Solving real world data science tasks with Python Pandas!

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[Music] hey what is up everyone and welcome back to another video I'm really excited for this video today in it we're gonna solve real-world data science problems with Python pandas so basically how it's gonna go is we're going to take a data set do some initial processing and cleaning of that data and then once we have a little bit more of a polished dataset we're going to start exploring that data and you know really using Python pandas and Python matplotlib to extract meaning from that data and ultimately with that like kind of extracted meaning with that analysis we'll be able to answer real world business type questions from the data as a data scientist or data analyst would before I begin I want to say thank you for making this happen I started with this video as a pull of four options you guys apparently like this option it was overwhelmingly the highest voted and then I asked the question you know what should I include in this video you guys gave me all sorts of really cool responses you give me too many responses and I'm not actually gonna be able to put everything you guys suggested I do into this video but I'm gonna make this a series so if you find you liked this video make sure you subscribe so you don't miss the future series I know some of my ideas for the future kind of real-world data science problems will be sports analytics it's gonna be maybe stock trading analysis you know maybe some specific type of challenges you guys find interesting I think it will be I think will be a fun way to do a bunch of different videos and a bunch of different real-world data analysis stuff so hopefully you guys like this video ok to get started with this tutorial you'll need to download the data so you can do that by going to my github page which is linked to in the description and the data is found in sales analysis sales data so that's 12 months worth of sales data right there so go back to the home directory of the github page and there's two options for getting the data so you can either if you're familiar with git you can either fork this repo then clone it locally and instructions are on how to do that or within the setup of this repo and the other option is to click this green button up here and to download the zip and then go ahead and extract this to wherever you want to work on the code so place like YouTube code slow status audience always like that distract it and then I recommend next I personally like using Jupiter notebooks to do my analysis so I'll open up a Jupiter notebook and I do this by going if you don't have Jupiter notebook I'll put a link to set it up and how you do that in the description as well so check that out and I like Jupiter notebook because you can kind of do your you can write your code and really show like a nice analysis that you can kind of like give to someone else all in the same place without any extra effort so that's why I like Jupiter notebooks okay so go to this and sales analysis and as you can see there's already a finished Jupiter notebook there that's like the completed code we're gonna create a new Jupiter notebook to just kind of start from scratch and I'll call this just analysis throughout this video I'm going to present kind of concrete tasks for you to try to solve the way you're gonna probably at the most out of this video is each time I kind of present a new task try and solve it on your own and then if you can't figure it out go ahead and play the video and then I'll walk through the solution you don't have to do that but I just think it's a good recommendation to get some real hands-on experience okay to get started let's import the necessary libraries we need so to start it's just going to be pandas and if you don't have pan installed I'll put a link into the description to install pandas alright so what is our first task so the first task is going to be to we have in that repo we have all that data that I showed you so we have the sales data folder and each one of those in this there's 12 months worth of data so the first task is going to be merging 12 months of sales data into a single file so go ahead and try this on your own and then I'll go through how to solve this and we want to do this because it's also going to be easier for us to do all sorts of a yearly analysis when we have everything merged together as opposed to 12 separate files we're gonna do this task I would say it a start simple and to start simple it's just trying to read a single month of data so if you remember our data it's we're currently working on an analysis file our data is in sales data and then let's say we wanted to get sales April 2019 dot CSV so we can do that by using DF equals PD dot read CSV dot slashes our current directory and then it was sales data slash sales April 2019 dot CSV so this should get us just a single month of data we're on that and then if you wanted to actually see I ran out with Shift + Enter by the way that I did it quickly D F dot head will give us the first five rows and as you can see look at that we got you know a couple products ordered the order dates the purchase address we have our data cool so now how do we take that and actually take each month and merge it into one so I mean whenever I'm solving something like this I'm usually doing a bunch of Google searches so I mean Stack Overflow is our biggest friend when we're solving these data science problems I don't remember half the things that I feel like I end up using but I'm able to know what I'm looking for and search for that so you know you'd open up like a Google window and type something in like read all files from directory Python how do i list all files in the directory let's see what it says OS start list directory will get you everything that's in a directory and it gives you an example look at that cool so we can use list directory I'll import it like this will import it up here and I'll rerun this so we get all of our imports there and then what we're gonna do is for we'll do files let's say files equals and we're gonna do a list comprehension here we're gonna say file for file in OS dot list directory and I believe we can pass in a path here so we're gonna do sales data and hopefully that files will give us everything we're looking for so now we do for file and files I know that's not what I wanted I copy I will just say prints file and see what happens and I'm gonna get rid of this DF the head here look at that you get the twelve months worth of data by doing file for file in OS thoughtless directory so now we just need to take these files and concatenate them to make a single CSV so how can we go about doing that and you know I'm doing the same thing here behind the scenes is you know I'm saying you know how do you concatenate data frames or you know maybe you don't know the working catenate maybe say like a merge or something like you're probably gonna get to the same answer in pandas pandas I can cut okay this looks helpful so you know I might search through a little documentation and now we're all totally gonna concatenate them into a single CSV okay so we're gonna start out and I'm gonna just say something like all before we go into the for loop we're gonna probably define an empty data frame to kind of store all of our data you're gonna say all months data equals PD data frame so this is the when we read the CSV we read it in acetate a frame so if we wanted to create an empty data frame we do something like this and now what we're going to do is each time we add a new file we're gonna have to read the file name and remember we start it with this path so we're going to ultimately do print or we're going to move this read CSV into here we're going to do DF equals we could honestly copy this whole line DF equals PD uh treatise fee and now instead of this we're gonna do sales data slash plus file because that would give us the same thing because each time we do this we'll get the appropriate file name so that should read all the data frames but now we need to append those to the all months data so we can do that by doing all months and you know there might be multiple ways to do that this equals PD concat and we're gonna concatenate all months data before and the result of our current data so DF here alright and then when we get to the end it should have concatenated each month because we iterated over each file and we should get we can do all months data head and see what we get see if anything works I mean it