Physical and Mental Strength Tips from Special Forces Veterans Jason Fox & Aldo Kane | MH Weekenders

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hello and welcome to mh weekenders i'm robert hicks and this is strength in numbers with aldo kane and jason fox aka foxy guys welcome hello how's it going um would you for the pleasure of our viewers um introduce yourselves very briefly aldo you want my going forward yeah my name is my name is abdul kane and um yeah i'm a adventurer explorer type person and um i know foxy from a few years back i'm foxy jason fox uh i've done a bit on tv used to be in the military and i do a bit of adventuring as well and i'm trying to disassociate myself from out okay it's not happening well guys thank you anyway for um being a part of this um i don't think we can start any interview without talking about what's happened over the last year um how has lockdown impacted you guys um i think uh for me it's it yeah it's been it's been hectic because i'd normally travel quite a lot with work so it was um a big set of anchors on and spent quite a lot of time at home three months without working and um fell through the gaps with the whole of pay and all that sort of stuff but um you know ultimately in a bigger picture you know i you know i didn't as yet get the virus and didn't lose anyone close by so i have all that to be thankful for yeah my i'm still the same it's sort of you know i was away actually when all the when it first kicked off back in uh march last year wasn't it and then i sort of rushed about what i was working on got cancelled i sort of rushed back from new zealand back to the uk and then it locked down but i sort of embraced it really had to sort of deal with what i could deal with and that was just keeping myself and my mind busy training and riding it out and then work came back actually when people could when people worked out what was needed to be done to get work done sort of like i got back out over the summer months and then obviously back end of last year it went into another lockdown and just sort of sat out i i actually got i actually got covered really yeah and um just greased it out no it was it was um i just lost my sense of taste and smell actually and then um a bit of a headache bit bit lethargic but i didn't it wasn't like some people have got it bad i would suggest mine wasn't but yeah that sounds that sounds like how you normally i mean [Laughter] what no taste and a bit lethargic everyone talks about coping and finding what worked for them is anything you did any like coping mechanisms or anything you learned from perhaps your time in the forces which you took into like what has been an awful like 12 months i am i i basically blocked aldo's number now i sort of just had a routine going made sure i exercised and um you know just was was busy in different ways did a bit more reading i do you know what i got i got comfortable with being bored i think boredom boredom is quite important actually people are scared of it and try and shy away from it but it's a decent thing to have it balances you balances your head out just to have a bit of time to sort of like think and plan other things as well really i think we we can get used to in back certainly in the military days you have everything planned out for you over by hour day by day week by week year by year um so for me that's kind of like how i even when i'm back now you know i'm back home for three weeks four weeks at time i'll plan that time almost hourly you know i go get up in the morning i'll do physio or exercise first thing in the morning i love calls for two hours i make sure i've got an hour outside so i just like block that time out and give myself that time to do whatever that thing is the hardest part for me in lockdown was blocking myself time to do stuff that was in my head non-productive like reading um you know i'd like to sit down and i get agitated want to do something and i i guess it was quite a learning curve to just actually sit down and be calm in our for the views you don't know in february we did a series of talking head didn't weeps in you guys i mean the video is now between them got a million views a thousand comments they are amazing comments as well all so positive um that february it was february just before yeah i'll tell you what i'll tell you what kovid's done is he's made everything before it seemed years ago yeah yeah um in the final part of the video you said there's only three things we need um daylight getting outdoors on social interaction three things which arguably majority of the country majority of the world really have been deprived of how did you cope then what did you do to keep on top of your mental health and physical health during those times that's that's weird because if we chatted about that in february that was before covert was even a thing um but those those three things i learned from from being locked up essentially locked down inside a nuclear bunker under the ground for 10 days on my own in the dark and i remember chatting to you guys saying that was it you know it's it's like the things that you take for granted are actually the the building blocks the foundations to good mental health and they're free you know it's not gym membership it's not um expensive trainers it's you know it's none of that stuff actually what it is is being able to exercise having the ability to exercise wherever you are um it's about seeing daylight and and being outside which was hard knocked down and it's