Philosophy Optional Class 1 By Dr. Tanu Jain || Tathastu-ICS

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good afternoon friends good afternoon good afternoon please sit good afternoon first class philosophy ready to be philosophers okay am I audible to online students audible problems so before we start our philosophy optional classes congratulations if you have decided to take philosophy as an optional uh why because very interesting very very interesting and it's a courageous act because generally people think philosophy is logically very very logical very short syllabus and very scoring only thing that has to be done is personally regular revision and secondly practice any subject is as good as you make it means so foreign first as optional options are subjected how many papers how many subjects how many topics and how we will approach it is but as a teacher I am very strict so if anyone is not ready to do hard work foreign because I cannot because it's a it's a you know it feels bad to me if someone is my student and that student doesn't get selected and it will be my student is not getting cleared my student is not getting selected this means foreign action now is it okay it's okay now back benches and online student can I can I can I get a message am I audible to online students please somebody put it yes I am audible types yes okay fine so as an optional we will see but what are the uh things that we should be knowing and optional philosophy as a subject philosophy has a subject not all of them are asked in examination but before you prepare for examination you must have certain insight and idea about what is the subject because directly you know diving into the syllabus of philosophy it is Aristotle is foreign [Music] foreign so it can be part of your interest but it is not required at this stage because whatever it is Ultimate aim of these philosophy classes is to get good score and pass the exam and only after that we will enjoy all other Hobbies of philosophy is hey after getting selected you get lot of time don't worry lot and lot of time you will get when you can read other philosophies read for leisure and talk philosophical philosophical okay exam and I'm clearing your exam Buddha bhagwani foreign foreign both are important but most important is expression and writing that's very very important how many of you think more notes are merrier more notes make more confusions simplistic terms foreign printed notes I will provide and until and unless you have finished these you will not touch anything else anything I know X Market notes why Market notes and Z Market nodes missing out um notes not a problem next question is books books foreign General philosophy books which are not tailored to the requirement of philosophy optional there are very good areas in those books but those books or those areas will be useful once we have understood once we have command over basics I will tell you the books when they are required if you have more money donate put it into some good use or say for yourself don't just go out of that spending spree options foreign foreign paper one and paper two in paper one there is Indian philosophy there are 10 philosophical streams or 10 philosophical schools that we have to read only 10. three heterodox six Orthodox and one contemporary then there is Western philosophy somewhere around like 17 philosophers are there western philosophy means foreign foreign I think therefore I am self-help books Robin Sharma power of subconscious mind we make our destiny we make our future Think and Grow Rich Atomic on all the self-help books whatever are inspired somewhere or the other from philosophy especially Indians again foreign best foods religion philosophy of religion religion hey there is God yeah foreign [Music] but philosophy is not religion philosophy is a science of questioning and doubting so philosophy will ask okay there is God evidence you must have certain proofs if you are saying there is God there must be certain proofs foreign and at least you have to remember it is discussion which is going on till now and all our answers will never be in the tone of judgments they will be in the tone of arguments discussion so we will evolve the discussion we will evolve platforms in simple terms so philosophy of religion has application from paper one and it is very interesting questions if God is all powerful how many of you believe that God is all-powerful and raise your hands until unless it is interactive it will not be you know interesting God is all powerful and how many of you think God is kind also kind okay then why is there so much pain in the world so supposedly a child is fighting from cancer two-year-old child if God can God cure him should go out cure him because he's kind all right powerful but still cure there must be some reason like in India we believe in karma Theory is explanation of taste science genetic disease genetic environmental effects which has caused this disease will they believe in God also atheists arguments interesting arguments philosophy of religion subject matter it's the subject matter of philosophy of religion then next is socio-political philosophy this part is very very interesting as well as useful in your GS papers socio-political philosophy like means equality equality means should all of you be treated equal yes okay now equal means all girls and boys should be treated equally depends on the circumstances now Jesse circumstances you know social disability is the caste discrimination benefits when we should treat people equally and when we should not treat people equally definitions like or concepts like democracy democracy is good or monarchy is good democracy is good why better than monarchy why people get to decide but if people choose wrong person then they suffer but should it be like you know each time choosing or should monolk be if there is a good King should monarchy be a good thing to as a political system can it be a good thing we will see this is the point of discussion monarchy is good or not what is secularism why every religion thinks that you know they are the absolute truth female discrimination female discrimination in the sense like women discrimination cast discrimination all of these things what is sovereignty what is state what are rights and duties how many of you think that you have rights you are in a free country India you all have rights how many of you think that you also have duties right to speak right to move right to life and Liberty duties maintain cleanliness or maintain communal Harmony foreign foreign but as topic is this is another doubt is how to manage your timetable how many of you are having one class a day how many of you are having two classes a day three um foreign we should divide our time energy and effort according to Marx objectively optional though foreign static plus current affairs plus mcqs plus answer writing plus etc etc four hours for optional though foreign trust me when I am saying what makes you get selected self-study things you have written in your class things you have read in your class when you go back revise learn and you are able to write it then you are on the right path of selection so this one r or two r's are not pardonable this is also not pardonable but this is also not permanently doubt time table s simple hello foreign if you cannot manage your life your