Tableau Conference 2019 | Opening Keynote

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everyone welcome to tableau conference 2019 I am your host for the week thank you so much for joining us I'm here with my co-host Steve short everybody so happy to have you everyone is filing in for the official kickoff of tableau conference the tableau keynote one of my favorite parts of the week I'm sure it is yours as well you've been doing this for a while what is your favorite part of it this is my fifth and I will admit I am never more surprised than how surprised I actually am that is a total cop-out answer cop-out okay tell us but for real like what are you actually looking forward to you know I for me I get a kick out of the customer stories to hear about all the different ways cool organizations are using data to solve really big hairy problems totally and and you know we are such a customer-focused company we absolutely love our customers you know they are part of our data fam and so the data fan is coming in strong today and I know you guys are all watching around the world so thank you so much you know last year we had a pretty big surprise speaking of surprises we committed over a hundred million dollars that is a lot of zeros to the tableau Foundation and you do a ton of work with the tableau foundation so tell us a little bit about like where that money goes and how that all works yeah absolutely so tableau foundation we're working with organizations to use data to take on some of the biggest challenges in the world so whether it's poverty climate change equality gender equality or or global health issues you know working with organizations that are coming with really creative new ways to use data to make a real difference in people's lives here on site and then even those that are watching at home can you tell us a little bit about you know how we can get involved how we can learn more and you know I think there's a lot of people who would love to put their tableaux skills to use for good yeah absolutely you know I'd say first place to go tableau comm slash foundation you can read about our work you can worried about all of our partners and the great things that they're doing you know if you're here in Las Vegas head on down to data village there's a big setup for tableau foundation in the expo hall and then just for everybody you know keep being a part of the story you know share on social media see see day 219 is the hashtag for this year yeah we'd love to hear your story of doing good with data that's right so he's absolutely right guys we would love for you to go on Twitter LinkedIn Facebook you name it hashtag data 19 you can tweet at us at tableau we have been on social for this whole entire time there's a ton of great content lots of people were doing really great things of course we would love to hear your thoughts about the keynote we've got a ton going on this week like a ton it's the beginning like hundreds and hundreds of sessions more than a hundred customers speak we've got thousands and thousands of people here for our biggest conference to date and I know we say that every single time but it is true it's every single time our biggest conference today so I'm not I'm not making it up but I will be here all week long and Steve is actually going to join me right after the keynote yeah we're gonna recap what we heard talk a little bit about you know some of the tableaux innovations we discussed and then i'm going to be able to tell you what you have to look forward to for the rest of the week so be sure to check that for the keynote I think people are sitting down they're getting excited they're getting ready I'm talking are you ready I'm thrilled it's great do it we will see you guys after the keynote to be sure to join us here on T C live please enjoy we'll talk to you soon yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for take off to Las Vegas on tango Charlie 930,000 [Applause] dear data you rise to every opportunity to boost our culture the sky is the limit dear data I am captivated by your beautiful possibilities dear data you keep things cool with objective facts and real answers to tough questions dear data you let me dive into the hard numbers because of you I can make the right connections dear data you have changed my life and you helped me improve the lives of others dear data thank you for showing me the world in new ways I've never been more aware of our potential together dear data you feed my curiosity dear data you bridge the gaps dear data make things clear dear data you are magical you help me find and share the stories that matter dear data I love the way we band together the most of every moment data we are your people we we are data people welcome to Table Conference 2019 please welcome to the stage president and CEO Adamson it's key [Music] [Applause] Wow Wow hello tableau community and yeah and thank you for coming it is so great to be here this is our 12th annual tableau conference and it's the biggest one yet who's here for the first time that's right nice that's a lot of you well you're now part of the tableau community and guess what we are now more than 1 million people strong the way that you come together to learn from each other to support one another to inspire those around you is amazing I've never seen anything like it of course it's not just at this conference you're getting together in user groups we now have tableau user groups in more than 65 countries around the world with new user groups in places like South Africa Italy Pakistan here in the US and so many more since the tableau academic program began over 1 million students and instructors have brought tableau into the classroom that's an entire generation of data natives and you're taking data to the to the cloud in the public cloud you using analytics in AWS and in fact today we're announcing that we're expanding our relationship with AWS to help make it even easier for custer's to move their tableau analytics onto AWS with a rich partner ecosystem of integrators it's going to be great and many of you are also using tableau in the Google cloud and in Azure thousands of you and recently we announced that now customers can use tableau running and the Alibaba cloud any public cloud you want to be we're gonna be there with you but many of you also want to fully manage SAS solution and for that we have tableau online tableau online now actually has over 15,000 customer accounts without with a hundred percent growth in your veneer subscriptions it's incredible growth and you're sharing your insights with the rest of the community in tableau public you've now published more than 2 million visits that's a lot of that's a lot of visits and those visits have been viewed over 2 billion times 2.3 billion views that's a lot of views right but just to keep that in perspective it's actually roughly the same number of views that a Dell's video hello has in YouTube thanks Adele since we began people like yourself have activated tableau and tens of thousands of customers accounts around the globe leaders in nearly every country every industry are using tableau in places like financial services leaders like Morgan Stanley JP Morgan Chase Charles Schwab Visa Credit Suisse in retail the Home Depot REI Woolworths that's right shout it out tech disruptors like Netflix grab Spotify higher education institutions Harvard Notre Dame Oxford University government agencies like the Department of Veterans Affairs the Census Bureau NHS and Scotland leading nonprofits like community solutions and the World Food Program I'm tired the number depth and breadth of those customers and those use cases is unmatched anywhere just as we're creating impact and change with data you're also telling us that you're finding your voice with data and that it's having a profound impact on you on your careers on how you think of yourselves as you're changing the world the tableau community is enabling you to transform yourself honestly we're so privileged that our community shares these kinds of stories with us all the time it's humbling to hear how you making changes in your lives through the work that you're doing with tableau I'd like to share with you one of the most inspiring examples I've seen she's a five time Zen master the CEO of data Blix and a longtime tableau community member please welcome to the stage Anja a Hearn [Applause] what do we do all day as visitors we take people did vents and things deconstructed into bits of data and attempt to reassemble them to find pattern and meaning tell a story or make a profit is this deconstruction necessary I got my start and data working for Lufthansa German airlines and one day I came to work and this was the scene we were transporting a circus from JFK to Moscow and yet with all the mayhem of trying to get an entire circus on a 747 the only data point I cared about was this weight of this beautiful elephant so I could load-balanced the plane and calculate the fuel needed to fly her home safely but does this deconstruction dehumanize data we've all seen hundreds of visualizations like this dots on a map how do you feel about these dots they could represent anything but these dots come from tableau foundation partner splash who work to bring clean water sanitation and hygiene to children living in urban poverty let's focus on one dot and what it actually represents this dot represents a bathroom or more specifically a trash can in a bathroom stall that