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hi this is trip welcome to my channel I hope it that you're being safe out there and healthy I'm taking care of yourself and others today I'm going to read about I'm gonna go through my shopping list a recent one I have my glasses standing by in case I need them in fact I just realized that they're not even look at those to one side this side is higher than the other one so I need to have these checked and I've had these for maybe 10 or 15 years who can remember I have my calculator to verify some of these Turtles and without further ado we shall begin this is from Publix which is where I do most of my most of my grocery shopping how'd you like my new my new little jacket hope it's not too noisy okay this is kind of a bigger shopping list and usual I have some Bounty paper towels here two rolls $4 69 cents green wise napkins two dollars and twenty-nine cents cucumbers I think I got two of them 89 cents total green bell peppers they're 40 cents a pound or they were this is from a couple of weeks ago at a dollar 69 cents a pound so it was fifty eight fifty since I think I would have gotten one day upper goody I saved 32 cents sweet potatoes they're two dollars and 84 cents a pound and no two dollars eighty two point 84 pounds that up dollar 49 cents a pound so that was four dollars and twenty three cents you can compare these prices with what you'd pay or at least what I paid two weeks ago cherub Tomatoes the little tomatoes in the little little red container that you that she pulls a little paper out at the top is stuff that all they're in and they're your Tomatoes $4.99 organic blueberry blueberries I've got one package that was three dollars and 99 cents I bought some Publix drinking water you should try to find the cheapest to drinking water if you believe in in paying for water at all frankly yeah the water out at the tap we have a little with a little field around the tap there on the bottom you know that turns like that and to me that's good enough the local drinking water it's been tested okay okay it's my wife there likes that too by the borrowed drinking water I think it's a waste of money so at least if I buy it it's gonna be the cheapest I can find some that goes from like $0.68 I mean what is it I kiss of a be point six eight I can't remember point six eight cents per I'll expect elect a dollar fifty I mean one one point I'm all confused by the math but anyway the numbers I see on the on the balls are like point six eight up to one point five I guess this may be cents per ounce okay math is not my strong point people used to say oh you're an accountant so you must be really good at math no accounting is more about logic and rules I got too much time spent on the water sigh recapping just buy the cheapest water you can if you want to buy it at all or just use what's in the tab most places you'll be fine that can speak only about the tap water the water and in Georgia and about other countries other places so I paid 60 to 80 's 86 cents for this this bottle of yeah for this fellow a bottle of water or a gallon of water Lysol wipes $5.15 skinless drumsticks four dollars and ninety three cents and those articulate and I put no barbecue sauce on them yeah I buy one of those a week those do we have here strawberries one package for a dollar fifty seven and I'm sorry a dollar sixty seven they're actually three four five dollars how does that come out that's five divided by three Eagles 167 so you really don't save anything by buying three instead of one so I don't understand that kind of pricing you're not saving anything if you buy if you buy more and the more you buy the more likely they can they can become stale and you have to throw them out yeah by the way hope you'll consider subscribing to the channel and comment like the video if you will that says I saved three dollars and 32 cents on the strawberries I think that's an error in the programming okay public scorn corn-on-the-cob $3 a 19 cents for a package packages of light halves I think there were maybe like 12 and the package maybe I should show you all some of these kinds of foods if I do these if I did many of these price videos I I hadn't planned to do any more than this one I don't say okay tied powder $10.99 I remember one time I was hearing stories of people stealing the tide I don't know field because of some kind of stupid drug use or you think that's because it was so valuable that was a couple years ago spaghetti two different kinds of a thin spaghetti a dollar and 69 cents each I wonder why they didn't show them group together like 169 would be something like 169 sometimes 2 equals to 3 dollars and 38 cents but instead it listed them each separately okay back to the fruit fusion Ted saw dis yogurt and those were two for $5 I bought only one package so we don't even need that's obvious 5 divided $5 / - no no yeah that's right is $2 and 1/2 hmm so I got only one package it looks like 2 dollars and 50 Cent's says I saved 32 cents ok cereal post grain cereal by the way things like spaghetti is and cereals things like that last a pretty long time when you buy perishables like bread and fruits I just don't last very long at all so maybe it's maybe you should buy some some frozen fruits and there's little packages and I