preparation do you think Indian government should give you important tasks to manage simple objectively decide divide schedule and do it simple divide according to your own potential and thanks next time table is done how will I write answers how will I write answers how will you write answers don't worry I will make you write answers and I will oh okay I will be writing I will make you write answers don't worry we will learn Technique we will learn how to write how to start how to present articulate everything don't worry philosophy answers no issues each week we will be having test after each philosopher we will try to have certain tests answer writing things so that whatever we are learning we are also able to put it on paper because whatsoever your paper is the only thing that will get you selected because that is the only thing that is going to the Examiner photos if if your photo goes your nationality you know regionality goes or religion goes all of these things if they used to go or even you know the kind of circumstances you are in like ma'am I could not study or sir I could not study because this happened in my family I could not study because of certain issues in my finances or I could not study because of this issue in my health whatever does this go to the paper or Examiner so when this doesn't go this means that whatever is that is getting you selected is only your paper so you have to work on that how we will work leave it to me don't worry answer writing we will do next tests when there will be tests in philosophy class after each philosopher after each section and at the end there will be full length tests apart from that we will also make a pyq booklets p y cubiclets means we will cover all the P by Q's and if you have done that you will score really really good that's a no-brainer because in optionals and specially philosophy questions repeat many many times and this repetition of question is which gives you an edge if you have learned certain things go and write in your fluent manner okay apart from them how will I score more will I score more with philosophy yes 300 plus can easily be name okay yeah in next class I will show you a fact it's not here right now this year the person who has scored the most in Toppers you know among among first a few toppers the person is from philosophy he scored 319. and his selection and rank was definitely based on other Toppers are also there but generally their selection has been based on this means if you work hard you can score peel absolutely comfortable with your option because that is the key if you are comfortable then you can read it learn it and write it okay apart from that what we will do you will make it or we will give you 50 topics first slot yeah second slot learned retalia third first revision with each revision you will do answer writing first revision second third fourth fifth sixth tenth seven seven revisions people who are targeting 2026 will do seven revisions people who are targeting one like 20 25 7 plus 20 25 at least five revolutions at least people who are targeting 2023 at least three revisions of full syllabus each philosopher can be condensed to three pages 50 topics means 150 200 Pages 200 pages so once you do that it's quick revision but a revision is important and you all have to make this because until and unless you have data for your performance it doesn't get translated into performance in simple terms when you know that your revision is pending then you keep it in mind and then you revise else we keep busy being busy in our daily lives okay apart any or any other doubt which is left No Doubt okay fine now philosophy as a subject philosophy as a subject philosophy is Art of questioning it's not answering anything but art of questioning and you can understand a person's intelligence by the questions that person is asking like if a person exes are saying is asking a question tell me what fruit I have in my orange box is it a good question this is a lame question and if that person is saying if you answer me right I will give you all the five oranges if you answer how many oranges I have then I will give you all the five five interest look if the questions are not right the answers will also be lame if the question is lame answers will be lame so philosophers have an art of asking very deep questions very very deep and these are the questions that somebody or you know all of us must have asked sometime in our life like how many of you have ever wondered why are you here on this Earth there must be some purpose to your life what is your purpose come eat drink merry party grow old marry have kids and earn money earn respect fight with some people love with some people and then die have you ever thought okay why is this Earth here Earth why is it here any any ideas these are the equations now we are talking deep like philosopher and these are the Deep questions which early philosophers dwelled on what is this world made up of now science says it is made up of matter but how many of you know about Einstein Einstein gave this what does it mean e stands for m stands for P stands for so Mars can be or matter can be translated to energy nuclear atoms and reactors all work on this principle so in essence world is made up of matter or energy but matter is what energy so is there anything as matter or only energy anything which can be transformed can be replaceable also the world is made up of matter and world is also made up of what a deep question what is the essence of this world and philosophy as a subject also deals with deep thinking and is the mother of all subjects in the Market okay philosophy when philosophy talked about Society it became sociology when philosophy talked about polity or politics it became political science when philosophy talked about origin of humanity it became anthropology when philosophy talked about mental things or conscious things then psychology when philosophy talked about human body Anatomy biology chemistry when it talked about chemicals Alchemy when it talked about physical laws or matter then it became physics what is the name of Newton's book you will all go back and check today philosophy of check the book's name okay so all the subjects have originated from one subject only and that is philosophy that is why philosophy is known as the mother of all subjects and any subject you want to go grow higher what is the highest degree that you get Matlab Doctorate of philosophy so if you do PhD in sociology then you become PhD in you this means you know the philosophy of can you understand so in its domain comes all the important subjects and these philosophers we will be reading or meeting 50 people 50 people we will be reading or meeting are talking about all these things but not all we need to do as a student of philosophy option as an inquisitive person as a person who is a student of philosophy subject they can read but we are not required to read so Plato must have told about or said or written about hundreds of things but we will study only Those portions which are required in our option but yes it has concerns with all of these now let us start with today we will be starting with Western philosophy Indian philosophy is relatively easier because we are Indians we are you know acquainted with the terms like Atma bhagavan ishwar Brahm you know all of these terms we know a little bit and they