ran so now it's a matter of did all months data can we save it and does it have everything so I'm going to do a to CSV I'm gonna do all months data dot to CSV and if you're not familiar with some of these commands I definitely recommend you check out the first video I posted on Python pandas I'll pop it up above me it will cover all of this stuff so I'm going to do all data I'm going to call it all data CSV and I'm gonna do index equals false because I don't want to save this first column values and let's see what happens so it ran and now do we have all of our data moment of truth okay so I'm going to go back one directory all data dot CSV okay that looks good so I'm gonna open it up real quick whatever okay low download alone okay so we have April it looks like that's four but now if I scroll down do we have the other months Mona shoot oh my god load why are you so slow I see eight yeah I mean we have the months here you can scroll through to double-check but it looks like we have everything here so this is a good starting point and I quickly recommend to add a column to read in the updated data frame so you don't have to run this every time that you want that all data file so we can do that by just doing all data equals pdds field data and all data head will show us the first five rows and as you see we have everything in this all data so that's the updated data frame alright so now that we have all the data in one place in a single data frame let's start doing some analysis so the first question I want you guys to answer is gonna be this what was the best month for sales in all the data and you know how much money was earned in that month and we're gonna break this down a bunch before we do it but feel free to try to solve this full question on your own but I'm gonna like make this break this up into a couple smaller tasks so let's insert some more cells basically what I'm going to recommend is before we do the best month for sales let's Aude meant the let's vent the data with some additional columns because that will ultimately be helpful in our analysis so the first thing is right here we have an order date but we don't easily have the month so I think that we want to add a specific column for the month so I'm going to just call this little section that we're adding augment data with additional columns and we're gonna add a couple more so inserts oh hello I would just add a couple cells because I want a little extra space to work with okay so we want argument the data with some additional columns that's one thing we want to do so the first column that we want to add and just kind of nicely glaive all this is a month or so I guess this is kind of like tasks to add month column okay adding the month column so with this and kind of anything in Python pandas and Python in general there's multiple ways to go about how we would add a month column it's kind of a balance of what's easiest versus what's like easiest to read versus you know what's most scalable etc so looking over here we don't have the month currently but we have dates for each of our products that were sold so immediately what comes to my mind as the easiest easiest solution to add a month column would be to just take the first two string or first two characters in the date string and make that the month column so that's what we'll start out I'm doing so okay how do we do that and you know if you at least have an approach and like know what you're trying to do usually you can use Google to your advantage and just like search how to do the specifics of that approach so to add the new column we can do all data month just say something like three to start right if we wanted to just to show that we can easily add a new column like that as you see month everything's three right now so that's like okay just adding a number but we want to add the proper date reading from the order date column so to do that we can do all data and then we're going to grab the order date and then when we want to convert this into a string we can or like at the string properties of this cell and these this whole column where you can do dot string and then we can access it just like we can access a normal I guess Python string so I can do zero to two and that will grab the first two characters and honestly I think that should be good so let's see what looks like and all the data head look at that so it looks like we got fourth month everywhere the one thing that I have an issue with right now is it's definitely a string here and I think that a month should probably be a numerical value so to do that we can kind of pretty straightforward do some conversions so I'm going to go ahead and use the as type method in pandas so that looks like so I'm taking that same column we have and I'm basically just performing a manipulation on what we just saved so the zero for that we have and I'm gonna do all data a month dot as type and it doesn't really matter what type of integer we use because months are only 1 through 12 but I'm going to just say in 32 and so that should now convert it to numerical values let's see if it works nope it does not work and why does it not work all right let's see cannot convert float n a n to integer funfun so it looks like we have some NA ends in our data and we're gonna have to clean that up so the next before we finish this task 2 let's start cleaning our data ok so let's just create a new section in our little jupiter notebook here we added a couple more cells i don't know how many cells we'll need but i'm gonna make the first thing here the main point to clean up the data ok so the first thing we wanted to clean was that we ultimately had rows that there was any end value somewhere and let's see if we can figure out where that is so we don't see anything here but what we could do is maybe display some more data maybe that's display like 50 spots and let's see if we see anything there I still don't see it any na n maybe we go to 100 okay it's not going to show this what we could do is okay so we can't see it by doing this and you know sometimes you only have like one or two and not a numbers in the tens of thousands of rows so like even though you can't immediately see it like what you could maybe do is like in Excel or something sort the data and see it but we also use pandas to figure out exactly how many na ends we have and what they kind of look like as far as rows go so to do that let's I'm in a real quick just write up a markdown sale we want to drop rows of n a n so to do that let's first figure out if you know we have where our na ends are so I'm going to just call something na n data frame and we're just going to use this to kind of filter and get all the na end rows that we have and we don't know exactly where I don't know if I ever message so that's where it was I guess it's probably because we're trying to convert this month to int it's going to be in the month column but maybe it's other places too so how do we get the not a numbers we can do a handy-dandy Google search and let's see let's say find rose with a na and pandas how does like rose with one of our nulls from a panda's data frame okay Stack Overflow will immediately if I tell us see that's it see is dull or maybe I'm gonna say instead of select rose with it looks like already clicked on this one display rose with one or more any n values and a panda's data frame you can use pan data frame about any with parameter axis equals one this looks probably good to me let's try this okay so this is the command I said we wanted to call it na NDF so I'm gonna just delete this literal part and our data frame is not called data frame it's called or DF it's called all data so we can do replace this with all data and hopefully this Stack Overflow post helps us and if we do n a n D F we can dot head we can see what our NA ends look like and look at that they are a full row of any ends so basically it's not like we're just needing to refill a single order date value like we're missing it we have rows that are completely blank so let's just try to go ahead and drop all of these rows to do that we can use a command called drop na and just like I kind of found this command you can also do a Google search and figure out how to drop the NA ends so let's see we have all data we're gonna say or that's just yeah all data equals all data and we can do drop na a that's going to be the command and if you look up the documentation for drop in a there's two valley or there's a premier called howl and you can either do any which would drop a row if it just had