Access Your Raspberry Pi Desktop from Anywhere with Internet

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you hey everybody welcome back to another circuit basics tutorial my name is Scott and today I'm going to show you how to access the Raspberry Pi with a remote desktop connection in the last couple videos I did I showed you how to access the Raspberry Pi command prompt one with a Ethernet cable connected to your wireless router and another with a Wi-Fi dongle or wireless adapter and that was all good but it only allowed us to access the command prompt raspbian has a pretty nice graphical user interface that a lot of people want to use and also other operating systems like raspbmc or XBMC you're going to want to use the graphical user interface rather than the command prompt but in order to do that we are going to need to install a remote desktop protocol server so start by going into putty login with your Ethernet IP or your wireless IP and install xrdp enter sudo apt-get install xrdp press enter and then yes to continue wait for it to download and install and then reboot now it's pretty easy to access the GUI if you're using windows all you have to do is search the computer for a remote desktop and you'll find the remote desktop connection application go ahead and open that up and then you want to enter your local wireless or Ethernet IP connect and you're going to be prompted to enter a username and password it's the same as the password and username for the command prompt pie and raspberry and here we are this is the raspbian desktop looks pretty cool it's got a drop-down menu up here all the programming applications it's got a web browser couple games some accessories got a calculator help files and some settings now this is all good we're connected over our home network you can see up here it says 6 that's my local IP address what if I'm not at home though and I want to access the Raspberry Pi what if I'm in Paris France and I want to access my Raspberry Pi well for that we're going to need to do something special we're going to need to do what's called port forwarding and I'll show you how right now first thing you want to do is open up your command prompt in Windows and enter IP config this is going to tell us our default gateway IP in my case it's router and we're going to use this to access the configuration settings of our wireless router so write down your default gateway we're going to need it in a second how to access your wireless routers configuration settings you can need to open up a web browser and then just enter that default gateway into the search bar login prompt for the wireless router if you've never been here before and you don't know what the password and username are try to enter admin as the username and then just password as the password that's it got me in here alright now we're in our wireless routers configuration settings there's quite a bit you can do here but for now we're just going to find the port forwarding settings so in my case that's under advanced and port forwarding make sure the port forwarding is enabled first of all and then find something that says add new or in my case it's at service so I'm going to click on that and we've got some options here so I'm just going to fill out each field one by one services name just other service name you can name this anything you want Limit Raspberry Pi connection and the service type you want to leave it at TCP / UDP now the server ipv4 address this is your local IP that you're using to connect if you're using Wi-Fi then you want to use your Wi-Fi IP if you're using Ethernet then you wanted to use your Ethernet IP I'm going to be connecting over Wi-Fi so I'm using my Wi-Fi IP and the start port is going to be three three eight nine this is specific for your remote connection so keep it three three eight nine and same as the end port keep that at three three eight nine all right so now we have our port forwarded and just one last thing we need to do and let's find our public IP address and there's lots of ways you can do this I just prefer to Google search what's my IP and it comes up here fifty point one twenty two point one twenty two point two to make note of that we'll need it in a second now we need to go to our remote desktop connection now instead of entering our local IP address we're going to enter our public IP address so I'm going to put fifty point one two two point one two two point two two now enter a colon and enter the port that you forwarded it to so three three eight nine we forwarded the port to port three three eight nine and we're connected so log in and we're in this will work anywhere in the world that you have an internet connection just enter that public IP and eat the port that you forwarded to and you'll be connected and there's also another way we can do this too if you have a iPad or iPhone there's an application called remote desktop server and I cover that in my blog post I'm leaving the link in the description section so you can check that out if you want to use it over your iPhone or iPad and be sure to leave a comment if you have any questions alright I'll talk to you later
Channel: Circuit Basics
Views: 347,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, circuit basics, how to access the raspberry pi with a remote connection, raspberry pi ssh, raspberry pi putty, remote access raspberry pi, remote access raspberry pi gui, remote access raspberry pi desktop, raspberry pi tutorials, raspberry pi headless, how to use raspberry pi without a keyboard, how to use the raspberry pi without a monitor, How to Access the Raspberry Pi Desktop from any PC or Mac, raspberry pi remote connection
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 22 2015
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