'Yes, I Cheated' Phil Heath On Performance-Enhancing Drugs And Transgender Athletes

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Phil Heath is a seven time Mr Olympia one of the first guests in a long time with a physique to rival my own his new documentary produced by Dwayne The Rock Johnson chance an unprecedented quest for an H title the most prestigious bodybuilding contest in the world if you don't own it it will show up on that stage he's got big arms big views on health motivation and resilience and now Phil Heath goes unsensible do you have to be vain you have to spend a lot of time adoring your physique what's with the tiny trunks me they all seem to be about three sizes too small this is true we wear them pretty high up a little bit you've had a few tensions with Arnold haven't you he criticized bodybuilders with a belly you definitely have to have the biggest Cales the biggest everything how would you feel about this whole issue of trans athletes what's your general view of that they told me that you hired a trainer I think I'm a challenge you know I came ready oh have a little feel one two three D feel great to see you yes thanks for having me you are almost certainly the strongest person I've ever had in here awesome how do you feel about that feel really damn good about it to be quite honest when you've won Mr Olympia seven times same numbers Arnold schwarzen yes does every bar you go into anywhere in the world does some guy with big muscles come and try and have a white if anything they're trying to ask me what my routine is really yeah but they try and like fight with you no I initially in my career as an amateur you know I was working at a bar actually so yeah had had a few you know interactions I say how dides that end for the others uh not so good not so good they also got arrested so I was you know helping run the bar so I already knew the cops so I was like yeah get this guy out of here it takes unbelievable Iron Will self discipline to get to the stage where you can win Mr Olympia yes um when you give it up how do you maintain that iron whe so that it doesn't all all that work doesn't just disappear right well just like anything right you want to make sure that you keep a certain level of personal Excellence after achieving all those titles you know I know how to eat I know how to train the last thing I need to do is just get lazy and like Arnold would say be useful so I'm going to use those muscles you know I'm going to go to the gym I'm going to continually do my cardio I actually recently lost 40 lbs so I'm happy about that you know and what's your what's your gym routine like now oh Arnold told me a few years ago that when he goes to the gym now he does much smaller weights but more repetitions yeah so I've adopted that as well in fact we were just training a couple days ago uh out in Birmingham and we were doing exactly that like very short resting periods and still moving some good weight around but the reducing the resling periods you can only go so heavy at that point in time what can you bench press these days ah gosh these with the dumbbells you like 150s 150 on each each yeah pounds or no not kilos no no no pounds yeah sorry cuz I'm up to 27 a half kilos okay that's good that's 50 odd pounds on each on each arm yep right I'm getting there you are now they told me that you hired a trainer I have yeah how's that been working good I mean I think I'm a challenge but I I like I do like it and I like the competitive part of it I get why you guys get so obsess messed with it mhm um because the competition is fun yeah what do you find the most difficult though for me it's the it's the lifestyle that has to go with it if you want to actually get really if you want to get lean I know what I have to do I have to give up drinking alcohol I have to eat really healthy food and I like to go I'll probably go home tonight I'll probably have a glass or two of a fine red wine from France and I'll probably if my wife isn't watching I'll have some cheese with some crackers right and I love that that brings me genuine pleasure so I don't want to be Mr Olympia which is probably just as well but I do want to have a balance of life where I get some pleasure which I know is probably not that good for me well but I also go to the gym so it's not all catastrophic that's really where my mind is I like that because even throughout my career there would be times where I'm not competing so being Mr Olympia i' normally only train uh train for one show a year that would be about 16 weeks out from the competition and then even while I'm touring around such as now uh last night we had our uh Premiere uh breaking Olympia and I had one glass of champagne right and normally I wouldn't drink a whole lot so I just had one and previously in my career I'd have a couple shots of this and that just to get a nice taste of things and figure out what I do like but I overall felt that with bodybuilding when you're training at the highest level you just have to know that that alcohol those pizzas those Burgers will always be there but for right now I got to be strict for these uh there also must be a mental strength aspect to to being a champion right at this I'm just sure of it right where there are lots of people that were good bodybuilders in your era what made you the best my intention my intention was to be my best version of self and not always compare myself to someone else you know a lot of time I I think we look at our our peers especially now with social media right like we always look at this phone and see other people's highlight you're literally looking at PE now well this is true this is true and we recognize that I could steal my own Joy with the passion that I have with bodybuilding by always comparing myself to someone else I always looked at my pictures I would print them out and then I would just stare at that and ask myself what do I feel like I want to truly look like and that way I can Envision it for my next workout so I would I would actually take a marker and etch out really yeah like I would get very meticulous with this what tiny bits of your toolsa yeah so I would I'm not a real artist but like