about human interaction and you know essentially that those three things were kind of taken away so for me i was having to find a way of how to do that you know to start we were exercising in a house season then when it you know uh slackened off a bit we were able to go out and train in gardens and parks and um but really like giving myself i coped with lockdown with giving myself a routine um sticking to that routine and then trying to get exercise trying to get outside and trying to to speak to people i mean we had i was fed up with zoom by the end of it i have to say did you do any zoom quizzes oh i've done zoom quizzes with people who haven't seen for years and i'm thinking i wouldn't do a quiz with you normally why am i doing a zoom quiz with you now oh yeah i jumped on a zoom quiz review once you did that's what i was talking about oh there was a lot of that i did i did one with um with a few lads met you know fergie yeah and um may it ended it ended badly i don't think i've ever been so drunk yeah yeah that's it was it was hard like back then it was hard to because people we all the freedoms that we that we are used to in in the modern world you know we're kind of taking away for the greater good of of the population and and i think a lot of people struggled with that and you know if you're i remember from when i was living in london you know it's super busy but you can be lonely and alone in one of the world's busiest places and especially in lockdown so it's no wonder now that you know we're pushing on almost a year into it and and um you know mental health issues are are probably one of the biggest crisis tipping points that i've ever been in the country i don't know i suppose then i mean we sort of slack off zoom but i mean at that time there was that was the only web connection for a lot of people right wasn't it yeah it was it was good at the time it still is good to be fair it's just i read somewhere that it's actually more taxing on the mind to conduct a zoom than it is to have a phone call really or an in-person meeting because if you think about being in an actual meeting where there are people and you're sat opposite people you can see people's body language hand movements there's there's it's 3d you know what i mean whereas this is two-dimensional and and everyone's you know in not i mean not now because we're obviously having a discussion and we've done this before in person and we sort of know each other but like when you're trying to conduct like a proper meeting and all those things are important to gauge where you're at you your mind apparently is working a million times more harder to try and work out what the right decisions are how you should interact with certain people it's bizarre in it how they like over a period of time people will start making these um observations whether they're right or wrong it doesn't matter but they've come from somewhere yeah that's interesting one obviously fitness is such a massive part for both your lives um how did you manage to stay on top of your fitness or did you just sort of like go well this is going to take a hit for the next few months or did you just try and make it work because obviously we're stuck inside our own homes right we're kind of we're so we're going to use to like through years of of you know improvising adapting and overcoming you know you go somewhere you know and there's not a gym there and you have to set a gym up um or you go back to basics and you do calisthenic type work you do body weight working foxy and i were in um colombia was it two years ago foxy three years ago um 17 yeah whenever it was and um we went and we were doing we're doing body weight exercises every day for that three or four weeks on that trip and we were in a good condition when we came back from there um and that was just in bodyweight stuff so i think for me it highlighted that i don't need a massive amount of heavy weights and crossfit type exercise to stay in in good night you know i had hardly any kid it was good out there because there was a lot of um like kids playgrounds that don't get used so he was just clambering around these playgrounds like mucking about doing loads of pull-ups and stuff but for me i've it hasn't really taken a hit and i've got just as decent workouts being in the house and using you know people underestimate resistance bands those things are awesome they if you could if you like think outside the box with them and have a few extra add-ons like door jambs and that yeah you can do an awful lot with those resistance bands it's an interesting point because people get so high up on the gym and obviously it was it's devastating for the gym to close but it it does show that you can still get a decent workout and keep on top of your fitness at home or for that day right i think there's two things there you know one of them is yes the practicality is you can move a gym into your home and lots of people have found that's been better there's no travel time you know there's you know it's there you can go anywhere though you know it's it's you can do it two or three times a day if you want to but i think ultimately you know a lot of people go to the gym to socialize and to meet and to be part of that group in that collective um and that's you know that's almost if not more important than actually doing the doing the press steps and the shift in the tin it's the community as well isn't it i get a lot from going to the lads i go and see and you know chatting you know sometimes you're