a single na n but maybe it had all these as normal values that were filled in but in our case we found a bunch of these rows with all values that are any ends so instead of doing drop in a any we're going to do all and let's see what happens now if we set all data to this value and I'm going to just holiday did head just see if okay it looks good but our real test will be if we run this and try to convert the month comb to integers will it give us that same cannot convert float any end to integer error and this is the moment of truth yeah we still get an error please not be the same error 'invalid oh look at that different error 'invalid literal four inch with base 10 or so now we need to figure out what we need to clean up to fix this issue okay so we have this issue and so let's try to figure out what is causing this or to pop up when we're trying to convert to an inch so let's do that in our cleaning section so first let's think about what would be causing that so we had or but it's kind of unclear why that would happen but ultimately what I'm thinking is that you know we take the first two characters and we paste them over here so my like gut feeling would be okay some reason oh are the letters O R is in the first two values here so let's try to figure out where that happens okay to do that we can also use that that same function that we use to grab the first two string values we can do something similar to filter this all data so I'm just gonna say temp DF for now equals all data and then we're gonna filter this so you could either do it like this or I think also location would work here but we're basically trying to index all data based on a certain condition so we're passing in a condition here and the condition we want is that the first two characters of this order date equals o R because that's what's causing our issue and that's what we want to clean up so to do that we're going to do something like this order a date string zero to two just like we did when we are getting the month and then we want it to be equal to or I just want to see where it's happening and then we can delete it okay look at this so we see our issue for whatever reason that columns here we're getting duplicated throughout our data frame so ultimately if we can just drop all these types of rows hopefully we have no errors after that so we filter it all data by the values that equals or well to get the values that are not equal to or we can just change this equals equals to a not equal and instead of making this template data we'll just reset it to be all data so now if we do this we'll get a new all data and if we're lucky this new all data that has now dropped the n A's and we've got rid of the duplicated column headers that were scattered throughout the data frame hopefully now we can add our month column and convert it to an int with no issues nice we did it but okay so now that we've added the month column let's revisit the question that we were trying to answer what was the best month for sales and how much was earned that month so it you know we've now gotten something that will allow us to easily filter by month but the biggest other question that I see in this question we're trying to answer is sales and while we have like the quantity ordered and the price of each ultimately to get the sales values we'll want to like multiply this by the price of each and get like kind of like a per order sales value so let's add another column so I'll kind of make this task 3 add a sales column so this will ultimately help us get to really actually answering this question one so add a sales column well how do we do that this is a fairly it should be fairly straightforward as you I said you know quantity ordered time price each will give us our sales so we just do all data sales we can say that that equals all data quantity ordered and we can do it there's nice syntax here where we can just do a multiplication symbol and then do all data price each and if we then print out what our data frame looks like what BEC okay can't multiply sequence by nan int of type string so it looks like we actually have a little bit more cleaning to do it just appears that you know the reason we're probably having strings is that even though these look like numbers they're actually encoded as strings so as a additional thing let's let's convert columns to the correct type so we'll start with the two that we were just trying to deal with so we want to make all data quantity ordered we want to make that a type of int so make int and then we want to do the price of each as we see here we want to make that a float so price each we want to make this a make float okay so before when we made an integer value where did I do that we did yeah I forget where I put it we did as type there's actually another way we can go about making numerical values in pandas and it's called PD dot two numeric and it handles a little bit more because you don't have to like fine-grained say you want to in 32 will kind of just figure out what the correct type is that you should convert it to so we're going to use that here to convert our columns to the correct type so we're gonna just do PD to numeric and really I'm gonna keep reiterating this but when you're doing this analysis as long as you have like a idea in mind of what you want to do the data select here we want to convert it to in numeral type if you use Google to just try to figure out the exact way to do that you're usually going to have luck so it's really just a matter of being able to have the logical thinking to like know what you want to do to the data because finding the syntax is usually pretty accessible via the great old internet so pd-2 numeric and then we'll pass into that all data quantity ordered I think this should be the syntax we want and we'll do the same thing to the price each year okay let's run that and see what happens well we've got no errors let's just print out our head okay looks the same as it did before ultimately I think we'll really know if we can run that sales column and not get any issue so let's see if we add a sales column by doing this look at that 23 90 is 2 times 11 95 so it looks like we got what you want if you wanted to you could reorder this column over here by the quantity ordered and price each I'm not going to go through how doing that how to do that here but I did cover that in my previous pandas video so you can check that out if you're really curious ultimately like doesn't really matter where our columns are positioned when we're performing the analysis so I'm fine just leaving it over here on the right side all right now that we've successfully you know added our month calm out of our sales column let's finally answer this question west what was the best month for sales and how much was earned that month well we can do this pretty easily with a group by function so we'll take all data we will take group by well we want to figure out what's the best a month so we can just group by the month column and then what we want to do is sum up the values so we're grouping by month and then summing so let's see what happens if we do that did it uh well we get 12 months and we get the sales values over here and if we just wanted to look at the sales values we could type in sales up here and as you can see I don't actually like that as much let's go back now we can answer our question and so what was the best month for sales well as you can see here December was the best month for sales with approximately four million six hundred and ten or six hundred and thirteen thousand dollars in sales that month and then worst month was January with 1.8 million dollars in sales and if we wanted to we could also plot this because I think plotting often times is a good way to visualize these results and kind of see the trends month a month and maybe do some further analysis on maybe why is certain months higher than others and it's easier to see that then in this chart so we could do import matplotlib but pipe lot as PLT and i might go a little bit quickly through this graph but if you want to know more about matplotlib feel free to check out the two videos I've posted on the library they should probably walk you through everything but we want to do a bar chart I think that will be good for this data as our x value we want all the months so I could get the months play in a couple ways but I'm going to just do months equals range 1 to 13 this 13 is exclusive so this will actually get me 1 to 12 that's what we want so I'll pass in months as my x value in