I would scratch in like some uh C better calves or better delts better chest and and ask myself okay that looks really cool now I can reference the different exercises that I've done in the past and say what else can I add in or take out and that way I kind of have a better method to my madness and then after a a couple more weeks I then reassess so it's like a constant audit and that way it keeps me in line with always having that 0.1% Improvement that people talk about but then having some real data metrics to do it and even with your career I mean gosh like you're very accomplished obviously that required a lot of mental fortitude a lot of attention to detail you would actually take on guests such as me and then review certain things of asking yourself did I ask that right question did did I pay attention to his body moov and this and that so then you can be better we're all in that pursuit of Prof well the constant pursuit of Excellence absolutely I think is what drives the best at anything right yes it's what makes the difference but also I think a lot of self-sacrifice I mean you have to give up a lot a lot to be Mr Olympia the best bodybuilder in the world what did you sacrifice I sacrificed a total a little bit over 10 Summers so the mystery Olympia contest would generally be in September that would mean if you go four months back you don't really have much of a summer and I was living at the time in Denver Colorado where you know it's a it's a great time there you know it's not snowing so you know of course friends want to have barbecues and whatnot and there would be weddings or even some of my college teammates having children you you would be there for any of us no and if I was I remember going to a wedding by one of my uh former high school teammates by the name of Jamal Crawford we played in the NBA for about 19 Seasons uh he invited me to his wedding and I was like gosh I'm literally four weeks out from the Myster Olympia and I don't want to mess this up but he's my one of my really good friends I brought my meals to his wedding where I was literally going back to the car park eating a meal going back cuz I can't uh eat the meals that they provided so I was still trying to be as socialable as I could but those are the sacrifices you make when you want to be the best and just knowing how to communicate to your family and friends because they're not always going to understand why no you know in fact probably the opposite um Dwayne The Rock Johnson as exact producer of this documentary breaking Olympia he's a great guy I mean I find him yeah very impressive character um both professionally personally seems to got his life balance right with work and obviously you know Arnold very well I mean these two are the two of the most iconic people I guess yeah um in terms of big guys yeah for sure what what have you gained from your relationships with with both of them that they always work hard like no matter what like whether it's two hours of sleep or no hours of sleep I mean they will go hard Arnold uh just a couple days ago we were training and he said his team hit me up and said Hey Arnold wants to work out uh they said 830 I got there at 8:30 guess what time he was there 7:50 The Cools then I realized the next day I'm going to beat him to the gym now he's at 7:30 so he's such a competitive person with Dwayne similar I go to the gym at I was lucky lucky enough to go to iron Paradise where he gets after it and sends us those amazing videos and um we were able to really get after it and I noticed when I went up in weight he went up in weight when I who's stronger we kind of both looked at each other and kind of gave each other the nod like really okay we're going to stop right here before someone maybe get hurt but we have that great respect of one another because with bodybuilding you have to maintain a certain level of uh ability to remove that ego and it's hard when you're with a couple big guys in the gym and you want to really truly get after it but he's a strong dude man he he is you've had a few tensions with Arnold haven't you like he criticized bodybuilders with a belly you talked about his lack of legs Y is that all part of the oh yeah yeah you know I feel that when you're Arnold and you've put your entire life toward health and fitness he has championed not just on the stage but he creates his own stage at the Arnold Classic he just wants the best product for his show and yeah back in his day it's just like other sports they transcend so back then in his day you didn't have to have the biggest ginormous quads to win a competition you had to have the biggest chest you know the best abdominals and the best arms now you definitely have to have the biggest calves the biggest you know everything and it is a good friendly banter if you you know I I enjoy it how is the current Mr Olympia compared to you guys the current Mr Olympia compared to Arnold uh and and myself we're much taller right uh so there's a lot different and that gentleman um came Derek Lunsford he came from the men's 212 division so he's a little bit smaller but very welldeveloped and I've I've known him for quite some time he actually trains with my old trainer hon rambod and uh he's a really good competitor I gave him a lot of credit because of and being so much shorter he packs like per pound um the best package so he's you have to be vain to be a bodybuilder you have to spend a lot of time looking at and adoring your physique I don't think we adore it to be quite honest I think we're looking for the when you're doing the whole like I mean no a slight self-adoration isn't there or not no I know for myself like it was more of I I don't really like that yeah that looks pretty cool but I could still do this so you're still appreciating what you've created but at the same time you're you're trying to have a better understanding of what the judges might and what what's with the tiny trunks we was just looking at I mean they all seem to be about three sizes too small this is true back back in Arnold's day I mean they were you know kind of like Bloomers you like you know now like we wearing pretty high up a little bit and it's because of the