Full Chair Workout - No Equipment, Seated | More Life Health

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And let's get into it so sitting up nice and tall  in your chair let's keep that core nice and tight let's start with some shoulder circles so bringing those shoulders up back and down and we're going to do that five times let's go one two three four and five - excellent work let's bring those arms up like this just to 90 degrees nice gentle circles and let's go for one two three four and five excellent work bring the arms down like  this to your side what we're going to do now is straighten the arms excellent work and we're just  going to curl up and touch our shoulders let's bring them back down and let's go for five one back to straight that's it excellent work two three four and five excellent work and make sure you  straighten those arms again great work bringing your arms to the front what we're going to do is lift those shoulders up to the front all the way up just like this stretching up to the ceiling  excellent work coming down and one two three four and last one five excellent  work taking a deep breath in and out okay so what we're doing in this exercise video  is running all our joints through their range and waking up all the muscles so we're good to go for the next exercises that we do so we've done the shoulders we've done the elbows we're going to do the wrists now so bringing your arms straight down like this we're just going to do some  inwards wrist circles so let's go for five one two three four and five - excellent work remain in that upright  seated posture let's go the other way now one two three four and five - excellent work bringing  those hands up we're going to open up our hands as wide as we can then we're going to squeeze them tight opening them up let's go for five one two three four and five - excellent work now let's just run those fingers through every finger so we're going to run our thumb onto every finger just like this so let's go index finger middle finger ring finger pinky finger opening up those hands nice and wide let's touch every finger again index finger middle finger ring finger pinky finger - excellent work now let's just wave our fingers  like this great work taking a deep breath in and out okay let's work those hips now so  coming forward in the chair we're just going to bring the leg up like this excellent work now let's bring it out to the side great work let's go again coming up down, out to the side great work let's go once more coming up down, out to the side excellent work let's do the  same thing on the other side let's go lifting up out to the side great work let's go again up out to the side and last one coming up down out to the side excellent work sitting back  in the middle of your chair let's work those knees now bringing them up great work coming down other leg coming up make sure you're doing it completely straight coming down again onto the other leg excellent work and again on to the other leg okay let's go two more each side one two one and two excellent work taking a deep breath in okay and breath out great work okay so let's work our ankles now sitting back in your chair we're just going to do some ankle pumps bringing your toes out away from you bringing them in towards you let's go for five one - all the way down all the way  up great work down and up down and up - let's go two more down and up excellent work last one down and up - now let's change legs bringing that leg out toes facing away from you now back into you let's go for four more one two three and four - great work coming all the way up let's do some ankle  circles so coming anti-clockwise around and one two three four and five - great work let's  do the same thing on the other side one two three four and five - great work  coming forward in your chair again let's do some calf raises coming up onto those toes nice and high nice and gentle so you're not forcing it just relax into it coming up that's it great work coming down - let's go for three one two - all the way up feel that muscle working and last one three - excellent work just shake out those legs taking a deep breath in and out okay let's  bring our hands out in front of us let's pull those hands back squeezing  those shoulder blades together that's it hold for three two one resting slouch  over come back up bring those shoulders back bring the hands out in front of you pull  back squeeze for three seconds and three two one - excellent work now relaxing coming back up  bringing those shoulder blades back and around what we're going to do is come down reach for our  toes just relax whilst we're down here excellent work bring that head down slowly come back up great work now what you're going to do is just look up to the ceiling as far as you can go making sure  it's comfortable that's it hold for three two one - coming down excellent work let's look over to the  left great work now slowly coming back to center let's look over to the right great work looking back to  the front let's bring our chin to our chest now great work looking back up okay taking a deep  breath in and out and you're now ready to get into the exercises so you've done the warm up  you're sitting up nice and tall in your chair we're going to start with just punching out to the  front nice and slow we're going to do this for twenty seconds and you're following along with me you're maintaining that upright posture throughout that's it and you're not going to slouch over whenever you feel yourself slouching