Photoshop Masterclass: Filters & Effects

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[Music] hello everyone good to see you Paul try to hear welcome to photoshop master class good to have you here Tracy David Carol everyone Tim of course gonna dive into this all about effects and filters and stuff so super fun I'm actually at the studio in San Francisco did some glassblowing yesterday see what I made just kidding all right everyone uh-huh this could be really fun I have a lot of just like fun images on my screen just to kind of represent the number of things you could do with effects but I would actually put it into two different categories it's all about distorting elements for compositing to make it look like it's part of another scene and then there's just abstracts filters if you will so this is an example of something that's just like abstract that's like super easy to make and it's really fun when you start combining these effects so I think it should be a good time good to have you here yes and a big thank you to Kathleen she's fantastic it was so nice seeing her this morning a lot of times are like pretty remote so we don't get to see each other that much but let's kind of dive into just kind of taking a look at some of these just so you know just to get you inspired super easy to make we can kind of go through a number of these right fun things that we can do and we can start to combine these some of these effects together which again I think is exciting about this piece for instance of course we have this one which is like a small world really easy to make I could probably do this and like it probably takes to two moves to make this like just two things you need to know and then we want to I want to really pick apart all the different effects that you can dive into this obviously we have a color halftone different effects around this as well I kind of click through all of this stuff again it's I think it's all about more restraint when it comes to effects anyway so it's kind of just reading chat right now hello everyone feel free to go face with letters thank you so much for pointing that out as well here's the face with letters this is a really like older picture of me which loses this young guy right but how can you do this how can you take text and wrap it around a face it's an effect we can do this really easily okay and it's just knowing how it goes here's again getting into again another effect making a kind of like a small world this is just tilt shift is what it's known as but super easy to work with so hopefully you're fun or hopefully you find these fun to look at and you're into it okay so this is good this is good feedback by the way so David likes the face with the letters text on the face you guys are appreciating this one maybe I'll actually start with this one super easy to work with once you know the moves so yeah I'm here for you since you guys are responding the most to this one let's kind of start with this one okay and welcome let's go down here yo Mike Phil's coffee that's fantastic man all right thank you receive knows exactly what I'm talking about because as we take a look at the filters and mainly I'm gonna be playing in this area okay and we can go through all of these right but I'm glad we're starting with this first one it's all about like kind of distorting distorting elements right so we'll get into distortion of photos and text and then we'll dive into abstract stylizing crazy stuff so fantastic the face is cool okay so let's do this distort that's what we want to do we can't just jump into it we need to find our photo first I could grab one of me I can go into maybe grab another one too it's kind of a number of things we can actually do let's actually take if you don't mind I think this is really important it's just kind of determine the type of photo to use okay I'm gonna take this one the reason this is nice take one of you whatever you want is that there's nice sort of like depth we go from lights to darks so this is gonna work out really well okay for this thing this image what I first want to do is I'm just going to do a couple things I'm gonna grab some text so give me one second boom boom we're gonna grab our text layer here it is BAM maybe we will shrink this down wait for it adjusting the image size cuz it's absolutely huge and I don't want you to have to wait for all that processing time that's more along the lines what we want take this text like so kind of covering her up okay and all I did is I think I took actually I don't even know what type of text type I grabbed a lot of times I'll do quotes or something that represents me if you're gonna do a portrait right so I did a lot of quotes in my other one typically I'll drop in a lot of text like so text tool done boom boom alright the grid layout see all my files by the way is a shortcut so typically it's window arranged and it style is what I'm doing so I set up the shortcut to tile everything and then also to consolidate all to tabs okay so I actually use that like all the time okay let's do this let's take this image we're gonna save this first image out right this first off we need to make a black and white version I kind of want to do it initially kind of how you would normally do it and kind of show you the issues that you might run into but we need two images we need this one right here which I'm gonna save to my desktop boom boom we'll call this we're just calling her curly why not here's my original file I'm gonna save out another one as a curly bum PSD so I need two files I need my original and then I need my bump map it's typically going to be gray that I'm gonna pull from okay so this layers done filter distort we're gonna go into displace okay because we want to displace this text so with