our Y value well that's going to be this some value so maybe we just say results equals all data grouped by some run that and then we're going to pass in results as our Y value and we don't want all results we want just the sales column as our Y so I'm going to do results sales because we've saved it as that data frame you saw before and let's see what happens we have to do plot touch show look at that we got all of our months in the number of sales well we might want to make this chart a little bit nicer so we could do a bunch of different things we could do first plot X ticks I want to see every month here I think it'll just be easier to visualize I'm going to do plot at X 6 equals months I'm going to do plot I'm going to add a y label and an X label so Y label is these values over here so that is the sales in u.s. dollars and our X label is the month label or the month value so I could just say something like month number and if you really wanted to get fancy there's the date/time library in Python that you could actually convert these month numbers to their actual name month but I don't think it's necessary for me to show that right now but look at that so we got our month number we got our sales and US dollars we got these labels and you can see the relative thing so worst in January goes up the dips then goes up and as a data scientist with like these results I'll try to like figure out you know why we're certain months better than others like you know when in the fourth month in April did we maybe spend more money on advertising I try to look for the correlations that you know probably led to these better results so like in the month of December if I'm thinking about it like why would we do so much better in December but if you kind of think about the u.s. holidays I mean nationally I mean they're international holidays but like the big thing in December is Christmas all in you know all the holidays people are buying a lot of gifts for each other so it makes sense that December has the most number of sales that that's like very you know that definitely like checks out to me and maybe everyone's done spending money by January so this is the types of things were kind of like figuring out from our day okay so now that we've answered question one let's ask another question and I'm gonna just make a bunch of cells so we can kind of start fresh and I'm doing shift-enter every time that I make a new cell you can also do ctrl enter and that keeps you it runs the code and keeps you in the same cell nice things to know but okay so what is our question to gonna be and I'm going to say question to is going to be you know what city what US city had the highest number of sales so this is very similar to the first question so maybe you can try to answer this one on your own and as a hint you're gonna have to augment your I would recommend at least to augment your data with a city column so you have to figure out how to do that but what city had the highest number of sales that is the question that I'm going into it asked now okay so yeah the first step in solving this is to augment the data so we're gonna go back to our augment data stuff I'm kind of running forgetting these test numbers but okay I'll say that this is task four task four add a city column okay and we need to enter one more so below okay so add a city column so how could we do this well where do we get our city from well if we look at our data we do have a purchase address and nested right in the middle unclear how to get that exactly is our city name so if we want to sum up by city we're going to have to somehow extract this value so how we're gonna do that my solution to grabbing the city column is to do one of the like one of the most useful I would say functions and pandas and that is the apply method so let's use the dot apply method and basically what this dot apply method does is it allows us to run any function Dayna frame and I'll show you what I mean in a second but okay so whenever we're making a new column we can usually start out by like doing all data or whatever our data frame is called and then just create the new column name and say that equals what does it equal well it's gonna be somewhat related to purchase address so if we go ahead and do all data purchase address that's a good start okay so what do we need to get from the purchase dress let's look at how these are structured and try to be very programmatic about it okay so we have you know this dress one thing that I immediately see is that Dallas is between two commas so what we could do is split on the commas and then we're gonna get Dallas a lot easier so we want to split each of these strings so basically perform a function we want to like write a function let's say and have it split and get Dallas which is right in the middle so to write this like method that I just kind of described we'll use the apply method and basically this allows us to like apply kind of an arbitrary function on an entire column or on you know several columns within a data frame so apply I'm going to do lambda X and I'm going to say just to start I'm going to do X dot split by comma and grab the I guess if we split it on commas we want not the 0th index but we want the first index because that's how he countin Python so I want to just show you what happens when I do this I actually just will do a head okay look at that we already have our cities right here and what is that this is doing is saying for every like X value so when we do apply we can use this lambda X and basically the x value here is the cell content so we're saying for each of these cell contents we want to split it by commas and then grab the first index in one thing that's really nice is that we could define a function like get city that would take in some sort of address value and we could return basically what we just did with this lambda function we could do address dot split dot comma or like with the comma and then got the first index of that and that's what we just did here but I could then replace this with get city X and now we can define any functions we want with this apply method and ultimately run it within our data frame on a column so we can do all sorts of really crazy like we could get super super crazy with this function and do whatever we wanted in it and use apply to basically incorporate that into our data frame and I think the one caveat you know critics might have over this apply method is it's not going to be the most efficient you know you might because this is a custom function it can't be super super highly performant but honestly like for most cases as long as you're not dealing with you know hundreds and thousands of like terabytes of data like for most you know everyday data science reason like use cases I have no issue using this apply method and with speed or anything so I'm gonna run this again and to show you that it still works properly and just a real quick clarify the reason we do lambda X is basically whenever we do lambda X this allows us to grab the cell contents we could apply other functions in here that don't depend on the cell contents without using a lambda function but whatever we need to actually do something on a cells content will use this lambda X a notation and real quick I just noticed that I named this column instead of city so I can change this to C and oh no now I have column and city we can drop that column named column by doing all data drop columns equal and then the one we want to delete so that's just column and now if we do it and then we also this would do it in a separate spot so if we want to set it to back to all data we can do it like this or you can also pass in the so I run that it works I also could have passed a keyword in place and so that's true and that would have done it without setting it there but okay now we have just our city that we wanted moving forward I have a question for you and I think this is a pretty tricky question so I don't really expect you to get it but if you can get it without me giving you further hints like huge huge gold star you guys get but is there an issue with just listing the city here so we want to aggregate all the city totals and sales and I'm asking the question you know do we have any issues by just doing it how he did it so you know we have these addresses and I'm wondering do we need to include anything else or are we good like well we have run into any issues down the road so try to think about that for a sec and to answer the question yes we will run into an issue if you think