Ep : 1 | Left and Right Wing Political Ideologies | By Dr. Vikas Divyakirti

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Hello You're welcome to new series in this new program Having talked about philosophy for last few weeks, What to say, a kind of Monotony started appearing so we thought we'd start another series that would go along with it. And in this series, we will discuss political talks, views and political ideologies. This entire channel has only one purpose That the depth and seriousness of discussions of thinking and understanding in our society should increase. So that when every person of the society talks about any issue, they should have concrete facts. Have solid ideas and be aware of what is thought and said in the world. But we feel that in building a better society discussions have very crucial role And if the discussions are taken to some depth then its benefits are different. So there should be talk on political issues as well. Politics is the most influential entity in our society. That's why, whether we are in politics or not but not being in politics is never an option. At least we are one voter and have at least a political role to play in the form of voting So why not make our opinion in the right way, in a better way. There are many ideologies in politics, You might have heard socialism, You might have heard Marxism Liberalism, also you might have heard. Nowadays feminism remains much in discussions Some people also differentiate between Streevad and naarivad That the right translation of feminism is streevad and not naarivad. This is one ideology of anarchy i.e. anarchism. You might have heard, what is called fascism. All these idioms are visible in our political language. To some extent these are labels. Stickers And people get ready with these stickers in hand that if one sentence came out of someone's mouth, of a special kind then they will stick it on his forehead that you are a fascist. You are marxist, you are this, you are that. And we have forgotten Gandhism, Gandhism is also there. Gandhism is there, Ambedkarvad, Ambedkarism is an ideology. Some people say Manuvad or Manuism or its other name Some people call it Brahmanwaad or Brahminism, that too is an ideology. What are all these ideologies, we will understand them all, slowly slowly, turn by turn. Before understanding all of these ideologies, There are two words One word is Left which is called Vam in Hindi, one is right, it is called Dakshin. Then what is to be a Leftist, What is it to be a Rightist, what is it to be a Leftist, what is it to be a Right winger, Because in this basic classification other ideologies are usually adjusted. Like Marxism, Socialism, all these are the ideologies of the left. There is fascism, there is Nazism, all these are the ideologies of the right Some ideologies can't be set that's the dilemma, but broadly we classify all ideologies in left and right. That's why it is better that we start with what is left And what is right Politics is not to be taken lightly. Things have to be understood. So whatever doubts you have in between, just ask the question instantly and we will move along after creating a complete identity. How many of you know about yourselves that we are leftist Or rightist, are some people like this? How many of you are Leftist? Three, four And how many of you are Rightist people? There are two, three, everyone else, Means everyone else makes a little balance. Make balance. And how many are there who are wondering what this is I will tell this later, first let us know what happens, Many people would be like this too. Then also again at the end of class I'll ask you How many of you are leftists, how many are rightist. Maybe by that time you will get a better clarity. Alright. So leave yours, tell me if I am asking you which of the political parties of India are rightist then which are the party names would you like to name Whoever wants, raise his hand and speak. Rightist i.e. right wing party if any Then which one is in the Indian politics, yes tell me, BJP, fine Bharatiya Janata Party, BJP is there, at least one is done. Shiv Sena is rightist party. Anyone else MNS Maharashtra Navnirman Sena, ok. well, in the present When there is a government, it is considered to be a rightist. means whoever is there Well, we consider those who are against the government as leftist. Generally, no, no your no, means Generally you believe that the one who is against the government becomes a leftist, who is in the government becomes a rightist. yes, from a very simple way Such a possibility can be considered. However, in this we have to accept that the Chinese government is right-wing. By the way, in reality, even China does not know what the Chinese government is. Sitaram Kesari was a leader in India. You might have heard the name. He was the president of Congress for some time, He, Do you know he told the china The Chinese Communist Party as it is said that China is a communist country, Many people believe so. China also believes and also claims. once Sitaram Kesari said a very good thing in an interview. He said that the communist government of China is like a DTC bus. You guys know DTC, Delhi Transport Corporation. So the government of the Communist Party of China is like a DTC bus. indicates left, It turns to the right. so one can't know whether it is really a leftist or a rightist. But they claim that they are leftist. This is said about them. So for right you mentioned some parties BJP and Shiv Sena and Maharashtra Navnirman Sena No other party is coming to mind now. ok tell About left, which parties are in left, Congress is in left and, CPI, TMC, okay keep TMC also on the left, and That means all those who are against Modi are leftists basically, and those who are in his support are all rightists. Then where is Nitish Kumar? It means that they have moved from right to left, it looks like this? Ok. Let's get started. What is the story behind this. see if We look at this thing Historically then it is very simple and it is simply the case that in 1789 When the French Revolution was going on, have you heard that there was a revolution in France? Which gets a lot of importance in history. The incident happened in that French Revolution, it is a very small incident. And the matter was only that little from where this matter started. But when the talk started, after that the talk progressed a lot. The thing was that the meeting of the National Assembly was going on, And those who were in the middle of the meeting of the National Assembly were the chairpersons, Were the president or the king, let's say At that time the atmosphere in France was like this That swords were drawn in his support and opposition. When such an atmosphere prevails, the people on one side, want to sit together. Factionalism gets at its peak. This happens even at home, even in the family, so it used to happen there too. So all those people sat on the right side of the king. If I have seen from the side of the king, I might have considered it right. Consider it right Let's say left in this. All those people who were supporters of the king sat on the right side of the king. They were supporters. They were supporters of monarchy. He believed that this is the monarchy Rajsatta is here to stay. all those people sitting on the left Those who were against the king or the monarchy at that time and believed that Now the monarchy should end. Now republic system Republican system means the system of democracy should be started. The broad meaning of Republic is a democracy in which The one who is the head of the state is also elected. Like England is not a republic, America is, India is there because our President, here also is elected like in America, Whereas in England you will see that the one who is the king is the king. So where the head of state is also elected is called Republican system and in France The demand for the system had started happening at that time. So the broad thing is that then the talk spread people who supported are rightist and the people who are against him are leftists. Pro ruler-Right, Opponent-Left perhaps with this in mind You said that the one who is a supporter of power is a rightist. Those who are against the power are leftists. But point is not only that, Extend it a little further. Who were these people who were the opponents? Usually they were ordinary people who were commoners, in the language there Commoners are also called third state. and those who were supporters, They were usually people, who were very powerful people. They were powerful people. There was nobility, there was aristocracy. Who were very rich and influential people. They were strong people. They were people with money. they were rich people Because the rich man who will be in profit Why would he want to change? Change is wanted in every period of history by those who are at a loss. or who at least realizes that I'm at a loss, Of course it should be beneficial, the whole game is about feeling. It is called a word in social or political science The Feeling of Relative deprivation The feeling of being relatively disadvantaged is at the root of all movements If someone makes you realize that you are deprived,, Indeed you are not deprived, just making you realize will make you start agitating And if you have the realization that you are in advantage, you will never agitate It is a common thing seen in history Then it was seen that as many people among the supporters were in the clergy Clergy means those who are supporters of the Church, are religious people. church people basically. Those who were churchmen were also generally in support of the monarchy. Because there was a good system between the church and the monarchy and those who oppose They did not have the support of the church, so we can say that the support of the church was not often this side so we can say that religious people usually were among supporters. Who were not religious or away from religion, they usually joined the opponents. When there is a movement, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20 people understand its depth. Others create the atmosphere. They just want change, they don't know what will happen with change how will it happen. so put it in one word That those who are against are called pro change That change should happen change must happen and these were The Status-quo-ists, status quo a word in political science, What status quo means is to remain so So those who believe in status quo are called status-quo-ist Thought realted to this is called statusquoism, leave it as it is, don't change, don't alter, don't bother. Two three such meetings happened, The first meetings were held of the National Assembly and then of the Constituent Assembly And made this rough blueprint in it that supporters of change, opponents of monarchy common man away from religion will be seated in left pro-monarchy affluent people Supporters of church pro-status-quoist will be seated right and slowly this phrase started spreading. It began to spread outside France that being in the right means this And this is what it means to be in the left. now what happens when an idea spreads out, when an idea diffuses. It Diffuse… Diffuse here means diffusion or its spread. Means spreading, going far away so some stupid people start following that thought and those who are intelligent people adapted that idea to the needs of their society. What they do, customize it. Now there was no caste system in France. But it was in India. Then in France at that time the issue