Piercing the Darkness | 3rd Service | 30052021

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bible please foreign [Music] [Music] it's a beautiful day and we wish you a wonderful wonderful day thank you for joining us for service today this is our second transmission for today we had one earlier and so this is going to start now and the service is ready to go full steam so before we continue send a link to somebody invite them to church because what we're going to be talking about in service today what pastor is teaching about is something very foundational very important very crucial for our lives and for our relationship with god he's talking about person the darkness you know when we ask god for things when we pray to god and we receive answers we need to pierce the darkness we need to connect with god he has given us authority over principalities and powers but then we are light and we know how we know we should know how to receive the light of god concerning every situation so this message is important for you to listen to so please send a link to somebody we're live on youtube on facebook on instagram on twitter and of course on our website at www.insightforliving.org forward slash livestream send a link and invite somebody to join us for service um right now apart from that let me invite you for something else this evening we're going to have an a time of intense worship and it's part of the b conference there will be women's conference of the covenant nation as a whole and mr victoria orenzi is going to be with us this evening to lead us in worship and the with the worship session is themed um daddy and his daughters so let's come but we invite the men's as well his sons can come so come and join us in worship and it's going to be streamed live so if you're around lagos and you can come to the covenant place at egomo we will be delighted to have you in the auditorium but otherwise please join us online and it's going to be a beautiful time of worship and as you just might know there's a covenant nation that might be opening near you very soon right now we have several centers across the city of lagos so we would like you if you're in lagos to join us online or if you're outside lagos they are sent to join if you're in lagos to join us in the auditorium you know in one of those centers go to our website and you can all follow us on all our social media platforms or follow pastor for you at pastor buddy on instagram and twitter and you can have access to see all of these centers and of course we also have centers in abuja and ibado and there are centers coming up in uyo and poracad very soon so um get ready to have a center near you and come into the auditorium and worship with us and join hands with us to do the work of the lord but for this morning we're gonna go into the worship um don't be distracted get ready to worship god put away all forms of distractions and get on your feet to worship god give him thanks give him praise he deserves our worship and he inhabits our praise and then we're going to have the word um come forth so remember invite somebody and get ready to have church god bless you and have a wonderful service blind eyes will see and deaf ears will hear in the name of jesus father we give you thanks amen hallelujah amen hallelujah if you're happy to be here this morning i want you to give jesus the clap of friend is worthy to receive all our praise father we bless your name i want you to say hello to your neighbor you are welcome to service this morning [Music] hallelujah right now i want you to lift your hands and thank god for his goodness thank him for his mercy thank him for his faithfulness [Music] father we thank you we give you praise we exalt your name you have been faithful to us we thank you for your goodness of god oh jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus lift up your hands and bless his name father we honor you we magnify your holy day you are worthy to receive our praise [Music] all my lives you have been fakes [Music] every breath that i am able [Music] i will sing for the goodness of god [Applause] [Music] has god been faithful to you [Music] [Music] i will say [Applause] oh [Music] i will say i love you lord boy your mercy never fails me all my days i've been held in your hands from the moment that i wake up until i lay my hair [Music] i will sing for the goodness of god to me i will say [Music] [Music] [Music] i will say i will sing [Music] [Applause] holy [Music] call you love [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is holy lord [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] oh god [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] why don't you give him a club of friendlies it deserves our praise hallelujah [Music] we serve the master of the universe amen is the creator of all things [Music] [Music] you are the master [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah he's the master of the universe you are [Music] oh [Applause] is [Music] you are a master when i remember what you've done for me when i remember what you've done for me [Music] [Music] when i remember what you've done for me when i remembered okay [Music] me [Music] when i remember how you set me [Music] oh foreign [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] there is something that makes me makes me [Music] [Music] is [Music] you are i know [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] i cannot tell what the lord has done for me [Music] oh oh [Music] oh pray the lord i can shine [Music] one two three [Music] [Applause] because of one uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] because of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] hey [Applause] [Applause] me [Music] hey [Applause] get over them [Music] [Music] i [Applause] [Music] this is the time you need to give him a dancer friend [Music] my [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] you are the reason why i lift my head [Music] why i lift my voice what do you say you are the reason you are [Music] you are the reason you are [Music] [Music] hallelujah amen all right sorry about there was a slight electrical fault in one of the generators all right the shoe can be fixed in the next 15 minutes so during the course of the teaching i think the air conditioner should come on all right then let's take a confession to start this morning the confessions once ago as i said to listen to the word of god today a door of utterance has been opened unto us hear the voice of god clearly speaking to me this is the way to go work here in it i listen under the influence of the spirit of god and i'm not distracted by anything or anyone the word of god is full to my spirit i am strengthened by it this morning it is wine to my heart creating joy within me it is oil to my face causing my life to shine giving me victory in everything that i do as my scriptures used in this message the spirit of god opens new things to me he also brings to my remembrance things jesus once showed me i come to understand god sees them on the earth and i receive instruction encouragement correction and enablement to live out god's will amen all right this morning i want to speak on um what i've termed pierce in the darkness and it's still on results of believing prayer but in this message i want to address five concepts um that five powerful concepts about success for the pray in other words five concepts for us to understand so i've broken this into five concepts so that we can absorb it and understand certain elements concerning prayer the first thing i want to address is why did god in the first place establish a system of prayer that actually now limits him all right from operating upon this earth that he created and founded with a spoken word without any present authorization or any person's support you fashion something out creates it with a word of your power you establish it and then uphold it also by the word of your own power and then what you do is that you now bind yourself to your own creation and says that even if i want to do certain things on this earth unless you respond to me and ask me to intervene in that redemptive way god says i will not be able to do it not that i cannot do it but i simply will not do it even though i have the ability to get it done i simply will not do it if you do not pray and exercise what is called believe in prayer in other words believe in prayer is what james said when he says that when a man prays let him pray in faith in nothing whiffering for a person that wavers or is double-minded let not that man think he shall receive anything of the lord so it is prayer that is conditioned on the issue of faith now why will the all-powerful god create that system here or praying why wasn't the judge that once he wants to do something and he sees that we have need of it he just comes through and executes it on the earth without all this what will call cumbersome or elaborate system here of prayer why isn't just that he knows we have need of it and then he shows up now have you ever thought about this ezekiel chapter 22 from verse 30 to 31 tells us about the limitations of god he has placed on himself right which means he simply will not do it god says from verse 29 the state of that land was that the people of the land used oppression and exercised robbery and affects the poor and the needy and this is so important