glute development we want to see more of that like the striation in someone's glutes they almost look like grill grill marks you know and that requires a total commitment to exercising your glutes as a male um doing massive amounts of cardio uh in order to get that level of conditioning you have to do like you know two to three hours of cardio a day a lot of weight training oh yeah like it's two to three hours of cardio yeah never mind anything else with the weights which is insane I mean but anyway what you do the stepmill you know the the revolving stairs and the the talk at your absolute Peak when you were like good as you've ever been yeah taught me through the the day training oh my God so you waking up at 4:45 5: a.m. doing cardio for 45 minutes what's the first thing you do you get up to eat or drink nothing just well drinking something you drink some water definitely bring some water with you to the cardio machine uh luckily I had one in the house so I do that I'd redo the stepmill uh for good 40 to 45 minutes hopped out of that I have a vitar 320 that's a a hbot machine it's a hyperbaric machine hopped in that did that for 45 minutes came out did a shake then do uh oh gosh 35 to 45 minutes of infrared sauna treatment and then I get my first meal in and thereafter I'm either doing neuromuscular massage or doing some p pemf uh because I want to remove all the emfs around me and stuff like that so I have one of those mats the grounding mats and stuff and everything is about biohacking I'm doing how much would you eat oh gosh five to seven meals a day plus two shakes and what are you eating in the meals oh 2 and A2 cups of egg whites two egg holes U 200 gram of uh oatmeal or finina and then you're doing um a good 300 gram of steak chicken or fish you know five times five times five times a day yeah lots of vegetables not a well it depends you're doing carbs of you know different starches so for me I I I I like rice but I actually like sweet potato a lot better for my physique um I'll try to rotate different carbs and different proteins and just try to gauge like how my body is digesting those proteins and carbs and then some avocado for healthy fats and then as far as vegetables are concerned I'm doing zucchini squash uh uh saute spinach the normal thing what do you make of the body positive movement which seems to be the complete opposite where you have people who are Mass massively maybe even morbidly obese not remotely fit and they're put all over the cover of magazines as body positive everyone should love themselves and love their body I'm not a fan of this because I think why would you encourage people to think being morbidly obese and really unhealthy is a good thing why celebrate it I guess there's some people that just love what they love right but for me I agree with you I I think if we were to look at obesity and what it means you know healthwise looking at those blood markers I think we would be able to see through blood work that they're not as healthy as they seem and although they love themselves we want them to live a healthier life so therefore you know type two diabetes you know that's a big deal type one type two um I I want people to just be as healthy as they can but I do want you to love yourself through it um but when we see the uh the TV shows of like a person being heavily overweight there usually is some type of illness mentally or psychologically their emotional attachments to food is a big thing especially in America and you know we can only do so much as far as educating but at the same time I just want to implore everybody to try to be the best version of self and you don't have to be a Mr Olympia you don't have to be because look that that takes a lot of work but obesity can kill you like we don't want heart disease we don't want high cholesterol we want you know the the A1C levels and all those things we don't want you to have to live off of you know we don't want you be in the hospital like who would want someone because of the you could or you know you diabetes like you know have to have an amput amputation you know I I would hate to see that I get sad just thinking about it because there's so many people that suffer from that yes absolutely right um the issue of performance enhancing drugs bodybuilding is a reality that everyone did it at some point for sure I'm I'm sure they dabbled in that to what extent I can't speak did you yes and what do you feel about that I think it's something that is of a personal choice I think it's based on one's blood work as far as I'm concerned my biggest thing was to make sure that number one I compete naturally as long as I could and I actually did that um in fact my first couple bodybuilding shows I was competing against guys that I didn't realize were unnatural and it was as a joke my friends were like no you should do this bodybuilding show and I do this body I was like God why why is this guy like got all these veins and this and that and and I and I asked I said hey excuse me where do we go pee you know for the test and they're like oh there's none of that at this particular and I was like oh my gosh but what it taught me was that wow um there are people that do those things Phil like you've always been an athlete you're entire life if you were to ever do something make sure you do one major thing and you know what that is and I'm sure you've done it get your blood work done because you don't know what you don't know and sometimes you tend to realize why am I comparing myself to somebody else that's why I'm doing these Peds because I want to get as the gains as fast as that person but you don't even know how to train how to eat what cardio to do given how much of this is in sport generally illegally obviously in MO in most cases all cases I mean there's even a games now the of enhanced games they want to do where everyone's on it but is there an argument for just letting everyone do what they want to do I think there's been various sports that we kind of can can say that has occurred right like you know you always talk you not you but like you we've all heard in uh baseball like there was an ERA there's cycling there's been an era I'm sure