of apartheid did not seem so strong. but was seen in America So when this idea went to other countries like let's say USA, like let's say India So the wise people of these countries Started modifying this idea a bit according to the realities of their society. So what happened, now you think and see US if apartheid is a fact so anti-apartheid and apartheid remained the reality there At that time the opponents of apartheid would usually be blacks or Will there be whites, blacks or whites? blacks will protest And a vast majority of whites would want a vast majority. If not all that this system prevails because it benefits them so slowly it started to look like that the blacks out there they started going to the left orientation and who are whites they started moving to the right orientation because the hunger of change was more in those who were upset. It is simple thing, it will happen everywhere. Then if I talk about 1860, The southern seven states of America that seceded from America at that time, There was a civil war, it was about slavery. Those who support slavery will be in the right. And those who oppose slavery will be in the left, it's a simple matter. This happened in every country When it came to India, it happened in India also because in India the difference between poverty and richness was more on the level of caste. Was on the level of caste and sex The person who stands in the favour of lower classes said to be lower classes, in a caste movement, How would you assume his orientation that he is a leftist. So if you talk about Samajwadi Party. Talk about Bahujan Samaj Party. what is their claim that we lead those castes Those who have been in loss in history. Then how will their orientation be assumed? left will be assumed And those who will support those castes and will be based on the vote bank of those castes who are not very hungry for change who believe that What's happening is ok, simply they will be the rightist So on the basis of caste, we coined a thick phrase of Left Right. In south India, there happened to be a very famous movement leader He started a movement named Self Respect Movement It's such an important movement in the history of Tamil Nadu because Dravida Kazhagam started from him which later became DMK and then AIADMK and everything developed from there. It is said that he was influenced by the methods of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union at the ideological level, he had come to the left orientation even when he was talking about caste. Then in Maharashtra There were many anti-caste movements, Jyotiba Phule also did it. People agreed that the orientation should be left. People considered Dr. Ambedkar as a person of left orientation, Further, it is a natural thing Be it America or India, a question also arose in both the places that the women, the position in which women are generally compared to men, is that of direct equality. There are advantages and disadvantages. so there's a general understanding on this that women's rightist are not as as many as men have. Whether you look at property, jobs, . or parliament. Look at civil services, look at any powerful position then you will find that the ratio of males is much higher than that of females. And it is not only in India, it is seen all over the world, it is seen everywhere, therefore, demand started arising within women also. Originated first in Europe and America and then the demand was only this much, which we call feminism of the first era. Which we called the First wave feminism Which was just that, we should get the voting rights, so the movement was called Suffragist. When we will discuss feminism, we will understand its story completely so when feminism started it was said that this is a left movement Because they wanted change in the society, Then second way feminism happened. Third way feminism happened Radical feminism happened. Liberal feminism happened. There have been many different types of feminism and it is largely accepted that who will stand in favor of feminism, is a leftist and who will stand against feminism, one who will stand in opposition and will say that what is the happening is right What is his orientation His orientation is of right. In this way, these rough compartments were made within the society. Now if being a feminist is a leftist So there is a next question also. When it comes to the third gender then what to do with them Their condition is worse than that of women. Now see what is a big tricky case is that let's say there's a feminist movement going on, If some people stand in favor of feminism, Supporting the movement suddenly you asked him that brother what do you think in favor of third gender but he makes that strange face and says that you talk dirty, Men and women are enough, why do you bring third gender in between? Now this is weird. They are leftist from a point of view because they want change but the condition of those who are in worse condition than them must not change. They also want this, the same person that has become a leftist from a perspective, becomes rightist from a different perspective. And whoever says that LGBT or especially third gender should get their rights, should be respected. He became more leftist than feminist. And so whatever new questions come up in the society, whether be it LGBT or a third gender question. A person standing in favor of all these questions What would the person generally be considered? Will be considered leftist and the one who opposes them and will say that all these things are nonsense, are unnatural, wrong and are against nature. Means it is unnatural. What will we consider all of them, we will accept them as rightist, This broad sketch like this, let's assume Now we have a basic understanding that The one who are in favor of changes and the demands of weak sections of society, they are largely leftists Those who want society to remain as it is, there should be no change. They are usually rightist, but that's not all. if we let us draw a light outline, nowadays that we talk about left and right. Usually, which idea is included in it. in right you will see that an idea runs very popular, Nationalism, so, the person who repeatedly talks about nationalism, you can make an understanding that one wants to talk about right, so whose point of view is nationalism. He is of right winger. then you will see that the person who doesn't want change about religion, is very conservative about the greatness of one's religion, is conservative and adamant, He is eager to consider his religion as the greatest. He is ready to consider other religions as a threat to himself every moment. Even if not all the time, at least this tendency is there in him. But because it is not about religion, it can also be about language The person who thinks that my language is the most important language in the world. It is a great language and everyone else should learn my language. I don't have to learn, everyone else should learn my language. So whether it is religion be it language, be it race, If a white person thinks that the greatest people are whites, those who are blacks, and those who are Mongolites i.e. the people of China and Japan are inferior in comparison to us. This means that he is full of respect for his ethnicity. And a person who is full of respect for his ethnic identity, full of pride. You just believe that the person will follow the right, will not go towards left. So there is religion, there is language, race what else can it be? In some cases, caste can be there. If someone believes that the caste I belong to, it is the greatest caste; the pride of that caste is different. Nowadays I see caste names written on the back of the windshields of vehicles on the roads. The name of the caste is written on the bike. No other name just the name of the caste. So from this you can understand that right wing is also visible behind the glass of the car. There is no need to read a book for that, you will see it everywhere. keep looking in the society with open eyes, examples will be seen everywhere. So who ever has a sense of pride in his ethnicity, broadly you can classify him as a rightist. Would these people want us to talk about the rights of minorities or talk about the rights of those who are black or those of other races who have less rights than us, talk about their rights or talk about the rights of people of other races. Or generally would prefer to stay away from these questions? Would love to stay away. Now after this Left, basically is who is deprived in any form. Every person who has gone out of the mainstream of society Who can be that one person, the one who is poor, Like the people of Socialism and Marxism focus on the poor that it is necessary to bring every poor person into the mainstream. A person can be the one who comes in the minority from the point of view of religion. For whom the protection of their rights can be a challenge. So the one who talks about the rights of minority will become a leftist. Similarly, it can also be the case of minority religion, can happen in case of language and can also happen in case of race and in the same way every class of the society who did not get their rights, like let's talk about children's rights, like let's talk about the rights of senior citizens what should be their rights Like let's say on the basis of gender we talk about women or else talk about the third gender. here is a rough sketch the agitating in favor of all these is the leftist and a person full of these ideologies is a rightist. Now we got an idea and if we want, we can bring all the political parties of India in one classification that which party is on the right side, which party is on the left, As you said, the side of BJP is right, Shiv Sena is on the right side. You said this too, it seems to be correct. Maharashtra Navnirman Sena is on the right side, you said, it seems right. You forgot the name of one party, MIM which side is it on which side is the party of Mr. Owaisi. It is left, it is right. Doing politics while keeping one's religion, caste and one's group at the centre is being right. it is also right. Totally right, there is not a problem. Where will the Muslim League come? That too will come in the right, it is a simple matter. isn't it, and in any state is there a party that talks about the pride of its state. Like we saw in Maharashtra that Shiv Sena also talks about Marathi Manus, as well as MNS You have already kept that in right. Will there be any other party like this? Either way, it will come in right. For the time being, we consider Congress as Left. Just like you people have expressed your opinion in the beginning. Where will you place Aam Aadmi Party? There is confusion whether to keep it on the left or on the right. See their vote, identify the vote bank, you will understand. Who is their vote bank, the poor people? and if the poor people are the vote bank, so on which side will there be more orientation, will be in the left. It is a central method to identify whether there is a vote bank or not, it is understood immediately. Bahaujan smaj party Samajwadi party Rashtriya janta dal DMK there is confusion, is it left or right? What is the reason behind it, you don't have the idea about it or are you by the way, thinking that four had gone left, now it must be right. Ok, no problem, and Biju Janata Dal confused where to keep it, not understood. Not a problem. From here we will come to the first level of its complexity. Will understand the three to four levelled complexity and with