Pilates for Very Painful Knees- 20 Minutes of Chair based exercise for Knee Arthritis

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hello my name is Rachel and welcome to my channel thank you very much for joining me today if this is your first time welcome it's a lovely to have you here I hope you enjoy the workout today and if you've been here before you watch the channel regularly thank you so much for your continued support really really appreciate that now today we're going to do Pilates for the knees I've done another video which is a map based one so you can look at that as well this one is specifically for people who do not feel right now that they're able to get down on the floor to work the knees it might be that your knees are at such a point that it's actually really uncomfortable okay so this will be very much a good routine for you to do you want to try and do it at least two to three times a week okay because the more you get those muscles stronger the more it's going to support you but also help with that knee pain and if you're able to get down on the floor and you'll seeing what this is about this is really going to be beneficial too because there's lots of different exercises - the ones I did on the floor alright so go ahead get your chair one thing I must tell you is do make sure that the chair you use is sturdy ok because there will be some elements where you've got to get up and sit back down you don't want to chair that's going to slide away from you or is a bit wobbly you can see I've got really solid wooden chair so make sure you get a good sturdy chair alright so go ahead get yourselves ready and I'll see you in a moment okay so let us begin now I've got my chair sideways just so that you can see what I'm doing but I would suggest you face me when we're doing this all right so are we going to sit in our chair and really important with this is that you're not going to lean back in the chair because you want to work the core as well so I want you to be sitting really upright as upright as you can possibly be and then looking down at the feet we want to have those feet a little further out than the knees so the toes are forward of the knees all right and you're going to try to line the second toe with the ankle with the middle of the knees all right so a lot of the work we're going to do today is all about getting that alignment correct so that you're gonna work the muscles evenly in the legs okay so we're sitting up nice and tall and we're gonna have our hands just hanging by our sides alright if you feel you do need support then of course hold on to your chair if you can do it without please do because this is really about trying to give you more strength in your body all right so what we're going to do from here is we're just going to lift the right heel up and place it down we're going to lift it up and place it down so it's lift and lower lift and lower lift and lower lift and lower one more lift and lower going on to the left side so lift and learn I look down at your feet and check your ankles not dropping off to one side you want to keep everything aligned lift and lower lift and lower lift and lower lift and lower and lift and lower now we're going to try and flex at the ankle so can you see you're going to lift your foot up this is working the muscle on the front of the shins or and down the side of the shins and then place the foot down so lifting up and placing it down lifting it up and down lift and lower lift and low sitting nice and tall lift and lower and lift Alice oh don't stop slumping in your chair lift on up let's do the left side we'll lift the toes and down so we're flexing the foot and lower lift and lower lift and lower lift and lower and four three two one and down okay so you can feel that can't you and your calf muscles on around your shins so you know what muscles you're working let's move up a little bit now so we're gonna work the muscles around the knee okay so we're going to lift the leg up and we're going to extend the leg out bend it and put it back down so it's not big lift just a little lift just foot off the floor now extend from the knee as much as you're able bend and place the foot down alright so you're lifting now look down at that muse extend the leg try and keep the alignment ankle to knee bend and lower down lift extend Bend and lower lift extend Bend and lower lift extend Bend and lower and lift extend Bend and low gonna go on to the left side so let's sit up nice and tall so you're working your core your back your bottom here we go lift the leg up extend Bend and lower lift extend Bend and lower lift extend Bend and lower lift extend and then and lower lift extend Bend and lower our lift extend Bend and lo-ove pretty challenging isn't it that one okay so from here I want you to bring your feet in a little and we're going to use the back of the body so we're going to stand up so very important make sure you know where your chair is okay any issues with your balance just be careful on this one we're going to do this without the arm so I want you to bring your arms forward we're gonna work the back of the body so you're going to do a little lean forward till you feel the weight in your feet then you're going to press into the feet bring yourself up okay then you're gonna sit back so sink bottom back make sure you know where your chair is and come back down so you're gonna rock forward press up bend and calm down rock forward press up bend and calm down rock forward and up now if this feels really uncomfortable on the or worrying for you on your balance you can reach for the chair and down yeah otherwise trying to use it without and I would do four more lift Bend and down forward lift Bend and down forward lift Bend and down and forward lift Bend and down well done okay so from here we're gonna stay sitting up and we are going to reach the leg out and you're gonna have this right leg out in a straight line so very important with knees as we get older they we could get a lot of wear and hair so what we want to do now is try and think about the muscles around the knee really tensing so you're going to hold that leg there and you're going to try and tense the thigh muscle so nothing's gonna happen you might see your leg lift a little bit you're just gonna ten sit and then release so you're gonna straighten tense and release so there's no big lift it's just readin and then you're just tensing the thigh release it and lower straighten tense release and lower straighten and tense release and lower one more straighten and tense release and low let's go on to the other side so extend the leg just extend the leg sorry to start with and now we're going to tense the thigh release the thigh and Lois it's not the big lift we did earlier it's an extension and it's building awareness of these muscles around the knee that's what we're trying to do and lower so as you extend now think of the knee coupling up towards the hip and lower down extend tense release and lower extend tense release and lower extend tense release and lower extend tense release and lower well done so from here I want you to bring your right leg back so you might need to bring your bottom your left bottom cheek into the middle of the chair okay so you can take that right leg back and the idea is you're going to try and find a stretch here so I've tried to design all these exercises so you don't need to really move much from your chair particularly if you were at the point in your arthritis where it's really