Pillsbury Quick Bread Pumpkin Mix (my favorite bread)!

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good day this is trip and uh welcome to my little kitchen here and today I'm going to have some of this pillsberry quick bread pumpkin the pumpkin this video might not be shown until December but I wanted to have this now because I went ahead and fixed it I have it once a year also having my my twinings tea Jasmine green tea this the first time I've made a video here like this so I want to see how the sound is I think the background looks better than than the wall of the little room where I make most of my videos I'm just not sure about the sound so I I did a little tweaking you can tell me how it is here's our little pum pumpkin here this is a real pumpkin too a real little pumpkin put him right over oh you can't see him there though but anyway I better move him over here now I've got my my tea here it's still very hot and this is my this is my favorite holiday bread this pumpkin bread I'm not going to go into the to the um I know what I needed was my magnifying glass I already looked at it some and there's no there's no 800 phone number that I can call to ask uh can they maybe put a little less sugar in it that is my only complaint but you know how that is Everything Has It this is just the mix here of course and it just smells so good just smell that it's nice and warm see if you can smell that well you can see it there I'm going to see the inside of it right take a good look there and see if you can smell it right there I'll put it up to the mic can you smell that it is I mean it just it's going to go through Through the Wire into the video I didn't see what the ingredients are I wish they had an 800 number I'd like to tell them that we just need a little less sugar and it's very easy to make you can make this you can you can do it trust me have I ever lied to you as usual I'm talking too much I guess that's why I'm kind of Chatty and let's get into this little pumpkin bread right now here's a little you can see it maybe a little bit better okay I showed you the I showed you the box already right I can't [Music] remember that might be a thumbnail what do you think it's about the best I can do like I said I have this every year but only one time I wish this would last for just the just the the taste of it it captures it captures the tens the the um the senses of smell taste sight color texture I'm probably going on a lot about it m you should have it with some with some coffee or some tea of your choice I mean they just compliment each other especially when kind of a sort of a slightly rainy darkish day like it is now thank you God for every day of life and thank you for let letting me live in a place that's relatively safe and that I have enough of everything that I need and many things that I want and I don't want much I'm sorry you can't be here and enjoy this with me but if you were here I would have to share it that would be proper manners to offer even if it would be insincere CU I want all of this for myself well it is so very simple to make even I know how to make it [Music] name that [Music] t I'll give you a hint the 60s I wish this would never end sorry if it seems so weird to get all worked up about a a bit of bread but this is supposedly the only and the last of this I will have for 2023 and I have to wait another year until next fall to have it again I had my pretty napkin here and now I can't find it my pretty red napkin well it's missing an action funny you know I never like the taste of coffee I've had maybe one sip maybe one day I'll make a video where I try to drink a cup of coffee that is such good tea I'm coming to the end please make it last it is just so good see how long this how long this last bite can last and I forgot to ask you to please subscribe and to also like the video I always forget that and nobody's going to be watching at the end anyway well I messed up again you to hoist do that at the beginning of the video blast blast I tell you blast blast and one more little sip of tea and I think we'll call it a [Music] meal I hope you enjoyed this and check out this pumpkin bread it is my favorite bread and I hope you have a a good week a good weekend and that you take care of yourselves and each other bye-bye
Channel: Chatty Grandpa
Views: 6,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pillsbury Quick Bread Pumpkin Mix, my favorite bread, chatty grandpa, breakfast with grandpa, asmr, dessert with grandpa, dining with grandpa, foodie, grandpa, grandpa internet, asmr grandpa, grandpa youtube, internet grandpa, lunch with grandpa, small eating, snack time with grandpa, supper with grandpa, tea time with grandpa, the internet grandpa, the youtube grandpa, Youtube grandpa, pillsbury quick bread, pillsbury pumpkin bread, favorite bread, pumpkin breads
Id: WVxvUh27QRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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