Philosophy Optional Class 2 By Dr. Tanu Jain (@dr.tanujain9500) || Tathastu-ICS

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okay finally all things work hey YouTube hi YouTube very right okay okay fine so let us start our classes okay so yes last time when we started we started with Western philosophy and in this philosophy there were four parts what were the four parts metaphysics and epistemology ethics ethics is also there ethics we study ethics in our GS so metaphysics deals with what question the question of existence or reality what is reality does anything exist or not whenever we are studying this this is the and this is also known as ontology and epistemology is all about knowledge how do we know this reality if there is a reality there must be some means to know this and what are the means to know this reality is the is the means provided by senses sufficient or do we need to think if we need to think is our thinking right all of these we will contemplate yeah foreign what is the truth what really exists and then how do we know it in simple terms first philosopher we started is Plato and in Plato we saw that he was really confused between two views in the starting first was the view of heraculatus what does heraculated say that everything is changing and change is the only reality everything is changing and if everything is changing will there be any knowledge which is permanent what kind of knowledge will we get we will get knowledge based on experience fine and what kind of knowledge will it be it will it be a permanent knowledge or a temporary knowledge so according to heraclitus all knowledge is temporary all knowledge is temporary agar sorry in all is temporary if everything is temporary will you trust anything so it is like everything is temporary it's it's so difficult to live our life like this if everything is temporary another view was according to permanent is everything was permanent and everything was unchanging or non-changing unchanging or non-training means nothing is changing according to him change is Just an Illusion only an appearance he points out you see man is there only people die but man as a species or humans as a species they continue single trees die but tree they are permanent is there any change in tree according to space or according to Time tree the concept of tree remains permanent it remains unchanged concept of cow permanent table permanent so he says where is change there is nothing changing maybe if we go in past there would be another gurukul teacher but students were changed only the faces are changing there would be another person with a different face there will be other students with the front face nothing is changing everything according to permanentees is permanent so according to him the experiences we are having my name is tanu this is this table your name is shubham does this knowledge actually matter because you and me are actually temporary faces this table this particular table is temporary so when everything everything what we are seeing is temporary this means it's an illusion things which need to be known is permanent now he is confused Plato either things can be changing or things can be permanent he is also right there is a definite change and he permanentes is also right definitely there are there is a strict permanence in things he reconciles compromise world of experience there are two worlds world of experience and world of ideas where is this world of experience this world physical world world of experience will it be permanent or temporary temporary will it be mortal or immortal model everything will things be destroyed and decayed decade and destroyed will it be transient okay will it be perishable what are we writing just synonyms English we have to write English this is how we have to explain different ways of writing I will I will dictate everything don't worry but you have to write I will dictate everything will be dictated so this is the synonyms or description of this world and this world will be where in space and time can you see the space and definitely we are in time this is in space and time foreign no it is not non-transient is it perishable non-perishable is it in space and time no it is not in space and time because the moment you put something in space and time it is bound to change because it will come in the influence of time and it will change so it is not in space and time then where is it where is it is it in our mind no according to Plato no according to him there is a world which we can reach only through our reason it is not in our mind it has objective existence it is existing but because it is beyond space and time we cannot know it through census example have you seen anything which was not in space and time through your eyes try imagine anything you have seen in your from your eyes or anything you have tasted which was not in space and time can you go beyond space and time through your senses you cannot go beyond space and time through your senses but can you go beyond space and time through your reason can you go how can you go tell me can you think about that lake in Canada which is blue in color with a small boat can you think about it bye by visualization okay now that is not the meaning of Plato imagination imagination is still in this world it is fair still in space and time we cannot think about it space beyond anything which is beyond space and time we cannot think about it we can only have a reason of it reason Jesse one plus one is equal to where is this one have you seen one you must have seen one table one apple you must have seen one paper but have you seen one but you know there is something which is one is one in space and time has the notion of one changed from ears will the notion of one change in next for 1500 years 2000 years Max foreign you must have seen circular things or rectangle things this is a rectangular object another rectangular object where is rectangle rectangle as a concept it is beyond time and it is permanent but we know about Harappan seals they were rectangular in shape can you understand that what was the size of Harappan engine Indiana okay don't worry dimension NCR team here okay fine so the concept rectangle is not found in space and time it must be found somewhere senses world of ideas and it is existing according to Plato it is existing something like heaven or swerk so look at nahi milta you have to die to go to Swerve can you watch work sitting here through your eyes can you taste the food of sword so this means that we are bounded by our senses These Eyes Nose are they the facilitator or the bounding foundations on your body foundations on your Soul they are the things that are bounding you we are feeling we are very powerful but we cannot go beyond our visual range eyes cannot go beyond our visual there is a hearing range dogs have a different hearing range they can sense and hear things which we cannot this means we are very limited and we are limited and we are aware in this world of experience all the concepts or ideas and even mathematical knowledge is found where world of ideas and how can we know we can know this world through senses I can see this table I can drink this water water I can hear you this world's knowledge through senses this world's knowledge through reason reason and reason alone you cannot