doesn't exist now when I say bathroom we might all picture something clean and nice like this but this specific bathroom actually looks like this and it's located at a secondary school in Nepal and the total number of trash cans is zero but there are 435 female students attending this school and because there is no trash can these girls can feel shame and discomfort have potential reproductive issues tied to hygiene or may even choose not to attend school at all thereby affecting their future now how do you feel about that dot and how do you feel about the power of your voice to have an impact you can be the voice of change and the voice for those who may not have won everything in tableau is a translation of life and you can use the power of your voice in so many ways tableau gives us the voice of a humanitarian volunteering to support the tableau foundation I've been able to work with the real heroes on the ground working with organizations like the World Food Program as they feed the hungry or paths as they work to eradicate malaria or the dream team in kusuma Kenya who worked to give girls a future where they are empowered and aids-free tableau gives us the voice of a mentor I spent lunches volunteering at elementary schools teaching girls that a career in data can be fun and glittery and providing internship opportunities for students like Ruby Parrish tableau is the voice of a community who here belongs to a tug I head up the San Francisco Bay tag the best one and together we get to work with some of the most exciting and innovative companies in the world as we work to learn and master tableau together tableau is the voice of collaboration I reached out to this amazing community on Twitter with a simple question about mapping and met Allen Walker we volunteered on several projects remotely and a few years later met at a tableau conference and yes tableau you found me my boyfriend tableau gives us the voice of an advocate supporting organizations like the nuclear threat initiative as they worked to visualize weaknesses in bio of security and safety systems in order to strengthen the partnership with countries in the fight against the spread of weapons and disease of mass destruction tableau can be our inner voice I created this introspective piece to examine the mountain of products that are used on a single day it helped me ask why my wants were so much greater than my needs and if I simply could do with less tableau can give us the voice of an artist I wanted to understand if techniques like lighting from photography and movies could be applied to dashboards to draw the users eye to what is truly critical tableau can give us the voice of an entrepreneur I started a consulting company Dana Blake with my own tableau dream team and we have proudly built dashboards and provided tableau training for some of the largest organizations in the world and tableau can help us with the voice of a parent my son Max really wanted his engineering project to do well at science fair and again we reached out to the tableau community and found blog posts that helped max be able to build his project showcasing the efficacy of IEDs detect or sorry the efficacy of heat sensors to detect IEDs but I'll let max tell you about it [Applause] and so when I look back at all the amazing ways that I have been able to use my tableau voice I am astounded how will you use yours thank you [Applause] this planet again hold on hold on hold on come back come back thank you oh yeah she's amazing right that's right I love the elephant story all right Thank You Man thank you on you and the work that we're doing together with splash is so impactful in fact we're expanding our relationship with splash or we're gonna help together to provide clean water to over a million children in the coming years I'm really excited about that what we're doing together is changing the world and data is at the heart of that transformation it drives how we work and how we relax what we produce what we buy what we discuss and how we decide in the office on the road at home data is vital everywhere and with all that data the ability to analyze it is imperative and it will be ubiquitous analytics is going to become ubiquitous we can see it happening all around us but the reality is that simply having all that data available and having analytics available is not enough in order to realize the benefits to capture the opportunity we need everyone to value analytics to seek out data and then use it to drive action what we really need is a data culture now that phrase might be fairly new but the ideas aren't I recently came across a story with incredible parallels to what we're talking about today it's a story about individual heroes who came together as a community the story of empowerment and a story of impact that changed the world around us let's go back almost eighty years to 1941 war is consuming the world the United States refuses to engage until December 7th 753 a.m. a surprise attack on the US Naval Base in Pearl Harbor decimates the base one day later the u.s. is at war Pearl Harbor makes it clear that the US government faces a terrible deficit in military intelligence they are going to war virtually blind just imagine overnight you're at war on two fronts you've just suffered a devastating blow and you have no idea when or where the next attack might occur where is it plant yet every detail that could possibly want to know about the enemy's plans is floating around in radio messages there for the taking but the messages are encrypted and the military had almost no one who could decode them so what did they do it all starts with secret letters one went to a history major another to a mathematics major English Italian and so on twenty-one letters to seniors at just one college in Massachusetts in fact the Navy sent letter after letter to college students across the eastern seaboard the letters invited them to a clandestine meeting meanwhile at the same time the Army recruiters fanned out and McCann began scouring colleges across the south and the Midwest that every person they interviewed was asked to screening questions first do you like crossword puzzles and second are you engaged to be married if the answer correctly yes to puzzles no to marriage they were invited to train as code breakers for the Army and Navy signals intelligence units the task ahead of them was daunting they faced a deluge of encrypted enemy messages literally thousands and thousands of messages flooding in each day and not close to enough people to make sense of it the u.s. is hemorrhaging workers thousands hundreds of thousands of men each month shipping out literally half of the workforce 50% of u.s. men aged 20 to 49 left jobs to serve so taking the traditional approach to finding recruits for this kind of work was futile the government had to completely rethink you know who could be a code breaker or they were sunk so the intelligence units took a dramatic new approach they started to recruit women those schools in the south and the Midwest were women's teaching colleges that college in Massachusetts Wellesley College that's right my wife would be happy the letters went out to seniors in the Wellesley class of 1942 women like B Norton Elizabeth Colby and Gloria Bessette along with many many others they accepted the challenge and when they arrived in Washington DC they became became America's secret weapon in the war they became code girls until author and journalist Liza Mundy wrote this book the story these women was conspicuously untold buried really some of these women came from low-wage teaching jobs in 200-person towns they showed up in Washington DC with a bag the promise of a job and basically nothing else they were brave and they were some of the best and the brightest we had and they end up playing a crucial role in the outcome of the war but remember this was the 1940s and at times they've still asked to wash windows and get coffee they were underestimated they were harassed and yet they rose above it all to save this country Liza Mundy uncovered and shared is moving history now there's a second story inside this book about a time when the fight for this country for the free world went from having the bismillah at best military strategy to having the best military intelligence and even though the details of the story are rooted in the past so many of their challenges are familiar to us today because this is a story about data about people seeing and understanding data about building a data culture and about how that changed the course of history the decision to recruit mentha of intelligence units were able to double the potential talent pool men are on the team too but now the military had a shot at making use of those piles and piles of captured enemy messages each month Ward codebreakers flooded in the Navy headquarters became so overcrowded but some sat on upturned waste baskets and they didn't just find any women to do this work they found incredible women women who became data rockstars [Applause] this is an Kara Christie she was a 23 year old college grad with an English degree and she was an absolute natural and not only rose to lead a critical code-breaking team she went on to be named the 6th deputy director of the National Security Agency and received a Presidential Award just imagine missing out on that kind of talent because of bad assumptions about who could break code who could analyze data sometimes I get pushed back when