about you know us cities or cities around the world there's a lot of duplicates so you know I'm here in New England and you know when people say Portland I'm thinking they're talking about Portland Maine but when you talk to someone on the west coast of the United States and you say Portland they are most certainly not thinking of Portland Maine they're thinking of Portland or again so in our data set we actually had the overlap in cities with those those two cities I just mentioned the two Portland's so we should also grab the state so we can write another function that takes in an address and from our address here it's gonna grab this state value so that's not gonna be too too crazy we can do the same start values we can do address not split we can split it on commas and now instead of the first index we're gonna grab the second index because that contains the Texas stuff so two second index and we'll just for now we will have this leftover zip code but we'll just include that in our answer for now so if I wanted to show you that I could do like gets in e plus empty string plus get State address and we should have something a little bit more complex in that city column know what happened oh it should be addressed it should be X here and as you see now it has like the state plus the zip code okay so how do we get rid of the zip code now well we can do another split and this time on white space because there's white space between Texas and seven five zero zero one and then we can get the of the white space here so we're looking at the white space here there's white space before Texas and white space after Texas so again this we will want to get the we'll want to get the first index here and I'll run look at that Dallas Texas like that that's cool and real quick to see like what would happen is that basically because there's white space on the left side of the the state abbreviation there when you split on the white space you'd ultimately on the left side of this have an empty an empty string and that's what's happening if we grabbed the second index here and or the 0th index instead of the first cool so yeah Dallas Texas and if you wanted to format that a little bit different a couple ways you can do it so you can maybe do plot a space parenthesis and then plus parenthesis like that and then that's maybe a little bit nicer of a syntax another cool thing you could do this is I'm getting jumping around all sorts of topics but there's a concept in Python called F strings so basically I can also do an F string of this whole entire thing and basically whenever I have a variable I surround it with brackets and then I only have to do the pluses anymore the pluses are now just part of the string so I could do parentheses and then another bracket because we have another variable here with the get state we're executing code so whenever we execute code we use brackets in the up string and then we get rid of the plus quotation quotation here and we've just reformatted this in a they scroll down so you can see it this in a different fashion so if I run this again we should get the same exact thing look at that and F strings are I think a addition and like Python 3.5 and higher so as long as you're using that you're good here cool we have a city so let's do the aggregating on the city now okay so now that we have our city column we can actually go ahead and scroll down here and answer the question what city have the highest number of sales well if we look at how we did the highest number of you know what did the best in a month we can just kind of copy the syntax so I'm going to say results equal group by instead of grouped by month we're gonna do by city and some that so let's see what we get for results so you can either print results display results or just leave it as the last thing executed in your data frame okay so we have cities and as you see there's the the Portland Maine the Portland Oregon I was talking about and what was the sales here so this is kind of annoying to like view it nicely so if you scroll through this you can see that San Francisco appears to be the best but I think we should plot this again copy basically the exact same code from what we just did so just copy and paste in from above so now we're not using months as our parameter we're using the cities and our results sales where you want that the same so that's fine what else do we want why label that's good x tix okay so we really just need to share energy our X values so what are our X values well they are going to be the unique value so there's a yeah this unique command I believe that will get us the unique column values for a specific or the unique values in a specific column so if I did all data city unique dot unique that should get us and I made the cities that should get us all the different cities that we have so all of this what you see here so I can pass this in and make this the X ticks as well and let's see what happens cool looks like we have a plot ah it's really ugly what else can you do well for X ticks instead of having it listed out horizontally because that's what's causing the collisions and I guess this is not month number anymore this is city name so US city name but what we can do with the X ticks is we can pass in a rotation equals vertical and maybe we make the font a little bit smaller so I'll see the font size equals 8 and look at that we got all our cities but I see an issue what do we do wrong well when we did the sum here we found that San Francisco was the best number of sales however when we look at this chart we just made Austin is the best sales so what is happening and you know I was kind of running through this code before I did some of this tutorial and I ran into this I was like what the heck like why why did you break on me like why are you showing inconsistencies well the issue is that when we're showing the the Y data the order matters but when we do this all data city unique it orders it in a different way so our X data and our Y data are not in the same order so we ultimately need to make this stuff being the same the cities being the same order as this sales results so to do that we can do a list comprehension this is something that I found on Stack Overflow but basically what I found was you could do City for City data frame basically you need two different parameters here and I realized this just by looking at the stack overflow post but all data group by city actually I don't think I need the brackets city and this will now get me the cities in the same order that they were in when we did the group by some so this set should hopefully work look at that yay by switching out how we organized our keys our X values here in the bar chart we got the right looking chart so we see that San Francisco is the highest selling you know the best performing city of Keith's SuperDuper cool electronics and you know as data scientists again I might ask myself some questions you know why is San Francisco so much higher than the other places other places well this is an electronics store maybe it's because Silicon Valley needs more electronics so you know that would be one reason you know maybe the tech to advertise is like better in San Francisco or more people have more money in San Francisco you know I could start kind of creating some hypotheses on the data on why that value is what it is and same thing for like the lowest value is like you know why's Portland Maine the smallest well out of all these cities I see here it's by the smallest city maybe advertising is bad there you know you can use this chart to help you really like understand your data and like give key insights to the business people that are gonna hopefully improve the sales moving forward all right the next question we're going to answer is going to be pretty business E and that question is what time should we display advertisements to maximize the likelihood of the customer buying the product and so if we remember our what our data looks like it looks like this and I would say from if we're gonna use our data to answer this question what we're gonna really need to look at is this order date and we're going to basically need to figure out a way that we can kind of aggregate all of the order dates into there like distribution over a 24-hour period so all right so how can we do that so the first option we could do is maybe like parse this like a string just like we drive the month column and just get the first two digits that could potentially work but you know I get a little bit worried about you