Phoenix + Boulder Tableau User Group - 27 August 2020

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thank you all for joining us and welcome to the august 2020 phoenix and boulder tableau user group virtual meeting a little bit of housekeeping before we do anything all participants are muted please do use the q a section to send questions regarding any of the presentations anything you have comments or feedbacks please go ahead and use the chat we see that there's some engagement going on right now we love that this session will be recorded it will be made available on the tableau youtube channel we will also follow up via email if you registered you'll get some information where you can watch that link download the deck and any material that you see here today will be accessible for you all right so today's agenda uh we're gonna go through do some quick introductions and announcements uh five after hopefully we'll do some tableau trivia engagement so if you got a smartphone ready get that out we're gonna go through after that we'll have a great session on making sense of tableau's relationships joins and blends from adriana we'll take a quick five-minute break after that and then we'll come back we'll do some more presentations on killer ui ux dashboard designs tips and tricks and we'll also have a session for tableau live so this is more like a tableau doctor session if you do have anything that you've got stumped you're challenged go ahead and post it into the q a and this way part of our panelist team will be able to review that and connect with you and make sure that we have some of those things teed up for the end all right so this is us if you are new to the phoenix or boulder tableau user group this is our leadership team i am michael pirillo i've been using tableau almost a decade now and we have a great leadership team as you can see on on the side here if you're familiar with any of us we've got ann jackson josh jackson justin hingfoot jeff park and syrah shaw ann jackson is a tableau ambassador and tableau zen master myself i've been a tableau ambassador for quite a while now here in phoenix arizona i am really excited uh to be able to introduce heather ditilo and chris cox out of boulder tug uh can't tell you how how excited i am to be able to team up and partner with them today and you will hear from heather and chris uh momentarily all right so a little bit of announcements uh let's dive into that tableau mentorship program is a new program that's been launched through the tableau community if you're new to tableau or you're seasoned and you're looking to maybe help someone please visit this website we'll go ahead and we'll post these links in the chat but if you just need a little bit of guidance again you're new to tableau maybe you're in the space of development uh design or in server or you're doing stuff with apis uh sign up there's a mentor out there for you and like i said again if if you've got some skills and you've got some free time and you want to give back this is a great way for you to sign up and become a mentor to the mentees all right we've also got a tableau community uh driven uh tableau talent finder so if you've been impacted by covid you're out of work or you're seeking employment or you're an employer that is looking to hire tableau talent please go out and visit the tableau talent finder again this has been sparked by members of the tableau community trying to help one another got some really good momentum on this again we'll post all the links in the chat for you to participate if you are part of the phoenix tableau user group or you want to become part of the tableau phoenix tableau user group we do have a collaboration on slack that is now open to the public if you want to go ahead and join the link is right there it's a bitly link it is case sensitive again we'll post all this into the chat but this is a great way for you to engage have kind of one-on-one conversations uh we still want you to participate in the tableau community uh and we'll kind of get to that now upcoming virtual meetings uh the phoenix tableau user group we do meet monthly so our next date will be september 17th um we will have that posted up probably towards the end of the week if not early next week you can always go out to our website and look and register and sign up for updates all right uh it's happening the tableau conference ish uh this will be a virtual conference it will be free to attend so mark your calendars uh block everything out october 6th through the 8th it's happening uh details will come uh fairly soon probably uh sometime in september so be on the lookout for that all right so we're going to dive into uh a little bit of tablet trivia um and see how well you know your tableau this is a opportunity for you to kind of engage at this time and uh be part of this presentation so what i'd like you to do is if you all have a smartphone or from your desktop computer smartphone people you can go ahead and scan the qr code or type in into a browser and the code that you're going to want to use is one two eight one one nine six so when you go to the website there'll be a place for you to enter that information in if you are prompted to enter a name just make sure it's uh pg rated um if you do go in through another way it might give you one by default so i'll leave this up uh for another 10 seconds or so um again code is 1281 196. all right so let's go ahead and uh i'm going to switch over to uh mentee and we'll see how many how many are in so again if you want to participate and hopefully you do from a desktop computer or smartphone the code is one two eight one one nine six all right looks like we got a lot of people in here all over the place boston phoenix denver tucson tempe got some people in california all right we'll leave this up for another 10 seconds and then we'll move on to the next question so again if if you want to participate please use the code 128196 all right got a lot of a lot of people in arizona got some people in india places all over colorado good deal all right next question is this your first time at a tableau user group so trying to get some information from you engagement see if you're uh see what kind of topics you're interested in what you're what you're looking for out of a user group this helps us create better content more engagement uh once we get through some of these polling questions then we'll do some fun exciting trivia all right well welcome first timers got quite a few in there and thank you to all the regular attendees and those that have attended some thank you for attending today hopefully uh [Music] keep attending again phoenix tug is a monthly user group so we'd love to see you back all right let's move on which tableau products interest you and you should be able to do a multi-select so we've got some things in tableau public desktop prep server and online tableau mobile apis loving the we're getting a lot of apis we're going to do a huge development user group in october so do not miss that i've got some people that are interested in salesforce and tableau great all right good deal desktop is by far most popular tableau server online fantastic i'm a certified server admin so i'm loving seeing all these server and online people interested in that good deal let's move on which version of tableau are you currently using oh we got a 10xer out there [Music] that's like 55 versions behind excited got a lot of a lot of 20 20 adopters today we're going to see a lot of uh the new release 2020.3 and uh things around relationships so hopefully that's that's what you came for because you're going to get that good deal all right i want to talk to you 10xer chat me up later all right how long have you been using tableau you just start are you kind of a beginner less than a year are you a seasoned pro where are you at all right looks like we're somewhat balanced scattered around good deal so yeah those of you that just started or you've been using tableau less than a year there's a lot of opportunities to learn and network that's part of the reason why we do the user group a lot of free training community activities makeover monday workout wednesdays if you're in healthcare project health vis sports sports vis sunday a lot of these things that are out there in the community to help you upskill and get engaged all right i love this good deal next question what virtual meeting topics interest you so are you more into demos customer stories hands-on activities you want to do workshops tips and tricks you want to do a whole data dev session tips and tricks i think we have some of those for you today demos hands-on good workshops great all right this looks good anyone have any tableau certifications is that something that interests you so if you don't have anything i apologize i should probably put a answer in here none not yet hopefully you do want to certify the tableau desktop specialist is your first entry into tableau certification really around foundational knowledge so as long as you've got about three months of experience using the product and you feel comfortable with it you should be able to knock out that that first exam pretty good so congratulations to uh those uh that have your tableau desktop and tableau desktop associate congratulations all right what modeling camp do you identify with the most so when you're doing data modeling are you more of relationships now you still like the joins blends are you all about that custom sql and we are going to cover this quite a bit today so if you have any confusion about relationships or joins or blends or custom sequel uh adriana's got a fantastic presentation that she's going to go through right after this it's going to clear everything up you're going to be a tabloid ninja in no time all right joins highlight it uh custom sql people interesting and relationships love it all right what dashboarding layout tribe do you subscribe to are you team tile team float if you've got no idea what we're talking about it's what and those of you that do know how do you lay out your dashboards do you tile them do you float them and you can't can't pick a mix you gotta be on one team so for those of you that are kind of what in your tableau dashboarding you have the ability to design your layouts and you drag and drop your worksheets over however it's recommended that you create some kind of a layout and you could either tile these out by fixed kind of drag and drop and it snaps to that grid or you can float them around wherever you really want but it looks like team tile is the winner for today so definitely a debate for another time i love seeing this though we're getting some team it depends and there has to be more options to of all of them oh there is no dependency no you have to be in one camp you gotta fight for that all right also got one more question in the q a um asking for you to share the um slack channel again for the phoenix tug we are going to do that i'm going