I talk about analytics becoming ubiquitous you don't really mean everyone will work with data right you don't really mean the hundreds and hundreds of millions of knowledge workers in the world right we absolutely do there are an Kara Christie's hiding in all of your organizations and the sheer volume of data the volume of need is so large the data must be for everyone it's such a crucial piece of a data culture ok back to our code breakers they've got the people they need to do the work but now they've got a new problem to solve Hoan earth do you start to figure out how to make sense of this this was entirely new stuff to the codebreakers they weren't trained for this and like any time you ask a group of people to start doing something completely new the military had to teach them that to teach the new recruits to speak the language of code that to help them become proficient the women went to formal training and they also had to learn on the job the volume the barrage of incoming messages forced this of course not everyone is going to be an an kara Christie Zen master right but they didn't need everyone at that level what they needed was many people working at all levels of sophistication they needed hard court code breakers ferreting out algorithms and key they needed smart analysts figuring out and identifying which codes applied to which messages and they needed an army and a navy of workers who could dive in and decode each individual message what they really did was set up the code breaking equivalent of data scientists power analysts and business users everyone working with data but at different levels of complexity by taking this multi level of approach the US government was able to scale from a couple of hundred code breakers in nineteen forty one to twenty thousand trained effective military professionals less than four years later and the majority of them were women [Applause] how many people today smart capable people look at data and feel like it's as incomprehensible as those military ciphers we just showed if we're going to get an entire workforce to value data to use it for daily decision-making then we must invest in data literacy for people at all levels now the next issue that the military intelligence unit's faced was that they were caught between two competing and powerful needs access to data and security balancing between those needs required agility many people needed access to all sorts of Intel tens of thousands of people working on different questions and you couldn't pre-ordained what information someone might need to crack a code and they were dealing with the world war 2 equivalent of what we call the data deluge thousands of messages each day and all of this information had to be accessible here's a great example of why this is the purple machine we go back please this is the purple machine one of the most critical enemy code systems of the entire war purple contained the most sensitive messages in the Pacific and with four moveable rotors and 25 changeable switches it could be set to any of 70 billion permutations it was nearly indecipherable but purple was broken because this code breaker geneviève crochon was able to access a set of old messages sent in another system those old messages held the clue the pattern the cracked purple wide open and that access was critical but they couldn't give everybody access to everything we're talking about state secrets any kind of breach would be treason and it could cost lives maybe even the war itself so the infant had to be secured the government performed stringent background checks and they managed access to information based on the work groups that the code breakers were assigned to but within work groups the access was broad by knowing when they should say no they were able to say yes now this issue is still alive and well today you need empowered knowledge workers and safe data and an environment that gives the agility to find that balance okay so the intelligence units have the people they've trained them they're figuring out access and security but how did they bring it all together to form a data culture what cultures are made of people and the people doing this work at the beginning we're almost totally siloed Navy accused army of poaching their code breaking recruits army accused Navy of stealing credit for their work and the British intelligence units looked at our early efforts and described it as a bunch of kids playing in office code breakers had to change that they had to share resources strategies brain power and they did regardless of hierarchy or team everyone would push up their sleeves and jump onto whatever task was urgent they would share messages across service lines and they achieved critical wins as a result sure there was internal competition there were human and proud of the work that they were doing but first and foremost they were a team they were community focused on a mission belonging to that community those code breakers fundamentally changed how they saw how these women saw themselves Louise Pierce all who worked on the German Enigma code said this is where I should have been all my life or this story about another code breaker love this story Jeanne Pugh was a navy code breaker decades after the war she was watching a 60 Minutes episode about the Battle of the Coral Sea after the show described the code-breaking efforts that actually led to the win gene turned to her family and said well I guess I can tell you what I did during the war now her husband began explaining that she had been a secretary when gene interrupted him no Harold my girls and I broke that code and then she hopped up and high-fived everyone in the room amazing this was the most fulfilling professional experience of many of these women's lives and they formed enduring friendships the results speak for themselves the code breakers delivered exactly what the US government needed most trusted insight at speed and at scale how many of you have heard of the Battle of Midway a few I'm surprised not more because actually a Hollywood blockbuster about this opened literally just last week seriously so as you all know it's a story of how Nick Jonas from the Jonas Brothers saved America actual movie picture thanks Nick in truth Midway is still one of the most famous code-breaking wins in history it was supposed to be an ambush against the US and it became instead a crushing blow to the enemy all enabled by US code breakers because of their work the Navy knew more about the enemy's planned attack than most enemy commanders and officers did it was a turning point for the war in the Pacific it was just one example of the impact that these code breakers had everywhere were everywhere we were fighting the code breakers were pivotal the impact these women had was unfathomable and we owe them a debt of gratitude and I also want to thank Liza Mundy for finding and telling the story in fact we are honored to have Liza with us here today Liza [Applause] well deserved so in an analog world without computers or databases or any of the technology that we have today these code breakers created a data culture culture around working with data now if they could be successful in creating a data culture all the way back in the 1940s why do so many of us struggle with it today and we do struggle only 24% of companies can even readily access all their data 8% of companies are actually achieving analytics at scale 8% many of you tell us that your organizations are working with data they're trying but it's not really part of the DNA of your companies yet yet we know you're hungry to use data to improve how you think how you operate how you make decisions building a data culture is not easy it requires an enormous change throughout the organization so we're gonna fulfill our mission we have got to help with this to build a data culture we know that you need to build communities to help people feel united and supported you need to develop the agility to enable Responsible access to govern and secure data and you need to improve data literacy and analytics proficiency so you can really and equip an entire workforce to use data effectively these were the critical elements that enable the codebreakers in the 1940s to create a data culture and it's no different today it's only when you get all of these things right you can unleash the potential of all your people and all your data otherwise you're going to miss out on the and Kara Christy's of the world can you imagine well we've been working to crack the code on how to do exactly this we've taken what we've learned from over 15 years as pioneers in the BI industry from years and years of deep frank conversations with customers and the successes you've built the struggles you're facing and what still lies ahead we've gone beyond creating a high level sketch because we know the weight you need is specific understanding on how to achieve a data culture so we created tableau blueprint love it blueprint is the culmination of everything we've learned about what works and what doesn't in creating a successful data culture blueprint provides a vision of what a data culture looks like it's also a guide on how to achieve that vision and it's also a tangible set of best practices and a detailed set of actions to help you get there and help you assess your progress along the way we started working with customers on blueprint already and they're incredibly excited about how it's helping their