Pillars of Eternity - Best Wizard Spell Choices

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hello everyone welcome to the channel my name is cordand and in this video I will be reviewing what I find to be the best spells you can get in your grimoire for your wizard in Pillars of Eternity one so in this game you have a bunch of different spells for all of your spell levels you can customize your remote in any way that you find is best for you unlike pills of Eternity too this one I think is a lot more versatile and I know it's my it's my personal preference I like this a little bit better I can customize it exactly how I want it and I will be going over all of the spell levels and I'm gonna show the spells that I find to be well my personal choice and the ones I think are the best spells you can get for your playthroughs these spells are something that I've tested over the course of three or four Triple Crown runs um besides all the other ones I've done these are spells you can see in action in my own Triple Crown playthrough that's already in the channel so if you want to see how I use these spells during the course of the entire playthrough on any specific fight you can do so I'll link the playthrough up here and let's get started so for level one the Spells I think are best are Eldritch aim chillfog slicken and spirit Shield so these are spells that first of all they have something very good going for them in which they are spells that are useful during the entire course of the game they're gonna be good throughout every single portion of the game the one exception here maybe is Eldritch aim Eldritch aim is incredibly useful especially like from mid game to later on this isn't something that I would start using my spell slots on starting the game extra accuracy is awesome but when you only have level one spells maybe level two spells this isn't really gonna do much for you but as soon as you get maybe like level 3 or level 4 spells this is something worth picking up because this spell just gives you a boost of 15 accuracy for 14 seconds well in this case the base time is 10 seconds but I'm using Aloft I like using solid Companions and his current intellect is 18. so this is something that you very easily would obtain on your own main character or on a mercenary so we are going to base our times and durations and stuff on 18 intellect so for 14 seconds you get a buff to 15 accuracy which means this little level one spell here is going to empower your entire Spellbook out of a level one spell making sure that the rest of your spell book is better I think is very worth having um the other spell that I think is pretty much the most efficient spell in the entire game is Chill fog now this is a spell that I will use all the way from level one up to the maximum level even on the Theos fight at the end of the game chillfog is basically the best spell for that reason in that this is an AOE keep in mind it's not full AOE this is not party friendly it will also hit your party members if you aren't careful but it has an area of effect of basically four meters and it lasts 21 seconds it interrupts average interrupt 0.5 seconds you can cast it from 10 meters away and it deals decent freeze damage while also blinding people for 4 seconds now some people myself include when I start playing the game might be deceived by this line here you might think that you cast this spell and you will blind people for only 4 seconds and you'll think oh only four seconds that sucks that's such a low duration that it's not worth having but that's not actually the case the way the chill fog works is you will have a chill fog on the ground for 21 seconds and it will tick damage every three seconds so if your enemies are standing on top of the chill fog which is something that you can make sure happens in a variety of ways by using choke points by engaging with your tank properly by using other disabling spells there's a bunch of ways you can Clump up your enemies in the same place and every time it ticks it's gonna deal damage and it's gonna blind them so this blind can actually be a lot longer than four seconds because every three seconds you get a chance to Blind again and deal more damage just as an example so you understand what I'm saying about the ticking damage it landed on Kana and my main character here it dealt damage and it blinded them both and if you wait three seconds it dealt damage again and blinded again [Music] and if we just keep on waiting you can see that the blind effect keeps taking the damage keeps taking so this I think is basically the best spell in the game because it's something you can pick up at level one and it will be good the entire game going for my third choice on level one slicken slicken is nowhere near as good as it is on pillars of Eternity too I'm not gonna go into that right now but just trust me in poe2 this spell is amazing uh this is basically just a hard disable it's uh average cast time it's kind of fast 10 meter range to cast it on has a large radius and it will prone everybody in the area for basically six seconds again not party friendly you have to be careful casting this but if one of your enemies is casting a nasty spell or if you want to buy time to heal up buff debuff whatever you might need this is