more it might get those little fuzzy parts on there so I just kind of put my ink on and then just spread it around and right now you can see the brush marks but once this dries you can't the brush marks go away and then ever so often I will grab one of my paper doilies and I'll just lay that dolly in there and then I'll just whip that door lay down just enough so that it'll stick I don't wait it down a lot because it'll pull the water or the color out of my other papers and then I go again like I said this one is called plumeria it's a just an ink color that I had in my stash you know we've all got those refills and we very seldom use them because it doesn't take much to refill your ink pad and then I just slip it over and I use just an a paper bag on the back and then I just keep stacking them on top of each other when they drive they'll come apart and I love how it comes over to the other side and it adds those little run marks I like that so this is the plum now I just scoop everything out of there make sure I get it on my paper alright so that is my plum color then I wipe this out I just use this little tin you could use a just a paper cup whatever you have this just happened to be sitting on my desk this morning wasn't doing any good so I just grabbed it and then I don't spend a lot of time cleaning my brush out you can go wash your brush if you want to I just kind of wipe over it with a towel and get some of that ink color out like I said if you want to go wash it you can and then I grabbed this the whole thing and I take it over and I put it on my table to dry I just laid mine under my fan that I have in my room and they dry in no time because you're not dipping them all right let's see what are we gonna do now let's do it a little bit of purple so this one is called chipped sapphire and shake it up I'm putting in about let's see I probably put about four or five drops in there to start with just to see what I've got I always go back and add more and then I just add a little water until I kind of get it the consistency that I want it's just you know I don't add water until I can see through it I just add a little bit of water and then if it's too dark when I start putting in on here then I go back and I change it now this first one's gonna have a little bit of that pink color in it off of my brush that doesn't bother me I don't care okay this is a little bit dark for me so I'm probably going to add a little bit more water but I love that water effect on there and it will dry lighter so keep that in mind too I'm gonna add just a little bit more water in it and you can you know put it all over it you can put it just in certain places this one doing it like this you can kind of determine how you want your page to look it does it probably takes well you know I started to say it takes a little bit longer but I don't think it does I've dyed it both ways by dipping them I think dipping them takes longer for me because I have to wait on them to dry so and I learned a few little book pages this doesn't take long to die to dry darn dry this doesn't take long to dry like this so this is all I do I can do this right at my desk I don't have to go outside or have a big bucket or anything like that I can do it at my desk and just do a few or lot but I can die a hundred pages in no time like this so let's find something else that we want to die let's just die some of this this is like that bake bakery paper or Baker's paper whatever you want to call it I bought a thousand sheets of this not too long ago and the good part about this you've got this bag when you finish when you get all your papers up you've got that bag that has the texture on it and has color on there too so you can use that now this I probably wouldn't even have to flip over because it's so thin that it's going to go through you can do tissue paper you don't have this you can do a freezer paper lots of different things that you can color up and I just let it pull if it wants to like that I let it pool and I'll put the other one on top and this is how I keep mine so flat I had a lot of people that asked me how do you get your pages so flat because I leave them all just like this leave them all flat to dry and then when they dry and I pick them up they're already flat I don't have to do any ironing or you know I don't have to worry about them blowing away because I put them outside now if I want one in a hurry I might grab it up and put my heat press on it but I don't worry too much about that so this way you can dye any color that you want I've got some blue ones drying over there I've got some let's see what was this one I've got some brushed corduroy and a hot drawing I have some tumbled glass dried and then next I'm gonna do some peacock feathers and see what that looks like I haven't done I've sprayed peacock feathers but I haven't done it like this so we're gonna see what that looks like now if you're wondering what this brush is this is one of those brushes that a lot of people got years and years ago that they put on ink with they brushed ink on with and I never did use it for that it was from clarity stamps so I grabbed it out of my stash when I couldn't find a wide foam brush this is one of those narrow foam brushes and you could do it with this it just would take you a little bit longer but this seems to stop up a lot of the ink and the water so it's easier to do to me I mean I have been at this probably about 15 minutes this morning and I've already died about 70 pages so it doesn't take long and if you wanted to mix up more of one color you could use a bigger a little container than what I have here I just do a lot of different colors so that's why I don't mix up but just a little at a time I can always mix up more if I need to and see I love that effect how that looks that's the way it bled through and it's got that dark and light on there I love that okay I'm gonna stop it that one on the purple and I told you what color that was that was chipped sapphire I'm just wiping that out a little bit I'm gonna just wipe my brush out like this I'm not gonna take too much time with it and