to after i go through my presentation i'm going to throw all those links that i mentioned into the chat and then again you'll have the slide decks and everything with all the links embedded fantastic questions so we're going to start the tablet trivia to make things a little interesting this is the way it works you're going to get a question and the quicker that you can respond with the right answer the more points you accumulate to make it interesting we'll throw in a price so as long as you're not a tableau employee or part of this user group and you're the winner at the end of this we'll connect with you or reconnect with us and we'll get you some nice tableau swag how's that michael we have some great masks uh from boulder uh from boulder insight that i can include with that i'll send you some to send out so love that all right is everybody ready let's do this and again if you want to participate and you haven't joined use the code 1281 196. all right there we go let's get started which version of tableau is free for use all right congratulations tableau public is free for download which is not a tableau community driven activity if you were listening earlier i mentioned the three that are all right yeah tutorial thursday is not a tableau driven activity which api allows you to embed tableau [Music] visualizations all right congratulations to those who got the javascript api next question in tableau's order of operations which filter type does tableau apply first if you're just getting started with tableau google tableau order of operations memorize these very important all right nice next question what is the maximum number of tables that can be joined in tableau through the visual data interpreter little obscure question all right congratulations so you use that note 64. all right and the next question is how would you test workbook for performance in tableau what tool or feature is accessible in tableau desktop that allows you to test your workbook performance all right if you haven't used the performance recording feature go ahead and look that up absolutely amazing and it's a must [Music] all right which tableau file type contains both your workbook and data together all right yes the twivics contains both the workbook and the data in one good job everyone next question tableau workbooks can contain multiple data sources from different source systems is that true or false absolutely true you can definitely connect to different source systems in a tableau workbook all right what tableau feature allows you to use natural language capabilities ask data yes if you haven't used s data yet or you're not on a version that does have s data u10x or i'm talking to you upgrade next question which of the following is not a tableau field data type which one is not a tableau field data type yeah float is not one there we go all right as a version 2019.4 how many columns can you have in a text table what is that limit yes 50 i don't know if you really want to do that but you can all right we're winding down here what is syntax is used to add a comment within a calculated field so when you're typing out your calculated fields and you want to comment something what syntax you use to make sure that that's a comment yes the two forward slashes that will comment out and you can write things all right next question tableau prep builder can output data to external databases is this true or false it's absolutely true with this new release of 2020.3 you can definitely output data to a database all right and which of the following is not valid value when using the date part do you know your calculations which is not a valid value nah definitely we can not a valid value all right who is our winner [Music] congratulations rg you are a big winner so please get in touch with uh myself or any one of our panelists we'll get you get your information we'll get you some nice tableau swag all right okay so hopefully that was fun uh i hope you enjoy that i am gonna go ahead and uh stop my share and uh heather if you want to introduce adriana i would appreciate that that sounds great and you can actually leave up the slide if you want with adriana i know she'll be sharing hers in just a second but i am super honored to be introducing you to adriana williamson um adriana and i met years ago she was a student in one of my tableau public classes and i just loved her and her energy and her brilliance and she is now a certified tableau trainer with boulder insight at our company but what i love about having adriana present for you all today when michael reached out adriana's based in arizona even though we're based in boulder um and so i thought it was a perfect time to do arizona adriana but from boulder insight she's lived in phoenix for the last 13 years she's born and raised in mexico so her first language is spanish and she's a bilingual trainer for us and she's got a multitude of experience working in so many industries like technology manufacturing real estate direct selling and she was a bi manager in one of her last roles and does some great consulting work now as well in arizona so i am so excited to introduce you to adriana she's going to be talking about joins blends and relationships oh my i know um the relationships came out with the new 2020 version so it's been out i'm here for a bit but the relationships have definitely caused some confusion not only for our students that i'm teaching in classes but even our own company and trying to figure out you know when do you use a relationship and not so adriana's going to talk about some relationships and when to use them when to not and i will hand this over to you adriana and hopefully you'll appreciate her story about family relationships and fixing them with tableau relationships so should be fun i'm handing it over to you adriana hi everyone just a quick introduction uh before i turn off my camera to show you what we had to present today but i just want to welcome you i hope you enjoyed this next session you get to learn a lot it's a pleasure to be here with all of you and and i hope you get a lot of learning to what we're gonna share with you so let's start so i'm just gonna turn off my camera and i'm just gonna share my uh screen [Music] so can you see my screen now yeah okay perfect that's that's great so so as as heather said and and as michael mentioned before um you know that as of 2020.2 tableau introduced a new feature is called and uh since then i have seen a few nice walks out there about showing uh how how relationships work right um but what i have not seen and what i see that is is creating some of the um confusion is as to okay so when do i use joints where do i i use planes our relationships are here to stay and solve hundred percent of my double uh related issues so my purpose for this uh presentation is to be like uh show you a couple examples where you may need to use plants you may need to use joints um and and of course introduce you to relationships and and like this like this puts it that way is joins blends relationships who am i why should i pick right and i found um we're gonna we're gonna be sharing this uh to all of you with all of you you're gonna be able to access this workbook as well um but i found a really really good um uh definitions from top low and you're gonna be able to see this uh once you get this workbook uh but basically the the way tableau um defines relationships is uh relationships are an easy flexible way to combine data from multiple tables for analysis that's i get that that's that's pretty straightforward however um one of the main things i find and i'm gonna refer to it a lot of times is especially put attention to this line is is uh something important right here says you define relationships based on matching fields just keep that in the back of your of your mind as as i as i go through this demo because this is one of the most important things um when it comes to um when it comes to the definition of of um which is that's just messed up the connection but uh when it comes to the definition of when to use relationship is the key thing is you have to have matching matching fields from your data source whatever key uh you are selecting that means that the data underneath the data source all uh the key has to have the exact uh exact matches in order to work another thing that um relationships are good for the basically what tableau uh says and what i have seen is that is listed from data preparation more use cases for data sources and greater trust in results and we're going to go i'm going to show you what that means but basically the greater trust in results is that uh when you when you join a data and you use a joint there are times where you may be uh duplicating your data uh or you only bring in either uh well the data that exists in either two tables or maybe just on one table but not in the other table so you have to be very very familiar with joints uh so what relationships do is improve um and percep and preserve your measures and now um there is the hope is that relationships won't double your uh your trouble by duplicating data store results however i always be even if even if i know that relationships may not duplicate my data i'm uh i'm an accountant as i started my my career and i always double check uh my numbers i don't i don't just trust what joins and relationships are doing but let's let's jump on on this i want to show you three different ways you may be familiar or not i'm not gonna um show you step by step on everything we're gonna do but uh this workbook has a lot of step-by-step instructions that you can uh try on your own uh as uh on your own time uh but i hope that the concepts will will will stay with you so let's start on um not necessarily when relationships won't work but the one i want to show you is when um let me just for some reason i couldn't start on my demo so i'm just going to get out of out of this mode and i'm just going to show you when join may not work right a lot of you um probably have had uh the situation where you may have uh um you're connected to a file or a or a table or data source whatever that is um and then you may have transactional data and you also want to want to be able to convert that into a file that has maybe um budget data right how many of you and i could imagine that uh you uh many of you have have run into the scenario where uh uh like i said you have your your actual transactions and in this case i'm gonna use my personal uh my personal banking uh and and what i want to do is i have my my bank transactions by day and how much i spend but i also want to compare this to the budget right i have a budget for the month and i want to know if i'm under budget or over budget i want to know how my family and i are doing compared to that so before relationships uh we i could use a joint right and and i in order to do a join joints are not going away so notice that uh what i did was to double click uh on the box where you say migrated data