Picking Up Our SECOND RV | Class-C Walkthrough | RV Life

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foreign we are ready we are so ready and excited we have a huge day ahead of us um all the people out there all of you that have bought an RV before you remember how hard it was to find the right one and then actually go through with it and now we have the walk through day we're so excited today's the walk through day anytime you look for an RV you're not going to get it on day one you find the perfect one you do the financing everything is great and then comes the day of scheduling the walk through the walkthrough is almost the most important yes because that's the time you get to see your rig with the people that know you'll walk through everything yes and that is exciting exactly if you've never seen one before this is your video and you know what we have a three hour drive we found the rig but it wasn't anywhere near where we're at yeah so we're heading north we're gonna go there uh RV one and we're gonna have some fun yep let's go foreign [Music] okay so now the most important part doesn't actually run so what this will need is a radio an actual either CB or Micro mobile radio so you and I can talk to each other that's what we need we need the breaker breaker one night hey eastbound you got your ears on about a few miles past that chicken coop around yardstick 324 you got a city Kitty taking pictures because we're not gonna do cell phones that's true [Music] nobody's gonna come and say cash in too many empty favors [Music] spontaneous so we're dropping this for the first time we just got in we hit the road the moment I turned the right blinker on the side camera came on and the side camera showed me that we have a side compartment door that is open so now I've got to find some place to pull over to close that compartment door so new rigs you just got to figure them out [Music] [Music] All In all these are we running from fighting force or something to remind us that we're better than this poor love songs foreign so today's the day we are here at the RV one in Gainesville Florida where we're going to be picking up our brand new class C Gray Hawk Jayco greyhawk it's fantastic so this is the day we're gonna be doing the walk through uh we're going to take you guys along with us we're going to go through the ins and outs of all of it so we're pretty excited yeah we're super stoked we drove three hours to come here to get it and uh it's the big day you know what it's exciting for us I know it's exciting for you uh we got our badges so they already know that we're here we're waiting on them they're doing some last minute touch-ups and then we're gonna head on in yes yep new battery all your fluids have been checked uh we didn't change it because it's brand new literally just came from the factory okay that's fantastic uh again all your levels are completely full your air clean is clean everything's good so two questions yep brand new is actually great it comes from the factory that way and everything's fine if it were used what would be the things to look at in an engine make sure that the uh the maintenance has been up upkeep yep keep on the engine so make sure you have to change your record a history of it a huge thing is an oil change make sure they've changed their oils on a regular bases okay and is it normal to bring in a third party on a used rig I have not seen that here but I've seen people take them take them to their mechanic and look at it yeah but because you know it's a lot of money so we got to make sure when we take it for an oil change we go to Ford and have a book and have them stamp it so that we can prove so day one on any engine get a folder put all that in there and just keep your history going and that way when you go for a trade-in you can show the next buyer or show the RV dealership exactly what the life of this is and it helps with the value because nobody wants a used vehicle that you have no history of so step one this inspection is the only chance you have to have someone with knowledge and yourself to walk through your own unit yeah before you drive off and if you don't take the time here you're not going to know yeah so yeah but I understand yeah so you do have a generator right here and we didn't change the oil because it's brand new yeah four thousand one yeah plenty is that pretty good oh there's plenty for this okay all your tires have been torqued at 110 pounds on the lug nuts okay and they've got 75 to 80 pounds of air in each one okay they check everything before they real shiny that's the detailer yeah and she's right there don't don't focus on the shiny focus on the torque that's correct that's why people like I like the shiny water and I don't know if your fifth wheel has this this is a black water flush yep yes we can see you guys soon highly suggest you use it oh yeah highly suggest okay don't be like somebody else take this hose put it on there don't contaminate your drinking water you're like why oh no no because this this blue and white hose is sanitized this one is not the best thing to do is to have them different colors that's correct spices white and blue here green whatever color you look here I do you have a question yes about the black water flush is it better to have the black tank open to flush it out or do I close it fill it up and then empty it I would have it opened up because how this works I don't know if anyone has explained it to you no there's like a uh like a like a spinner inside oh it's sure it is yes it's high pressure tiny little holes that push water all over the tank sits in the middle to take the suspension when the water comes off oh that's fantastic we didn't know that yeah it's your it's your black tank sprinkler yes yes fill it all up and then just flush it so you don't have to do that because there's a spinner inside and some new today so one of the things we're looking for on this right here was a spare tire what we found out was it doesn't have a spare tire so if you have a class C double check and make sure that it actually has a spare tire and if it doesn't roadside assistant is absolutely one of the things that you need when you have these units we didn't know that we walked to the back it wasn't there now we know okay um here that's okay no this is your that's the water heater no no what's this look like this looks like refrigerator oh that is the fridge that's right ah this is your electrical compartment okay component yes this is your 110 plug you need to know that here's our resident fridge fixer this is your propane right here oh okay so it's propane and Electric Perfect all right so anytime you're looking at the fridge compartment remember two things every fridge has a defrost mechanism and what's going to happen is it's going to defrost periodically the freezer where does the water go here the water is going to get caught in this trough remember that and and put that on your checklist before you start driving peek in there to see if it's full before you throw water all over the place and not even know that it's doing it we have a residential fridge so we don't have a trough we have this shallow little pan so anytime we drive most of the time it's full of water and and you don't realize that but if you do that 