Piece of Peace || MARK'D Pt. 4 || Bianca Olthoff

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[Music] hey family welcome to the father's house oc my name is eric and we're so glad you decided to join us today here's what we need you to do grab your bibles ipads notebooks pins and get ready for a powerful message and don't be shy share this message right now with a few friends thank you and enjoy the [Music] message and family family today is a celebration amen if you are visiting or it's your first time and you're like why is justin doing high kicks during worship and why is there a harpist and why is there a dj and why is there cupcakes y'all god is faithful amen god is good amen there is a whole auditorium of right across the way that is full of people who are talking back louder than you so shout out to the video experience can i get a good amen from the house because god has not abandoned us or left us high and dry oh if it's your first time to the father's house let me be the first one to welcome you and say you have a seat at the table go ahead and grab a seat as we continue on and celebrate that the prince of peace the king of kings god almighty that he has been with us this entire time now if you are are visiting or you only know tfh here in this building let me tell you why we are excited okay yo it has been a journey okay this is what i need for those that were at our old location in anaheim m3 event center and we say event center loosely will you raise your hand and testify yes i just i just want to say thank you thank you for sticking with us through the crazy and let me tell you something y'all just became my witnesses okay you became my witnesses because someone in here is going to hear this and say now that's not true let me tell you something i stand before god as god as my witness you don't understand why we are so excited unless you rolled up at 5 30 a.m with the dream team all right they called themselves the dream team because everyone else was dreaming while they were setting up chairs setting up pipe and drape putting seat cover covers over them stinky seats at the event center now you don't know why we're so excited because unless you were in the kids ministry you didn't know that cleaning up the kid's bathroom had a perpetual smell of fecal every single day you don't know why we're so excited because we come in here and this aroma of god but in our old venue it served as a kitchen for a chinese restaurant and an indian restaurant so any given sunday you can walk in and smell chicken kung pao you can smell chicken curry you can hear them cooking while we're preaching all right the lord wants us to serve some soul food but i didn't want to smell it while we were preaching okay unless you know unless you know that we were vandalized three different times that our trucks that were basically our church on wheels that how how was our church was broken in twice unless you rolled up to set up and you walk in and you see razor blades alcohol bottles wigs and weaves i got a witness for that one okay i'm not even kidding you i pulled back the chair and i thought it was a dead animal it was somebody's hair so why are we excited today church because god is faithful god is so faithful and every place has a purpose every place that you're in today has a purpose and every god purpose has a promise that we get to hold on to we don't have a whole lot of time to reminisce i want to crack open the word of god um but the reason why we're excited to celebrate is because god has been faithful god has been good when we didn't know how we were going to make it through our good god found a way good god found a way there's been moments if i'm honest in the last two years where we really felt like we just lost control of all situations we switched uh we met in our living room and then we were at m3 and then we lost a sunday to the international belly dancing competition hand to heaven and we had to find an emergency venue like in weeks and we moved everything to the grove in anaheim and then we moved back to our old building and then during rona we lost everything and then the lord made a way with this building but there was moments where i would wake up on monday morning and feel so discouraged the reason why i'm so excited is because i get to be a witness for those who are in the storm right now i'm telling you there's another side and the lord is going to be with you to take you to the other side so that you will be a witness and a testament to tell people the lord's got you to the other side amen all right we're done crying that's a waste that's a waste turn with me i didn't cry i just got a little gangster emotional like my eyelid filled and i sucked it back up like a g like a g that's right all right here we go here you go pull your bibles your notebooks your pens your highlighters and turn with me to mark chapter four i love when people are moving they're grabbing their notebooks and their bibles and the video experience that's where all the real people are that's the volunteers okay our home team they're amazing they gave up their seats so you could experience oh i heard somebody whistle praise god all right as you turn to mark chapter four here's a little bit of context um we have been going in a series entitled marked and let me tell you something oh the teacher in me is so excited because y'all have homework every week and i don't want you to lie in the house of god loud and proud raise your hand if you have done your homework for this week oh yes church your homeowners to read mark chapter four now you read mark chapter four and you roll up you post up like you already know what we're going to talk about guess what it makes my job so much easier we don't have to start from ground floor we start from the second the third the fourth level okay that's where revelation is at so next week we are teaching out of mark five so guess what your homework is that's right that's right all right mark chapter four beginning in verse 35 which you all should have