and that brought this uh join uh your first your first table and in order to do a join i'm just gonna drag budget next to actuals remember that uh when you do a join you have to you have to drag and drop it next to your first table no not underneath because if you do it underneath you're going to create a union but we're going to do a joint you have to drag it to the right and you just drop it right there when you do that tableau in this case knows there is a related field and it's creating that uh that really that uh yeah we'll call it relationship uh is is finding a key that i have common for the two files and i notice that when you do a join i just want to point it out uh joins add columns to your to your uh data right so it will join actuals and budget and basically it takes all the columns that you have in your actual table and takes all the columns that you have in your budget table and then creates one flattened table at the end and then and it gives you uh more columns but notice that uh on budgets um and that may be in your scenario i'm only there one time i only have one budget aggregated at the month level but for my transactions i am there multiple times right and that represents uh each transaction represents each day so what happens i i did my joint i'm ready to start doing my analysis so i'm just gonna go and and i want to start seeing how am i doing compared to my actual so i'm just gonna go ahead and drag the name and i'm gonna go and and drag the uh my actual span i'm gonna i'm gonna do a uh i'll put it on my axis and notice that um and this it looks right it looks like it's correct based on what i expense so now i want to compare this to my to my budget and i want to know what am i are am i under or over and this is what i joined also notice i just want to point out that with the release of the 2020.2 you'll notice that the way um things look in tableau and your data pane are different right before you clearly will see we know that the the first part where dimensions and the second part were measures but now the way this that distinction is made by this uh line across right here under measure names and then also notice that uh for the tables i have joined the two tables and you can see the dimensions are under the actuals for the actual stable and you'll have your dimensions under your budget table and the same thing repeats for uh the measure uh uh section right is its measures are under actuals and and and and the measures that relate to the budget so this this way feels and looks different um in terms of user experience i just wanted to point it out that this has changed from the 2020.2 version so let's move on let's let's continue i'm gonna bring i'm gonna create a combined access and for those of you who may not have used combined access in the past i love combined access because they allow you to convert to measures side by side so how do we do a combined axis i'm just gonna drag my ax my budget i'm gonna drag my budget towards the same axis where i drop my actuals and notice that you're gonna have a double roller you're gonna have a double roller and then when you see that of a roller that's where you drop it and that's what i'm gonna drop it so look at this now i can see my actual span with my budget comparison and i also could even add one more step i want to distinguish between these two by uh changing the color i want one color for my actual and i want one color for my budget so i'm just going to make a copy of my measure names the way you do a copy is to do control uh left click drag and drop to your colors now notice i i still have major names on top of my rows but i created a copy uh by dragging it to my colors and i can i can basically see clearly see what's going on here if i didn't know and if i really trust the joint and i said if if i didn't know what was going on and i wasn't familiar with my data i would be like oh wow we're really under budget here my mom is my mom is emma by the way and michael's my husband so we're like if i if i were to show this to my mom she will be so happy extremely happy because she loves to spend money but who doesn't write but surely it does and surely like thinking oh i have all these months much money to spend we're great to go spend it and and say i'm still under budget right i have so much money to spend but because i i really know my data and i know something is not right here um what the joint has done it has it has duplicated my budget records and like if you if you remember what i explained before is that what what happens is that uh if i'm here on my on my transaction file i'm here 10 times i'm just saying it like if you see that i am here 10 times this budget line is going to be duplicated by 10 times so the many many times you appear on your transactional table your your record in the budget is going gonna be multiplied by those many um records so oh my so this could really really affect our family relationships right and and before uh tableau brought in the relationship feature the way i we used to deal with this issue and fix it is a couple of ways you could either you could either create an love level of detail calculation i don't know um most of you are familiar with lod so i had already created that budget fixed lod i showed it really quick it's basically um the lod is just basically you you have to fix at the level of the key which the key is uh the key related to the to the person or the key related to the uh product of the key related to your skill whatever that means and then i will create a maximum budget because in this case my budget is 600 either i would pick my maximum my minimum it would just give me what it would it would be the same six hundred dollars if i either did a max or a me so now if i remove my budget and i bring that love i'm gonna do it as a combined access same way and i'm just going to drag this into colors you notice that now when i do that without end of the things that start looking more realistically like i have a 600 dollar budget so i'm already over budget so if i would look to look at my mom oh she already is ten times over budget right like like no high times over budget like i had to have a conversation like in the in the in the in the previous scenario with chimera started start thinking that she had so much money to spend but in the real life scenario is not really right so elod would have fixed this or even a plan i'm not i'm not gonna gonna go over the details on how to do a plan but uh you find instructions on this workbook on how to do a plan uh hopefully uh you have done ones in the past but if not there is a i'll point you to the top where you can find it step by step but a blend would also solve this problem right of the duplication of records but one thing about blends is that blends require multiple multiple multiple steps to get to the blend and for lods uh you really need to understand eloise and a level of detailed calculations can be um not as straightforward could be complicated uh you really need to understand so there's a few steps uh that you will have to to understand one thing that that blend that joints uh give you as i mentioned before um joints would allow you to see uh the data underneath on one full data table uh you could get and see all the when you do a joint you create that one flattened table you can have three tables and that table will give you will be give you the result of one table so now how do i fix this now with relationships right how do i um before my relationship with my mom is really affected because she is really really really spending a lot of money uh tableau relationships will help uh uh solve my family relationships in this case right especially nowadays with the current virus where we really had to be living and staying household and we really had to have great relationships so how that uh that's that would do that with relationships so let's move on so relationships are great that really really really are a great way to solve issues like this because one you don't you don't really have to um worry about level detail calculations you also don't really have to worry about doing all those extra steps to generate a plan and also relationships are much better in terms for performance joints and and blends they they can really drive your performance uh for the for in tableau so let's let's see how relationships work right in this case how am i gonna solve that um duplication overstatement of of of my budget number so i'm going to go back to my data source i just want to point out and and and mention really quick that joins relationships and cross joins they all happen at the data source level blends do not happen at the data source level they happen at the workshop level and and i just i'll point at that out when we go back to the worksheet but in order to draw a relationship i need to come back to the data source and again uh in this case i don't i don't need to get to the joint remember to get to the join area i just needed to double click here and that will give me the join in this case what i want is i just wanna um i just wanna create a relationship i'm just gonna close here and uh in order to create a relationship i'm just gonna do the same thing as we did with the joint but in this case when i drag the budget notice that something happened and here just gonna it's not taking it um let's go back to you know things happen in real life so i'm just gonna come back here um i noticed that this is already the relationship is already established but i'm gonna remove that and what i'm going to do i'm just going to show you how you would do this this uh relationship i'm just going to drag it and notice this is what i was looking for in the in the previous view you want to look for that not a noodle right and this noodle is showing you it's just telling you a relationship is about to happen so you just drop it and what that blog here is give this asking us how what level do you wanna do you wanna create this relationship right so i'm just gonna show i'm just gonna select key for this one and key for this one and notice that um uh in this case it has already the error has gone away a relationship has established but i just want to point out that in this case i have a one-to-one i only need to join in one field uh but there are times where you may wanna you may wanna create a relationship with multiple fields maybe you have the scenario where you have you want to you want to create the relationship at the skill level also the country level and also at the date level right because you may have the same skill in multiple countries but that that skill may mean different things in multiple countries so you want to make sure that your your key is unique so you may even continue adding things one the first level second level third level so you can just continue adding that relationship as you place in this case i only need key to key so now i have created uh the relationship but something's different and you probably already