are more easy for us to understand and get uh you know acquainted with but philosophy or Western philosophy is generally considered to be relatively difficult part so let us start with the most difficult part because and if you eat the Frog first eat the Frog first and first thing in the morning there's a book by Brian Tracy means do the most difficult part first okay so story of Western philosophy starts with the Advent of humanity itself the man or the person is wandering and trying to make sense of nature that how and where these things are coming from and in this manner they try it to grow as a civilization our story starts with hails he's the father of philosophy so thales saw thought that the world is made up of or the universe is made up of water he found that everything gets either dissolved in water or gets affected by water so everything must be made be made up of water so fundamental element of the universe according to thales was water but then again his student an examander came and he said no no not water but there are two opposing forces which keep changing and there is change in the world things are changing there's always some change seeds grow small shrub plant tree tree again gives fruits then falls down back to Earth decomposes again new seeds so things are changing always there is a change so according to him there was there are two opposing forces which are always responsible for changes in the world few others came some set fire was the component which made up the world some sent this some said that and some people said change relative like sophists sophists were the people in Greek region of the uh universe or the Earth and there they were talking about relativism coffee pita how many of you coffee daily how many of you like coffee and how many of you don't like it this means this coffee is good or bad depends depends on the liking of that person if they like it then it is good if they don't like it then it is bad sophism foreign foreign you know wandered around in the 18th and there he used to ask questions what are the characteristics of human now in in his asking he used to make other people's uncomfortable and comfortably to the level that when they found their own inconsistencies in their words they used to reach the truth and that is what that was his method this is a Socratic method or dielectric method this is his method example how can you use it in your life today go to your dadima on anima and I tell them you have always said that everything happens because of the will of God everything this means if I am not studying whose will is it God so whose responsibility is it right so when should I be punished for anything which I am not responsible for what is this inconsistencies in our thoughts and actions what Socrates used to do this and what will your grandma do you know similar thing happened with Socrates people of the administration and the people of the state at that time thought he'll uh you know make a youth go up so let us kill him huh so he was given a pot of poisoned wine to drink and he drank it and he he died of course that story we will do again when we will do Plato but he died for his ethics he was he had the chance to run away but he did not run away because he wanted to remain still on his ethical grounds or principles foreign ancient period after that aim medieval medieval period was also known as the Dark Ages here we are doing historical analysis you are understanding just to have a big picture of what western philosophy is how it evolved and later we will connect it to our syllabus okay so what is Medieval velocity medieval philosophy or Medieval Times in Western philosophy were Dark Ages why because there was so much domination of religion specifically Christianity and church and they were so dominant so so dominant can you question church or their beliefs or their practices supposedly somebody goes and the church says really was there a Jesus proof what would happen to that person simple one one now two out three out will there be other people who will question so that inquisitiveness against these principles was put down because of Orthodoxy that is why it is known as Dark Ages that only thing that flourished in those times was religion and religion alone nobody could question anything anything but there were certain people who tried to explain the words of God to explain the words proof of gods so now they were given this Bible they they were reading and they were like you know God made this world in seven days how is it possible so now they gave explanation on the first day God this second day God did this and this is how this is why all of these explanations like you people do right now if if you don't get selected in first attempt what explanation do you give I was not prepared this was just my first attempt I did this raw all of this is what explanation to justify if you get something good in your life then also you justify it was my hard work and persistence that kept me going explanation but fine so these people and Saint Augustine also tried to explain God and the manners of God bhagavan who all can believe in him when there is suffering how can I test you so if if we so it is like uh when do you realize that or when can you test your friend when you are flourishing when you are rich powerful your friendship get tested when you are in trouble no so you are going you skipped the classes and you went with your girlfriend or boyfriend to watch movie okay till now friendship is not tested but then your mother calls and she says let's do video calling now you are friendship kids tested or not with that girl or boy now you call your friend henna yeah let us do this whatever whatever your friendship gets tested I'll be six situations you know I'm trying to uh put you in that shoes so these were the people who were mainly explaining the religion itself then came the modern philosophy modern philosophy was basically after Renaissance what is Renaissance three word so this was the time when in Europe everything started to become dominated by science people started to became more scientific and rational in their orientation they started to think more in scientific terms common sensical terms and there was so much uh scientific progress like steam engine like this like that Industrial Revolution was about to begin in this era people started to philosophize but not like the old people philosophy was regenerated and the domination of religion was subdued there was no domination of religion now separation of State and religion secularism we will study as a topic in Social political separation of state and religion started and the moment you separated religion philosophy became independent and reactive people started questioning and in this questioning two major channels arose first is rationalism second is empiricism in rationalism there are three philosophers Descartes spinos are Lebanese log Berkeley Hume you might be hearing these names first time that is why it is feeling alien but after some time you will remember them better and much more closely than your siblings henna siblings again philosophy problem is this that we have no female philosophers why foreign person who has to work can they do philosophy a person who has a lot of work can they do philosophy no philosophy is for Rich luxurious people who can sit like this and think um it is generally