"You're LYING!" Piers Morgan Hosts Debate On Iran, Israel And Hamas

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the general view in the west is that Iran's attack on Israel was an abject failure whether or not it was a genuine attempt to wound the Israeli state or just a billion dollar fireworks display it didn't work 99% of the drones and missiles were shot down by Israel's allies and its Iron Dome Israel looks tough again Iran looks weak and after months of rebukes from its allies over the Gaza War Israel's powerful friends have again made their allegiance clear so what did Iran have to gain well first things first the Iranian regime is loathed by its own people enemies mean survival it had to be seen to respond to the Israeli attack on its Consulate in Syria and to those who gly say Iran has the right to defend itself and America would respond with Force which rock have you been living under Iran has been poking the horn its nest through proxies for years Hezbollah attacks Israel from Lebanon in the north the hotis and Yemen have attacked vessels in the Red Sea more than 60 times in the last 6 months alone Hamas began its diabolical war in Gaza by invading Israel with Iran's funding and full throated support fundamentally Iran doesn't believe Israel has a right to exist it wants to ins Circle the country with paramilitary groups and ultimately dominate the region but like all Pariah States it profits from chaos un like all dictatorships its people suffer the most so what should the Western World do about it is this a moment for appeasement or power did the attack throw netan who a lifeline and how will the changing political winds impact the war on Gaza where Millions now face a famine in a moment we'll debate those big questions with Mustafa bouti FL Hassan Nahum and Franchesca fantini but first with a view from Tran Professor Muhammad mirandi joins me who was previously an advisor to Iran's nuclear negotiations team with Professor mirandy thank you very much indeed for joining me on unsensed thank you for having me obviously I've outlined there uh my view about this situation I I'm sure that you would disagree with uh much if not all of it but what is the view from Tran about what's happened here yes I think it's pretty fair to say I disagree with all of it uh the view from tan is quite clear you know quite well I know quite well your viewers your viewers know quite well that the Israeli regime is carrying out genocide and this stems from a an ethnos supremacist ideology it stems from a parthe and uh this is unacceptable and the people who lived on that land they have been expelled the people in Gaza they live in a concentration camp now a death camp and uh the West has brought about this situ this situation whatever crimes that they've committed against Jews and Gypsies and Slavs they have to pay for it themselves they can't take it out on the Palestinian people so the Iranians along with almost everyone else in the world except for people some people in your part of the world believe that the partite regime has to come to an end and uh by coming to an end it means that all people of that land have to be able to live as equal human beings I know that sounds very crazy but uh um ethnos supremacism isn't a good thing but the position of the Iranian regime is that Israel shouldn't exist right well the position of the British regime is that Israel as an aparte State should continue to exist the position of the American regime is if you could look that wasn't the question I asked you but is the position of Iran's regime answering that is yeah but what what is the answer to that question I'm getting there the position of the American regime is that apartheid should continue Iran's position on South Africa had the same Gap there was the same Gap back then when the British and Americans supported apartheid in South Africa and racial supremacism in the South African region Zimbabwe today and so on back then Iran was supporting the indigenous population back then Iran supported thec back then Iran supported the military wing of thec and Nelson talking about South Africa I'm talking about what is Iran's regime's current position in relation to Israel the Iranians believe that Israel does not have moral legitimacy as an aparte regime and the only way that it can gain legitimacy is that if aarte is cast aside if ethnos supremacism is cast aside if racial and religious discrimination in the sense that uh Muslims and Christians are lesser human beings and they don't have any right to the land that they've been on for hundreds of years that should be set aside people who have been expelled have the right of return it's not very uh complicated it's not as you say rocket science well it may not be complicated to you but what looks complicated to us uh is that what Iran has been doing in the last few years if not decades has been supporting via proxy uh groups like The houis in Yemen Hamas in uh in Gaza um Hezbollah in Lebanon funding and helping to train them to commit acts of war against Israel firing endless rockets and as we saw on October the 7th committing an act of heus terrorism um so it's not quite as as simple as you're trying to Picture This Is It Iran has had a vested interest in supporting Terror against Israel for a very long time no I think the regimes that have a vested interest in supporting terrorism are the ones who are giving the Israeli regime the weapons to carry out genocide and uh the genocide began long before October the 7th and the Gaza Strip was a uh concentration camp long before October the 7th you know as well as I that October the 7th it occur in the vacuum and the terrorism has been carried out regularly by the Israeli regime on the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip for for decades it regularly bombed them and killed them and it's not just the Gaza Strip I think roughly 400 Palestinians have been murdered in the West Bank over the past six months these These are regular occurrences but it doesn't register in the west because again the Israelis are Europe they are European it's a European Colony they have priorities over the brown people of the land but the it is a fact that Palestinian children according to the statements made