noticed it um you can if i click on the budget uh table you can only see budget the budget rows here i only have three if i go back to actuals you can see all the rows in my actuals uh notice that is multiple times the difference here is that you don't see that extension of columns like they joined it if you remember um they join uh incre increases their columns and i just want to mention something that i recently learned is that tableau is a corner tool meaning the more columns you add the more it's going to affect your performance you can have millions of rows that's not going gonna really affect your performance what's gonna really affect the performance in tableau are the number of columns you add so let's let's let's move on so we have um created a relationship and now i'm just gonna uh go back to my demo and and here what i did is just the same scenario we have created um i have dragged the same the same fills that we have in our in our join i've just dragged my my spam and i drag the data combine access and notice that everything looks correct this is what i would expect expect right if this is what i would expect this is how i want it i know that i can trust this because i already know that uh for my mom's badges she has 300 i have 600 my husband has 500 so this is perfect it works fine and the relationships in this case has solved the problem but one important thing to point out a couple of a couple of things to point out uh with relationships the way your your uh interface is gonna look is different than the way it looks with join so remember we go back to the joints um under your data pane you have your actuals uh a table mentioned two times one for dimensions one for uh your measures and the same thing for your your budgets uh the same thing but if we go back to our relationships tab notice it looks different okay now you have all your dimensions and your measures under each table they belong notice that so this line divides so if i were to drag uh this fill try to drag it to the dimension area that's where you see see that where it says that i'm about to close the line of the mesh from mesh from measures to dimensions that's how now you know that the line kind of divides your measures and the dimensions but it looks different as if you're doing a joint i just want to point that out another thing i wanted to point out is that when you click on any of your markers and i want to go see view data now you don't see a full table like with a join now you see each independent table is separate why because in relationships each independent table is treated as as its own separate entity i just i just wanted to bring that up because um for a lot of us we love to have um the all the data uh in one place and usually like in a join i could just point people to the joint and say yeah you can download your data you can view your data just go to full data you can see everything related to that table right well with relationship that has changed so now i have i have quickly show you a way that we're not to use a joint and a relationship will work um but one of the things i i find um is that relationships now i i will say they're great for 90 percent of the time of the scenarios i have found but there is still one scenario where a relationship is not helping me a relationship is not working and i just want to show you that what's that scenario really quick so when you go back to uh the the definition of of what how relationships work right it says that you can combine data from multiple tables for analysis but the main thing as i mentioned at the beginning is their relationship is based on matching fields if you don't have smashing fields on that relationship you're gonna you're gonna run into issues and let me show you what's the issue that i'm i'm running into am i just gonna explain it really really quick so in this case uh if i go back to the data source i show you i have created a relationship this is my master category table which has all the lists of my products and then i'm joining that to my orders table and my targets table my orders table is going to give me the actual sale for these products and my targets table is going to give me the goal of sales for my table right i have created this relationship so now i start doing the analysis and i and i'm bringing all my categories of my products into the view and i'm bringing all my in this case i'm just i'm not gonna worry about my actuals i'm just gonna worry about my sales targets i want to make sure that i have created budgets for all my products but notice that by creating live relationships one i'm seeing some nulls which i find this suspicious and two it's telling me that fasteners labels and storage are missing um the target right it's not i don't have target for those i'm like i'm even more suspicious so i pull and another worksheet now instead of pulling the the the name the categories from my from my master file i pull them from my targets file and i notice that i actually do have i do have a budget for label and i do have a budget for storage so what's happening so i'm just going to put it side by side to see to see if i could identify the issue and when i started uh analyzing these two i find that uh the problem is labels and label don't match a storage and a storage organization don't match right so now that's why the relationship is like saying i find much for all this but as something is no matching i'm just going to put it as a no value so if i were to use how do i solve this issue because with a relationship there is no way to solve it so i have created oh so i don't want to say that there is no way to solve it i just haven't found a way maybe maybe some of you have and i will i would love to hear um from you if you have uh but when uh the blend will work instead in this case and this is where i'm writing step-by-step instructions here for you to how to create the plan now i have the same scenario uh i'm bringing the same products and the same members i'm bringing from the same way i'm gonna compare it in my dashboard and i don't have nodes but i still see that my my fasteners don't have budget my labels don't have badges and my storage don't know how to touch it and again i know that the problem is the naming right with the blending what you can do is you can right click on the alias edit alias and i'm just gonna make it this name match to my categories master when i do that look at what happens my labels budget appears and i'm just gonna do the same thing for the sales organization i'm just gonna edit the alias and i'm just gonna say okay and look at what happens right now storage is blank right here i'm just gonna do it and boom there you go you now we have fixed the issue right but this has been fixed with evelyn so at the end of the day before relationships with before we have relationships we used to say join with your can't blame where you must right now i want to leave you with relation use relationships what you can and do uh glands and joints where when you mask it's not array i right or wrong in this case relationships are amazing i'll use them 90 of the time i just want to show you a couple scenarios and especially in this scenario where a relationship may not work because this is is doing the relationship at the physical level up from your data on your data source your fields have to match uh but still there is a way you can fix it with lines so i i hope that this this uh demo uh can give you an idea of how relationships are so great in so many ways uh but you're still gonna be had to use blends is it's important for you to use joints joints are going to be important continue to be important especially when you do row level security because with real level security you got to use an inner join whereas um a relationship works as a left joint right john inner joint it works it works the same it gives you all the joints at the same time it doesn't eliminate anything from your from your data uh enrollable security you're gonna have to use joints but i really hope that this had this this uh um demo has helped you clarifying uh um when this works and and and can be so helpful for you so thank you so much for for your time and uh uh more open i guess for uh for any questions thank you that was great adriana thank you all right so we are going to take a quick uh five minute break so uh depending on where you're at um where are we five minutes uh so please return uh at 1105 if you're in arizona uh 1205 if you're out in colorado uh anywhere else in the world in about five six minutes please return and then we'll uh we'll get started with uh evan and killer ui ux design tips and tricks for tableau [Music] we've got just another 30 seconds i'd say and then we'll get started looks like it just changed okay hey everybody welcome back i hope you had a great break and i am heather dattillo again the one of the co-facilitators for the boulder table user group one of our colleagues is not here today jennifer fujita she is works for one of the school districts here in the area and this is one of their first weeks back so she's got lots going on with that but i'm super excited to be introducing you now to one of my um dear friends and colleagues and someone that stepped in when we were unable to get somebody from tableau to come in and talk about some new features we thought this would be a great time to showcase kevin um swear jen so kevin is the director of ux at boulder insight um and he is a data visualization scientist and he's really our creative visionary um here at boulder insight and he just brings this tremendous amount of ui ux experience and a real passion for building products that make sense to people regardless of their data literacy level so he will talk to you about ido and human-centered design but he has taken my dashboard skills to such a new level i'm excited to get back to teaching again i've been doing more consulting and i myself have learned a ton from kev over these last couple months so i give to you you'll understand why we say killer ux designs kev has had a little miller moth situation he's been dealing with this summer and we thought it would be fun to share some ways that he has been battling the miller moth situation that he's had in colorado so i hand it over to you kev killer ux design tips and tricks for tableau so you got it thanks heather it's a very friendly introduction there um yeah so a little bit about myself real quick um my background is actually um i'd say i was a ux designer designing applications and being on scrum teams and everything like that for you know apps and websites and everything for the majority of my career and about i don't know about 10 years ago i got introduced to tableau and so it was only a matter of time for before these two worlds collided so i'm going to show you some things i do some tools i use and also hopefully empower you to kind of follow along in the footsteps if you like where this goes and do this on your own um or do it with minimal support