chatting a load of rubbish but at least you know you you're there socializing you're with people that are like-minded it's good to it's good to do that and it is something i'm looking for it's something i was looking forward to when we were you know when we were in that in that phase of lockdown whether it was one two or all the restrictions that come there after any um any moments where it was got it got really like a bit dark and it's like well this is just this is a struggle now was there any moments because i think i found i found the latter part of the year the hardest part knowing that we're sort of you know when they announce the vaccines and just there's hope and then you get pulled back a little bit like any times which you sort of struggled a bit more than than others oh thank you i am no not really i mean no no you know no more than usual you know the only things i'd struggle with the normal things like you know stuff going on whether it was admin stuff that i hadn't caught up with you know and i'll get a bit stressed because i haven't cracked something i wanted to but i think i've been i've been subject to sort of like being in situations like this because of the military whereas like so i can manage my mind quite well and i know what i need to do but don't don't think it's had a massive impact on me and that's not me picking myself up it's just something that i've been able to sort of over a period of time is learn how to deal with it and so and i'm a big believer in um not not getting overly phased out by things that are not in my control because and ultimately because of that i just roll with what i can roll with so yeah i'm not saying that that's it's never going to come and whack me but as it stands at the moment i've been okay and i've just sort of managed to keep myself busy and keeping myself occupied in my mind i don't know about aldo would you say there's lots of things so i was gonna say there's there's lots of things like being affected you know i've had you know probably six seven months of last year not working um not any money not doing the trips you know that all has a massive impact um down the line but you know a lot of it i don't have control over so we can chat about controlling the controllables and to quote like an old phrase of of like the universe is changing life is judgment like we you know you can say it's bad or good or whatever it is and however it's affected you but you ultimately can still try and have a choice and by being locked down everyone else was locked down so i think it was much more for me about just getting on with the things that would make me function better be better um or or able just to sort of like plow through the days really um fitness fitness and and that sort of stuff helped massively you know i was i was ending up doing like two or three hours a day pretty much in the garden and more stuff than i'd ever do mobility i was stretching more um just basically everything's slowed down a bit but you know that's what you know to reiterate what foxy said if it wasn't covered it will be something else you know we live in an incredibly volatile and and dynamic world where where if it's not a virus it could be warfare it could be you know something else you know it's these things will always come they'll always come it's not just this one thing it's just the bad shape will always happen um it's just you know the more you go through it the more resilient you become to it and if it's out of your control then all you can do is is control the stuff that you've got in your power to control otherwise you know what can you do would you say and the military life um has certainly helped you cope in these situations yeah i think so i think so definitely i think i reckon it gives you that outlook doesn't it that you can get through it yeah i mean i don't think obviously people being able to cope in this it's just it's individual but and i'm not you know i'm sure there's people that haven't been in the military that have dealt with it fine but it for for us calling upon our experience i think it's definitely helped you know we've i've been away for six to nine months at a time pretty much locked up not been able to do much um you know and when you do do something it's a little bit stressful so i think that's that's helped definitely with this i mean that doesn't take away from the fact that it's still been a very very odd time with with you know there is a level of you know not worry but you're like well i wonder i wonder what the outcome is going to be i wonder what you know what the next normal looks like i wonder whether these my faxes how quick they're going to come about and how quick we're going to go back to being able to do stuff like we always remembered we could and you know there's always that you're still thinking the same as everyone else it's just you're a little bit more in the now and realizing that we still we're still living and we still need to enjoy the now and not worry about the future because it hasn't happened and not worry too much about the past because it's done and dusted and you're not changing it you know whatever you're now is just still enjoy it you know you might be in your house but try there's still something to enjoy 100 you just got to be a little bit positive yeah got some reader questions as i say from our youtube videos there were hundreds of questions um i've just sort of picked a few yesterday um ryan heath says it's so good to hear men talking about emotion and mental