organizations to build a data culture and here at T C there are tons and tons of opportunity to learn more about blueprint and a lot more resources online we're privileged to work with customers who are leading the way in scaling analytics and creating that data culture and we're lucky to have one of them joining us on stage today so please welcome Danielle Berenguer Nissan North America's chief data officer sorry good morning I'm so excited to be here today to share the spirit of Nissan which is innovation and excitement for everyone this means making cars that are more efficient more beautiful and more innovative than ever before it means making technology and services that change the world our mindset of innovation applies to our products and to how we deliver exceptional customer experience we are a technology company that moves people we are driving digital outcomes at every level of our business and we're using data to reach those outcomes faster our journey with tableau began four years ago as we faced significant changes in the automotive market and across all lines of business we had an eye on our future state and a desire for agility to get there however with a proliferation of data most days felt very overwhelming the challenges on the Left were a critical tipping point for us to take action for competitive advantage staying relevant in the eyes of our customers and using data as a strategic asset was paramount and creating a new data culture was essential today we are reaching that future state we didn't have tableau blueprint when we began our transformation so we created a grassroots framework it wasn't easy to change people's mindset we had to challenge legacy actions and ingrained behaviors around data time and resources were scarce we had to show quick wins that would garner attention across the company it's very exciting for us to actually see blueprint now it validates how we shaped our data culture it resonates with me particularly because it begins with advocacy data awareness we've used tableau to frame these activities in an engagement strategy to reshape how the business and is worked together on the best data-driven outcomes what always felt like a brick wall between is and the business has been taken down instead we built a bridge out of data tableau gives us that platform to have a contextual data conversation a gateway between our teams that helped our company evolve establishing company-wide data literacy sets us all up for a better way to consume data beyond a sea of spreadsheets tableau is the visual catalyst to help employees have that ah-ha data moment that flicker of data cognition which then turns into deeper data understanding is what our company needed for success in a digital world today everyone can do data talking the same data language and collaborating in entirely new ways regardless of the department that they sit in an emphasis on data management data certification and citizen development requires a rethinking of the roles within each organization we have found that refactoring people's old jobs has been well received by both leadership and HR especially when we show the business value of their collective output at Nissan we kickstart projects through a data discovery process so we all move in unison together and decrease data wrangling effort centering ourselves around trusted data from our data catalog in our visualization catalog is the most essential step in democratizing data across the enterprise empowering is in the business to focus on data-centric tasks then becomes part of your company's DNA at Nissan we use a progressive support model to help our tableau community it serves all levels of skill with a blend of online on-site and premium support that we consider essential to our success our newest support addition is our internal tableau champions group which gives us a creative way to crowdsource help for new users by tapping into our more experienced developers it is crucial to offer support stepping stones that help your newest users as well as those working towards becoming Zen masters all while removing is as a bottleneck I am very thrilled that we've got 18 team members from Nissan here today who are advancing tableau and serving as our data evangelist across the company they are the proof that data moves us to do great things the value of tableau visual analytics at Nissan is pervasive we have so many fantastic use cases across every line of business these early adopters have yielded significant savings to our bottom line millions of dollars and we have used that momentum to take our tableau community even further Nissan leadership is embracing tableau visual analytics and they are evolving their decision-making based upon it in manufacturing who is optimising in plant operations vehicle connected services who are mining telematics data and quality and after-sales who are anticipating customer needs and predicting vehicle maintenance each of these success stories relied on curated data sources ownership by business citizen developers and collaboration across business and is for sustainable value today our operations are rooted in data literacy we extend our reach through broad distribution of tableau the enterprise adoption of tableau can be seen at our headquarters at every affiliate location at every plant across North America we have enabled tableau mobile for on-demand access and we have implemented dealer facing tableau to support our vast network of employees at every Nissan and Infiniti dealership across the country thank you supply chain management we're visualizing domestic and Mexico transportation networks on the North American production line we're using heat maps to enhance our monitoring of production to reduce defects and enhance the safety in the plant for our employees in the field we use tableau to support our dealership employees who are tracking sales effectiveness an optimal vehicle delivery and service to our customers for our customer journey we're monitoring consumer interaction with our website content and social media to drive a customized online experience and in risk management we're improving logistics and shipping and reducing G&A costs in the heart of our business around vehicle quality we're monitoring real-time repair orders and telematics for predictive maintenance and to enact decisions in the service bay and on the road for our customers the feedback loop to engineering and research also helps us have better durability for our next-generation vehicles beyond North America we now have global unity on data context we're sharing visual analytics worldwide and attaining data synergy we've never had before through data we are improving our product offering recalibrating our business processes and reimagining how we engage with our employees and our customers our data incites us to action to challenge the norm to uncover opportunities this data momentum helps us thrive and keep pace with maturing demands where are we headed we're embarking on data ops advanced capabilities for machine learning we're tackling CCPA and metadata management have cloud initiatives and are expanding our tableau infrastructure we're using ask data and we're rolling out the newest features of tableau so I have one question how does data move you this week can accelerate you into action for your company to a new data destination with tableau Nissan is innovating and evolving at a very rapid pace and now we are not only visualizing our data we are visualizing our very bright future thank you [Applause] Thank You Danielle it's so impressive to see how data is being used to bridge between IT and the business and the parallels between the codebreakers and the 40s and what Nissan's doing today are really interesting thank you so much for joining us thank you there's one other thing we haven't talked about today so many of you may have heard that this summer we became part of the Salesforce family it's an historic combination and we are beyond excited about all of the possibilities to help build amazing things for our customers so I'd like to dive into that a little more deeply so I'd like us to hear from one of our newer community members now he officially became a tableau date a rock star this summer but he's been passionate about the power of data to help achieve transformation his entire career so please join me in welcoming chairman founder and co-ceo Salesforce Marc Benioff [Applause] all right so Marcus your first tableau conference what do you think I'm loving it is everybody loving it wasn't that great wasn't that inspiring those customers were so inspiring in that story wasn't that story great that Adam told incredible enemy it's your first exposure to the communities that's must be interesting comparison for you because you've got a pretty good community that you've we've all been building up over the past years well I'll tell you it's familiar feeling very familiar feeling you know I think the most important thing is happy successful customers and you know and you see these incredible desserts or we call them Trailblazers I mean it's very it's very familiar to me and how many people here have been writing visitor visits raise your hand if you're you've written one actually written done something with the product amazing isn't it how many of you have published something in public tobblo dot-com raise your hand isn't that amazing graduation than all of you it's a fantastic fantastic resource know your feeling for