know it through senses there is no way you can know it through senses this means when you are in this world you can only have a rational insight about the other world and if if normal if a normal person is there and you tell him so now can I touch no you cannot touch it foreign but can everybody employ reason only a person who has started thinking can apply it a person who is busy sensing only a person who has started to think that they can start to reason and can know about this other world so this this dichotomy that Plato created is known as two world theory dichotomy means to dissect something into two so he has dissected the world into two Two Worlds world of experience and world of ideas and this is Plato's two world theory what is two volt Theory simple or direct question what do you understand by dichotomy of Plato or what do you understand by the theory of Two Worlds by Plato comment direct question can you explain a little bit now have you understood okay but all of this is this experiential world doesn't exist s whatever your senses can know is in this world if you can touch taste here anything this is in this word and anything which you can only think about lies in the world of ideas example you can see circular objects can you see circularity pure circularity example again you can see cow can you see coweness but you understood what I am talking about how um psychology is also a branch of philosophy the moment I said Countess how could you understand so you bought so you saw you have seen many cows and you thought there must be some essential components which must be in a cow and then your mind created a kind of essential uh characteristics of that animal which must be known with the name Cow foreign but is it different for different people is the same for so many people all of the people so there must be it must not be something which is created by just our mind according to plate are you you can't get it we will become Plato and we have to understand him through his theory of course we will criticize we will demolish his theory of ideas we will demolish this foreign you don't have to make attachments don't become too emotional about it you know some students make this mistake when they will you know hear Plato they will be like [Music] this is it and when we will start Aristotle area so we have to understand for that philosopher we don't have to make attachments and when we move on to the next philosopher we will criticize Plato and then we will understand Aristotle and then we will also criticize Aristotle then we will read Descartes then we will criticize Descartes also we will criticize everybody every philosopher we will read we will also criticize I told you is there any final answer to philosophy it is always in the form of discussion it is always in the form of discussion and that's the beauty of the answers you don't have to apply too much mind you just have to talk about Aristotle is no other way to write answers because you don't have to include anything from your own side you are just discussing what Plato said and now howsoever we try we cannot make Plato life we cannot make him correct his stand whatever he has said is said and done there is no change in what Plato has said now we can only evaluate Plato how much of his theory was okay and how much of his theory was not right according to another philosopher don't become philosophers yourself foreign are absolutely correct whatever your doubts are having if you feel that yes ma'am cowness is there but we can know cowness only through cow absolutely correct Aristotle will say this correct and if you are saying that Countess of course it is in our mind only correct who will say it Socrates so when we will criticize we will also write this point all your doubts are correct the next philosopher will address them and confirm them and you will have to write your doubts only simple okay so let us write a little bit to concrete ions give first heading Western philosophy and why are we writing yes very important are there any smart people who think they should not write printed notes are already given why to you know strain your hand this smartness will cost you your selection problem is this however good typing we have we have to write in our examination I really want them to switch on to typing because your mobile typing speeds are very good I know that but problem is we have to write first we will understand the concept this means we have a audio visual communication of the content first I also repeat things so this means audio visual revision number two then if you repeat after me certain Concepts that will be revision number three then when I dictate then Audio Plus your mind processes it and then you write it another mode and when you write how many of you have done this you know a spelling but when you write it you write it wrong especially when you write it very fast you know this happens and this happens to everybody because this is not how our mind works we have to learn before learning that how to learn effectively one of the very effective technique is when I will dictate your mind is subtly processing it and your hand communication with your mind is developing so when you will first time write metaphysics you will write meta physics it will be slow some of you might even make mistake when next time you will write epistemology mistake I am not saying you will make it quite positive but if supposedly you have written this term 10 times then will you write metaphysics or you will like metaphysics this is the speed that develops over time that is why in initial classes at least we will continue with the traditional thing of dictation after this dictation if you go back and read cycle complete will you forget this easily and try to learn in class and just give one reading back at home at least one that's sufficient but try to learn in class don't sit like this is actually many of you have become into this cycle of you know is very toxic as a teacher I'm telling you or not as a teacher rather you know as a friend I am telling you it is killing your time howsoever important but your time energy and effort are limited don't waste it if you have done one class this means you should learn it here and now at most you should go back and revise it once and then revise it again after one week write answers see if you can write it then revise it again after 15 days things you will never forget make a chart we made a chart how many type revisions we at least require make that chart put it on your table put Tikka Tikka I know that gives confidence also so dictation means you have to write and another thing speed you know when you will start how many of you have ever written an answer of upsc jsgs GS how much time did you take this is the time you require how much time did you take 10 minutes 15 minutes there are people you know if I'll ask you to write you will take half an hour many of you will take 20 minutes why because your speed is very slow very very slow and you have to write your Mains answer in seven minutes or rather to be precise 6.8 minutes for 10 marks this is it 6.8 minutes or 7 minutes per 10 marks simple maths foreign and in my class I will make you because I don't want unselected students with me and I don't want you people to not get selected just because you could not finish your paper