they oppressed the stranger wrongfully any lander that will be blessed most welcome strangers must make strangers feel at home genuinely and must seek for ways to integrate and not to isolate all right strangers and use that as some form of power over them all right great lands are lands that integrate strangers within the economy quickly and so god talked about that but that's not the point the next thing there he now said was he said and i sought for a man among them that shall make up the hedge that shall stand in the gap before me for the land that i should not destroy so god did not want to destroy this land the lander they had done certain things that based on the laws that god had set into motion to create governance and cohesion they had fulfilled all right or their co-op had now been fooled and they had planted enough seeds to get a bumper harvest of destruction but god being a merciful god one said to come and show mercy upon the land but in order to do that he said i need people among them that will ask me to do this for their sake and he began not so sick and when god is sickened it means he's moving things in that land to try to stare up somebody's heart towards him to pray he said because if nobody prays that even though i want to do this nobody asks me to do it i will not get this particular thing done can i yes but will i know because this is the system that god has set up in relation all right to man so he tells us there in the latter last sentence there he says but i found not therefore what we now saw in 51 therefore i poured out my indignation upon them i have consumed them with the fire of my wrath their own way have i recompressed upon their own heads so it was their way say the lord so people could look at it and say god is a judgmental god all right god is a god of judgment he poured out his wrath i and not understand the real hearts of god for that issue and god said well i'm going to have to take that bad press all right because i did not find any man to stand in the gap so ask me that the real perfect will that i had for that land was to show them mercy so why did god set up this system where he says i will need the invitation i will also need the cooperation after they invite me the cooperation of man through faith in other so get these things done on the earth the reason is prayer is on the job training for man and i explained this god has put man on this earth and he wants to train us brings bring us up to the point where we come into a place of maturity to the fullness of the statue of christ this is what prayer is all about it is way deeper than just a means to get your needs met it's a way deeper than that it's on-the-job training where god has delegated authority towards and god wants to train us he has placed us on an apprenticeship on this earth in other words we are under we are on the going right now some form of apprenticeship where he is training us so that we can develop capacity for the next phase of our lives throughout eternity and the depth of this is that the degree to which we exercise ourselves and develop internal capacity subjecting ourselves to the apprenticeship allowing god to train us on this earth that will learn how to reign so that in eternity we are able to express that now if we do not yield to him in this hundred 120 years we will be on this earth if jesus turns if we do not yield to that tree we don't go on the golden apprenticeship we don't understand what is going on or we just think that prayer is just something that i use all right to get my needs met and if it doesn't work then i just put it aside and all of that then we are missing something major that will affect us in the life that is to call in other words the positions you will occupy throughout eternity in god's kingdom after this earth will be determined by how well you yielded to this training that begins in the place of prayer on how to administer the authority of god on this earth on how to bring about god's government into things on how to reign in life upon this earth so that depending on the level of capacity that you have built in time will now demand will now determine the position that you are going to occupy throughout eternity so this is so important it is not something that is optional is something that god has mandated us to do and not just to do in a casual way but to understand the process to apply ourselves to learning and to receive wisdom during the theme many years ago around 1988 and i stumbled on a book a friend of mine had all right in our room there in murray hall university of lagos and then i remember the book all right almost 20 years later and it was a great theologian that wrote these words about the seriousness in this business of praying and he said by practicing in her closet her prayer closet the enforcement of heaven's decision in the mundane affairs of this life the church is in training to rule with christ over the universal empire she must learn the acts of spiritual warfare of overcoming evil forces in preparation for her assumption of the throne following the marriage supper of the lamb in other words you are going to assume certain rules all right life after this and you are going to assume governing positions in the universe there where god will appropriate portions of his creation things that we even have no knowledge about today nations and he says that you will have rulership over them and who will be qualified will be based on what you land on this earth while you are on this earth to enable us to learn the technique of overcoming therefore god devised the scheme of prayer to give her on that job training her delegated to have the authority to enforce his will right here on the earth so he wants to develop and how much will respond and allow that capacity to grow on the inside of us will determine what will be appropriated to us in eternity so god teaches overcoming on the earth and this practice will therefore will therefore determine our place in eternity so it's so important so god says it's like you gave somebody five talents it says at the end of life i want to see whether you've gotten five talents again and so i can place you over five cities so there's not even an issue whereby i will see this that's what i think whereby you know i just use prayer to get my needs met there's something really deep about this uh where god wants to build capacity on the inside of us for life after this present speaks we see this in the book of revelations chapter 3 and verse 21 it tells us this to him that overcometh it's not everybody but through the person that overcometh will i grant to sit with me in my throne even as i also overcame that's on the earth and i'm set down with my father in his throne so there is that space in the throne room of god and it says that the person who often comes on this earth now don't forget the scripture we're going to come back to it at the end of message it says i will grant so seat then revelations chapter 2 and verse 24 26 it says again above overcoming and throughout this revelation the first time chapter two to three it talks about the coming of a coming here that overcometh and it in my words until the end so him will i give power or authority over nations so what he's saying is you're going to have authority you're going to govern nations all right now what it means is that if you overcome if you develop that capacity and exercise yourself you'll have the capacity to govern nations so if you are going to govern nations with the your soul then you must have been able to govern large corporations on this earth because if you can't govern a corporation on this earth how then are you going to administer a nation how then are you going to cover massive things so the christians shouldn't be this ordinary person all right who is a small thinker who makes excuses about things within their environment is someone that does not accept defeat is someone whose face is set as a flint and says i will never fail in any endeavor and understands that listen i'm here to build capacity and i will ultimately succeed at everything i will overcome every challenge i will swallow up death in victory i will win in every battle it is that determination first to know that there are no excuses i will not and cannot fail and you have that determination we'll see based on assurance in other words it's not about me going about or i'm looking for crutches i will stand on my own feet and out of my own belly shall flow rivers of living water and everything begins with a vision in other words you see yourself in this particular space as one of that governs nations all right upon the earth now so why did god say well we're going to give them prayer so that they can learn understand spiritual things i'll be able to demonstrate to principalities and powers the manifold wisdom of god they will get more informed than evil angels and angelic beings the church is about this it says i will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom and whatsoever has been bound in heaven you will understand how to bind it upon this earth to forbid things to stop things and whatsoever has been loosed in the heavens uh you will understand how to release things all right and how to get uh things done right here upon the earth so why wouldn't god just step in and do things for us why will everyone sit down looking from heaven and says well if you