PICARD Season 3 Episode 6 BREAKDOWN: Every Hidden Ship and Star Trek Easter Egg

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human remains in Star Trek Picard episode 6 the Bounty all the skeletons and the claws that are coming out and by skeletons in the closet we literally mean there are two very famous dead bodies from Star Trek Canon are revealed to be stored at the same station basically in the same room [Music] who am I this episode has so many awesome member berries and Easter eggs at the plot literally consists of the Titan crew splitting up to essentially go to two different locations daystrom Institute in the fleet Museum each stuffed with different kinds of Easter eggs so welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy and this is all the Easter eggs references and little things you might have missed in Star Trek but Cards season 3 episode 6 the Bounty the episode begins with the Titan running away from Starfleet ships controlled by changelings all while dropping decoy transponders three different Starfleet ships converge around one of these transponders these ships are the USS tremble which is a deuterstott class starship like the Intrepid from last week but not the same ship it's probably named for Doug tremble a VFX Pioneer who worked on Star Trek the motion picture and of course Blade Runner seen things you people wouldn't believe the other ships are the USS Yorktown which is an Echelon class ship and an Excelsior 2 class ship and the USS Maestro named after the Vulcan Explorer from the Enterprise episode carbon Creek Maestro was the greatest Vulcan of all time mostly because he was a huge fan of I Love Lucy I Love Lucy is on tonight over on the Titan Jack has more bad news as we learned that he has irimotic syndrome Picard wonders if Jack got this from him saying now this is the same neurological disorder that Jean-Luc was diagnosed with in all good things the series finale of The Next Generation many people continue to live normal lives for a long time after the onset of aromatic syndrome Jack asks his dad how did you survive it John Luke reveals that he didn't survive it and aromatic syndrome is eventually what killed him in Picard's season 1's finale of course at the time Jean-Luc was reborn into a synthetic body which is why Jack says all right the positronics sir Rick Jackson in that red collar and going all born identities because he's got aromatica what's it called well maybe but in all good things not everybody believed that Jean-Luc was really shifting through time but instead they thought he was hallucinating because of aromatic syndrome oh okay sir and next gen Beverly and will thought aromatic syndrome is the reason Picard was going on loopy and now they think aromatic syndrome is why Jack is so stressed out his aromatic syndrome just like when people say they have bad allergies even though they've just been doing drugs Nobody Does Drugs in Star Trek you sure about that I'm assuming you're not referring to cannabis sadly no oh I'm not sure about that anymore no so as Wharf and raffy being once the Titan we hear an original series era transporter sound effect [Applause] foreign is also wearing a Starfleet uniform for the first time this season Picard greets were saying it's been far too long and Worf replies that it's been 11 years five months four days which means Wharf has not seen Picard in person since about 23.90 or 23.91 which would have been after Wharf was the captain of the Enterprise E in the 2380s war first captain of the Enterprise how come I don't remember that because you don't read the books it's not my fault I'm a little dog okay so in the novel The Last best hope Picard left the Enterprise and Wharf became the captain this was confirmed by the official Star Trek Instagram logs which state that Wharf became the Enterprise e-capped at around 2381 but wasn't still Captain by 2386. either way Wharf hasn't seen John Luke after he stopped being captain of the Enterprise all of which happened off screen but the number of years Warf hasn't talked to Picard is also an Easter egg 11 years five months and four days is very similar to the exact amount of time the Spock served with Captain Pike which as he stated in the Menagerie was 11 years four months five days the running joke that everybody secretly hates Picard's wine continues when Warf refers to the wine as the annual bottle of sour Mead and that even says it is quite tart sir all right that must mean that like Klingon blood wine is really sweet like Kool-Aid well dwarf dead love is prune juice it's an earth drink prune juice Warriors drink but blood wine in Star Trek was actually created by this character from the show Enterprise this is your mom Wharf briefs the gang on the background of the Dominion War specifically that time that Starfleet used the bespoke virus on all the changelings this references several episodes of Deep Space Nine including when it rains Extreme Measures and broken link now at this point in the episode the Titan gang splits up and heads to two different places the offside daystrom Institute and the fleet Museum on 8th and prime the action is intercut between these two spots but each location has more Easter eggs than most entire episodes of other Star Trek shows so let's talk about daystrom station first when Rafi Wharf and Riker first beam onto the station we actually hear data's voice before we see him because he's one of the voices of the computer thank you thank you have a wonderful day Wharf says that this station contains many of section 31's most nefarious table scraps it