Pikuniku - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - The Beast Awakens! (Nintendo Switch, PC)

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what does a guy Zack Scott here playing Picou niku I got a code from devolver digital and man I just want to get into this game but first I want to thank you guys so much for over 3.5 million subscribers at the same time my channel hit over 2 billion views total so thank you so much enough bragging know enough boasting this is P Kuniko I am playing for the switch and it's an indie game by devolver digital a great company they make a ton of awesome games and I just want to thank you so much for tuning in we're going to play this game in full of the adventure mode at least if that does well maybe we'll take a peek and co-op and see what this game has to offer but this is peek unique ooh that's how you pronounce it and this is for the switch it's also for the PC but I am playing for the Nintendo switch I have babbled on enough let's get on with the game here we go hello whoa come closer whoa I'm going to give you something but guess what aah [Music] free money ok I like free money I'm in it for the free money yes you heard me right I think it turned down the free money I'm going to give you money okay for free I'll take it free money okay okay let me tell you how it works you probably have a lot of junk in your town it takes up a lot of space I'll send my robots to your town and they will collect all the useless stuff and you don't have to do anything this is better than the condo method heck they'll even give you money for it that's where the free money comes into play right free money yes still don't trust me no well trust this guy the trust me it's free money let's see I told you whose it is hat though so there is its infinite look so next time you see one of my giant robots flying over your town let them work peacefully and I'll make you rich in no time until then take care and remember you are perfect thank you this uh sunshine incorporated a better world awaits oh I like their top hats whoa there's a ghost main objective wake up okay I'll do my best hello oh cool you're finally awake can you move can i yeah I can move well up there are my legs whoa okay I can move I can kick like a moving kick those are the two important things what's up ghost nice thank you I'm sorry I woke you up you've been sleeping for a long time I think it's time for some fresh air who are you again I'll get to choose so you're leaving let's choose who are you again I'm a ghost main objective find the way out it's dangerous to go alone take this my full moral support I'm sorry I'm a ghost I must give you alright got it zel the reference I wish you had the sword though let me nice I'm just gonna walk oh here's a house with the photo of a ghost well bounce on the bed right is that a telephone what was a good noise oh yes ghost clothes nice scarf how do I take a scarf I don't think I can can I kick what can I do what can I do can I kick I don't know here we go is it go still here it goes has gone looks I can go in here though what's the purple cue just kick some rocks can I go in here or do I die I can swim through the goo alright well this ain't so bad a ghost ah this big rock seems a bit fragile maybe you can try kicking it got it you're welcome ghost alright obviously I'm gonna go this way well speed run speed run this go fast actually I don't know there's some mushrooms whoa awesome okay pretty straightforward I wonder if there are secrets whoa Wow okay hold on hold on I like my eyes when I eat when I do like it boost it up hold up what's over there this way there's a kick kick into the purple goo sup ghost be careful here the ground seems easily breakable well then yikes you're right does it come back what if it doesn't come back I gotta be careful then I got to be careful like you said comes back okay good close call the ghost is up there what's over here though nothing cool I can kick rocks oh great I just blocked it you gotta be joking kidding me come on handle this whoa okay okay I think I just made a mistake redo I gotta go all the way around I probably do I think I just blocked myself in I can't believe I've done this alright so maybe we can go this way thankfully be funny very well whoa wait okay wrong button to jump there we go hold up here we go I'm an expert at platformers don't worry guys bum bum bum bum bum bum like the music alright nice all right you know what just in case just in case I need this get out of there thank you okay there we go drip drop it in here okay I think you're good to go good luck out there be careful and Sydney postcards what's your address I guess I found his room down there I know where he lives I just don't know how to address it all right so peak unique ooh I think that's a pronounced the game main objective find a way out that's still I'm doing open up I'm out easy where are you main objective where are you I don't know I can climb vines let me read this see I wouldn't know see that's I don't know where I am okay warning do not open this door no the Beast sleeps inside is it me am I the Beast warning I don't know maybe I'm the Beast I don't know but that's a mean thing to call me what I don't know I don't know that that means but clearly I need to maybe collect something for that so let's roll can is roll that's cool like a meatball oh you okay here we go here we go what is going on hey Birds there's a big bird