just a quick way to prone a bunch of people make sure they cannot move from a level one spell the fourth slot honestly it's basically up to Personal Taste I think the choices here are between Spirit Shield thrust of tattered veils and wizards double personally I prefer Spirit Shield because this is something that just gives you three damage reduction and plus 32 concentration for a long time making sure you stay alive and that you do not get interrupted which is very important but you can kind of skip it for this one uh third setup fails is just a fast quick spell that lands on your opponents it targets deflection which can be very useful and it interrupts for one second so if you need a a quick source of interrupt this can be an uh a worthy spell to have personally I don't really use it that much I prefer to have a defensive spell but it can be useful and Wizard's double is also a handy spell to have it will give you plus 40 deflection until hit or critically hit so quite good quite good if your enemies miss or graze you this will still stay on the reason why I don't take this usually is because there's other sources of deflection through spells in particular for example land grass is placed image which I like a lot and active Buffs for the same defense do not stack so for example this spell here would not stack with this one here so that's why I don't really use Wizard's double all that much but if you don't have any other spell that gives you extra deflection it can be a worthwhile um spell to have moving on to level two ah and also another quick note on very early in the game fan of flames can actually be quite handy this actually has a large area in a wide cone and it deals very decent damage for the for the start of the game once you get like Fireball and stuff I really wouldn't use it anymore for level two uh some choices here and I'm gonna start by mentioning ones that are especially useful again in the start of the game so the first one would be building spectacle this is something that I stop using once I have like level four spells but early on in the game this can be very handy it's a party friendly AOE effect that confuses people for seven seconds targeting will which is usually the lowest defense that enemies have throughout the game the radius isn't that large but especially early on when you're when you don't have a lot of items you don't have a lot of levels and you need some kind of way to get some breathing room from a large number of enemies this can help out a lot but again it starts losing it starts losing its Effectiveness once you reach some higher levels and for example on level 4 you actually get confusion which is just a better version of that spell It's a larger radius it's longer duration so it's just better so I drop it off eventually so my choices especially for later on in the game are going to be the miasma of dull-mindedness combusting wounds bulwark against the elements and Infuse with vital essence now the two important ones here are the miasma of dull-mindedness this can always be useful it's an AOE not party friendly that will decrease the stats of all enemies or every person in that area for 17 seconds again it targets will which is one of the weakest ones to to Target and it lowers perception intellect and resolve by six so this means it's going to lower their deflection score it's going to lower their um beneficial effects or their debuff durations and also lower their will score and it will also lower that accuracy so this is just an overall good and quick way and cheap way on a level 2 spell to kind of inflict heavy penalties on your opponents and this can actually be this can actually turn fights on its own just by doing this uh the second one that I like is combusting wounds so this is also a spell that can be used throughout the entire course of the game it doesn't have a very large area of effect it's only two meters but it's still more than enough it's party friendly so very important and what this does is every single time so okay starting over it will afflict enemies for 28 seconds it targets fortitude which is the crappiest one but still uh it afflicts every enemy in the area for 28 seconds and what this means is every time an enemy takes damage they are going to get a burden damage over time effect for 5 damage for every time they take damage so this on its own is not that special but if you can stack this with other sources of constant damage like for example a chill fog or if your wizard has blast and you hit an enemy which Just Hits everybody in the area it's gonna trigger combusting wounds on everyone if you have for example a wall of flame that also ticks constantly it's just another source of constant damage to continuously tick the combusting moons not only that but any other source of damage that you might have from Auto attacks abilities and whatnot from your other other party members is also going to trigger combusting wounds so it's a nice source of damage for the the course of the game some people like it more than others I I have playthroughs but I used a lot and I have playthroughs where I really don't use it that much but it is a cool spell to have and then these final two are kind of just defensive spells because I don't really see myself using anything else there