by senior Israeli officials Palestinian wh women according to members of the knesset they are lesser people they if you look at the South African complaint uh they they clearly point out the views of these people and the starvation Siege and the intention to starve the people of Gaza women and children that is because they look at them as inferior people this is not about two uh armies this is about a subjugated people trying to stand up for their rights if it was if you were in Germany how would you let me ask you Professor let me ask you Professor how would you categorize what happened on October the 7th was that a terrorist attack no it was a retaliation of a people who were imprisoned and who were starved and who are re regularly regularly battered and people who were imprisoned who belong just to be clear just to be clear you you think the the slaughter of 1200 people the raping the maming the incinerating the mass murder that went on that day by a group whose own spokesman the Hamas spokesman said days after that in on television on camera that Hamas was wedded to committing the same again and again and again as often as it could which actually is the purest personification of the genocide that you're talking about you don't condemn that you're being dishonest uh there is no evidence no I'm not of there's no evidence of rape and I I ask your viewers to Absolute nonsense non there it's absolute nonsense that there's systematic rape and if you are being dishonest intentionally you are helping the Israeli regime continue its genocide by justifying it through dishonesty so that's up to you to decide there is no evidence of systematic rape and just like the beheading been clear reported evidence of rape and sexual abuse against cable EV I ref I refer you and your audience to the good work carried out by people at the gry zone at the electronic inada base in the United States many of them uh are people of uh excellent they're excellent reporters and you should invite them on your show to talk about these allegations I've talked to I've talked to top reporters who've covered this uh well you only I'm also interested that you only I'm also interested Professor that you only you only want to deny that there was rape you don't want to deny the incineration or the beheadings or the mass murder of Holocaust Survivors the kidnapping of several hundred people including babies uh I mean you condemn any of that or do you think all of that is is is Justified look Pierce you're trying to play with words and that's fine as long as you're not just well you're playing because there is no evidence of beheadings you're just taking the dishonest Israeli regime's account which they have no evidence and people have written articles there was demonstrable proven evidence that people were beheaded provable evidence and more more than that we know we know from hamas's own video coverage of what they were doing in real time that they proudly broadcast to the world they didn't try and hide this I'm just curious why you who is so sensed by what you see is Israeli Israeli genocide why you would not be equally insens by genocidal behavior from Hamas that day no you you're not being honest and that's where where did they broadcast this footage of beheading Hamas to the world can you send can you put it right now where you have I didn't say they broadcast the beheadings there was evidence found of people who'd been beheaded that was not broadcast but what was the was the was the one as you I didn't say there was footage of the beheading I said there was evidence found that people have been beheaded right but I would also say to you that what was broadcast by of them of them of Hamas slaughtering people and kidnapping people and proudly boasting about it's something you seem to be smirking about I'm just you I'm smirking at you because you are clearly being dishonest if there were people innocent people anywhere whether in Palestine or elsewhere who were killed by a soldier by anyone that is of course unacceptable but then the these claims of systematic rape and these claims of that is these are dishonest claims there is people have done hard work to prove that there is no evidence for these systematic rapes and beheadings and these were used as propaganda to justify the beginning of this Holocaust in Gaza and those who continue to make these you talk about me being dishonest Professor you talk about me being dishonest but what you've just said is an absolutely shocking example of dishonest honesty Hamas didn't even try to hide what they did they made no secret of their Delight their Joy their pride in what they were doing some of them rang family members back in Gaza to boast about what they'd just done to old women to children and I'm just curious why you can't find yourself able to condemn this in the day and age peers in the day and age when everyone has cameras and their cameras all over the place show us the evidence show us the evidence especially in Israel especially in Israel which is a society which has cameras all over the place but you don't have footage of any beheadings and you don't have any footage of any rape I wonder why well there were bodies found who had been beheaded that is a fact so okay show them on your show them all that all the these bodies that have been beheaded show them on on your show show those pictures how many people how many people do you think were how many people do you think were killed that day I think roughly a th100 between 1,100 and 1,200 many of them were soldiers so you accept you there was a Mass Slaughter does that does that constitute genocide to you is that an attempt at genocide no be it's it's like it's like you saying that the French Resistance which was operating against the nais and they go and carry out an operation and during that operation some children are sadly killed so you say oh so the whole French Resistance is illegitimate and the Nazis occupation is legitimate that's nonsense if as I said very clearly wherever an innocent person is Con killed that I condemn everyone condemns and I wish you would condemn because the a genocide is taking place and you are putting forward claims without the justification to make them without the evidence to make them