hey I could talk to these guys hi hello good morning can I kick him I can't kick the birds whoa okay what about this big bird up here is this real this is a scare bird what's up hey bye how are you good good just chilling in the field about the Scarecrow seriously it looks more scared than I am I guess a crow is a bird all right so what do I do I'm just I'm just gonna go find out where I am whoa there's a sign hey sorry I'm out come back later okay thanks tree I'm fine I freaked out and hit the the triggers so alright hey little birds what's going on hey whoa am i hiding I swear I just heard a noise coming from the fields yeah don't worry it's probably just the birds I don't know it sounded pretty snappy I don't think that it's a compliment like the sound of Abby's coming to eat you no no no no no I'm not the Beast don't joke about it it could be lurking in the fields ready to jump as we turn around hey relax nobody has ever seen the Beast it probably doesn't even exist let's go back to the village no no show yourself Beast oh [Music] they're going they're gone I'm the Beast hey guys it's me the Beast the Beast it's the Beast do something what he he kicked her at me oh now I'm in jail the Beast is awake I was already awake but okay anyway they're all screaming there's stacked up to look at me what's up it doesn't look ferocious at all I thought it would be bigger but it broke our bridge beast why are you here I don't know why I'm gonna eat you all huh but you don't seem to have a mouth oh well that it makes no sense I don't understand you don't look very frightening I mean no offense but aren't you supposed to be gigantic and mighty I am kind of hmm that's weird I think we should free it yeah I don't think it's a threat doesn't look like a beast to me well okay we're going to set you free but you still did break our bridge will you help us repair it if we open the cage I'll see what I can do okay good I really don't know maybe it's a cyclist but big for me if I just died from fall damage uh let us know when you fixed her bridge yeah great great then I got a job hey there's a main objective find a way to repair the bridge hey come here fly think you can fly I don't want the piece inside my house whoa whoa camera a security camera can I kick the flight how do I go in the house oh sorry mm-hmm but my eyes have closed you look a bit like the beasts from the legend maybe it's you after all go away leave me alone doesn't want me in the house I go in through the chimney or something all right you know the cameras there what okay all right here we go bouncing around scram monster when they freed me but they do not want me in their house I was told to keep my door closed when the Beast is around all right I go under wow I can Wow look at me this fly is following me the heck okay here we go what's over here three apples get away three apples to get in here right no okay so I need to find some apples I guess and then I can do this and the fly is following me around who is this fly it's like Navi but silent anything over here I don't know why but I've been playing a lot of Mario lately and I was expecting to be like a false wall like over there all right well here I go that was fine when I get some apples I'll bring him I guess I'm in a tree so much to do so much to see oh is this where we started I think it's where we started I don't know if I want to go that way yet because I don't know what I'm doing so let's just bounce on this way [Music] all right let's go I don't know what to do is shop quite know what the rocks are for yet the shop looks pretty scary can I go in go fix our bridge I don't trust you kick oh sorry I can't believe the legend of the beast is true then again the beast was just you so maybe it was just a story in that sense I'm confused Hemme - I don't know there's a nap over there hold on we go get the Apple I guess hold up there's an apple any like three of them an apple awesome so that's one of my items yeah they got security cameras everywhere hey what's going on with the craps whoa he jumped did you fix the bridge yet without it we can't access our crops don't you understand the rut whoa hold on the robots and that means no money for us so yeah they want to they want to make some money I don't blame him free money who could turn down free money I don't the beasts inside my house how is it free into the exchange of goods they take stuff to give you money how is that free money it's just like not okay well let's not questioning I mean maybe their society is culturally different than us we should be sensitive to that I still don't trust you go away no one trusts me cuz I won't you know what how do I write I still don't trust you that's fine goodbye oh my gosh he's down here - sunshine sunshine ink make it rain leave me alone no one likes me here what's this I thought it was like a like a manhole or something alright I'm sorry you can't go in there I don't care I don't care you guys hate me I didn't do anything wrong you can try but you won't get very far haha you go in there you go in there you won't let me stop alright but I'm the Beast you know alright there are birds the cable it can operate the Rope way while they're still there well there's one guy I almost got the other one too oh my gosh I'm down here in the apples any fake walls look this looks like it something interesting oh look at that kick kick kick whoa whoa whoa whoa okay we just left the room someone's house