50 times that's like throwing 50 glasses of water on the plywood and you're going to eventually start to have issues so keep that in mind also anytime you see wiring bundles on a brand new rig or a used rig make sure you go back and and get these spend about twenty dollars in in tie wraps or or any kind of ties that you can and zip ties and cinch this up so that these aren't spending their whole life chafing on any rough surface so twenty dollars and zip ties going through your coach is invaluable when it comes to traveling the country so remember that you have positions here okay so some reason they don't have the numbers up here you notice the flat plate has no numbers on it yeah but this is telling you where to put the numbers yeah okay you get it so what we're going to do is we're going to stop by Home Depot grab some numbers throw it up there and make it make it dummy proof one two three yep four five six there you go I think I think Emily has some numbers in her sticker book not magnets that's not a great idea sticky you're gonna put sticky ones on there right there you go reusable stickers yes so that's what I would do right there okay so as you're doing your walk through remember one important thing touch everything and turn everything on and off at least once if you see it inspect it don't pass the day up before you actually look at it because it's the most important time if it's gonna break break it here a lot of times people go out and they'll say you know we've got a campground on site to do to continue doing the Shakedown absolutely take advantage of that take your rig spend the night in it do your Shakedown turn everything on make sure it's running make sure the ACs are working the heaters are working the generators are working and everything's purring like a kitten before you hit the road once you hit the road everything changes yeah and that thing it makes it a lot more don't want to have to come back so yep you don't have to come back so we're just now finishing up the outside portion we've walked through all of it we've kind of looked at everything we Orient ourselves to this new unit and now we're gonna head the inside I'm ready to go let's do this if I can open the door oh look nice fancy stuff I can I can wipe my feet on the towel all right wow so now that you're on the interior what do you think it's so cozy it's so clean I want to take my shoes off [Laughter] it's fantastic ready to go out west outstanding all right let's start inspecting all right doesn't come down I'm gonna turn the battery back on it [Music] [Music] doesn't matter if the house works get it there just don't go anymore the slides are out in the awning too and what's nice is for someone as tall as I am and you can put this up too this gets out of your way I actually like the Cozy roof so we got a full tank of gas a thousand miles on it because I had to drive it here from Indiana that's basically what that is so any new vehicles not really going to be new because they they don't put this on the back of a truck and send it here they actually drive it so I guess you can say it's it's a slightly used weathered in a bit well at least we know it works so yeah cold as cold and if I go hot it smells like a new car [Music] s again [Music] we always get back up again [Music] this is one of those times where you just shake your head you're like I don't know I don't know what's going on the action they got alligators over here and over there the the ship's leaning a little bit we're going we're going this way this is one of those uh Lake Apopka Adventures is literally on the top 10 list of things to do in Florida definitely definitely free it's easy you can't pass it up there's thousands of alligators Birds species natural Refuge all at your own Leisure Pace spend the whole day here it's amazing in their natural habitat yeah or they're seeing you in your natural habitat like who's watching who when you go to an alligator farm they're watching you oh exactly there's so many that are in the water just looking up oh there's a big one over there oh yeah okay I'm holding on to the baby photography uh Pam what are you doing she's going out the window he's just chilling wow rare [Applause] Sophia you know what happens when an alligator gets you [Music] all they find are the glasses right here yep dad jokes [Music] [Applause] he's right there in the road you know the alligator we're in an alligator preserve he's right there on the road oh there's a bike there's are they coming this way yeah yeah there's people on a bike yeah yeah all right y'all got to see this oh no so this is our first traffic jam that we really don't know how to get out of there's an alligator in between us in the first car and and uh bicycles coming head on so something is going to happen well that's not something you see every day I wasn't gonna go to your left y'all be saving have fun [Applause] aren't you afraid that the alligators are gonna get you while you clean the windows I've got this and this I'll just Spritz them I was like really you want to brush your teeth yeah I don't feel comfortable not seeing what's behind me so let's go I'll tell you what that is a moat look at that thing don't worry I've got my trusted squeegee what's watching us right now a lot of things Pam what'd you think that was absolutely amazing I'm so the first time yep awesome alligators yes yes in the swamp in their natural habitat yes the best way to experience Florida up close yes and they're coming so like are you a little bit of fear a little bit of excitement all good things and now now we're going shopping yeah [Music] yeah my mom temperature and then sounds like we're going to Costco exactly shopping for food and camping supplies yeah yeah dresses for the girls yes and food yes perfect let's do it [Music] again [Music] [Applause] hello hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on hey Pam is this a shortcut yeah people so we got downtown Sanford and there's a festival with a car racing I'm not really sure but yeah there's lots of people that look so much fun but we're still on our way to look for Greek food so we found a little short part cut between an alley or in an alley or through an alley I even told Mama it was on this side and she said nope it was on that side maybe we should go to The Smiling bye songs I think you said bison three different ways what do you think tippet are you enjoying yourself any restaurant we used we get some Greek food downtown the winner in our books it is what do you think you like it [Laughter] so girls are you enjoying the hot dogs yes it was delicious yeah eliminating do you like the hot dogs yeah yeah awesome Costco hot dogs love them you're dead and what else are you doing foreign
Views: 26,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RV Life, RV Living, RV Tour, RVing, RV, Travel Trailer, 5th Wheel, Jayco, Jayco RV, Motorhome, 377RLBH, Midbunk, adventure, How to RV, RV America, Travel Vlog, RV Newbies, RVing with Kids, RV Homeschool, NorthPoint, gainesville florida, rv one, blue compass rv, class C rv, class c rv living, rv walkthrough, rv walkthrough checklist, new rv, brand new rv, motorhome, motor coach, ford e450
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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