Picking Up My 2021 Tesla Model Y - Good and Bad Surprises!

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so mine does have the dual plane glass so that means this model y will be even quieter so so i'll just call this a 20 21 model so today's the day i took delivery on my brand new 2021 model y yes i'm calling 2021 because it was just announced last week for the driver and passenger the windows are now using dual pane glass and guess what mine has it yes to my surprise my model y has dual plane glass on both sides and i was really shocked because i heard about it last week i know i placed my order about six weeks ago and i was afraid that i i wasn't gonna get it that wasn't gonna meet the cutoff and i was really bummed out by that because if i just miss it i'm like man i should have just waited one more week and guess what i took delivery and i'm really really really happy about it so i consider myself owning a 2021 model y although i know tesla doesn't go by year destinations but i'm just going to call it that anyway so this video i want to share with you my experiences in terms of what are the final steps you need to do before you take delivery and what happens when you take delivery and i'm gonna share with you some surprises good surprises and not so good surprises there was more disappointments again and when i say again i'm talking about the whole buying experience there are just a lot of things that people don't talk to you about or tell you about right so if you're interested in buying a tesla doesn't matter if it's a model y s or x or 3 you should click above right now and check out this video i create a video about how to buy a tesla and i know you've been on a configuration page a million times already you think you know how it works but afterwards that's where it gets interesting right in terms of selecting your finance the numbers the hidden fees involved yes there's a lot of hidden fees and some other considerations you need to know about so make sure you check out that video if you're interested in buying a tesla also if you're interested in learning more about the model y or the s or the x make sure you stay until the end of this video and i will link my full review video so you can check them out alright so next let me show you what i recorded today i just used my phone it was on the fly but i recorded myself right uh going to the dealership taking delivery right i'm going to show you what i found the good surprises and also after i get home some of the bad surprises things that i think you guys will be interested in hearing about and learning more about so take a look and enjoy today's the day i'm going to pick up my model y it's been about six weeks it was delayed for a week it got postponed but i'm on my way the only thing i need to bring is a pen that's it everything is done online so when i get there i'm supposed to text uh the dealership um a picture of my driver's license that's it they'll unlock the doors i'll get in supposedly paperwork will be waiting for me inside and then i sign it and bring it back right so let's see how the process is and let's see if there's any body gaps when i get there all right guys i'm here at the dealership so this is my model y it's sitting here kind of by itself and then when you approach it they put a little sign in the dash as you can see congratulations a little late but upon inspection quick inspection you know i reviewed my friend's model y before and i know there's a few places like over here by the hood that's generally like um like a like an issue with quality but not on this one actually the the front the frunk hood is perfect and looking at like this pretty good i think mine may have lucked out look at you know the the body gaps are pretty darn good see like all the way back here over here this seems to be a common problem but no that's pretty good let's look at the back here the tail lights right usually sometimes this is a little big but no that's a line pretty good all perfect over here wow i may have lucked out because i don't see any issues right now look at this yeah that's perfect that's perfect oh maybe over here a little bit ah this is a little bit wider than below but as you can see the bottom is a little bit narrow but that's not too bad overall i think i i got a winner here i don't think this is uh uh i think this was built with quality all right let's take a look at it inside these one of the new features to the model y and i believe i did receive it so this may be maybe one of the very first ones that actually um that got released with the dual pane glass this is what i'm talking about look at it yes it is so mine does have the dual plane glass so that means this model y will be even quieter so so i'll just call this a 20 21 model because this one has dual pane glass and the range increased slightly oh look at this look at this all right so i gotta do some paperwork uh and i'll continue on once i uh once i get the model y home all right i'm home i'll admit that i've been driving around for a while i've been fooling around with this model y looking at all the settings and features there's some things that i didn't know about there's a few disappointments too so i will get to that in a little bit but first you know i want to talk about what you need to do when you pick up your tesla in my case i had a friend with me kind of showed me what to do but number one you do need to hook up your two key cards you need to hook it up to the computer system so that uh they act like your keys but after that after that you could also hook up your mobile phone through the mobile app and once it's connected that's it your phone acts like the key and if you didn't have your phone and ran out of battery you could use the key cards as your key so let me show you how to do that i think that's pretty important so when you pick up your tesla they don't really explain this to you in detail at least not right now so my friend actually walked me through the whole process is very very easy to do so when you pick up your tesla you're given these two key cards and these act like your keys there there's no key fob i think you'd get a key fob as an optional thing but