fail wear that your cup of tea all right i've given you all the tools i've told you you can call on me you can pray i will intervene i will say this i will teach you but if i'm not invited and you will not stick through on the process cooperating allowing me to impart wisdom why won't god just do that for the very same reason why a person parent who sends a child to school will not when the child comes back home do all the homework for the child while the child goes to play because that child will learn absolutely nothing and eventually when the child sits for the exam the child will fail and fail in life all right so the parent even though the parents can do it the parents will not do it does the parents have the capacity to do it yes will the parent do it no because of the destiny of that child the parent will teach the parents will guide but the parent must make sure that the child exercises his own brain cells in order to develop the capacity all right to become a responsible citizen on this earth for most of the life of that child will be lived outside the domain and the supervision of the parent where that parent will not be there same thing an athlete is training to go for the olympics the coach stands beside the outlet the other tries to lift up weights and then drops it will the court say okay don't bother about it uh what i'm gonna do is lift the weights for you during trading the coach will not do that will tell you to lift the weights by your own self so struggle with it to exercise it because by so doing you are developing internal capacity which you are going to use in several places which even you will use in places that are not directly concerned with the olympics you will be a star in some places people might be struggling in a place trying to open a bottle and you say leave it to me and pick it up and pop in one second you've opened it up and everybody's clapping but it came by that exercise that you were doing all right by that exercise so god says listen there is an exercise on this earth and i want people to be partakers of my nature or to be partakers of christ so become as the scripture says to come to the fullness of the statue of christ all right so that he is first born among many so that in eternity you can be given nations not just two pillars when you get to heaven that just help us clean these two pillars because you don't know more than these two pillars for while you were on the earth everything will try to teach you you refused all right all you were concerned about was just what was placed on your table you threw tantrums and did not learn any lesson that you were supposed to let so god says listen it's not about whether i can do it i can the same way it's not whether a parent can do the exam for the child all right in terms of do they have the capacity to pass the exam but that child must have that knowledge inside of them all right my children must have my wisdom inside of them they must have the capacity to talk with me capacity to understand me where we will be in heaven and i'll give them responses that's what god is saying so prayer is this process through which he trains us so that we might have that capacity within us right to be able to act in his state and to be godlike throughout eternity first corinthians chapter six from first one so we need to acquire this skill all right remember he talks about people so don't just think that well you know i can just live anyhow when i get to heaven you know when i just go to heaven i just i just god will sort me out right he wants to sort you out here for eternity don't miss this thing all right he wants to right what the measure of growth you have here will reflect your position in eternity all right so he wants to do that and praying is part of the process and so as far as it's concerned succeeding in everything those mundane things through the act of prayer and being fruitful is mandatory there from gold first corinthians chapter six verse one and that's why this pastor might help the pastor come and help me that mentality won't help people because you don't grow up are you following what i'm saying everything you say please come and help me come and help me come and help me as someone who's crying and saying look i don't know anything god i don't know god that has done it and it's even responsible for a ministry to do that you have to teach people you have to coach them but they have to develop that capacity because that is what is written in the word of god all right so he says in first corinthians 6 here just look at this there any of you to bring a matter against another so go to the law before the unjust are not before saints he says do you not know that saints shall judge the world and if the world shall be judged by you and you are worthy to judge the smallest of matter you are worthy to judge the smallest of matters know you know that we shall judge angels how much more things that pertain to this life so he says in the life to come you will judge nations you will even judge angels you will instruct angels and he's saying that's what we want to build on the inside of you when the bible says things that angels desire to look into will be revealed to you as your mind you have grown into that particular place it's not just about having things i mean what i mean for example now if it's just about having things then the father should just tell the child there's no need for you to go to school because i have money there's no invoice to get an education there's nothing for you to do anything all right once you get to the age of 18 i'll give you a house once you get to the edge of this i'll give you a car uh once you don't even have to know how to talk to a woman i will go and chase the woman for you i will go and meet her and say listen i have a son all right he has this car and he has this this is what some of us are asking god to do for us he has this car you can't even talk to marry a woman now the pastor must go and help you to talk to them what kind of what how do you govern inside the house all right let's let them talk and go there and god said are you of any value to the society that way so god says it's not about you having it is about you being able to create it it's about you understanding the weight is about you being able to build up it is about placing you in a dry area and you understanding all right how to bring rivers out he says this is what it is about this is what christianity is all about that capacity there so the first thing is that this is why god has created this system of prayer and faith such that your develop on the inside of yourself their capacity now to be able to do things so that life after this you will be able to hold powerful positions in the kingdom of god all right second concept that's the first one we'll link it up is that god therefore guarantees that anything you choose to therefore come and pray about he is going to answer that prayer because he understands that it's in the process of manifesting this answer that this capacity is developed so god says i answer all the prayers you bring to me and i want to show that this morning god answers all your prayers now there's a way he answers it but he answers every prayer that you bring to him and therefore they shall give you a determination based on assurance so you can come to him and bring the prayer that in five years from today this is what you see inside your heart as a manifestation of god's nature in your life evidence to every single person and this is what you have in your heart father i ask you in five years let this be done god answers that prayer and says all right yes i'll get this thing done in your life i want to show this here if you pray he will hear you and he will walk the problem is not on god's side jesus said in john chapter 16 verse 23 and 24 he said and in that day you shall ask me nothing which ways don't come that's why jesus in this issue of capacity building he said it's more expedient for you that i go away so that you don't become dependent so that you also learn how to do it uh there's no glory in a full-grown adult to be dependent there's no glory that's why a parent if a child is struggling to walk there's a parent now man intervene and say don't worry i will carry you to where you are going carries the child on the back there the child is trying every time you intervene you carry the child up to where the child wants to go the child is trying to climb said don't worry about climbing i will carry you to that place the muscles of that child don't develop the child is not going to learn how to walk the child is not going to grow you say well the child fell a few times he has to fall a few times you're saying the exercise of this will i miss a few things yes you will miss a few things as you are growing and you are developing but you come to a place of mastery after some time the bible says those who are skillful in the word of righteousness the skill level that i tell you the truth it says have we come of age in other words are there some times and growing your practice the word of god it doesn't come out the way you want yes and let me say that to you yes but what will happen is you ask him why didn't it happen the way i told you what happened he shows you something and then you begin to grow then you come to the place of mastery where even as you think about certain things all right