I would refer you again to those websites and those um reporters and journalists who've proven that the claims were inaccurate at to say the least and dishonest most probably let me turn to we agree about this so uh people can make their own minds up but let me turn to the missile strikes that Iran launched against Israel 300 UND of them it was spectacularly unsuccessful I mean it caused barely any damage again you're smirking you can explain why but it was a spectacular failure wasn't it by Iran just a load of showboating and and and throwing fireworks in the air with actually no result whatsoever other than they hurt one little girl of course I'm sming it's funny the way in which you always frame things where this the other and the non Westerner is in competent and incapable and your your uh fantastic Israeli allies are on top of their game No in fact it was a major defeat for the Israelis and for the Americans and why because the Iranians from the very beginning well let me tell you first of all the Israeli regime carried out an air strike on an Iranian Embassy the whole world condemned it forget the West forget the UK and the US you are marginalized you supported it because at the UN Security Council your regime the American regime and the French regime they prevented the condemnation of the bombing of the Iranian Embassy so the world rallied behind Iran and Iran said we're going to retaliate but what did Iran do Iran played it very smart they first they played 10 days of Mind Games with the Israeli regime and then they declared that they're going to carry out the attack so the Israelis and the Americans and everyone mobilized Iz everything they had and the Iranians sent hundreds of uh Dirt Cheap drones a few th000 each to fly and it took three hours for them to get there and then your Israeli allies spent according to their own estimates $ 1.35 billion dollar to down drones that didn't cost probably $2 million for Iran the Iranians did not use any of their new technology it was all old Tech techology so the Israelis gained nothing but the Iranians gained a huge amount of information about the capabilities of the Americans and the Israelis and I must say that the that most of the things were done by the Americans not the Israelis or the British or the French and then the Iranians sent a series of old missiles that they had in stock for a long time none of it within latest technology and then again the Americans and the Israelis ATT attack them with very expensive missile defense systems and use all their capabilities giving the Iranians huge amounts of information again a couple of million dollars no one is going to buy those old missiles and then Iran sent fired a handful alongside these missiles a handful of serious missiles that were targeted at two base bases the two most heavily military defended military sites in the world an Airbase in the south and an intelligence gathering base I think in the north and both of them received direct hits so the Israelis gave they they showed their hand they spent a lot of money at a time when these missiles are there's a huge shortage of them because of Ukraine and the Iranians gave no information about their capabilities even those I got to say that's one of the that's one of the more entertaining explanations for such an abject failure that I've I've heard should I smirk again and let me take you back let me take you back to what Israel said they they committed the bombing in Damascus 4 was because they discovered that the building was diplomatic in name only and being used as an Iranian military and intelligence base hence the presence of all these generals uh two of whom were killed along with all the others there so if it was being used as a military base uh and they were training Hezbollah which is what they believe they were doing then it was a legitimate Target wasn't it well of course since you support the Israeli narrative and you are a friend of the people who are carrying out this Holocaust this ongoing Holocaust and you don't care about the people any narrative I'm just asking you it was being used if it was being used as a military base was it a legitimate Target if they're training at to attack Israel you have ra rather one of the most extreme narratives and I think you're doing a disservice uh to Truth by actually I don't at all I've been very critical of Israel but I don't believe I don't whenever interview people who who can't find it in themselves to actually say what Hamas did on October the 7th I always find it slightly incredulous then whatever else they say because we all saw what happened with our own eyes people are not intimidated by you that's the problem you you can intimidate some of your own people but you can't intimidate us I don't intimate anybody I want to get to the that I want to find out I'm just fascinated okay let me ask you this let me ask you this let me ask Prof I'm trying to be timid that is a diplomatic you don't ask the questions question that is no I'm answering your question that was a diplomatic building you know quite well that the Israelis had no right to touch it they committed a crime and the Iranian retaliation was an active self-defense and your own foreign minister humiliated himself on Sky News which is an outlet that is sympathetic to the regime when he when he said well if one of our diplomatic buildings were struck what would how would the response be so don't be silly the Israeli regime they're always lying just like the AL Hospital they're full of underground tunnels where were the tunnels and then at the at the beginning when they struck the alh hospital and H killed hundreds of people they said no it was the resistance and the Western intelligence agencies said the same thing and then we saw them hit hospital after hospital after hospital after hospital so you put your faith in The Narrative of these child Killers who bomb hospitals and destroy the very the very basis of humanity the very basic need needs for ordinary people in Gaza come on and yeah here's the irony Professor here's the irony is that all the attention that was falling actually on Israel's uh uh war on Hamas in Gaza and whether it was a massive overreach and whether too many civilians were being killed and