is a caveat but I'm gonna get to that in a second so I like Bullock against the elements it lasts for a very long time it's quick to cast and it gives you 15 damage reduction against all of the elements this is a niche choice but if you expect to take Elemental damage it can keep you alive very nicely and the same thing for Infuse with vital Essence it will give the Caster plus 50 endurance and plus 50 Max health for the full minute and it's also a fast cast time so the other noteworthy mention and a spell that I would say is more important than any of these four probably is actually merciless case so merciless gaze will convert 15 of your hits into crits for 63 seconds the only reason why I don't have it here is because I think it's so important that I usually use my mastered wizard spell to get merciless case the same thing that I do for chill fog but chill fog lasts for a shorter duration so I actually like to have access to it on my normal spell slot as well okay so choices would be in my opinion miasm of dull-mindedness combusting moons bulwark or infusive adolescence and then merciless case moving on to level three so once you start moving up in the spell levels I think the the good spells are easier to spot in my opinion but for level 3 the most important spell you have available is not here is over here deleterious electricity of motion this will give your custard a 50 boost to attack speed for 42 seconds it will drain him of some endurance but this is kind of negligible uh over over the same amount of time and it will also give you movement speed this means that your wizard can move around the battlefield very quickly and 50 percent increase tax speed is amazing you cast spells quicker you attack a lot faster especially if you are doing a build for minor blights it's just something that I always want to have on on every single fight again so good that it's one of my mastered spells since this one lasts a long duration 42 seconds it's usually the duration of an entire fight I don't really bother having it on a spell slot and if I wanted more I could just Place some more some potions here of the ulti selective motion for the same effect in any case just want to mention that the most important level three spell is deleterious alacrity of motion other than that I love having access to Arcane dampener for the level 3 spell what this does is incredible it will completely suspend all of all of the beneficial effects on every enemy in a large area for 21 seconds targeting will so if you are fighting spellcasters and I've done this multiple times against for example archmages where you fight console hot or landingrath or stuff like that if you land an Arcane dampenet on those people they are dead because there's a lot of enemies in the game that are only tough due to their Buffs because they buff themselves up with a lot of defenses and this just removes all of them instantly for 21 seconds it gives you a large window of time to just rip them apart and they can't do anything about it so extremely powerful effect in my opinion I always have it in my grimoire there's a lot of fights where you don't actually use it because there's a lot of like fighter types that don't have a lot of Buffs but for those fights where you do need it it's gonna make a lot of difference then I like exposed vulnerabilities this is again large area party friendly it's just going to hinder your opponents it's gonna lower their damage reduction by five deflection by 10 and concentration by 10 and you are again targeting will for 30 seconds very very handy against all kinds of enemies I love calico's mind of Lights this just changes your current weapon into a magical uh wand for a long duration of time 84 seconds and this means that when you shoot your magical weapon you are actually going to be shooting a ball of Elemental damage that deals damage in an AOE so basically your auto attacks are now mini Fireballs that deals an incredible amount of damage if you couple this with Delta's liquidity of motion and especially if you couple it with other talents on the the Wizard for blasting which just means spreading more AOE damage you become a killing machine and in my playthrough aloth is actually my biggest killer so most enemies defeated most total Damage Done most crits all Aloft and it's mostly because of exactly what I'm talking about Delta's likely of Motion Plus color codes minor blocks will destroy pretty much any encounter with a lot of especially a lot of uh medium to small enemies you're gonna AOE everything down uh something to be said about this is that there is a lot to say when you look at calico's minor blights next to a fireball a lot of people might think why am I gonna pick something that just makes me auto attack differently when I can cast a fireball and in my opinion the reason for that is that since in Pillars of Eternity one you have the mechanic for spells like you have in Dungeons and Dragons where you have to rest to recuperate your spells I think that fireball would be a good choice if you had these per encounter where you can just burst enemies down with like four Fireballs at once and then for the next encounter you have four more fireballs but in this case a single cast of Minor blights is Gonna Last you 84 seconds and it's gonna deal