and voice them out to your closet spirit spiritual laws are set into motion you come to a place where you yourself you say things all right let me tell you this one day and i will never ever do it again i told somebody privately something i said look if this thing was like this then it would have gone like that and i just said the private message you said is true about one hour after the situation started going in that particular direction i say why did i say it in other words you say something into then you understand the gravity of your words in fact when you say it is when it starts you didn't say to the heirs of people you said it in your closet you understand the body of the air carries the matter you begin to understand spiritual laws all right i mean i was saying this first service that's in yeah all right i was listening it was um reverend scott whoever used to come here you know for one day so i just wanted to hook up back to his ministry and just see some things and his son was doing an interview with a woman and he got there what he shouldn't have you called the household of faith which means people who grew up in a house of faith how it was have you pastored sons and all of that so interviewed this elderly woman and he said and i was in shock at what that woman said he said that you know she was diagnosed and she had cancer terminal four all right all right stage four it was terminal all right stage four cancer she had it and i want you to tell us how you overcame the cancer that you had and she was to answer she said now let me correct something i with my own mouth never did what you did i never said i have cancer never did it come out of my lips till today 30 years after i have never said i had cancer kai i said this is principle she said number two i knew many scriptures but then i went and she'll say i went to ew kenyon's book now dave diana said i understood my books you begin to see spiritual laws in what she was doing and i remember the last one dr bill winston was here he said there was somebody who had stage four cancer and he said how did you get over it and the woman said i never repeated with my lips ever that i had cancer so you go out and you start saying things all right listen to me i'm tired this country will just kill every young person you are saying that because it appears work are you following saying i said i said i don't understand or you say because some naughty guy came and broke your heart you say man all men you are actually saying something into the air in fact let me tell you this i could not believe it one day i was watching the program in america this man was from where was he whole country he came as an immigrant he married miss america he came as an immigrant and married he couldn't even even tell now when he speaks the english you know this man did not grow up in an english-speaking country he said when i got to america after school i was in my my theater in my room with my roommates and we just watched miss america and i told my friend i'm going to marry that woman one day he married her you know the guy he said listen i'm going to marry this woman one day i never changed it how he met her was mysterious but they met and got married and when they asked him he said people don't know the power now he's not christian christian so you know the use of this universe all these things he said you don't know that he said the elements hear you when you talk how can a non-christian be saying that then the christians said i'm finished are you following what i'm saying so it says john 16 23 and 24 there is certainty in prayer it says in that day you shall ask me nothing verily i say unto you whatsoever what does whatsoever mean it means what whatsoever what does whatever mean what so is there any other thing outside whatsoever there's nothing whatsoever you shall ask the father in my name he will do what give it to you verse 24 he says he that you have asked nothing in my name you say i'm going ask and you shall receive that your what joy may be full in other words that's how you're going to have fullness of joy so i challenge you this morning what do you know inside your heart that if you receive in the next six months you will have fullness of joy in other words inside your house you will have a running time with the holy ghost all right you will behave like how chelsea fans behave last night are you following him saying you i mean i saw one of them he was running in his house he fell down had they caught he didn't stop he personally that was i said this is joy in other words even the pain doesn't mean anything so what is it write that thing down just can you can you listen you know i know what you know what satan does you're so deep that no no what are you what do you want you want something else that will give you joy is what you're asking for the one that will give you joy that when you come to church as they drop you in the car you hear the song all right as they're singing you say please drop me drop me drop me let me go and celebrate with my father drop me you run through the door and you start dancing no that's everybody's problem all right he says write it down he says that's what i want to do because if there's no intensity of desire every day this somebody told me once he said listen i called the man he said i'm too old to come he trained bill gates trained some of these powerful people in silicon valley steve jobs i tried to get him to this church i it's now that we have tech maybe i should call him i called him personally he's a young man i'm too old to come i'll have love to come to your country you know what he said he said if the he said scored the intensity of your desire over 10 then score impossibility rate over 10. he said if the intensity of your desire is true for that day an impossibility which means if you say how impossible is it you score it three but your intensity of desire is true he said it won't happen he said if your intensity of desire is 10 and how impossible it is is 10 he said wherever there is intensity of desire remove the mark of impossibility you get it most people are pursuing things that they don't really they they you understand what i'm saying the very thing that will make you happy you have used theology to remove it away from me do you hear what i'm saying philippians 4 6 to 8. he says it tells us by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your world requests so is your request jesus said whatever things you desire when you do what pray john 14 13 to 14 tells us this whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will i do that the father may be glorified in the sword and then he goes on and says you shall ask anything in my name i will do all to it so he gives you a blank check jesus gives the blank check ask whatsoever let's start this process now we just licked away the faith of people when they pray such that everybody has a question mark when they pray because when we said it this way everybody said am i sure it is god's will and now the unbeliever doesn't have that burden of knowing whether it's god's will do you get what i'm saying so he goes for it so the people that created ipod did not know whether it was god's will they just looked at it we want to do this they'll be good for humanity they went people that built corporations they went now unfortunately like one guy was telling me all this coaching long scripture to me about prosperity i believe all that that was when people used to pull veil over people don't talk nonsense yeah they are people that have quote all that scripture and entrenched in poverty stop all that all right i'm going to talk about finances some of those let me just leave it but you start talking about this your gram i said and you are using the very tool created by these people to talk this grammar because if they did not create the internet or none of this would you be speaking this grammar yeah you are saying that those are not the things that count we are using what they said to tell us it doesn't count you would have been in your village with town cry and be saying that what rubbish is that we're telling you that wealth comes from the work of your hands you are telling me and telling me something else all right and so the christian is there you know what caused the christians problem because of our interpretation of first john 5 14. he said this is the confidence and by our interpretation we mix that confidence that we have in him if we ask what anything so he said anything this is anything anything means what anything and then he says according to his will then he said it has to be anything but according to his will which means that we are now put things on exclusive lists you know as they did then during democracy maybe some of you are too young when do i do an stb nrc they gave the military gave they they said it power it says but there are some things that are still on an exclusive list you can't adjudicate about they left that senate with only landscaping anything that has to do with contract oil is still under military government you can if you say you want to beautify lagos you you can do that so when you say anything but then you now use according to my will to remove everything god is not like that i look at the next verse tells you it's not like that he says that this communist next verse it says and if we know that he hears whatsoever he says