Philadelphia I-95 Bridge Collapse Explained

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Quick disclaimer: I’m moving to a new  office, so forgive the mess, and the reverb.   On Jun 11, 2023, a fuel tanker truck  caught fire on an exit underneath   Interstate 95 in Northeast Philadelphia. The  fire severely damaged the northbound bridge,   eventually causing it to collapse. Sadly, the  driver of the truck was killed in the crash,   but fortunately there were no other injuries  or deaths. Although it didn’t collapse,   PennDOT officials said that the southbound bridge  was also compromised in the fire and had to be   demolished. All of I-95 through a major part  of Philly was shut down for a couple of weeks,   and (as of this writing) the off-ramp underneath  it will likely will be closed for the near   future as the bridges are rebuilt. Fires at  bridges haven’t really been a major concern   for transportation engineers in the past,  but increasingly, they’re becoming a more   serious problem. The cost to rebuild I-95 may  pale in comparison to the indirects costs of   having the highway shut down for so long. Or  maybe not - it’s hard to say. Let’s talk about   what happened and how engineers think about  fire hazards at bridges. I’m Grady and this   is Practical Engineering. In today’s episode,  we’re talking about the I-95 bridge collapse. The details in the intro are really all the  details we know at the moment. A tanker truck   crashed below the bridge, eventually leading it  to collapse. There are some wild videos taken   by motorists on I-95 during the fire, probably  only minutes before the bridge fell, with the   road deck sagging significantly. Fortunately,  emergency crews were able to shut down the   highway before anyone was seriously injured. The  National Transportation Safety Board has had a   crew on site to begin their investigation, but  knowing the meticuluous pace at which they work,   it will likely be a year or more before we get  their report. But, the basics are pretty clear   already. And in fact, even though we don’t know  all the details of this particular event, we’ve   seen similar collapses on several occasions. And  the sequence of events is almost always the same. In 2002, fire caused the main span of the I-20  interchange in Birmingham, Alabama to sag by 3   meters or 10 feet, necessitating replacement  of the bridge. Cause of the fire? A crashed   fuel tanker. In 2006, a temporary part of the  Brooklyn Queens Expressway in New York collapsed   during a fire. Again, the cause of the fire was  crashed tanker truck under the bridge. 2007:   The MacArthur Maze Interchange in Oakland,  California collapsed during a fire from a   crashed fuel tanker. 2009: A bridge over  I-75 in Detroit collapsed after a tanker   truck crashed into the overpass. 2013: A diesel  tanker crash damaged a bridge in Harrisburg,   Pennsylvania that had to be demolished. 2014: A  gasoline tanker exploded on I-65 in Tennessee,   destroying two overpass bridges. Of course,  this isn’t just a US phenomenon. In 2012,   a tanker overturned in Rouen, France damaging  the Mathilde bridge over the Seine River and   requiring part of it to be replaced. And of  course, bridge fires don’t only come from   tanker truck crashes. In 2017, a massive fire  under I-85 in Atlanta, Georgia that resulted   in collapse happened because someone set fire to  construction materials stored below the bridge. Incredibly PennDot was able to reopen this  bridge a mere two weeks after it collapsed   with a pretty clever solution. Rather than wait  until the original bridges could be rebuilt to   get I-95 back open, they decided to simply  build a temporary embankment instead. After   the demolition of the fire-damaged bridges  was complete, the less-critical off-ramp   below the bridges remained closed so that  crews from PennDOT’s emergency contractor,   Buckley & Company, could fill the area in  and simply pave over the top. My friend Rob,   built a little model of this on his  channel you should check out after this. This temporary highway wasn’t built using  soil or crushed rock, the typical backfill   material used in roadway embankments (at  least not mostly). That stuff is heavy,   so most roadway embankments have to be built  slowly to allow time for the foundation to settle   as each layer is added to the top, a process that  can take months or even years. (Not an option in   this case.) Plus there are sewer lines below the  existing road that could have been overloaded by   a mountain of backfill on top. Instead, the  design called for lightweight backfill called   foamed glass aggregate. I have a whole video we  produced earlier this year about different types   of lightweight backfills and how they work, so  check that out if you want to learn more. This   foamed glass aggregate is not cheap, many times  the cost of standard backfill. But, it’s strong   enough in compression to support the overlying  roadway without overloading the foundation below   which would lead to settlement over time  or damage to underground pipes. I actually   have some of it here in the studio. It feels  kind of like floral foam, just a lot stronger. The other innovative design aspect of the  temporary embankment is that it leaves room   on either side for the permanent repairs  to the bridge. Eventually the City needs   this off-ramp back open for travel, after all. The  emergency embankment is sited in the center of the   right-of-way to give as much space as possible  for the next phase of the repairs that will   replace the bridges. That also required that both  sides of the embankment have a retaining wall,   in this case mechanically stabilized earth  walls that use reinforcing elements between each   layer of backfill to keep the tall structure  from collapsing. I’ve also done a few videos   explaining MSE retaining walls if you want to  learn more about them. The basics are easy to see   in this drone footage. The reinforcement turns the  backfill itself into a stable wall, making it able   to both withstand vertical loads and hold back  the rest of the embankment backfill. I built a   little MSE cube many years back and put one of my  car tires on top to show how strong it really is.   