you know you could not remember things no silly mistakes not done foreign and this speed we will increase in class how I will speak fast so you will have to write fast you will have to catch up and if you skip some things will I repeat I won't repeat this means you will have to make friends we will write fast um foreign next time you will write fast so we will we will continue this cycle of hurting your egos till the time you actually catch up to the speed so that you can finish your paper in time okay fine so no smart people in my class smart people in my class know over smart people in my class okay right Western philosophy philosophy means philosophy means love of wisdom philosophy means love of wisdom and philosopher means and philosopher means someone who seeks philosopher means someone who seeks wisdom or knowledge full stop philosophy has five major branches philosophy has five major branches first metaphysics first metaphysics it is the theory of reality it is the theory of reality second epistemology it is the theory of knowledge it is the theory of knowledge third ethics it is the analysis of your actions it is the analysis of your actions right or wrong right or wrong and also and also prescribes and also prescribes what needs to be done and also prescribes what needs to be done fourth logic is how many of you could not write it should I slow down or I should remain at my pace foreign should be able to stress at least take a stress off seven to eight hours you know and do you write like this in your exam means exam says and it is a war it's a mission mode yeah so no no problem okay fine logic it is both inductive and deductive logic both inductive and deductive logic Aesthetics it is the it is the science of beauty it is the science of beauty next heading metaphysics it is the branch of philosophy that deals with the reality it is the branch of philosophy that deals with the reality and generally concerns itself with and generally concerns itself with God comma soul comma matter generally concerns itself with God comma Soul comma matter comma substances Etc comma substances Etc next line there are various classifications there are various classifications first on the basis of alternate on the basis of alternate realities yeah on the basis of number of realities on the basis of number of realities if there is only one reality it will be known as monism if there will be two realities dualism if many realities pluralism simple you want me to dictate you and demonism only one cause behind the origin of universe undermonism you write only one cause behind the origin of universe or one God or one God example Spinosa you just write this name this is a uh he's a philosopher we will study later dualism when there are two ultimate causes of the world when there are two ultimate causes of the world example Descartes example Descartes we will also study Descartes in later classes pluralism when realities are many when realities are many example Lebanese next Point second Point within metaphysics on the basis of Ultimate Reality on the basis of Ultimate Reality what is the nature first is materialism and second is spiritualism materialism means matter is the only reality accepted by science accepted by science according to science what is friendship or love what is love according to science okay this is awesome huh what is love according to science hormonal changes okay anything else how does science explains love on the basis of matter there are certain parts of brain which become activated when certain neurotransmitters are provided there and then there is a chain of chemical reactions more neurotransmitters develop and a person feels love actually so how does science explain love friendship sacrifice on the basis of matter there is no soul according to science science doesn't believe in the concept of suit so can we say science believes in the nature of reality to be matter only and which is materialism simple and there are other philosophical systems which do not accept matter which except only Soul or spirit to be the only reality and according to them the reality is spiritualism this side we will learn specifically in Indian philosophy when we will study vedan and specifically shankaracharya it is it's a lovely philosophy half of the students become Shankar right after it and then they actually defend Shankar like anything and if you criticize Shankar in class you always have to peace as a teacher I always have to face a kind of a facial expressions from students they have this emotional Revolt okay okay right materialism means existence is material in nature under materialism you can write materialism means existence is material in nature spiritualism when you accept when you accept spirit or Soul or consciousness Spirit or Soul or Consciousness as the Ultimate Reality as the Ultimate Reality next heading epistemology next heading epistemology no no no we will have evidences for that also not far just let us come to uh Spinosa and Lebanese specifically Lebanese or a scientist so all these philosophers in Western philosophy we will be studying these people are not any random people these are great scientists of Western world and we are studying their world view so like how many of you have known about calculus you know calculus advanced mathematics who invented it Lebanese he was in fight with Newton over this who invented calculus and even Plato the concepts of democracy and even Natural Sciences medicine all of these people have done lot of researches so when you start reading these philosophers you will realize they are very close to the science and they are hitting on the point where science cannot answer they continuously put on a point where science is speechless that is why the these theories are still existing had they been completely refuted by the science why would we read them again they would have been put up into historic history we are reading because definitely whatever they are saying has not been completely refuted by we are understanding that alternate so it is like all the sci-fi's you see they have their origin in any of the philosophy how many of you have seen Matrix shankaracharya philosophy philosophy a lot of lot of sci-fi's you see alternate reality parallel world you know black hole controversies all of these have somewhere or the other the imagination that goes is being taken from one or the other philosophies you have to have a very broad mind Anna creative imaginative mind to understand what these people are talking about okay epistemology it is the study of knowledge it is the study of knowledge and its various aspects it is the study of knowledge and its various aspects the question asked are what are the sources of valid knowledge what are the questions asked in epistemology are what are the sources of valid knowledge what are the sources of valid knowledge what is the limit to valid knowledge what is the limit to valid knowledge comma types of valid knowledge types of valid knowledge next relationship between object and knowledge relationship between object and knowledge next paragraph invest in philosophy there are two major sources of valid knowledge in Western philosophy there are two major sources of valid knowledge first is experience it is the knowledge gained through senses it is the knowledge gained through senses comma