that layer selected when I go to filter distort displace and this time I have a text layer selected it's gonna say hey you need to convert it to a smart object which is exactly what I want to do and right here how much you want to distort it this depends on the resolution of your file honestly you're just gonna have to play with it okay I'm gonna do ten and ten and I'm gonna just stretch it to fit it doesn't really matter because my bump map the other one that I saved out is the same size so it works out great repeat edge pixels hardly matters I just make sure everything is that at that original size so there's no distortion ultimately but we'll do ten and ten we'll click OK boom locate our file to be our bump map right there there's curly there she is same exact image right click open and it does its magic we can see it starts to distort around that face right this is what's interesting about this we as we take a look it does a good job of wrapping right it will wrap around the cheek and it looks really good but this is what you get is you get a lot of this pixelation right so how do we fix this probably know already how to do this since this is a smart object we can say hey you know what get rid of this displacement map let's try this again let's throw this away and today I'm on a second curly curly bum here we are wait for it there we are okay so here are my two files and this might be even better to put these together Bam Bam I take this bump map right here that has all this detail I'll typically like convert it to a smart object I will sometimes make it gray right cuz that's what's gonna help me understand it and just kind of see it a little bit better I will go into filter if your face has a lot of texture to it I'll go into Camera Raw filter and I'll take down any texture that you might have in the skin so when you do this and your skin's like looking a little rough take down the texture right it smooths out all of her skin so she looks she already looks fantastic right we can also adjust a little bit of the clarity if we want to making that nice and smooth right and I'm curious about this hair right what I can do for this hair is I can jump in there with a brush set to black and I could start to paint over the top of it right we're just gonna make it darker is what we can do there and that's gonna push it back ultimately alright just like that you get the idea boom boom boom I'm gonna go a little bit faster this is a master class you could own you should understand how most of this works we'll come in here we'll blur this out Shh we'll do a Gaussian blur which happens to be in effect blurring her out like so like that boom I'm gonna make this nice for this one on the tops gonna layer mask bring in some of her face right where maybe I want some more of that sort of depth with the face I'm just gonna bring in like maybe a little bit more detail like so there we go cool this is just a nice bump map this is exactly what I want right cool cool done this is curly bump saving the file having a drink of my coffee cuz it's it's Friday folks it's Friday and I hope you're living your best life as they say all right there's my bump map I'll keep that up I'll make sure it's saved going here to my text layer distort this place which happens to be the top one and then we'll use those same numbers by the way you'll notice it's only set to ten if I do it at a hundred it's gonna be like super jagged I I keep it from five to twenty max just so you know but again it just depends on your resolution selecting this curly bump with gray boom boom and there we go oh so much better right I wish I would have kept the other one but notice how it's not distorting that text so much cuz I want to be able to read it you ready to take it in to the next level boom duplicate it command J it's distorting it I'm gonna put this image on top and we're gonna change this to we're gonna change the blend mode here we go we'll change it to multiply for instance right and this is more along the lines of what I want right look at look at that this Tufts fades out it has that nice bending and that's how you get these text style portraits since thanks rusty since her face is tilted actually what I would do is I'd spend more time on this and I would make the text tilted with the face because the goal is to make it look like it's actually on her face right super easy to work with you could play with some of these different blend modes kind of depending on what you're going for sometimes we get an overlay that might actually work it looks like hard light actually makes it stand out even more okay but there's a number of things that you could do in here and I can I can talk all day long about it even pin light looks pretty good it's a little bit more pronounced at this point Elyan eric puns for days so glad to have you here man yeah we got jokes greater like an open book fantastic right yeah I can go on and on honestly I could do a combination of this you want to get really advanced this is a master class absolutely love this command-j boom clipping mask boom like this this top layer Shoop check this out you ready for this let's make this black let's do this you ready we're to change this to normal this is gonna be my clipping mask I'm gonna put black behind her alright so we're getting rid of her face entirely we have black and we're just revealing the photo where we have that text with the displacement map and now we have this fun look okay would it be cool if you use a script fonts no no good to be honest with you that I would not because it'd be harder to read honestly like the more condensed clean text is gonna look better because you want it to be legible and you want the distortion not to come from the type but to come from the effect okay or we could