Phrasal Verbs with TAKE and Multiple Meanings.(Including Business Phrasal verbs with TAKE!)

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Today we're going to be looking at phrasal verbs and specifically phrasal verbs with take we're going to look at my top 10 phrasal verbs that I think we use regularly! Now don't forget we've got lots more lessons on phrasal verbs, so you can find some links at the end of this lesson - phrasal verbs with 'get' and our top have phrasal verbs in English. For now, let's look at 10 phrasal verbs with take. Before we start the lesson, please do find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and of course snapchat. So, 'take' is one of the most common verbs in the English language, it's no wonder we have so many phrasal verbs with 'take'! At number one 'take after', this is a great phrasal verb and possibly my favorite of the ten. To take after somebody, it means that you are similar to them you have similar characteristics. That you even have inherited some characteristics. Whether that's personality or physical appearance. We would take after, usually our mother or father or we could take after a grandparent or even an aunt or uncle. It's an older relative. So, for example I take after my grandmother I look a little bit like her and also we both like sweets and cakes! Not a great thing to take after. Next phrasal, verb take out, now take out can literally mean to have somebody with you take them outside but it's not just take outside, it's take them to a restaurant, the cinema, you usually take somebody out and pay for the. So, he took me out to the cinema. Take out can also mean remove or withdraw so for example when you need money from a cash machine ATM you could say I took out some money. Now the other more sinister darker meaning of take out is something you won't hear very often I hope only when you're watching perhaps a gangster movie so take out can actually mean to kill somebody so if you're watching a mafia movie they might say we're gonna take him out probably doesn't mean they're taking him to the cinema more likely they're very guilty okay let's move on to a nicer phrasal verb number 3 tape in this is lovely because it can actually mean to kind of welcome somebody into your home literally bring them in it could also mean to adopt often with animals so you might find a stray dog meaning a dog without a home and you could take him in you could adopt him and welcome him and make him part of your family that's a nice phrase were much better than takeout now take in another meaning can also refer to making your clothes smaller so if you have IV clothes this is the post views then you might ask your tailor or seamstress to take them in to sew them so that they are smaller and fit better unless common but still useful to know now take up hopefully you already know this phrasal verb because it is so common if you take something up then it means that you start a new hobby that could be taking up football taking up yoga taking up learning English on YouTube pay attention there after a preposition so particularly in the case of phrasal verbs you would often have a verb follow it when you do take up learning we have the gerund okay so after prepositions you would have a gerund the noun form of the verb now you could also take something up with somebody that's a long one that means that you are going to raise an issue or a concern with them it might be that you are not getting paid enough of work so you might say I'm going to take it up with my boss it being the fact that you don't think I paid enough take it up with him number five take down now this is not so much a phrasal verb it's quite literal so if you put something up on the wall for example a picture let's put it up if I want to remove it I would take it down now the non-literal meaning of take down would be to kind of to win to succeed over somebody so in a fight you might say that the boxer took him down so it means to win to battle and to win okay number six to take to take to something or somebody so if you take to something it means that you a natural asset you enjoy what you are doing and you're good at it so he took to his new job very quickly similarly to take to a person to take to somebody means that you kind of almost instantly like them I took to him really quickly means I started to like him from the beginning number seven we're nearly there to take over this is a particularly useful phrasal verb when we are referring to business English as well in a normal context to take over means to control to dominate so if you're having a conversation in a group of friends there might be one friend that dominates the conversation that controls the topic of what everybody is talking about in a business context to take over it can be used as a noun a takeover but can also mean the company took over another one so they would buy that company and control it it's their company then now to take off take on could also be used in a business context you can take somebody on meaning that you hire them for your business that you employ them take on can also mean to challenge somebody now it's quite aggressive so a good example might be with football Manchester United took on Arsenal so their challenge them to win the match now taking on something implies that you are that you are adding to the responsibilities that you have so I took on more work meaning more work with my responsibilities I accepted it right what we got next have a look we've got take off Oh a nice easy one you should if you've flown recently know that takeoff means when a plane goes basically up in the air we don't have take down as the opposite with sale and no phrasal verb for that really so you take off means to go up into the air it can also refer to a company lots of these phrasal verbs have business meanings so if a company is taking off it means that it's doing exceptionally well we often use this when we are talking about small companies new companies taking off suddenly doing exceptionally well making a lot of money now take off can also mean to remove take off your shoes take off your clothes so that's nice and simple but did you know it can also mean leap usually quite suddenly unexpectedly just leap so it was the middle of the party and he just took off my straight okay finally our last phrasal verb to take back take back is a nice simple one to end with to take back simply means to return something it could be an item of clothing I bought a top but it was too big so I took it back to the shops but it could also refer to something that you have said and regretted so I told her she looked fat in that dress boyfriend's I hope you haven't done that and I took it back so I retract it what I had said I regretted it very quickly okay that brings us to the end of our phrasal verbs with tape there were a lot of them let's just recap take after take out take in take up take down take to take over take on I'm reading you have to see take off take back there we go so why not try and make some sentences with those phrasal verbs about yourself this is the best way to learn go down in the comments box below on YouTube and type them there we'll have a look and if they're wrong we'll let you know now don't forget to subscribe to us on love English subscribers are going crazy at the moment so thank you very much to all of you that are already subscribed thank you so much for watching I'm gonna take up see ya
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 21,678
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Keywords: phrasal verbs take, take in, take up, take off, love english with leila and sabrah youtube, phrasal verbs with take, take to, take on, take down, take out, take, take after, take back, phrasal verbs, with take, phrsal, multiword verbs, phrasalverbs, list, top, take over, love english, phrasalverblist, pronunciation, gerund, take off in english, take me out, business phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs in English, leilaandsabrah, english language
Id: EeGkZMYgEng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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