health difficulties in an open and honest way but is that easier said than done how did um i i don't know i like for me speaking personally i have never been a sort of macho alpha chess beater sort of type of dude anyway like it's you know it's not necessarily what i do i've always been open to chatting and i know what foxy's thinking he's like you don't have a chance to be exactly what i was gonna say but um like for me for me like to my detriment i wear my heart my sleeve and i you know i always chat about stuff and you know potentially that's why you know foxy and i chat a lot because that's the way i answer with foxes but you know like when you when you go and do the things that that i've been doing certainly on like expeditions and trips or foxy has i think the more you do the less you require to be shouting about how hard you are and and all the rest of it and ultimately as foxy said that you know on the road or a cat there was a chat we were having about being on trips you know you can't be that that [ __ ] that's giving everyone [ __ ] because one day you'll be the one that needs to help and there's there's never been truer what's said you know you don't know what's around the corner and how you're going to be whacked by it and i think that's it's quite an important lesson i think a message i would like to get out there is the fact that blokes do worry about it you know me and aldo we talk and we you know and it doesn't it's not like we sit down and hold hands and like chatting about how we're feeling we sit down maybe with a bit i mean you know we had some stressful times out on the narcotics thing and we'd be sat on the balcony at the end of the day in in mexico which is a horrendous place and we'd just chat about the day chat about how we felt have a bit of a laugh stuff like that but what i'd like to say is you you know as guys you're you being able to talk and express what's going on in your head or in your body you're prolonging your life i genuinely believe that and you don't it doesn't it doesn't remove away from the fact that you're still a gnarly individual an individual you're still a you know alpha male bloke because i've got a lot of friends me and aldo got a lot of mates and some of the some of the hardest blokes i think i've ever met you know blokes in around the world and and we still find the time to chat chat chat about stuff it doesn't remove us we're not you know our masculinity's not being removed it's it's just you know it is something that needs to be done because the old school mentality of you know stiff upper lip don't talk about it ain't working because blokes are still taking their lives and so we make we have to be able to open up or get people to open up because it might you know the stiff upper lip might work for some but it's not working for a lot it's not working for a lot of people i've got a lot of mates as aldo and mutual as well you've gone and walked out into the woods just before christmas and hung themselves and you're like that shit's not it's obviously not working you know something needs to change and there needs to be another path opened up for people that need it and it doesn't remove anything away from you being a guy doesn't remove anything away from you being a gnarly individual if that's what you want to be it's just a different approach i mean what would you like to see i mean because we always say open up and talk but it is so difficult for some people and obviously the conversation it's never been more open talking about mental health i mean it's it's everywhere in the media yet it's still the issues still happening is there is there another step we need to go or is there now more time for actual things put in place rather than just talk about it get it off your chest i think there's sorry you go no mate um i think there's foxy probably knows more about it than i do but um you know from my point of view it seems like yes it's okay to talk and everyone should talk but it's it's like awareness that there's probably i'm guilty of it as well there's probably 10 or 15 people in my my phone book that i probably should be speaking to but i haven't picked up that phone for whatever reason it's busy like life's got in the way but yeah you're right maybe there's i think ultimately you know people do need to give themselves the best foundations from wherever they're starting and i think from my point of view that's being outside that's that's exercising it's you know it's it's getting out in nature and lockdown did prove that it it does elevate you a little bit to maybe allow you to see sort of um to see over the park because sometimes you can just be so involved in your quagmire of whatever that is that that you can't see a way out would you recommend proxy yeah i think we i think there's a big the conversation has been going on on a grand scale so as a as a society everyone's aware of this and there's a lot of people that are embracing it i mean what needs to happen now is because of that bigger conversation i think smaller groups your own networks need to start pulling together a bit and there's a bit of work to be done you can't just talk about it on a grand scale and then expect everything to just happen you've got to go out there and actually make time for your mates and create an atmosphere and an environment where you feel comfortable with chatting about stuff i mean i've literally i've just been on a three hour walk to get a few work phone calls done and at the same time i phoned up a few couple of