do like we could do an inverted bump map an inverted bump map is gonna invert invert it you get the idea what I do like by the way is you know I misspell things all the time but now I can come in here double click on this right in here and zoom in what do we want I would say Russ seam is the best there we go sneak a little subliminal magic in there Russ seam is the best not only that I'm gonna try this I actually don't know if this is gonna work a hundred percent so let's just tilt this text I'm gonna rotate it the angle of her face okay like so saving it closing it and it's still rapping fantastic there we go so I would actually play with this a lot and get this the way I look the way I want it to look Michael shades does not want me to use lobster but that's funny I don't know I think for a while there lobster was like the new Comic Sans but I personally like lobster it's just gets overused okay so let's move on some other distortion effects okay good to have you here now saving curly curly did a great job thank you so much curly I would go ahead and close that file let's and again you could see how this one was done same idea if we go into this this text it's done the exact same way right that's just done with my face from a photo that's eight years old or something clay so we could get rid of that let's dive into distortion effects we'll do this small world yes so by the way Nancy to answer your question can you make her eyes and lips show without the text yeah ah I love that idea you could play with this all day long based on what you know I talked about selections and masks last week and you're totally on the right track right so we have this other layer that we can add a layer mask to we can invert that we can come in here and just paint with white to reveal and by the way this is just has a layer blend mode but I want to just add a little more splash of color just right here and I think that's a great idea make her eyes pop a little bit more as we kind of paint that in and that might be more along the lines of what of what you might want I don't know just have some fun with it I can paint in a little bit more of this detail have as much fun with it as I want because I understand how layers and blend modes work cool yes Russ seem uh yeah maybe may I honestly think the small world has been around for freaking decade forever okay because that effect has been in Photoshop for a decade okay but I think it's actually really good to resurface some of these for a new generation shall we you can see how old this is cuz look at this old picture of me that's not even my body I just cut my head off and put it on something else but let's see this cuz first thing we need to do we're just going to do the small world part so we're gonna just scratch all the people right there's Terry white in the background we want to do something like this image here okay don't have that exact same one but we'll do something like it okay there it is let's turn that off typically you're gonna start with just a blank image we can even do it with this image I actually haven't even done it with this image and I think it's exciting for me to just try some new image typically we'll take a landscape you want it nice horizontal line you can have some ground you can have some sky it works best if the sky fades up to just like one singular color okay it's hugely helpful okay so that's what I might do in fact I'll move this up let's get to work folks let's do some work shall we Oh boom gradient make that one nice color cuz that's gonna be my background color right there go in here man Jay select all Phil boom boom what else do we need to do we need to take this I said we could do this in two moves this is one move is you do need to flip the image right because it's actually going to do the polar coordinates from this top center edge right here okay all right I know good having you here by the way I have like a ton of horrible phones on my machine and some awesome phones and I I call it balanced that's what's known as balanced if you don't have some horrible thoughts how you can appreciate the good phones okay so this is our main sort of starting point actually don't need to I don't know if this needs to be merged or not but I typically do copy merged paste so here's my layer this is my actually that's going here this is my landscape let's convert it to a smart object start get out of jail free card just in case we screw it up we'll go into distort and we'll go to polar coordinates right everybody's feeling a little dizzy it's upside-down polar coordinates that will we do we can shrink it down we could see what it looks like like so oh here's another thing I need to do so I faded at the top but I want to make sure the left edge and the right edge match up so I can already see right there it's not exactly what I want hit cancel jump in here take that layer duplicate it command T flip horizontal boom make it a good day with a little Photoshop magic like we're doing now there we go flipped smart object polar coordinates now that they're matched up not only the sky but both sides polar coordinates it's easy from here rectangular like so click OK and there it does exactly what I want it to do it looks a little funky now I get it we're gonna do more you ready for this young Eric it's good to have everybody here hopefully everybody's doing well i'm all hyped up on coffee it's a good day it's a good day to be alive so I did that with just a basic obviously just a basic landscape I think it works really well if you're doing a cityscape and you just have like maybe it's not particularly tall but you only take the top quarter of your canvas like so right so that's what I'm doing here we'll convert it to a smart object we'll go filter distort polar coordinates