Looks like the cube built by PennDOT  will hold up even more cars than mine! To their credit, PennDOT kept a live feed of  construction going for most of the project.   You can see the flurry of activity as workers  and equipment build the embankment up to the   level of the highway on either side. Traffic  was rerouted onto the temporary embankment   starting June 24th. But, why did a fire  cause so much damage in the first place? We, collectively, put a tremendous amount of  research and engineering into the fire resistance   of buildings and tunnels, but when it comes to  fires at bridges, we know a lot less. In fact,   most bridges in the world are designed  with little, if any, consideration for   fire resistance. Neither the Eurocode or the  US bridge design criteria address fires or have   any guidelines or requirements for how or when to  engineer against them. Of course, we think about   thermo-mechanical behavior of bridges all the  time. I have a video all about thermal expansion   and contraction of large structures. But, when you  get above a few hundred degrees, there just hasn’t   been much consideration. And the reasons for that  are kind of obvious, at least at first glance. Less then 3% of US bridge failures between  1980 and 2012 resulted from fire. Compare   that to hydraulic damage from scour and  flooding that makes up nearly 50% of all   failures. That alone isn’t enough reason to  ignore fires in the design codes. After all,   earthquakes make up only 2% of those  failures, and we spend considerable   resources and engineering to design  bridges against seismic loads. But,   you also have to consider safety. Even  when bridges collapse due to fire,   people are rarely injured because most places have  robust emergency response capabilities. Roads are   closed well before a fire is able to significantly  weaken a structure. The relative infrequency of   serious fires at bridges and their unlikelihood  of causing a public safety issue mean that we just   don’t devote a lot of resources to the problem  right now… at least not proactive resources. The National Fire Protection Association  does have some guidance for fires at bridges,   but it’s nebulous. They don’t recommend what  fire loads should be considered, how to protect a   bridge against fire, or how to analyze a structure  after a fire. And, the guidelines only apply to   bridges longer than 1000 feet or 300 meters. When  you think about bridges, you often think about   these long-span structures over major valleys or  waterbodies. They’re iconic, but they’re also just   the tip of the iceberg when it comes to bridges.  In the US alone, there are over half a million   bridges in service today, and nearly all of them  are short-span bridges used mainly for grade   separation (to let streams of traffic cross each  other without interruption). They’re overpasses,   structures you traverse every day without even  noticing. But you definitely notice when one of   these bridges is taken out of service. Bridges  used for grade separation are more vulnerable to   fires because, unlike the ones over waterways,  a tanker truck can crash underneath one where   the fire is most likely to cause damage. But  protecting them is not as easy as it might seem. A robust engineering guideline for design  of bridges against fires would actually be   pretty complicated. There are so many different  variables and scenarios, and we really don’t   have any collective agreement about what level of  protection is appropriate. What would be the fuel   source, footprint, flame height, intensity, and  duration of the fire? With that information, we   can try to predict the response. How does the heat  transfer from the fire to the structural elements   through radiation and convection, and how much do  the structural elements increase in temperature as   a result? These are tough questions to answer  on their own, but they still don’t get to the   heart of the matter, because what we really care  about is how those structural elements respond.   What happens to the material properties  of steel and concrete when they increase   in temperature way beyond what they were  designed to handle? And more importantly,   how does the overall structure behave? You  have thermal expansion, weakening of materials,   loss of stiffness, load redistribution, and a lot  more. This is an extremely complicated scenario   just to characterize through engineering,  let alone to design protections against. And the biggest question right now seems to be  “Should we?” Bridge fires are primarily economic   problems. As I mentioned, they rarely result  in injuries or life safety concerns because the   roadway is closed ahead of failure. But  that doesn’t mean there aren’t impacts,   and if you regularly drive on I-95 in Philadelphia  (or any of the other roadways I mentioned before),   you definitely know what I’m talking about.  Replacing a bridge is an expensive endeavor,   but the indirect costs that come  with having a major highway closed   are often higher. When the MacArthur Maze  in Oakland collapsed from a tanker fire,   the indirect costs of having the bridge out was  estimated in the millions of dollars per day,   way more than the cost of reconstruction.  In fact, the rebuilding job was bid with   a bonus to the contractor for each day ahead of  schedule they were able to finish the job. SFGate   has a great story about how they got that bridge  reopened in just 26 days that I’ll link below. Road construction often seems slow,  and part of the reason is to keep   the costs down. It’s not very efficient to  dedicate expensive resources like equipment,   engineers, and specialty construction  crews to a single project. Instead,   resources get spread across many jobs so that  people, crews, vendors, and equipment can stay   busy. Even if seemingly slow progress is  often frustrating to see, it’s usually   less a result of incompetence or corruption  and more just government agencies trying to   be good stewards of limited public resources.  