oh I'm sorry what I'm sorry dude I have a bad Beast great that's just great first you destroy my door then you enter my house uninvited and now tea is ruined ah only way to save the day would be to play hide and seek with me try to find me okay he's hidden is he in this C in the house maybe he's somewhere else okay I don't see him he must have left the house without me realizing it all right so it's okay flight why do you see where he goes where he went whatever oh nice there's so many rocks how would I know fly can you do so great never mind don't drop the Apple or anything all right we're going back the other way I don't see what the rock went take all right I just want to see if there's anything of interest over here like where am I can I like jump into the birds from way over here well answers really now no I can't well maybe I'll find the rock soon I don't know I need some more apples it's that's known Jose him this is him this him ha ha hi hi hi you found me again again oh no not again ok fine I'll give it a shot only have one Apple let's see what's over no one wants me in their house there's a rock no that's a different rock this is it I think wow again again I mean every time he could be underground I don't know do you think he could go up here I don't know let's let's go up here I don't know if he would put did I ever go to the store I don't think I went the store then I forget to go in the store oh no you don't want me here that's right ok fair enough I guess whoa nice little jingle there yeah I'll need the rocks over here why would the rock over here I don't know I just thought it might and why is her fly following me oh wait you know actually is this a weakened wall no I don't know ok anyway ignore me and my missteps we're gonna go can I go in here they want me to scram oh yeah I keep the door closed because the monsters here so let me go down here maybe there's a rock but more importantly I have I guess an apple to deposit I don't know if I need all three right here right now but we can see if I can if one does anything like maybe it's a sequence I don't know all right sure put put one in there you go that's one okay well I will be on the lookout for more apples excuse me take me back to the top Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and I girl so gonna find a hidden rock so again and again so we went this way maybe I'll find some more apples this way and then we'll have that thing dealt with I did break the bridge can I cross the bridge regardless like that dad how can I make the jump you know I think I can swim I can swim who needs the bridge when you can swim there we go I just gonna come back yet oh it's a spider hi oh hi why did you wake me up I need to repair that bridge hmm did you break that bridge yes well why did you break in the first place fix your own damn mistakes oh hi why'd you wake me up never mind I need to repair the bridge let's say no well if you were a spider which I happen to be you could probably fix it with one of those sweets spider webs but you're obviously not so good luck with that okay well oh oh oh I fixed it I was just mad don't ever do that again Wow I fixed it I honestly was just angry with him all right I want to look for it I mean I didn't seen the earlier but well maybe there were no more maybe there aren't apples in it if I didn't see it earlier then maybe there aren't apples here but there was also the spider wasn't here earlier I fixed it I'm sorry I broke it don't ever do that again can I just send you back see I'm trying to send you back it doesn't work whatever okay the bridge is fixed who wants to know about it let's see what they want to pay the beast repaired the bridge I did you're welcome you did repair the bridge we owe you an apology we thought you were a ruthless monster for you seem pretty okay thank you feel free to stay as long as you want in our village I think our painter is struggling with something maybe you'll see what's wrong yeah I guess so uh let's go talk to the print painter and hopefully now people will let me into their areas no no oh gosh uh come back great okay thank you hey the flies not fought what happened to the fly why did the fly why was the fly following me and second question why did it stop following me all right all right I'm in I'm in hey buddy hope I don't break anything oh hey where am i you're in the old mill we used to make flour and bread from our crops here but since the sunshine incorporated robots started collecting our crops we don't really use this mill anymore I heard they're giving away free money in exchange but I'm too busy pumping out these legs anyway anything else this dude did not skip leg day what are you doing getting some killer legs for the bass kick championship the what you don't know about basket it's our local sport here but you should talked to its creator she lives right next to the mill anything else bye take care Thanks can I jump up here at all or let's see I don't think I can well maybe again there we go well but even though I'm up here what does that do doesn't seem like anything so let's just go there we go the door sometimes takes a while to open so basket sounds like a fun little sport well I felt hey what are these like these posters basket champion it's okay yeah hey buddy I'm gonna talk to me yet the robot should take too long to arrive they're letting me in their houses now I feel so welcome Hey Dude what's up the basket champion is on ok