lads i've not spoken to for ages checked in and then just realized that you know what the next time we can we're going to meet up and have a few you know a few bids it doesn't need to be that but i don't have a few beers and just and we just spoke you know i spoke to a few mates about how they're feeling you know lockdown's had an impact on work we've spoken about other people in the group that we've not chatted to for a while and you've got to put a bit of time and effort in and we don't but every now and again when you when it comes into it it's probably worth having a chat with someone and organizing you know a day out a weekend or whatever it is because it makes people realize you you're not alone and i think so so now like now that these big conversations are being had by society or by businesses industries whatever that you know it's they're being told that they've got to do that now because it's it's in their remit to make sure that they look after their people but now the ball is firmly in the court of us really and we've got to make a bit of effort and put a bit of effort in to actually make something happen and it's it's about creating those little groups you know those little networks of people and just reaching out every now and again you know you might might not want to but it makes a massive difference sometimes um dawn 101 she says apologies for my ignorance but why do soldiers who have whom have certain afghanistan and such all have beards is it a silent protest no it's just uh mate if anyone wanted to know why i got a beard i spent years shaving i've got when i first joined the marines at 16 i was told i had to shave i didn't even have any air to shave so i ain't shaving anymore i haven't had a wet shave in a long time and it's got nothing to protest it's just it is admin i can deal do without and it tears your skin apart as well and then the more you the more you have a beard the more you then think god my face looks really weird without it yeah yeah at least at least with a beard they've got a chin that i can be prone to i grow mine to cover my double chin brandon um i'd like to know more about why you left the forces and whether you had any regrets um obviously in the video we know about your tale about the gas sales aldo but he also wants to know what you turned your hand to jason and then how that went when you left leaving i am yeah so i ended up i did actually get i left it was a bit lost for a period of time then i got given i basically got given a job out of the kindness of someone's art i wasn't right for it but they said have a job and see how it goes and learn what you need to learn and i was a sort of project slash logistics manager for a facilities management company and it was pretty much like aldo's gas salesman job where i was not in i was in the wrong place and i was struggling with um it was to be fair it's a culture shock i'd gone from working in an all-male environment in this in the special forces you can sort of imagine what that was like to well i didn't have to worry about my p's and q's and whatnot and then i was in an environment where i did and i couldn't work out and it was a struggle to begin with i actually spent so i did have a job actually but i and it was fortunately for me at the time it was it was linked to the military so they were they were they were a business that delivered facilities management like cooking and cleaning to the military so i had access to establishments and literally people in that business used to be like where the where is that bloke where's mr fox and i was literally in i had access to all the military gyms which are very well kitted out and i'd just scurry away there and hide turn my phone off and no one could fight it's a running joke now i'm still mates with a guy that gave me the job he's the ceo and he was like mate no one could find you we i knew where you were but no one could find you i became mates of all these lads that were in the army oh how's it going they're like i used to i used to blag it i was like they were like are you in the military oh yeah yeah yeah i'm just yeah i'm moving around i wasn't i've left like a few years before aldo do you just want to quickly remind people what the um in case they haven't seen the video um your british gas or was it british gas or your your tail anyway uh it was just like i think we were chatting in the video about like what he did it's easy to see someone where they are now and say well it's you know it's easy to call them but um like we i think we were chatting about how hard it was to readjust from leaving the military and getting into normal jobs because all i'd ever wanted to do was be in the marines since i was about 12 or 13 and then here i am out my own volition having made the choice to leave and go out and ended up basically i think the first job for months was trying to sell gas and electricity to to planters up in up in the northeast of scotland and then it like it was one of the most so destroying jobs because hey i didn't like lying to people and be um like i was so [ __ ] at sales that i wasn't making any money i i'd left military earning like i don't know eleven hundred quid a month and then went to earning like 200 quid a month or something because i was so crap at sales um and then i had a door slammed in my face the last the last day when i stopped working for them and and i i basically just had this massive meltdown in this guy's front garden like stripped all my uniform off through at the door like to throw