like you can always find somebody um that can take everything over um okay right into it miller moths if if you live in denver or colorado you understand this um miller moths seem like a very harmless creature unless you live in um colorado this is more what happens with miller mops they get everywhere any any crack in your house anything they come in you wake up to about 20 of these in your house like there's just no getting around it so it's like clockwork every year every spring you're enjoying spring and then here come the miller mouths so being a data scientist and someone who just loves data and playing with it i started recording killing the miller moths and i am not a catch and release guy i'm just going to be clear maybe if i'm fishing rainbow trout but when it comes to a miller moth the only good miller moth is a dead miller moth so forgive me for that but that's how i feel but so anyway i started tracking the date and then i started tracking the weapon that i actually used to take these things out and then the effort level the position where they on the ground the ceiling and then the outcome did did we kill or did they escape and then the disposal right washed them down the sink not available trash this one's really funny fed to dog so believe it or not we have a corgi and the damn thing loves to eat these moths um it's crazy it's quite the little one-two combo there and then the level of mess right like how messy were these because these are powdery creatures so when you kill them the powder kind of goes everywhere so there's ways you do not want to you know kill these things so anyway we tracked you know killing them with different devices and level of effort and everything like that so then we bring that into tableau hopefully i don't pull up client data so we bring this into tableau and this is just a basic you know envisionment of kind of a straightforward dashboard right i've got all my kpis here and then one thing to point out right off the bat when you use the extra when you use the approach that i'm going to show you it's best not to work with filters it's actually best to work with dashboard actions um they're super easy to build if your data source is simple if you have a tons of blends and connections going on in unions they get a little crazier but in this case i just made an action that says when i click on one of these create a filter on these guys based on this value very straightforward these can be get really crazy i won't go into actions because we'd be here for quite a while so anyway so because i have this on this on my dashboard if i click escape the data is now limited to what escaped was right so it's just a very interactive easy way i'm not jumping around and looking for um a filter and i don't lose relationships so even when i click on escape i can still see how many total dead there were so i like that i don't lose my data relationship is another reason to use actions so if you haven't explored them i would highly recommend it so so here's a basic dashboard but we can do better than this right i mean we can format and color and everything like that but i'm going to just walk you through kind of my process show you some tools and kind of take this dashboard to the next level so what i really need is an image for the miller moth and i've already pulled that image out but i want to talk a little bit about images and data and i'm going to introduce you to a website called unsplash so if you ever need a photograph or anything like that this is an awesome library of of royalty-free images that you can just download and use but i want to teach you a little bit about what not to use too so never forget that your data is the hero not the image you put in not your company's brand not any of that right the data is the hero so your data needs clarity so there's some images that work better than other for layering data so for example this one is horrible and the reason it's horrible is not because it's not a great image it's just there's too much going on so if i start layering a data story over this you're not going to see the data story clearly and you're not going to see the image clearly they're going to fight each other right so if you're using images in a background you want to select images like this so i've got kind of a moth but look over here i've got a huge open area that i can place data titles everything like that i've got tons of room for the data story not not optimal because the image in the middle is going to make it weird but it's actually a really good image to use for the data so what i've done is i've selected an image and i edit it in photoshop and i'm just going to go ahead and start rebuilding a dashboard um there we go so let's see here so the first thing when using tableau when you drag on it locks into place right so what you do when you want something to float so you can put something behind it you actually hold down shift and then drag on so now this won't be locked into one place and i can move it around wherever when you're how i'm about to do it so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to hold down shift and make all these guys float so this answers the tableau trivia question of your team floater team uh tiled kev is definitely team float just so you know and he has converted me i have taught many classes saying i'm a tiled person but team float is is where i'm at now so i know that was one of our questions today from michael that's funny yeah i'm definitely on that team so i'm just the same same information all i did was you know take these off and now all i got to do is bring hold down shift i'm going to bring an image in choose my image i have to go find it very impatient too i don't know heather said that part um so i'm going to find my image and it's just a straightforward image that i built with some kpi um tills up top so i can put things in there but as you can tell this image is everything i talked about it's got graphics in it but it's got a lot of place for my data to live and breathe where it doesn't interfere so if the if the image doesn't help your data story it hurts your data story and that's really critical to keep in mind and then the other thing i did while we're here i found some colors that i like that i think will look good on this and all you got to do is search like ux color palette on google and you will get tons of color stories so if you're not sure like what colors complement what you didn't have color theory in school like a lot of designers um you can just google like you know ux dark color palette that will give you like just gorgeous palettes like this so i like i like this palette so i'm going to be using that today and i'm going to go ahead and open this image so right off the bat i am control clicking i don't know what that is on uh windows so forgive me i'm going to change a float odor i'm going to send that all the way to the back right so now that is below everything here it's just layering right so now i'm going to go to layout and i'm going to zero out the x y and what that'll do is drag it up into the upper left corner now my image i know the size of it is i'm going to plug that in i think it's 900 or 800 i can't remember so now i've got a full-sized image ready to go where i can layer my data story over the top of it and i'm just going to hit present mode so you guys can see that right so it takes up my whole thing so now it's about really telling my data story well what's the most interesting thing about the data story and it's honestly it's probably one that's not here that i need to drag on so i'm going to click and drag weapon views so what i think weapon used is really the core of my story right like is it is it hard to kill with it is it easy to kill them with it that that only revolves around like the weapon i used right was it effective weapon used you know where did i use it at well different weapons would be used in different places you know so i think this is the core of my story so i'm going to start here so the next thing you want to know about or learn about ui ux is say it once say it right and if you say it twice get rid of it and i'll give you an example we have two we have 48 we have five we have 12. okay we already know what the counts are does this help or hurt us right number of records well we already know the number right so i don't think this helps us so i'm going to get rid of it because i don't think someone looks at that to get 48 i think they just read 48. so it's a distraction so what we're going to do is get rid of all the things that we don't need weapon that's in the title weapon used weapon i don't need that either and another thing i'm going to do and this is more control you don't have to do this you can format and edit your title and change the color and everything but what i like to do is actually drag on text and the reason is it just gives me a little bit more control and i'm a grumpy old artist so i like things like that so i'm just going to change this to light white and whoa 24 probably will do it okay so so now we've got that and we're going to get rid of this i'm going to hide the title and that gave me a little bit more real estate as well so the next thing is are these lines really helping us or hurting us well they're kind of hurting us right so i'm going to format this and sometimes i look out and get it on the first time and sometimes i just have to turn everything off nope missed it one of these guys somebody out there yelling click here click here so apologies to that individual and this one i think it's rose so weird yeah there it is always the last one the next thing is i want the image to show through and this one's easy i'll find this quick for you so this is actually your sheet your paint can and workbook if you color it none it's transparent right so now i've got a beautiful image everything's here but i really can't read the the text anymore because the black on there is an issue so i'm going to change that to white so now that's great but i want to give it a color and i'm going to go back to my ux color palette that is not what i wanted forgive me others going to yell at me for not rehearsing i'm not yelling at you it's perfect it's always good to have teachable moments when we're demoing so people don't feel like it's going to be smooth the whole time it's good to know we hit some speed bumps and how to get through them all i'm going to do is i'm going to type in the following color right there my hex decimal right into my color so i'm going to go into the sheet double click color click more colors and i'm just going to type in um f 5 4 b 6 4. and voila there's my color i wanted to pick you could use the pick color too right for that yep you could definitely do that so now i've got my weapons and i want to start organizing the story so i know real estate wise i want to start moving things around so that everything is in this everything feels the same and is colored the same right so what i'm going to