Piers Morgan vs Dillon Danis On Logan Paul Fight | The Full Interview

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well I'm delighted to say that he joins me now speaking for the first time since Saturday's defeat all right well Dylan how are you first of all feel great uh MMA is a lot harder than boxing I'll say definitely on the body MMA is yeah yeah a lot harder yeah but you are wearing dark glasses yeah there's a reason I wear glasses all the time let's have a quick look I don't want to get have let's see the eyes there we are not too bad I mean I was in a fifth fight but he looked worse he was running the whole time you know I wanted to fight he was running so really get satisfaction here's my take on what happened yeah did you watch Fight You are yeah you are a brilliant jiujitsu yeah fighter I mean you're one of the best has been right you're a world champion multiple times you have huge credibility and respect for everything you've achieved in Jiu-Jitsu but when I watched what happened uh the weekend um with you and Logan Paul I just thought I don't know it just feel seemed to me like what was in that for you I get it makes you more famous I get it made you a ton of money I get all that I get from a marketing point of view everyone thoroughly enjoyed the Extravaganza but as a fighter with a great reputation when you came away from it what did you feel about the fight the fight it didn't feel like a fight feel like he was running away every time I tried to engage with him and try to get in there and like trade he would run away you know you landed nine punches in six rounds yeah I mean but the thing that's not great is it it's cuz he was running though even Conor was saying it he he was running he was he was on the back foot the whole time I was trying to push forward I wanted to fight I wanted to clinch I wanted to fight I was like I mean he threw more fights at the end with the security guys that big dude man I was trying to get out him but he was a chunky big dude and he was pushing me away and everything but it was why did you just for the record why did you suddenly dive in and do a Jiu-Jitsu move I wasn't actually trying to but he was smart he baselined his head his head up so I guess he knew I was trying to go for his neck but at that moment I actually wasn't I was just grabbing his head and he just kind of shrugged me in the Vaseline and he threw that punch and then I up kicked him but you dived in for his body legs yeah I was just kind oh that one time yeah I was just kind of just messing around a little bit you know let him know what the real fight is um boxing is not a real fight it's a half a fight I want to fight him in a real fight where he shook my hand and said he was going to fight me in MMA do you think he'll ever get in an MMA environment with you he shook my hand if he's a real man he should you know um he didn't defend his fiance in my opinion if a man talks the way I did about your fiance he should I wanted to mention that too because I I don't know him or his fiance Nina Agdal right but I don't know I think that's her stage name is it but isn't it a bit cheap dyl to go for the girl not the man no because if it was if it was someone else yes I would never do that I would never cross those lines with the Pauls they cross those lines all the time um his brother went at should you should you stoop to that level um in this fight I think it it made sense because it was all true everything was public I what she saying what she suing me for is all fake I didn't hack her phone I didn't do all any of you ever done that to a Jiu-Jitsu opponent no no I would have done even like if if I was talking about a regular fighter's wife every would be like oh the guy's well people know this is true people know her past it's all out there so everything was public and you know what I mean though you're a you're like I say you're a world champion fighter just seemed a little bit demeaning me to Target the woman not the guy in a Bo in this boxing match he's 0 and2 I'm a I'm a Jiu-Jitsu Guy where we going to sell our our boxing skills no you know I'm a promoter so I wanted to make people watch this fight and it did over 1.3 million views so how much money did you make from it a lot you haven't said how much yeah I don't want to say the number but a lot of money a lot of money but I should have been theer I should have got the pay-per-view and you did actually say that if you lost you would give your share of the purse we fact we got a clip we never we never shook hands we never shook hands a CLI yeah I bet knock you out how much I don't care don't matter I I made a bet to you what was it it said if I win it had to be the best man at you're winning okay okay okay and if I win yeah I get your entire purse sure sure all right well that's pretty unical so Dylan hey here we have a large check a large check May payable to Lo but what we don't know we actually are making so it actually might be a win for me because he punched me on the ground so the appeal might be I might be the winner but if we were to put a figure in here what do we looking at uh over a million over a million pounds or dollars dollars a million US Dollars