a lot more damage over time than a fireball would ever deal so that's why I think this spell is a lot more efficient especially than a fireball effect would be same thing could be said for noxious birds for example and finally I like having a defensive spell and I do like this spell a lot lengots has placed image it's going to give you a buff of 25 deflection 20 reflex and it's also going to convert 50 of incoming hits to grazes deflection or reflex only but still for a long amount of time so a very very good defensive spell I love having it with me if you don't really like having defensive spells like this or if you don't like color codes Minecraft lights I would probably consider arduous layer of motion this is basically a slow spell from bulger's gate on top of your enemies targets will minus 30 attack speed and -2 move speed can be very handy and again party friendly but my personal preference are going to be these four spells if you don't have it mastered yet I would also have the relatively celebrity of motion in my grimoire moving on to level four you actually have a lot of interesting spells on level four so um I'm gonna start with what I have currently over here and I will say that I love pool of ERA this is a spell that can seem a little bit confusing but this will basically just pulse in an AOE and pull enemies towards the center it will also interrupt which is kind of Handy and it can also keep it can keep enemies away from your party and it can also keep enemies clumped up which means if you can keep pulsing a pull of era and pulling enemies into a specific point it's all it's that much easier to land stuff like a slicken or a chill fog or a miasma anything that's AOE any kind of disabling effect you have for AOE or even for damage for the minor blights if you can keep them clumped up it's going to be tremendously more effective so I love this spell I don't use it as often as I should honestly but this really is a lot of fun and it's very very amazing but again a lot of fun fun is also important in the game um my second choice is going to be ninagos Shadow Flame I think basically this spell is kind of busted because because this is a fireball that deals freeze damage it targets reflex and on everybody that it hits on a large radius it's going to paralyze them for 8.4 seconds this is a long duration for the for an effect like a paralyze on top of a fireball so this I think is a very very um useful spell to have not only for the damage but especially for the disabling effect it's I think also the spell that I usually choose to master it's it's that good I want to cast this every single encounter next one we're gonna go for wall of flame wall of flame is a spell that you might look at and think it's nothing special because the damage you see here is kind of pitiful but the reason why this spell is so good is because it ticks constantly it's a 20 meter wall that lasts for 30 seconds and it's gonna tick damage every couple of seconds I can't actually show you here because it's combat only but it takes it takes damage much in the same way as chill fog or even faster Maybe and it interrupts for 0.5 seconds so it's a strong interrupt effect which means that if anybody is standing on this wall of flame not only are they going to get continuously burdened but they're gonna get continuously interrupted and again this synergizes very well with something like a pool of era or like with combusting wounds it's really a very good spell to have to constantly damage and interrupt your opponents the final slot I have this over here just because there's no no great point to having this um it can be useful you only get this spell very late in the game if you are playing the game normally let's say um but I would say that for the most of the game probably the most handy spell here is gonna be Morris driving tentacles these are basically three summons that deal damage crushing and corrode which can which are not very commonly resisted and they also apply the stuck Affliction on anybody they hit so it can pin down your opponents while damaging them and more importantly than that it will also draw the attention of your enemies to the summons instead of going for the for your backline you're gonna have enemies focusing on your tentacles which is very very good there are some other cool spells here there's a lot of good stuff on level four confusion can be very handy especially when you get it early on it's very strong at that point in the game um essential Phantom another summon that just deals shock damage but overall I think these are my preferred spells this one is only for for really late game honestly if this weren't heed I would have the riding tentacles so pull of ioda Nina got Shadow flame wall of flame and probably writing tentacles level five we're starting to get less choices here so for level 5 my preferred choices are going to be landgrad safeguards Archimedes wondrous torment ring dreams and innovating Terror and call to Slumber so I'm actually going to start from the right to the left this time so call to Slumber is actually a very powerful spell this is something that like every time that I was getting swarmed by enemies when they start going around my tank because my tank was Charmed or knocked down or something like that and