you people are thinking actually you know I'm making this up but yes philosophy is for people who can think and for thinking you need time time is only with people who have other means who have things set up if you don't really have to go for daily wages can you think about it no time to think about these things so philosophy has always been a passion for people over intellectuals and who had time so this period was majorly the very in a strong period for philosophy after them came you know this rationalism and empiricism reconciled by a person known as Kant very very great philosopher great philosopher and the theory he will give people generally fall in love with punt after reading his philosophy and he said give such a philosophy that he ended a lot of debates in the philosophical domain which were going on then came Hegel Hegel was another German philosopher and he is also known as the philosophical guide to many philosophical trends like Marxism like Nazism Nazism you know who was Hitler and spiritualism so this was a person who inspired so much and in so different ways and Hegel is one person when you will read it your mind will be open to such an extent that after some time you will be able to see things which are not visible just to eyes but to the trends that then that's if that is evolving and you will be like generally says I can I can count the uh wings of the bird flying or what is the is there any English saying for that no I can I can see what is happening in future and how it will evolve is a person who will give you such an insight which will make you a you know you'll be able to see a lot of things happening in future how is it going to turn out that inside he gave with this I modern period also ended then came contemporary contemporary phase started with more who said Common Sense Common Sense common sense means we have to be common sensical in our approach towards world to learn about world then logical atomism logical positivism then coin and straw Sun another person phenomenology phenomenology is nothing but meditation and existentialism existentialism is what although self-help books inspired from here meditation spiritualism inspired from phenomenology and these are the people specifically who used a language as a tool to explain this word overview of our syllabus of Western philosophy khatam yeah Plato 's philosophy of religion May because they are they were talking about religion they were not talking just about philosophy the philosophy of religion foreign [Music] and strason phenomenology and existence complete syllabus logical atomism Russell and Wittgenstein existentialism this is our complete syllabus of Western philosophy one fourth of our syllabus rather complete philosophy of one fourth okay now before this or after this we can say we have to learn certain terms branches of philosophy how many branches are there in philosophy is very good first is metaphysics second is epistemology third is ethics and last is Aesthetics Aesthetics means study of beauty what makes a thing beautiful is it symmetry or asymmetry is it the color is it the shape of it is it the essence of it what is beauty and this definition has always changed so in Africa there are tribes where uh you know flattened nose or big round blocks in their ears are put up why because according to them the definition of beauty is such physical traits there is a tribe in Africa where obese women are considered to be beautiful and what do they do eat them feed the young girls with food food food and fatty food so that they can become fat at an early age why their definition of Beauty different very different from ours we have a a different sense of beauty so people in Europe go for tanning what is tanning foreign they want to have that brownish tinge or bronze effect different sense of beauty so each and every country has had a different sense of beauty Aesthetics not part of our syllabus then logic all cats are rats I don't know All rights are bats how many cats are logical reasons not part of our syllabus though a little bit you do in Seaside little bit ethics philosophy not part of our syllabus GS part of our syllabus the way a person thinks the world exists the purpose of the world will Define the ethics like people who believe in God will they have different ethics from people who do not believe in God the people who fear from God generally if they do something wrong maybe you know they steal something first thought is God is looking at me so will they be very easy or will it be very easy for them to steal even if they steal they are always in a person who thinks there is no God and if you say nobody will catch you go will they steal will they be in guilt ethics metaphysics say ethics so the philosophers all these can't and all these Descartes and all these people we will be studying in Western philosophy they have also said a certain things about their ethical values and those values we will be having a hint of it which you can use it in your GS4 paper of Ethics what can't said what Khan doesn't said and you know how he evolved his uh Theory or what is existentialism man is condemned to be free important statement what is man is condemned to be we are very free and we are so free that even if we want not to be free it cannot be done even if you want to blame to anybody we cannot blame because whatever we do is our own choice even not making a choice is a in simple terms so ethics we will study it as a small portion which you will be using in GS but it's not part of our philosophy optional in philosophy optional we study only these portions metaphysics and epistemonium physics you all know physics means physics means foreign specifically matter specifically matter like in physics you say you know you drop a 10 kg ball on the ground If the gravity is this what will be the speed or if you split a matter into many parts it will be split into atoms all of these this is physic physics but we never question about matter in physics that's a taken for granted that is the thing do you ever question in physics if there is matter or not you accepted that there is matter for which we have to evaluate either mechanical physics or some quantum physics or some other type of physics but matter is there what is metaphysics Beyond physics those things which physics have taken for granted physics question like metaphysics will question existence of matter or not does matter really exist or does it not exist does soul exist or if it exists why how proofs mechanisms what is this world made up of atoms proof and now in this Plato will give a world view according to him there will be a world view how the world is arranged an Aristotle will again give a world view which will be different from Plato but how the things are arranged in the world what is this world made up of is it made up of atoms is it made up of energy or is it made up of something else foreign existence or the substance what is this world made up of and this is also known as ontology this side or this Branch or this particular question that what is this world made up of is also known as ontology so the question of metaphysics means question that what is this word made up of answer okay metaphysics question the answer is metaphysical question so anything it is made up of is it made up of small atoms or is it made up of force is it made up of electrostatic forces whatever