painful just standing up okay this is to get you that mobility so we're just going to reach back with that leg until you can feel the stretch I'm very flexible so I can sort of reach that by here I need to go right back but I think you should find just by taking that leg back you're gonna start to feel a stretch here if you're not then you can extend the leg a little further until you feel it there a nice big stretch all right you're just gonna hold that stretch take some deep breaths let's relax the body well done and then you're going to bring that leg in and we're going to shuffle around to the other side see what your right blossom cheek in the middle of the chair left foot back alright and then you just go into the point where you can feel the stretch I'm running out of space as I can see you can see here going into that little stretch there alright and you're going to hold it there well done then you're going to bring the leg back make sure you're sitting in the middle of your chair and you're gonna lift your right leg up and you're going to put your right ankle over the top of your left knee okay so the right knee is out to the side now you might find that just doing that is enough and if you're feeling it in your hip great that's where you want to stay if you're not feeling it yet you want a bit more stretch you're just going to keep your back straight but start to hinge forward and my goodness I can feel that that's a lovely stretch that's right inside the hip okay and again you're going to hold it just breathe into it good and then really take that foot down to it the other way so left it across the right knee sitting up nice and tall you can either stay there or if you want to feel more stretch you're gonna keep your back lovely and long and hinge from the hip until you feel that stretch in the knee in the knee sorry in the hip that's what I meant like knees on my brain at the moment all right well done and coming back up very good all right I'm gonna turn my chair around now because you'll need to see me from the front for this one okay hopefully I'm in the middle there so what you're going to do I'm going to mirror you you're gonna sit up nice and tall you can hold on to the chair if you wish if you want to challenge the core then you're just going to sit up nice and tall with your back off the chair if much as possible we don't want to be leaning back okay because we're trying to strengthen here here here and all around here as well okay so we're gonna lift the right leg up and we're just going to do a little circle out two three four five six seven eight and take the leg down other side lift up Circle out two three four five six seven eight and place the foot down now we're going to reverse it okay so we're gonna lift the right leg up we're gonna go out to the side forward and down little harder out and around three four five six seven eight I can really feel that in my core that's great and other side out two three four five six seven and eight and coming down all right I'm gonna turn back around and we're gonna do the back of the leg all right so this one you've got to visualize you got to use the brain really to kind of visualize what we're going to do but essentially you're going to have the leg out and it's not the same as the exercise I did before we're going to emphasize pulling back with the leg now it's really hard to describe this I'm going to think of a really good way to give you a description so you can visualize it but essentially I want you to imagine that you've got something under your heel and you're trying to push it back and it's really not going so you can feel that resistance resist resist resist resist and then extend lovely and easy that fit so you're going to resist I think of heel trying to push back something behind you and out and again heel going back now look at that alignment can you see my leg is even shaking doing that and out one more time push back back back and rest the leg down so we're just going to do four on each side because I know this is super challenging even for someone like me I do four as the Pilates every day these are quite challenging these exercises so we can extend the leg out give Matan there's something under your heel you're trying to push it back so push back back back back back and reaching out and again push back back back back back and reaching out again pushing back back back back back and reaching out one more pushing back back back back back and reaching out well done now I want you to just press your bottom forward or wiggle your bottom forward hold on to your chair make sure your chair can't easily tip forward on this one and just reach that right leg out like so okay so you've got the foot flexed and you're just gonna lean forward I hope this is going to be okay leaning forward just till you're feeling a little stretch through the back of the leg and then you're going to come up bring the foot back other foot forward so make sure you feel steady in that chair before you do this okay you might need to check how your chair behaves which is what I did before I started filming and are we gonna go forward forward forward till you're feeling that little stretch that's it and coming up and then from there we're going to try and do a little inner thigh stretch so I'm going to turn towards you for this and what you're going to do is take your legs out to the side as far as you're able okay so we're trying to work from the hips and then taking your hand onto your right knee you're just going to press back so you're not actually pressing into you're pressing onto the knee bone but the stretch is actually here on the inner thigh so you're just going to press back as far as you can and release press and release press and release press and release the four three two one and back now the other side so sitting nice and tall pressing back and release back and release back and release back and release and four three 2:01 well done and bringing everything back in and we're going to finish with eight more of our standing exercises so feet underneath those knees tummies in hands away if you can lean forward press into the feet lift up and then you're going to bend think of sitting your bottom back to reach for the chair and down so two three four five six seven eight did I say eight I think we're going to do ten nine and back a last one and back well done and that's you all done for today so that's your chair workout for your needs I hope you enjoyed it do press the like button because every time you do that you're helping me grow the channel and that is my aim is to be able to deliver exercises to you full time because at the moment I film in between my teaching of my regular classes so please do share with your friends I hope you enjoyed it and have a lovely day see you soon take care bye bye [Music]
Channel: The Girl With The Pilates Mat
Views: 423,075
Rating: 4.9227099 out of 5
Keywords: pilates seniors 60+, beginner pilates for seniors, pilates for seniors, senior pilates workout, at home workout, exercise for joint pain, self isolation workout, seniors workout, seniors exercise, senior fitness, knee arthritis, exercises for knee arthritis, exercises for knee pain, exercises for knee pain relief, exercises for knee strength, pre knee replacement exercises, knee exercises, pilates for knee arthritis, chair based exercise, chair exercise for painful knees
Id: qcQfrGeDqEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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