I just need to buy time and completely disable any anybody in the vicinity of my party this is what I like using this will knock somebody unconscious for 8.4 seconds and targets will so again it targets the weakest save out of most enemies in the game the radius is large and it can really save um save your party from nasty situations it's a large aue it can make a big big difference in a lot of fights it allows you to reposition it allows you to further debuff or disable your opponents buff yourself get to safety very handy spell then we have ring green generating Terror which isn't very different from this one here but it does something interesting so this one will terrify so it will make people just run away in fear it will also weaken which will lower might and Constitution and it will also lower fortitude and will which is also very important last 30 seconds and it hits on a large radius and the range is very very large so I think I like this most because not only does it disable your opponents but it will also reduce their accuracy reduce resolve and dexterity and also reduce might Constitution fortitude and will so if you want to make sure that one of your other spells that targets fortitude will or reflex lens reflex not reflex well it lowers a little bit because of the dexterity but mostly Spells at Target fortitude and will this is gonna make it a whole lot easier to actually land them because it's gonna lower their defenses by 20. that's a lot so very very good spell to have uh thirdly I like Archimedes wondrous torment this only targets a single Target a single opponent the range is very large 15 meters and it's going to lower their stats of resolve intellect and perception by 10 for 14 seconds targeting will so this is very similar to the miasma of dull-mindedness but the difference here is that it's single Target sure but there is also something to be said about being single Target in that the miasma of dull-mindedness there are times where you want to cast it very close to your tank or on somebody that got through and is on top of your party and you can't because it's not party friendly and this one will make sure that you always just hit the person you want so it's a very powerful effect lowering stats by 10 is a lot and not only that but it will also create two less powerful versions of the effect that jump to nearby enemies when the first effect ends it's not something that says over here but if you're in the description that's what it does so this actually hits three people not just one again targeting will this is something that I like to use the same reasoning as the the innovating Terror These are nice debuffs to land before you hit with other disables you are lowering their will score and their accuracy and their deflection by a lot making it easier to hit with other spells and finally I like having language Safeguard so this is a defensive spell it will give you a plus 20 to all defenses and will give you 10 damage reduction for 84 seconds but there is a a condition here this will only activate if you reach 50 endurance you will immediately knock all immediately close enemies prone while also gaining this buff it doesn't mention the prone here but it mentions it here so this is good especially because it Stacks with other defensive spells that give you extra deflection because for example this deflection bonus does not stack with mirrored image because Mirror Image gives you plus deflection plus deflection does not stack with another plus deflection active bonus however plus deflection and plus reflex do stack with plus all defenses so this stack that's the reason why I like this so much and it's just another way to keep you safe honestly again if you don't particularly enjoy having defensive spells which I think you should especially if you're playing on higher difficulties um another good choice is the malignant cloud the reason why I like the malignant cloud is that this is basically an AOE effect lasts 14 seconds on a 4 meter radius targets 42 which is kind of sucky but it deals raw damage so it's constantly ticking raw damage and the particularity of raw damage is that it bypasses damage reduction so if you have some kind of enemy that's very tough against a lot of what you have to throw at it like let's imagine that most of your damage is piercing which is something very common to happen especially if you have a lot of um Archer types you can find some enemies which are immune to PC without a very resilient against piercing and you can't really damage them that much and if you have a constant source of raw damage it is a very viable way of killing those enemies so also a very noteworthy choice but these are usually my preference here for level six the most important spells here are going to be Nina God's freezing pillar gaze of the other gun mini letters precisely piercing burst and this one is kind of for fun but sitsal's martial power so the really important ones are these three the rest I don't think are very important or are very Niche for example Arcane reflection is good but it's gonna be so rare that you are going to be wanting to use this especially if you're playing in a party composition not like a solo playthrough that I never really use it so let's go over these Nina God's freezing pillar