that the matter will end. Then ask whatever question you want. What happens when we classify things and think of dividing them into two. Left and right The real problem here is not that we could not divide, the real problem is that we are determined to divide everything in two. And this problem wherever it comes, This problem is called in philosophy the problem of Dichotomy. So Dichotomy means that we have an ingrained urge to divide everything into two parts. While the truth is that the world is not Dichotomic. The name of that principle on which the world runs is Continuum, which I mention again and again. Continuum means there is a scale, everyone on that scale are at different points, not all can be set in only two slots. To explain there is a good example, Example is that when we say that some people are white, some people are black. Is fair and black really enough? Or are there many more shades in between? There are many shades, some are very fair. Light Blonde, Less Blonde, Very Light Blonde, Slightly Dark, Wheatish, and so on Then we come to such a person whose color can be quite dark. Exactly the same problem once faced by a person in sociology. If you see, till the 19th century, the tradition of considering two classes on economic basis was there in sociology. One class was rich and one class was poor. Rich and Poor If you will look at Marxism, Karl Marx became a very famous thinker in Germany who while living in England wrote much in the 19th century The biggest flaw of Marxism which was understood later was understood when Marx was alive, was understood in 1870s. Marx died in 1883 and in the early 1870s it was revealed that a huge mistake had been made in that theory. He believed that there are only two classes. One haves and one haves not, that is, let's consider them rich and poor But history has proved that there are no two classes. But some people have proved that the society earlier which was of the shape of a triangle, now has got shaped like diamond. Triangle means that some people are very way up, rich are less and the greater number of people are poor. And Diamond means the middle class is the largest class. There are few people in the upper class. There are few people in the lower class, most people are in the middle class. But if the middle class is the biggest, which was not accepted by Marx as a class, So how will the theory survive, it will not work Realizing this, then there was an understanding that let's assume a middle class between Rich and Poor. Middle class is also there and now there are three classes. You people also mention this nowadays. Someone asks you which class are you in? You will say that I am in the middle class. He is in the upper class, he is in the lower class. So the person who lives in slum, you say that he is in the lower class. The one who lives in a flat, you will say is in the middle class, the one who lives in his villa, builds a whole bungalow, you will say that he is in the upper class, if you want to classify broadly, the one who is on a bicycle you will say is in the lower class, the one who is walking on a scooter or bike, you will say, is in the middle class, the one who is walking in a long car, you will say, is in the upper class. This is the only way to understand. But again there is a problem, That there are two types of people in the car. One who is running in Mercedes, one who is running in Nano, both have got four wheels. In bikes, there is a bike that is very small And is made in somehow, and there is a bike which is 2000 cc bike. cost at a price of 15 lakhs. Both are riding a bike. So you thought that this matter is scattered, it is not able to go on. It's not working even in three. And in America in 1960 there was a thinker be in Sociology, He is called W Lloyd warner. He wrote a book ‘Class in America, American Society’ He said that the time has come when three classes will not serve the purpose We should make it six classes and from there, Two words came out that all of you use the most these days One is, lower middle class And the other is Upper middle class You must have heard about upper middle class, Lower middle class and must be using these words too Likewise, there are two categories in Poor too One who are very poor And another who are extremely poor and one we can say as normally poor class Likewise, there are two categories in riches too One is Adani Ambani types there are no limits for whom or Elon Musk type Or owner of Google type or Mark Zuckerberg type Whose total wealth, if we suppose, is near to 200 billion dollars Then it would take time even to multiply them 200 billion dollars mean 20,000 crore dollar If we multiply them by 100 in order to convert it in rupee, then it would be Rs. 20,00,000 crore one type of rich people is those Who belong to our society having own house One or two car, one or two Scorpio outside their house Two or four Honda cars and Walk like sturdy Having four cars running behind and All the 20 people get out of car at one time, they are also rich But how can he Compete Elon Musk, So, in riches too Some people said to consider two categories, one who belongs to super rich class And other who belongs to rich class It became six category that was initially two After that, some people said to Leave this job as we don’t know how many classes Are there in the middle class too Each middle class has his own standing And don’t know how many categories there within, which means Even after forming 50 categories, You cannot define each people And this is called we do not want to go for dictomy We want to go for continuum and continuity We just have to understand that the situation of one people in respect of other If I make it understand in one sentence Then the matter would be easier For us to understand So, basically, there is one line and one scale In which we consider it as left side It is left actually And this is right side Is it ok Now, if there is left and right side, then it must have a center too We consider it as center Now, we have to understand that the thoughts of which Party or people can be set at which point Earlier approach was that the people belonging to left side have to be altogether in one side and people belonging to the right side have to be altogether on another side But it would be understandable for you that the Person belonging to left side must belong to the Extreme left Or may be not that far The same may happen to the right side that he may not be that far Or he may be at extreme right That’s why we tried to understand it by making a scale That what it means to be in left or right side. Let’s understand it with an example BJP is on the right side and you all agree to that Shiv sena too is on the right side If I ask who between both of them are more towards right, then what would you say You would concurrently arrive at Shiv sena Which one between Shiv sena and Maharashtra Navnirmaan Sena (MNS) is more at right And you would say MNS is little more at right. Isn’t it? Yes, it seems more to you May be the big reason for this is that it is not in power, maybe it would be better if they come to power But, before coming to power, some movements are needed To keep the people on your side And about MIM, where will you put it On the right side near BJP, Shiv sena or MNS If you put it near Shiv sena then it is ok, a rough date is prepared And as compare to MNS, are you able to think anyone more towards right of it. Within or outside India, is Nazism or Fascism, which were ideology of Hitler, More or less at right in respect of MNS It was very dangerous Then we consider that this level is The level of Hitler’s Nazism or Fascism Which belongs to extreme right wing After which nothing left When anyone say that no other society Has right to live, they must be eradicated They must be put in a gas chamber They must be killed altogether They must be genocide That is the level of right beyond which nothing left But we know that this is not evident in Indian democracy because ours is a democratic country And democracy prevails in our country Almost since always Then we say that It must be that MNS would stand almost here Because they never talk about violence like They would kill non Marathians There may be some explosions but killing never happens The situation is not like that Now you would say that Shivsena is no less as compare to them it is also on the right floor, so let’s move Shivsena a bit towards this side And you said MIM ,all India AIMIM party lies where there Is Shiv sena Then consider that too on the same level This is for Hindu and that is for Muslim You are saying that BJP is Less rightist as compare to them, then let’s keep the BJP here Fine, so we understood the scale of one side, now we move towards the left Is there any party who stands at center Exactly at center Totally balanced, neither towards left nor towards right Hard to say because common option regarding congress is that It is a left wing party The area surrounding the center and the parties that come within this are called center right or center left So, Red colour should have been used there in the left as there colour is red Use of ochre or green colour is more appropriate here it happened mistakenly, but that’s ok We manage with the red colour for both the sides now, keep in mind four to five parties Let’s consider the congress left for now Consider Aam Admi Party as left too Which between the two is more leftist Congress or AAP? AAP, agree I also agree Now tell me, on the one hand AAP is leftist and on the other hand, there is BSP BSP is left on Wealth and poverty is also less towards left of BSP It is at the question of casteism, but is left orientation after all Then who do you consider more leftist between BSP and AAP? See, it got divided, society got divided, understand it and accept it No issue, let’s consider it almost equal, It changes daily too that yesterday BSP was more leftist and today AAP is It depends on issues too That which issue is prevalent that time. It is very subjective We will keep there Samaj Wadi Party too. Will you keep? Now what about RJD? Which one is RJD? Tejaswi Yadav, yes say Where is it in respect of BSP? Nearby? Ok, nearby is the safest answer. Just keep it nearby. Now you say where will we place Communist Party of India (CPI) Is it more or less leftist in respect of AAP More leftist and CPM? More leftist and CPI ML What is this? It is more revolutionary party If someday you would read about Samajwaad, then you will get to understand their names. So, the party that would come near center will come to this side Congress All India Congress or National Congress Then, in whose hands it is now? In Rahul Gandhi’s hands Let’s keep it a bit here To few parties one of which is Aam Aadmi Party Who else should we put, you want to keep BSP too here Want to keep SP too here In my opinion, SP would be less leftist As compare to BSP, but that's ok, we can roughly consider Now want to put RJD too here Now want to put DMK too here, fine then, put it Orientation of DMK is also leftist AIADM is less leftist as compare to DMK But its orientation too is more towards left then we can consider that AIADMK will come somewhere between congress and DMK Biju Janta Dal has not made its ideology very clear But its orientation too seems a bit towards left, so you can roughly consider that Biju Janta Dal will also come somewhere near to Congress No party should feel annoyed hearing this This is a rough classification. All of you are doing a good job, a great job We don't have any problem with anyone It is just a