it is acceptable by science it is acceptable by science comma this knowledge is changeable probable if this knowledge is changeable probable and temporary this knowledge is changeable probable and temporary so today I told you that this coffee tastes very nice and it will have a good effect on my body this is a knowledge of this world based on experience is it permanent will this knowledge change after seven days how will this coffee be tasting good after seven days if kept like this there will be fungus will it nourish my body so what kind of knowledge is it temporary changeable and probable probably if I say peanuts are good for health peanuts means mostly so good for health is it a knowledge based on reason or experience foreign if you are not allergic to peanuts good if you are allergic to peanuts okay changeable take anything this table is strong this table is strong for now it is right 100 years this table will be reduced to dust maybe in 50 years only so does this knowledge that I am telling you you are gaining through experience is it permanent no it is very temporary very very changeable okay next another source is reason it is the now it is the knowledge it is the knowledge gained through thinking and rational insight it is the knowledge gained through thinking and rational insight the knowledge gained is universal the knowledge gained is universal comma certain comma unchangeable comma necessary example example maths example maths India May has a Africa us Afghanistan future Technologies it is not changing can we say this is universal can we say can we say it is certain without can we say it is unchangeable it's not changing can we say it is necessary necessarily 2 plus 2 is equal to four so this knowledge is gained through this is the knowledge which doesn't change it is permanent in nature okay next heading difference between Western and Indian philosophy difference between Western and Indian philosophy first Indian philosophy yes Indian philosophy is a way of life Indian philosophy is a way of life while Western philosophy is while Western philosophy is majorly about satisfying curiosity Western philosophy is majorly about satisfying curiosity about the world satisfying curiosity about the world second Indian philosophy has developed parallel Indian philosophy has developed paralleling while Western philosophy has developed vertically Western philosophy has developed vertically third Indian philosophy aims to remove suffering Indian philosophy aims to remove suffering while Western philosophy aims to know the world Western philosophy aims to know the world next Indian philosophy saw the emergence of large schools Indian philosophy saw the emergence of large schools with many disciples with many disciples which continued over Generations which continued over Generations full stop Western philosophy we find only individual philosophers in Western philosophy we find only individual philosophers following certain trends following certain trends next point Indian philosophy Indian philosophy is found associated with religion Indian philosophy is found associated with religion while Western philosophy is generally not associated with religion and if and if Association is found generally not found any association but if Association is found then it is with then it is with Christianity then it is with Christianity differentiate between Indian philosophy and Western philosophy can you write it out time period is different of course you can write the time period also but their nature is very different they need you can find we will find lot of overlapping in certain Concepts but it's not the same just as however we try to westernize ourselves the core of Indian emotions is very different so our India our philosophy is very different Indian philosophy you will you will realize first we will complete our Western and when we will go to Indian you will realize the orientation is a little different of course there is overlapping Concepts but very different in their approach oh that's historical that's not philosophy you know that's that's a historical difference we can say but if we should not write it in philosophy okay next heading Plato next heading Plato we will always make a structure for all our philosophers so that we can follow the structure in our answers the same structure we make here you have to follow in your answers nearly we will try to follow that structure in our answer because if your structure is clear you get good marks very simple make a chart like this in your copies first introduction background third theory of ideas third theory of ideas fourth proofs fifth theory of knowledge theory of knowledgeable then but do you also say sharp kids epistemology sixth theory of divided lines theory of divided lime seventh criticism by Aristotle eighth estimate eighth is estimate estimate means estimate of what he did in this theory of ideas you can also include cave Theory or analogy of cave analogy of K this is the structure we will follow for Plato introduction Plato was a Greek philosopher Plato was a Greek philosopher in bracket right 427 to 347 BC BC is he was the disciple of Socrates he was the disciple of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle and teacher of Aristotle second point he was the idealist rational philosopher he was the idealist rational philosopher who was also a theater artist who was also a theater artist and poet at heart and poet at heart therefore therefore he has taken help of therefore he has taken help of various metaphors therefore he has taken help of various metaphors to explain his theory to explain his theory why is it important to know that he was also a poet and a theater artist because he has used various metaphors what are metaphors similes what is so normal person will say when when a boy will meet a girl normal boy will say you are very beautiful what will Plato say she is a rose you are as beautiful as the moon shines you glow like sun your eyes are like petals of rose you do can you understand the kind of language Plato has used so when when a person uses such a language how difficult it is to decode his theory and make sense in a realistic person like me will always say yeah you are comparing me to Moon Dusty ball of land matter isn't it what is Moon a Dusty ball of landmarks with lot of craters but but people who like poetry symbol symbol of beauty when we read uh Plato sometimes it becomes difficult foreign where he has used certain metaphors we will see later on when he says that ideas are the molds and things are the copies of these molds so now you are saying that there is a humanness which is in the shape of mold which is making copies like humans then why is it why is there a lot of difference between humans some are having faces like this different heights so your mold is not correct isn't it but he has used these metaphors copy Theory this is known as copy theory of Plato in which he has compared idea to a mold and things to a copies now he could not properly explain how this you know copy and mold is working how things are coming out of these ideas he's not properly able to explain then he goes no no no no then he gives participation Theory then he says that individual things participate in the idea so idea is complete perfect idea is perfect and then there are many cows or humans who participate