read that day when evening came he said to his disciples let us go underline circle to the other side some of y'all aren't moving your pins but do me a favor do me a favor let us go underline circle to the other side leaving the crowd behind they took him along just as he was in a boat there were also other boats with him a furious squall came up and the waves broke over the boat sleeping broke over the boat so that it was nearly swamped jesus was in the stern sleeping on a cushion the disciples woke him up and said teacher don't you care if we drown he got up rebuked the wind and the waves quiet be still then the wind died down and it was completely calm underlying completely calm he said to his disciples why are you so afraid do you still have no faith they were terrified and asked each other bro who is this even the wind and the waves obey him they were shook let me tell you something brothers and sisters this is a book of antiquity but it can speak to us modernity because those storms back then there will be storms in our lives too if you have witnessed a storm and you have survived can you holler back and say amen so the question i'm asking today is not if they come the question i'm asking today is how will you respond when they do come when your job furloughs you how will you respond when your spouse after 10 15 20 years says i'm done and i'm getting a divorce how will you respond when your job tells you that they're letting you go how will you respond when your rent is due and you have insufficient funds how will you respond when the person that you've been interested in and talking to and dming and texting when they cut you like bad bangs and drop you like a bad habit how will you respond because sometimes we can't control our circumstance but we can control our response to these circumstances if you're a note taker i want you to write down the title of today's message which is a piece of peace because y'all let's get real sometimes we just i need me a piece of peace for my soul right now look at verse 35 on that day when evening had come he said to them let us which you underline go to the other side which you circled so let's think about the setting here if you read your homework last week in mark chapter three we didn't teach out of it but you read it with the end of mark chapter three we see that jesus is having a conversation and he's preaching to people and his family posts up like yo jc we we're up in here why aren't you gonna let us in and they're like hey we're your family and jesus said who are my family these people so he's having family conflict how many all have some family conflict before he has some family conflict well scripture lets us know that he begins to teach and preach all day long that there's throngs of people there's hordes of people that are all following him they want something from they want a word they want divine revelation they want healing they want to touch from jesus and he started teaching at the sea of galilee and there were so many people that were pressing into him that they put him in a boat and they pulled him out just lightly into water so that his voice would echo and ricochet against the hillside so that everyone could hear him so jesus is speaking all day long he's taught without a break he is exhausted and scripture says that it's almost sunset and after this very long day of preaching teaching hugging kissing loving jesus says let us go to the other side so i want to ask the room a very important question video experience and even those online i want you to put in the chat box who told them to cross to the other side so here's a little hint when a bible teacher asks you would answer like 99 of the time the answer is always jesus so we're going to do this again because now you know the answer okay so friends friends who put them in the boat that's right that's right because jesus had a place to take them jesus spoiler alert is leading them into a storm why because there is a purpose on the other side there's a purpose on the other side now sometimes we find ourselves in the storms of life because of our stupidity that's not the type of storm i'm talking about okay if you're confused like what do you mean storm of stupidity well if the your loved ones have told you don't date him don't date her and you date them and now your life is a mess and you're like oh what did anyone tell me we did this is the consequence of your action you just didn't listen or you're over here you're seeing everyone post up on tick tock and instagram doing their cute little barbados videos bahamas videos oh look i'm in mexico cancun and you got no money and you charge it and then your credit card bill comes you're like oh how did this happen you dumb that's your own storm that's your own storm you show up late to work with the attitude thinking that you're better than you are don't be surprised if you get fired that's your own storm that's not the storm i'm talking about there are other times where god will lead us into the storm to teach us something about him and his nature or something about ourselves that we wouldn't have learned on the comfort of the shore let's back this up in the book of exodus god freed the people of slavery but led them into the desert so that he could prove to them who he was and teach them his ways what about the book of ruth ruth house hungry and homeless before she encountered the good provision of a good god through the hands of boaz hello somebody what about paul paul was on his way to rome but he survived shipwreck and a storm because there was some ministry on malta corey tim boom says this you never know that jesus is all you have flip it and reverse it you never know that jesus is all you need until jesus is all you have and sometimes we are meeting our own needs sometimes we have to get to the end of ourself so that god can say are you done let me show you what i want to do in your life look at verse 36 leaving the crowd behind he took him along just as he was in the boat so they are now in the sea