The verb GET | Phrasal verbs with GET | English lesson

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hello everyone this is Andrew at Crown Academy of English today we are doing a vocabulary lesson and we are looking at the verb get as a main verb and also some phrasal verbs with the word get so let's start so the verb get well get is often a difficult verb for English students and the reason is it has lots of different uses and meanings example we can use get as a main verb and as a main verb it can have many different meanings also we use get in several idioms or expressions and they are difficult to translate literally okay we cannot translate each individual word we have to translate it as an expression and so that can cause confusion and also finally very important we use get in several phrasal verbs and so we will look at those in detail in this lesson I will teach you the most common uses with examples okay so you won't see all of the uses you'll see many of the common ones okay there are too many to show you all of them so let's start let's start with the form so the present simple form is I get you get he she or it gets very important this is the only one that changes and we have the S at the end we get you get and they get okay so this in the present simple is it it regulates its normal the ing form or the continuous form the progressive form is getting so just be careful of the spelling there is an extra letter T so we double the letter T and add ing so for example we would say I am getting the past form is irregular it is got so for example yesterday I got a car a past participle well in British English it is also got for example I have got but in American English it is different they have a different past participle they say I have gotten a car yes I have gotten a car okay so this is a big difference between British English and American English and it is very important to say that gotten this here this is wrong this is incorrect in British English okay it is only correct in American English so in the context of British English do not say it alright it okay it is a big mistake in fact in in British English is correct in American English but a big mistake in British English so let's look at the meaning of get when we use it as a main verb so first example is to get something means to receive something example I got a belt for my birthday okay I received a belt for my birthday I got a belt for my birthday and the colors are here to help you with the form so the colors in the example here they correspond to the colors in the definition at the top here so for example in red we have the verb get in the correct tense and in blue blue is the the object that there's something so belt okay so the colors are there to help you with the form example 2 Jane got a bouquet of flowers this morning okay so receive example 2 definition 2 to get something can also mean to buy or obtain or to fetch something example she's getting some clothes she's getting some clothes example to mark is getting some CDs for the party mark is getting some CDs for the party so he's obtaining some CDs he's buying some CDs a definition three this is slightly more complicated to get somebody something means to buy obtained fetch something for somebody else they got Claire a hat they got Claire a hat Jane got mark a watch for Christmas Jane got mark a watch for Christmas so we use this very often for when we are talking about offering a gift to somebody okay so we have the verb the person then the object notice that there are no prepositions here we do not say to mark or we do not say for mark it's the verb then the person then the object to get somewhere or to get to an event is to arrive somewhere I'm in London I got here yesterday I got here yesterday so this means I arrived here yesterday Martin got to the meeting at 3 o'clock Martin got to the meeting at 3 o'clock so this means that Martin arrived at the meeting at 3 o'clock okay notice that if in blue this is the destination this is somewhere or the event if the destination is the word here or there then there is no preposition but if it is just a normal place so if it is a place or an event then we have the preposition - for example we can say Martin got to the concert at 3 o'clock Martin got to London at 3 o'clock Martin got to the cinema at 3 o'clock ok so don't forget the preposition we also use get in the context of transport to get a train or bus or flight or taxi and this means to take or to catch example I got the bus this morning I got the bus this morning he is getting a taxing he is getting a taxi so this means he is taking a taxi ok this is very common very common example 6 to get something this can also mean to understand something Sarah is trying to do her English homework but she doesn't get the question she doesn't get the question this means that she doesn't understand the question I'm not laughing because I don't get the joke I'm not laughing because I don't get the joke I don't understand the joke okay example seven get then an adjective this means to become something to become the adjective and it is a progressive change over time example Jane is getting cold so this means that she started off warm but she's becoming more and more cold so Jane is getting cold and Claire is getting tired now let's look at some phrasal verbs these are very important and very common and here are some to describe movement to get on means to enter a train bus aeroplane or ship and to get in we use this to enter a car taxi small boat a building or a room he is getting on the train he's getting on the train Marc is getting in the taxi okay so since it is a taxi we say getting in okay we do not say getting on a taxi we say getting in say up get in the house please okay so get in the house house is a building so we say get in more phrasal verbs this is now the opposite so to get off means to leave a train bus aeroplane or ship and to get out of this means to leave a car or taxi or small boat or a building or a room she is getting off the train mark is getting out of the taxi and Mark is getting out of the office so he's leaving the office okay so these are very very common and very important phrasal verbs I'm sure everybody knows this one this is very common to get up this is what we do in the morning when we leave the bed and start the day so after after we wake up we then get up Jane is getting up phrasal verbs general this is very good this is a very useful phrasal verb to get on well with somebody this means to have a good relationship with somebody so if we are friends with somebody if we like somebody we say we get on well with them Caroline gets on well with Sarah okay so Caroline likes Sarah Caroline is friends with Sarah therefore we say Caroline gets on well with Sarah it's a phrasal verb get as an expression or an idiom to get somebody to do something this means to persuade somebody to do something okay or to convince somebody to do something to force somebody almost okay Marc got me to play football with him Marc got me to play football with him okay so Marc wanted to play football and he wanted me to play football also with him so Marc got me to play football with him okay exercise answer the questions using a complete sentence with the verb get this is important I want you to write a complete sentence I do not want one-word answers okay example what did you get for your birthday so in a complete sentence my answer is I got a shirt for my Earth Day okay and here are the other questions question one what are you going to get at the supermarket question two what time did you get up this morning and question three who do you get on well with okay so that is the exercise I would like you to answer the exercise write your answers in the comments below this video okay and if you do that then I will correct you in the comments so I will reply to you and I will tell you if your sentences are correct or not alright so there we are that is the end of the lesson I hope you enjoyed it here are some other videos which you might be interested in watching ok my name is Andrew at Crown Academy of English thanks for watching and I will see you very soon bye bye
Channel: Crown Academy of English
Views: 441,212
Rating: 4.8843894 out of 5
Keywords: verb get, phrasal verbs with get, English phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs, english vocabulary lesson, learn English vocabulary, english grammar lessons, english grammar, English lessons, ESL, Crown Academy of English, English Language (Human Language), cours d'anglais, grammaire anglaise
Id: SgTkunIpxHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 17 2014
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