in their ideas so a cow is more perfect when they more closely overlap or participate in countess foreign but indeed every cow must participate in because without cowness no animal can be called a there must be some participation more the participation means more perfect so in humans also there will be humans who will be participating more in humanness they will be more perfect humans less participation will mean less human less humanness less perfect form and that will be reflected in both physical form as well as mental form but can also like how do you define this participation so it's like different cows are participating separately or together he is not able to explain is this does this mean that a cow is participating in coweness but when something participate then it should be what do you say um [Music] foreign ERS are there infinite town is then does it remain an idea and where are cows living in this world so if you say cowness is in the cow then cowness remains in this world then it will also become changeable then it will also become changeable so he is not able to explain expression Theory also now participation Theory he's not able to explain then he gives another theory which is expression Theory he says no no no I am saying that ideas are perfect and they express themselves as things which are imperfect so perfect is sunlight and it gets reflected in moonlight how many of you know that Moon doesn't have a light of its own you all know how does Moonlight originate foreign Moon doesn't have its own light when sunlight gets reflected through Moon the moon appears to be Shining Moon doesn't have its own light similarly according to Plato the perfectness and the essence is found in idea and it gets reflected only in things this means things are only what Shadows things are just like Shadow real person is me and my shadow gets reflected here Shadow is not real Shadows Shadows if that person is shown only Shadows will he believe that Shadows are real if there is a child born who has never been shown any person and that child is only shown Shadows will that child believe that Shadows are the only reality like according to Plato we believe that things are the only reality because we cannot sense ideas therefore we believe that things are the only reality when we see table we see the table only it is when we start thinking with a reason that we realize that there is a tableness until we think we never reach this until we think we never preach this so he has given this expression Theory can you understand expression Theory copy Theory participation Theory expression so that when we write these simple things it doesn't remain alien it doesn't feel foreign souls and where do these Souls live in the world of and in this world of ideas these souls are pure with infinite knowledge they are pure pristine within finite knowledge and infinite power this means souls are absolutely perfect these souls are absolutely perfect so all the souls are living there initially in the world of ideas and they were perfect they were having all the knowledge they were having all the power but then how did they descend to the world of experience according to him these certain Souls certain Souls started having desires like lust like lust and greed they wanted to know the sensual world they wanted to know what does ice cream taste like they wanted to know even that Soul wanted to go to Venice or to Australia according to Plato not exactly Australia but they wanted to know this empirical world and because they had these desires they suddenly wanted to come to this experiential world and with this desire the souls descended dropped foreign less desires because the person who has less desired is more pure simple so as they started Desiring the souls became less pure and they fell to the world of experience and when they fell to the world of experience they became bounded by bodies bodies having five now they became bonded and they could only experience things through five senses can you see anything except what your eyes show you can you hear anything except what your fears are making you since can you taste anything except by your tongue so this means we have been made Limited bye our senses we have been made limited by our body so body is making us Limited and our souls were pure Eternal perfect but when we came to this world our souls became limited bounded and the ones once we were bounded the knowledge which was in finite we forgot it is it's in our mind according to Plato it is in our mind but we have forgotten it why because in this small body in this limited body you cannot have infinite knowledge you were very powerful but because of Limited body and now when you are a person here your body limits your soul Soul which was initially in finite Eternal perfect it has been bounded by and now this soul is shown things by body through senses and when the soul sees cow when the soul or when the body shows cow the soul is automatically reminded of Soul has already the knowledge of cowness we all have the knowledge of founders we all have the knowledge of beauty we all have the knowledge of Justice the concept of beauty Justice circularity tableness Madness catness dogness is already present in our mind but when we are shown a thing we get reminded we are shown a thing we get reminded and what is our purpose of life to regain the to regain all of this infinite knowledge and when we will gain this knowledge back what will happen to Soul will go back to the world of idea so what is the purpose of human life to gain more and more knowledge is it the knowledge of things it is the knowledge of ideas and as we gain more and more knowledge about ideas we become purer and purer our soul becomes purer and purer and once we leave our desires last greed violence all of these things we leave our soul becomes lighter and then goes back to its world of ideas what was the nature of all these Souls which were there in world of ideas pure perfect having infinite knowledge and in finite then why suddenly did they come down because of desires they started having this desire for sensual pleasures they wanted to sense the world and because of those desires they were pulled down in this world of speed and the moment they come down in their world of experience they become bounded by their body which is in space and time and there are these only five gates through which they can know this world only five kids five gates means five senses and only through five senses they can know what is happening in the world and but these five senses are very limited they only show things they only give knowledge which is changeable they only give knowledge which is probable and with this changeable knowledge they become ignorant they keep doing the same things they keep repeating the same things till the time they start evaluating and thinking that behind this table there must be a stableness behind beautiful things there must be a concept of beauty and when they start thinking about not beautiful things but what exactly is beauty what exactly is Beauty and they discuss about it they try to know what is beauty in itself then they start actually thinking about world of ideas and the more ideas they know the more ideas they know the less desires they will have the less desires they will have purer they will become and they