Photoshop Generative Fill is Officially Out of Control...

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coming up in today's video if I just kind of Select this whole top area and say um simply fire would that work I guess there's only one way to find out oh and then right here let's put a giant a giant um shark I guess [Music] bro what the hell is that AI art has been pretty easy to stay away from for me up until now now that it's actually inside Photoshop is it AI art though or simply a tool to make things easier better let's first take this moment to laugh about my face being sunburned so we have that over with enough now first of all to give you some basic examples obviously um this photo right here say I want to remove these guys all together I simply go around this entire Edge and kind of roughly select these two guys with all this stuff right here and then simply go to generative fill I don't even have to put anything in here I can just click generate and now it will generate um the background first I want to show you guys some basic stuff it can do with the stuff you've seen online all over the place and then we're gonna challenge it kind of see how far you can take it because honestly most stuff you see online is kind of basic here look at this this is ridiculous it just came up with all this junk it even realized that this is blurred honestly it's crazy what the hell is this however let's see what else he came up with we have this oh that's even better very nice let's see oh that's not that's not so great it even recognizes that this point is a bit closer to the camera and so is less blurred that is that's crazy but this stuff we all know we are kind of used to it at this point but it's also very good at is extending images and then just add that information on the sites click generate and now it will start calculating once again and there you go see this is it's honestly if I don't even know what to think of it it is absolutely ridiculous however if you zoom in you can tell the quality isn't great but I feel like this is something they will improve over time obviously when it gets better it will look a lot sharper a lot cleaner but it's just wild overall I mean come on look at this however once again this is relatively basic stuff we know this exists by now what else can this do say right here I want to have a raccoon just kind of sitting there let's type in raccoon and I'm actually quite curious what this is gonna do oh interesting doesn't actually look too bad let's see what else we've got this that it looks a bit strange it doesn't look real you can tell it's fake but it's pretty decent however say I want to have this hot being lit on fire if I just kind of Select this whole top area and say um simply fire would that work I guess there's only one way to find out oh okay it just kind of put an entire roof on it I guess what oh look at that that's interesting this is not fantastic not gonna lie what if I just select the roof and then do fire see what that does it does absolutely nothing literally just roofs interesting interesting what is gonna work is just removing the whole thing altogether I guess that will always kind of look good we already learned it's pretty good at that there you go look at that that is just wow and the second one let's see oh that's even better oh my God that is just wild yeah that is crazy once again a little bit blurry but um overall that looks so good I'm curious what's gonna happen to this say I just want to add a bunch more stuff down here is it just gonna generate completely new items I guess we'll see oh my what dude it just came up with a completely new dish it did kind of steal the color of this bowl from that one there is more though let's see what else is there yeah so there's a clean one obviously and another one well actually this first one is fantastic and then say right here I want to have some extra bread or something dude that's insane you have different ones as well oh I love that oh and then right here we're gonna have some Cutlery yes dude this is just insane what the hell is that what what the hell is this it looks realistic but what the hell is that this looks kind of nice it's not at all what I meant yeah what if I just draw like a thing here and just say like knife I suppose the difficult thing is making what the heck removed because they violate user guidelines really we just found the first flaw let's try Fork then instead yeah so that it did actually do this one is fine honestly what's gonna happen if I extend this even further now I'm curious I feel like you can just endlessly extend this to a point where you know it just keeps going that's actually a bit boring oh well I am very curious how this handles lighting of course that's something very important that has to look accurate so let's see say right here I want to have um a group of people having a picnic now I'm pretty sure people was a thing it can't properly generate humans for some reason that's just a thing with AI but I guess we'll see what it does this image is mostly interesting because it's a very clear light from the left which is interesting let's see oh oh that is rough okay so the the alien faces aside if you zoom out it does look right the lighting comes from the exact right direction there's no arguing that uh the faces are just really really freaking terrifying and none of this actually