this we ask we know we have the petitions who desired we desired of him so what is he saying according to his will and let me explain it to me he said when i say according to israel it means when you come to meet me for something i will do it the way i choose to do it i will get it done according to the cancel of my will you don't tell me how to do it in other words when jesus was praying jesus said we're going to the cross we agree because i'm going to the right hand of father powerful he said is there any other way apart from this but not my will but let your will be done the father said cross is the only way so when you're asking for something he chooses the way and says follow me through that we because he's going to choose so i'm taking you to the promised land but it's according to my will he says the wilderness is the journey there so what am i saying to you this is what god is saying it's like you got me the chairman of the company very wealthy person you say and the chairman likes you you're the chairman you like this person a young person comes to meet you and says i want to become the chief operating officer of this particular and he says okay and he answers your petition and grants you your desire so you pray and god answers your petition and grants you but what you thought was that the next week he will go for a press conference and announce your name in the state where you are why you don't even know left from right that's why some people that say you just stand up and say you want to be governor of his state you don't know anything why become governor within three weeks they can lead you to prison for what people will do to you that you don't even know the operations of governance organization your excellency there's been nobody like you in this office you are signing by the time they find it you'll find yourself on your way to prison then they open your file and say from now on you do what we say or you'll spend the next 18 years in prison that's the end of your authority they do it i hope you know they do it you say you are taking position they tell you that this will be your hotel room you better inside that will tell them say thank you very much go and find somewhere else where you can stay because everything you see in that place is booked are you from here anybody will tell you get any position of power here first thing you've got to do is that you must have a line that nobody knows because if you say what are you following people will go and have meetings in the office say let's go to the garden you don't know what they are saying where there are no walls i said i go to the garden no it's in the garden you can land yourself in trouble that's when you are in the trouble you say who sent me to come to this politics who sent me so there is capacity all right so you go i mean chairman i want to meet you he says no problem you want to say he answers your prayer immediately because of that he steps back and says ah you are just energetic to say yeah i want to be sure i want to see you i want to see you what you're thinking about is the car the driver this house will be going to london my children will be here all right the chairman looks and says for this person to have capacity he must know how to relate with these people these people so the best place to in answer to your prayer had it been you didn't say you want to be see you they'll have been promoting you inside the office stage one stage two but since you said you see you you want you must have the capacity to relate to everybody so they said the first posting we should do is send him to the factory at jabu that's where i'm from so you can say hey so that he can know what is going on so because the chairman answered your desire you left lagos and went inside what they put you in the complex mosquitoes beat you properly but say what's going on here this is what god is saying i will answer according to my what will he's answering your prayer but you know what happens to people they get angry once he starts the process of fulfilling your prayer you get angry at the process what rubbish is this where is god god has forsaken me god says i cannot forsake you i have engraved you upon the palms of my hands your walls are continuously before me i'm living in you wherever you go i'm there how can i leave you so god has left me i don't understand how can somebody say he wants to become very wicked man i told him yesterday i want to be next week he told me that i'm going to jump to go to for what annoying the other friend because he says capacity from there he says post him near the border that's what happened today david you will be king the way you are david that the way they knew that david was is he dead they'd say go and bring a lady just touch his butt that means there was something inside david that got me this one this man as you are all right so god do not understand he says let's take this one so he's answering your prayer he always answers the prayer it's just that he chooses the way now let me show you what we're talking about quickly look at matthew chapter 20. now you call it disappointment you call it being unfaithful you say god has dropped the ball he hasn't dropped the ball he kicked the ball he says the game has started this is how greatness is all right matthew 20 sorry and verse 20. he says then came to him the mother of zebedee's children with her sons worshipping him designing a certain thing of him jesus didn't say okay get out you shouldn't ask for this he said to her what do you want she had the audacity that i like her to say grant that these my two sons may sit one you are telling jesus there's one on the right are you the only ones in this world one on the right is the only a family that wants heaven and one on the left jesus didn't say is it only your family are you following unto me jesus said you know not what you ask is that you're asking for if we start the process you will run you want to sit on left and right he said you have to overcome certain things that no other person in heaven will have overcome on the earth that abraham looks at what you overcome and says sir you deserve it david comes and says goliath was small to what you dealt with he said are you ready moses apart of the red sea said i learned from you those our son are sunday bonton stakes said listen if i had a fraction of your courage lions appeared to them they stood their ground you cockroach you have taken off are you vomiting that is everybody in heaven says he is worthy jesus prayed his blood his sweat was his blood he says you will get to he says look at what he says there he told them he said no you know what you ask are you able to drink of the cup that i shall drink off and be baptized with the baptism that i'm baptized with you one small person betrayed you you have scattered the whole place look at what they said they to answer they said to him where you are jesus said this night a small girl came peter peter says me jesus never all right he says can you be so god takes you by the hand and says i answered your prayer answered your prayer he holds your hand and begins to take you by the hand he says there are many battles you will fight all right ah are you ready they will call your kind of name they will say is which craft you are using to propel your business they will put it on twitter on social media your family will be calling you is it witchcraft is he witchcraft he said are you ready for that because when you begin to expand people i say are you ready for these things are you ready and i was saying first of all we can be praying here god we want the church to be hundred thousand if my father when i said i said maybe i shouldn't say it because maybe people a hundred thousand hundred thousand god says if a hundred thousand people come one hundred thousand there are hundred thousand different people only two thousand will be like you you think they will be all be like all right if i was going to have a church one day i'd go when i'm for service about four weeks ago a child just came and it was i mean i mean this guy must have taken hemp and everything with sleep i mean i was so very sorry for the ushers because they looked they knew that this security matter so they were doing this of course you can't say kyrie in touch or jim was entered the church ah he says he wants to worship god he must enter ah so he just came i i failed for them and he entered the service but they tried to monitor and tolerate to stand around him they gave him a special place like especially so they could be monitoring him two weeks after i was coming to judgment so i crossed the road i was the cow would drop my cow drop and then go round so i just saw this guy coming with who that ah i said where is this gangster going in the morning like this i will give him small space let him cross first because there are ambrose thieves i know that can what then i said this guy is going to your judge he was going my eyes like ah you know those guys i said he's coming to hear you so 100 000 you have several thousands like that some even come and suggest to you that's all english then so you are develop section for us we want interpreter should be yourself feedback feedback one year [Applause] you know i say if you want to have free background for that you know some people come here so you know i come next sunday you react you react you have to pray