when we saw the aid workers killed obviously enraged people as well uh it was all heading the way that Iran would have lik which is was General Global uh outrage that was fermented about what was going on there now the narrative has changed isn't it because what we saw were countries like Jordan racing to help Israel defend itself against Iran's missiles the ones that you've tried to dismiss but were actual missiles uh and how does that help Iran's narrative that Israel are the bad people in the region when you have major Arab countries like Jordan and Saudi offering airspace and so on how does that help your cause to try and isolate Israel all you did was achieve the complete opposite didn't you absolutely not and first of all the people of Jordan know that the Israeli regime considers the Palestinians to be amalec we're not dumb Pierce and they're not dumb the government of Jordan does not represent the people you know this and I know that but more importantly well the government of Iran doesn't represent the Iranian people it represents the Iranian people more than your government represents the British people but the I wouldn't say that at all I would say that the Iranians When They carried out the strike and by the way just as well I'll say that at the end when the Iranians carried out the strike they punished the Israeli regime and they humiliated the Israeli regime but nothing is going to uh distract World public opinion from the Holocaust in Gaza don't think that the Israelis can do that no one can do that the the Holocaust continues as we speak today the the pre when the president of Brazil and other world leaders say what the Israeli regime is doing today to the people of Gaza is just like what the Nazis were doing in Germany no one is going to forget because the Iranians retaliated okay let me ask you this it's been reported well no I want to ask you something it's been reported today that Israel is preparing to do a retaliatory uh strike against Iran in some capacity we don't know how yet uh and it's been uh said not least by you uh that if War spreads have no doubt All American bases in the Persian Gulf region will be destroyed and those countries that host American bases will be guilty by association all those gas and oil installations will be destroyed by drones and missiles um I mean that's sort of strong rhetoric but the reality is that if Israel does strike Iran it has a far more sophisticated and powerful military capacity and if America was to defend it against any further retaliation of the kind that you're describing then Iran would get wiped away wouldn't it I mean you can't possibly compete with the combined military Firepower of countries like Israel and America why would you pretend otherwise that's your wishful thinking uh the Israeli regime is vulnerable and weak and it has shown itself to be incapable of taking a DOT on the map they haven't been able to take Gaza after six months of genocide they haven't been able to take even Northern Gaza after 6 months of genocide they have they have to withdraw at least 100 to 200,000 people from northern Israel because they cannot stand up to Hezbollah they cannot push Hezbollah back they cannot defeat them so you think the Israeli regime is going to defeat Iran why is it that the Americans are concerned about any Israeli attack because they know exactly what will happen next time around Iran won't be firing those old drones to gather intelligence and to empty the Israeli and the American uh missiles next time the Iranians will be sending thousands of missiles and drones that are top-notch and the Israelis will be punished severely and the reason why the Americans don't want this is because they know that the balance of power has shifted Pierce let me give you a word of advice your media Outlets regardless of whether Russia or Ukraine are is good or bad that is another issue your media outlets in the west have been misleading the people for two years now saying Ukraine is winning Ukraine is winning suddenly everyone is saying Ukraine is falling apart dishonest narratives and Reporting dishonestly to your own people ultimately hurt the people of England and Europe and the United States and your endless Wars based upon this nonsense and this misinformation lead to huge waves of refugees and then the people of Europe feel overwhelmed by these refugees that you yourself brought upon yourself yeah I mean I think I would return the favor here by saying to you I think you should wake up to the reality of what your regime is is doing because it's pretty clear I think to anyone who has looked at the situation in its totality that what Iran has been doing is a direct response to the normalization of relations with Israel with a number of countries in the Middle East that uh annoys Iran intensely because they don't recognize Israel as a state so what is Iran has been doing is funding and fueling Terror groups like Hamas Hezbollah the htis to uh constantly attack Israel because what they want to do particularly with October the 7th is to dismantle and destabilize any more normalization of Arab countries with Israel particularly Saudi Arabia who are on the verge of doing it which is why I think the utterly self defeating firing of all these missiles the other day actually had the complete opposite effect Jordan raced to defend Israel and Saudi offered air space and also uh helped defend them as well uh and when that happens it isolates Iran not Israel anyway we're gonna leave it there Professor let me let me let me respond to that let me respond to that actually it's the opposite when the West continues to support the atrocities carried out by the Israelis when the West openly supports an ethnos supremacist regime and when the West supports a genocide the public across the region is turning not only against the Israeli regime but against the West a few families who are ruling over countries are not public opinion and ultimately by pursuing this they are creating a rage that they cannot stop in future and just one final point on a personal note I experience what the West does to the non-western world when your governments were supporting Saddam Hussein when your governments were arming him in the 1980s before you turned