my fleece in there and ended up like walking back to my car just like in my truck and these like weird blue work trousers and nothing else um and then and i realized that i'd launched my keys at the gas front door as well that were in my so i had to go back and pick up my keys and then leave but um it was just i think we were chatting at the time about just how you know like how that i suppose i always had that viewpoint of where i needed to get to it's just you got to do that you got to do the hard the others and the graph to find out what it is you don't want to do you know there's one more job you made a good point jason as well but you learn more from your mistakes right and the failures you don't you don't learn from succeeding in doing well you know yeah you better especially for anyone that's changing career don't be down heartened by maybe thinking you're going into something that's awesome and then realizing it's not that's that's actually a good thing it's part of the journey you might see it as a negative but try and realize that you're just learning that you've just found something that you shouldn't be doing and that's it you know at least you've come to that realization it's something that you you know if someone's listening now and they're going through that phase where it feels a bit dark trust me stick with it because in a in a in a little bit of time you'll be doing what me and aldo have just done and laugh about it and actually you'll suddenly realize that it all means something yeah um l4 289 um how do you keep on top of your emotions especially something as red hot as anger any tips to keep calm i acknowledge it don't ignore it if you ignore it it'll come back with a vengeance and it won't go anywhere and you'll end up punching a hole in the wall or something stupid like that obviously talking out of experience but um you got i step i tend to try and take some deep breaths you know when you get those weak in the military they call them combat indicators but it's basically a warning sign that something about is about to change and you get them in yourself you know when you're the red so if we're talking about anger the red mist the hairs on the back of your head whatever it is you can feel yourself go fuzzy i'd suggest you sort of like to step away from the situation take a few deep breaths and think about what your next move is because ultimately there's another saying from the military which is you don't want to be rushing into your own death and that means take a chill pill and like understand that there's change coming and it's you know you need to think about saying before you react you know we're all human we still do it i still do it but i do i try to be more aware of what's going on in my head i think the same with fear same with anxieties you need to just if something's changing give it the response it's recognizing it isn't it yeah but we um that's just but the recognizer the recognizing it comes from being a bit more conscious being a bit more like if you feel a certain way have a think about it before you react because you'll always know how many times do you regret a reaction that's what i was going to say so like a big big one for dealing with anger is to think about all the times that you've been angry before and what an absolute fool you've made of yourself like i'm speaking from experience i'm dropping off at that person you know who pulled out in front of you you know like yeah and actually getting angry to the point of i'm not going to back down what support you know i'm not talking about getting to fist fight i'm talking about getting to an embarrassing point where where i look ridiculous through my losing my temper and my cool and you know it happens it happens sometimes on expeditions things get heated up and that happens but actually the embarrassment comes later when you then have to apologize for your behavior and that's you know ultimately that's now what you know if i'm about to get angry it's it's is probably what drives it more than anything else is to not do it the embarrassment is actually what then drives even more anger but ultimately you look cool if you don't lose your call yeah fine it's good fight um last of the reader questions agent harris you want to know the last time you were both genuinely scared i've got i mean one of the times i was genuinely scared i was with aldo and it involved a black rhinoceros those things are angry and it charged unfortunately they're also blind so it didn't charge in the right direction and it missed us so that was one i had one last year with a i might have mentioned it but grizzly bear so anything to do with wildlife big wildlife puts the absolute ebg bees at me what happened with the grizzly bear it was just it was it was hungry and it chased us and ultimately the the the brief is from the wardens before you go out into these these places of wilderness they say no matter what you do whenever a bear confronts you stand tall and stand your ground you don't you run the thing's massive and you can't reason with wildlife aldo am i correct yeah yeah that's uh we i was going to say so that time with the black rhino so i've got a black rhino charging at us which is blind and incredibly um good hearing and then i've got foxy who's wide-eyed and about the same sizes of rhino charging at me as well um so that was that that was uh do you remember it the bloke the bloke that was with us the ward it was if it charges it you stand behind and he was out you can stand behind like