metaphysics or in other terms ontology science people know only signs so according to science what is this world made up of material atoms can you break atoms okay electron protons neutrons can you break electrons protons neutrons quarks can you break quarks leptons are leptons can leptons be baked can can you break leptons further yes so according to Science World is made up of they still don't have an answer but they cannot say that so that is why it will generally tell you world is made up of but really so there must be some other things also which all these philosophers will be talking about and we will see what is what are their conceptions of world then epistemology to know this world or to know if atom is the real essence of the world if the world is made up of atoms or not we should have knowledge we should have knowledge and to have knowledge we should have knowledge about sources of knowledge how do you know about this world sense organs what are the five sense organs eyes nose ears skin tongue taste words five five cents organs and you get to know about this world is there any other faculty through which you can know the world any other faculty reasoning can you use your reason to think about lot of things even if you have not sensed certain things can you reason about them example politics can you make understand do you understand when I say politics politics touch taste smell but you know politics okay what is Tata Tata company a company final Corporation but you will think about Tata you can think about the progress of Tata and all these things so there must be another faculty Beyond experience also that we are using to know things that is reason that is reason there are certain ways in which we get knowledge now should there be some limit to knowledge or we can be we can know everything is there any limit to our knowledge yes can you see microwaves can you see you cannot see microwaves why because they are beyond the visual species science online what is the visual range of human eye huh nanometers 400 to 700. foreign coming back coming back so there is some limit to our knowledge in which you know what what we can know what we cannot know and there should be some validity to our knowledge validity means proof whatever we have known is true or not there's some there must be some validity example you were going on a voyage in a desert and it was hot sunny day and you found a source of water and Oasis you went running you saw that Oasis but just when you reached it you found it was only a mirage all of you know that when there is hot summers in a desert the sand Sparkles and due to the uh scientific or what is the refraction reflection before using those things the scent the sand Sparkles and creates an illusion of or Mirage of oasis now did your eyes tell you truth at the first time did they tell you the truth at the second time yes for now but how can you be certain there that your eyes are not pulling you now the second time you can touch this hand yes so when you touch the sand what what did you do you validated your knowledge you validated your knowledge so before you trust anything as true or false you must always validate so validity is really important all the philosophers we will study in the heads of metaphysics and say hey philosophy is me there are 27 philosophies that in paper one we have to read we just have to read about metaphysical understanding and epistemological understanding of various philosophers these 27 people and when we will read a philosopher don't just learn that philosopher try to connect with that philosopher exactly taking him with an image Babaji how does Plato think what was his worldview you will enjoy it then you know at that point of time now if you think something fine you have a lot of means to no but at that time when Plato started in VCS 300 400 BC before price how many of you know that DC and AD difference clear anybody who's not knowing it zero year the day Christ was born in this direction there is a d or c e c e means Common Era Anno Domini 180 280 yes and when we go in this direction then it is BC before Christ or before Common Era here when we go then we go in opposite direction like now 5 BC is older than or younger than one BC older than Anna it's older always remember this okay this is how things go so this person like Plato and all were in 500 400 BC that that you know uh ancient they are at that time they thought about such things that is the beauty of it at that time they devised such techniques that is the beauty of it Tike now syllabusa um difference between Western and Indian philosophy Indian philosophy we always talk about purpose of life why are we here how to remove suffering of the world all the religions any religion you take they are talking about or any philosophy you take they will be talking about except for you always they will be talking about suffering and the way to overcome suffering now these Western philosophers were not so much concerned about suffering they were more concerned about intellectual curiosity Western people were more oriented can you see the difference today also they are not so much concerned about this suffering way or to suffering you know they are more about Natural Science cosmology they were more mainly cosmologists Matlab Natural Science means how is this happening if it is raining why is it raining is there some mechanism behind it if it is raining then is it dependent on winds geographically so they were always concerned about Natural Sciences how things are happening so they were more about intellectual curiosity they were more about intellectual curiosity is an Indian philosophy they have we have always talked about ways of overcoming suffering foreign and then you get liberated out of the cycle of birth and death this is the way in our Indian philosophy they have not talked about such ways according to them knowing the world is important they want to know how things are happening why things are happening how you can explain this nature that is there whatever it is there they want to explain this so their mode of thinking is intellectual curiosity then in India the development of philosophy was parallel parallel means at the same time all the schools were existing same time Buddhists were there same time the aikas were there same time vedantins are there just like today we have a lot of religions working together similarly there also in ancient times also all the philosophies were working together fighting among themselves Making Peace convert everything so Buddhist will go and have a verbal fight with vedant both will fight whoever will lose will become disciple of the other this is how the story went this is how things evolved but at the same time all the philosophies were existing side by side so development was it parallel it was vertical ancient medieval modern contemporary parallel or sorry vertical it was vertical it was horizontal or parallel in Indian philosophy there were schools schools means ashram pick ashram's big groups of teachers having disciples how many of you are vedantins how many of you are Buddhists how many of you are vaishnav so these philosophy of Indians were majorly school one Rishi his disciple another Rishi his disciple another Rishi it continued disciples so you can become a vedant after reading and if you want to join if you want to do it you can become so they