with a cityscape and this is more along the lines of what is super cool right my right oh yeah by the way guess what Yann Eric I didn't match up the two edges because with these buildings you can't you can't tell it's like totally fine right what this does need is this needs to be much larger resolution so typically that's what if he make larger and then do the polar coordinates because it's taking all those pixels and multiplying it well 180 degrees like all the way around so the higher res the better off you are but for the sake of time I think it's looking good take this we have this one we have this city will change the blend mode to something else yeah why not scale it up [Music] you get the idea cool paint in there that's the start to something cool right so Eve Lauria hopefully you appreciate this super easy to work with your two moves is to flip it so it's pointing downward and then you go ahead and do your polar coordinates now what if we wanted to undo this you can actually undo these moves because check this out this has polar coordinates I'll go back into this effect you can take something that has polar coordinates and make it straight again by using polar to rectangular it's not always going to be perfect but that's what you're going to get as I take a look zoom out it will try to like unravel it so there [Music] oh I see what's happening so anyways polar to rectangular one second boom duplicate it say let's rasterize this you know there we go okay so this is it I've already applied that polar coordinates now if I go into filter distort polar coordinates boom polar to rectangular and there we go now it's back to the way it was roughly cool click okay there we go back to normal uh yeah polar opposites polar coordinates yeah you get the idea so cool now it's unraveled we go from this to this but again hopefully you see how you can actually quickly come up with something like this using pictures of yourself from ten years ago right look at that young full of life I've got a spring in my stuff no here we go Rufus I forgot her name and I'm Sophia so so Sophia she's an illustrator teri white and I think Jason was in here at some point you get the idea cool let's move on to something else right we're having fun with the distortion effects okay if we go into filter by the way well there's more we can do obviously we can get into tilt shift super easy to work with but again I'm making you aware of all these various effects right taking something like this image right filter blur gallery we have a number of blurs that we can do and again we're kind of going through some of these let's get into tilt shift super easy to do it's like no hands mode this is my default why does this work well cuz like in the photo is like perfect yes Marianne to bring up good point if you could if you wanted to bring it back to normal you just turn off the smart filter you're exactly right but I think it's fascinating that you can actually take somebody's small world and unravel it so even when it's applied you can do the reverse of that effect undo it right yeah Victoire this is for you this is actually this even though it's called master class we want everybody to be a master if master in their own way notice this tilt-shift replicates sort of a shallow depth-of-field obviously like 2.8 lens i don't know what it would be I don't even know how you could this is not even possible in the real world but you can take a real world photo and right over here adjust the blur Distortion you could use this panel off to the side or you could just jump in here and say hey you know let's get up well give it more blur by adjusting the blurriness actually on in the document on the photo right I usually crank up the blur a little bit more and then I stretch this out I make sure this fall-off is a little bit more drastic right so bring this in this is zero percent blurriness and then the ends which is 17 this is the 17 percent blurriness right so I'll usually just stretch that out and so you have a longer transition of blurs I'll tell you the mistake that people make by the way is this like and this is this is a pretty good example clicking ok this looks pretty good technically technically like these buildings it's like this building I don't I don't since it's taller it shouldn't be it's not farther away this building right here shouldn't be that blurry well just like anything else we can go into this smart filter selecting that layer mask hitting B for brush kind of actually zooming in Zoop and then we can kind of paint paint that away a little bit right let's actually take this down even more this flow and we can just kind of get rid of that a little bit and I think sometimes that makes it look a little bit more realistic because it doesn't treat it's right now it's actually treating this image it's just as a flat image and it doesn't understand that this is a building that maybe this should be a little bit more clear and then behind it should be a little bit more blurry cool like so so I would go in and add a little those details and it's gonna make it look much better right not that it doesn't look fantastic at the get-go are you into it uh Jason Rose likes when they say their name you know why I like saying Jason roses name is because I can pronounce it if you can protect if I could pronounce your name it's much more likely to be said but I will give everybody's a shot like Cecilia champagne so again hopefully that makes sense I can always go back into this blur gallery and adjust these settings more or less oops I can obviously also change the angle as you saw as well so cool super fun I can talk about the blurriness all day long maybe that literally deserves in its own hour because if we go in here and we take a look at all the entire blur