Aprende inglés online: Phrasal Verbs 8 - GET

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and I recorded welcome back to another video damn using glasses Punto calm how are you Isabel I'm good feeling and you I'm very well thank you so what are we going to do in this video we're gonna drink a tea first cheers Cheers is to wake up it's almost 30 degrees but we are still drinking some English tea to keep the traditions what are we going to do in this video is a bell vamos a pelear DF phrasal verbs convertible bed yes I suppose you already know those particles bellows phrasal verbs can get por ejemplo coma city say sube for hand-blown booze hey get on the path get on yeah so we're a baja reduce area get off the path get off the bus a por ejemplo levantarse como citizen get up get up don't this is don't raise my communions pero en este video vamos a ver des mass are you ready I'm ready you I'm ready are you ready so number one to get on with to get on with por ejemplo I get on well with my classmates I get on well with my classmates que podría significant get on well with someone get a feed me yellow bien con mis companions Nick lesson I get on well with my classmates tell em where is the fear I get on with my classmates no yes I get on with my classmates or I get on well with my classmates mm-hmm super common mm-hmm e tambien esta phrasal verb to neutral sentido por ejemplo and esta Frazee que significa I need to get on with my homework I need to get on with my homework let's go mo and Beth are upon us a bonus a las pilas and poco I need to get on with this media necesito poner me after miss de Vera's I need to Karin with my homework a Maggie not easy to starting classes Sandow was up into class cuando deberías estar at the end o una tarea k-tel dalla - professor have you finished good to go yeah yeah I was just taking something in the dictionary get on with your work moving on number two to get over get over for example I hope he gets over the death of his dog soon what does it mean get over super are super are espero que super a pronto la muerte de su perro get over super are no no meant a UN trauma napur Dida it could be emotional or it could be something physical no mm-hmm yeah también puede tener una let's see oh no I have an injury in my leg I can't get over it was too good a look yes exactly okay number three to get away with something to get away with something for example he got away with cheating in his exam he got away with cheating in his exam what does it mean mm-hmm get away with something significant leave raphson the algo conseguir que no te Scoob ranking at the PD iguana's algo mal don't that when a Laguna young later on oh he got away with cheating in his exams natal OCD almost no le copy oh and Sue's examiner's he says a libro in Alleppey yaran exactly but I'm sure you don't cheat in your exams of course okay number four to get into to get into something to get into something for example a lien tipo de Peralta how did you get into engineering or how did you get into making videos on YouTube que significa get into s in the SRC bravo Bravo la materia Valentina come out in the disaster and fair videos in YouTube what about us how do we get into it we just uploaded one video and we go some positive feedback mm-hmm and then we upload it more and more and now we are just so famous and number five to get by for example I can't get by on this salary I can't get by on this salary I need two jobs what does it mean yeah I get by c'mon sobre David economy commenter no exacto so I can get by on this salary no puedo salir con este sueldo yes it's not enough my poquito exactly and number six get someone down for example this job really gets me down yeah this job really gets me down que significa to get down significant pronita prima me pony Tristan oh so yeah and this job really gets me down is to travel home and mini preemie mmm exactly this you need a new job if it's something gets you down yeah you need to change not exactly yeah and number seven to get back to for example can I get back to you later can I get back to you later I don't have the answer right now can I get back to you later okay significant what is your song to get get back to someone is come over with a banner saying contacto con esta persona moment a llamar oh man anime no bro see because I can't get back to you later s come on a photo respond Ayrton poco más tarde puedo llamar de un rato no can I get back to you excited time anything mucho see LeBron DeSalvo ally and in order 7 no prefer blonds to trabajo no that's well interfere let me get back to you and got one yes come on if I may kill every way entonces my poem contact oh do they not respuesta yeah let me get back to you on that one let me get back to you later okay and number eight to get around to get around for example what's the best way to get around Barcelona or what's the best way to get around London mm-hmm what does it mean yeah the best way to get around Lana for formal a mover say mother say Bruna if you got quite as long a hot formal immerse in Barcelona you grow can be fee no bicycle bike not for Phillip anymore No two days ago my bike was stolen bloody bastard now I have to walk but also you could take the underground the tube mmm-hmm okay and number nine to get through to get through what does get through me let me give you an example I've told him to study harder many times but I can't get through to him I can't get through mm-hmm I can't get through his thick skull boy rabbit sadness potato what happened it's because I get through us come on come on eat Carson nope all fed land and dead loner you could also say it's like talking to a brick wall yeah it's like talking to a brick wall it's come on I'm gonna murder yeah come on like a lot but it yeah I cannot get through yeah a brick wall okay sometimes it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall when I talk to Isabel thank you okay and finally the last one number 10 to get behind to get behind for example she's getting behind because she doesn't come to class she's getting behind because she doesn't come to class what does it mean significa I guess it's tag and address porque no viene a classy exactly yeah don't get behind make sure you attend class yeah don't get behind our videos make sure you watch all of them okay in tongue face vamos a practical and poco como siempre we're gonna see if you have been paying attention cómo funciona Isabelle 10s katralla fear Ballet loss process que es b lr e en cada una Reyes an excuse our uno de los phrasal verbs can get que somos Ensenada Venga Oh no my young Khamis whele in English qumola travels areas west areas I don't get on well with my mother-in-law I don't get on well with my mother-in-law yeah careful what you say because it's a super fan of amigo Singh glasses I get on very well with my mother-in-law yes okay eleven for formal am over salon dress as a meadow calf raise over bootless areas get around you say the best way to get around London is on the tube or by on the ground okay mm-hmm okay Lamia yet pero no Saperstein contacto con MIGO in English get back you say I called him yesterday but he didn't get back to me I called him yesterday but he didn't get back to me okay hey Lassie end day is to study in Palos breakups and con affair handin nueva cara a super r2 ruptura okay the Diaz meeting new people will help you get over your breakup meeting new people will help you get over your breakup okay okay okay I Baltimore estas muy typical a de las mujeres en españa y los mercado's on el médico a says aldo la cola is le bro she got away with jumping the queue she got away with jumping the queue nobody saw her yeah what a dummy buddy hasn't the C jump the queue and sit got away with it now yeah yes son societele koala is a liberal yeah she got away with it she got away with it okay and Tom faced esperamos que llamo sorry da da con doing glass give us a like if you learned something and press subscribe if you'd like to receive notifications of new videos and you could give us your own examples in the comment section below and we'll check to see if you have done them correctly and we'll see you in the next video huh yeah that's all for today then so see you later take care bye you
Channel: Amigos Ingleses
Views: 406,720
Rating: 4.9455023 out of 5
Keywords: phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs con get, ingles, curso de ingles, aprende inglés online gratis, amigosingleses, vocabulario ingles
Id: Hl_1HO32m0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 24 2014
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