know if this order date changes at all you know the format of it you know maybe grabbing the hour here doesn't stay exactly the same so what we're gonna do instead is convert this order date into a date/time object and basically the date/time library in Python allows us to like really act easily access different parts of a date you know the time the hour the minute in a very like pythonic fashion so it will be a lot less hacking than trying to parse this string manually and like try to just hope that the format stays exactly the same the date/time library even if this date format changes a bit it's a pretty smart tool and can kind of do some filling in of the gaps to figure out exactly what part of the date means what so sorry I have them saying order date here I want all data order date to be converted into a date time object I think right now it is a string and so to convert it into a date/time object we can do PD dot to date/time so just like earlier in the tutorial we did PD dot two numeric to convert a row of strings into a row of integers and floats we can do this to convert this column into a date/time column and the only potential caveat of doing this is that the date-time format will probably be larger than the string that's like currently stored in here as far as memory space goes but I don't think in most cases as long as your data is you know relatively or isn't ginormous usually the the performance here won't be terrible so I think it's worth doing so let's run Nats and this takes a little while because there is a little bit of a hefty calculation so once you do this once though you don't have to do it again so it should run quickly again after you've converted that column to daytime right and I can show the data again and you know it's changed slightly now you see it's in a different syntax if you really wanted to and wanted to keep the original format you could have gone ahead and duplicated this duplicated this column to be like order date and then parentheses date-time format or so like that but I'm fine with replacing it as we did and so know what is nice about this is if I want to add the hour because ultimately I might want to group by the hour or maybe the minute the hour in the minute I'm going to add an hour column to our data and it is really simple now that we've converted that column to the date-time format all I have to do is do all data grab that order date column and now I have access to doing this dot date syntax and then once I do the dot date I can do dot our and watch this so we have like the eighth hour here the 22nd hour here the 14th hour here and now when I run this line and I'll just show the data after look at that we get 8 here 22 here 14 here it just like knows what part of this date is the hour so that's pretty cool and we can also augment this to be also do the minute by doing all data order date dot date dot minute and you know this type of thing I keep repeating this in this tutorial you know I'm not always remembering this off the top of my head I am like just trying to find smart ways to work with dates and it leads me to maybe the documentation that leads me to this or maybe it leads me to a stack overflow that leads me to this so watch this now we got what I do all day to order date what did idea what I do oh I probably should have an equal sign here cool and look at that so 846 that becomes 846 so now that we have these two columns we can go ahead and do some figuring out of the best time and you know this is basically a repeat of question 1 in question 2 now let's do some group by and then plot some stuff so similarly as we did in this one I want to use this format to grab our keys and to start out I'm going to say that we want to have the hours the hour for our DF and all data grouped by and then we're going to grab the hour column so this will be our hours keys that we'll use in our graph and this time instead of using the bar chart that we used in the past graphs I'm going to make this look a little bit more continuous and I'm gonna use a we're gonna use a line chart so we can to do that as long as you've loaded in matplotlib somewhere in this tutorial already you can do plot dot plot we have our hours and then what is our Y data well our Y data is going to be the result of the all data that I group by of the hour column and then we don't actually need to sum up these different values here in these columns what we can do instead in this case is actually just do a count to see what happens there happened cool that looks good let me so we did an all data group by our and then we just counted the number of rows by each hour so I could if I would be helpful just real quick print this out and you see all of these are the count which is the number of occurrences of orders for that specific hour so if we plot it out it just kind of had done we get this nice chart and so what does this chart tell us well if we maybe it would be helpful to add some labels so all had a couple labels real quick so what do we want so maybe let's make the X ticks the hours just so we can see each hour easily so what happens there so we have all of these tick marks now one thing it's still tough is it's hard for me to visually see what each tick mark corresponds to on this chart so what I can also add on this chart is the grid which is kind of a nice little feature and that makes it a lot easier for us to actually see which hour probably is the best so let's look at this we have peaks at around 11 a.m. or 11 1111 a.m. whatever you however you speak your x and then another peak at around 19 so about 7:00 p.m. that is so 11 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. that kind of makes sense it's like you know early in the day you're getting maybe you're doing your chores or like 7:00 p.m. makes sense maybe it's after work type of deal so those are the peak times that people make orders so if I was to answer this question I would say you know we should probably if we were to advertise effectively what is the question asking what time should we display advertisements immaculate maximize likelihood of customers buying I would say this chart kind of shows us that you know maybe right before 11:00 a.m. is a good time to put an ad or 12 is a good time to put an ad or you know 6 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. 18 or 19 here would be good times to display ads because those were the peaks of when all the orders in our data set happened and we could label this chart the same way we did for the other ones if we want to so I could do like cool that looks pretty good to me and this is something you could present to a business person and say hey look at this data this is from the past year let's target our ads at this time in this time and maybe you would break it down a little bit further because this chart was for the entire every city maybe you could do specific charts for certain cities it's all stuff worth playing around with all right the next question is what products are most often sold together so feel free to pause the video and try to solve this on your own I will note that I thought this was a particularly hard question so kudos T if you can solve it without seeing my solution all right so how would I go about solving this and I guess to introduce the problem the first thing to note is how do we know if a product is sold together with another product well if you look at these order ID values I guess we do get to see one right here if they have the same order ID then that means that this Google phone and these wired headphones were ordered together because you know they have the same order ID and they also are delivered as you can see to the same address so basically we're trying to figure out counting all of the duplicate order IDs which products were sold together the most and yeah as I said I didn't think this was particularly easy I thought this was pretty challenging so don't worry if you couldn't get this one on your own because I was scouring Stack Overflow to just figure it out myself and I was the one that asked the question so all right so how would I do it well the first thing is I wanted to know we want to know all the spots in our data frame I guess that are half duplicate rows because those are the only rows we need to worry about that have duplicate order IDs because that will ultimately let us find which products were sold together so let's create a new data frame for this and we're going to take our all data and we're going to filter by all data order ID and then do dot duplicate it so this