do next is actually just get everything out of the way the moth so i can start understanding my real estate right so now what we're going to do is the same thing we did for our weapons we're going to do the same thing for each one of these but the good news is we don't have to start from scratch so what i'm going to do is go into this sheet and i'm going to click copy formatting and then i'm gonna go back to my dashboard go into this sheet and paste formatting now the only thing that didn't format just like the other one are these lines here the reason is the chart is different so the chart is going horizontal instead of up and down right so because of that i have the lines so one more time i have to take those out there we go and now what i can do because this one i needed to do one more step on i'm going to copy my formatting again and i'm just going to go down the road and paste formatting paste formatting paste formatting and that one's good and these guys are going to have different formatting so i'm not going to worry about that okay so when i get back here everything's done right so now i'm going to start hiding things again so i'm going to hide my number of records i'm gonna hide my title i can't remember heather do all those things stay on formatting hide fields and rows yep um so now so let's do that let's do let's go into this sheet i'm going to copy formatting and see if i can paste that and get rid of everything paste formatting paste formatting yeah i think it is manual kit but it's worth a try let's check it out on that one that one cool see no it didn't yeah darn it it's all manual okay so basically i'm going to do the same thing why i'm doing what i'm doing is clarity i don't verbs i don't need those to tell my story i'm saying it twice so i'm getting rid of it say it once say it right and then i'm going to go back in and title and i'll show you the reason why i do titles all at the same time so disposal well maybe i'll leave that there so i can easily see hey chris hello i wouldn't do that stop it speaking of you wouldn't do i would invite heather or chris to a client meeting for the rest of the week they've been very mean to me this week i have not you have so chris has just joined you'll meet him next he is our resident chump um when we talk about stump the chump is going to be our next session we now call it tableau live but for those of you from the boulder insight user boulder tableau user groups you know that chris is our are always does these tableau live uh sessions at the end of our user group so he will be uh coming up next here when kev is done with his and kev you're getting lots of great comments in the chat um and somebody even say thanks for keeping the demo real kev end quote so you're appreciating it when you have some issues it makes us all feel better you're much faster at all this than the rest of us this is when everybody learns i'm dyslexic let me cancel that okay let's start with disposal so now what i'm going to do before i do titles and am i good on time heather am i going too long no you're great do you have 10 more minutes okay so now what i'm going to do get that out of my way a little bit i'm going to work on my color story so when everything's the same nothing nothing is prioritized right so if you have the same if these are all the same size like these guys don't feel unique to each other and your brain doesn't go anywhere new because they all look the same the same thing here if this was the same size as these charts it's not the hero right so we always say if you look at a dashboard and you don't understand its purpose within five seconds you failed right and same thing here so this is our data hero i don't know if that's an industry term or just one we use in our shop but now what i want to do is i want to make sure these guys don't interfere with my hero so once again i'm going to go to this color palette i picked out and i've got white or dark gray i don't trust myself enough to just randomly pick colors that i think i like this is actually from you know a professional on the website that found found this color palette and got it to work and i'll show you guys how to find those next so now i'm going to go in and change the color of these guys so more colors and i'm going to change this to a dark gray 4e 5 8 6 e um so now that's in the data story it's readable it's within our palette but now it's unique right so once everything's organized it's not going to interfere with my data hero and i've i've organized it for the for the viewer now so i've got all this room over here sorry so now what i have to do is drag on my title because i created trouble for myself by deleting the other one but that's okay [Music] and we're going to make this light light and white and the problem with tableau it's not a problem but if you're white on a white background you can't see it here so i always have to go back and kind of highlight it so i can see what i've typed so i've got disposal probably needs to be a little bigger i'm going to do 14 and what i'm looking for is a size that complements my hero so this is going to be bigger this is going to be smaller right so i've kind of got a secondary and a primary title you know look so so anyway so what i'm going to do is move these guys over and then we have same thing here i've got two of these so i don't need one i'm going to hide that and that's the disposal method but i also position outcome and level of mess is different than the disposal so i'm going to give them another color so i'm going to move disposal down over here and i'm going to change this to a new color and that color i'm going to pick is actually my white right i'm going to play with white i think that one's going to be too dark so i'm going to add my white to this i can either click there or more colors white is always fff zero is always or i'm sorry black is always like straight up zeros um so anyway that's colored now so that's white cool a little bit of a different look to pull these guys apart so the trick here is is kind of interesting like you want to add enough difference to make these values meaningful in your in your data story without impacting your hero right so we've done that these fall into the background more than the red and the red really jumps out so i like that so now we're gonna do i'm gonna do all my titles again you don't have to do this step but i like it because i got more control so there could be a design where i've got to put something over to the side or maybe it's got to be right justified maybe i want to center it the other thing is it's a space saver so if you're using tableau's default tile or titles you usually have this kind of half inch gap right here between the title and the data when you're cramming data on the page i mean we always design these beautiful websites then people just want more and more and more you can actually squeak out a whole new viz by like a safe a space-saving strategy of creating your own titles other than that it's it's your choice so do it don't do it it's really up to you so what i'm going to do i've already got the the font the size and everything so i'm just going to select all of it and copy it and then i'm going to drag a new one on for outcome and then just copy and over the top of it that way i don't have to change the the font size change the color um or change the typeface like everything's right there for me i'm going to hide that move this over and all the efforts going down there oh sorry yup that's right change color in that one to white change color in this one to white and really the only reason is it's it's it's a layering of your data story right like what i've done is i've created a uniqueness to disposal so when everything's up here you're going to be looking at these metrics secondary metrics but disposal is kind of going to jump out at you a little bit right your brain is going to go why is that a different color bam i gotcha right so it's about guiding a user through the data story so let me i think i still have that and we got one more which is position ah did it again there we go chris has a really neat trick for lining up text i i will have to confess i've been doing this so long i can get pretty close to pixel perfect without um any guides but chris actually has a good strategy for lining things up in tableau chris i forget what it is you use containers right well you can use several things you get so you can use a container you can use it use kind of a blank um you just pull a blank on and then maybe color it something and set it set it to like an opacity um is a good way just give it a whatever color doesn't matter give it a blue and then we're going to make it 35 and then you can use this and delete it later to line up your other visits right that's it so i actually really like this trick it was so simple i was mad when chris showed me because i was like this is a really good easy trick you know what i mean you can do it with positions you know in your xy but this is a really down and dirty quick cheat that i thought was great and especially like here i'm just going to line up the top of this data with that data and line that up there and so and then i'm going to delete it i'm done so now i'm going to look at the overall dashboard i've still got my kpis but i've got plenty of room for use so i've got a lot of depth here or something to carry that so what i'm going to do is just move this up and just take all this real estate and i'm probably going to move these guys over just a bit so there's not a collision again i'm just going to eyeball for the purposes of this demonstration alignments key make sure your titles line up you know what i mean like the titles over here and the titles over there not going to do you a lot of good it's confusing to the brain so the last thing we've got to do is actually we don't have a title and we've got to do our kpis hopefully everybody here knows what a kpi is it's a key performance indicator so some people call them rocks you know some people confuse them with okrs but it's basically what are the key metrics we're interested in and in this one it's like what's my kill ratio my number of attempts and my kills so now what i'm gonna do is format this as fast as i can so i don't bore anybody um so i'm going to do it to the whole sheet i'm going to say tableau that and man i don't know maybe 28 that'll probably work for all of them i'm going to click off now i've got my worksheet make it transparent how am i doing that looks good to go so now do the old trick we learned i'm gonna copy formatting and i named everything kpi so all i got to do is click click on the next kpi paste formatting kpi paste formatting hopefully you guys can hear the dog market in the background and now i'm going to move them into their new homes so the way i do that is i'm moving out of the way first everybody can see [Music] come on computer is acting a little nutty apologies so i'm just going to move everything out of this area