Pi Guide - Access Raspberry Pi From Anywhere In The World Outside Home Network | Start Ngrok on Boot

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hi Ann hello Rudy today in this video I'll show you all as to how you can access your Raspberry Pi or any other similar singular boat computers remotely from any part of the world away from your home network so we'll be making use of this tunneling service called n crock or ng ROK excuse my pronunciation so we'll be using the service called in crock to tunnel or port forward your ass play pile without tinkering any settings on your router so to get started you need to sign up for an account or the steps are pretty much straightforward for creating an account on in grog upon successful completion of the sign up you'll be taken to your in crop dashboard which will somewhat look like this so as of today it looks like this it could change in the days to come or months to come so as of today it looks like this so we need to download the N crock file or the software by itself so you have a list of options over here if you are taking a Raspberry Pi for example it uses Linux arm version of this software so place your mouse over that right click and choose copy address so you should have the SSH enabled on your pipe by default to start the end grok service you need some kind of an access to your Raspberry Pi so in this case I have connected to my Raspberry Pi via SSH using party so if you are just starting and you for unfamiliar with this there are plenty of tutorials out there in the web which teaches you as to how you can connect to your Raspberry Pi via SSH or putty I will leave the links for that in the description of this video so upon connecting to your Raspberry Pi type W get coarse paste that link and then close codes and enter so you can see the file name that has been downloaded it's called in croc stable Linux um dot you said copy that and prefix this filename with sudo fun music so this will extract the in croc file if you type LS command you can check the in croc file to be present okay so now we need to set up and rock as a service to do that I have already prepared a service or the system D file you can get that by cloning my repo or just download downloading the files from my report you can use git clone so this will download the in rock service file I have also included a sample configuration yml make use of that as well so next step is to authorize the end grok go back to your dashboard click on the autopsy on copy the authorization token or you can even copy the authorization command over here that is given copy that and paste it on your terminal now you will get a new location for your configuration file so I have already provided a sample for the Engram YAML or it is along with the get that you just clone so flu Nano Holmes slash PI or the directory where you have downloaded that in Rock service slash rock sample million so I have already created some tunnels over here just to save you some time you can copy that go back to the configuration file that was created paste it over here so I have created our three tunnels sssh the dashboard and the VNC to test the working of the end rock you can use in rock start all so as you can see here I have got all the three ports open the port number 22 for SSH and other two ones for my HTTP files so we can test the working of this so quickly what I'll do is I will disconnect from my home network and connect to my mobile hotspot so as you can see from here the party has closed as I have switched the connection open party again and copy this address paste it under the IP address part over here and under port place this one and now choose open as you can see no I have got access to my pipe even though I am connected outside the PI's Network okay so another example what I wanted to show you is the HTTP - code that I am using so I'm running a Paia where or the aircraft tracking service as you can see that as I'm connected or out of my network the dump is not running or the database is not accessible also you can check the status of your in Grove tunnels from the status tab over here so no as you can see I have replaced the IP address with the address from the n crock and you can see the aircraft or database accessed okay so so far we have checked and verified the working of the in crock on the pipe next step I will show you as to how you can set up the in crock to run on boot okay so far we have checked and verified the working of n crock so next I will show you as to how you can set it up as a service so to do that type sudo chmod plus x slash home slash PI slash in - service - scripts slash service install the dot Sh after this they remove the chmod plus and execute the service installer file sudo systemctl enable in grok dot service and then start so now the end rock will start as a systemd service on hood on raspberry pi you can check the status using sudo systemctl status in grow dot service so again we can quickly verify if the services are running properly or not so the second TCP tunnel that I created was for the VNC server which is on port five nine double zero or five thousand nine hundred so I have a tunnel created using the in grok again if I paste their address into the VNC viewer and now boom I can access my raspberry pi desktop also from anywhere in this world okay so that is pretty much it guys so that is how you can access your Raspberry Pi from any part of the world away from your home using in Crocker
Channel: Sid's E Classroom
Views: 25,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ngrok, raspberry pi, raspberry pi remote access, rpi, raspberry, single board computer, autostart ngrok
Id: _bskdNy38cI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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