hundred thousand it comes so i come and jesus spoke these words jesus is so embarrassed [Applause] so this is not the covenant that i came to so god hears and answers and says let's go quickly the third thing here is that he says now since i've answered all right this is what you've got to do colossians 4 2 he says continue in prayer watch in the same with thanksgiving quickly it means that the word watch is a military word god continuing prayer and literally means god the answers to your prayers with thanksgiving in other words once you pray god hears answers he says protect the answer throughout with thanksgiving if you stop thanking me that i've answered because something happens satan can have access to the dance and take it protect it with thanksgiving in other words that is what jonah said jonah 2 and verse 7 he says when my soul fainted within me i remember the lord my prayer came into the holy temple now remember we should come up to the throne of grace that we obtain mercy it says they that observe lying vanities forsake their own words mercy you prayed whatsoever mercy was given to you the message came on you based on that mercy you were posted with your body you beheld life vanities and you forsook the mess say why did i come to this place for what how can they do me this way but she said instead of observing line vanities next verse i will sacrifice with the voice of thanksgiving in other words wherever i am i know god heard my prayer i know god answered my prayer this is the voice of thanksgiving are you following what i'm saying so protect it with thanksgiving throughout the process even when it looks like everything is going upside down say father i thank you you are a faithful god you have heard the prayer i remain pushing through in prayer thanking you and worshiping you setting this thing up in thanksgiving it has nothing to do with what is i'm thanking you all right then fourth in here is this is the crunch time this is where the darkness starts getting pierced hebrews chapter 3 verse 5 quickly all right it says this hebrews 5 moses was faithful in all this house and that's why god said you've got to be faithful as a servant for a testimony of those things were to be spoken after but christ as a sort of house whose house we are if we hold that confidence which is answer to prayer and rejoicing of the hope that hope farm unto the end hold it tight because there will be cuts and you'll be bleeding behold it it says this wherefore the holy ghost said today if you will hear his voice which meant if one know what the voice of the spirit of god is saying to you today he is saying in that situation harden not your heart in other words i took you by the hand please do not hurt in your heart when they post you wrongly do not work hard in your heart when they tell you this way don't harden your heart don't get angry and upset the thing is not going to it says i guarantee you lean not your own understanding because i will take you through parts you will not understand don't try to control the environment let me tell you people that are controlling by nature which means you control people you have a hard time walking by faith because let me tell you first thing that gets broken is control you will lose control of the process the only thing you will be able to do is just to worship god all this micromanaging cannot bring growth you just have to lie down there and just be worshipping god and thanking god and get delivered from that self on the inside so you just stay there and worship him and it's one of the most difficult things for human beings to let go in other words he said had it not your heart as in day provocation the day of temptation in the wilderness where your fathers proved me and saw my works 40 years and i was grieved with that generation and said they do always air i never knew my ways in other words once they come into this that place that things aren't working the way they think they should walk they air they they that air means they they they deviate from the path all right they get wounded they deviate they say well i'm going on with god and and they'd never have my rest that's what he said in hebrews chapter chapter 8 verse 7 to 11 and i bring it to close with it says for if the first covenant had been faultless no place should have been sought for the second but find them fall to them behold the days come and i'll make a new covenant with the house of jacob with the house of israel not according to the one i made with their fathers when i took them by the hand to lead them out of egypt because they continue not to my covenant he says i regarded them not but it goes on this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel i will put my laws in their minds and write them in the heart so it takes you by the hand when you get to a place where he says according to my will and now you get to the time of provocation temptation he says now begin to worship me start to include me don't be hold nine vanities and as you worship the laws for that new place you are going to i will start writing them all right the mysteries of the kingdom for that thing i will start showing you this is what he wants to get across towards wisdom this is the treasure that he wants to do on the inside so that even when you get that manifestation it's not even about that manifestation the same way i said a man who lifts weight not only will he lift weights in the olympics but there are many things he can now do he couldn't do before with his strength so you now have capacity and wisdom to do several things you now know how to get things done in other areas somebody comes to me to use even you are you are in business he comes and says he's a soldier we are fighting this i says listen do it this way to walk somebody comes in their marriage you use principles you have learned that's what paul said he said we go through these things i'm able to comfort anybody who is going through anything you are able to give people wisdom you are you're a person of capacity now you're you're you're right you are even wiser solomon comes and says you are seated on the right hand of the fire of jesus he says ah i wish i got the kind of wisdom you got not like you're saying sulaiman kai solomon hey your son is which means you've got that kind of wisdom god writes his laws now how do you get there to those laws you stay in the place of worship during that time and then you open your bible and say start teaching so put up the images quickly the first image this is where you start out here the person sits down under the cloud of darkness god's light notes that never changes god never changes he's always beaming light to you what is that cloud of demonic darkness over stage one and you sit in the valley of shadow of death wandering stage two you hear a message finally you get on your knees and you begin to pray to god and you are praying and you stop praying believe in prayer stage three you understand that this light is going to come from the word of god so you take up the scriptures and start reading to find the answer to the prayer stage four the light now begins to come as tiny rays you start seeing ideas in the word of god that you can now practice you start practicing things stage five the light begins to increase you are piercing the darkness big holes are coming in revelation is coming on what you should do and all of that stage six comes the day dawns and the whole heavens are opened over you and you have entered into powerful things in your life all right now what am i saying to you here what am i saying here is the same thing same thing and i'll close with this same thing with jesus same thing jesus and and the and peter what happened was they toiled all night and caught nothing all right jesus shows up and gives the first instruction it's the instructions that will get you there the commandments the statutes light comes lend me your boots so you are right there confusion in jebu why did they bring me here you say pray god this is your hand this is your hand there's something and i should start watching them god says now you've recognized my presence open the bible and then you start saying things now starts telling you help this person help that person help this person help that person let me tell you this you don't know how powerful the structures are there's somebody she used to come to this church she got married and if i call her many of you would know because she's a person a media person so she got married and all of that and so i don't even understand i just woke up one morning and i said this lady i need to call her that i listened i just saw it i just saw it on instagram that she put up something i wanted to discuss something so i thought it was instagram live i said let me know what you have on instagram like so she was it was instagram live i went back to check the poster and i saw it was a radio station online i mean i won't do that i've got going and typing or something something and i will share type it and put it on finally her voice came on and she's been in this thing for 25 in fact she told me when she was in this church she just finished university of lagos she said confession vlogs i said what happened she said let me say i can't hide it now she said there was a job in the station there all right which was the most prominent morning program in nigeria at that time said i was confessing