me how many of you have Salesforce in your companies anybody have sales Thursday more yet just just one or two yeah one or two like you know or multiple million something like something like that right so mark obviously thank you for putting our characters on the screen by the way Einstein love love the critters love together character yeah yeah well that's that's worse you know we have characters yes that's that's TBD it's under a hot and heavy discussion I think the community probably should choose I think we need it you know what do waters are gonna be probably an animal from the Northwest is Mike I would think that would be fitting yeah given given our August location and it's the most popular sea life there may be the the Orca Orca yeah that's that of an orca we like our salmon and sadly we could have a yeah we could have a salmon character yeah and for whatever reason the north Seattle in the northwest is very big on sasquatch Sondra let counts or not sasquatch yeah yeah well if you have an idea on what the if you have an idea on what the character should be that represents tableau and you're part of the community now is the time to influence atom so you should email him or get on Twitter yeah and say Adam I want the Sasquatch I want the salmon I want the Oracle or if there's another animal any other animal ideas out there some seals I hurry up so so uh so market cell phone number is no what's that what there's one dolphin that's pretty good it's pretty good so mark you know we obviously you and I started talking months ago and that was that was fantastic but what what interests you about tableau what what caught your eye well I could felt like we could fill in the character motion for you that would be tremendous value for it's a good start you know I I don't think for Salesforce there's very many companies in the industry that are so much like us that feel like us that act like us that have customers who are our customers where there are so many similarities and values so many common values between the company you know one of the things that's so important to us is equality I'm so impressed by how you opened your keynote with a huge emphasis on gender equality so many gender equality stories and this is a critical part of what we do at Salesforce as well equality is our core value and gender equality well for me gender equality starts with pay equality so it's Salesforce we're constantly ensuring that pay equality means that we pay men and women equally for equal work at Salesforce it means that we audit that that we do at that every year and you know we've gone through some troubles with that you know we realized we had a gap and we had to fill it in in fact we've now paid out more than ten million dollars as our own analytics and hopefully we'll be able to help us with this make sure that we do pay men and women equally and that's extremely important to Salesforce in and it gets done even for us because you know we've combined with many other companies not just tableau and different companies have different cultures or different pay scales different technologies but when you do buy a company you do get their pay scales and so then it becomes your pay scales and we have to go and make sure that we have you know gender equality throughout so it's extremely important to us and I think the way you've opened your team is very much and a core alignment with us and our core values when we think about Salesforce's core values it's about trust the trust we have with our community we call them the Ohana you know but our community is our employees our customers our partners and I have to be honest with you what we call all of our stakeholders that includes even you know San Francisco and Seattle both have a terrible homeless problem we're working on that very aggressively at Salesforce that they're a stakeholder of ours I when I walk to my office every day I'm looking into the eyes and the hearts of people who are on the streets how can they not be a key stakeholder for us I walk by public schools and I see kids in our the school yards those are our key stakeholders our core value is the trust that we have with all of our stakeholders and you know for I think for a lot of CEOs like you and me you know the most important thing that we were told in business school you you went to a very good school what was that I was in Boston Massachusetts Boston Massachusetts starts with an H n to the D and I went to a good school that has a football team actually USC yeah well and some and some of them actually play football you know but here's the thing very good now [Applause] but when I went to business school you know they said hey you just won as a CEO you just want to focus on a shareholder return you know and so and we've had a very good Cheryl to return in Salesforce since 2004 you know if you bought our stock when we went public we've had a thirty five hundred percent Sheryl their turn is just fine but we're also very focused on having a good stakeholder return that means that we you know give four hours a month for all of our employees for volunteerism that's turned into four million hours back to the community we've given away about four hundred million dollars in grants and we run 40,000 nonprofits and NGOs for free on our service and were deeply committed to the planet the planet is actually a key stakeholder we're a NetZero company today and will be fully renewable by 2025 so it's easy to see your passion on these issues you became I think again a best-selling author recently writing the book Trailblazers is is this passion what inspired you to write that book well this is why I wrote the book Trailblazer because what I found was that when I was speaking with other CEOs and tried to communicate some of the ideas I had to really tell them a lot of stories and these stories are not in the modern business books and Peter Drucker really said it fast he he said culture eats your strategy for breakfast and what that means is that it's these core values that are so important and transcend even the technology because you've got fabulous technology and it's amazing but we know that when we come back to tableau conference ten years from now this technology will be obsolete and there'll be new technology we hear but let me tell you what will still be here the core values of your organization this beautiful energy in this room the Kim that's coming from the community you know that's what's important to me that's what I want to make sure that we continue to nurture and focus on and then the manifestation of that is the technology and then we have to use it for all of our stakeholders because it's Salesforce were deeply committed to improving the state of the world so mark what do you think the future for that's right I agree with that thank you it's such an important mission and that that culture of alignment was so important you know to me and I think to you as well as we really got to know each other you know in the past months so what do you think the future for tableau looks like in partnership in combination with with Salesforce well I think that very much were at the beginning stages of that and I think that the power of that will come from our customers that's why I was so glad to walk the trade show last night and be part of the opening reception just talk around and I met many of our customers and talked to them and asked them you know what would you like to see I think that word a moment in time now because we're at the beginning we have a lot of ideas things that we can do to be able to kind of I would say look at how do we you know how do we help our customers become even more successful with these two incredible technology product lines you know we're so committed to customer 360 you know you just had it one of our beautiful customers up here in this on we're trying to give them a customer 360 so that we help managing their sales their service their marketing their commerce their communities their platform their applications the integration between all of their data sources and their analytics and I think that as we try to look at our vision for the future which is how do we help our customers be more connected with their customers than ever before that's that's what Salesforce is all about we're only about one word customer just like you've really only been about one word analytics and I think that that is so powerful and now if we could bring those two ideas together we have customer 360 over here and we have data over here so when you look at those two things well I'm not going to give away too much of my dream force keynote which is going to be next Tuesday but next Tuesday you know that's we're going to talk about that we're going to talk about customer 360 and we're going to talk about well you see it on the side we love data wonderful we can't wait to roll straight from tableau conference on to Dreamforce next week and we share that absolute passion for customers the relentless customer focus and it's all about these people we are really excited about helping to serve them together so thank you grilled to be part of the tableau family and again if you have an idea for what the tableau character should be as tableau draw in Salesforce make sure you get on Twitter and hit up Adam on there yeah as we're looking forward to hearing food thanks very much give it up for mark Danny up looking forward to the resident keynote great job [Applause] you know we have the privilege of