were growing they were big groups schools but in Western philosophy majorly Indian individual philosopher majorly individual philosophers Plato Plato was supported the people who supported the philosophy of Plato we call them plutonians but Plato was Plato he doesn't have bigashram with lot of disciples that we are the plutonians we will fight anybody who will come to our no no no you're fine that kind of thing so there were majorly individual philosophers apart from that Indian philosophy defines it as a way of life way of life means whatever philosophy told us we accept it as it as a way of life way of life means vegetarianism philosophy of Jainism told you should not hurt anybody then we adopted vegetarianism and that's a way of life way of life Karma Theory even if whatever happens we feel it's okay maybe it's you know the reason that our karmas are not right so we can give Solace to ourselves way of life all the things daily bathing doing Puja way of life but similar is not there they have not adopted their philosophy Western philosophers have not adopted their philosophy into their way of life they might even reject time they might even reject space but they will still exist in speed they will still take watch and see time so it is like even when they gave philosophy it was only for intellectual satisfaction it was not to solve any problem in our daily life daily lives foreign is made up of atoms or air or water does it make any difference actually you people are concerned are you ever been concerned about this thing what the world is made up of you are more concerned about selection just give us the selection just tell me will I be having good life will I be able to take care of my family all of these things are your concerns even if this world is made up of X element or Y element or Z element it doesn't matter to you because your real concerns are daily emotional things so Indian philosophy addresses that that is why when you read Indian philosophy your mind gets very settled you will feel much more easy and comfortable that is why these westerners flock to India you know they become depressed they become so agitated with all those things and then they come to India and they go to karoli Baba Himachal Pradesh ashram or some mandir Mark Zuckerberg and and what is this person of Apple Steve Jobs went there so why these people are coming here even after so much philosophy they have because their philosophy never addressed the concerns of spiritual dilemmas they never address the concerns of life they never gave the answer about problems of Life why are we here what happens to us after we die that's the big question do we get rebirth or it ends if it ends then you will live in a different manner and if there is a rebirth you will live in a different manner if Karma theory is right then you will live in a very different Manner and if there is no Karma Theory your ethics and your you know living your life will be absolutely distinct so that is why these people come here to find that spiritual soul is to find that purpose which is found in Indian philosophy and you will also feel that when you will be reading Indian philosophy a lot of your concerns will get addressed that's like mental healing maintain healing like uh it's it's something similar to psychological counseling through philosophical pandas given in various schools but this is not found in Western philosophy Western philosophy is more closer to science so that is why when we will study Western philosophy we we will see a lot of correlations with science not of correlations Newton gave a theory it had philosophical implications Einstein gave a theory philosophical implications some philosophers like Lebanese great mathematicians and philosophers can't give theory on everything on the earth Aristotle talked about how many of you know Aristotle is father to so many Sciences father of biology if either of this father of sub Aristotle even the philosopher and he yet you know gave birth to so many sign cells so that is why when we read Western philosophy we have to understand it is more closer to science Indian philosophy is more closer to spirituality so when we read this it will be more focused on materialism and practical evidences what to you know about things here Karma Theory God ishwar jeev rebirth on which basis do you get rebirth and all those things in Indian philosophy fine let us start with first philosopher that is Plato how much time we are left with oh we have we have some 15-20 minutes 4 30. ah okay 5 5 30. oh foreign okay so let us start with Plato please and permanentes according to heraculitis everything is changing everything is changing in the world how many of you agree everything is changing even the air we have just breath is it changed just after few seconds it has changed this table so strong so nice 10 years 100 years Thousand Years maybe dust maybe maybe it will turn to dust changing were you the same when you were uh you know 15 years back you were smaller chubbier and a cuter and more innocent more badmash okay and as the time went by things changed now you are this worried I know unhappy fearful Young stressed youth you know now this doubting youth you have become so things have will you remain the same next 10 years things will change again so this means everything is changing and is it changing continuously yes everything is changing continuously nothing is stagnant nothing is same so according to heraclitus we cannot bathe in the same river twice there is a river subscribe you cannot bathe in the same river twice everything is changing and according to heraculators only thing that is true is change but according to permanentees change is fine but there is certain stability stability or permanence now tell me even if you die will Humanity be wiped there are if one cat dies will cats become extinct if you cut a tree it's fine trees are changing there are seed plant tree changing but the concept of tree is it changing it's remaining the see 15 years back same 150 years back concept of tree fifteen hundred years back will it change in next 15 years 150 years this means even when individual trees are changing the concept of tree is not one human can die but the concept of humanity is not dying this means everything is permanent 15 years back with slight changes things were like this only somebody somebody else would have been teaching not in the same class in some other class you know somebody else would have been hearing and learning 150 years back somebody else would have been there 1500 years back huh foreign this means that there are certain permanent things which are not changing so according to permanentees things are not changing everything is permanent modern philosophy very recent phenomena very ancient but their actual philosophy is never became part of the mainstream yet they were very very learned female thinkers especially in Vedic period like gargi and all those uh thinkers we study in Ancient India but their philosophies never became mainstream the pulmonary according to pulmonities things are not changing human to humanity does it have any effect on humans itself or Humanity itself no monkey of course these are two people and when we study a philosopher we always have to understand that each philosopher thinks according to their own understanding we will never judge them right and wrong because judging