a blade of grass i'm like that's doing nothing i'm not yeah where's the biggest tree anyway all i had to do was all i had to do was outrun foxy yeah but i yeah i get we you know we've um i do a few of the expeditions and things and certainly like on the narcos um i was genuinely you do it you got on with it but on the shoot with foxy there was a couple of times when you know things could have become quite messy and horrible and and i think when you're in the middle of it you're obviously dealing with the physical attributes of of fear or excitement or whatever you know you what that feels like physiologically but then it's also at the end of when that thing happens when you're going through the emotions of replaying the tapes the end of the day of the week or whenever that incident happened and that's ultimately when you know when you can when you then think about how bad the situation was um so i think maybe the same as foxy you know that this narco stuff and then inside a volcano when it was was erupting was you know i was almost down on the bottom of it and again it was you know anything to do with wildlife and nature i can kind of compartmentalize as is as an objective danger and and and be rightfully scared of it um yeah it's there's there's no shame in that we we both chat about it you know we both are regularly quite quite scared in our jobs but that's that's normal that's what keeps us alive with that sort of wildlife stuff and i mean i i wasn't in the volcano i can only imagine it's absolutely petrifying but when it comes to mother nature and animals you can't reason with them you know like if there's a situation going on with people there's you have got an opportunity most of the time to try and calm something down if something looks a bit you know sketchy because there's people and you know that they they do possess some form of reason about them and you can sort of maybe help hopefully sort of turn it into a positive but when it comes to like you can't turn around to a volcano and tell it to stop erupting or you can't turn around i tell you i tell you what was quite was quite um scary without in the middle of atlantic when we capsized and we both like i certainly did you know you're you're dealing with it so you're not like sat there just terrified not doing anything you're scared but you're doing all the things that you need to do to stay alive and you know just like big c's capsize night time um and it just makes you feel quite insignificant and quite small smaller your military life because obviously getting fired out of bullets i mean for most people that would be the most terrifying thing ever to experience that you're talking about grizzly bears and and the ocean yeah policies get much more experience of that than i have no but it's just yeah but we've got the same experience about how to mitigate against you get trained very well and there are things that you can do to make sure that you are putting yourself in a safer position you know how you move across ground how you how you you know it's all to do with tactics that that meet your tactics you get taught as a young soldier mitigate against you getting hurt and you and you you've got so much knowledge about how to do that that it gets rid of the it helps sort of dispel the fear to a certain degree so that's why we don't bring that up because you were taught to do something and you you taught to do it well as well and um so that's less scary you know it's probably quite a good good thing that you brought up there foxy is about knowledge dispels fear and that's that's so true i think the majority of people base their fear based their anger based their everything on what might be and and also um and and based on that fear as opposed to dealing with with facts and oftentimes you know foxy's being some horrible situations um and i have as well where whether when you're in it it's not as bad as when you're thinking about what happens then because you're just going through motions you're in survival mode right making it up as well with without any knowledge you're like oh this must it's going to be horrendous because you haven't you don't know anything you don't know what it's like that that knowledge dispels fear ironically actually is is a motto of of a unit in the royal air force and i mean they they don't ever deal with fear apart from this one unit which is the number one they're called the number one parachute training school which is where you learn to parachute and they their motto is knowledge dispels fear so they're obviously they are dealing with someone that's actually quite petrified petrifying throwing yourself out of a plane but what they do is they just train you up they do everything on the ground you do lectures you you do everything before you get to that point where you're launching yourself out of a perfectly normal plane they give you so much knowledge that actually it makes that experience less scary because you're better prepared for it um one last question before we go on to our quick fire round um what have you taken away from 2020 that um make your life better going forward anything you've learned in particular about yourself or about society or whatever i think um the one thing i hope it's given everyone is that we're all in we're all in life together this it has made people you know you could bump into someone now that i don't even know and the topic of conversation yes it probably would default to covid but and people are probably sick to death of talking