conversation i got to the place 1 500 applicants i said what seller but i just kept confessing when i got in this gentleman whom all of you know looked at me and interviewed me and said i'm giving you the job you can go this rest of these people and he said i only need one more person she said pastor i got it so she's been in this business and showed that so i i listened to her so i called i said what i said i listened to you she said what to say i said listen to your republic i didn't what is i just went to the president i said what i said this is disservice to this nation look at your gift and all of this i said a trained person is a trained person or all these new people who are doing things you that went through the trade is massive she said pastor you do not know what you are doing to me you don't know what you are doing with this phone call you don't know what you are doing then she broke into tears she said i've been struggling i tried to go back to pay the employment i said god okay let me give this a last chance yesterday i told god if i'm to be on this path confirm it in the morning she said and you picked up the food i started saying all these things that you decide how can you be out of this go back into this thing she dropped that phone in tears saying thank you you don't know what an instruction are you following him said here you open the bible god starts giving you instructions so he tells you both you give the vote then after you follow those instructions he now tells you go back and apply for that same thing that this time they posted you to jaipur oh yeah apply okay you applied same way we told all night i've got nothing now go back says we are doing this according to your world you now catch multitude you enter into abundance but now because you have been trained you know it's not about the abundance because if you just have fish you go into the fishing business i miss the goal of god which is that go out and catch me in other words you're just carrying results about money it's about money it's about money but you understand this money has given you financial advice to be able to do other things in other words the other things that you can do the other powerful things so you don't have that new way you're not you understand you're not attached to the material things are you following what i'm saying it's all said to me i listen to your mystery of capital when did i preach that series long time ago said after i listened to it i heard you say inside the message said all what were doing the covenant today of opening centers you said it in that message i said it but i wasn't ready do you want something let me say something now i'm if ready say you are going to protocol someone in the office say pastor you a entrepreneurship leader you just stepped able to go you don't even trouble i'm not micromanaging i'm not asking one center today says they are going lawfist another one says we are praying one hour before service another one i said so long that's what you're saying this inside the bible continue you know what i'm doing i'm even trying to look properly to see where god is what god is doing watching carefully all right yeah today subhudi prayer meeting they said birthday for all the people in me i would have never done it before in this church but that's what they did i said very good as i sat down in the office breaker these sort of people said we said we should be body for people with me me and this but i never ever had anybody but i'm seeing the wisdom are you following what i'm saying but your soul has to be ready for it do you get what i'm saying that's why some of you pray god give me a husband he will give you he's you know when your husband appears next time the man appears don't judge according to the flesh what you are reading you see if when he came you open your bible the first scripture will have shown you judge no man according to the flesh because when you looked at him according to the flesh nothing was desirable but five years down the line ah let me tell you oh i'm composing fellowship okay one guy called disabled at all one day he came to church he sat down he said come church there was a guy into oil the guy came to talk to me he turned round he said where do you know that guy phone i said what he said where do you know that guy from he said that is the guy that is drilling and digging supervising all the mobile oil drills now he says in niger he says he says that is the guy we are trying to meet that came up bought on campus called but you don't know at that point when it comes you shake your head what i'm looking for is tall tracker action action don't forget suddenly i looked very nice so don't say god the answer the prayer he answered it according to me took his precious son of whom he loved brought him to you of whom all right you are saying this he brought the woman to you you are looking at instagram slay queens that if they enter your house a spirit has entered for your slave but that is what your mind has been programmed so i don't like i don't like you don't know you you're being programmed by all those things you're looking at changing your brain cells so when god sent his daughter next thing you checked instagram all these who that you say this world is not like that you are looking you are using your the blessing of god to look for problem do you get what i'm saying this little life will happen we have seen those kind of things all right look because now you have succeeded you know when you divine success they won't look at you they're going to those people who look at you but once you succeed they start looking at you and you because before they are looking at you they start looking at you now you now say kings are coming to the brightness you don't know how assignment has come to you are coming to the brightness your father mother your mother called you outside my son my son hear me this one is wahala he said no the whole the the holy ghost that you entered the house cancelling up on cancer you say you want to go you can go you can go that's your cross training for it that when you get to heaven they will say you tried father in the name of jesus we thank your word and by the power of your spirit i ask that you establish us in this truth expand it within our consciousness in the mighty name of jesus christ amen all right before i go first of all we have communion service please that is at home you don't have to come on you know if i know that you don't have to come you should not company it's online where is the venue url is the venue go online there's no physical venue wherever we are is where we will do it but you'll be at home to take you on so 7 00 p.m on june on june 8th is it 6 30 60 what's making me say this is or sunday june 6th 7 pm in your homes and finally i want to congratulate all chelsea fans how many of you are chelsea here because there are suddenly many you are not many now where are you i thought you were very many okay the people that many are astra let me see your hands that's now you don't put up your uh be bold pull it up right now [Applause] amen let us take the closing confession going to count to three one two three i declare this week the lies have fallen unto me in pleasant places my steps are hearted by the lord every day i open my mouth wide declaring the things i believe calling into existence those things i see with my inner eyes as though they are and god in return daily loads my life with benefit advancing my position morning by morning he opens my ears to hear his voice and has positioned me by his instructions such that others call me fortunate lucky and blessed by what has accord every day i declare wisdom is a principle thing therefore i've gotten wisdom and with her understanding i call wisdom my sister an understanding my closest friend i have exalted wisdom and she has promoted me making my life glorious she has brought me to the place of honor because i have embraced her i have listened to her and received the saints and so by the decisions i make years i had it every day to my life god has stopped me in the way of wisdom he has led me in the right path when i go out this week my steps do not end in dark narrow passages nor do i waste time making wrong turns amen as we package our titan offering begin to speak to your tights begin to speak to your offering declare god's words on the walk of your hands begin to speak to that height and your offerings declare god's promises that god has opened up the windows of heaven unto you that there will be no room to contain his blessings in your life in your house you not only have more than enough but you have enough to structure and to give unto others declare that this week god has opened up the door for you and has brought in people relationships into your life into your business into your career amen let us take the titan offering confession from 2nd corinthians 9 8 the amplified version on the count of 3 1-3 and god is able to make all grace every faithful and ugly blessing come to me in abundance so that i always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient possessing enough to require no hate or support i'm furnished in abundance for every good work and charity with the nation father we thank you for the seeds you've placed in our hands to sow we thank you because you have opened up the windows of heaven unto us that there will be no room