somebody right and wrong will depend on lot of things and I told you no there are no judgments in the people who the person who is the least judgmental is the best philosophy the person who is the best who judges instantaneously cannot be the philosopher because he has taken science when we are talking about heraculators yes he has certain truth in what he is saying yes things are changing And yet when we talk about permanentees he is also saying something right that there are a lot of things which are not changing humans are dying but humanity is not changing dogs are dying but dogness is not changing tables are getting destroyed by tableness they don't love this is this concept itself tableness is not destroying even if I destroy this table and then I say there was a table will you understand what am I talking about table today dinosaurs were not here but when I say dinosaur you can imagine because there is a concept of dinosaurness in your mind to which you can know it even when you have not experienced it is yet you can imagine yet you can reason that there must have been such beings as dinosaurs so now both of them were having fight there were people who were saying no only the only reality is change and there were people they were talking about no only reality of the world is permanent change is not the reality now came the plateau Plateau said yes you are right you are also right you are also right when we see a cow it changes then very old cow then a dead cow there is definitely a change so in this particular cow there is definitely a change but the concept of cowness doesn't change even when this cow dies there comes another cow and we can recognize that cow and apart from that Western cow African cow Indian cow you know species Jersey cow New Zealand cow all of these cows but how do you know all these animals are cows how do you know they have certain essential thing which is the essence of these which is cowness because a cow can be black okay tell me can a cow be black can a cow be white can a cow be Brown can a cow be of a spotted different colors is color the essential property of a cow Ness color wait foreign they have something common that is so this cowness is not changing even when the cows are a cow can be of any color any shape any shape also supposedly there is a cow with only one with one amputated leg will that animals be still a cow thank you why but cow is an animal with four legs this means that there is something there is something in all these animals which our mind can recognize as cowness even when we don't know even if we find a new color we can still recognize them as tables of different shape drawing table dining table study table all of these still you call them all okay because they carry a common tableness in them this means cows change but cowness remains permanent cow changes but cow a cowness remains permanent table changes but tableness remains permanent horse hardness man Madness this means particulars we see in this world are changing they can change and they are always changing is there anything permanent in this world just the concepts humanness tableness all of these bookness particular book can change but bookness cannot change now this thing which is not changing where is it found in this world do you found Countess or do you found cow in this world we find only cow now according to Plato in this world everything is changing we find only particulars particular I am a particular this table is a particular you each is a particular we find only particulars and these are changing and always changing and here we do not find anything permanent now this permanent countenance this permanent Madness this stableness where should they live foreign this per world is made up of particulars that change over and above over and above this world of particulars we find a world of ideas yeah wherever you see but these cows must have originated from cowness there is a permanent Universal so this is particular ideas or Universal that is common this means Madness will be found in world of ideas man will be found in world of particulars yeah for World of experience can you experience this point touch taste smell you can touch taste smell a cow can you test a smell a cowness this means this is the world of experience this is the world of particulars world of cows humans tables chairs shoes and all of these are all of these are changeable all of these are changeable all of these are perishable perishable Matlab they will die or just get destroyed one day how server strong table destroyed one day howsoever healthy a person is will die one day is there anything permanent in this world of experience anything you experience is there anything permanent everything you see touch even plastic thousands of years but yet can get destroyed strong elements can get destroy time everything is perishable so this is the world of change perishu and mutation or mutable can you see concept was one concept ho Gaya now we are learning the English half of philosophy classes are English classes because concept is small but then you need words to express it in different manners it's same changeable mutable perishable experiential world world of particulars all of these are terms nothing else it means the same that this world is the world which changes and is dependent on our experience but this cow which changes depends on coweness and this townness is foreign this means Eternal means that thing which doesn't get destroyed which has no beginning and no end no beginning and no end eternal so coweness has always been there even when the cows on the Earth have died many times they have changed they have evolved but the cowness doesn't change so many humans have come and gone on this Earth but humanness doesn't change anything and everything under the sun here on Earth is changing but the ideas on which they are modeled ideas or concept on which they are modeled doesn't change and these Concepts or ideas remain where in the world of ideas in the world of transcendental world if this is another name for this world is transcendental right they say heaven is now Indian context me heaven and Earth Earth is like cow with all the good characteristics on Earth we have imperfect people in heaven foreign of particulars this Earth which we experience is changeable perishable mutable transient here everything is changing but there must be a world that is the world of ideas where there must be these ideas like cowness Madness stableness Beauty Justice which never change the sense of justice the concept of Justice never on Earth our actions may be justifiable or non-justifiable in on Earth we may have Justice or not but the concept of Justice remains permanent ly what did he do he created Two Worlds to separate worlds world of experience and world of ideas world of particulars and world of universals world of change and world of permanence transcendental world is perfect and this world is imperfect now according to him foreign have you seen a biscuit Factory biscuit Factory so how do you make biscuits or cakes or anything there is a mold there is a mold this may space Hotel there is a space for so you pour something and you get a similar shape all the parallergies of same shape all the Soaps are of same shape because the mold is so now if you understand try to understand this cowness is it like a mold is it like a mold