of galilee which is about a hundred square miles um they don't have doppler 3000 they don't have weather.com they don't have a weather app the weather in israel if you come with us in 2023 you will see i'm not a liar the weather in israel will go from sunshine to sprinkle to storm real quick it's very common they didn't know that a storm was coming they had no clue what were they doing obeying jesus doesn't that sound familiar there are times in life where you're like god um okay you told me to go to the other side i'm going to the other side and all of a sudden i'm in the middle of the storm what happened i obeyed you god it feels like you abandoned me now we don't know what's going to be left next in our life the disciples didn't know what was going to happen next all we knew what to do in our season especially as we go up until our third birthday we didn't know what god was gonna do but we knew that jesus had instructed us to lead in the same way that he did with the disciples and dare i say in the same way that he's doing with you look at verse 37. a furious squall time out who says a furious school like we're not in london okay you know what that means the greek word is a windstorm it's a hurricane a furious squall came up and there were waves that broke over the boat so that it was nearly swamped now we need context here okay we know uh historically that six out of the twelve disciples they were fishermen they were seamen and we learned last week that this was their trade they would have been learning this and being groomed to be on the water from age 10 11 12 13. well now these are men and we know many of them some of them were married still young but yet had been at sea for a number of years how sad how bad how terrifying is it when the professionals are terrified of the storm we got a problem okay that's where we find the disciples they were filled with fear because the boat was being filled with water but i don't even think that that's the real problem that mark is talking about that's not the problem that mark's pointing out the real problem is found in the next verse we read it let me read it over us again verse 38 jesus was in the stern sleeping on a cushion keep in mind this is no shade to jesus he had been serving all day long he was exhausted he had been pouring out to so many people he crashed he was out look at verse 38 the disciples woke him up and said teacher do you not care if we drown one translation says teacher do you care that we're drowning another translation says do you not even care that we're going to die another translation says teacher is it nothing to you that we're going down that is the crux that's the apex that is the core of the problem that mark is highlighting here and this question has haunted me all week long i've underlined it in my bible i've highlighted it and i put a star by it do you not care don't you care look at our world don't you care look at my life don't you care i'm literally dying here the disciples are afraid they're panicking they're terrified and it seems like jesus doesn't care have you been there always some of y'all brought to church faces you're like no never doubt god never i love me so good i read my one year bible and drink lattes i'm talking i'm talking about have you had that question with god what are you doing do you not care i want us to dive into the pages of scripture because this is my fear this is my hesitation this is my concern as modern bible readers and i'm going to call you bible scholars because i'm a prophesy to your future i'm going to say you're going to know the bible you're going to love the bible you're going to eat the bible you'll preach the bible okay so bible scholars my hesitation is that we can read this and think of it as like a fable a tale a narrative a story when the truth of the matter is is that it was their reality and their reality i don't want it to feel far away from our reality though we may not be encountering this huge storm physically there are spiritual storms crisis of faith there are financial storms there are emotional storms don't just think about it put yourself in the storm better yet put yourself in the situation in the boat in your mind i need you to see the disciples the fishermen are telling the grab the nets put them in the boat begin scooping out the water james james i know you're a skilled fisherman where's peter peter peter's instructing people what to do where's bartholomew bartholomew's puking over the side why is he crying for the love of god he's 13 you guys give him a break god what is going on where is jesus jesus where are you jesus jesus is sleeping somebody wake him up wake him up rabbi rabbi do you not care do you not care that we're drowning do you not care do you not care that we're perishing jesus stands up goes to the bow of the ship and in three simple words muzzles millions of gallons of water and says peace be still scripture is very clear the waves didn't die down the wind didn't slowly trickle away it was completely calm this question of do you not care is not one asked just by us or even by the disciples in fact the psalmist in psalm 44 says this wake up why are you sleeping oh lord rise up and come to our help you're not alone in those feelings it took an uncomfortable and scary situation to give the disciples a glimpse a peek a a a a hint as to who was with them all along they um i'm gonna i'm gonna bring clarity when we come to mark 8 about this i do not believe because scripture has not documented that they had a confession of faith they didn't believe that jesus was messiah yet we'll get to that you got to come back week 8 i want to see you next week this is the moment where they're left questioning who is in the boat with us see jesus knew something that they didn't know see jesus was on mission jesus had a purpose for the place that he was in jesus had a promise to fulfill god said i will send my one and only son and his name is jesus so jesus came to this earth to fulfill a promise from god the father jesus wasn't