try to understand Which party can be understood in which form Is it ok? Many politicians would stare This video that what are being talked about us. And we all are aware of the situations these days But when to move more towards left Then there comes one party Whose name is CPI M N Roy had constituted this party in 1920s and for a long time, it was the only Communist party of India But in 1960s When India - China war took place But this party formed M N Roy had constituted this party under the mentorship of Lenin His name was Manabendra Nath Roy And he was the adviser too of Lenin and was learning from Lenin And it formed here as an Indian branch of Communist party So, this party was working in India, then where was it getting directions from Directions were received from UK and Russia Sometimes very strange directions were received But what can that party do, when antenna is fixed at a specific point Then the ideas must be coming from there At that time the problems of Quit India Movement was more Than the problems of Non- corporation Movement Now see, in 1942, During the Second World War, England, America and Soviet Union Were standing together at the same point And against whom they stood, They stood against Italy, Germany and Japan, stood against Hitler Britain was invading India And the leaders of India were in the dilemma That if they put their force to defeat Britain Then Britain will be defeated but Hitler will be alive And coming back of Hitler too may be dangerous So there was a confusion among people but at last it was decided that And further Mahatma Gandhi also said that it is the right moment We should launch a great movement against English In 1942, Quit India Movement was launched Now, communist party was in stress because they received instructions from Soviet Union and at that time, Soviet Union, America and England were on the same side Then they got instruction from there that At this moment, it is important to support England against Fascism so, that party Did not support the movement of 1942 fairly And stepped back and it was from there that their image got weakened Among Indians and for this reason, in around 1947 Not many forces of communist party are evident Before that the exhibition of potency was started In 1949, revolution broke out in China Now there become two forces One Soviet Union and other China Now, being very new to this, the Chinese were more aggressive. They used to say that One who belongs to the Soviet Union is not real communist. We are the real communist They are cold communist, we are hot communist So, without ardency, how can anyone be communist So, communist in India also felt that This one is better So, many people started taking help of China. May be in terms of ideological support some were In favour of Soviet Union too There was only one party CPI Who continued till 1960,62,64 War between China and India broke out in 1962 The interesting thing was that PM of India at that time was Nehru Ji and that too communist He was at least a socialist and was also influenced by communist and Marxism So, one communist PM Facing another communist country in the war field And communist party was getting advises from the third communist party, Soviet Union Because there was enough enmity between Soviet Union and China And Indian communists were in dilemma, whether to go with the communists of Soviet Union or the communists of China And at last in 1964, almost around that time of war Communist party got divided into two parts. One became CPM communist party Marxist Who was more in favor of Chinese way of doing work And CPI After that, remained in names only So, after getting all these things, what did you understand which side the CPM will come It will come to this side, isn’t it, so CPM is more leftist And this CPM was constituted in 1964 Let’s think And after few years In 1967, for the first time in Bengal It participated in power Government was not theirs but they were in the alliance When they came to power Then some of the party members felt like this party is getting inactive They don’t have that ardency now And we need an ardent movement The persons who were telling this were Charu Majumdar and Kanu Sanyal They said that they won’t play this game of power, elections and all are idle talk We will deal directly The revolution which is the concept of Marxism is revolution, violent We will do the revolution like it happened in China. As it happened. We will not go through the election. because one who is a staunch marxist He doesn't even have much interest in a democracy with elections in a liberal democracy. Now think that the government is of CPM Indira Gandhi has become the new PM in the central government. It's only been a while, it's a bit volatile, but it's still there And he must have got support from West Bengal too. to form the government. and at the same time A movement started in Naxalbari which was called Naxalism. And who are doing this Naxalism, Charu Mazumdar, Kanu Salyashal and their associates. Now Indira Gandhi is saying that look, the people are from your own party. Fix them, if you don't fix them, I will implement 356 What is 356? 56 so far, no, This means article 356 of the constitution That means imposing President's rule in the state. To dissolve the state government What an interesting past. CPM government in West Bengal Is being done by some people of its party Crushed and ended the Naxalite movement And when crushed, they said that you go to hell. We are true Marxists, we will form a new party And then the name of the party formed is CPI (ML). Communist Party of India, Marxist lennist This party became Leninist Marxist Leninist. And they believed that they would work directly. Later it also broke into pieces, nowadays It’s only CPI L L A Party. L stands for Liberation, but you can understand That it is not enough to be called Left just because there is a Communist Party. In that too, the intensity of the left has to be seen, isn't it? Now you tell me If we add Communist Party like Russian or Chinese in this, like we added Hitler here, Hitler or Mussolini is extreme people in this matter. If I were to add the Soviet Union or the Chinese Communist Party who gained power through purely violent means or If you remember the example of Cambodia, have you ever heard the example of paul Pot, you guys have to see him or have to remember the Kim Jong un’s party in North Korea all these people are those people There are communist parties, there are communist governments. You would like to keep these governments from the center to here or else you would put it there and if you put it there then here in the corner We would keep the Communist Party of the USSR Communist Party of China and point of view of Kim Jong of North Korea Keep paul pot who says that about two million people were killed in Cambodia during the Marxist revolution they all will come. And very interesting thing if you are able to see this conclusion carefully whether leftist, when leftist comes to extremes lakhs of people are killed. Stalin who succeeded Lenin in the USSR. killed 4 million people 40 lakh Paul Pot was in a small country, thus committed two million murders. kim jong un keeps on doing it Sometimes we came to know that a man in a meeting Was Yawning, you guys have taken three or four yawns In this class, it is me so there is no problem. if kim jong un was there Then do you know what he did to one of them a cannon was fired tying him in front of the cannon his body filled with holes and pits Broke the whole back means the poor man died Then in one meeting he came to know that his uncle was plotting against him. he got a slight doubt. It was enough to be suspicious There is no rule of law, I am the rule, there is no rule of law So he put his uncle or whoever he was Before 10 or 20 Hungry dogs, who were hungry for many days They ate him to the last These are the punishments here for yawning, you have no idea. Here you people are yawning with pomp, there is no problem at all. Because it is a democracy, isn't it, because it is a democracy. And when the right wing goes to extremes, what does the right wing do it becomes Hitler, becomes Mussolini, and Hitler is accused Of committing 60 lakh murders, 60 lakh Let's say 40 lakhs for Stalin, let's say 20 lakhs for him, he also calculated equally that your is 40 and 20 . I do 60 alone That is, the extreme level of both the wings. It is very dangerous. There are some people who live in the center and they say that we are neither for here nor for there. We feel that we will talk after seeing the issue, otherwise we are fine. It's okay to have a few changes. A little bit of status quoism is also fine. Why to take too much tension, but there is no such party. The party which we will directly announce that it is the Centralist Party Yes Yes, there are center left or center right, good upto there. Now let's add one more level to it That is of complexity Is it necessary that all the people of a party would stand at the same place? Is it necessary that a party should always stand on one side? like Let's talk about some individuals first, like we kept the Congress Where did the Congress go, here, we kept the Congress here. now look carefully So if I add three names in this Congress party, one is Jawaharlal Nehru, one is Indira Gandhi, one is Sanjay Gandhi. Can you put these three on same point, no. Nehru is very Liberal type of man, if Nehru is in power then you can believe That the liberties of too many individuals will not be trampled upon. Emergency was imposed when Indira Gandhi was in power And during emergency many people remained only in jail for 19 months Because they stood against her authority. at least Indira Gandhi put people into jail as per provisions of law, Sanjay Gandhi used to live in a different mood. there was a different level Of him only one party which we are considering as the leftist party May have different persons with different attitude Such is BJP There is one person in BJP Atal Bihari Vajpayee Means our former Prime Minister of a time, one is L K Advani, one is Narendra Modi, one is Yogi Adityanath. Now you tell that all four are from right wing But is the right wing nature of all four equal, or its degrees are different, And you must have agreed in the sequence in which they are You know, when Vajpayee ji was the prime minister, This is the history of around 1996 when he became PM for the first time Maybe this was more debatable in 1995 we were preparing for UPSC at that time. there was a lot of debate It seemed that BJP is going to come for the first time at the center So who will become the PM? And maybe it is about 1995, just a year or so before the election. Advani ji gave a statement That if BJP comes to power, Atal Bihari Vajpayee will be the Prime Minister. This statement was given by LK Advani and together these two persons in 1980 had established BJP but what will BJP say Hindu Mahasabha was formed in 1915. by Madan Mohan Malviya S. P. Mukherjee became the president of the party whom we know as Shyama Prasad Mukherjee. After disenchantment with it, he formed the Bharatiya Jana Sangh in 1951. Bharatiya Jana Sangh Lasted almost till 1974 when Janata Party became a party The election took place in 1977, didn't it? It is about then When Janata Party was formed in which Jayaprakash Narayan tried To fight elections against Indira Gandhi by joining four parties, So Bharatiya Jana Sangh got merged into it. And became Janata Party And when the experiment of 77 was not successful, then breaking away from it Once again a