will go back to their own world which is the world of idea what is the purpose according to play together to compare then my food Soul desire to go unexplained this thing has never been explained by any philosopher Indian or the question that why did they have the desire at the first place never expect not explained words that we will start dealing with in Descartes Plato has not talked about it Plato has not exactly talked about it he has given a story to understand to make it and poet he gave a poetic expression there is a chariot with wings and The Chariot is in run by one black horse and one white horse White Horse means knowledge and black horse means desires we are run by both knowledge and desires and many times we allow knowledge to take precedence this means we are working through our rational being rational being like we know that this is the right time to study we should study and if you sit down and study you are making the White Horse Run The Chariot it will it is a balanced force who will go take you to the direction but there is another horse uncontrollable which is the black horse or the bad horse now this horse wants to destabilize The Chariot and this horse represent is represented by emotions desires feeling so you said suddenly this black horse will say though Netflix now this horse is talking to you and suddenly and then you suddenly sit and watch movie or do whatever so this according to Plato is having we have both the horses running us this good horse and bad horse it is us who will decide if you let your chariot run by the bad horse what will happen you will keep coming and going back within this world of experience only foreign you let your horse run by knowledge knowledge means world of ideas you start thinking about the real things not particular things but real things those according to Plato are ideas and only through them that you will gain liberation Liberation or your initial place in the world of idea so Soul according to Plato is Mortal or immortal immortal fine let us write third point according to Plato souls are immortal according to Plato souls are immortal and possess innate knowledge Immortal and possess innate knowledge innate knowledge means already present innate knowledge in their existence already possess innate knowledge in their existence as pristine souls or pure Souls pristine means something which is very pure untouched pristine or pure souls in a transcendental world pure souls in a transcendental World port these souls are perfect these souls are perfect with infinite knowledge these souls are perfect with infinite knowledge but but when these Souls become influenced by the but when these Souls become influenced by the desires desires and the sensual pleasures when these Souls become influenced by the desires and sensual Pleasures they descend to the world of experience they descend to the world of experience and and here souls are bound and here souls are bound by the limitations of body and senses by the limitations of body and senses limitation of body and senses next point when the souls are when the souls are in transcendental world they possess all the knowledge when the souls are in transcendental World they hold all the knowledge but but this knowledge gets dimmed this knowledge gets dimmed dim Matlab dimmed or forgotten this knowledge gets dimmed or forgotten when they come to empirical world when they come to empirical world full stop therefore a child therefore a child initially cannot recognize therefore a child initially cannot recognize various things various things but but through our through our experience but through our experience we are reminded of but through our experience we are reminded of of the ideas we are reminded of the ideas or the initial knowledge or the initial knowledge initial knowledge example when we see a cow we are reminded of we are reminded of the idea of cowness we are reminded of the idea of cowness full stop according to Plato according to Plato learning continued this is according to Plato Learning is a process all learning is a process of according to Plato all learning is a process of recollection on learning is a process of recollection and proper form of education is not teaching and proper form of education is not teaching but to bring out but to bring out the knowledge to bring out the knowledge which the student which the student already possess which the student already possess for this he uses dialectic approach for this he approved uses dialectic approach already we already have all the knowledge but we have forgotten and now whenever we see a thing we get reminded of the knowledge also so all learning is actually a recollection are we learning something new we are only recollecting which we already know or which we have forgotten we are just recollecting that and should one be teaching according to Plato we already know things we just have to reason it reason it means arguments we should we have to talk and discuss example foreign who made this world God when God made this world then why did he make bad people why did he make bad people there is Karma Theory so but God is already knowing that some people will do Bad Karma then why did he allow them to do it why did he make such bad karmas because bad karmas are also made by God then why did he allow that to know the value of good so this means good is dependent on bad so actually what you are doing you are just posing the questions to get some information out of your student or Dadi an example another example do you want selection okay what is required for selection studying hard work consistency how do you maintain consistency how do you maintain consistency starting every day how do you ensure that you study every day discipline how do you ensure discipline making a schedule how do you make a schedule by deciding what to do or what not did I tell you anything of this who told me you only only told me the strategy of being consistent and how to get selected I I didn't tell you anything you already know so if I pose the right questions the things will come out of you so this is what Plato's method was that he used to pose the right questions which will inside the person do reflect think reason and get to the answer themselves that is why Plato says that we all have all the knowledge it is just that we have forgotten and we must put ourselves to write questions to get reminded of this knowledge and this method is known as the electric method or Socrates method this was also used by his teacher Socrates method many um we already possess all the knowledge is so okay let us write all right let's let's write a small note about dialectic method right note in dielectric method all the false opinions of a person in dialectic method all the false opinions of a person gets exposed all the false opinion of the person gets exposed by the right question by the right question and as the person realizes and as the person realizes inadequacy of their former opinion and as the person realizes in adequacy of their former opinion they naturally they naturally arrive at they naturally arrive at satisfactory conclusion they naturally arrive at satisfactory conclusion within this only next point in a sense we can say that in a sense we can say that knowledge moves from knowledge moves from particular to Universal moves from particular