about it but it's made people realize that we have got a common bond we you know when things happen to humans it happens to us all and we should remember that going forward you know but for me i think because of the lockdowns and because there's been a lack of work at times i've been busy as well so i've been lucky you know in comparison to some but because there has been lockdowns i have really i've appreciated i've said it before the beginning but i've appreciated the quiet boring times this there is just as important i think for me um a lot of them just reinforced in that 2020 it re reinforced a few of my core values um you know the first one's about being blocked in the bunker you know there's it was proof again that exercising being outside in human interaction are like cornerstones to a good foundation of like mental physical well-being um so reinforce that and i guess to also reinforce a lot of what i believe about controlling the controllables and dealing with what you can deal with and the rest of it trying not to to let it affect me but um yeah i mean it's been a tough year for for lots of people in lots of different ways but you know previous years and people's mistakes and things that happened don't dictate what happens for the rest of their life so yes it was something that happened and if we can then we only need to push on potentially on to the next disaster it's going to happen we just need to be ready grim reaper there motivational talks aldo we're all gonna die that's in the post um so we're gonna end with this this section this last bit called head to head but it's basically how well you think you know each other i'm just going to ask you a series of questions just shout out whether you think it applies to you or you think it applies to the other person and obviously if you want to argue it you're more than welcome to um so first of all um who's funny at me hey [Laughter] right best joke uh you know what it's interesting to come down to joke interestingly though humor is one of those things that we'll both use to defuse situations um so we're probably he might be a bit funnier than me who's more likely to lose their temper me i don't know actually i don't know say that i everyone everyone says me you know i it back in the past i've always been known to have a bit of a short fuse which now sounds like i'm a hypocrite after telling people to chill the f out but i say yeah i say me but then aldo has been known to i mean you know just be grumpy as soon as any form of sunlight hits him hits him he goes into a bad mood but he he can lose his he can lose his call he lost his call with me in mexico over a lighter believe it or not he didn't speak to me for like didn't speak to me for a good 45 minutes to an hour because he was in a he was in a mood and as an example we both go into this like horrible thing that happened and then afterwards again talking about anger and all the rest of it i i felt so embarrassed about that situation so yeah i've been probably up there even who can grow the better beard in it um he does it regularly i i don't they it annoys me bit beard itch annoys me i like it sort of trimmed short still no wet shaver and who's harder that just comes down to size very small robust i wouldn't like to be in a scrap with him that's for sure he's about twice my height we wouldn't ever get into a fight um okay then we'll go next one who's better looking it depends that beauty is in the eye of the beholder that's true yes i'd say my mum would probably say him and the rest of the world who can lift the most weight in the gym lift it as in iron yeah yeah content shifting it depends on what we're doing boxy it depends on what we're doing um who wears the trousers in the friendship well i think no no that's not true we take turns i mean he does wear a skirt he's scottish obviously um okay last one then um who's more likely to get drunk and embarrass themselves ugh it's funny that i should bring up a picture right now and put it onto this that's dangerous you know the one that i made a sticker of earlier today yes yeah it's the answer aldo then i think i think we've been brought up in in like mega boozy culture in the marines and and certainly um it highlights my playful very immature side so it's probably foxy's got a good way of like controlling it yeah but i think you have as well i know admittedly there's been a few there was one he went to a wedding like a year or so ago and he ended up in a bush upside down asleep but then i've ended up in situations you know i've been in woken up in bushes and been in a right state yeah but i think now we've we've gone past that getting older right guys it's been great um brilliant um thank you ever so much for yeah a part in this um and i'll see you all soon yeah nice cheer cheers you
Channel: Men’s Health UK
Views: 10,075
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Men's Health UK, Men's Health, mens fitness, mens workouts, health, fitness, nutrition, mental health, mental strength, mens nutrition, workouts, exercise, mens health weekenders, mens mental, mens mental health, mens mental wellness, mens mental health awareness, aldo kane jason fox, aldo kane, jason fox, mens health interview, mens health magazine mental health, mental strength motivation, mental strength training, royal marine, special forces
Id: 8pHvtStUDos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 28sec (2848 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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