until i can use it so now i'm going to do same thing i did here i'm going to copy and paste this but i'm going to make these kpis smaller so that they don't interfere with the data story they kind of support it so now i'm going to go to dashboard i'm going to drag a text and i'm going to do kill ratio and let's see i'm going to make that 12 just a little smaller i might go 11 even so my kill ratio goes up there now a little bit about this i'm going to hide the title and just so everybody knows that runs into it it's perfectly lined up here because i have fit width but if i had standard it's going to be over here and on this side so i don't want that i want it aligned over there fit with does it every time so it'll drag it over to the right for you if you ever get frustrated with that so nice and organized in its spot and everybody else is ready to go too and while kev is finishing up these kpis remember we do have our tableau live session coming up next with chris so if you do have questions you can put those in the q a um any question will work chris will use usually super store sales data or something to try and solve it but you have questions chris usually has answers for them and if he can't answer them on the call he will continue to try to work on that he's like a pit bull when it comes to getting these answers corrected so uh speaking of dogs in the background so um anyway you guys can hear those questions no it's totally fine though it's it's you've got to be protected well we have a corgi and it's very vocal um keeping you safe doesn't have any legs either let's see if i can get that there we go it actually has legs just little legs so i want people to think okay so what is that that's my kills so what i want to tell you guys is i know some of these things you feel requires an artist's eye but if you know what you need to do to kind of get here which is you know what i showed you today you can also say you know hey i've got a friend bob that can do a background for me you know what i mean um you can leverage talent around you you can also reach out to us and just say hey i i just need a background built you know something like that and we provide those services so i'm showing you something that isn't just unique to kevin swearingen on planet earth i'm showing you something that anybody could do um so i don't have a title we should probably do a title real quick heather just to polish it all off and there's some things a little out of line um we're just going to call this kevin hates moths and we want to kind of draw attention to it and make it regular probably maybe even 46. and you'd add more detail and everything to a title like you know kevin hates moths uh rolling 30 or a month over month average of kevin's kill rates or something like that you know um but anyway so just in this time period we took something that was a normal dashboard or a standard out-of-the-box tableau dashboard added some ux to it and really just brought it to a next level right we organized a data story we've created it so see how filters aren't everywhere so if we want to know something how did the handheld bug zapper do and by the way a huge fan of the handheld bug zapper it's on amazon a little tennis racket thing but anyway this guy all of a sudden i i used it five times or i've got yeah i used it five times you know three times in the air one on the ceiling and floor low level of effort and the outcome was dead every time i mean 100 kill rate doesn't get any better than that so the salt gun not good believe it or not these little guys are tougher than they look um and a lot of them escape so my kill ratio is eight percent i don't want to use a salt gun anymore small lava lamp funny as hell my daughter came out into the hallway swinging with this little keychain looking lava lamp and actually killed i believe one and one escaped so there's some funny things in here i know but uh the tennis racket i think was the most useless 10 attempts all of them escaped so if you're trying to kill a mental moth out there do not use a tennis racket that would be a mistake uh soap in the bowl very fun very easy it's on the ground you just put it under lamp low level of effort disposed of it by dumping it down the sink and you know out of every one it everyone died so um that's it that's kind of my miller moth demo one last thing i wanted to show you guys is if you feel lost or you don't know where to go when exploring adding more ux there are websites out there and this one's called uh dribble with 3bs and look at it as kind of the pinterest of ux designers right so you can easily come in here and find a look you like to start with right it's called inspiring it's not called stealing so i like the black i like a uh a gradient in the background if i employ this into my design i'm not stealing from this artist i'm kind of inspiring from it if i took all the fonts took all the buttons did everything exact you're stealing right but when you're inspiring you're just basically i like this look i like this very basic black and white look i like the little icon in here so you can come here to find layouts and data treatments um a lot of it is going to be more advertising than you probably want but there are people that have data treatments in here and oh one more resource i want to show you these little icons here you don't have to draw those either there is a service out there for those of you that use icons all the time called the noun project and just like the website i showed you that has all the stock photography it's a search engine for all things icons some are pay some are not but the price is just you know the price is really affordable even when it's a pay but uh i think they have services that's common creative so it's probably free anyway but some are pay some are free but right there you've got more styles you know what to do with the only thing i would tell you is don't mix styles if you go with an outline icon don't make your next one a fill icon right stick with outline for the whole project so if you have an outline for a nurse you won't have an outline for a bed not a filled bed right so just pick your pick your lane and stay in it you know it's um the only other advice i could really offer um that's it that's all i got um thank you for your time i hope hope this was uh helpful and uh that's it yeah lots of great comments from the the group we do have a question um for you um michael did a great job of answering it but it might be a good one for you to answer so when floating all the viz is on the dashboard does it ever cause issues for users viewing the dash on different size screens the issue mainly being the dash elements rearranging in the dashboard making them overlap or not visible this is from yeah you have to you have to lock down the size of your tableau document so once you go to floating you don't want to make it so that it fits all screens anymore so what we do is actually there are a bunch of presets i guess i should go ahead and go in here there are a bunch of preset size and then chris might have a different answer than i do but under size we have powerpoint locked in so tableau has all these out of the box sizes we actually if you're going to tell the data story and take the time to move everything to do a data story you want to lock that down because if you scale it it's kind of like a website right like websites don't look great scaled to any size like the the concept breaks down be it mobile be it like you know powerpoint size we use this size because honestly everybody uses powerpoint we have clients that actually generate reports out of tableau and import them in as slides and do powerpoint um crazy as it sounds so this we found to be the most most universal um it sounds great to scale on everything but this size works great when it's done and as you can see i'm on a 15-inch macbook pro and it fits brilliantly so you know that's how we resolve everything we design to an exact real estate great question and great answer so kev one more for you and chris you can turn on your video if you want and we'll see if we have any live questions we haven't got many in the chat um what did kevin use to select a color palette i believe you talked about just googling it but um if you want to answer that yeah so i can show you zina hi christina we're so glad you're joining so so basically once you type in ux ux stands for user experience right ux people design all the products you guys use every day like your app everything like that right so just like you search for questions on tableau you can go online and just do a ux dark color and palettes probably the best ux dark color palette so if i hear on images on google you are going to get an insane amount of colors and all you got to do is pick your poison and try it right like it doesn't take long to swap out colors so you know these are called hex dexes i don't know if you if you guys have used them before but they're available under the color setting like i showed you guys and you just type in this number and then you get that gray and you type in that number you get that blue experiment you know this is uh this is designed to go on a dark background and these are all the colors on top of it you could do that and if you don't like it you just find the next one so now i got these guys we're not going to change that out what's up we're not seeing your screen oh i'm so sorry it's okay wrong one and while kev's doing that there we go so this is all i did was ux dark color palette i have all these options right so i could choose any one of these color palettes and start leveraging it today right so if i know i'm going on blue i'd pick this and i've got a darker blue i've got that whole palettes are available like this one offers like a primary secondary and everything with all the colors on it i don't know if that will go through to the right that's kind of a dump but anyway you get the concept you can search online there are tons of these palettes out here that's what ux designers we use these every day right and you can experiment with color palettes but pick ones that are designed to go on dark or pick ones that are designed to go on light like something designed for white may not work on black you know um the other benefit you get from here is colors change just like your dishwasher or appliances in your kitchen you know red may be hot one year and then blue's hot the next year different shades right different hues so searching for you know different color palettes actually helps to keep you current right there was a move from shiny and glossy to flat color palettes about three years ago so just keeping up with latest trends will keep your dashboards feeling more like an app and newer great and at bruce bruce daughter mentioned learn ui dot design tools data color picker and it's in the um chat for anybody else that's looking for another tool so do we have any any questions for chris i know we've had lots of great ui ux questions and