would seem Riker and Wharf have a brief moment where Warf explains the super secret clandestine organization critical division of Starfleet intelligence but Riker confirms that he knows who they are this lamp shades the idea that in Deep Space Nine nobody knew about section 31 until Bashir kind of blew their cover apparently by 2401-ish people like Riker know too Riker and Wharf walk by several huge Easter eggs at this point including something called Genesis device 2 which references the terraforming Tech from The Wrath of Khan we even hear a cue from James Horner's score when the Genesis device is glimpsed right after that we see a screen telling us that the remains of Captain James T Kirk are stored here back in Generations Kirk time traveled via the Nexus from 2293 to 2371 where he died after helping Kirk whoop Dr Soren who am I the card buried Kirk on Virgin 3 under a bunch of rocks but apparently section 31 dug him up and put his body here and yes we have confirmed with Terry matalis that these are Kirk's remains and not just his skeleton Kirk's date of death on the screen is in the 2370s which checks out with the Nexus action and generations Riker and Wharf also encounter a genetically modified Tribble which Riker calls attack triple Riker teasing Wharf about the Tribbles recalls the DS9 episode trials and tribulations in which Odo teased dwarf about the great Tribble hunt tell me do they still sing songs of the great Tribble hunt as the daystream AI scans Riker we see Will's service record complete with a photo from the Nemesis era of Trek This Record also lists Riker's birthplace as Alaska and references his dad Kyle Riker who we first met in the TNG episode The Icarus Factor okay foreign s attacked the landing party in the form of a holographic Crow which data dreamed about in the TNG episode Birthright part one we're then confronted with Professor Moriarty played by Daniel Davis who first played the holographic version of the Sherlock Holmes villain in the TNG episode Elementary dear data Moriarty sane I think therefore I act is a quote from Renee Descartes but also references Moriarty saying this exact thing in the second in his final TNG episode ship in a bottle I think therefore I am Riker knows that this is not the same self-aware Moriarty that we encountered on the Enterprise which means that the original holographic Moriarty is probably still stuck in that holographic simulation that Jordy and data cooked up and ship in a bottle Moriarty is plagued by a song that he can't quite get out of his head which Riker realizes Pop Goes the Weasel a tune that data was trying to whistle when he and Riker first met an encounter at farpoint the episode actually flashes back to that exact scene in which Riker whistles and data says this tender moment actually should Unbreak Your Heart because in Nemesis after data died Riker was so grief-stricken that he couldn't even remember the song that data was trying to whistle already did he couldn't get the tune right and remember the song throughout the episode we learned that this new version of data is a composite of data lore B4 and Alton soon data's human brother who was first introduced to Picard season one now at different points in the episode both Rafi and Picard mentioned that data has already died twice which references his physical death and Nemesis and the death of his living Consciousness at the end of Picard season one and our little life is rounded toward the end of the episode Jordi makes the distinction that everybody previously knew data the Android but this is data Crusher notes that this humanoid synthetic data is similar to the synth body that Picard inhabits saying he's like you and Jordy says this data is synthetic but human quietly and quickly this line from jordy's cement data's lifelong dream but I would gladly give it up to be human this is why Riker nicknamed data Pinocchio and on some level data's desire to become a real boy has finally happened making the story of data in Star Trek possibly the longest running Pinocchio story of all time but again this is still a composite of different personalities which is why data says there are many of myself inside days from Android m510 and by the way having a day stream AI with the prefix M5 references the first appearance of Dr Richard daystrom and his M5 computer from the original series episode The Ultimate computer and speaking of TOs and the classic films it's time to warp back to the other massive Easter egg basket in this episode the fleet museum at 8th and Prime as we mentioned in our first Picard season 3 video the name Ethan Prime references the character of Ethan Cole from Terry vitalis's 12 Monkeys played expertly by the legendary James callus when the Titan arrives at the fleet Museum we learned that this place houses every legendary this is a fun final resting place which kind of makes this place like a giant Star Trek toy box but like for real if you squint you'll see the original Stargazer a Romulan bird of prey and in a very deep cut we later see the refit version of the nx01 Enterprise which was never seen on screen but it was imagined by Doug Drexler for Enterprise season 5 which of course never happened if you squint it also appears there's at least one katinga class Klingon battle cruiser and an original series style Constitution class ship here called the New Jersey which was originally captained by your mom wow it's your oven in one video yep you thought you were safe but you weren't Shaw mentions that this is the old space dock which seems to imply that this is literally the