this is what you get and you do need to pair this with your tesla right away then you can pair your phone so when you do set this up for a first time it does want you to put one of your key cards over here okay uh that's kind of one of the security measures so unfortunately i did that already at the dealership so the first step is to actually get your key card synced up and when you do so it's going to say hey put your key card over here okay it's set up then when you do the phone uh then it's gonna ask you the same thing put your key card over there and you and then it'll it'll set up the phone so that's how you do it that's one of the first things you need to do when you get your tesla in fact it's not one of the first things it is the first thing you need to do because at the dealership after after they basically engage the car and make it yours you have to do this they don't actually set up the keys for you so you do have to figure out how to do that this is my mobile app and you can see the phone key is connected so this is pretty simple um all you have to do is make sure that your bluetooth is on so you connect up your bluetooth and you could do so up here you can see there's a bluetooth button right um so i have my phone paired up already but if you need to add a new device it's just like any other car hooking up to bluetooth right you go into bluetooth mode on your phone and and uh you'll see it and connect like for my for me i've connected priority device because i'm the main driver same contacts messages china new messages um you know the usual stuff afterwards then uh within the app i can go ahead and use this as a phone key all i have to do is click into it and basically set that up and that's it so to show you i'm just go forget this vehicle okay so now you can see phone key set up your phone as a key right and then i will get go start searching finishing up that's it success so that's it now you see it is connected and it's available as a key and it's that simple now um you don't have to worry about carrying around these cards right these cards are only for emergency so you can put one in your wallet at home but as long as you have your phone with you um you could start up your tesla anytime and that's really really cool so i mentioned already there are some good surprises and some not so good surprises there's two things that i found pretty disappointing i didn't know about them until i got home number one is with the mobile charger tesla now only gives you uh this which is the 110 adapter for your your mobile charger and with this if you're just plugging into a household outlet you only get about four miles three to four miles of range per hour which is really really slow especially with a tesla it just does not work so you definitely want to upgrade this and i mentioned this in my other video already in terms of things you have to watch out for when you buy a tesla so i have my plug all ready to go but unfortunately i have to get another adapter and i call my tesla dealership they don't have it in stock they don't carry it you have to order it from the website and it's 35 so again another another fee that you do need to pay and i i was really disappointed by this i really thought tesla would include it but they told me the salesman person told me that tesla stopped giving it out in 2020 for some reason so be aware of that and the other thing that's kind of disappointing is this you know what i want to program at tesla to open my garage home link is not built into the model y for some reason i heard it was early on it was on a description page but now it's taken out and it's it's an optional thing you have to go into tesla store you could order it it's about 300 and suppose you can't install yourself after you get it then you could bring it into a service department to to add on but man that's disappointing uh that's kind of like a basic thing almost all cars out there have some kind of homelink integration right i'm not even talking about luxury cars just regular cars i don't know why that was removed i mean i think that's an essential thing especially when you have summon right imagine programming home link to open up garage and then summon your tesla out right so i don't know why that was taken out so that's also very very disappointing so these are two things i didn't know about i was surprised by them and not in a good way so hopefully you enjoy this video i do plan on making a lot more one of the reasons why i bought a model y is because i'm fascinated with tech i'm fasting with tesla and the model y is a fantastic luxury compact suv it really is a good suv and tesla just made it even better for 2021 but i do plan on making a lot more videos as the tesla evolves right as fsd gets better and there's a lot of upgrades that's available for example there's a performance upgrade already that decreases 0 to 60 time for 4.8 seconds to 4.2 seconds for 2 000 that's pretty amazing that's like adding on additional 50 to 75 horsepower for two thousand dollars over the air think about that right so there's a lot of stuff that's gonna be happening with the model y so i plan on producing a lot more videos also there's just things i wanna do because i think for my next video i'm going to do some exterior mods that i think some of you guys may be interested in and maybe you want to follow so it'll be kind of like a diy video my point is if you're interested in model y or intestines in general make sure you subscribe to the channel hit that subscribe button and the notification bell so you don't miss out on any of my future videos about my model y about tesla's and about cars in general because yes i do review a lot of cars and until next time take care bye
Channel: Drivers Only
Views: 198,614
Rating: 4.7642126 out of 5
Keywords: 2021 tesla model y, tesla model y, picking up model y, picking up a tesla, taking delivery of tesla model 3, taking delivery of a tesla model y, taking delivery of a tesla, tesla dual pane glass, tesla dual pane windows, newest model y, newest tesla, 2021 tesla, 2021 model y
Id: X0V9cFfFSEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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