then we'll lay this sod and you can lay these on newspapers or paper sacks whatever you have to run around home this is I just happen to have a thousand of these then I ordered many many minutes ago thinking I was going to do something with them and I didn't so let's do a little bit of this is called peacock feathers okay I'm going to start out with that and see what that looks like maybe I may need to water it down a little bit the first one of course you remember it's gonna have a little of that purple in there maybe and that's fine I don't mind that like that I think I want to water it down any and I kind of get my brush pretty saturated for the first few after that you don't have to worry about it because it you have all of that underneath going on now this is ink so keep in mind it's gonna dye your fingers if you don't want that you can put some gloves on I just use a little Clorox on my fingertips when I get through with this and it goes away so I don't worry about it I very seldom put on any gloves for anything unless it's something that's hazardous yeah I like that color I must put a door lead áown I think I'm gonna have to mix up more of this I like that look at that that door looks gonna be pretty all right let's mix up a little bit more of this because I I am locking this color you know I would it's my favorite and I'm not even gonna flip that one over I'm gonna see what it looks like when it soaks up all of these colors or all of this color so I'm not even gonna flip it over so if you don't like there's some people that don't like the smell of coffee they don't like that smell that it leaves if you don't like that or if you don't have coffee in your house and you don't want to go buy a copy just to dye papers then this is the way to go this works just as well they come out feeling the same to me I like the looks better because you have all of this in there so just grab some of your inks and an old brush or a note grab an old dollar you can go the Dollar Tree and you can buy those wide foam brushes a great big pack for a dollar and you can use one over and over again now you can also put mica powder in this if you want to sometimes I do that but keep in mind when you put mica powder in this you're gonna need to make sure that your mica powder is mixed in really well because if you don't when someone starts to write on the top of the paper that mica will get off on their pen and it can ruin certain pens so just make sure that your mica isn't mixed in really well let's grab another Doorly and I just I get these paper doilies these are paper doilies not plastic I get these at the dollar tree a lot of times a big pack for a dollar so but this is how I did it no being no science to it just spreading ink sinking water and I'll show you some that I have already started drying in just a minute I'll look that doli stuck on there that's cute that is fine it's no problem we'll just go right over it and it should have the imprint of that doily on that paper when it dries we've got nothing here for maybe two more and that should be plenty of this color there might be this one this one will ended up probably now I had to do all these look at that one stuck on this page neat I like that I like surprises like that just gonna pour that rest of that on there so I don't have a lot of time and to me this is easier then like I said having to spread out and do you know get some big bucket together and water and boil my coffee or you know make my coffee whatever you want to do and then dip it and lay them out flat somewhere and all that this is just a lot easier to me and like I said when they start drying they separate so you don't have to worry about them sticking together let me grab a couple that are dry well these are not drawn because I only did them about ten minutes ago but this is the what color was this this is emerald and I did put some mica in it as if you can see that mica in there the shimmer a mix of mica and that so this is the emerald and then this is this is still not dry yet either but this is the brushed corduroy and when it dries it'll look more like coffee so it will it'll be a little bit darker when it dries in a little like coffee and then this one it's almost dry this is the tumbled glass and this is just a very pale blue i watered it down quite a bit because I didn't want it quite so dark so that it's a few of them that I've already done I love this look at that and I've got doilies in there so a nice dry that's gonna be so pretty let's see do we have another color that may we might want to do okay I grabbed walnut stain we'll do a few with walnut stain and that's going to be a really dark color it's going to look a lot more like Coffee probably and then coffee does and the thing of it is you only have to use a few drops so it's not like you have to use a whole container of coffee to get the look now I watered that down quite a bit because I really don't want it black let's see what we got I didn't clean my brush out too good so we might get a little bit of blue in here might make a little mud but that's okay don't mind that when it dries it'll look completely different okay so that is more like your coffee coffee there when that dries it's going to be a little bit lighter than what you're seeing on here so I guess if you want that deep coffee look this is the way to go and like I said sometimes I do use coffee it just depends on you know how I want to do it or how quick I want to get it done how many sheets I need that kind of thing today I needed to get some things done quick for a mini album that I'm working on so I wanted to go this route today because I know these are going to dry pretty quick look at that I like the way it looks on the back I like that soaked through look I think I actually picked up two sheets but we'll go with it I'm just gonna go ahead and put it down on this one I'm not gonna worry about the other side I'm just gonna saturate this side really well and it'll soak through now the other thing that you need to keep in mind is I would use you know if you're doing this in nice clothes I would definitely use an apron or