things so we're really open if you all have a tableau question for chris you can do that now the good news is is if you don't have questions and they come up later this happens when you can't think of them in live in the moment i'm also putting in um a link for questions that you might come up to you um one thing that we started during covid is the first friday of every month our company does a free tableau live session for anybody that wants to join us so you can put your questions in i just put in the questions you can put questions in there and we'll answer those during the tableau live session and i will pull up here and make sure to put in the invite to it it's the same zoom meeting every month that we use for that so i'll be sure to put that in the chat as well but in the meantime we're still looking for any questions anyone might have if not i don't know we have just five minutes left chris if there's any any cool trick that you've been using lately that you might want to show yeah i can show one thing that i think is pretty neat um i think we did this at one of the tableau live sessions uh let me um share my screen here for two seconds so um and then you can you you can probably probably kind of kind of kind of set this up i'm going to show the whole like a color color color swap out so here's a great story so um kevin and chris oftentimes when we're working with clients um the the color palette that is the red yellow green stop light um a lot of people that makes sense too unless you have a visual deficiency a vision deficiency and you can't see if you're colorblind or have some other issues going on with that and tableau in order to get around that uses this orange and blue color palette but that doesn't always have meaning to everyone and so one of the things that we use is a website called that allows us to see what it would look like if you do have a different visual deficiency they'll show each of those but the way we've gotten around this is creating a parameter action that changes it to a colorblind palette and then to a standard um the standard palette that we're using with red yellow green for the rest of the world that can see that so it's a pretty cool way that we design a lot of our dashboards to make sure that color swap is an option so chris do you want to show how you did that no i just wanted to show you as possible uh i like it so now how we did it is just like she said with this whole whole parameter so so it does take some take some time to um to to kind of do this so we've got a you know like a show hide so um i'll just kind of jump in here so whoops i'm gonna duplicate that so you know so what basically we're doing so this is this is for for the for the whole background so we're going to um we'll pick the color style out of that parameter we have we have different different background set so if we go to this url that'll be a black background for colorblind this will be one for for the for for the whole standard right and so the thought is is that instead of having your your image um be be part of the the background that will start with that one i mean i mean obviously the colors are work the same way but really the the the the big one is is the background color so because typically like kevin showed you you know we would have this be be some some image so if i take that out that's really all that's in actually to tableau that we have some some image behind except in this situation we instead of an image we have we have this web page uh object and so then this parameter will then actually control that that object to either say show this this url or this this this url so that makes it so you can switch those those things out um and then we use that same same extra logic on the on the colors as well so the anomaly score color um let's make sure i got the right one uh buckets color brand all right chris we are getting a couple questions in here and i know we're close to the end of the meeting um so one of them is a question for chris would what would you do to calculate five percent trimmed mean can you use sales data for the example so what would you do to calculate five percent trimmed mean um and aaron asked a question around what colorblind website that we use i just put that in the chat as well it's forward slash designers forward slash color filter and that one's really great for being able to to see the different types of color blindness and how that appears you need to put in a url address you'd have to publish your dashboard to tableau server or tableau public in order to get that url address to put in but it's super powerful to use that um so you want sales over time so sales by order date and you want to know tell me again five percent trend five percent trim that's from grazina can you can can you take her off mute and let her ask i don't fully get what she's looking for just a five percent increase michael are you able to do that i will check i don't know that we can't i don't have that power well so i'm assuming you're wanting like like if it's if it's a five percent percent uh so grazina you you can talk you cannot mute yourself thank you michael hello hey there hi chris hello the whole team however kevin so my question is i would like to try basically take out outliers uh from monthly data right so here you have may november so the top five percent and the bottom basically five percent i wouldn't to calculate a mean i would like to exclude the outliers okay so but but you meet so so a five so you wanna you wanna look at five percent of what is so is that by by record or is that by by the month i'm not understanding uh records within a month right so if we had so many sales and maybe we had one very high sale and you know one or so very low i want to exclude those right so so we have so so if we have an or let's just take take one month here let's just look at uh order date by let's do uh month and year and let's make this kind of cool just take take a few here cancel discrete so let's just say trying to find oops let's do this there we go okay so okay here here's one month all right so the the so so so so these are all of your all of your orders inside this month um and then um so what do you so you're saying so so i guess i'll give you zone the whole five percent so is it five percent of what i mean they may have bought different products or i'm not sure what the five percent is so the whole order so here you have order id i would expect order ids that fall outside of that five percent like the top five percent and the bottom uh of the whole order i would explode calculating the mean okay so you so of of of of all the of all the the transactions happen in the month what what is the what's the top five percent and what's the bottom five percent and then you at want exclude those and then i would calculate i mean so i don't know which five percent is in this case but let's say we would exclude 93 orders that end in 93 an order of it ends in 19 and probably two from the bottom order of it ends in 39 and 36 and then you would tell me that monthly mean that excludes these top and bottom yeah i mean i i think i think what i would do is i would do something like i mean i'm gonna do it really fast so i would say you know if i was just to rank these i'm gonna do it really quickly here um we could do it on the means right so this gives us our gives us our actual numbers right so this tells us uh what up with that should go here already okay so this gives us our actual rank rank of these things so i would write some some some some calc on this let me drag it over here actually okay so if i say i want to say edit and i'm just gonna for a goof i'm gonna say if um rank is you know i know i know you would i mean i mean i'm i'm i'm confused about about the five percent so i'll do it this way to show you how i would do it but then then you can you can get there so so so you so so you can calculate whatever number it is that kind of gets you the number you want right but if i say if your rank is less than let's just say 10 um then um then top top else if rank is um greater than we'll call it 30 we'll call it bottom and then else um exclude right so you're gonna have to have um all of these there like that oh that should be fine oh it could have been in there okay what's wrong with that and oh shoot let's put a space here all right that should work okay so we'll call this we'll name this formula so so then because what you're going to have to have to to to be able to calculate your um your your thing you're going to have to have these pieces in there right so now we're going to have three different groups and so you get you to be able to calculate it you're not i would just take this like you hide it so now i have my tops and my in my bottoms but i have that middle excluded right because you're going to have to have them in in the view to be to be able to be able to calc if they are top or bottom but you just want to um hide them and then you would just hide this hide this column later because that perfect yes that gets me to the beginning could you please just share the formula you did no sure thank you chris i appreciate it yeah and if you would have put it in the chat that'd be great chris all right well michael i'm gonna hand this over to you to close out the the meeting it has been so much fun being able to do a joint tableau user group together we've loved that and we know the best part of these virtual groups is we get people from all around the world joining us so it's been super fun so i'll hand it over to you now all right let me share my screen okay so thank you to adriana kev chris heather we appreciate this thank you to everyone that participated stuck around engaged i hope you had a lot of fun learn some things we've got tableau resources that are included in the deck got a lot of tableau community activities that we talked about makeover monday workout wednesday if you're into prepping data there's stuff out there for that so you're going to get all these links and we hope that you engage with the tableau community and we see you again at a future user group again if you need to contact us connect with us whatever way links are right there you will get all these slide decks and much more coming soon so with that thank you all for attending please subscribe stay current on all these releases go to and we will see you next month thanks everyone thanks everybody
Channel: Tableau Software
Views: 367
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Visual data, Visual analytics, Business analysis, Business analytics, Business analysis tool, Data analytics tool, Data Analytics, Analytics, Analytics platform, Cloud application, Business analytics platform, data analysis, data visualization, business dashboards, business intelligence, tableau, tableau software
Id: k28biQQlMOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 41sec (7061 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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