over you're going to get back into that upright posture you're keeping your core nice and tight and you're following along with me throughout this whole exercise video doing your best now this is going to work your arms so if you feel yourself getting a little bit tired those arms fatiguing have a break and get straight back into it okay let's go a bit faster  now following along with me i'm maintaining that upright posture just punching out to the front excellent work that's it doing what i'm doing matching my punches maintain that upright  posture don't slouch we got twenty seconds to go that's it now let's pick it up a bit faster  punching straight out one after the other maintaining that upright posture keeping your head up excellent work we've got five seconds and three two and one - excellent work taking  a deep breath in and out let's shake out those arms let's do some shoulder rolls three two and one - excellent work now you can slouch over let yourself relax for a bit let's sit back up and bring those shoulders back and down a big smile on the face that's it excellent work okay now what we're  going to do is just punch down so keeping that chest up keeping your head up as well and you're  just matching my punches we're going to do this for a minute punching down excellent work doing exactly what i'm doing we got ten seconds to go at this slower speed before we pick it up and five four three two and one - now punching down a little bit faster matching my punches that's it excellent work guys keep it going maintain that upright posture punching down excellent work got twenty seconds to go let's keep it going and ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one excellent work guys  taking a deep breath in and out that was a long ten seconds you did really well we're going to get into some uppercuts now so it's with that bent arm you're punching up just like this following along with me bringing those arms down and then it comes up so notice what i'm doing i'm keeping my arms out in front then it comes down i punch up excellent work let's keep that going nice slow steady  speed maintaining that upright posture excellent work let's keep that up let's pick up the speed a little bit that's it getting that shoulder behind it excellent work i should say getting your body behind it so coming down punching up getting that body moving and let's go a bit faster again excellent work keeping that body upright and let's go for fifteen more seconds you're doing great guys remember to  breathe keeping those arms pumping five seconds you can do it putting it in and three two and one - excellent work taking a deep breath in and out okay now we're going to go back to  the front like we did just then we're going to put our body into it so notice how i'm coming  from the shoulder and i'm turning a little bit as i'm punching so we're getting more of that body  moving it's not just from the arms we're slightly turning to the side and we're getting our body  behind the punches that's it maintain that upright posture following along with me excellent work guys we're going to do this for thirty more seconds getting that body behind the punches maintain that upright posture excellent work twenty seconds to go you can do it getting that body behind the  punches not just throwing it from the arms ten seconds five seconds and three two and one - excellent work taking a deep breath in and out okay shaking out those arms let's shake out those legs as well let's do some shoulder rolls three two and one - excellent work what we're going to do now you've probably guessed it we're going to punch up to  the front just like this excellent work so you're punching up you're following along with  me nice and slow you're keeping that core tight one arm after the other excellent work guys punching up nice and high make sure you straighten out those arms if you do have a bit of trouble punching up to the top just punch out in front and following my timing as well excellent  work guys let's pick that speed up a little bit punching up nice and high maintaining that upright posture excellent work we got ten seconds to go and ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one - excellent work you're going to feel those shoulders working shake them out shaking out the arms taking a deep breath in and out let's just shake out the legs shaking out the arms again let's slouch over let everything relax you can just sit here for a bit as we're relaxing okay let's take another deep breath in and out okay let's come up into that upright posture nice and tall shoulders back and down let's start with some knee extensions just lifting the leg up like this keeping it straight maintaining that upright posture let's go for ten each side following along with me one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten - excellent work now let's go  another ten one two three four five six seven eight nine last one ten excellent work shaking out those legs let's get into some calf raises now we're going to come up onto those toes and then come back down let's go for ten one and two - up nice and high three four five six seven eight nine - and last one ten excellent work coming  down shaking out those legs taking a deep breath in and out okay now we're going to do some sit  to stands but we're not actually going to stand up we're just going to come forward onto those legs a  little bit pushing our feet through the floor like this and then we're going to sit back down so again we  come up pushing our feet through the