something because this is ink so if it gets on you it's it will stain so I usually just do this and old clothes I don't wear my new clothes to do things like this in that pretty I love these dollies when they're done I think I've got two or three they're got two okay I'm just gonna lay that there and that's all the ink that I have in here for that and that's probably all I'm gonna do that color since I already have some of the brown over there I'm gonna go ahead and grab this one and put on top of those dollies and just put a little paint down this is the one that I had that I did that brushed corduroy on I'm just going to make it look like that I know I keep sliding out a screen but my paper keeps sliding that work right there it's gonna look rough like an old sheet of paper I like that okay all right I'm gonna lay this one aside okay I'm gonna try out a little bit of mustard seed it's kind of a yellow color and we'll see what we get out of that it may not be a color that I like but we'll see I don't particularly dislike that I think when it dries it'll look pretty and you can also spray these if you want to I think I said that earlier but when I spray them I just use that run those big plastic tube like things and spray them the only thing about spraying is a lot of times you get just clumps of the color in different places if you want a solid coverage then spraying might not be what you want to do now I can't pick up my paper for some reason so we'll use just a few of these I probably won't use many of them but there will be certain things that I can use these for I'm just gonna pour out a little bit more and I have these mixed up in my little spray bottles these are just spray bottles that I got from prima they had some Prima spray colors and them years ago and when I used colors up then I just started using them for other things and they're really good to spray but I don't dare spray on my desk like this because the spray goes everywhere and it that's why I'll use a tub and those big tubs you can get it Walmart let's plastic tubs that's what I use all right maybe it's to one dolly and then that should be all of our ink oops folding the door yet there we go and this one has a little bit of mica in it that I had added in there before so okay that is that color absolutely laid that one aside okay I'm gonna do a little bit of coral and I think that's all I'm gonna do for today well I'm gonna water that down yet I'm gonna look and see what color see how dark it is again I haven't washed my brush out oh that's very dark so we don't want it that dark so let's water that down a lot and then I'm gonna put some water on here this page will not dry fast because I have put all this water on there but that was way too dark the coral is very rich and I'm not even going to put any more color on my brush there we go now that's better so I love the coral coral until it's my two favorite colors from the whole wide world and see you could leave that side like that I think that's pretty or you can go ahead and add a little bit color to it let's put my dolly now let's just bet those are stuck together let's just put both of them down there oh that's pretty there we go they come apart that's pretty I like that so let's grab another shoot and I just keep this is just regular copy paper there's nothing special about it it's just copy paper that I use for my printer that's all it is it's just the cheap stuff you don't have to use expensive paper for this and I don't even think I'm going to flip that one over I'm gonna wait and see what effect are you I like this color and you want to hold your brush sideways you don't want to hold it straight up and down because like I said you don't want to mess too much with this paper since it is so thin you just want to lay it sideways and I like to stop all that up that summer brown paper there and then I use these bags to or pieces of these bags because you've already got a lot of color on them and this one I'm pretty sure I added a little bit of mica to as well I'm seeing a little bit every now and then put a little bit of water in there so that I can get all of that color out and we'll do another Doorly to soak up the rest of this this will be a lot coral that'll be pretty all right so there you go that is how I died my papers and like I said when I finish I can use these bags too now you've seen my hands now hopefully after a while when I do more videos they'll be nice and clean because all I use on my hands I use a little bit of Clorox cleanup just spritz it on my hands let it sit for a second and rub them together and it takes that ain't right off of there so it's not a big eat to clean up see and then I just wash it with soap and water alright guys that is it for today I hope you enjoyed this tutorial I had promised a lot of people that I'll show them how to dye papers okay I've got papers this is just one way and then like I said sometimes I'll just take these little spray bottles and I put my ink and my water in there and I spray them it just depends on how much time I have and how I want to do it for that day so I hope you enjoyed this if you did please give us a thumbs up and hit that subscribe button and we will talk to you guys later thanks so much for watching bye bye [Music]
Channel: Scrapbooking With ME Crafts
Views: 23,755
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Keywords: iMovie, Cricut, clear, trays, Paper, boutique, scrapbookingwithme, mixedmedia, crafts, shopping, deals, prima, bobunny, timholtz, ink, pads, classes, diy, tutorials, upcycle, homedecor, kits, magnets, mats, pins, artglitterglue, videos, stamping, stamps, inks, distressinks, fireplace, planners, scoretape, scoreboards, wood, cricutmaker, vinyl, HTV, CRAFTBOARD, easypress, chalk, couture, paper, piecing, cards, boxes, 3D, cricut, dollartree, minialbums, JUNKMAIL, MINIALBUM, DIYDOLLARTREE, UPCYCLE, MICAPOWDER, ephemerastoragejournal, junkjournal, journals
Id: Wq9si5FM5tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 49sec (1909 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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