in wrestling or Sprints there's been an era I think um there's always going to be someone that wants to try something different to maximize their potential with these enhanced games I'm actually curious to see who's actually going to sign up for that right because I don't think it would be any big names do you like well no because immediately they're signaling themselves to be cheats right right to the rest of the world right they wouldn't be in those games because everyone's effectively cheating right um and therefore the argument is that by all cheating no one's cheating right because everyone's got the ability to do if they want to do it'd be interesting to see how they would flip that to to see oh well based on this data we were able to get this person this much faster or jump higher or whatever based on need medications and how it can actually proliferate better um you know success right I'm really curious about that but with other sports you know I never heard of like certain scandals like in hockey or even basketball with this I mean we're seeing people playing at you know very high speeds why is that I have no idea maybe because the money is involved in a certain way and they want to protect certain people punishments Al maybe yeah like like I know for one thing like you know the NBA like there's been only like a handful of guys that ever got popped for this but I'm thinking like how do you play like certain amount of games throughout 20 years or whatever and like you're able to look a certain way I mean there's certain guys that were freaking jacked at one point and these are basketball guys but who's to say I I don't know but I will say that it's always important because I'm 44 years old so I know my testosterone is not the same as what it was when I was 20 years old but it's very very important to educate these athletes these trainers um get their blood work done I work with a tele Health medical company called transcend and that's what we do and we make sure that any person from all Walk of Life actually know are you type one type two diabetic do you have you know any type of different markers your hematocrite your hemoglobin and actually people don't even know what that is so how would you feel about this whole issue of trans athletes I mean in bodybuilding if you wanted to I guess you could be Phyllis phis and go and compete against ficia yeah and go and compete against the women put on a wig yeah just reduce your testosterone a bit but your body mass would be the same I mean what's your general view of that issue I think that they should just have their own League yeah I think it's just don't make it so confusing I guess for me like I don't care live your life like these are things that I I want everybody to live their life of course no problem but I think under it's a form of cheating though isn't it I think so I think so it gives you a performance in half I just don't understand but I don't understand why you wouldn't want to just as a competitor I'm thinking I'm a very competitive person you're right just say well I'm trans I want to go against trans people yeah why would you want or against your biological sex right I mean if you've competed as a man and then you transition to be a woman why can't you physiology means you can still compete actually I I like that I they should I don't see any problem with that I don't either I think um maybe we do see that in our lifetime but I think it's just this is all fresh this is all new and you know it it brings out better conversation but I think even having this discussion has been even beneficial to me because I don't hear this very often right uh I think anyone that is you know considering the transition and wants to compete in sports like what was the like the the swimmer yeah Leah thas I just want to maybe understand the psyche of like hey the psyche is extremely selfish and it's cheating personally when you watch you winning a race by 50 seconds is this a joke you know what are you doing you weren't successful as a as a male swi and now you're killing all these biological women it's like it's it's to me it's nuts wouldn't the wouldn't it have made sense for like all the women of these different division one programs to just boycott yeah that's what I think they should do they should have just done it I think if all women athletes said we're just not going to do this anymore it would stop tomorrow do you think that like feminism has died in a way because of this yeah because women are too afraid to stand up for women women's right crazy nuts that it goes against like all title women won't even say what a woman is cuz they're terrified of being cancelled yeah it's think about that it's it's crazy um we got to wrap it but I I just couldn't let the moment go given my workout regim um and obviously I you know I came ready yeah I'm ready I'm ready alarm wrestle I know no holding back Phil okay oh gosh guns it's your show first of all have a little feel how I feel not too bad huh drug test him right now than you thank you Phil I want to see what this is actually going to be like okay one two three I can do this all day can you yeah I can't go then try and beat me go on well go on Phil you're supposed to be Mr Olympia mate I just like being on TV I'm hanging on quite well here maybe I could get I'm going to let him win I'm let him win yes yes yes yes come on little e Mr Olympia seven times P Morgan Mr Olympia no time VY VD V if you know you're Latin great to see you right [Laughter] on
Channel: Piers Morgan Uncensored
Views: 430,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: piers morgan, piers morgan uncensored, interview, debate, piers morgan debate, piers morgan interview, phil heath, mr olympia, bodybuilding, body builder, phil heath steroids, the rock, dwayne johnson, piers morgan phil heath, phil heath interview, bodybuilder, performance enhancing drugs, arnold schwarzenegger, body positivity, fitness, trans athletes, trans debate, pierce morgan, piers morgan screaming, phil heath arm wrestles piers morgan, training, obesity
Id: VUcrT8sgdmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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