also did that yesterday like I said this price this price list was from two weeks ago okay so great grain cereal one of my favorite healthy cereals that other cereals I like better buy Cocoa Krispies for instance I thought that but it's not so healthy as has a great grains and that was three dollars and 89 cents but there was a promotion so it was 389 - 195 - 195 say that cost me $1 94 cents well that means it was a half price Cheerios the healthy cereal not up not a lot of sugar in there $4 a 19 cents and the another promotion it was half price so I paid two dollars and 10 cents for it and here's another Cheerios pay 2 dollars and 10 cents watch this Oh relieve my glasses after all I'm not even French I know it's a kind of a cream some kind then my wife likes that I don't like like he'll prosthetists it for ice cream and that was two dollars and sixty nine cents sweet peas in cans and this was everything's in cans can last a real long time this was a two for hmm oh it was a package of 70 so there was another promotion so it cost me only 73 cents some of Newman's Paul Newman's sauce spaghetti sauce and but this money when you buy this sauce apparently goes to charity I don't remember which charity and that's for the spaghetti of course three dollars and 49 cents Wheat Thins Nabisco Wheat Thins these things are like they're they're addictive they probably should be banned they're pretty healthy Oh we'd see you buy two for five dollars I bought only one and it's a two dollars and fifty cents not promotion or some kind those things keep it pretty good they've asked pretty good well unless you eat tonight blueberries $3.99 another blueberries some organic Gala apples it's like people pronounce it in Kerala so two four five dollars I bought one no I bought yeah I bought one two dollars and fifty cents salmon fillet you must have this at least twice a week and this is five dollars and 66 cents it says I saved a dollar and 89 cents said the salmon I'd like to I don't fry it and put it in the oven and kind of kind of grill it like that it's order and I put it out old bay old bay on it and sea salt little sea salt just playing pepper and nutmeg I think that sitting that meg golly I can't even it twice a week I do this right see and a senior moment okay so you have five dollars in a 66 cents and that's for about about half a pound and what does this Pillsbury crescents the little teeny crescents I believe they're about four in a little round container I got one two two of those and that is for a dollar fifty nine cents each and in Publix milk whole milk oh my I would buy the Fed free I just pick whatever last the longest now there's only a dollar and five cents it was a little container like that and if you saved my if you see and I my cereal videos I turn use a lot of milk so I just pick the didn't help the nearest milk that lasts the longest and that was the total of everything I will now attempt to add these up while you enjoy just the sound of the calculator to don't in well plus my voice I guess I can add better if I if I call the number out to my cell 89 you know what's that 58 plus four twenty three four ninety nine three nine nine eighty six please sorry to let me miss up mess up on this 93 167 319 this looks right so far 1099 169 169 thinking of going once going twice so T 53 89 - 2 - out that 195 minus 119 5 plus 4 19 minus 2 10 plus 4 19 minus 2 9 again that was on that Cheerios + 4 9 9 + 2 6 9 + 7 3 + 3 49 plus 250 coming to the end patients yeah - 3 99 + 2 5 I remember that 399 she rang up the blueberries 2 packages and then she did the cashier discovered one of them was just had a little tiny they had place on it that I missed when I examined him so she backed out in that expense the price of one package I really appreciated that I did 586 she could have just sold it to me 399 one fifty nine plus one fifty nine plus 105 and that's the end the title on here should be 96 dollars in one sense i'mma tell you I have this cheese can you see that I was off by five dollars I know where it happened I think it was with and then do the fish or the cereal I don't know so they have that included the food 2x I think I did that one anyhow that's about it for today and hope that you enjoyed the video you can compare this with with prices in your local area but you can't now because this was the shopping list was - it was two weeks old I need to do another one ok it was maybe like oh it was a week old yeah that's the date it was a week oh so we'll see like how many days is that it was like that 8 days old so I wish you the best take care of yourself take care of others and this trip saying peace
Channel: Chatty Grandpa
Views: 26,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reading my publix grocery receipt!, reading my publix grocery receipt! [asmr], asmr grandpa, grocery shopping receipt asmr, reading grocery receipt, grocery shopping receipts asmr, asmr reading grocery bills, publix grocery, quietly reading my grocery bill, reading my grocery bills, asmr, reading grocery shopping lists, asmr grocery list, reading grocery shopping list, grocery store billings, grocery store bill, soft spoken reading male, Reading the grocery list
Id: fS5HsxgdT6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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