party was formed Bharatiya Janata Party, BJP was formed in 1980. However, if you look at its history, you will see it going till 1915. The BJP that was formed in 1980 is considered to be formed by two persons. Atal Bihari Vajpayee and LK Advani And the two most famous people in the Jana Sangh SP Mukherjee was the initial person and Deendayal Upadhyay ji was the later. Jinhong's basic philosophy is called Integral Humanism. It is called ancient humanism, he created that, he is a person of that era. Now two persons together formed the party in 1980, then did a lot of movement The temple movement was considered the most important that Advani ji did. And when it was about coming to power, giving the reason That our country is a soft country, Atal Bihari Vajpayee's acceptance is high And this thing was announced by LK Advani himself. And then that happened, he became the PM So at that time it was said that Advani ji is a soft rightist. Sorry, Vajpayee ji is a soft rightist, Advani ji is a bit radicals. Then later it was said that Advaniji is soft, Modiji is a little critical. Then there is Yogiji, so after that it was said no, Modiji is very soft There is a bit more radical touch here. In the sense of saying that in the same party in the same ideology Shades of right wing in the party or the levels can be different like we saw over there on the left Such are the levels of the Left, There is CPI, there is CPM, there is also CPIML. There are three parties that came out of the same party But the level of fierceness in them, the level of fervor, The degree of being radical can be different. Can it ever happen that a person or any party be such that it sometimes jumps here and sometimes there from the centre? In some cases it may appear Congress is a leftist party But when Sanjay Gandhi was in power In a way, defacto he was believed to be there Not de jure Some policies of Sanjay Gandhi are considered as Which were called anti Muslim policies. Although the Congress Party is believed to stand in favor of the Muslim community. Call it appeasement Can be seen as very famous example in Shahbano's case. In the case of 1985-86 Supreme Court's decision in Shah Bano case came in favor of Shah Bano And the Congress party went against it and changed the act. A new act has been made, we call it the Muslim Women Protection Act. so it is assumed congress party in general Kept treating the Muslim community like a vote bank, That's why it kept doing such works in his favor which were probably more than necessary. At that point Arif Mohammad Khan parted ways with the Congress party. Who was the minister at that time who is now the governor in Kerala. So at that time During the Emergency, Sanjay Gandhi was accused of doing anti-Muslim work. Now the left party should be seen against any particular religion So this seems strange. It can also be reversed. Where is the Aam Aadmi Party standing? Standing on this side. and Arvind Kejriwal If he says that there should be the photo of Lakshmi ji and Ganesh Ji on the currency note Where do you feel he stands after hearing this idea? This is the opinion of the right and where does he stand, Standing on the left. Or if Delhi Chief Minister Kejriwal in a public meeting start reciting hanuman chalisa He is a man of the left. There is a lot of confusion. Everything is unorganized Because right now there is a right wave spreading all over the world. From this the leftists have understood that the rightist Have to do Something, otherwise It would be difficult for them That's why it is very important to play religion a little bit. Play a little language, play a little religion for good, play a little caste game, so you can stay in power Because the common man is currently more under the influence of the right wing. That's why in today's era, the left wing has become helpless to look like the right wing. and what happened in the past, Right wing was forced to look like left wing Because now only in the name of nationalism or in the name of religion you cannot go farther. People say give a job Give us electricity Build the road, and you are saying no religion language, respect, you're saying, okay that all sound good for an hour, but the road is needed brother, medicine is needed, food is needed, Need a job so It is the compulsion for all the parties of right wing To add job policies such agendas in their manifesto in their manifesto So that the poor person, the backward person, gets a chance. Sometimes in covert form, sometimes openly when the right-wing party is in the government. constitution should be amended for EWS reservation. however, there is a very interesting controversy about EWS Will talk about this later But on the surface it appears that the right wing is amending the constitution to give reservation in favor of the poor. How is it being done the only issue is that, nowadays, there is no right, there is no left. Every party is roughly something. BJP is generally right, but it has to bring many left things Because this is the demand of the public, isn't it brother, it is a democracy. Aam Aadmi Party is visible in the left but Hanuman Chalisa must be recited And things like printing pictures of Lakshmi Ganesh on currency have to be said So that people remained confused that who is the biggest protector of religion These or those And because of this confusion At least that effect ends which could have harmed us. But the matter does not end here either. There is Complexity in this on another level too We understand it like there are some parties when they come to power centralize all their might and the rights of the common man begin to wane And there are some parties which work with a lot of love and affection. And so some people said that when the continuum approach that we just saw Is fine To understand who is left and who is right Sometimes it turns right and left too. In the earlier days in the Aam Aadmi Party when Kumar Vishwas Was in that party, Prashant Bhushan was also in that party. Yogendra Yadav was also in this party. I used to get nervous seeing that party how the party is working. Broadly speaking, if I put Arvind Kejriwal here, keep this Aam Aadmi Party here. This picture has become very confusing, how would you understand? No problem, let's do it on the next person. So this is left, this is right, this is centre. What happens sometimes, some people of the same party slip towards centre, If some slip towards the centre then it becomes very difficult. If I assume that Arvind Kejriwal Prominent persons of Aam Aadmi Party stands at this point Which is slightly left of center more Left as compare to Congress but yes, it is in Left. If you want to tell more about two or three persons of the same party. one person Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav, you can place them almost at the same place And one person since that time Kumar Vishwas in the same party Whatever you listened about Kumar Vishwas or his ideology. Where do you think he will come, on the right. Where in right, let's say it is almost here, isn't it? assume center right This is Kumar Vishwas Now tell Prashant Bhushan And if you want to keep Yogendra Yadav, where will you keep him? Left means from the center to here or here, and will come here At least he will come here. now a party which has three to four main leaders and if all the four main leaders are placed together then the range Will form such that some will come to the right and some to the left of the center. It is understandable if there is a little range on one side of the center. If the range becomes so much that It starts going towards that side of center and dygation is more in this side of the center too, Then in that party whether it will be unity or There will be more and more opposition on issues, it is a simple matter like the issue of Kashmir. On the issue of Kashmir, they will always say that the Government of India did the right thing. And Kashmir is ours. It must happen. If they ask for milk, what will you give, it’s kheer. Rest we will rip you apart? they live in that mood And what is this Prashant Bhushan saying? he is saying The people of Kashmir should have the right of self-determination. He had said such things at that time. now in a party If there is so much conflict People can have different view in BJP but They will talk about all this in the case of Kashmir. Then there may be a party like CPML, that all its leaders may start talking like this. suppose in a party, when there are so many opposing voices on the single issue, whether it will be easy or very difficult to run that party. it will be difficult and so what history does. Let's move forward and lets see Now it's not in the party, But where does the party stand now? The party is standing here. Earlier, it was like pendulum. there is no fix stand of party stand of the party changes drastically according to the person and the main person is silently watching what is happening. so when so many deviations comes inside a party, it is a very natural that the matter will just crumble badly. some people say that Continuum is not enough. there is a need of graph I hope you you have basic knowledge of graph. you must be understanding its basic meaning, right? why the graph is needed? So think once and see that it is left. We were already playing left and right, it is same, left and right, but left and right also has many differences. Let us add one more character and see that when a party comes to power Or even its thoughts before coming to power, it can be of two types. One can be authoritarian, it means there are many translations for authoritarian, but adhirkarvadi is a good translation, or say Sattavadi in hindi it means whenever the party is in power, it keeps all the power with itself. and curtails the rights of the common man and there are some parties which are liberal parties they think that the rights of the common man should not be reduced, freedom should not be reduced. no one's freedom should be reduced. if I can put one word here, Liberal Liberal means common man should be at peace, live with love and happiness they do not peep into someone's personal life. and the other is autocratic Autocratic means that the Government will use its full power. Don't talk about rights. if they come in the form, they will not leave anyone, the Government may come with this mood. Now this is the central point. Now there are four parts. Here the leftists with affiliation but liberals with minds come. here those people fits, who belong to the left but are autocratic people. who fits here, autocrats or the rightists and here are the Liberals of the Right. This makes things more clear. a bit more clearly understood. I speak three to four names, first you tell, then we will move ahead with those names only. Where will you keep Hitler? right down and down where, here, here or here He's extreme rightist and extreme autocratic So we will say that Hitler will fit here Hitler, Mussolini will stand at this point, okay. then if i ask you where will you keep mao or kim jong un Or Stalin, or Paul Pot, where will they be fit. they will come on the left side bottom or top down and that too on this extreme point immediately. Mao is fit here and who will come, Kim Jong Un, Stalin and Paul Pot All these people will come here. What does it mean It is not just a matter of left and right. We can also understand from this graph that to what extent a person can be autocratic in left and right. Now you have to place some people of India Although there is a lot of danger in speaking the names of leaders, but it is okay now. for study, one has to take risks. it is beyond control Where will you keep Rahul Gandhi? In the left or in the right. In the left, and he look autocratic to you or liberal. if he seems to be liberal, then his left is not very left. So consider here, how much Liberal Okay, let's assume here, it is Rahul Gandhi. Such a simple graph. Now keep Kejriwal. Where to fit Kejrawal. His left will be a little more, and whether he is more or less liberal than Rahul Gandhi. more liberal. he is less, you haven't got the right chance yet, Right now the Delhi Police is not in his control; and if it was in his control then it would have been known how liberal someone is. so I guess here you can put Arvind Kejriwal the Left is a bit more liberal as compared to Rahul Gandhi. Now tell Narendra Modi Should be placed in right or left right Liberal or autocratic, if autocratic then consider a good extent of right, some where around here the extent of autocrat in modi? If you are fine then consider almost here. Narendra Modi Now tell Yogi Adityanath Will he come here or will he come here. what about these? down, so here let's assume where will you put Yogi Adityanath and Vajpayee ji. ok Vajpayee ji is in the right. But liberal or here, then consider him right a little less. Let's asuume him a little bitLiberal also. Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji will come here. yes, Where will you keep Owaisi? Tell me Where Asaduddin Owaisi will be fit, he will be in the right. Liberal or autocratic, autocratic means what the conversation suggests, that when they will come in power, they will show true colour So I think he will also come here . Guess somewhere in the middle. Asaduddin Owaisi and who is left Mamtaji. Where will Mamta ji come? Left Autocratic or liberal, will keep in autocratic. but she may not appear very autocratic, although she do appear autocratic in power. So keep it here. ok, it was about Mamta Banerjee. Now you understand about all the leaders, where these leaders can be located at graph? Now what do you think one line was enough or the graph is more useful. graph. The graph is good. Then it should be understood in the graph. and one last way to understand this graph could be this. in the same case actually I do not know how to make such a graph in which six parameters are finalized, so that the two sides of the three parameters should be understood. so we have to make two graphs again. In this, it is only left and right, it is okay. ok DMK etc. is fine in that. You guys have got the broad idea. now there's one more thing Which political person or which political party is so open on social issues. the level of openness or rigidness on cultural issues, we call it Social openness. like there is a new issue, the issue of co-living. Some boys and some girls. They are not wanting to get married, but they definitely want to live together. they say that we have personal life why you are becoming obstacle. So some parties will say, okay, it is not our business. It's your life, why will we interfere. its your choice. some would say , ok in front of us, you will do like this then 50 people came in the evening, beat them up and went away. This can also happen. so in this approach the political people consider personal life, social issues personal affairs means personal matter of public, generally they do not interfere. or in the case of LGBT, some parties will support the cause of their rights, One should get a chance to live life, some will say that LGBT should not get the rights, giving the plea that LGBT are sick, LGBT are unnatural people say like this. So one way is to move towards cultural openness and one way is to move towards social rigidity! And the meaning of Rigidity is that if you want to live in the society, then you have to live like this. If you go left or right, you will be beaten up so much, keep this in mind. This could be a temperament. Now if we look at this temperament, different parties fit at different points. there is very interesting phenomena. First of all, Think about Hitler, he is the best point to start with. Hitler had a very free thinking regarding the society. he was open in thoughts Or they were saying those who are not like us, we will definitely kill them. they are too rigid, isn't they? such people are called Conservatives in technical language. Conservative is a word used in political science and that was too much rigid on the right's side. used to commit murders, let's just say that People like Hitler will fit here Extreme Right, Extreme Rigid or Conservative Where there is no scope for openness at all. if you objected they cut the neck directly. They don't even talk about the mid way. if we talk about rule of the countries of the Middle East Or in Saudi Arabia, as is seen in Iran recently. someone in Iran What is the attitude of the Government of Iran if a girl goes out without hijab? Where will you put them, right, not so extreme as to kill someone. or cut everyone off, it won't happen, so less than Hitler so let's say around here The regime of countries like Iran works. The parties which are working in social matters in countries like Pakistan, does the work of power, what is its nature, we will make it a little more less than Iran. This will be Pakistan. Where will Afghanistan come? So it will come below Iran. Here Pakistan will come above Iran? Afghanistan means Taliban, are you understanding, yes! Iran would not be able to compete? Swings are also forbidden in the park in Afghanistan. Ladies, can't go to the park. Teaching has been denied, everything has been denied. In Iran many things are fine, there is only quarrel on some cultural issues. Saudi Arabia will also come almost there. In Saudi Arabia also what a situation has happened recently, don't you know. In Saudi Arabia there is a law that two people cannot live together without marriage. If they do it then it is jail. Jail is also separate. Don’t think that we can live together in jail. No, jail is also separate. They cannot stay together even in jail. Now Ronaldo has been bought by Saudi Arabia for their team. Ronaldo is in co-living. Has five children but the thinking there of the European society is completely different. There marriage is not accepted in the same way as it is in our country. Now, they are also like husband and wife, they have five children too, But they are adamant that they will not marry because marriage rituals for them are not the same as in our country. Now the government of Saudi Arabia is upset so A few days back, arrangements have been made that you come, we will not say anything. We will not arrest you. But now slowly slowly they will come in the same mood that there is law but they do not use it. They do not use it. This is the first level of being a liberal, law is there but we stop using it. This is the first way to be liberal So being right and being rigid in social matters can be one way. The people of the left, like the communist people, for example, like China is, USSR was there, where will they keep their governments. Look last time it was Individual liberty, compared to the State, compared to the Government, the government will give or not give rights. One will get rights against the state or not? Whether they will get fundamental rights or not, now it is a matter of their personal life, social life, it is that simple. If two people want to live together in China, everyone should stay with love and affection with each other. Will the Chinese government care about this? Or will the Chinese government beat those people? It will not matter. To them it doesn't matter. That's why we believe that the left side, usually the governments which are in the left side are quite open. Not on top I am saying, but you can assume that in countries like USSR and China, I'm not talking about North Korea right now, there is a matter of Kim Jong Un's will, if he doesn't like it, then he will make one stand in front of the cannon. There is a lot of arbitrage, a lot of randomness. But what is the personal life of people in the USSR, in China, Yes, if you do some religious activity, you will be beaten, there is no freedom of religion. But in other cases, if you love someone, you have friendship with someone, in all these matters the government does not come in between. You want to make any cultural activity, which has no opposition from the state, then they will not come in between. They will leave you, that okay do it. Where would countries like the UK typically be. Countries like the UK come under the Right. Although nowadays they are in the center right, not in the very right, but personal freedom is less. or more, then they will come to UK, USA, Norway, Denmark, all these countries. That they are in the right But their right is also like, they are not extreme rightist. because there's so much social security there be it school, education, health. All these things are provided by the state almost free of cost to every person. So that's why the touch of the left is not less, but yes, because they are supporters of capitalism, we generally keep them on the side of the right. But things go a long way in those societies in those countries in terms of social openness, right? Can anyone of you think like this, one who is in the left and is very much rigid in social matters. I think if it is there, then now only people like Kim-Jong-Un can be kept, as random examples, That too in random matters, if it happens in some special case otherwise not, but generallyin the ideology of the left, the scope of social rigidity is not visible much. Now come to India. If you want to place Congress in India, where would you like to keep it? It has already been decided that it will be kept in the left. Almost at this level, pertaining to social openness and rigidity, in which direction it will be? In openness, not very open but yes okay. Now say that Rahul Gandhi or Congress will generally come to this level, a little left, a little socially open and not overly controlling, but if we talk about the right wing, for example, if we talk about BJP, then BJP will come to the right. It will come here. Social openness is too much or there can be more conservative approach, conservative approach will be more, but compared to some other parties maybe less. Shiv Sena will come here again. MNS will probably come here. Almost here, AIMIM will come. And this means that what is the essence of the whole thing? The sense of complete understanding is that whenever we talk in politics about left or right. Actually, to talk of left and right is a very inadequate approach to understand because it does not clear the concept. so whenever you talk about any party like talk about Congress. Keep three perspectives in mind. The first is whether it is left or right, And even in the left too, if you want, is it center left, far left, far left means very much in the left. So I would say that the Congress is, The first thing is that it is a party of center left. Secondly when we talk about the state, talk about power then it is generally Liberal Party or Autocratic Party. Generally if it is liberal, then it is little liberal party and when we say that in social matters like LGBT rights, for example, regarding divorce, people want that we should get the system of divorce. We should get the system of co-living, whatever new rights are demanded in the society. Regarding them, whether they are open or closed, then we will say that they are open. To some extent, this horoscope has become the horoscope of the Congress. This is how the