floor hold, and then come down let's go for ten  following along with me pushing your feet through the floor excellent work coming down again up pushing those feet through the floor coming down again let's go pushing those feet  through the floor excellent work let's do that again pushing those feet through the floor push, push, push, push excellent work coming down and up pushing down good coming down and up pushing  through those feet excellent work coming down again pushing through those feet coming down let's  go three more one - pushing through those feet down two - pushing through those feet coming down and  last one pushing through those feet coming down excellent work shaking out those legs taking a deep breath in and out okay now what i'm going to do is place my hands between my knees like this just in the fish shape like i'm doing i'm going to push my knees into those fists let's  go for five seconds pushing the knees in one two three four five - excellent work we're working  the muscles of our inner thighs we're going to go again pushing in one two three four five - excellent work again pushing in one two three four and five - great work again pushing in one two three four and five and again let's go one two three four and five - excellent work now let's do the same thing i'm going to push my hands in and i'm going to push my knees out so it looks like this pushing in  with my hands pushing out with my knees let's go one two three four and five - again let's go one two three four and five great job let's go again one two three four and five - excellent work  having a little break two more - pushing in one two three four and five and last one pushing in one two three four and five - excellent work shaking out those legs taking a deep breath in and out okay let's straighten the leg up again like this making sure it's straight all the  way up now let's go for ten one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten - excellent work  taking a deep breath in and out coming forward in your chair let's come up on to those toes again coming up excellent work - coming down we're going to push down with our hands now - coming up keeping up  on those toes pushing down with the hands three two one coming down let's go again pushing up  with the toes pushing down with the hands three two and one let's go two more coming up three two and one coming down, coming up three two and one and let's go once more coming up three two and one  coming down excellent work shaking out those legs taking a deep breath in and out okay what we're going to do now is just come up on, or coming up onto the heels lifting up those toes let's go for ten one two three four five six seven eight nine - last one ten - excellent work shaking out  those legs taking a deep breath in and out okay shaking out those legs again okay let's get back into those bicep curls now so coming forward in the chair arms are straight we're  coming up for ten let's go one two three four - focus on the muscle at the  front of the arms five six seven eight nine - now let's go down slow now let's go one more coming up and down - excellent work let's shake out those arms taking a deep breath in and out now sitting with those shoulders back and down keeping that stomach tight let's face our hands  like this and we're going to push up to the ceiling and then we're going to come down we're going to  go for ten let's go one two three four five six seven eight nine excellent work guys and ten - great job bringing those arms down shaking out those arms now placing your hand on the chair  sitting back in the chair a little bit so both hands are on the arm rests of your chair if you don't have arm rests you can place them on the front of your chair like this bringing  your feet in a little bit and what we're going to do we're going to work the back of the arms we're pushing through that chair we're extending the arms we're making sure they're straight and we're  slowly bending the arms and letting ourselves down like that now let's go for ten coming up squeeze  the back in the arm making sure those elbows are straight coming down and two three four five six seven eight nine excellent work and ten - great job shaking out those arms coming forward  in the chair taking a deep breath in and out let's do some shoulder rolls bringing those  shoulders all the way back one two three four and five - excellent work shaking out those  arms placing our arms by our sides like this clenching your fist or both fists and we're  just going to shrug up like this so bringing our shoulders to our ears or as far as we can  get to our ears and then we're coming down and we're going to do that for ten shrugging up coming down let's go for ten one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten - excellent work opening those  hands making sure our thumbs are facing outways and we're going to come all the way up and then  we come down let's go for ten one two three four five six seven eight nine and last one ten - excellent work shaking  out those arms taking another deep breath in and out okay let's sit in the middle of our chair  now let's place those arms out in front like this making sure the shoulders are back and down keeping that upright posture let's pull the arms back squeezing those shoulder blades  together holding for one and two and then coming forward and let's go for ten one - squeezing and forward and two excellent work three four - really focus on squeezing  those shoulder blades together five six seven eight - maintain that upright  