Access Raspberry Pi ports from anywhere in the world without port forwarding using

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hello everyone Miyagi to it a new video and in this video we will see how you can access any of the ports of res with my from anywhere in the world without port forwarding so as we know that port forwarding sometimes becomes a little bit difficult due to things like dynamic IP static IP and if you are behind the ISP then also it can be a little bit difficult so for that listen here I have a very easy solution using which you can access any of the force of raspberry pi over the internet and here you will use a service called remote dot it so let's see how to do it [Music] so in this video we are going to use a service called limo dot eight so basically using this you can access ports of your different devices so as you can see virtual private intended for secure private communication between your computer devices and people so basically you are it's it's supposed kloss platform so basically you can use it in on your android or from in your iOS or from a simple browser so basically from these kind of devices you can access the ports of your different devices so for example we can also install it in raspberry pi so in this video we will install it in raspberry pi and we will see how you can access the ports of press verify any ports of raspberry pi using your other devices and the most important thing is it's totally free so for personal use definitely for commercial use is not free but for personal is totally free so you can definitely use this so for using this access you have to create accounts so you just go to sign up and here you create a account and you okay and you remember the email address and a password because we will need this in we will need the email address and the password in future so after you create after creating that down what you have to do you have to get into your Raspberry Pi so here I am using putty for SSH but you can use VNC or deities Gemma connection whatever you want so ty username is PI and the password is raspberry in default so now I am inside my PI so the first thing we have to do is to update our PI so sudo apt-get update so it has got updated now after that we have to do we have to install this connected it's not connected its connect TD the there's new e actually and I don't know why they have give this name so basically this is the remote it to use remote it we have to install this one so I have already installed this there so it's showing that it's already in the newest version so after installing it you have to run the installer so basically whenever you want to change any settings in this remote it from your Raspberry Pi so for example if you want to add a port or something like that you have to use this same command ok sudo connect connect TD installer I will put all the commands in the description so that you can copy from there so now as you can see there are four options signed into your existing remote it account request a quote for new account enter a verification code so we have already created the account so we will definitely sign in into our existing account but using the two tree basically if you haven't created account you can create it directly from here so at first you have to enter two then you have to give your email address and then in your email address you will get a code then you have to press three and inside that you have to give you that code actually and then you have taken give the password but I think creating my account before is better so I have already created the account and we just need to sign in here so you we have to give our username the email address so you give you email address here and after that you have to give the password so the password of black-owned you have just created in that remote it account so you give it and after that just wait so as you can see it saying enter a name for your device so basically you have to give a name for your device because when you will open the web interface or promote it you will see that name okay so for example here I want to give it a name sparklers sparklers pi may be spotless pipe so this is the name of my device in remote it server now it is registering the device now as you can see so here if you see service name protocol an address board application so basically here you will see all of your ports and services you want to use so as I haven't currently added anything so there is nothing but after adding the port's you will see all the services ports here ok so now there are five options so attach a remote 8 service attach already installed a medical tool and application Limu bar service and then remove all services now you want to attach some services here services mean support so for example I want to attach so at first is press one here ok so we want to attach a port so that we can access the port from anywhere in the world now as you can see it is given already some options so it says a each of a port on a TV and see somebody mode so for example let's say we want to use this as h4 and SH what now you click one here and enter so you have to do all the things one time ok so after you do all the settings from the next time when you restart it you don't need to do anything else ok tool automatically get started so this is the one time you have to set up everything now as you can see that if all four presses 22 would you like to continue with the default 40 yes obviously we want to use 22 and now it is registering the port and as you can see the registered the port now we have to give a name to this service ok so I want to give it like sparkler is SH you can give it any name so the process is very easy but just you have to follow one by one now if you see there is one point process already added so as you can see service names battlers ssh protocol this is SH line a page is localhost port 22 and application of Htet okay so one phone is already added now let's say I want to add another process so here you can add any of the process may be VNC or anything but it may be it may be