to contain your blessings in our life but a blessing seen in the life of the giver and the title is evident in our lives in jesus name and our harvest is found in our own house we decree and declare that press down shaken together running over men have given to our bosom in the name of the lord jesus christ thank you for the harvest thank you for bringing people into our lives in the name of the lord jesus christ amen before we take the main announcement two important announcements we're having 60 minutes with jesus pastors preached about it and he spoke about peace and darkness through praise and worship so we're going to be having that level of intense um worship and praise 7 a.m next week which is the fifth of june here in this particular auditorium and after the 60 minutes we're going to have a session of prayer all right we're going to pray for several specific and several things all right practicing the heart of believing prayer you know in that particular session and the second information is this we do not want to send messages to people outside and we've gotten feedback from from that so sometimes when we when we send messages we get feedback to say they do not belong to tc any gomo we don't want that to continue this is the essence of this particular announcement which is to actually gather the data for this particular service going forward also we are considering several specific things you know so so thinking of house fellowship all right live fellowship for instance we will need this particular data to be able to specifically cater for people all right so if you do not know how to work this which is our china as much as possible not to fill forms because from the last data gadget we still get bounced mails all right we get bounce mails from you know i think when you're trying to you know collate the data you kind of make mistakes sometimes so to ensure that it's not happening we're going on this journey to basically gather data so if you don't know how to work it ask any of the ushers ask any of the leaders ask any of the sunday school teachers they're going to help you out to do that all right as soon as this data is gotten we are going to begin to you know distill thoughts and things that we intend to do all right for the church can we have them can we have the other announcements thank you yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the father in the spirit and in truth for they are the kind of worshipers the father seeks john 4 23 are you a woman seeking to bask in his presence do you desire to press into the heart of abba father the covenant nation women fellowship invites all women in all our centers to a special prophetic worship encounter themed daddy and his daughters our special guest is an anointed singer a gifted songwriter and true worshiper victoria orrenze date is sunday 30th may 2021 time is 4 p.m venue on-site and online on-site live at the covenant place right beside the national art theater incoming vegas and online via the covenant nation on youtube facebook twitter and on covenantradio insightfulliving.org or slash radio come with a heart open to receive all that is specially prepared for you powered by the combination welcome to church here are the announcements we would like to welcome all our special guests that is all those worshipping with us for the first time we are delighted to have you join us we believe you have been blessed and we hope you will be joining us again please take a moment to fill the card handed out to you and return to any of the ushers on your way out we would love to connect with you be women presents a prophetic worship encounter see him daddy and his daughters this is a meeting for all women seeking to press into the heart of our father date is today sunday 30th may 2021 time 4 p.m venue on site and online onsite the covenant place igormu online live on youtube and facebook as the covenants nation special guest minister victoria orenze powered by the covenants nation would you like to grow in your understanding of god's word and be established in the practice of your christian faith then plan to attend the next session of foundation of faith fof online course from sunday 13th june to 70th july 2021. foundation of faith is a refresher course on fundamentals of our christian faith the course interactive sessions hold 7 pm on saturdays and sundays via zoom to attend please register at fof.governancechristiancenter.org have you downloaded the all-in-one covenants nation media app with just a few clicks on the app you can access thousands of past messages and special programs view all your previous downloads no matter how many times you change devices provided you log in with your e-library accounts details create your custom prayer points and confessions list tune into the amazing lineup of programs on your favorite online radio covenant radio all this and many more features are packed into the new covenants nation media app so what are you waiting for download it now available on google play store and ios apple store as covenants nation media if you would like to guess the audio cd of the message you just listened to or previous messages taught by pastor poju or yamada at the covenant station kindly call or send a whatsapp message to the media one office on zero zero zero two two four or visit www.insightsforliving.org forward slash cd hyphen orders to place an order audio cds are produced on an order basis only also mp3 formats are available for purchase at www.elibrary.insightsforliving.org kindly drop your offering in the designated bags at your center so ushers will assist with this and note the church accounts details displayed on the screen for online transfers or visit www.insightsforliving.org forward slash giving remember to send your feedback to respond at covenants covenantchristiancenter.org because as the covenants nation we love feedback let us remain careful and responsible following all safety guidelines as recommended by the ncdc for more information about upcoming covenants nation events kindly visit the church website at www.insightsforliving.org or connect with us on all our social media handles at covenant sea center and at pastor podu on instagram and twitter god bless you and have a fulfilled week [Music] all right two important information before we go and welcome our first timers um the first one is this so we're being encouraged to actually come along to church with our mask all right so from next week please ensure to come along with your own personal masks from next week god bless you i should do that the second information um if you want to take get today's message um you can do that from in the information desk pick up a ticket you know from from the information desk and you can download and you know get get to this message i'm going to the last one if this is your first time at the covenant nation igomo please is very specific if this is your first time at the covenant nation egoman would like to welcome you would like to celebrate you please stand up to your feet as we welcome you into our family let's put our hands together for them let's put our hands together for them if you're right beside them give them a fist bomb tell them they are welcome tell them god bless them tell them we love them [Music] on behalf of the senior pastor pastor kojimari i'm pastor tony his wife i'd like to welcome you to the covenant nation igamu please pick up your bibles your cellphone and every single thing you came to church reads come forward and then to my left um he's a gentle lady waiting to be teaching very briefly come forward come forward come forward come forward and then to my left let's put our hands together for them [Music] [Music] oh better stand up to our feet as i bring the service to recluse all right because we're doers of god's word we're going to have farm the same all right and then so choose your neighbor very carefully be sure that this neighbor is capable of giving you the vibe that you need are you ready i may do of god's word i'm not a hero only i am a doer of god's word i'm not a hera only this week the lines are falling onto me in pleasant places i pierce into the darkness by the word of god in worship in praise in oratory praise in worship to the father in the name of the lord jesus christ the resultant effect of that the light from heaven peers through my heart i listen to the instructions and then i press again in worship in the name of the lord jesus christ as you have done that you're going to say the benediction to the same person prophetically and say may the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of the father and the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit rest on about with you now and forevermore amen so please as you go ahead out of church please ask the person right beside you if they feel this form use that as a conversation starter meet them ask of their name what do they do you know engage them and ensure that they feel that form thank you very much god bless you choir oh sorry the praise team do not stay in your team go into the midst of people go into the midst of people ask them you
Channel: The Covenant Nation
Views: 6,736
Rating: 4.9097743 out of 5
Id: 95w-TMpL7TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 15sec (7335 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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