yeah that's your cut yeah I mean is that is that your biggest ever payday in fighting yes for sure yeah you know MMA doesn't pay that well that's after this I'm going to the UFC I want to go to the UFC I think the UFC now will see my potential in selling fights and everything like that so see I that's that's the bit I get I think you're a smart marketing guy right this came up under the best yeah this has all been a very smart marketing player I get that uh I mean I went down to see uh your mate Conor McGregor fight Floyd Mayweather and it was a fascinating thing to watch I never actually thought he could beat Floyd Mayweather but but for a few rounds he went Toe to Toe with him and it was really interesting watch and it was a massive success financially for both so I do get the exhibition kind of nature of this but it's not real fighting is it no it's not in my opinion it's not me and you gone to a street fight we're not going to be like hold a second let's go get these gloves and throw it on and box we're fighting and he knows I would strangle him unconscious within 30 seconds in a real fight that's why he didn't do the real fight in the real in MMA the bag was bigger than the boxing bag actually so he turned that down and uh what would happen if you fought him in MMA it wouldn't last more than a minute how would you take him out I I would play with him I could take him down Mount him and literally slap him around and just it it would be embarrassing actually it'd be so fun do you think any boxer funny enough I did Celebrity Apprentice uh with Lennox Lewis and Tito Ortiz the UFC guy but these boxers think they good fight they it was it was actually very interesting so um we got talking one night because every night you do these long hours sitting there talking together and I said what would happen with you guys and I got them two sets of boxing gloves and they sparred in the room right oh definitely then and it was fun well they both agreed that if it was straight boxing Lennox would win yes right he's one of the great world heavyweight champions of all time but they also both agreed that if it got into Tito's world of UFC he would win because he would get LX down and L exactly these guys don't know what they're doing and Logan tries to act like he would you beat any boxer do you think all all of them I could probably do it in the same night like KSI Logan Jake I could probably do back what about what about the elite boxers actual easy easy uh the only one they ever wrestled I think was terce Crawford but I don't think he has like a serious r background but the Jiu-Jitsu was too hard to learn that's why these influencer boxers they don't do MMA because Mayweather his Peak oh easy you would easy easy easy he has no he doesn't have power the hard thing with like the dangerous thing about a boxer for MMA guy someone that has a one punch shot we saw this in the first UFC's you know once you shoot in it's over you know you need to land that one shot and it's very hard so once they get a hold of someone it's over you know you you weren't happy that Drake the rapper yeah friends too that hurt me well he bet on Instagram $850,000 on your opponent to knock you out he lost yeah he lost cuz he didn't knock you out yeah and me and Drake were friends so I didn't like how he supported Logan Logan have you been in touch with him no he has a new number now but uh yeah he he posted a story saying like he bet against you he's ghosted you what's going on there I know it's messed up I don't know hopefully he watches this he'll reach out to me well what's your message to Drake if he's watching um should have been on me camera's there I don't know I thought we were friends Drake that's messed up you know Logan's not not one of us we don't suit we don't do lawsuits you know Drake is a gangster like me we don't do that kind of stuff yeah yeah so I don't know I think Drake would decide with me in my opinion you know Logan's a i he's a can I say that on here I don't know you could we called unsensitive for a reason okay yeah he's a you know he he wanted to Su off this is this is what he wanted he didn't want to fight he wanted me to pull out this fight and he learned it was real when he did that water ball and he threw at me and I hit him with that mic cut his face on but I gave him almost like a concussion so he knew it was real he knew what he he's not a real fighter he's not a real he's an Entertainer you know he's not built for this is that good for the fight game generally to have these kind of YouTube influences I don't like it I don't like it but you've taken part in it and it's benefited you yeah because if you're Logan PA you're like hang on a sec you say you don't like it you just came in and made yeah Logan fought Mayweather so he has credibility but sometimes you go around these events you see these like Tik Tok kids walking around like they can fight and I'm like come on dude like it's kind of I don't like it either I'm like come on and it's dangerous you know boxy's not uh a gentle sport you got to be careful so like these like tag team things are doing and stuff it's very dangerous what would happen if you got in the ring with Connor I