But a major bridge failure changes that math.   Fabricators, equipment suppliers, painters,  truckers, operators, and laborers are all   willing to set aside their other obligations  for the right price. And government agencies   will happily devote their engineers and inspectors  to sit and wait for questions or problems to arise   on a single job if the politicians can deliver  the funds for it. In the industry, they call it   “accelerated construction.” It comes at a steep  price, but sometimes that price is worth it. Like the MacArthur Maze, I-95 is a busy  stretch of roadway, carrying roughly 150,000   vehicle trips per day. Some of that  traffic was redistributed to other routes,   but some of the capacity was simply lost  while the roadway was out. That means   deliveries were cancelled, workers  had trouble reaching their jobs,   emergency response times went up, and more. The  gridlock was not as apocalyptic as predicted,   but there were still some major slowdowns.  In most large American cities, unexpectedly   closing a major highway has real economic  consequences through lost commercial shipping,   lost productivity, lost retail sales, more wear  and tear on roadways not meant to accommodate   the detour traffic, and a lot more. And those  indirect costs play into the consideration in   whether or not its worth it to include fire  protection in the design of highway bridges. But what’s on the other side of that equation?  Of course it would have been worth the cost to   protect this one bridge in Philly from a tanker  fire if we knew it was going to happen, but would   it have been worth the cost of protecting all the  bridges just in case? Or is that gold-plating our   infrastructure where it’s not really needed?  We know adding highway capacity induces traffic   demand, but we also know the corollary. Reducing  capacity decreases traffic demand as people find   alternatives to making trips in cars, and  maybe a highway bridge outage isn’t quite as   big a deal as the politicians and news coverage  suggest. And maybe investing in some diversity   in our transportation infrastructure and giving  people better alternatives to driving can do more   good than putting that money toward protecting  bridges against the unlikely event of a fire. Like a lot of things in engineering, the costs and  risks and alternatives aren’t that easy to weigh   out. Your answer might depend on how many fuel  tanker trucks you see on your everyday commute.   The International Associaiton for Bridge and  Structural Engineering has a group working on   guidelines for designing bridges against fire  hazards. That’s a long way from incorporating   fire protection in the design codes, but it will  at least give engineers some tools to include fire   resistance in designs where the situation calls  for it. That group is scheduled to finish their   work later in 2023, but hopefully PennDot is  able to get I-95 fully repaired before then. It’s easy to look at a big city like Philadelphia  and be a little bit overwhelmed trying to   wrap your head around how it grew into the  place it is today. Cities are complicated;   the result of millions of little decisions  by citizens, politicians, engineers,   and urban planners. But every once in a while,  all those little decisions add up to something   almost serendipitous, like the canals of Venice,  Central Park in New York City, or the incredible   Metro System in Shanghai. My friend Dave from the  City Beautiful channel has a whole series about   the biggest moments in the greatest cities on  Earth. I was blown away to see the ways Shanghai   built out the world’s largest metro system in less  than 30 years in the soft clay soils of the area. Maybe you’ve noticed what I have over the past  few years, which is that all my favorite TV   networks are just running reality shows, and  the best video content that I actually enjoy   watching is being made my independent creators.  And maybe because this is my situation too,   but my absolute favorite videos are made by people  who have real education and experience to back it   up. Dan of the Coding Train is college professor  in computer art. Devin from Legal Eagle is really   a lawyer. And Dave of City Beautiful is an urban  planning professor at CalPoly. There’s just   something special about videos that are written  and produced by a subject matter expert instead   of someone who just knows how to produce a video.  Dave’s series, Great Cities, is only available on   Nebula, the streaming platform built by and for  independent educational creators, including me. Nebula is the answer to the question of what  could happen if the best channels on YouTube   didn’t have to cater to an algorithm. What if  viewers supported creators directly instead   of supporting their advertisers? And it  just keeps getting better and better:   totally ad-free videos from excellent educational  channels, original series and specials that can’t   be found anywhere else, and even classes from  your favorite creators like Devin from Legal   Eagle and Thomas Frank. And right now, you  can get 40% off an annual plan by using the   link below. That’s less than $3 a month. My  videos go live on Nebula the day before they   come out on YouTube. If watching videos like  this one is what you do for fun or to relax,   you should have the best viewing experience on  the internet, especially when it’s practically   free like it is right now at the link below. Thank  you for watching, and let me know what you think!
Channel: Practical Engineering
Views: 769,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iKNw1mnA5M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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