has a large radius is an AOE duration it's party friendly and it's gonna deal freeze damage and hobble your enemies so same reasoning as the chill fog this 4.2 seconds here is the same thing as you see right here it's every time that this pulses and Deals damage you are hobbling your opponents so it's a nice source of high freeze damage while also a source of hobble on everybody in the area while being party friendly as well something to be said about hobbling your opponents as well is that this enables sneak attacks so any kind of debuff like that coupled on top of a spell that damages is very nice to have so very very cool spell now gaze of the other gun this is probably one of my favorite disabling spells in the entire game once you get this a lot of fights start seeming a lot easier let's say because this is an area of effect of 2.3 meters the range is not that large only 8 meters but this is a party friendly petrification spell now why is this so good because not only will it disable all of your opponents in that area for 8.4 seconds or even more if you buff your intellect which are multiple ways to do so obviously but you are not only paralyzing you are actually petrifying and when you petrify someone they take 100 more damage I think it's 100 maybe it's 50 but I think it's 100. so not only are you disabling your opponents you are you are priming them up very nicely for burst damage from your from your other companions or even from yourself like someone I love doing on a lot like I said on this build is likity of Motion Kelly Cuts minor obliges hit them with the petrification everybody is petrified and then your minor oblites are doing double damage in AOE on every single Auto attack that you do other than that not only is that super devastating if you couple it with something like this you know just precisely piecing burst which is a spell that has a very large radius it's from the custard you don't you don't choose the spot it's from the caster but this deals a very high amount of Pierce damage it bypasses 10 damage reduction and targets reflex so this is particularly useful if you start getting surrounded one or two of these spells will immediately nuke everything in the vicinity killing everything outright actually if coupled with gaze of the other gun this is going to be dealing double damage I mean it's just insane it's just insane because it's party friendly it's party friendly if if you get swarmed and your backline is getting hit if people have bypassed your tank you can safely toss this on top of your party disabling your opponents and then just killing them all with one of these spells so very very strong spell um and finally I like having sitzel's martial power this is more because of the build that I like using but for any build that's going to be using Auto attacks from your wizard this can be a very powerful spell so it will give you plus 20 deflection it will give you plus 20 accuracy notice it doesn't say melee or ranged it's just accuracy eight might constitution in dexterity but it will disable spell casting for 42 seconds so why and how is this good if you find yourself in a position that you don't feel that you need more control from your wizard that you don't need more disabling spells from your Wizard and you just need raw power raw damage what you can do is the artistic of motion as usual then go for something like calicos minor blights or there's also a bow on level eight or even sitsal Spirit lands if you want to melee fighter fighter Mage type you get all of your defensive Buffs up you get one of these powerful combos with relatively celebrity of motion and minor blights or the the lens or whatever and then you cast The Marshall power and you are going to be a an extremely competent fighter with your wizard I think I only cost this a bunch of a couple of times for fun because I was playing in Triple Crown I wanted I wanted to make sure that we were safe so my allos was mostly a control wizard but when I felt I was safe when I cast this man it's it's just amazing because you deal so much more damage you create so much more often and let's not forget dexterity Stacks with Delta's likerty of motion this gives you um attack speed but dexterity also gives you attack speed so you attack even a lot faster so very powerful combinations possible with this just keep in mind that spell casting will be disabled for a long period of time these are my favorite four spells for this level going for level seven this is where we start having very very limited choices in my opinion so on level seven my choices are usually ninagot's killing Bolt uh console Hots crushing Doom wall of draining and things chaotic orb so I'm gonna start by the spells that I think are actually useful the spell that's actually useful here is console Hearts crushing Doom this will deal Crush damage and it will knock prone a single Target the range is short keep that in mind now if you just look at this it looks like it sucks but then if we read the description it's going to say repeatedly slams down into its Target doing Crush damage and knocking them prone the hammer strikes repeatedly becoming larger more accurate and more damaging each time so I don't know from memory exactly how many times this lands but this can stun lock an opponent for