gallery by the way we have field blur we have iris blur we have path blur so you could draw a path so if you did want somebody jumping and you wanted more motion ready for this let's do this really fast I wanted to have motion to her arm taking that layer making it a smart object filter blur gallery path blur right in here you could see this path already set up but guess what I can make it go down that direction and I can give it a curve like so right another thing I could do is I can actually put a line right here and I could actually set this line to see notice how it's actually moving that direction that's blurring it in that direction but I can also take that and stand take the speed down to one sec Shh wait for it - it's updating there we go selecting it in point speed [Music] taking that down sorry I'm waiting it for us for it to update but you can actually control the blurriness you could take that down to zero for parts that you want it to be clear [Music] there we go you see that end point speed ship you get the idea right so as I draw you can see these lines that we can obviously Bend and make it look like she's running really fast even though we know she isn't not in those heels all right you get the idea done done click okay let's move on yes exactly vivy I would actually use a mask if I wanted to I just realized you actually if you set it to zero it changes everything to zero which is smart on its part but I would use a mask for the parts that we want clear right [Music] so you're exactly great call by the way and again we could jump in here go to that smart filter hit B for brush we wanted the face to be a little clearer like that there we go just kind of paint in a little bit of that and you can see that motion cool fantastic great questions thank you so much for getting involved I really appreciate you we have I'm gonna get into just like actually a lot of effects so we kind of have it down to a couple different files so we get into going beyond something that's like a sense of realism that we're going for or distorted realism to something that's purely abstract all right by the way Marianne like this whole path blur there's spin blur I have another example where like I'll make a car that's just sitting still look like it's in motion you use spin blur for the wheels so they spin you use path blur for the body or end and or the background to make sure it looks like it's whipping around the corner right so you can use a combination of these together whoo I like Yan Erik I like you buddy you're good man good to have you here all right this is what I encourage you to do by the way is jump in and take a file and try some of these effects right I'm actually gonna obviously start with just a file with no effect on it okay and by the way it's actually this image of this lady I actually want to kind of swap it out for something else let's go with her perfect she'll be our new subject as we bring this into place like so alright since that's a smart object and I'm going to change the resolution because it's super high and I apologize all right yeah the car motion is super fun by the way like professionally it's a separate tool that people would use and we baked that technology directly in Photoshop ones that people who create like car advertisements can actually just use Photoshop alone because it would be used to be a separate tool before okay so that's done let's close this different image probably just keep it interesting for me maybe alright wait for it wait for it okay cool just making sure everything it's a little smaller so these effects move a little faster cool yeah faux light leaks are cool as well by the way I'm glad I actually dealt with a resolution because it's going to change and be different the effects will be different depending on the resolution so this is a little smaller now we're gonna take this image of her this lovely lady right we want to create the color halftone effect right and for this image it's a smart object filter see right down here we can go in to pixelate right in here and color halftone right I posted this on Instagram like two days ago and people are like oh this is really cool kind of aware of the resolution right we can see the max radius and pixels is 20 and then all these channels are offset okay these are the different angles so it's gonna be a CMYK clicking okay we could see it's right here we can see cyan magenta yellow and then we have black as they overlap so we have green I'm sorry we have green in there as well but those are all the different colors that you become more spaced out excuse me they come larger or smaller depending on where the detail is okay yeah we can take a look young Eric by the way I can always jump in I usually apply this effect and then I'll go back into color halftone and I'll take this down to like 10 you can see all the radius the dots are gonna be smaller she's gonna be more clear okay if I go in here to the color halftone I'll take this maybe back up to 20 so we can see it a little bit better and I'll change all these I can change all these channels by the way and I think I'll just duplicate this just to be on the safe side take all these channels and if I make them the same thing so if I make them zero zero zero zero clicking okay it's actually gonna put them all on top of one another and that's when we got like more of a true like dot matrix effect I actually don't remember the exact style this is called but this is if we don't want those colors we have this sense of detail now and another thing you can do is duplicate that layer you can have a separate layer on top we'll take this down to ten pixels clicking okay now what I'm gonna do so I'm gonna make a layer mask we talked all about layer masks and all that fun stuff painting with