against him you your governments gave him chemical weapons I survived to two of those chemical weapons attacks I survived both uh mustard gas and I survived nerve agents that were provided by Western Government to s Saddam Hussein and many people did not survive the intentions of Western regimes are not benign you've your governments have done nothing but ruin and Destruction for our part of the world and for much of the rest of the world and now because of the mess that you've created across the board you're now ruin ruining the lives of your own people okay well just for the record I was the editor of the Daily Mirror which led the UK media campaign against the Iraq War uh3 so so I know I know what you're saying I'm just saying that I did that and uh so you're assessment of what I think about what has happened I know what you doing I I was at the anti-war protest in London at that time actually so I know what you right you were probably carrying a Daily miror Banner because we I know it's it's a complicated situation Professor mirandy I appreciate you joining me thank you very much thank you well I'm I'm now joined by the current deputy mayor for Jerusalem and special Envoy for the foreign Ministry for Israel FL Hassan Nahum the founder and leader of the Palestinian national initiative Mustafa Bugatti and for us perspective the commentator and podcast host Franchesca fantini okay well um that was a a lively uh debate there I had Flur Hassan n um what is your response to what you've just been listening to I mean I think if there's something more embarrassing than what happened on Saturday night we just saw it now uh with this spokesman for the Iranian regime he talks about he takes all of the anti-semitic and all of the anti-israel tropes and he puts it all in one sentence with absolutely no truth and depth to it whatsoever with fact that ignoring the fact talking about subjugation than it his country if a woman has two strands of hairs showing they arrest her and they beat her up in custody they have been subjugating the Kurds for God knows how long and all in all what we are seeing here is a civilizational war between Iran that wants to bring back the world 500 years that really doesn't believe in any of the liberal values that we all hold dear um against the Free World and what's really interesting is that Iran up until Saturday night did not show their hand they were always working through proxies they were working through Hamas Hezbollah they've taken and ruined Syria they're working through the hoodies they've been attacking American assets and British assets through the hoodies they've taken over parts of Iraq but this is the first time that they've actually shown their hand and I think that they came out really badly from uh what happened on Saturday night so I do agree with you peers on that well let me bring in um Mustafa bouti I mean I I found it curious the way that uh he tried to claim this was some great victory for Iran and that they had deliberately fired very cheap missiles and that they never expected them to work etc etc none of that seemed very plausible to me it seemed much more plausible that they fired off 300 missiles that got taken down not just by Israel's Iron Dome but also by some neighboring Arab countries and what it did do was massively distract World attention from the ongoing Israel Hamas War which I would not think is a good thing for for you or for what you're trying to get the world to pay attention to well who tried who started this terrible situation it's Netanyahu no no no wait it's Netanyahu who tried to distract the attention from the massacres he's committing in Gaza and the genocide that has taken the lives of 41,000 Palestinian mostly civilian uh 70% of them are civilians women and children 15,000 children slaughtered by Netanyahu and more than 10,000 women you speak about women's rights you don't care about the fact that Netanyahu killed 10,000 women Palestinian women and nanyu provoked Iran to have so that shut upti shut up no you are you shut up to a woman that's a very inter me I will not talk youut let me finish you're being very misogynistic you can't have the right to speak and not allow me to speak can you shut up and because these are figures that are confirmed by the United Nations shut up you cannot tolerate hearing the truth and reality shut up your shut your mouth up and let me finish please I did not interrupt you if you interrupt me I will not speak very diplomatic Mr Pierce you have to be fair and run the show properly do you want to do that or shall I leave don't lie don't lie about numbers please don't lie about I don't want you to leave the show each other nobody can hear anything let me please this lady to keep interrupting me no but I I would say for the record can I finish my my my response I don't think repeatedly shouting shut up a woman is particularly edifying either okay you may finish your point yes okay but but it's not because she's a woman it's because she's interrupting me can you ask them not to interrupt me my condition to participate in your show is that I will not be interrupted and I will be treated in a civilized manner do you will you provide that or will it's up to you I will treat you in a civilized manner but I think what she was doing ask you this you are the one Mr Pierce you are the one who's running the show you are you are the one who's running the show you are you are biased to Israel we know that you are pro Israeli we know that I don't care about this I ready to any of your questions but don't let your guests don't let your guests inter as you know as you know I have given a platform to more Pro Palestinian to more Pro Palestinian guests than any other show in the world right so I don't Haven theform I don't take you are allowing this lady you are allowing to interrupt me she should not interrupt me no I've asked her I've asked her not to then let me finish your point this situation was initiated this situation this situation was initiated because Netanyahu wanted to provoke Iran he wants to prolong this war as long as he can so that he can continue this Slaughter of the Palestinian people he knows very well that the first day of the end of this war the last day of this war will be the first