a long duration of time while also killing them I don't know if I can actually cast this out outside of combat why can't we can actually see this in action well I'm gonna Target my rogue here hi ah take words down watch for your aim in that thing down again [Music] I think we're going on five yeah I think it hit five or six times and it it doesn't deal low damage it's it's a lot of damage and let's also keep in mind that my rogue actually has a lot of reflex but yeah this is something that strikes five or six times dealing a lot of damage and knocking that enemy prone it's very powerful to disable a single powerful opponent and it's also a very unique and fun spell to cast um Nina got's killing bolt so the reason why I like this spell is very simply it's a raw damage nuke it's single Target it targets fortitude which is again is kind of sucky and it's slow to cost but in those occasions where you're fighting a particularly tough enemy with a lot of damage reduction this can just take out chunks of HP from those enemies it can be very very powerful um other than that honestly just pick whatever you can go for delayed Fireballs I don't usually use them because deities likity of Motion Plus minor blights just kills everything for me but if you want another nuke delayed Fireball is a good choice wall of draining is interesting it's party friendly it's a wall effect last 30 seconds and it's gonna steal the duration of beneficial effects on whoever is standing on top of it and it targets will so if somebody is heavily buffed this will drain their beneficial effects but at the same time when you have Arcane dampener I don't really see myself using this all that often and the same thing for things chaotic orb if you like orb effect to jump around and are fun to watch this is a cool spell I don't like the fact that it's random so it always deals Crush damage and it jumps to 500 targets but then it's going to apply uh random effects so it can petrify paralyze weaken sicken stun or blind um targeting will that's actually the the powerful part about this so it can actually be a very good spell or it can be a very underwhelming spell I don't like the randomness so I don't use it that often but given the lack of other substantial spells I think these are the four best choices but the really good ones are the killing bolts and the crushing Doom on level eight we get I think probably the most powerful spell in the game in terms of raw power which is the wall of Many Colors and I'm gonna go into it in a second we also have wilting wind we have major grimoire imprint which sucks but it's just here and we have landrat's Superior Elemental bulwark so the real good spells on level 80 are wall of Many Colors and to some extent wilting wind the wall of Many Colors is an extremely powerful spell because it's again a wall effect it lasts 12 seconds it interrupts and it's going to inflict uh very damaged and afflictions on enemies passing through it so not only passing through it but if they stand on top of it they're gonna continuously get those effects and this can deal a bunch of Elemental damage do not underestimate the damage that this wall can do I have seen this wall kill a lot of powerful enemies without me even realizing it it deals a lot of damage while also inflicting a lot of very powerful disabling effects it can petrify dominate or paralyze and let's pay attention to the duration here so why is this very powerful because not only is it powerful on its own but if you land a petrification domination or paralyzation on anybody Standing On Top of the wall that means for the petrification parallelization you are guaranteed that they remain on top of the wall and if dominated very likely they will also stay on top of the wall if there are other enemies in the region so while they are disabled on top of the wall they are gonna continuously take Elemental or raw damage and continuously get petrified penalized or dominated this spell trust me this will kill everything things you aren't expecting to kill with this it will kill them you need some kind of barrier to disable anybody trying to reach your your party this will stop them in their tracks this spell is insanely powerful it will make a lot of fights seem easy get it it's that good looking at wilting wind so again there aren't many good choices for level 8 wizard spells in my opinion so I like this one the reason why I like this one is that the area of effect is massive and this is also a downside trust me because it's so massive and since it's not party friendly you can actually start hitting your own party with it if you aren't careful but it's an a very large AOE effect that interrupts deals a very high amount of raw damage so not mitigated by damage reduction and it will also weaken everyone for a long duration as well so in those situations where you have a lot of enemies in a kind of an open area this can deal a bunch of damage if I can show it off here other than rough careful okay it wasn't too much damage on my on my party because we are well defended um but trust me that this can do a lot of damage on your opponents especially given the very large area and again raw damage and weakening for a long duration of time how may I help our next spells uh I just have major green water imprint