same space stock which first appeared in the Search for Spock later when Jordy and Picard chat Jack and seven scroll through the greatest hits from the fleet Museum starting with the defiant from Deep Space Nine and we hear the Dennis McCarthy theme from that series that one is the defiant and then the big one the USS Enterprise a which is the second classic Enterprise from the original movies first introduced in the Voyage Home and it's the only one of the TOs era ships that can truly be called Kirk's Enterprise since he was the only captain of it we last saw the Enterprise a on screen in the Undiscovered Country where it was thrashed pretty badly but it looks like Jordy has fixed it up pretty nice for the museum this is nice we also hear the Alexander courage composed classic Star Trek's name would we see this Enterprise this is my personal favor Kirk's Enterprise and the Nostalgia just keeps coming when we see Voyager and we hear the Jerry Goldsmith theme from that show oh she's a beauty seven points out that she made her name farther out than any of those other relics had ever gone which is true the fact Voyager was stranded in the Delta quadrant for most of its time in service proves that by default technically it has boldly gone the furthest of any Star Trek ship ever this brings us to the central Easter egg of this episode and one that isn't just there to look pretty the HMS Bounty the name of the episode is called The Bounty which could have referenced the idea that the Titan crew was being hunted but really foreshadows how important this old stolen Klingon ship is to the story in Star Trek for the Voyage Home bones renamed this stolen ship the HMS Bounty after the crew ripped it off from Doc Brown in the Search for Spock Bones called the ship the bounty in reference to the novel Mutiny on the Bounty which was in part based on real events from 1789 in Star Trek history this is the ship that Kirk and crew took back in time to figure out what Jack calls here the whale thing S7 talks about the ship going missing in San Francisco Bay we hear Leonard rosenman score from the Voyage Home the HMS Bounty from the bottom of San Francisco Bay now at this point Jack realizes the ship has a cloaking device which sets into motion his plan with Sydney laforge to steal the cloaking device device and install it on the Titan now the idea that Jack steals about these 23rd Century cloaking device and puts it on the Titan has actually been foreshadowed by the closing credits since the first episode of Picard season 3 in which we've seen a diagram of the cloaking device complete with Klingon writing and the classic cloaking sound effect the idea of a federation ship using a stolen cloaking device started with the original series episode the Enterprise incident but also featured in the TNG episode the Pegasus in this episode Jordi points out that having this cloak violates several treaties which probably means the Treaty of algeron which was also referenced in the Pegasus in this treaty the Federation agreed to never develop cloaking Tech in the Treaty of algeron the Federation specifically agreed not to develop cloaking technology but interestingly in the anti-time future from all good things in which Riker is a crank yield Admiral a souped-up version of the Enterprise had cloaking Tech Beverly was divorced from Picard and Jordy had daughters named Sydney and Alondra what about the little ones Brett elandra and um Sydney so with the return of LeVar Burton as Commodore Jordi laforge we meet his other daughter Alondra played by Burton's real-life daughter Mika Burton now the younger the forge we've seen on the Titans so far this season Sydney laforge is played by Ashley sharp chestnut with the arrival of Jordy and the new version of data Picard's season 3 has officially brought the gang back together because even after Riker is captured he is reunited with Deanna Troy who is being held prisoner on vatic ship this marks the first in-person appearance of Marina service in this season so far no flashback no hologram just Troy in the present day we've yet to see the entire TNG crew together in one room but we appear to be getting very very close dude we're getting the band back together but the episode ends with an even bigger mystery because not only did daystrom station have Kirk's body they have Picard's dead human body from season one when Beverly says human remains and then data repeats that Jean-Luc Picard was the thing stolen by the changelings from daystrom station the biggest mystery of Picard season 3 is now what do the changelings went with Picard's dead body what does God need with a Starship are they making a Picard doppelganger a zombie Picard or maybe there's something in Picard's DNA that he passed on to Jack something maybe from his Borg assimilation that makes the changelings able to adapt to their new undetectable forms let me know your thoughts and theories down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy foreign [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 208,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Picard season 3 episode 6 breakdown, screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars, trek culture, picard easter eggs, data returns, star trek youtube, star trek easter eggs, easter eggs, season 3, picard season 3 episode 3 scenes, star trek strange new worlds, star trek breakdown, star trek picard, geordi, feleet museum, kirk's bones, picard breakdown
Id: xx1qhwfg4y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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