to Universal so that so that they know so that they know the form or truth itself so that they know the form or truth itself know the form form Matlab foreign theory of ideas are also known as universes it is also known as firms question is what is the idea uh what is the theory of forms by Plato yeah theory of universal by Plato same according to Plato according to Plato ideas or forms mean the essence according to Plato ideas or forms means the essence what is an essence what is an essence of a things the main extract so like vanilla extract vanilla essence input you three drops of vanilla Essence and the whole cake becomes vanilla okay now you put five drops of pineapple the whole cake becomes pineapple so if you put few drops of idea the thing becomes that particularness okay according to Plato ideas and forms means the essence of the perceptual object perceptual perceptual Matlab that which can be perceptual perceived object is perceived object or perceptual object full stop idea is understood as essential quality idea is understood as essential quality which is common to essential quality which is common to all particulars of a particular class to all particulars of a particular class example cow is a cow cow is a cow because it has the essence of it has the essence of cowness which is an idea cowness which is an idea without a full stop without cowness without cowness no cow would be a cow without cowness no cow would be a cow when we are understanding idea don't just understand by physical structure supposedly this is a cow my love so much lower foreign leg will it still be a cow if I remove two legs still a cow if I remove a tail by accident cut away one eye so this means it's not just about four well of physical form it is something else of course we cannot easily understand it because it's we cannot see it through eyes we have to think about it through our reason and rationality we are not saying that physical structure is not included in the idea but it is not just the physical structure it is not just the physical structure okay characteristics of ideas next heading characteristics of ideas direct questions explain theory of ideas by Plato foreign Ed by Plato in his theory of ideas direct question ideas what we will do we will write one point and discuss we will write one point and discuss right ideas are substance ideas are substance that is in itself and for itself that is in itself and for itself which means which means ideas are independent ideas are independent and do not depend on ideas are independent and do not depend on anything else for its existence do not depend on anything else for its existence for any cow to exist it depends is is it the cow independent is the cow or the thing independent what does it depend on till the cowness is there can there be a cow so this means cow is not independent it is dependent on foreign independent it doesn't depend on anything else for its existence example when I say dinosaur do you understand what I mean how have you seen dinosaur touched smelled and I won't say tasted then how do you know dinosaur when I said dinosaur you got to know because according to Plato not me according to Plato there is a thing known as dinosaur Ness that is independent dinosaur oh yeah there is dinosaurness simple math okay this is a phrase in itself and for itself means when we have to define something as independent and not depending on anything else we use it second point ideas are universals like cowness animalness tableness Etc ideas are universals like cowness animalness stableness Etc simple universally present foreign if anybody of you have ever any doubt don't take it back home any doubt ask Anna I will explain it again but don't keep your doubt because supposedly supposedly you keep a small doubt related to a term like Universal then this term will come again the doubt will persist and that doubt will persist ask always ask you know I will explain 10 times don't worry that's not the problem but do any of you should not go back with doubts ideas and substance means substance means what is this world made up of substance and according to Plato what is the substance reality is made up of substance what according to Plato is reality ideas so what according to Plato's substance ideas simple but according to Plato is the world AF or the reality made up of this world is this world according to Plato this world is only illusory this world is only a copy this world is only a shadow this world is only a illusion it doesn't give much importance to this world according to him the real world is the world of ideas that is the real world he is concerned about always we will see cave analogy and you will understand what he is talking it's a beautiful story and you know if possible we will also watch a short clip About Cave analogy okay next third ideas are unitary ideas are unitary with many manifestations with many manifestations like idea of beauty like idea of beauty which is one idea of beauty which is one but it may be copied or imitated by which may be copied or imitated imitation Matlab to copy copied or imitated by many beautiful things by many beautiful things so beauty is one idea which can be copied by beautiful painting beautiful lady beautiful chair beautiful scenery anything which is beautiful will also have within itself the idea of Beauty it will have the expression of beauty or that thing will participate in the idea of beauty this means anything which is beautiful must have the idea of cute if there is something which is not having the idea of beauty or it is not participating in the idea of beauty it will not be because Beauty as an idea lives in transcendental world and things which are beautiful are where in this in this this world world of experience idea is one but how many beautiful things can there be infinite things can be beautiful the idea is unitary but it can be copied or manifested by many if you are having any doubts you are correct because those ideas will your doubts will be taken care of by Aristotle ideas foreign correct taken care of by Aristotle wait for Aristotle till these doubts get addressed okay next fourth ideas are one unique and indivisible ideas are one unique and in divisible next ideas are immutable ideas are immutable comma non-composite immutable comma non-composite comma pure and simple pure and simple all of these are just English words to be used in your answers what does it mean all ideas are unique of course when there is only one idea of beauty it is unique it is indivisible can you divide the idea of beauty can you divide the idea of cowness foreign you cannot divide the idea okay then it is immutable does the idea change over time it Remains the Same according to Plato then it is non-composite do we include two three ideas and make one idea no it is non-composite then it is pure pure to transcendental world and it is simple can we also write perfect can we also write eternal again if you have understood the concept you can use n number of synonyms terms and things to describe it now it is your writing skills that will matter and if you learn these supposedly you start writing the question is what are ideas according to Plato you start writing it all of these points ideas are substances according to the Plato which are one indivisible unitary pure non-composite answering them