did you come here to challenge me yes nice game on oh my god I wasn't actually ready to challenge you at basketball ready but let's give it a go ok us kicked the watermelon into the basket on the right and mine is a left one first with 3 points wins the game understood yes let's go tap wow you kicked me what no no I kicked the wrong way my bad sorry don't don't don't there you go ha ha ha that looked really cool please go in go you how you made it go in now no goaltending no ow I keep forgetting the there we go no no no no oh no no ha ha oh that was almost it yes number two she's juggling me now he's scored to get out of here no you know no it's guy's super super competitive get out of here no I'm gonna score myself oh my gosh please please no ping it goodness no get out of my zone please all right come on come on get it in yes three points baby we got it we got it that was awesome oh right wow you're good at this I am thanks for playing with me take this the basket champion is on oh no no okay okay I'm just say okay tell me because I got five coins no I did not I did not I already did okay see you then all right can I have this trophy Jesus I'm the champion now I like their lore this is like the monster I guess that I kind of look like anything else guys do anything else over here like in this place see ya so I got five coins for becoming the for beating the champion at basket there's a gift up here no don't what to go in back leave there we go all right so what what is this gift up here is this for me whoa you found a trophy basket champion why thank you why thank you now can I go into the shop now since you know it's open and I did the good thing let's find out look at all these posters or these posters for sale what he's selling Hey you ruined my business sorry you can be I was selling merchandise of the Beast mugs posters plush toys people were afraid and excited at the same time I was in a Cell a while a lot of these like hotcakes before you appeared I was going to release my hit song simply the Beast it would have been great so I'm what business is the same thing to say the same thing yeah so he was me was making money off of my image so I believe that Oh 15 15 4 I don't I don't think I have 15 do you want to buy the plush yes great oh wait I'm sorry you don't have money but money's free here so just why is it but if you're getting free money then why do you care anyway anyway let's just move on I don't know hey buddy now are these guys haven't talked to me like since I'm oh come here you don't look as evil as legend says I'm not evil sometimes the most evil people are the ones who don't look like they are true I am evil I could crush you just by sitting on you tread lightly Wow these guys all have attitudes all right what about you can I go into your place I heard Mr sunshine is meant to make an appearance today he doesn't come in person very often how exciting let's go in here bum bum bum bum hello I love flowers I'm trying to grow some here but for some reason it won't work I must be missing something like maybe light water love don't you dare say I don't love my flowers alright how about water how about water maybe water is what you're missing there's there's a well yeah right I would know if flowers need of water to grow oh well they need is love yeah okay I got you there's a song like that all I need is something like that I think it's about flowers all right so we're gonna exit this place you're gonna jump over here I guess I'll try to get to the very top what does that play how do I get up there why is it look honey is dripping down from it all right what's going on here bum bum bum bum bum it's a painter ah what I've lost my inspiration it's a disaster it's a disaster I'm a disaster they asked me to draw a face for the scarecrow but only the birds liked it and that's not good they're supposed to be scared it's a scarecrow it should scare the crows I don't have the strength and on top of it I've lost my pencil it's probably in my basement though can you see if it's there yeah yeah sure find the pencil hat interesting all right this is a cool looking place right what does this switch for okay so okay I already see okay I may need to stack it right got it [Music] yeah yeah okay hold on there we go get it come on here we go perfect I can jump and jump again and is that the pencil hat up there it sure looks like if the pencil hat has been acquired guys and I'll go back to the painter but first but first alright but first I want to see what's over here if anything's over here like is this is there like any reason to not have these down here [Music] other than now I've just messed everything up [Music] great all right oh my gosh okay cool I got the pencil hat for the painter that's that's what I came here to do I got it I got it you found my pencil well you can keep it I'm not up to the task it's probably the end of my career uh-huh do you know how to wear it where the pencil yes wear it have you ever worn a hat before did you spend your whole life at a cave or what okay let me explain first you press L keep pressing that and navigate to the Hat you want to wear then simply release the button and tada it's on your head here have a canvas it's blank of course go ahead draw a face for the scarecrow you'll do better than me obviously so uh the Hat I want to wear there we go and I get to draw face with a scarecrow okay uh man I don't I don't really know what kind of face to make