makes sense if you zoom out it's fine if you zoom in I mean what am I even looking at right now let's see what else there is this which is maybe even better but still the same thing what the hell is that even and then the third one is is this what what if I just do this and say um maybe like human face I'm really curious actually What's it gonna do now because if it actually bro okay so this is definitely a face okay so there's this oh yikes well that is horrendous this is also quite terrible honestly this first one is the best but it's very dark so obviously it's hard to see interesting though because it can do faces apparently why doesn't it do it right instantly okay now this is definitely it has it has some flaws what if I do this again I can say human face because these other two had terrible lighting like what this makes no sense these are just REM oh well that's creepy that is not so great that is quite bad what if right here I'm just gonna build a giant Bridge old wooden bridge this is probably gonna change the entire thing oh wow what okay so the lighting matches perfectly however what the actual it's again it's so blurry like this is to a point where you can't use this anywhere because it's just too rough the overall thing is very good the angle kind of matches as well let's see what else oh interesting wow but you also see a bunch of people do is putting castles and images that looks a bit whack actually but uh well that's kind of nice then for this one for example let's extend this all the way up here and then fill up the entire top area and then right here let's put a giant a giant um shark I guess uh-huh bro what the hell is that yo that is the most interesting shark I've ever seen look that's better that's better the lighting kind of matches with the the light bouncing off of The Reef onto the the bottom of him I am very confused right now so this is great this is laughable but this is just a completely new species like what okay let's try this again let's let's make a bit of a more of a like an actual shark shape maybe that helps kind of like like that if we do that great white shark that is also quite mediocre so it really sticks to the shape you draw I know it is because these are all identical basically to the shape that I made so that's not actually fantastic what if I do a small one right here shark in the distance see that is very good that's fantastic yeah these are great actually most of the list I like that that looks real pretty much this big one that no that's not that's not gonna work I'll say we have this image and I want to extend to the sky once again and maybe add some stars or something of this which is very basic we have this one which is also basic and then now let's put some stars in here very simple shouldn't be too hard what uh what realistic starry Sky I feel like that's so obvious there you go that's pretty terrible but at least it's kind of what I meant this isn't too bad that's kind of what I meant yeah it's it's very very blurry but it's kind of okay and what this is awful okay I'm not gonna lie that is not what I expected at all not so great I mean this I guess is okay but it's not what I meant I just meant very subtle subtle Stars interesting results so far we've all done pretty basic stuff things that really exist but what if we start going towards the side of mythical creatures and things that don't exist like a dinosaur I mean obviously they did exist but they don't exist now so how is it gonna handle this let's say right here I want to put a little dinosaur that looks like a toy dinosaur that's horrendous um no no thank you once again this looks like a toy so does this and this is not even what let's let's try putting one right here this is what I expected though it does need a bunch of reference material and this is actually not bad I mean it still looks like one of these built dinosaurs you see in theme parks so does this to be fair it probably has those as reference because obviously real dinosaurs don't exist right now yikes not great what if you make a giant one right here and say um T-Rex so it can be a little bit more specific that is a ginormous T-Rex once again does look like one of these fake ones they build in theme parks let's see what else why does it have three arms that's weird and the same kind of thing no this is not great this is not it things that don't exist are difficult to create I guess what if we try making a robot instead which technically does exist but like the typical actual movie Robots What's it gonna do for this that is interesting this actually does look like a robot what else okay they're not great but they are original looking robots at least that's something interesting then another thing what if say I want to generate Darth Vader who is part of Star Wars which is an IB What's it gonna do then this actually so far I'm the most curious about because honestly I can imagine it having some reference material because obviously Darth Vader is a big thing but is it I don't think it's gonna do it because it's part of an IP it's probably programmed not to generate stuff like that let us be amazed by this result huh once again a quite demonic face but it is a dark figure right third one okay so they do have all black gapes and robes and clothing but it did exactly what I expected they can't do Darth Vader because he's part of an IP let's try Superman