wouldn't that's that's one of my best friends I don't talk about training Partners you know so have you you've trained with him oh I trained with him for almost 10 years how serious hases he got oh he train uh Conor trains very very hard and he hits very hard and he takes it very seriously you ever ever knocked him out no I would I don't see like real martial arts don't talk about training that's the thing about me and these guys are different I'm a real martial arts I've been training since I was 15 and uh we go by the code of martial arts you don't talk about train would you ever fight him though no never never that's you're Dan White you're thinking now with all your profile I think me and khabib or me and is on would be bigger you know I mean obviously Conor is one of my best friends and the my idols and a mentor you couldn't beat khabib could you no one's ever be kabib I would beat khabib but no one's beaten him yeah well he hasn't fought me why would you better able beat him because my Jiu-Jitsu is too good and I I'm saying this now all the stuff I've ever said I'm willing to go prove it give me my give me any all people look I'm not as expert as you are and all the why jiujitsu is too good for these guys I was going to ask you if you are as good at jiujitsu as you are yeah who do you most fear I don't fear no one you know I I want to know what's going to happen in your world look at me I just went and did a boxing match in the UFC for example what time of fights would you least want to come up against I I swear I would fight all of them I would fight Jon Jones I'm not scared I did a lot of detector you could beat him I I did a lot of detector test and it showed that I you know I believe that and I think if you're a fighter and you don't believe that then you're not a real fighter you know I believe I could be any man in the world so I think these guys aren't that good and I'm willing to go prove that so put me in the UFC and give me Islam for a f so Dan White is watching this yeah what's your message to him sign me let's do it give me the biggest fight give me anybody you want just don't send anybody you want back I'll beat them all um and I want to prove what I'm saying is true because it pisses me off that people don't believe in me you know so I want to go out there and I'll fight anyone of them well I I I'll be honest with you I had to consult my middle son who's a bit of an expert in you he loves you oh he likes me yeah and he said Dad don't don't get sort of distracted by what happened with this kind of thing that happened with with Logan he said he is one of the greatest jiujitsu yeah exponents in the world how many Jiu-Jitsu guys were going and do a boxing match right you know what I mean that's what he said yeah and I went out there I didn't get wobbled I didn't get a standing a count every single one and now you're 10 times more famous than you were two months ago exactly and I didn't do it for the fame um but you know I thought Logan would be a better promoter he was Terri terrible at it I carried this whole promotion on this card better than Tommy they better than KSI they didn't give me any pay-per-view points they treated me like everything was against me the steroids that he was taking he was taking EPO um the refs were on his side he picks the refs he picks the judges he picks everything you know so I was a handicapped the whole time he still he still beat you then yeah but I don't he beat me in a boxing fight right you know so if he beat me in an MMA fight but even that's a b embarrassing isn't it Kevin no be he's a YouTube influencer he he box for five s years he could have rattled me he was trying to say he would knock me out in a second every MMA guy Joe Rogan he's going to get knocked out in a minute he's going to get knocked out like this look what happened to Ben Asen he didn't do anything to me you know made a couple smacks do you think do you think he'll ever get in the Jiu-Jitsu world with you or MMA never no I don't think I mean he shook my hand see how much of a b he is so I'm ready to do it I can do it tonight I didn't take any damage so I want to take a fight in the next 30 days I'm ready to go Dylan dnis good to see you good to see you fighting talk you've actually committed yourself to about eight fights there realize that I'm down for it let's do it I'm ready to go I'm ready to fight right now so whoever wants it let's go I'll be there if you do good to see you good to see thanks for coming in awesome
Channel: Piers Morgan Uncensored
Views: 2,650,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: piers morgan, piers morgan uncensored, piers morgan interview, dillon danis, dillon danis piers morgan, dillon danis logan paul, dillon danis logan paul fight, dillon danis logan paul interview, dillon danis interview, logan paul, logan paul vs dillon danis, logan paul dillon danis, logan paul fight, boxing, dillon danis mma, dillon danis post fight, piers morgan dillon danis, piers morgan dillon danis interview, piers morgan logan paul, youtube boxing, sports, ksi, tommy fury
Id: n5zMQgy6FkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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