let's see that's a good that's good face color for a scarecrow there we go hold on I don't wanna wait and it's gonna take me forever all right hold on hold on sorry this to take forever hold on it's okay it's okay if it takes forever we have forever that's the beauty of me making YouTube videos someone's gonna make a genuinely good face for the scarecrow [Music] let's see here we go [Music] these actually anything a racer right what know that I was gonna race like one pixel at a time no uh forget it forget it forget it I'll do it without the the beige skin here we go this is as good as it's gonna get for me there we go not looking too bad right and then I would try to erase some of this but better not cuz it will just mess up this is looking good right there we go and we could add some eyeliner here I'm doing okay I already want to erase it but that's okay we're done wha what have you done it's a masterpiece I dunno you guys such talent they should put on the Scarecrow's head here take it there we go let's go they already has a face okay so there was no white I'm so confused but it'll bitl work so I mean it's so fine fine I'm sorry took so long hmmm let's go put on the Scarecrow now the Flies follow me again great and I got a pencil for a head so let's go let's go I don't know where this anymore apples are gonna be at the rock I haven't been in here though so I stop it you stop it I haven't been in here yet let's go hey buddy I heard someone in town is trying to launch a new sport called bass kick that's a dumb name if you want my opinion well I'm the I'm the new bass kick champion so I kind of like it now what's going on up here I got a pencil for a head oh here we go take that okay I don't know what I'm doing which books do you want to read book 1 book 1 The Legend of the beast there is a beast in the mountain do not go to the mountain for real okay great let's read book 2 haiku about a bird there was a bird on a tree bird dance for a bit tree smiled pretty swell oh wow this guy has him this guy has a great library alright book 3 book 3 punching doors I punch the door once someone was behind it why did you punch my door sorry I said fine don't punch doors alright none I think if you get the point okay fine gonna punch a door alright bump I don't know is this the last house I think those last house okay so now that we've explored all the houses let's go actually put that mask on the Scarecrow Oh Sees excuse me I spend forever trying to draw like a peach looking face for him but oh well and I don't know where my the rock guy went anymore um but I'm bummed but and I'm bummed use me Birds scuse me Birds we're gonna put a face on a scarecrow how do you like that I fixed the bridge there's a spider hey buddy I wish I could kick you back is gonna say the same thing don't ever do that again my apologies spider okay where's the Scarecrow he's up here right happy face will guess what scarecrow now has a scary face ah Retreat retreat do those other birds are gonna retreat hey buddy hi ah wonderful wonderful all the birds are gone a new face really scared them good oh my gosh there's rumbling whoa hey free money watch out Oh what he's like crush me are you okay what is that I reckon I should have told you about the robot see we have a quote we have corn in our village a lot of corn we made a deal with sunshine inked and every week one of the robots comes here to collect it in exchange the robots spread money everywhere in our village free money everywhere sorry for not telling you before at least it scared the birds away you did a good job Thanks yeah it's one of these the rock over here their cones here like traffic cones explore the world I'm here to see if I can find that then that rock again well maybe find an apple or something I don't know this is the world and maybe now I can explore oh here's a secret or something what the heck the heck is this I didn't find this before oh hi he's so small and he's dancing for me oh okay see ya that was cool maybe one day we'll meet a kid I guess all right let's get out of here so this was a little secret so I know to look for those and this is my old home or maybe my current home still warning and open this door the Beast sleeps inside any up the rock guys hidden here no well we got to explore the world and I suppose we have plenty of time next episode to do that just pop it up here again just to see what I can see again I don't have this so who knows thank you for watching be sure to come back next time for more and I will see you then goodbye I'm Zack Scott subscribe if you have not if you liked this video and want to help the channel grow all you got to do is click the like button below thank you so much for watching you can now join on youtube and become an official member of zackscottgames and if you want cool shirts like this visit Zack Scott dot shop come back next time for more [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 1,833,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikuniku, Pikuniku Gameplay, Pikuniku Part 1, Pikuniku Gameplay Part 1, Pikuniku Walkthrough, Pikuniku Walkthrough Part 1, Pikuniku Nintendo Switch, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Part 1, Ep 1, Full, Nintendo, Switch, Windows, PC, Steam, Indie, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games, Zack, Scott, Games
Id: NAc3f41yESQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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