white with this layer that's on top that has more detail by the way and we can kind of give her more detail maybe in certain parts of the eyes or the face like so right so I can start to play with this depth all I want okay another thing I could actually do let's actually disable that layer mask and I'm gonna play with these blend modes because I have a sneaking suspicion as we start to kind of have a little bit more fun with this if I add layer blend modes I start to get even different effects like one on top of the next so it doesn't look like it's a filter straight out of the box right cool we call it measles blur see what's up buddy good to have you Steve Kosta boom how you doing so you some people like the smaller dots I would say when it comes to the dots it depends on your output where is this going to be displayed because I I really liked the smaller dots initially by the way and but then I realized when I posted it to Instagram it looked better when I had those larger dots because it was a little bit more abstract right but feel free to have fun with this I actually love love color halftone set those to zero max radius can be any size that you want by the way you didn't like two-for-one today because that same effect is actually in Illustrator as well so you do the same thing in Illustrator cool that's looking pretty good we go from this one to this one to this one cool all right it's kind of driving us more these I'm gonna click through some of these I think a lot of some of these are aren't as cool as I'd like them to be but I'm gonna just make you aware of them as we go into filter we can get into again pixelate it's all of these effects they might be hopefully pretty straightforward some are better than others I guess it's all personal opinion because you can see this is crystallized now what does crystallize look like looks like this crystals we get the idea right controlling the cell size as you can see right here clicking okay obviously more blurry we can say take that same technique by having a crystallize with more detail on top of one that has less detail and have some fun with the detail in the eyes and the lips right like that right so it's gonna take a combination of things thank you yawn Eric you're exactly right yeah Eric said it so I don't have to who by the way because I think don't use effects for effects sake like what's your goal here right that's what you want to kind of realize at the end of the day what's your goal crystallize facet here's a fragment by the way which you only have one say one setting for fragment mezzotint same idea yon Eric you pry on the same page I think this is a dated look like clearly you took a photo and make it look we made it look like some point Allies sort of feature right and it's just this personally doesn't like do anything for me you can combine them with other things make it more interesting but that's just mezzotint right mosaic same thing we're obviously trying to protect your identity right we want to protect our identity some more let's go let's do this boom [Music] we'll just take these bars soup like so like so wait for it there we go now we're protecting her identity oops cancel boom oh it's me it's me guys alright the witness protection program filter it's exactly right hi guys this really me oh wait oh we're not tracking her uh her identity is getting out there help us all I'm gonna get in stylize because I think Silas actually had even more depth and when I say stylist I mean the style has filter sets so let's uh jump in here ah you ready for this are you ready let's dive into this for her first off she looks fantastic right there's little we need to do but let's say for instance we want to smooth out her skin right and I'm gonna talk about this next week so I'm gonna I have a daily creative challenge if you want to smooth out skin I can go in here and I can get a filter this is what I typically tell people to do at Camera Raw filter I did it earlier but we have texture off to the side taking that texture down is gonna smooth out her skin so get more detailed smoothing out that texture but keeping the detail in her eyes okay so this is a filter the Camera Raw filter fantastic here's another way to do that as well is you can actually use let's just call her woman jumping that layer we can go into filter stylize and try something like emboss you ready for this emboss super ugly and dated right you on Eric would agree we have this dated look but what emboss can do is it takes that layer makes it gray and adds an emboss or like almost like a bump map to that particular image so this will allow me to add a level of detail that might work out okay for me right so if I do this softly there we go like this sort of level of emboss click okay taking this to something like soft light or overlay you could see how you're able to enhance details with emboss okay let me actually mask out this spot right here just so you can see the difference right it's right in here I'll move this hoop oops unlock this moving this clarity around this is like a clarity box that I'm moving around this is emboss that's being used to bring out the detail in her eyes yes exactly thank you so much yawn Eric like frequency separation I don't know if I've done that in the past could have done something like it I just think people do like so many multiple steps to get a look like this or to sharpen the details when you can just use emboss and the great thing is is we could always jump in since this is a smart object and adjust it some more so we can have more detail as you can see I can crank that up give her more detail in our eyes probably would not like it or less right so you get the idea cool emboss pro tip master class thanks for hanging out with me I have about nine minutes