having a lot of great colleagues from Salesforce here today we're lucky Austin to have Keith block sales forces co-ceo Keith thank you for being here today a lot of others I see Brent and Stephanie I can't see everybody else but thank you all for being here with us today so I'm also personally really excited about sales how Salesforce is going to help accelerate tableaus innovation our mission helping people see and understand data remains unchanged and we're only going to go faster as a result really pumped for that speaking of innovation our team has been speeding up already what they've been creating on your behalf and since the last tableau conference we've added over 200 new capabilities to the platform are you ready are you ready to hear what our devs are working on now all right that's right let's not wait any longer here to tell you more about the future of the tableau analytics platform please welcome our chief product officer there he is Francois Austin Scott [Applause] oh yeah that's what I call a moving entrance well good morning everyone and I just want to first thank all of you for being here for what you do every single day and the incredible feedback that you give us in the development team you know how you use our product to to drive impact with data your creativity and your passion it inspires us to innovate even faster so for that thank you now as Adam mentioned this morning building a data building a data culture requires agility proficiency and community and we see the right technology playing a vital role in helping you get there there are three critical elements to accelerating analytics adoption trusted data smart analytics and relevant insights so let's dig deeper first we need to make sure we can trust the data so we can trust the insights in a data-driven organization you need to know is your data correct is it up-to-date what does it mean and where did it come from well unfortunately there is a big gap between the users that need the data and the data stewards that curate the data the metadata and business glossary is disconnected from where the users are and the governance model does not evolve as quickly as the user requirements do and it requires specialists we have to understand databases and have special skills to curate the data well in a self-service analytics world we need self-service data management that is agile flexible and open that carefully balances data governance with freedom that gives you control while empowering people to ask and answer questions of data well so our goal here is to democratize data management by integrating it directly into the flow of analysis it'll give IT the visibility and the governance needed to understand what data is being used across the entire organization and I'll give users the confidence that their decisions are based on the right data so to show you how we're advancing our capabilities in self-service data management please welcome Graham Brits the stage Graham [Applause] Thank You Francois and good morning tableau conference i'm grimm and my job is to make it easier for all of you to find prepare manage and understand when you're using trusted data and that's why it's been so fun to help build and deliver the brand-new tableau catalog we built it to be fully integrated into tableau server online in the rest of the platform so that everybody can benefit from it are you all ready to see it all right here I am on tableau server and with catalog you'll see this new external asset section go there and you can see all the different databases files and tables in use across this organization and by how much in catalog tracks all of this automatically no manual setup needed but how to analysts know which of these assets are trustworthy here we can see which ones are certified and which ones have a warning on them catalog adds data quality warnings as a new way to inform users about issues like deprecation stale data and in when things are under maintenance let's take a deeper look at this database in here we can see all the different tables people have used in it and by how popular they are let's look at this table and on this table page we can see all the different fields or columns in it how much they've been used in what they mean when you give descriptions to your fields and columns it helps everybody understand what this data means and what to use it for over here on the right is the lanius tool with the lineage tool you can see where your data is coming from and how it's getting used so we're looking at a table called orders and we can see it's coming from one database but downstream it's used by three different prep floats 16 data sources a hundred and ninety two workbooks in five hundred and seventy-eight different worksheets this is an important table so if you need to make change to it you might be a little worried about the impact but with the lanius tool you can assess the impact of changes to your data at a fine-grained level so say you needed to modify how discounting is calculated watch what happens over on the right when I select discount select and immediately see exactly which worksheets use discount think about what just happened before having catalog they giving this out would have required sifting through all of that content on your server now you can do it with just a click [Applause] and with important data changes like this you might want to notify people about it and some of you would probably do this by spamming everybody in your company you know who you are well not anymore because you can see exactly who you should be reaching out to and you can do it right from here easy [Applause] with the Linnaeus tool you've got powerful visibility and impact analysis with the communication tools you need in a way that's accessible for everybody now one of the other unique things about tableau catalog is that because it's deeply integrated into the tableau platform the metadata invisibility it provides can help people across the board get better trust and context in their data take for instance when you're an end-user looking at a dashboard like this one as an end user you don't often have the full context so how do you know whether these things are trustworthy how do you know if the data is up-to-date or using trusted data catalog adds this data details button to the top of every vision dashboard click on it to get a bunch of extra context to evaluate their trustworthiness so let's take a look first thing I notice is that this workbook is made by Francoise I don't know if I should trust this one guys sorry Francois but at the same time I can see this is actually really popular so if all of these other people find this to be useful maybe I will too and down here I can see what data sources it relies on I can see if they're fresh and here I can see that this one's affected by a data quality warning it looks like the data this dashboard uses is under maintenance so I should take that into account before I make an important decision on this data and at the bottom I can see all of the fields that were used to construct this dashboard so that I can deeply understand what is showing me and I can click on any of these and metadata from the catalog will flow all the way down so that end-users like me can really understand what these fields are showing me [Applause] data details gives end-users the context they need to trust their data with confidence we made catalog to be open and extensible so that all of that metadata can flow to the other systems you use to with our open api's you can push information into the catalog in pull information out to use as you wish and we have some great partners that are already taking advantage of these M api's to extend the value of catalog even more with tableau catalog you have visibility into how your data is getting used improved data discovery and a better platform for communicating trusted data across the board and it's available today but catalogue is not all I have to share with you guys because the other half of self-service data management is all about helping you clean shape and curate your data so that it's ready for analysis in in that trusted state and we built tableau prep builder and prep conductor to make that easy and accessible but you don't want to be forced to download your flow to your desktop every time you need to do some data cleaning no you want to do your data preparation wherever you are well I'm pleased to announce that next year we're bringing the full capabilities of tableau prep builder to the browser so here is a flow where I'm looking at different accommodation options from up the Eurotrip let's take a look at it with prep builder in the browser and since builder in the browser has all the same capabilities that it has on desktop you even can use brand-new features like the arm Python support we just released so in my flow I used a Python script to augment my listing data with sentiment analysis so I fed all the reviews with these listings over to a Python script and produced a sentiment score so I know which of these reviews are good and bad so that's what I use Python for but you can use RM Python support to leverage all of that advanced modeling you're already doing in your organization's right from builder and speaking of leveraging what you're already using we know that you want to better utilize your existing database investments where you've already established central data governance and where you've got the flexibility