day of the end of his political career he knows he will go to jail because of four cases of corruption against him he knows he will be investigated for the fact that he failed on the 7th of October and now he's failing in this war and this man wants to drag the whole Middle East into a terrible fight he wants to provoke Iran so that exactly what happened will happen which is to provoke the United States to go into a war with Iran like United States was provoked to go into a war with Iraq that is the reality and so this whole situation was provoked by an unacceptable attack on a diplomatic Mission even in Wars countries don't attack diplomatic missions of others and in this case Israel violated that law he provoked also the war by attacking seven and killing seven International Aid workers and he continues the genocide against Palestinians the figures are correct because that's what the United Nations say 41,000 Palestinians killed including 7,000 under the rebel including 15,000 children including 10,000 women at least and there are 76,000 other Palestinians injured Israel is conducting three war crimes at the same time the war crime of genocide the war crime of ethnic cleansing and the war crime of collective punishment and that's why you have about 700,000 people now Starving in the north including 350,000 children that is the reality you spoke about terrorism who is the terrorist here is it the people who are struggling to get their freedom from the longest occupation on Mid in modern history the people who are trying to take to get out of the system of aperti or is it those who are oppressing them let me tell you the same European mind the same mind mind that allowed the horrible Holocaust against Jewish people is the same mind that is allowing now a holocaust against Palestinian people and these people don't care about Jews don't care about Palestinians don't care about Arabs they only care about their interest about their economic gains and about a continuation of a settler Colonial project that is subjecting Palestinians to oppression and subjecting theing into a very dangerous path that is the reality okay I've given you a okay I gave you a long time to to speak there let me bring in Franchesca you were nodding to a lot of what you were just hearing there from the staff of barouti do you broadly agree with him I do and if Mr baruti ever told me to shut up Dr baruti I would shut up because I've greatly admired his work um over these many years look I'm coming at this as an American um I'm coming at this as uh someone who just paid their taxes far too much if you ask me I'm not a billionaire they pay next to nothing and my tax money went to funding what I believe is a genocide in what 57% of Biden voters say is a genocide that just came out whether you like it or not and I also come at this as a mom all right I have an 18-month-old daughter and there are 10,000 women in Gaza who were killed and and 6,000 of them were mothers there are 19,000 orphans in Gaza right now and 60,000 pregnant women who are giving birth in abject conditions who are struggling to eat to feed themselves to feed their unborn children and mothers who are struggling to even nurse because you need so many calories when you're a nursing mom right and they are starving so that's where I'm coming at this from why I'm asking President Biden why are we continuing to fund this and thankfully in response to the Iranian attack right which whether or not you believe it was performative or real whatever it was Biden is actually for the first time Hallelujah argued for some amount of restraint saying we're not going to go there in an offensive against Iran depending on what Israel does now you that's fine but also I'm going to just point out we're still funding them with billions of dollars of weapons none of that money none of that Aid has been cut off as up in arms and upset a as some Israeli officials are and final point it's very funny to be lectured about just it's funny to be lectured human rights go finish your point final point it's funny to be lectured about human rights oh Iran doesn't have human rights look I'm no fan of the Iranian regime I don't come on here to stump for the Iranian regime I don't stump for the American regime I stump for humans and human rights but it is funny that Israel which has basically controlled its population and occupies an entire people in order to not make them citizens in order to deny them fundamental human rights by design that they are then lecturing other countries about what they do to their own people give me a break we all see through this okay ask you how do you feel about one-year-old kafir bibas who is currently in a dungeon who was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists a one-year-old how do you feel about that as a mom a one-year-old baby Ginger baby called that is terrible that is Oney old do you think would you want your government to go and save your baby would you want your government to go and save your baby just a question I'm a mom tell the isra government baby you want your govern start doing that so yes so two years ago two days ago Hamas rejected another deal for a ceasefire a very generous deal for a ceasefire so we can bring back our babies like your 18month old baby what do you say to that uh rejected a ceasefire sure you're you don't know your fights I don't know who you are I don't know what gives you credibility to come on this show but I'm asking you as a mother two days ago we could have already seen a ceasefire and Kamas said no they have a one-year-old baby and hisy deput mayor of Jerusalem I know Israel is planning to go forward with an invasion of R hang on hang on a second talk at as a mother how do you feel about Hamas rejecting the peace the peace let me take this up please the let me let me please take up the conversation I want to ask Franchesca this question is that I I completely agree that the the plight of innocent Palestinians is horrific the death toll of innocent Palestinian women and children in particular has appalled everybody um however I also understand that after October the 7th Israel felt a viseral a visceral national uh desire to go after the people that perpetrated that horrific terror attack and