concerned he was kicking it like a cricket on a pillow sleeping why he was sleeping on purpose he had a purpose to fulfill he knew that there was a cross on calvary and his arm would stretch out wide and he will say to tell his die it is finished and the veil separating god from man would tear jesus came to be as scripture says a propitiation for our sins which is a substitute he took our place of sin our place of shame our planet of transgression and he said not you me i will take it for you jesus had a purpose and it wasn't to die in mark chapter four jesus has something to fulfill and we started the father's house orange county three years ago y'all i had some doubts and i had some questions um i i literally having multiple questions with multiple people including my husband and many with god saying are you sure you want us to start this church like are you sure because here's the thing my ambition and goal in life wasn't to be like one day i want to start a church never okay nope that was not the case but matt and i had a holy burden we saw god's sheep scattered without a shepherd we saw people aching and hungry wanting a place where they could have a soft landing where we can dialogue about things that might feel confusing or hard a safe place to land where everyone would have a seat at the table and we didn't even have to believe the same thing before you belonged in this community that feels scary that feels weird i'm not too sure but we felt a holy burden for god's people a couple weeks before we launched the church i was at my desk and i just was feeling sick over the idea of starting something from nothing okay we had nothing like when i say nothing we had like negative nothing okay we had nothing no thing we had nothing and i remember being in my office and i don't do this often because now you're gonna think i'm real hyper spiritual i only got on my knees because i was desperate okay like that's when you know it's real prayer i got on my knees on hardwood floor and i said god you've got to give me a sign i mean i need you to part the heavens drop manna i i want to see michael the archangel moonwalk and give me a scroll or something give me a homing pigeon give me smoke signals like give me something right because people have prophesied and said hey you and matt are supposed to start this church this is what you're supposed to do but i want to listen to man i want to listen to god i said god your word is active and alive and i need you to preach to me through your word can you give me a sign that this is what you're supposed to do and in my daily reading isaiah 43 it hit me like a mack truck like it posted up and i was like god you you're speaking to me in this chapter it says things that resonated with me and i can't tell you that i heard a booming voice from heaven because i didn't but there was something in my soul that was something that quickened in my heart that i knew that this word was for me i have called you by name verse one i will be with you in all things verse two i will call your sons and daughters from afar and we got people driving 30 60 90 minutes to be here and serve in the morning and be here with his people look at verse 9 all nations will gather and people will assemble that didn't make sense three years ago nations will gather on youtube y'all we got people from morocco we got people from germany we got people from the uk we got people from netherlands we got people from mexico watching online it didn't make sense then then but it's making sense now and lastly there is no other god when god moves no one can reverse it verse 13. the place that you are in today has a purpose and every purpose in god has a promise jesus knew he could not die in mark chapter 4 because there was purpose for him to fulfill so he grabbed a pillow because he had a promise because jesus said let us go to the other side that is proof that they cannot die in the storm because there is purpose on the other side can somebody say purpose for me uh spoiler alert you're gonna read this in your homework in mark chapter five we're gonna see a demon-possessed man he is 51.50 he is wasn't changed he broke out of chains he is cutting himself he's screaming he's dement tormented by demonic spirits the man is turning up this no one can come near him he was living in a graveyard a place of uncleanness no un cleanness cleanness it wasn't clean and and jesus was gonna go bring freedom to this man jesus was gonna bring freedom to this man he was sleeping on purpose there is no storm friends there is no season that god's promise will not prevail now how many of you have a promise from god see our head my hesitation is that you hear that you're like well god hasn't promised me anything i don't have any promises do you know that the word of god is chock full of god's promises that you don't know these promises because you're not opening up your bible how do you know how god's going to speak to you if your word is shut god's word is active and alive sharper than a two-edged sword to pierce bone and marrow that wants to speak to your now that wants to speak to your reality and that's what happens when we open up god's word god's word says i will never leave you or forsake you that's a promise god says i have loved you with an everlasting love that's a promise god's word says i have a plan and a purpose for you that's a promise god says that he will take any mistake any failure any sin any transgression and forgive it that's a promise so guess what i'm asking you church do you have a promise from god because when you have a promise sleep on it i'm not going to stress about it because god's working it out now i want to say that i'm like all high and mighty and be like god give me a promise and i haven't been stressed out about it since no but it does temper me i got to go back to my journals i got to go back to my word i got to go back to my promises and know if god spoke it there's a purpose on the other side now there's one thing i found interesting in the scope of scripture do