will check all the rows or all the cells in the order I D column and see which ones are duplicated and then we're gonna pass in this keep equals false so I'm going to now show you what this data frame looks like and we'll pass in let's say 20 values here as you can see this and this have the same order ID this and this how the same water ID this and this sometimes you'll see like three values it's possible that you had three values that were all ordered together but yeah it just stripped that big all data data frame down into just the duplicate one so we can work with this data frame now to do the additional stuff and I think in the the final kind of solution Jupiter notebook that I have all reference what second were four links I used here and another helpful trick is that if you're like you know you kind of understand this command but you don't understand why I passed keep equals false here if you're using a Jupiter notebook at the end of the column that was run you can do shift tab and it opens up the docstrings for it so you see this keep parameter and if I expand this keep is basically whether or not you should just keep the first occurrence of the dupe kit if you should keep the last occurrence of the duplicate or if you should keep all as all duplicates and that's why we passed and false because we want to keep everything all right so what do we do now that we have all these duplicates well we need to start like grouping them together so I'm going to create a new column in our data frame and I'm going to call it grouped and this is where some funky stuff is going to happen where I basically want to create a new column that's going to have Google phone and wired headphones on the same line so that's when when you see the magic that I'm about to put on the screen that's ultimately what I'm trying to get at is you know instead of having these on different lines let's get them all on the same line and so to do that we're gonna add a column called grouped and we're going to group by the order ID now from our filter DF that's the only the duplicator rows so we have our order ID and then what we're specifically looking at within the order ID is the product column and then we're gonna use a function called transform and transform is similar to like apply where it takes in like lambda X if you want to edit actual cell contents and so for all of the order IDs groups my product that are grouped together we're gonna for each one of those X's we're going to do some joining so we're gonna join them by I'm going to say commas so what does this now look like hopefully that works we'll say maybe this takes a little while cool it looks like it worked and you know read whatever this is saying I'm not sure quite what it that's happening it's telling me to use a look so I maybe should be using look somewhere but it is all working you see that we have Google phone comma wired headphones here in the group to call them so that looks good and now let's think the one issue I do have is that we have this same order twice because we did this in every situation in the group by so we have two and three of the exactly the same so let's drop out those duplicated occurrences of the same order like the same pairs in the order so we're gonna get rid of duplicates here and to do that we can do DF equals DF and we're gonna just worry about the order ID and the group's values and because otherwise some of this other stuff might be different like if we accidentally take the index but we probably don't have to filter it exactly like this but we'll take those two columns and drop the duplicates all right so what do we get now and your D F dot head oh this we drop duplicates like this cool that looks good to me we have like as we saw before this one now only occurs a single time so when we're actually counting these up one or iterating over all the rows and our final this DF we can now use like pretty out of 100 that was a lot basically we're going to iterate over all these rows and count these pairs now and use that to get our final count of what products are sold most often together okay so let's move to another cell to do this last part okay so we have a data frame that looks like this and so now we need to count the pairs of what occurs together most frequently and we're gonna use a couple new libraries for this we're going to import itertools we're going to from-from inter tools we're going to import combinations and from collections we're an import counter and as I said before in these columns in these cells when I when you look at the final solution for this I'll have pasted in there as you see I just did with this one the stack overflow posts that I've linked that I looked at when I was doing this but okay so how do we do this well basically yeah it looked at this stack overflow so I can reference this one and see kind of how we can use it to help us all right so let's look at the Stack Overflow post we have a list of comma separated values we can kind of think about like we could probably convert that grouped column we have into a formula like this but we have a list of lists that have that and then we update the count based on the combinations in the sub lists so if we can just duplicate this form format then we can do it with one and ultimately get a dictionary out like this so let's do that real quick well the first part of that answer was to have a counter so we do count counter and then it was for sub list and list basically we had to iterate through so we want to use this as our sub list well to do that we can do for row in guru or the data frame and the grouped column and so this will now get us each one of these entries okay so now we want to get a list because in that original sack overflow post we have a sub list so the row list we could do a row dot split on the comma and get a sub list which is kind of nice then we can copy the format with the counter with our own variable names so that would be count to update update counter combinations row list and then we want to count pairs of two so if you wanted to count like the most common three-way occurrences you could do some unit pass in three here so we now have that counter so if I print count I think we should see something nice ah that's pretty messy but I think it does tell us what's the first thing I phone in a lightning charging cable those were the most to those items that were most commonly ordered together but if we want a nicer formatting of this we could do count dot most common 10 this went with a counter object there's a most common method and that should yeah that's a little bit nicer where we can see the pair's in a more readable fashion and if we want to get even more readable from that we could do a four key value in count most common and then print just key comma value and that will give us this which is I guess a little bit easier to read and I'm actually just curious or quick would we get the most common three in a row if we did with the three here well look at that so if you wanted to see the most the items that were most commonly sold as three items together you do that past the three in year but we'll keep that as a two and that's pretty cool and so what would we do with this well you know maybe you try to be smart with promotions that you're offering if you're selling an iPhone maybe like try to smart offer a smart deal so you get more people people already probably want to buy an extra lightning charging cable but maybe you do a smart deal where you can kind of lure an even bigger audience to buy that lightning charger cable and you can kind of repeat that with these other common pairs and maybe try to you know use that to your advantage as a business user so this data would help a business kind of make decisions like that all right let's end this video with one last question and this final question will just be a little bit definitely simpler than the last one and it's gonna be what products sold the most and why do you think it's sold the most okay so how would we go about doing this well we can start off with the same old group group buy stuff so all data head let's see our data and really all we have to do to figure out what products sold the most is we need to sum up the quantity ordered based on grouping by the product so to do that we can do all data group by product then I'm gonna do this slightly different than I have in the past just to clean keep things fairly clean the product group equals all data grouped by so if I printed product group I don't know if it will and won't do much yet but if