my question for you would be going back to October the 7th what should Israel have done given that the people who perpetrated this Hamas do embed themselves amongst the civilians uh in the way that we now know through the tunnel system and everything else based around hospitals and schools and so on given that that's how they exist in Gaza given they perpetrated this heinous terror attack what should Israel have done so here's what I would have liked my government to have done um you know if my government is one of the most advanced militaries in the world if it has a map of every man woman and child in an in an area that they actually control the airspace the land the sea to I would expect them to know exactly where where the so-called terrorists are but that's not actually what Israel has been doing Israel has been using an AI technology that deliberately targets suspected militants but they're only suspected meaning they were on a group chat with the th it's unfounded Israeli journalists have covered this and they target them when as soon as they enter where their homes where their families are where it will maximize the amount of Civilian casualties so what I can tell you what I would want my government to do and what the United States government has asked Israel to do although of course with a little whimper please right is to be precise to take a step back to to not just collectively punish the people of Gaza for the crimes of a select small few many of whom were not even born when Hamas came into Power how can you call this Al also a war peers let's stop calling this a war a war is when two equal sides actually fight there's battle lines there's this and that I IDF soldiers parading around with women's lingerie in the homes that they have raided mocking them mocking the the the trinkets the items the loved things that the Palestinian people will never be able to hold ever again that is not a war this is a genocide this is a mockery of what should be a so-called War well I certainly I certainly think Hamas knew exactly what they were doing when they did what they did on October the 7th and they knew the scale of response would be what it was I think Hamas has we going to do but what are we well hang on I I just want to say I think Hamas has shown a willful and want disregard for the lives of Palestinian people you can argue that Israel has two what about the idea but you cannot argue well I said you can argue that Israel has two but you can certainly I think it's pretty clear and obvious that Hamas knew what the reaction was going to be and didn't care let me bring back a FL Hassan n i mean it seems to me that Israeli people they support the moment uh Netanyahu and his War cabinet in their mission to eradicate Hamas all the polls show that but they don't support Netanyahu himself it seems to me the only way we're ever going to get peace in this uh region now is that Netanyahu will have to go along with the more right-wing members of his cabinet some of whose rhetoric has been absolutely genocidal uh I think they have to go I think that Hamas has to go and we need clear leadership which can Forge peace of the kind that we eventually got in Northern Ireland after many decades of terrorism and and struggles well here's the thing Pierce everybody wants to blame Netanyahu and this government for something that we've been dealing with for a 100 years we've had a lot of attempts at trying to make peace with the Palestinians it started in the 1930s when the pill commission gave Israel about 15% 20% of what we have today and the the Palestinian leadership at the time said no 1947 the UN wanted to split the country in a Palestinian State and an Israeli State the Palestinians said no we had all of the Oslo process we had a very very generous offer by aood Barack in 2001 another one by a hood aled in 2019 at every single juncture where the Palestinian leadership could have done the right thing for their people and create a state to give people the potential to have good neighborly relationships with Israel to be an incredible superpower they've always opted for Destruction and War and terrorism rather than peace everybody in Israel wants peace we send our children to war I'm a mother of four I have two children in the Army nobody wants to send their kids to Harm's Way but everything Israel does and everything it's ever done has been defensive we want to live in peace and you know what the proof of that is that every single Arab country that has wanted peace with Israel has got peace with Israel we have peace with Egypt we have peace with Jordan we've had peace with the UAE we have peace with Bahrain Morocco Sudan and please God very soon with Saudi Arabia and why do these countries want peace with Israel because they understand that the region is split into two the countries that want peace and prosperity and the countries that want destruction and death run by Iran and the problem with the Palestinian leadership is that they've always fallen pawns to to that game do you think the Iranians care about the Palestinian they the Palestinian they just know that it plays well on the Muslim streets they don't care they want sheer control of the regions they want America out of the region and they want a new world order and unfortunately the Palestinians have been plagued with bad leaders who have always opted for themselves for a kleptocratic regime or a genocidal regime Mr buti works for a regime That Pays itions to terrorists that teaches children in their educational system to hate Israel and one day all the Jews will go in the sea this is part of their education Authority and Mr bagui knows better than anybody that Hamas killed his own people in in 2006 when Israel left let me BR andaza is not occupied let me Gaza is not occupied Israel left in 2005 and killed Mr bti's friends and colleagues for being in power up until that time but you're not gonna hear Mr Bui criticizing Hamas even though Kamas hates him more than they hate me okay well let me give the final word to must you know it is you know it is you know it is well listen listen don't interrupt me please let me answer I did not interrupt you at all okay uh the presentation that was made made as if Israel is a very peaceful country