posture two to go nine - and last one and ten - excellent work shaking out those  arms taking a deep breath in and out so sitting up tall in your chair shoulders  back and down let's sit in about the middle of our chair and we're going to start by bringing  our belly button to our spine or our backbone so we're just going to take a deep breath in and out now let's bring that belly button to our backbone squeezing it nice and tight working those deeper core muscles we're going to bring our feet out a little bit in front we're going to pop  our hand across our chest like this and what we're going to do is maintain that upright posture and  then we're going to gently lower ourselves back to the back of the chair and then coming forward  so you're not slouching into this doing it quickly it's nice slow and controlled and all the focus  is on your stomach muscles so let's go through that again up nice and tall sitting back feeling  it in that core focusing on those core muscles coming forward now let's go for ten following along with me one focus on that core two - keep it nice and tight three four - maintain that upright  posture don't slouch five six - excellent work remember to breathe don't  hold your breath seven three to go you can do it eight focus on that core keep it tight nine - last one maintain that upright posture nice slow and controlled back now coming forward  excellent work taking a deep breath in and out relax that stomach okay now let's  make it a little bit harder we're coming forward in the chair sitting up nice and tall let's cross those hands across our chest we're focusing on our stomach bring those feet  out in front a little bit and we're coming back nice slow and controlled focusing on the  core coming forward excellent work let's go again maintain that upright posture one we're going to go for nine two excellent work three four great work guys maintain that  upright posture focus on your core five six three to go you can do it seven eight and last one - coming back nice and slow nice  slow and controlled forward motion excellent work taking a deep breath in and out okay so if  you weren't feeling that in your stomach then you're not doing the exercise correctly if  it's nice slow and controlled in that upright posture you're maintaining that upright posture throughout you're really going to focus or you're really going to feel it in your core okay let's  sit up nice and tall let's take a deep breath in and out okay let's sit so we're going to sit in the middle of our chair now we're going to sit back and what we're going to do from this position is just lift our legs up like this and then bring them out in front of us like this so your back  is straight throughout the exercise keeping your chest up we bring it up and we come out let's  go for five following along with me one two three four and last one you can do it five - excellent work sitting up taking a deep breath in and out okay let's sit up nice and tall in our  chair again placing your arms on the armrests what we're going to do now is bring our heels out in  front like this and then we're going to bring our toes underneath us like this again it looks like this heels out bring those legs up toes underneath us we're going to go for five then having a little  rest sitting up nice and tall let's bring that belly button to the backbone again focus on your  core throughout this exercise let's go heels out in front excellent work toes underneath you great work heels out in front bringing those legs up toes underneath you again heels out in front toes underneath you let's go two more heels toes heels and toes - excellent work  taking a deep breath in and out let's sit up nice and tall again let's place our  hands on the armrest let's go through that again for five bringing those heels out in front now bringing them underneath us and let's go one two three four and last one five - excellent work taking  a deep breath in and out just relax that stomach a bit slouching over and let's come back up into  the upright posture hands on the armrests and let's go again bringing those legs up heels out in front and toes underneath us let's go for five one two three four and last one five - excellent work slouching  over giving that stomach a bit of a rest taking a deep breath in and out okay let's get into the first stretch now i'm going to turn side on so you can see what i'm doing what we're going to  do is interlace our fingers so it looks like this and we're just going to push our palms out to the front like this and then we're going to push them as far as we can so we're stretching out that upper back and the arms and we're going to hold this for 30 seconds so sitting up  nice and tall keeping that stomach tight head up shoulders up pushing straight  out we've got twenty seconds to go excellent work relaxing into the stretch but  also feeling the stretch so pushing out as far as you can targeting the right muscles and let's go for five four three two and one - excellent work bringing those palms back  around placing them in your lap okay we're going to get on to the next stretch now which is similar what we're going to do is interlace our fingers again we're going to push our palms out and  we're going to bring our arms up as far as we can pushing up to the ceiling that's it pushing all  the way up if you have trouble interlacing your fingers just do it with your arms pointing straight up without your fingers interlaced okay let's hold for another fifteen seconds pushing  all the way up feeling the