you know that there is only one place that jesus is sleeping in the entirety of matthew mark luke and john in the entirety of the scriptures we only see one place where jesus is sleeping you know where it was in the middle of a storm jesus wasn't panicked then and he's not panicked now and the next verse tells us why verse 39 and he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm jesus wasn't panicked because he possessed the power to bring peace jesus wasn't panicked because he possessed the power to bring peace isaiah's word says that you bring him or her imperfect peace whose mind is stayed on you so what did he say he said peace be still and those three words muzzled waters some translations say that jesus said be quiet other translation said he said hush i like to say in the biv version jesus said shut up shut up you ruined my nap shut up okay cause he rebuked it he didn't say peace be still i mean that's what scripture says please be still but in my mind if you throw the word rebuking there it's not like he was like all tender and loving he's like shut up because he rebuked the wind and the waves and the water ceased and i believe that god is going to have his purpose fulfilled no matter what finally i feel really impressed to convey that um that god wants to take us to the other side and i firmly believe that there's going to be things that come up and thwart us from our purpose i believe that there is going to be when you step into the purpose and the promises of god there will be opposition and i look at the last 6 8 10 12 16 months of not just our nation but the globe and i'm left to ask the question what is on the other side that the enemy is so fearful of we cannot go through the last year that we have gone through and not think that god is going to do an outpouring that's going to bring freedom because pre-storm what was he doing preaching and teaching he's educating the people and then surviving the storm on the other side what happens freedom comes to the oppressed i'm just saying if god is preaching and teaching and getting his people ready what freedom does he want to bring for those outside of the people in the body of god look at verse 39 then the wind died down and it was completely calm put yourself in the disciples shoes okay what's going on through their minds the moment jesus turns around scripture in verse 36 says that they were filled with fear but if you look in the original language that fear is more like panic it's anxiety this fear that we're going to read right now that's not this word look at verse 40 jesus says why are you so afraid do you still have no faith let me take a look at scripture the most common phrase that we see throughout the pages of scripture from genesis to revelation oh the new testament is this phrase do not fear i have a word for every man woman and child and here right now who is in the middle of a storm do not fear when we have faith in god we could feel fear we can be afraid but we're not going to be run by it we're going to be tempered by the truth of god's word and the belief that god is with us in the storm you could feel fear but let fear fuel better questions feel the fear but let it fuel better questions because look at what happens they in verse 41 they are terrified and ask each other who is this even the wind and waves obey him the word for fear when we read about it in verse 36 is panicked the word in 41 is awe or reference of a powerful force they were filled with awe struck fear aka they shook what the heck did we just see they always had jesus in the boat with him but they didn't know who he was or the power that he possessed the question i'm asking is do you know that jesus is with you and if you do do you know the power that you possess because his presence is with you and that is how mark ends this story because that is the point of the story mark doesn't end with the calm sea and they all lived happily ever after no mark ends with a clear realization that there is one who can command the wind and command the water and command the waves and he's standing in the boat with the disciples see the disciples were jewish men they would have had some basic form of education they would have known exodus 17 when god separated the red sea they would have been familiar with psalm 107 that says this then they cried to the lord in their trouble and he delivered them from their distress he made the storm be still and the waves of the sea were hushed doesn't that sound like a description of what we just read in mark chapter four on the boat the disciples are saying he calmed the waves he calmed the water he calmed the wind could this be messiah could this be the one that our daddy's daddy's daddy's daddy's daddies promised us it wasn't a panicked fear it was an awe filled fear emmanuel god is with us so today we have a choice we can live in panicked fear or we can live in awe filled reverence god you are good god you are holy god you are mighty god you are worthy of praise god you are powerful god you bring peace wrong god you bring order and i stand in awe of you our our word for the year is unshaken out of luke chapter 6 and verse 48 when the storms and flood rage against the house it continues to stand strong and unshake it through the storms for it has been widely built on the right foundation we will be unshaken we hold on to the promises of god today peace be still let me make this very personal whether you are sitting in this room the video experience watching online in youtube on youtube and replay this word is your word you could be surrounded the group of people or you could be absolutely alone but the question i'm asking you today is do you have the peace of god the peace of god that protects your mind the same jesus that still the sea of galilee is with us in our storms he will guarantee to get us through to the other side but the celebration that we're celebrating today isn't that we have a building or that you're here the true celebration is that god sent his son jesus for forgiveness of