to use your data for any use case from any application with ease you've asked for more choice with where to put your data from tableau and we have listened that's why I'm excited to announce that next year we're adding right to database to prep builder so when you add an output you'll see this new right to database option and from there you can choose from one of your favorite connectors like snowflake Oracle or a redshift here I've used a sequel server connection and then just pick your database name and your table name and then you can choose to either create or update an existing table hit run and go it's that easy to write two databases with prep builder with write to database prep builder in the browser and tableau catalog these things all work together to make data management even more self-service and to help create a data culture built on trusted data thank you everybody back to you Francois [Applause] thank you so much Graham and by the way that dashboard is amazing everybody should use it can maybe not sighs Graham was describing not only do you need strong visibility and governance but you also need all of this information to flow all the way down to the users and new capabilities like catalog write to database and prep in the browser will really democratize data management for everyone but the next thing we need to do is to make the software smart so it can remove some of the tedious work and bring you insights automatically the software needs to work the way you think not the other way around and people need to be able to easily analyze data no matter where they are in the organization there's skill level or their role and if you look at the stats that Adam mentioned this morning only 8% of organizations are scaling analytics 8% I think we can do better than that and as proud of we as we are of the amazing innovations we've delivered with that below to make analytics easy there's still so much more to do well if you're going to have a data culture where everyone is working with data technology needs to be more natural it needs to be more powerful and it needs to be more intuitive and that's why we're infusing AI and machine learning at every single layer of our platform because this will make tableau easier to use than ever before and it'll save you time by uncovering insights automatically and we've made a lot of progress on this vision this past year and so to show you what's next please welcome to the stage Samantha Kwok hello how's everyone doing today yeah good morning my name is Samantha Kwok and I lead the engineering team for ask data I'm so excited to tell you about what my team has been building to show you the power of some of the latest capabilities I've picked the data set from a recent US government program designed to boost the economy and reduce carbon emissions by encouraging people to trade in their old cars for newer more fuel-efficient ones the program is called cash for clunkers but did it actually work well ask data can help us find out just that as a quick recap from last year let's start by asking how many cars were purchased as part of this program looks like there's over 670,000 let's break this down by make and filter to just California notice how quickly I was able to ask a question and get a visual answer our initial release of ask data was fast and easy for anyone to get started but we're always innovating and driving improvements for example if I want to look at another state's I can click on California and select say Alabama instead but what if I want to focus on just the most popular mix well now you can interact directly with the VIS and in just two clicks I can select and keep only the marks that I want to be focused on and I can continue with my analysis and now if I want to look at this data for another state I can also simply just ask Nevada instead and the system automatically knows I want to replace Alabama [Applause] this is analysis at the speed of thoughts with their latest innovations to ask data it is even faster easier and it works seamlessly in the background so your analysis is center stage now back to the cash for clunkers program I'm curious to know what are the top five states by price of new cars and I can easily see what's in the top five and what is below the top five hmm Wyoming is the top state well that's interesting but I'll come back to that in a bit often with data analysis you need to create new calculations previously you we need to go back and add a cow to the underlying data model well we've really up the horsepower of ask data pun intended with time-based calculations are you ready with this next question I invite you to think about growth and how often you might want to ask about and your growth at the program monthly users or daily growth of sales okay so let's figure it out I'm looking for the day over the difference in number of sales and BAM right there it created a complex table cow from a simple question it's pretty cool this is powerful yet easy let's explore the environmental impact of the program I want to know what is what state had the biggest fuel efficiency improvements and to do that I need to calculate the difference between the new cars mpg versus the trade in cars mpg by state with ask data you can compute calculations on the fly and it looks like Montana has improved the most in terms of fuel efficiency way to go Montana we've also made sharing easier and I can share this great insight with all my colleagues from Montana with this new share link option we've also enabled you to bring ask data anywhere with this new embed button you can bring ask data into your organization's web into your organization's portal or in any webpage and since ask data is directly integrated into tableau server and online you can bring all of your questions and insights into a single workbook and create alerts subscriptions or continue with the full power of Web authoring within just a few minutes we went from a blank canvas to discovering interesting insights just by asking questions in plain language that is the power and magic of ask data so we've discovered some interesting insights but are we done no this is really where the tough part begins understanding the story behind the data why our price is higher in Wyoming why did Montana improve the most I'm pretty proficient with analysis in tableau but if I need to go beyond descriptive analysis with deeper statistical modeling this is when I bring in the big guns the data scientists but what if I can arm myself with some of that expertise in order to build a data culture we have to empower more analysts to do what was traditionally only in the realm of data scientists and to power you up I'm extremely excited to introduce explain data so I've taken out some of our questions from the cash for clunkers program and build out this dashboard if you recall Wyoming had the highest prices but why previously I would need to go back and look at every dimension one by one well now you can see there's a new tooltip option for explain data and as soon as I click there are dozens of fasion machine learning models running looking at every dimension and measure and just like that it's already finished crunching all that data and found possible explanations on the left Wyoming's higher prices could be explained by vehicle type trade and vehicle type rebate or mpg let's take a closer look at vehicle type explain data also creates visits with natural language descriptions to help me see and understand the explanations in this vision the right eye can see that Wyoming represented by the blue bars has a much higher percentage of truck sales compared to all of the other states which is represented by the gray bars whereas the opposite is true for passenger cars when I scroll down I also have another vist that confirms that trucks are more expensive than cars these are not static visits I can click on this icon in the corner and open this up into a new sheet and I can continue with my analysis and now I can see Wyoming's higher prices is driven by its love for expensive trucks in just seconds I've gone from the what to the why this is going to be a game-changer now going back to the dashboard explain data works on all of your data over here on the right I have a scatterplot showing the mpg of the new car versus the trade-in car and there's a clear outlier with Montana so apparently Montana is way more fuel-efficient than anywhere else right let's take a look what could be driving this with explain data explain data can generate different types of explanations and in this case it's look through the entire data set every single dimension and measure and found a single extreme value just one sale someone from Montana has purchased a fourth truck with an MPG of 6,500 either Ford has designed an insanely fuel efficient truck or there is a data entry error and now I want to know what Montana would look like without this data error well explain data has tested that scenario automatically for me let's take a look [Applause] and now I can see Montana's right in the middle of the pack without that data error and I can easily include it again or exclude it again statistical analysis for everyone in just seconds how freaking awesome is that this is explained data a powerful AI driven engine built into tableau to help you go from the what happened to why it happened faster than ever before thank you [Applause] and yes and that that that was freaking awesome so with capabilities like ask