horoscope of the party is made, then if we talk about Aam Aadmi Party, The Aam Aadmi Party will be more Left than the Congress. So we will write it left and not center left. Then we will say whether it is liberal or autocratic? Autocratic compared to Congress but we haven't seen much yet, It has just formed the government for the first time in Punjab, so in few days it will be clear. So at the moment we will say its not specific, that it is yet to be seen. It will be known in some time, and here we will say that this is also a generally open party. It has little to do with how people live. Like on Valentine's Day if any two people are seen talking among themselves, then people of Aam Aadmi Party or Congress will not go and beat them. Because they believe in openness. So this is a symptom of openness, then if I ask that consider CPI or or CPIM, Whether it is left or far left? It will be far left. Else all are left but it is far left. And usually their, government is, liberal or autocratic? It is autocratic. They remain open in this matter, they do not care much about what the common man is doing in his life. They do not interfere much in personal social matters. Now if we talk about CPI ML, then this matter will be a little more intense This one will be far left, the rest will remain the same. Now if we come towards the rightists. Talking about BJP, BJP will come in the right. What will be that, autocratic and liberal base? It will come in autocratic and will it be open here or it will feel that here there should be a little rigid system. It will shift towards a rigid system. If we talk about Shiv Sena, will it be right or far right? It will be far right and these symptoms will be seen in them as well. And so on as you go further into the right wing these symptoms will increase little by little and in this way we we try to understand any political movement, any political ideology. The purpose of this whole episode is not at all that we should campaign together in favor of a party. Our purpose is only that, that we must understand how politics is understood and then think according to our own opinion that in which side we are and where we should be. So I am almost done. Now ask whatever questions you have and let's take the matter forward. My name is Dinesh sir. I want to ask that the attack in the Parliament, in the supreme court in Brazil So can we call that rightist too, sir? Look at the attack in Brazil, Bolsonaro was the leader there. Bolsonaro's approach is very close to that of our Prime Minister. Both come from the right wing party. The personality of both is highly respected in both the countries. So because he was a right wing person, then as happened with Trump, Trump is also a right wing person. Republicans in America consider him to be right these days. In England, the Labour Party is considered to be the Left and the conservatives are generally considered to be the Right. There are some parties in ultra right, some are also ultra left but generally it is this way. So when Trump lost, what almost happened in America in Capitol Hill, we have seen the repetition of the same in Brazil. Because it has happened against the defeat of the leader of the right wing. So it is considered to be the action of the right wing only. It means nothing to accept it as a left wing here. Means, if it is in a country where the left wing person loses, then if this happens, then it will be considered as extremism of the left wing, then this one is the matter of the right wing. And you will see Bolsonaro's approach to a large extent when those international comparisons happen,Modi ji is often compared with Bolsonaro, that the leaders in both the nations have deeper hold of the right wing To some extent, Erdogan, is also considered by such leaders as a right winger with a deep identity among the public, deep support, okay, sit down. Hello Sir. My name is Navneet Dubey. I have a very basic question that what is the impact of particle thought ideology on the upbringing of any war. Look, we are the new generations. Generally, if you talk to them about politics, they say that politics is a very dirty thing. We will not go into it. Although my stand is also same about self but it is not that it is a dirty thing. If someone asks me whether I should enter politics, my answer is that politics is not in accordance with my own Swadharma . Its not my Swadharma that I will not be able to do good work in it, that's why I avoid it. But if someone says that politics is a bad thing. That's why I will not go into it, so it is a matter of escape in a way. If it is dirty then go to clean it. Why will you always live in clean things, it is also your responsibility to remove evil. Secondly, always keep in mind that what determines the fate of any society The biggest power in that is politics. Like Adani, Ambani, Tata are very powerful men in the business world in India, Narendra Modi alone can apply as much power as these three together can use to change India. Because he has power, he has legitimacy, Because you can get an act passed by the parliament, then your power is so much that no man with money will be able to achieve it by doing anything. So politics affects our life the most. So what is the responsibility of all of us? First, at least understand politics properly, don't reject it. Don't escape, understand, know the difference between all parties take interest in political affairs. Make up your own opinion. Impress people around you with your logical opinion. Don't impose on them, but yes have a conversation. Have deep conversations so that the discussions in the society are political. This is called political socialization, so when people will understand politics deeply so that their way of voting would be better and when all the people of the society will vote after thinking, then the governments will be better. If the governments become better then the life of all of us will be better. That's why if the youth says that we would make reels, we would make shorts, What we have to do with politics? They are not understanding that they are able to make reels only if politics is going fine. Had been in North Korea, would not have been even able to make a reel. That's why governments must remain fine, this work belongs to all of us. Nida Fazli has a very famous sher, or I should say its a doha but not a sher Mai tha apne khet me tujhko bhi th Kaam Mai tha apne khet me tujhko bhi tha kaam Teri meri bhool ka raja pad gya naam You are taking some other meaning of it I guess Once I narrated it to the children in the class, they made very bad interpretations of what it meant. Children are that way only and 22, 24, 25 year old have hormones flowing at a different level. So I asked in the class, I said well tell the meaning of this doha, mai tha apne keht me tujhko bhitha kaam 'Teri Meri Bhool Ka Raja Pad Gaya Naam', it actually means that Even you didn't paid attention, I didn't paid attention either. Some people became kings by becoming powerful and are exploiting us. What did those children say that 'Meri Bhool Ka, Raja Pad Gaya Namm' So such rowdy type of people are there in the society that they take out a very bad meaning out of a good thing. What to say to those people. So you understood that you were busy with your work, I was busy with mine. . That's why no wrong person should come to power. This is the responsibility of all of us, it is a social responsibility. Sir my name is Rajdeep, my question is like if we consider any one language let's say X and it is in majority at national level but in minority at state level. And if the speakers of that language start a movement. They have two motives, the first motive is to tell that their language is superior, and the second motive is that they want changes in their state, so it will be leftist ideology or rightist ideology? Consider this as a mess, basically made by you that we, a society whose language is in minority in a state, did a movement And it has two sides, one they want some step to be taken in their favor, which is genuine, is as left. And if at the same time they are also saying that our language is the greatest language of the world, it is the right element. So I have already told you that both right and left are together in the same person. You sometimes feel like Standing in support of issues like religion and language. Sometimes you must feel like Standing against injustice and oppression, So leftists and rightists are not two separate individuals, Sometimes a person thinks in both ways And the same happens with almost everyone. Yes, if you are more leftist then people will consider you as leftist. If you are more of a rightist, then people will consider you as rightist. I am not in politics But many of my friends are in politics, Two or three out of them Are extreme rightist. I feel that those who are also seen on TV and are considered such rightist. they appear extremely rigid for their rightist ideology. But when they talk with them in person Then you will find that they also share some leftist ideology But they cannot openly about it on the mike. And I personally know such leftists Who also visit the temple in the evening. So this depends on the personal choice So a person who appear leftist or rightist, can also have another element in his personality to some extent But it might not be clearly visible. Nida Fazli writes that There are 10-20 shades of every man, if you want to know a person Look at all his shades, so every man Follows Leftist, Centerist and Rightist ideologies. Think of it this way, you are the same and that person is also the same, he is talking about left and right simultaneously. For instance, if Asaduddin Owaisi Says If a person is a Muslim, then he has certain special rights. A Muslim person has his own pride And he we will not tolerate the attack on Muslim culture. So, he will not follow Uniform Civil Code, then it is the rightist ideology. But, if he Say that the education of Muslims in his state is very less in comparison to other communities, so they should get scholarship, then he will be considered leftist The parties supporting Hindus in Kashmir will also work in the same manner. They will say that Hindus are in minority Kashmir, they should be given more rights. Then these parties will be considered as leftist But if it is a matter of prestige of a particular religion then it becomes a matter of the right-wing ideology. and many a times these things go on simultaneously. Almost Together, Sir my name is Priya, I want to ask that These are the ideologies which are based on Status of relative deprivation, so relative is A word which is very subjective and very mind dependent andthen you talked about continuum And dichotomy, but I think even the person who is through your example Is either Periyaar or Naaykar,the person who is Feeling deprived may be a leftist today, may become a rightist When he becomes affluent. Sir, my question is not politicalbut Is related to human nature Why there is need even to categorize these things, We are considering it as a continuum but At the same time we are classifying things. So, your question is that why do we need to classify things Why classification This is your basic question and the basic argument is Someone becomes successful then he will becomes rightist or may be slight rightist And the same has been stated by Bal Gangadhar Tilak Today’s extremism becomes moderate tomorrow Yes, Sir We classify to understand our society Because without classification Our mind cannot understand things. So in order to put