possible that you want to add any other kind of ports okay so the pores which are not available here in that case we have to use this custom TCP so 10 yupik here 10 and now it will say you to enter the port number so for example in my raspberry pi if you see port now in port number 5000 if you see 5000 I have Raspberry Pi cam web interface so this is my cam as you can see my hand so this is a camera and so I want to access this port actually this service from over the internet so I have to add this port number 5000 there so you have to write 5,000 and now you have to give a name give it a name so just do it and as it is asking the name it sparklers camera so like this you can add as many posts as you want and it you can actually even Alice a any of the ports you want okay so there is no restriction like you have to just erases HVS nothing like that so now as you can see we have SSH already added and TC camera already added so now we have two processes and now I think this two are enough for me right now for testings but you can add as many as four as you want so let me for now exit so click five here and you want to exit yes I imitates it now after exiting after exiting you don't need to do anything okay from the next restart it will automatically add this service will be started okay so you just you don't need to do anything but when you need to add more ports you just use this command again and do distance okay so next time when you lose when you will use this command you will already see that these services are already there now let's use this service so for this you just go to this page and then sign in you need to sign in with that account so also you can use your Android app I will show you in Android but for now let's see in the wave how it works so as you can see here you have to put your email ID and your password and as you can see here you can see the dipper here it will print see the devices so there are two devices currently which is now this is one of the previous devices I used boom pi and this is the current event and as you can see this status is like this tick sign did mean this means basically that your device is online okay so as you can see ready to connect that means it's online you can see the hardware I did our internal IP external IP ok this kind of things so here we want to access this so click here now as you can see we have two processes our class SSH and sparklers camera so we want to for example say you want to use back class SSH so you click here say is connecting so as you can see now it has give you this port and this this port number and this IP proxy basically so you copy it here from here then so here I am closing this actually it is put accession I am closing this one and let me switch my internet connection so basically this is one where the pi is connected RMS and this is where this is my phone's 4 spot so I will connect to it so that like you will understand that it is working over the Internet now I have connected to that this phone saw spot so basically I am in another network now I will open puddi puddi and here I will put this proxy so I will put this proxy here and we need to also put this old number here like this and if you see a connect as you can see it's a yes and login as PI and the password is you give the password and as you can see we are inside our PI over the Internet so here you can do anything you want so it will the speed will be differ upon your internet speed depends on your internet speed so you have a good internet connection it will be much faster but sometimes it can be there can be little bit delay if you have like your if your internet speed is not that good but you can do anything you want in this like this now let's check that camera so you go here and camera you click in the camera so this is more interesting because if you can access the live videos you can use your Raspberry Pi as a IP camera without port forwarding okay so it has give us this so you can just try to copy this you don't need to like this and you can paste the URL in your url bar and as you can see we have got this ok so as you can see I we have got this so for example if I want to use my local IP here give my local IP like 1/9 once it says 1:05 and this one this is my local IP there it will not work because I am out of the network ok so as you can see it's just it's not loading ok as I am in a different network currently but as but here as you can see we can clearly week you can see clearly we can use this so if you see you can see my hand that is working properly because we are using a proxy and we are behind the circuit connector remoted server so you can use this ok so like this we can use everything and so like this we can also use any node Android device ok so let's see so here in Play Store at first you have to search for a remote dot yet so you will get something like this the first one and here I have already installed this so after installing you open this and you will get something like this so you give D mail address and the password here and then login so after logging in you will see all the devices here so the first one is do we have just created and it's online so here the select one as you can see both the purses this is H and the camera so here I want to use the camera so you just click connect and after connecting you will get the links I mean the proxies actually so then you just copy the proxies and then you can use them like we do in the previous in the web browser so you just paste them in any browser and you will see the video so this is how you can access your raspberry pi foods from anywhere in the world over the Internet and I hope it was useful and if you like this video please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel because that motivates me a lot and thank you
Channel: SPARKLERS : We Are The Makers
Views: 47,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, Raspberry Pi,, access ports, over the internet, without port forwarding
Id: _B8E1dE5kW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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