let's get into some of these others as well emboss we just went through again find edges as well it's not a particularly great effect when used alone but you can always use it in combination with something else and let me just adjust this canvas size because it's annoying me 950 height there we go much better [Music] there you go right so now you kind of have a sort of partial sketch look combined with the original photo you can see what you obviously can get and all we're using is something called fine edges alright before after and then after a little bit more work all right [Music] again oil paint you want you want to make something look a little bit dated uses ovoid what I was doing here is showing you an extreme example of it right I go into oil paint I can see I've actually added a lot of stylization and a lot of cleanliness I take this down obviously you ready it's gonna give me these shorter strokes and if I take on the cleanliness starts to look a little more chunky so you have different options there alright cool the thing is is if you do this to a photo it's called oil paint nobody's gonna think that you painted it but nobody is right because it it looks like you've just applied a filter to it because guess what that's exactly what you did let's move on from there Solarize tiles trace contour wind as well kind of ran through a lot of these I want to get someone that I actually have been playing with the most and it's extrude right I think extrude shows a lot of potential right and I have a couple of different examples in here starting with this background let's convert it to smart object notice how actually let's [Music] let's just take this photo this is all we're gonna do stylize and we'll go down to extrude okay extrude is gonna add a 3d effect 3d blocks that are gonna be 30 pixels in size and the depth is also gonna be 30 just for a start so it's like 30 deep 30 wide it's more like a cube at this point okay I can go a solid front faces I'm gonna keep everything else it's gonna do random clicking okay this is really interesting as you get into more of these details alright there we go that's what I'm talking about when I mentioned extrude you could see they all look like squares at different depths based on see right over here based on the center points so I'm actually gonna do something here by going to the smart object I take this image and move her over save clothes updating that smart object yeah exactly a summary seam yeah oil paint can be good for landscape pics alright anyway as I moved her over in the smart object because I want her eyeball to be the center point right it's a Minecraft face yep you got it alright how we doing how we doing Jim alright Jim's doing great he's around the tech here very shallow depth I'm gonna go ahead and dive into this extrude we're gonna make this more extreme we're gonna make this 90 so it's gonna be three times the size right clicking okay we're gonna really see this jump out if I did this with an image that was on white I'll get even more interesting effects and that's kind of what I want to do next too bad this is such a large image I don't know why I do but let me know how you're doing I'm broadcasting from beautiful San Francisco where I don't know it's like super rainy yesterday but today it seems pretty nice and that's all I got typical San Francisco according to Jim who's maybe are you a native to California he's been here two decades and get it so you just you're native I get it but uh so you know you know how you know how the winners are the winner is actually pretty nice I feel right so there we go we obviously get to get something more drastic I'm gonna play with this a little bit more like I was with this image let's take a look at this once go in here make it a smart object it is a should be a smaller image all together 900 let's do it click okay there we have it right we're gonna have this center point is where that burst is gonna come from actually wait for it stylize extrude click OK you can see it's kind of based on the resolution it's gonna act a little bit different so let's go back in here some more actually you know what why did I even do that filter extrude boom 10 depth of 90 clicking ok there we have something a little bit more drastic wait for it wait for it when I'm applying effects by the way do you see what I did there you can take an effect you have a different layer if you hold down the option key just like you can with layer styles I can grab that holding down the option key I can apply it to this layer above so that's what I did just for this bottom layer because I wanted to grab more of the background right now we can see that bursts be much more dramatic and I can modify that oh shoot we're getting down to time modify that some more command J to jump it layer mask B for brush Jason Levine's up next by the way with his brand-new master class dealing with video and audio I'm not sure what he's covering today specifically all I know is it's probably gonna be amazing because it is Jason Levin after all otherwise known as Jason Levine alright hitting X bringing in by the way parts of this image that I want to bring in like her face or whatever the case may be and having other parts burst out I'm gonna spend more time on this and post it to Instagram so check that out ptra and i and thanks so much for watching throw it over Jason now preciate you Jason it's gonna be awesome stick around for him thanks so much everybody [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Adobe Creative Cloud
Views: 29,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c8HUx3kZWSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 40sec (3460 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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