stretch down the spine feeling it in those arms and let's go for five four three two one - excellent work bringing those arms down shaking out those arms okay let's sit back upright again in that nice good posture we're going to stretch out the neck now both sides what we're going to do is bring our ear down to our shoulder whilst our head keeps facing the front just like this stretching out this side bringing the ear down as far as you feel comfortable we're not  pushing into any pain not bringing the shoulder up just nice and relaxed and let's go for five four three two one - excellent work now taking your hand placing it on the side of your head and just  with a gentle force you're going to increase the stretch a little bit and you're not pushing down too hard nice and gentle and let's go for five four three two and one now let's do the same on the other side so bring the ear to the other shoulder just like this as far as you feel comfortable  feeling the stretch on the opposite side now okay holding that stretch let's go for five more  seconds and five four three two and one - excellent work grabbing your hand placing it on the side of your  head we're just going to increase that stretch in the neck we're going to hold this for five more seconds and five four three two one excellent work sitting back upright what we're going to do is take a gentle breath in coming up into a good  posture and slowly breathing out relaxing into it get into that slouch posture what we're going to do is come up excellent work bringing those shoulders up coming  back around we're in that good posture now what we're going to do is take a  gentle deep breath in nice and slow and a nice relaxed breath out as  we do that we're slouching down and now let's get back into that upright  posture what we're going to do are some shoulder circles backwards let's go one two and three - excellent work now we're just  going to shake out those arms again get into that relaxed slumped over posture you're just relaxing letting your body do what it needs to so just coming down into that relaxed posture shaking out those arms excellent work we're coming up bringing those shoulders back let's take another breath in hold for one second and a gentle slow breath out okay just relax for a bit focus on  relaxing your body every single muscle from your neck to your shoulders to your back excellent work your chest coming down to that mid-back that core that lower back - excellent work  so whilst you're going through that you're relaxing every single muscle you're sitting back up great work now let's just shake out those legs one leg at a time bringing them out in front great work excellent work now let's just tap  our feet down like this in a nice relaxed motion so don't try and force it you just bring those legs up and down excellent work bring them out again focus on relaxing them taking a deep breath in and out alright now let's bring one of  our legs up just like this so bringing it in hugging that leg and just relax  into this stretch don't force it focus on relaxing your whole  body slowing down your heart rate that's it hugging that leg bringing  it in nice and close to your body great work bringing it down let's change legs now that's it bring the leg in nice  and close hugging it into your body great work again continue to focus on relaxing  that body slowing down your heart rate excellent work okay sitting up now  what you're going to do is slide your hands   down your legs just like this excellent work  bring that head down let's come all the way up stretching out that body pushing up to the ceiling stretching out those fingers excellent work slowly coming down great work bringing your hands out like this what you're going to do  is squeeze those shoulder blades together that's it excellent work really focus on  squeezing those shoulder blades together stretching out that chest as well bring those hands back and five four three two and one - bring those hands down let's take another deep breath in nice long relax and a gentle breath out and let's do five shoulder circles one two three four - and last one five - excellent work shaking out those arms shaking out those legs i hope you enjoyed that longer exercise  video if you did make sure to give it the thumbs up also let me know how you went  down below and if you would like to see more exercise videos like i've done today  with this exercise video also subscribe to this channel for regular exercise videos  to help you improve your health and fitness and head over to MoreLifeHealth.com  sign up to the mailing list for free four week exercise eBook to help you improve your health and fitness that's it from me for today i'll catch you again soon for more exercise videos until then keep moving keep happy keep smiling keep doing whatever you do that brings joy and  excitement to your life
Channel: More Life Health Seniors
Views: 1,129,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chair exercises for seniors, chair workout for seniors, exercises for seniors, more life health seniors, seated exercises for seniors, complete seated workout for seniors, exercise for seniors over 60, full seated workout for seniors, simple exercises for seniors, more life health, seniors fitness, seniors exercises, exercise for seniors over 70, senior exercises at home sitting, exercise for seniors sitting down, exercise for seniors in chair, exercise sitting down
Id: hzYCL86BFH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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