rather than just saying ideas are Universal according to Plato but if we write three four words then your answer becomes more marks simple next ideas are non-sensible or super sensible ideas are non-sensible or super sensible which means which means they are not the object of sense perception which means they are not the object of sense perception they are not the object of sense perceptions but can only be known through but can only be known through reason alone but can only be known through reason alone full stop this means they can only be thought of this means they can only be thought of understood any doubt anybody having doubt in this point ideas are non-sensible or super sensitive non-sensible means we cannot sense super sensible means they are beyond our sense we cannot know them through Sensations or perceptions we can only know them through reason you can only think about them there is no other way to know them directly next point ideas are perfect and Things Are imperfect ideas are absolute individuals are non-absolute ideas are invariable and constant ideas are invariable and constant things will be variable and changing ideas are immutable and imperishable things will be mutable and perishable ideas are next Point ideas are eternal ideas are eternal example even when even when Beauty beautiful things even when beautiful things pass away beautiful things pass away the idea of beauty the idea of beauty neither ends nor perishes the idea of beauty neither ends nor perishables foreign next ideas are beyond space and time ideas are beyond space and time full stop Plato has provided objective reality to ideas Plato has provided objective reality to ideas according to him ideas exist in their God according to him ideas exist in their own transcendental world in their own transcendental world and this world can only be known through reason and this world can only be known through reason full stop experience can only provide experience can only provide stimulus experience can only provide stimulus and occasion stimulus and occasion to recollect or remember to recollect or remember the idea to recollect or remember the idea so ideas Beyond space and time and where is this world it has objective reality we cannot sense it we can only know it through reason we can only know it through reason and foreign experience can only provide stimulus and occasion to know or recollect the idea so this table when you see you just recall it this is only a stimulus for you but you recollect what tableness when you see a man you immediately identify man manness because it's just the recollection that is happening is it real knowledge because this knowledge is changeable the real knowledge is according to Plato is constant that is ideas okay next point ideas are superior to things ideas are superior to things in both degree of reality in both degree of reality as well as value in degree of reality as well as value because things are merely copies because things are merely copies oblique Shadows oblique participants Shadows oblique participants oblique reflections oblique expressions of ideas you can use either of the word either of the word supposedly question is explain the copy theory of Plato then you will use the word copy if the question is expression Theory then expression participation Theory then same thing only set into three different ways it is nothing separate same thing only you can use different Expressions to put your answers so again directly question ayega questions explain theory of ideas start with introduction introduction we can simply start with play to whose teacher was and student voice and his daughter who reconciled the theories of heraculous and harmony then theory of ideas according to Plato ideas are one two three then according to this two-way Theory or you will mention Ed um where these points will be usable foreign we have to write these characteristics itself okay shall we continue um half of you like hey fancy oh foreign I only see empty blank spaces what are you reading nowadays India's huh governance economics what are sin Goods huh money and banking but I scheduled Banks macroeconomics who was Adam Smith okay okay whatever is kinesian economics kinesian economics is very much part of the syllabus yes government should intervene and spend more to promote development I am happy at least one person has read and can answer in my class I want all of you also to be prepared so when you read GS you should be able to answer we have to balance everything philosophy GS current affairs of course he said we have to balance everything because if we study only ga no selection only philosophy no only current affairs we have to read all the three and perform good in College of course ethics essay and optional are your main state but still whatever you are reading in Gs keep a balance and please answer read and attempt your answers do mcqs I don't want you people to excel in philosophy and then don't give me selection because you could not read balance what will you do how will you do that dividing your day in three slots minimum or four slots one slot for optional one for static one for parent of S Plus mcqs and answer it okay that's that's inductive logic absolutely absolutely absolute that's the criticism of Plato you know you cannot just create a world on the basis of ideas and we will criticize Plato don't worry Plato will become make them shred Shred online students online students I think there was some hiccup in the starting of the class uh there was some technical glitch last line can you explain mom which one which last line please tell me anybody writing ideas are superior then things in the context of reality which is more real idea or thing idea which is more valuable for Plato idea or things so of course he's placing so much importance to so much importance and value to World of ideas he's keeping reality care world of idea real care ideas things can only copies and shadows only expression ideas can sunlight things can moonlight only the Reflection so according to Plato real thing is actually idea which is getting reflected as a thing and we are just looking at things and becoming happy we are not even thinking about the actual idea behind it tomorrow when we will do cave analogy everything will become Crystal Clear he has given a lovely analogy and what is analogy story and through that story he has made his theory of ideas absolutely clear what exactly is the world of ideas what exactly is the world of things how do we know about it we will become absolutely clear tomorrow cave analogy is always okay tomorrow um foreign
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Keywords: Philosophy, Philosophy Optional, Dr. Tanu Jain, Tathastu-ICS, UPSC Preparation, Exam Strategies, Philosophy Insights, philosophy as an optional, dr tanu jain, upsc prepration, upsc optional, books for philosophy optional, upsc optional philosophy, socio-politico philosophy, indian and western philosophy, crack upsc, upsc preparation, tanu jain upsc preparation, tanu jain, examination tips with tanu jain, tanu jain usc preparation videos, tathaustics, tathastu by tanu jain
Id: bt9WkXZa8TA
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Length: 131min 4sec (7864 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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