data and now explain data not only can you have a conversation with your data but you can also find meaning of meaningful insights you'd otherwise miss now we've talked about trusts and we've talked about how we're making analytics smarter with IAI and machine learning but to drive a culture change we believe that people need to find ways to share engage and have conversations with data no matter where they are we need to make sure that everyone can get the insights they need when and where they need it so they can get their jobs done and if the insights aren't relevant then data will never become a daily habit and if you think about our daily lives the applications that we use every single day from Spotify or Amazon or even your phone everything everything is tailored and personalized for you based on your preferences your habits and it's continuously improving with machine learning based on the behavior and the activities of other people like you well we want to bring the same approach to tableau so that everyone has the most relevant information front and center your entire tablet experience is going to become more personal more relevant so you can get the data and the insights you care about as quickly as possible and that's why we are reimagining all of the ways to make data a daily habit and so to show you our latest capabilities please welcome and hope and [Applause] hi everyone I'm a product manager for tableau server and tableau online so you make me look good when you use tableau to analyze and share all your data but I admit the more content you create the harder it can be to find the right data and that doesn't help when you need to get it quickly like when it's 7:30 a.m. and you need to pull your data for a meeting you just need to get to it that's why earlier this year we released a feature called home-home is a personalized landing page where you can find your favorites or pick up where you left off with your recently used biz's now having one place to go to to get the things that you use most often it's great but some of you have hundreds thousands of workbooks on your servers with all that data out there what about the valuable dashboards you don't even know about yet imagine if tableau could tell you what's important and where to find it kind of like how Netflix suggests TV shows and movies well now we do it for data we've got a new feature that's powered by machine learning called view recommendations [Applause] we show you trending items so you don't feel left out and what other people are using we also give you personalized suggestions these are based on algorithms that look at your usage patterns what you have access to and what people like you are using here's one that was suggested to me um UFO sightings so you guys don't know me but I am afraid of aliens seriously so I'm always looking at I'm always looking at a lien data and Tablo suggested this to me it looks like Samantha and Graham have been using it the tableau engine knows that we're in the same group we've been working together getting ready for TST and using a lot of similar data on this site but this is a dashboard they haven't shared with me yet let's take a look ok so there are maps and seasonal trends I can use this I can see where and when UFOs have been seen but what I really care about is how many UFO sightings are where you could tell me if there's an alien invasion coming you guys laugh but that's a KPI I'd want to monitor and it's going to be even easier for you to get to your key numbers with our new feature introducing metrics let me show you how to make one right from the dashboard in just a few clicks I'm gonna start with this new metrics button in the viz toolbar now I can pick data from my dashboard that I want to track so I'm gonna pick daily UFO sightings over here on the right Tablo figured out what I clicked on it's got the definition of the measure and the time dimension so I can just give it a new name and create I'm done I can stay here and make some more metrics from my dashboard or let's check this one out folks there's my metric [Applause] tablo pulled out the current value in the top left corner visualize the data and is gonna keep that metric updated in the background but this is just one metric I could be tracking lots of alien data think about how many dashboards you check every day you could create metrics from all of them I already did with metrics you can see your critical KPIs all together at a glance metrics are like headlines for your data but you know when they're even more valuable when they're with you when you are on the go let's take a closer look at metrics on tableau mobile just like in the browser you get these great metric cards you also get list view and because tableau is keeping your data up-to-date when you open the app you always get the latest data right on the metric now for some of your data it's not just about what the number is right now what also matters is how it's changing so from here I can tap on any metric value to quickly switch between the current amount the difference from yesterday oops Oh threw too much coffee this morning and the percent changed all right now let's open a metric and take a look I can scrub back and forth on this timeline and it is fast and responsive I can pick a day see how many sightings there were or I can check out the peaks and valleys like what's this spike here lots of UFO sightings on the fourth of July yeah I might want to see if there were reasons for lights in the sky that day but looking at this recent data this upward trend I don't know if this is something I should worry about or if maybe there are just a lot of reported sightings after Halloween with this option down here for just and compare I've got the flexibility to find out if this is just a normal trend or if it's something that I need to take action on so I'll pick the last 30 days for the date range and 52 weeks last year for the comparison period I want to see a comparison line for last year do you guys want to see it let's do it and save tableau adjusted the time line and automatically did the math to show year-over-year differences [Applause] there's that blue line showing me recent data and there's my gray comparison line showing me last year's trend and it does look like a lot more UFOs this year than last year okay let's get real for a minute I know you don't run your businesses off of UFO data you do have things like marketing sales inventory levels site analytics lots of data and critical KPIs you need to stay on top of with features like view recommendations and metrics tableau helps you navigate your data and delivers it to you where and when you need it thank you [Applause] all right Thank You Anne there will be no UFO sightings at this conference maybe tomorrow maybe at the party so today we talked about how we're bringing self-service data management to everyone with catalog and tableau prep how we're making analytics easier with smart capabilities with ask data and explained data and how we're making analytics more relevant with view recommendations and metrics and we've shown you a glimpse into our roadmap and of course tomorrow you won't want to miss devs on stage it is going to be amazing to get to see what our devs I've been working on and there's lots of features that you've been waiting for for a long long time that are going to be shown tomorrow and a few surprises that I think you'll really like it's gonna be a dynamic presentation so thank you for joining us this morning we have a great conference plan for you we've got more than 400 sessions to help you learn share insights and get inspired you should stop by the data village to meet our devs talk to our partners and get a blueprint assessment and of course you should go attend Liza Mundy session to learn more about the code girls story that Adam shared it was truly incredible you won't want to check it you will definitely want to check it out and with that thank you and have a great conference [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I feel like new sunglasses like brand new [Music] [Music] [Music] for kids and they can really get their lives started the right way that's so amazing and then Nissan oh my yeah you know Anya made that point about that data point is a person that data points a story and you know it's exciting those Nissan data points those are safer cars those are you know something we're all interacting with every day it's really exciting to see them using data to drive so much innovation and that's nice I totally agree I just I cannot believe how much we still have a tablet conference like we are just getting started so we've done I'm just on TC live for those of you who are joining us virtually we've got 11 breakout sessions 7 TC conversations a ton of great content in between of course we have iron biz this afternoon which is the greatest part of TC as far as I'm concerned it's just so much fun coming to you live from iron biz and we'll be back tonight so but join the conversation hashtag data 19 at tableau and let us know what you think thank you signing off from tableau keno we hope you enjoyed it I really enjoyed it it's a blast all right we'll see you guys later today you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tableau Software
Views: 26,657
Rating: 4.9032259 out of 5
Id: hz7ooKiurLM
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Length: 119min 18sec (7158 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.