we go ahead and display product groups um we can use the quantity order to figure out the best things and we probably should keep it as a graph again that's usually the best play so quantity ordered if we wanted to abstract it away to a variable would be equal to product group dot sum and then quantity ordered all right and then we can graph it just like we've graphed the ones above I'm gonna make this a bar chart again so I'll take maybe this so products will say product for product DF and and this would be instead of this the product group what happened oh I spelled wrong ah no it smells wrong again all right and now we want to plot plot dot bar our X will be the products and our y will be the quantity ordered that looks good oh look at those labels those are pretty let's do the rotation that we did in the last one of the last examples I'll just paste that in Jesus oh I pasted it in from the wrong spot look at that you got nicer looking graph there and if you want to get rid of this annoying stuff that comes before and you're using Juber Novik just do the plot up show look at that okay and now probably should add a label if we want to plot y label equals one t or just number ordered and then the quantity ordered I guess it probably better as quantity ordered it you know it is taking into account the fact that you might order two of the same product and that's all summed up into this and then our X label was X label was product okay so now that I have this graph you know the question originally was what product sold the most and why do you think it's almost well we can see that Triple A batteries were the most hot item at the keith's fancy smancy electronic store immediately maybe I've got feeling on why it might be sold the most let's see the other items that are sold the most the Lightning charging cable the USBC charging cable wired headphones double-a batteries and why would that be sold more than like an LD dryer an LG washing machine well the immediate reaction that I have when looking at this data is that those items are cheap like triple-a batteries and LG dryer is not cheap so that's probably the reason why this is a lot higher than the other ones but you know as data scientist it's often good to prove our hypotheses so what we could do is overlay this graph with maybe the actual prices of these items and see if there is that like kind of direct correlation okay so let's make a new cell to do this I'd start off let's get the prices and so to do that we could group by the product and in addition to sum and count that you've seen in this video there's also dot mean and what we want the mean of well we want the price each that will be kind of the average price these things sold for price each okay so let's print out prices and just Shh look at that you got all the prices of these objects that's pretty straightforward okay so now that we have that now we need to figure out how do we overlay this data on a chart into this graph and add a secondary y-axis I guess that would be the price over here on the right but keep the same X labels so as we've done and you know several times throughout this video let's use our handy-dandy friend the internet to help us out and doing this so we want to add a second y axis to a matplotlib chart and let's see what we get when we query this okay so a second Y access to the matplotlib chart you get one post here the top result is from matplotlib org and oftentimes you know math motley org does some good stuff but often times I usually find the easiest solutions come with sack overflow post so I'm going to take the first one here and see if I can adapt what the answer is to what I'm trying to do so the best so the question is adding a y-axis label to a secondary y-axis and math lib and this answer that has a lot of up votes and I always been kind of judging the efforts to make sure it seems pretty liked by a lot of people it uses this fig x1 plot subplot so we're gonna want to use subplots and I think basically we could probably copy this code pretty exact and then just adapt it to what we need so I'm gonna do that so pacing all this and so instead of plotting X and y1 like they have will ultimately plot what we use as our X&Y data so in both cases our X data is going to be the products so we can pass that in as our X Pasadena's or X ok so this first graph we could take the bar chart instead of doing a a plot here let's do the bar chart that we had before and actually we can probably just take this exactly so basically replacing the Y label with the quantity ordered like we had before and then over here X 2 well that is going to and sorry this should not be flat bar this should be X 1 bar I shouldn't have changed that ok execute plot products y 2 y 2 is now our prices and this P minus that's going to be how the line is displayed of the line chart so we could keep that we might play around with that in a sec set X label well our X label is the same for both our wise and that's the product name a the y label will be the first line label that's associated with the bar chart is quantity ordered and the second why label is price and we could say in US dollars if we want to but I'll just do price here okay let's hope that this works hey look at that it's still a little bit ugly here's a little thing I already had written down because this was a little bit tricky but we can set the X tick labels with the axis using this format it's a little bit different than plot dot X ticks but that should do the rotation that we've been doing look at that cool cool and then we should just get the price to sync up the colors to sync up so the quantity ordered has a color green here so let's also pass this in as color green okay cool so now we have a chart that's overlaid our graph that's overlaid on another graph and the blue we have the price and in the green we have the quantity ordered so if the price and the quantity ordered kind of like correlate and that's kind of we're trying to like prove our hypothesis whenever the quantity ordered is high this should be low and as we see that is the case for the triple-a and double-a batteries as we go to the other products like LG dryer that's pretty dang expensive and it makes sense that you know it might it caused it to be low over here and then you look at some inconsistencies with that like you might say hey the price is very high for the Mac paw the MacBook Pro laptop and the ThinkPad laptop why is the quantity ordered like it's so much higher than the LG dryer and LG washing machine well you know I guess more people are looking to buy MacBook Pros you know there's more students in the world there's more more demand for MacBook Pros so this overlay can't tell us everything but I would say it is pretty good evidence for why like the double-a and triple-a batteries are so high I the Lightning charging cable is so high the USBC charging cable is so high those are such low prices that the like the quantity ordered ultimately shoots up because more willing more people are willing to pay that price alright with that we're gonna end the video here hopefully you guys learned something and also had fun with this tutorial I know I had a lot of fun personally making this tutorial from curating the data to asking business questions to using the data to analyze those questions so hopefully you also enjoyed that process if you did enjoy this video they mean a lot to me if you throw a big thumbs up I want to make more videos like this in the future but the only way that I'm gonna you know know to do that is if you guys show interest in this one so throwing a big thumbs up with me a lot also while you're at it subscribe and if you want a more up-to-date on what I'm doing you know day in day out check out my Instagram and Twitter alright till the next video thanks again guys for watching peace out [Music]
Channel: Keith Galli
Views: 633,416
Rating: 4.9734802 out of 5
Keywords: KGMIT, Keith Galli, MIT, python, python 3, python programming, data science, data analysis, pandas, python pandas, python matplotlib, matplotlib, mathplotlib, groupby, csv python, tutorial, real world, apply method in pandas, data exploration, data cleaning, anaconda, jupyter notebook, jupyter notebook tutorial, spreadsheets python, excel python, plotting, graphing, coding, programming, data scientist, machine learning, AI, artificial intelligence, csv, panda
Id: eMOA1pPVUc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 7sec (5167 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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