here because I thought this could be fun it steals three spells of level 7 or lower so you don't actually know what you're gonna steal and then you can custom but something that to note here is that it says the wizard can cast The Stolen spells freely when I read freely I thought this was I can custom as many times as I want but that's not true when you custom you are using up a spell slot so I don't think this is is good and even if you could custom at will the fact that it's random it's not very good I'm not gonna use up a level 8 spell slot um casting this when I could be casting a wall of Many Colors to disable and kill people or just deal raw damage I I I tried using this once I didn't like it I never used it again okay um other than that I have learned that Superior Elemental bulwark something that I also don't use that much but since I have the spell slot there is not many other spells to choose from this will give you a damage Shield against all elements so again if you are expecting a fight with high Elemental damage you can make yourself safe to 100 points of that kind of damage so yeah these are the spells that I like the most uh what you can see here on the grimoire is what I'm using especially late in the game I think my swap here mostly for the amount of time you would use it would be this one I would use the riding tentacles instead of the mental shields for the majority of the game [Music] and these are my spells let's also take in consideration that I do have my mustard spells and my mustard spells Choice are chill fog for level one merciless gaze for level two the latitis likely of motion for level 3 and Nina God's Shadow flame for level 4. naturally on the mastered spells I think there is a lot more personal preference coming into play but in my opinion the Spells you should Master are all should always be spells that you see yourself casting every single encounter so something like Buffs especially like merciless gays and Delta selective of motion this is something that you can always cast at the start of a fight and they will always always be useful whereas for example let's say that you wanted to master a pool of Europe a pool of era isn't always useful right for example a slicken can be useful but next actually sleeping will also be a good choice um but other spells like for example a bulwark this one here you can Master this but why ninety percent of the fights in the game you're not going to be taking Elemental damage so it's kind of a waste so pick something that's like a buff especially that you can see yourself casting every single encounter that's going to benefit you every single time so in my case alacrity of motion is always good it just makes you faster merciless guys converting hits the crits for a long duration always good chillfog is always good I always use it so very good spell and on level 4 I think you could pick something different than the shadow Flame that's granted um but honestly given the options and given how good the shadow flame is I think it's worth having a mustard spell for it so if you're also wondering about mustard wizard spell selections these would be my personal recommendations they are very very good they will be useful the entire course of the game right up to the final boss um and they're just amazing very very useful spells so yeah these are my master spells this is my choice of spells for the grimoire they are going to be useful the entire game and they always have good utility there are other spells that you can choose from and play with but mostly they are either not as good or not as efficient as your other choices as a quick example here you could have for example curse of black inside you can blind people for a very long duration but the area of effect is kinda small um and you have chillfog so yeah chillfog is not party friendly and this one is but chill fog is 98 of the time just better larger radius it keeps ticking damage it's also killing your opponents and it's also applying the blind effect not to say that this is useless it targets will for example it's party friendly it can be a good spell but given the other choices and given the fact that chill fog is a level one spell I think it's just better take this one and the same thing can be said about numerous other spells so yeah in terms of efficiency and overall effectiveness throughout the entire game this would be my spell selections they have been good for me in all of my Triple Crown runs so hopefully they're also going to be good for you um this will be at my any questions any suggestions leave a comment below if you want to share your own personal preference on spells let me know I always enjoy reading what you guys think are good choices or if something is more efficient than my current picks so feel free to leave those comments in and I will read them and reply to them if you enjoy the content consider subscribing for more there's videos coming out every single day and I hope see you all in some other video Until then stay safe everyone
Channel: Coredumped Gaming
Views: 2,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Umypp7Y5MmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 37sec (3277 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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