things into logical ease for everyone, we have to classify the things. And that is the only way we can compare different things Suppose in an election we have to vote by choosing from A, B and C It is not possible for anyone to know personally every candidate. How can we know whom to vote? For instance, A, B and C are three candidates In the Lok Sabha elections, and We have to cast our vote But we don't know any of them personally Now we have to decide who can be the good candidate And we will decide only on the basis of the perceptions. and perception of individual will not be a good choice for democracy, good choice will be the perception of his political Affiliations, his ideology And ideologies can be so different but we know That there are three basic ideas, left, right, and center. and since most of our ideas Belong to centrist ideology. And this person all so belongs to a party, which is considered a centrist party, so this person will represent my ideas in a better way if he goes to a Lok Sabha. so this is how We can compare between different parties and individuals and then We Can Decide Our Voting Pattern. So classification is must. After one level in academics, we can think that what is the need for classification But it is not just about academics, it is about the common man. You just explain to the common man that, listen Bahujan Samaj Party and Bhim Army think the same way So it becomes easier for them to chose whom to vote for And Samajwadi Party And the RJD almost follow the same ideology It became easy for a common man to decide that which party should he vote for Congress on the other hand tries to assimilate everyone especially the minorities. BJP is a Hindu right wing party. Did you get my point. Until we classify things. How will we make the choice our own? We decide whether we should buy the phone of Apple or Samsung After classifying and comparing these companies So in order to choose we need to classify things But you are right in saying that When one initially feels relative deprivation May or may not feel relative later on So it is a very subjective term, that's why I said in the beginning, Any terrorism is born out of this feeling that Our community is relatively deprived. But that feeling of being relatively deprived Is always subjective, and sometimes you are really deprived and You sometimes have the feeling that you are not deprived but some how You develop the feeling of being deprived For instance, there are two little kids in a house And you Coax one kid a little and say to him That your parents scold you more Because you were picked up from near the drain And your brother is loved more as he is your parent’s biological child Repeat the same thing to that kid a few times Then we will start looking everything in the house In the same manner If one day he does not eat properly, and his parents scold him Then that kid starts feeling that the story told about him is true Now this is feeling, not a reality. But if this feeling is not quashed, then it is possible that the feeling will not reach up to which level. So many movements are born out of this kind of feeling But in reality, there is no deprivation. But in some cases both deprivation and feeling exist And in some cases there is deprivation and no feeling. There are some people who are really deprived, But they don't feel it, they accept it as destiny And lead their lives peacefully, So the story of social movements runs on completely different parameters. Priya, I think you got your answer. Thank you sir Hello Sir, my name is Hemant, Sir, there are many people all over the country who are victims of deprivation, but why They are not influenced by The Communist Party of India And such persons get connected to other parties in some way And in India, the Left has got confined to an intellectual discourse. But is not effective at the ground level The communist party could not do well in India Due to various factors, Firstly they kept trying to understand the Indian society from European standards i.e. they will we keep focus only on Poverty in India. But the deprived citizens of India are trouble more by Caste oppression, Sexual harassment and religious matters. than poverty And the communist party just keeps on saying that you're poor he's rich So this parameter is not understood much by the people of India. That's why CPI could not be successful in India. However, CPM succeeded In states like Kerala, West Bengal and Tripura. These three states are the ones where Hinduism Is not much dominant Like in North India as witnessed in Uttar Pradesh, And Gujarat. The Left which succeeded in India is the leftist who has associated the problems of Indian society with itself. BSP Parties like Samajwadi Party, Rashtriya Janata Dal, DMK, AIADMK, did the same and all of them have been very successful. AAP succeeded in Delhi because it is a cosmopolitan area, Ethnic and religious identity holds less significance in Delhi the left ideology of Aam Aadmi Party worked in Delhi But AAP’s ideology will not work much in other states. However, AAP won the Punjab elections due to several other reasons But in areas where religion is in the center of a Common man and the society where people are divided by religion and caste AAP will not be able to win elections in such areas, because A party cannot gather the vote bank required to win elections only on economic grounds. So only such left wing ideology succeeded in India that linked poverty with deprivation Deprivation which bothers Indians more and and is not going to end in near future When in 2004 and 2009 Congress lead UPA of government was formed in the centre So many people started saying that now BJP is finished. No party ends just by losing a few elections Hence, BJP government was formed in 2014 and 2019, It is also believed that BJP will form the government again in 2024 Now people have started saying that Congress is finished. No Congress is not going to be finished Both Congress and BJP will remain active and relevant because when the mood of the society changes, a new party comes to power. Similarly, Neither the left nor the right will be finished All ideologies will co-exist forever. New challenges will arise and the society will move ahead in the same pace. Yes, at present the influence of right wing is more all over the world. Take for example England And Brazil, India America as well as many other countries At present the Democrats are in power in the US Joe Biden is in power as President, but now Republicans are in a majority in the House of Representatives Again House of Representatives is similar to Lok Sabha The Republicans have once again come back to majority in the US House of Representatives. President of the US is elected separately. Unlike India where the MPs and MLAs elect the President It is being believed that now when the elections will be held in 2024 then Donald Trump or any leader of the Republican Party can get elected as the US President On the other hand, Netanyahu has come in power in Israel again, so the right wing is dominant in the world at present. It is a matter of time, sometimes the left wing dominates, sometimes the right wing dominates. Hello sir, my name is Arvind. I Want to ask that in a democracy political parties aim to rally as many people as possible to your side so that they can Gain power? For this purpose, these parties that use tools such as caste, religion, And even nationalism Hence, is it logical to say that these political parties Fight for their respective ideologies? Yes, respect the caste, This is my ideology, what is the problem in it. I consider nationalism as my ideology Where is the problem in doing so? Take for example, BJP appears very secular on the issue of Jains and Sikhs However, it appears leftist in matters of Ayushman Yojana or the Supreme Court Decision on the SC ST Act BJP also got it passed it in the Parliament I mean to say that BJP changes its ideology according to its own convenience BJP modifies its ideology to mobilize maximum number of people. And the same thing is done by each and every party of India Some party promise that they will do certain things after coming to power. For this purpose, they need to come to power And for coming to power they need a decent voter percentage of the society New issues will be created for this purpose And the same would be labeled as an ideology. so every party First analyzes the impact of a particular issue on its voter base Then they decide their stand on that particular issue And the same is true about every party This is called ideology, They can deviate a little from their ideology for serving their main motive. They Avoid deviating too much because then their voter base will shift So, in India some party follows a religion based ideology, Some party follows a nationalism based ideology, Some party follows a Dalit based ideology, Some party follows a OBC based ideology There parties have different elements of ideologies. We cannot say that if there is religion then there is no ideology. It is just that their Ideology is based on religion, Ok. I think you got your answer. Yes, good. Sir, my name is Om Prakash Gupta. I want to ask that Naxalism is a major problem in India. I believe that naxalites follow leftist ideology but what steps are being taken by the Government of India To resolve their demands. If the government is taking some steps in this direction then why Naxalism is Is not ending in India It is said that BJP intends to Eliminate all naxalites But I believed that Naxalites are deprived And if the government brings them into the mainstream, then Naxalism can be ended? Dear Om, you have asked a very pertinent question, but Naxalism is a complete topic in itself, we will talk about it in detail later. But I want to say that you said that Naxalites follow the Leftist ideology and if development is done properly then Naxalism can be resolved. There is a basic solution that every government Every administrator in the world knows But when you try to solve such issues on the ground, then Thousands complexities come to the fore Therefore, To say that if the government does the development works properly Then Naxalism will end is a theory which is written in UPSC answers, And is taught in UPSC classes But at the ground level, things are not this simple. There are numerous complexities. Government of India has stated that Naxalism is about to end in India And the same has been confirmed by many of my known civil servants But, I don't know how deep the roots of Naxalism are as an ideology, We will take up this issue in any other discussion Then we will discuss Naxalism and the latest movements of Naxalism, the efforts made to curb Naxalism in detail Ok lets end today’s discussion. We will meet in other discussion Soon, If all goes well Good Bye
Channel: Vikas Divyakirti
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Keywords: Right vs Left Debate, Political Thoughts by vikas sir, debate on left vs right by vikas sir, debate between left and right, left and right wing politics in india, left and right wing political ideologies, left and right wing political ideologies explained, left and right wing political ideologies in hindi by vikas sir, left and right wing political ideologies in hindi, what is right wing and left wing in politics, left right wing politics explained, vikas divyakirti sir
Id: 2R_p9EHZKXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 11sec (6431 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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