our sin to provide a sense of peace amidst chaos and so maybe today you were invited by a friend or somebody brought you or you saw something on social media or you were walking by or you stumbled onto youtube and you found this let me tell you something that the prince of peace wants to give you what only he can give you if you've never said yes to jesus we're in a moment we're going to pray for those that need peace out of the chaos of their lives but but for those that have never said yes to jesus maybe you're in this room video experience or even online you've never said yes to jesus or maybe at one point you have but you've completely walked away from god you just know i need i need god's peace that's going to come through salvation me accepting jesus as my savior if that's you we're going to pray a simple prayer i'm going to invite you to to bow your head invite you to close your eyes because this is a personal invitation for many people but if you've come today and you've never said yes to jesus i'm gonna count to three i'm inviting you to raise your hand there's nothing magical about this it's literally you you raising your hand one you are saying i'm choosing jesus as my personal lord and savior two i believe that my my mistakes and my failures the bible refers to his sin is forgiven because of what jesus did on calvary for me and three is scripture says the same spirit that resurrected jesus from the grave will come in me at the confession of my faith that i want jesus as my savior so if that's you in this room video experience or online one two three will you raise your hands god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you hey in the video experience somebody told me kayla told me that there's more salvations in the video experience than there are even in this room so if you raise your hand guess what there's somebody in there that sees your hand going up and you're not raising your hand so i can see you you're raising your hand so that god could see you you're saying i want god i want jesus as my savior you're watching this on replay on youtube guess what this invitation is for you too if that is you we're going to pray a simple prayer of faith with you and we're going to do it together to let you know that you are not alone in this decision you've got a family a jacked up torah from the flora family that this is celebrating you and applauding you because this journey is not meant to be done alone so we're going to pray a very simple prayer if you raise your hand and you mean that in your heart that you want jesus to be your lord and savior then confess it with your mouth will you bow your head will you say jesus forgive me of my sins today i choose you as my lord and my savior cleanse my heart cleanse my mind cleanse my conscience today i choose you fill me with your spirit to do what i cannot do in jesus name amen and amen hey we are celebrating yes church we know we know that there's a celebration way better than anything in our living room for people stepping into eternal destiny with the lord now i also know we're going to create space that there are people going through what feels like a horrible storm and we're going to create space and latitude yes we're here to celebrate but i i want you to see a glimpse of maybe the other side that god has not abandoned you that you are not alone that he can calm the storm in his time the question i'm asking is where is your faith if that is you and you need prayer our prayer team every sunday is ready to pray with you and anoint you with oil but here in this moment together in the video experience in living rooms on the podcast and in this room if you would like us to pray for you in this moment because you are going through a storm will you stand to your feet so we can acknowledge you and stand with you emotionally spiritually and prayerfully there's a lot of people standing up in this room i believe in the video experience the lord sees you the prayer team's there prayer teams outside as well but here in this moment for those that are standing thank you for your honesty i believe that the lord will meet you in your specific need whatever it is financial relational it's like psychological hormonal what you need the lord can comment spirit living god we invite you into this space and we thank you god we thank you that you are referred to as the prince of peace that you keep us in perfect peace because our mind has stayed on you for everyone who is standing right now lord god i pray an extra portion of peace i pray lord god for those that feel like they have been drowning and choked out lord jesus that you breathe air into their lungs today the first time even in this moment of worship there's going to be an inhale of you and your power and your presence we thank you lord god that the book is reminding us of the power and authority we possess as your people god i thank you lord jesus that when we know who you are it changes who we are so today we take our burdens we lay them at your feet we take our doubts and our skepticism and our negativity and we say god will you rescue us will you calm the chaos will you bring peace in the storm we need you to show yourself strong but we will not doubt right now lord god we will just call upon you for this act of worship in the mighty name of jesus we pray amen so much for joining us today but don't stop here if you enjoyed this message take a moment to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss a single video or live stream if this ministry has impacted you in any way and you'd like to partner with us to continue to reach the globe you can click the giving link in the description below be sure to share this message with a friend and join us live at 9am and 11am pst on sunday we love you and you have a seat at the table [Music] you
Channel: The Father's House OC
Views: 1,548
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Id: HN3HwVsccZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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