Israel did not conduct more than 15 wars during the last 7 years Israel was established by the destruction of 520 Palestinian communities don't interrupt me I told you who started the war Israel was established by committing 52 massacres in 1948 aish liim a very and highly respected Israeli academic and historian working at Oxford University did a thorough research in which he could not find a single evidence that Israel accepted the partition plan in 1947 but they claimed they did which is a big lie and in my opinion you asked Mr recorded what should Israel have done I tell you what should Israel have done Israel should have declared that it will end its illegal occupation of Palestinian land which has lasted now for 76 years of ethnic cleansing and 56 years of illegal military occupation Israel should have declared that it is ready to end the system of upper tide so that we can have peace we can have peace only through two ways either Israel would end its occupation of Palestinian land remove it its illegal settlers who are attacking us terrorist settlers everywhere remove them from the occupied territories allow Palestinians to have a state of Their Own own without occupation without control without Hony without aparti or let's live together in one Democratic state with equal rights where where you do not impose do not impose on us a law that says that the light the right of self-determination is for Jewish people only when you interrupt me psychologically you are trying to impose your occation me even occupying my right even occupying my right this is what you are trying to do and it ISAC I don't want to tell you to shut up again but you deserve more than shut up actually so please let me finish you want to kill me in my opinion this way of presenting Israel as if it's a country of peace is incorrect the reality it's a country of War you have dragged your people into one Crime After the other and you claim lies continue to say lies about decapitation of ch children about rape of women you claim that Hamas is oppressing me without allowing me to say that this is not true by which law you are doing that and let me tell you you said that I am against killing any child Palestinian Israeli or any child anywhere but you claim you claim that 30 Israeli children were killed on the 7th of October tell me tell me 10 names no names were you believe in a two-state solution it was not you believe a two- State solution according to CNN and Western media you believe in a two person who was killed on the 17th wait wait the young that was one person one young person who was only 14 years old that was killed on the 7th of October and you claim 30 were killed give me their names and I'm telling you killing 30 children does not justify even killing 15,000 children the blood of these children is on your hands and on your brain and on your conscious and the world will not allow this to believe because at the end of the day of the day I believe Nam inter Palestinian self-determination I'm asking you a question I want to debate I want a dialogue with I want a dialog with you not I want a dialogue I'm asking your question dial palan self-determination interrupting me do you agree do you accept to end occupation do you accept to end occupation together in one Democratic State I believe ining resolution I can be running I can be running to be your prime minister for instance in a democracy would you accept that we have you accept that I have the same right like MERS of you don't because you say that is for Jewish people we have Arab MERS jeac judges that is the kind Arab doctors we have Arab members of Kes you are lying you're confusing people you don't believe me finish I have to say the last word you don't believe there's no point talking over each other because cannot even have any rights in our ancestral Homeland that's your problem and that's how you lie to your people can but let me tell you something we're never leaving so the only way a peaceful resolution The Only Way Forward is to find a peaceful resolution because we're not leaving all right Mr just can I can I just finish my sentence please yes yes okay what you have just seen is a very good example of the Israeli behavior and supremacist approach where they cannot even want to allow us to express our opinion it's an oppressive approach where this lady cannot even tolerate to hear my opinion I'm asking for equality I'm asking for respect of human rights for everybody I'm asking and you are you are not only lying you are a criminal you are a participant in a war crime against Palestinian people and because you feel guilty deep down or maybe you don't feel guilty because you are toit crimes against I'm tell and your and youre will not supress our right not only to struggle for our freedom but also to say our to say freely what we believe in your approach is a reflection of the behavior of an occupier who cannot tolerate the truth because the truth is I have to leave it there I have to leave it there time that we're not going out of time I have to leave it there I want to I want to thank all three of you I want to thank all three of you very much and the answer to all problems like this is to keep talking however difficult it may seem and however fractur it gets I believe in the power of discourse and I will keep having everyone on to debate this and hopefully eventually we can get to uh resolution or points of agreement seems a long way off at the moment but thank you all for joining me appreciate it
Channel: Piers Morgan Uncensored
Views: 1,294,505
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Keywords: piers morgan, piers morgan uncensored, interview, debate, piers morgan debate, piers morgan interview, Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi, iran, israel, palestine, gaza, mustafa barghouti piers morgan, mustafa barghouti, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, hamas, Francesca Fiorentini, netanyahu, benjamin netanyahu, piers morgan do you condemn hamas, piers morgan palestine, piers morgan israel, piers morgan iran, israel debate, hezbollah, october 7, genocide, middle east, ukraine
Id: z1JGpEg4zdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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