in which you pour red color cow you pour white color white color cow you pour black black color cow now there is a mold for humans you make a mixture brown color okay what is the argumentation intelligence be yes then you put it in the mold off Indian white color American but Madness is common the mold is common is humans now this means that mold is common yeah Madness or humanness is common though man and humans here are different are all cookies of exactly the same shape exactly for a difference you know foreign [Music] so in that perfect mold there is a perfect human shape perfect human form but when the pouring is done with the increasing population the imperfectness Ebola hello imperfectness come no we all are what imperfect copies of that humanness perfectness is perfect humanness is mold perfected copies and that also imperfect copies of that human-ness now this is the imperfect world but the perfect world is transcendental world this world of experience is just a copy made out of perfect world of ideas this means coweness is there from which all the cows are made poppies off humanness is there all the humans are copies of there is also an idea of beauty all the beautiful things made with painting made be table made be human copies of that Beauty perfect Justice is in the higher reality we have whatever senses inferior Justice inferior equality inferior democracy perfect democracy world of ideas yeah transcendental world imperfect copy theory of plateau theory of ideas of plateau foreign what do you understand by the theory of ideas of Plato idea this is idea it is also known as for this means cow is a particular cowness is a universal cow is a thing or being coweness is a or concept parts for now things and beings are found here but the ideas and the concepts which are perfect are found in the transcendental world and these ideas are like molds from which these particular things are made just like a cookie mold other essay imagine boss baby boss baby so like there is a supply chain boss baby um oh so something like this Pluto has also imagined that there are some molds up there from which we all have come here [Music] to World of your transcendental world what is it made up of ideas and what is this world made up of particulars or things or beings but things and beings are changeable perishable mutable so can they be true can you have any true knowledge about them okay any knowledge should be permanent and true means always true isn't it when you say that I want to know truth so truth is that which is permanent in nature truth cannot be transient foreign it is a fact transient facts reality so that truth should be permanent that should truth should be imperishable immutable and eternal so this world is definitely true but if this world is changeable perishable mutable do you can you say this table is absolutely Truth for all times if this everything is changing can we have any permanent knowledge about this about this world no therefore we should focus on which knowledge knowledge about ideas or knowledge about things knowledge about ideas because the knowledge about ideas is immutable Eternal perishable language as you deem fit foreign the disease is caused by this there is a bad prognosis medical term medical language epistemology permanent imperishable mutable Eternal idea language answers me in simple terms foreign changeable mutable transient and it's a particular it's a thing and where is it residing in the world of speed this point world of experience for empirical world empirical World Matlab Disco signs yeah does it produce sound best empirical world of experience our world of particulars are world of things and but but even when the table is changeable the concept of tableness is and where we find that and this world is also known as world of this is also known as and in this the ideas are example of ideas but you can make everything Justice Beauty democracy idea of democracy idea of love idea of friendship perfect love is found in Japanese so according to Plato the perfect knowledge is found in boiled off idea or transcendental word this is his theory of ideas and when he divided Two Worlds this is known as dichotomia World dichotomy of world means so when he cut the world into two worlds transcendental world and empirical world this concept of making Two Worlds is known as dichotomy of two words that he created okay theory of ideas we will meet on hamari classes Monday to Friday Saturday you will have test because we haven't studied much this Saturday we won't be keeping a test let us meet on Monday we will complete we will do we will continue with Plato okay bye bye online if they have any doubt or anything please tell me okay any anyone if you have any doubt please raise your hands timing of classes 3 to 5 15 I don't believe in teaching too much no doubt few people have seriously no doubt their experience important remember in philosophy never make it complex more complex all of these are Concepts which these people these intelligent people have not been able to find answers to and nothing can be proved no judgment can be given in philosophy never ever thing is you learn about Plato supposedly you start liking Plato Aristotle will come and demolish plateau he will prove him wrong supposedly you fall in love with the Aristotle then Descartes will come and criticize you like Descartes suddenly you started feeling with philosophy is a spree of making mental barriers it will teach you that anything can be criticized it will make you a perfect nun and SAS means or a good media person media person is any philosophers are criticizers huh no they were not allowed so all of these are things which command power and women were not allowed to have access to such circles you know they they were they were they were they were majorly confined to kitchen and all of this and definitely there would have been a woman who have who must have had very great philosophical ideas and they might have written it but again also so it's like uh who who will read and who will popularize Who will publish a lot of problems so that is why definitely uh so that is why we we say there is a lopsidedness in the subject itself in all the subjects itself not not this subject see any subject you find you will find female thinkers only in contemporary times majorly else the views of women would not taken into very important consideration during olden days that is why now it is important that you people listen more to fine don't don't complicate a philosophy should be understood in as simple manner moment you complicate um foreign we will continue on Monday same timing
Channel: Tathastu-ICS
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Keywords: Philosophy, UPSC, Philosophy Optional, Dr. Tanu Jain, Tathastu-ICS, UPSC Preparation, Exam Strategies, Philosophy Insights, philosophy as an optional, dr tanu jain, upsc prepration, upsc optional, books for philosophy optional, upsc optional philosophy, socio-politico philosophy, indian and western philosophy, crack upsc, upsc preparation, tanu jain upsc preparation, tanu jain, examination tips with tanu jain, tanu jain usc preparation videos, tathaustics, tathastu by tanu jain
Id: -8Hm4mO_BWA
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Length: 133min 10sec (7990 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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