I said Superman this is oh yikes nope no these are these are horrendous but once again it does realize that they are super people there are superheroes this is maybe not so much a flaw but a limitation that this has say you want to create fan arts of any IP ever you can't use AI because it won't allow you to generate those existing things I'm just kind of having fun with this trying some stuff out because I'm very new to this as well besides I think it's just kind of fun to see it is every time you load this up it's like What's it gonna do it's like it's gonna be a surprise and that I think is the most fun thing about it but at the same time it's scary as hell oh that is good that is very good and then up here let's make a um futuristic city just kind of make a few selections like this and then do futuristic city this I'm curious about as well this is far more generic so I think oh that's kind of a pathetic City there why is it so small what I mean it doesn't look bad well it kind of does but let's let's do a very large shape then instead wow what that looks very fake but it is an interesting result for sure what else oh that looks like a vending machine oh now this this is better it looks like it's much closer to the camera than it should be I like this let's actually go and try some more dude it does it does unders wow it really does understand the futuristic idea this looks fantastic it doesn't look real it doesn't look realistic because for some reason it just doesn't really see the depth like the the haze it's a bit too clear right but that is that is awesome nonetheless interesting interesting so it does actually do this now here's something else I thought about what if I just take one of my own self-made artwork and extend that that seems interesting I'm just gonna see what it does to this not fantastic but it's it's something this side is a bit strange are these rocks or what's that very very blurry but this is good this is okay what about the third oh oh yikes that's very glowy that's that's weird the second one was actually good this is fine this is nice instant wallpaper right there dude what if I try this one dude this has mad potential what the hell is this I don't know what it is but it looks it looks very good as if it's like a very old Barrel that's been stuffed away for like 10 years this however what's this I don't know what that is it kind of recreated the lantern I made here except worse much much worse what if I just grab this select it and just extend it because there's no way it's gonna notice that these are Star Wars characters that's just not possible because we learned it doesn't do that stuff what is it gonna do it's just gonna replace random characters random sort of figures hurry up what the hell yeah I mean it creates just a bunch of obscure so these are definitely not humans it did notice that half of these are not humans it's not bad it's not bad at all wow this is so interesting actually that's cool a bunch of flying stuff it sees the flying stuff look how wide that is that is that's crazy and then finally this one I feel like this has potential as well what if we just extend this it's just interesting that it does even though all of this is fake I made this myself it still recognizes that this is a landscape and it still recognizes that these are trees and stuff like that this is not bad at all it's blurry very blurry it can also royally mess it up because this is absolutely terrible oh wow that is good this is fantastic this is really good [Music] wow oh that is good wow is all I can say wow actually I'm Gonna Save this even though it's a bit blurry that looks really interesting I like that a lot for some reason this kind of like flows into the lava that is so cool it's oh it's so cool but at the same time I hate it because this shouldn't be possible but it is uh and I want to use it but I I don't want to use it difficult what I am assuming though if say I want to put a gun here I bet it's gonna say that's against the guidelines because it's a gun violate user guidelines see and that's the thing you will always be limited in software like this choose certain things you can't make whatever you want not with Photoshop at least I still have mixed feelings about the whole thing it is kind of scary but also cool however after playing around with it for a little bit I can only see it as a tool rather than a replacement it is mostly used to add stuff to already existing content so it's not really as if you're gonna you know generate complete images and get away with it that's not how this works it adds to your existing photos and designs and I think that's a convenience I'm okay with this and I can't believe I'm saying that but I'm okay with this if you liked this video make sure to leave a like subscribe hit the Bell not to miss a single future upload and then I hope I'll see you in the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 301,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, starwars, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, speedart, speed art, adobe, creative cloud, tutorial, entertainment, photo shop, ai, articifial intelligence, ai art, midjourney, dall-e, generative fill, generative ai, photoshop ai, adobe firefly, firefly, photoshop firefly
Id: eljNhpFs8kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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